
楼主 (文学城)




 Hello every one,

At this special time of the year, we gathered here at our rejunvenated forum MYSJ to celeberate yet another wonderful event " My story My speech".  To all the original contributors, I say thank you very much. Y'all are wonderful.  To all the participants, you responded with such enthusiasm which made the forum spirit soar.  Now without further ado, let's start with the list of our award winners.

Enjoy your time with family and friends
Enjoy the holidays.
Merry Chirstmas and Happy new Year to you all.

Thank you very much







【01】【MyStoryMySpeech】Winning a Traffic Violation Lawsuit in USA - FuRongLi

【02】【MyStoryMySpeech】Persistence - beautifulwind

【03】【MyStoryMySpeech】speech at harvard - 禹小雅

【04】【MyStoryMySpeech】Happy Holidays From Marley - 甜虫虫

【05】【MyStoryMySpeech】来了!! - 回头笑笑

【06】【MyStoryMySpeech】My yoga journey II (with music & photos) - moiausis

【07】【MyStoryMySpeech】 the Christmas gift my husband did not like - 小公主

【08】【MyStoryMySpeech】An English Translation of A Well-Known Chinese - 择木而栖

【09】【MyStoryMySpeech】The gift from heart - 爱听歌的奥黛丽



【11】【MyStoryMySpeech】热身 《My first visit to US 》 - 才歌

【12】【MyStoryMySpeech】The sales tax - Marauders

【13】【MyStoryMySpeech】The Foreigner 提前提交,圣诞没空 - just_4_fun

【14】【MyStoryMySpeech】热身 - I was on TV - xiaosai

【15】【MyStoryMySpeech】热身《The chicken dinner》 - Ha65494

【16】【MyStoryMySpeech】 A Touching Story of a Taxi Driver,not my - AprilMei

【17】【MyStoryMySpeech】英文朗读和一首译文 - 耳机

【18】【MyStoryMySpeech】Looney: A Friend’s Dog and A Dog Friend - 秋日晴天

【19】【MyStoryMySpeech】Is This My Tomato Soup? - 甜虫虫

【20】【MyStoryMySpeech】Where cool where you stay - LinMu

【21】【MyStoryMySpeech】活动热身——【Save the Best for Last】送给美风及美坛朋友们 - Palmbreeze

【22】【MyStoryMySpeech】《Sailing》拜坛+为美语坛活动助兴 - 艾唱

【23】【MyStoryMySpeech】热身:Portrait - 忒忒绿

【24】【MyStoryMySpeech】活动热身 Blood soaked land, My note from the nature - 移花接木

【25】【MyStoryMySpeech】遥想当年, 初读简爱 - 树的花花世界 -

【26】【MyStoryMySpeech】 夜读李之仪《卜算子》, 遥想当年. (进入假期模式,先贴出来) - rockcurrent

【27】【MyStoryMySpeech】My yoga journey (I) - moiausis

【28】【MyStoryMySpeech】Longing for Weeping Willows - 忒忒绿

【29】【MyStoryMySpeech】The Tooth Fairy - just_4_fun

第一次参加"云"领奖活动。Wow, so excited to have received this award! Thank

 美女版主们 for hosting this event. The ceremony was very creative and special! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Thank you so much! The most eye catching one is not me...

it is the poem and the phrases within ... hahaha...

谢谢美女班长! 我在外面, 回家好好读!





谢谢美风!! 我来领结业证书:P新的一年我继续学习!:D


What a wonderful awards ceremony! Thank beautifulwind for .....

What a wonderful awards ceremony! Thank beautifulwind for organizing such a successful Christmas event! Thank Marauders for your efforts to make the awards ceremony very appealing. I am delighted to win such an award at the end of this tough year. I hope that the Covid-19 will be gone next year so that we all will return to normal life.

哈哈,你的朗诵太有功力,翻译太流畅,必须是best honored的学生啊!北大的吧:)常来玩!
艾玛!这获奖感言太牛啦!真是legal guru啊!哈哈,大S,他太会起奖项名啦!



Just spent almost an hour reading EVERY SINGLE POST! Wow,

"Bravo!"is all I can say  或诵或唱或写,同学们都太有才了   非常非常成功的一次活动, 我很有幸能参与其中

很开心来领奖,太意外啦:) 谢谢美风和主持! 祝大家新年快乐!!!


哈哈哈,因为你是最佳不速之客,party crasher!哈哈,我刚学会的英文!你英语那么好,多来玩!:)
Let me first thank

Beautifulwind for organizing this wonderful event! And thank Marauders for coming up with such an interesting and unique Award Ceremony!

It had been a fun experience preparing for my own speeches, reading, watching, and listening to the speeches by other participants. I feel very honored to be part of it and I'm more than happy to receive the Best Aninator award:))) Thank you for all the support and encouragement!

Have a wonderful evening, and good night! 


thank you very much!
Thank you!






 Hello every one,

At this special time of the year, we gathered here at our rejunvenated forum MYSJ to celeberate yet another wonderful event " My story My speech".  To all the original contributors, I say thank you very much. Y'all are wonderful.  To all the participants, you responded with such enthusiasm which made the forum spirit soar.  Now without further ado, let's start with the list of our award winners.

Enjoy your time with family and friends
Enjoy the holidays.
Merry Chirstmas and Happy new Year to you all.

Thank you very much







【01】【MyStoryMySpeech】Winning a Traffic Violation Lawsuit in USA - FuRongLi

【02】【MyStoryMySpeech】Persistence - beautifulwind

【03】【MyStoryMySpeech】speech at harvard - 禹小雅

【04】【MyStoryMySpeech】Happy Holidays From Marley - 甜虫虫

【05】【MyStoryMySpeech】来了!! - 回头笑笑

【06】【MyStoryMySpeech】My yoga journey II (with music & photos) - moiausis

【07】【MyStoryMySpeech】 the Christmas gift my husband did not like - 小公主

【08】【MyStoryMySpeech】An English Translation of A Well-Known Chinese - 择木而栖

【09】【MyStoryMySpeech】The gift from heart - 爱听歌的奥黛丽


【10】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【12】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

语音练习900句跟读 第48课,At the restaurant

我试着寻找提高发音的方法, 因为新英语900句有原读,所以以此为标准,我先读一句,然后放原读,再利用yingyudidida推荐的 Echo记忆法跟读一遍,以此完成一课,15句话。请大家提出砖头。如果童鞋们觉得这个方法,值得借鉴,欢迎也来开始跟读900句:)  



新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson48:At the restaurant在餐馆




新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson48:At the restaurant在餐馆

706. This soup is incredible! Have you tried it yet?
707. I was trying to decide what to order.
708. I’m going to have the steak.
709. I’ve never had fried chicken this good before.
710. How do you want your steak cooked?
711. This chicken is undercooked?.
712. My compliments to the chef.
713. Are you ready to order?
714. What’s your special today?
715. Would you like any more coffee?
716. Do you have reservations tonight?
717. Would you like a smoking or non-smoking table?
718. Can I look at a menu?
719. Would you like any dessert??
720. What’s the soup of the day?

1. incredible adj.难以置信的;惊人的;极妙的
2. undercooked adj.煮得不够的;尚未煮熟的
3. compliment n.赞美的话;恭维;敬意
4. reservation n. 预订;预订的房间
5. dessert n. 甜点心;餐后甜点


      美语世界【一句话翻译】1-10 汇总合辑 

(Nov/06/2020 - Jan/09/2021)





 Si tu vois ma mère ( Midnight in Paris.) : Sydney Bechet


【01】【一句话翻译提高智商】美国总统选举 : 答案, 要点,语法 - 才歌 2020-11-06

【02】【一句话翻译提高智商】 美国疫情现状: 答案,要点,语法 - 才歌 2020-11-13

【03】  一句话翻译提高智商--手机/病理篇幅 (答案,要点, 语法) - woodwishper 2020-11-22

【04】 一句话翻译: 女人 男人篇 - just_4_fun 2020-11-27

【05】 美坛传统项目, 一句话翻译。 答案来了, 欢迎围观。呼唤下一期的主持人。 - 树的花花世界 2020-12-04

【06】 一句话翻译练习及参考译文附上。感谢大家的参与! - Lipton333 2020-12-11

【07】【一句话翻译练习18DEC20】中英爽(双)翻,第一次给了你 (参考答案及简析附内) - 忒忒绿 2020-12-18

【08】【一句话翻译练习Christmas Day 2020】 Merry Christmas! (参考答案见内)- wbqm 2020-12-25

【09】【一句话翻译练习New Year‘s Day】Happy New Year of 2021!  - AprilMei 2021-01-01

【10】【几句话双语翻译】伊甸园果熟蒂落 + 人体待解之谜 - just_4_fun 01/08/2021

YiJuHuaFanyi code

<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"><div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor=" 686599" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px">      </span><span style="font-size_replace:36px"><strong>美语世界【一句话翻译】1-10 汇总合辑</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:36px">(Nov/06/2020 - Jan/09/2021)</span></p> <p><br /> <img data-cke-saved-src="http://cdn.wenxuecity.com/upload/album/58/4e/90/575bd2df44876jac7dze.jpeg" src="http://cdn.wenxuecity.com/upload/album/58/4e/90/575bd2df44876jac7dze.jpeg" style="width:500px" /></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"> </span></p> </center> <p>非常感谢美语世界坛网友们自觉轮流主持的每周五【一句话翻译】固定栏目,让我们在欢乐中学到很多,也让这个节目从汉译英转换到双向翻译,让节目更丰富多彩。这是2020年11月本节目恢复以来,十期留念,向所有的主持人,所有的参与者表示感谢!希望大家志愿报名,让这个节目接力下去。:)</p> <p>美语世界</p> <p>Jan/09/2021</p> <p><iframe clear="both" frameborder="0" height="60px" scrolling="no" src="/include/editor/api/script/audio_ckeditor.php?url=/upload/media/9b/88/76/e8e228d79909WzELv7c3.mp3&autostart=yes" valign="center" width="100%"></iframe></p> <p> Si tu vois ma mère ( Midnight in Paris.) : Sydney Bechet</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/214692.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/214692.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【一句话翻译提高智商】美国总统选举 : 答案, 要点,语法 - 才歌 2020-11-06 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/215280.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/215280.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【一句话翻译提高智商】 美国疫情现状: 答案,要点,语法 - 才歌 2020-11-13</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/216111.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/216111.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】  一句话翻译提高智商--手机/病理篇幅 (答案,要点, 语法) - woodwishper 2020-11-22</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/216601.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/216601.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】 一句话翻译: 女人 男人篇 - just_4_fun 2020-11-27</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/217365.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/217365.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】 美坛传统项目, 一句话翻译。 答案来了, 欢迎围观。呼唤下一期的主持人。 - 树的花花世界 2020-12-04</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/218198.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/218198.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】 一句话翻译练习及参考译文附上。感谢大家的参与! - Lipton333 2020-12-11</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/218842.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/218842.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【一句话翻译练习18DEC20】中英爽(双)翻,第一次给了你 (参考答案及简析附内) - 忒忒绿 2020-12-18</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/219832.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/219832.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【一句话翻译练习Christmas Day 2020】 Merry Christmas! (参考答案见内)- wbqm 2020-12-25</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220618.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220618.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【一句话翻译练习New Year‘s Day】Happy New Year of 2021!  - AprilMei 2021-01-01 </span></a></span></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221288.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221288.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【几句话双语翻译】伊甸园果熟蒂落 + 人体待解之谜 - just_4_fun 01/08/2021 </span></a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div>





Hello everyone,

welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During past 3 weeks, we witnessed and were astonished by the plenty of posts and tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful and sentimental English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language understanding and translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! To the anonymous audience, I would also like to thank you for visiting MYSJ and being part of this event! I hope in the future you'll participate in the coming events in this forum and show off your various special talents!

Last, but not the least, I want to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong




【01】【MyStoryMySpeech】Winning a Traffic Violation Lawsuit in USA - FuRongLi

【02】【MyStoryMySpeech】Persistence - beautifulwind

【03】【MyStoryMySpeech】speech at harvard - 禹小雅

【04】【MyStoryMySpeech】Happy Holidays From Marley - 甜虫虫

【05】【MyStoryMySpeech】来了!! - 回头笑笑

【06】【MyStoryMySpeech】My yoga journey II (with music & photos) - moiausis

【07】【MyStoryMySpeech】 the Christmas gift my husband did not like - 小公主

【08】【MyStoryMySpeech】An English Translation of A Well-Known Chinese - 择木而栖

【09】【MyStoryMySpeech】The gift from heart - 爱听歌的奥黛丽


【10】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【12】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】 【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿





Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During past 3 weeks, we witnessed and were astonished by the plenty of posts and tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful and sentimental English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language understanding and translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! To the anonymous audience, I would also like to thank you for visiting MYSJ and being part of this event! I hope in the future you'll participate in the coming events in this forum and show off your various special talents!

Last, but not the least, I want to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special. I feel honored to be asked to co-host this ceremony with him. I hope in the future more of us will step up and volunteer to host the award ceremonies. Let's all be an active part of this big family!

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲





Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed  tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!




【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲


<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor=" #CCAD3A" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px">      </span><span style="font-size_replace:36px"><strong>美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:36px">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/LUaQDZrsu1w?autoplay=1" width="509"></iframe></p> <p> </p> </center> <p><em>Hello everyone,</em></p> <p><em>Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!</em></p> <p><em>Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed  tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!</em></p> <p><em>We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special. </em></p> <p><em>A round of loud applause to all of us!</em></p> <p><em>Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!</em></p> <p><em>Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!</em></p> <p><em>Thank you!</em></p> <p><em>Chong Chong</em></p> <p> </p> <p>Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.</p> <p>This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!</p> <p>Rockcurrent (a.k.a. Woodwishper)</p> <p>(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222354.html" href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222354.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222384.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222384.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222393.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222393.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222449.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222449.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222460.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222460.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222463.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222463.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222476.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222476.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222602.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222602.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222612.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222612.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222711.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222711.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222772.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222772.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p>提前参加活动及暖身部分</p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220613.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220613.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220786.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220786.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220854.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220854.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220857.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220857.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云</span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220892.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220892.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木</span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220957.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220957.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君 </span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221031.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221031.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei </span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221196.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221196.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis </span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221387.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221387.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫</span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221399.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221399.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌</span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221441.html" href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221441.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind </span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221468.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221468.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494 </span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221516.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221516.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221543.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221543.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界</span></a></p> <p><a data-cke-saved-href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221703.html " href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221703.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221704.html" href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221704.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221739.html " href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221739.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221796.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221796.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221832.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221832.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222040.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222040.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222078.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222078.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222100.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222100.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222101.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222101.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222203.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222203.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222228.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222228.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222243.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222243.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222261.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222261.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a data-cke-saved-href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222323.html" href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222323.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>


? ? ? 美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑?



Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed? tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to?thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!

Rockcurrent (a.k.a. Woodwishper)



【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲


? ? ? 美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑?



Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed? tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to?thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!

Rockcurrent (a.k.a. Woodwishper)



【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲

code diannao




Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed  tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!




【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲

test final

<div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor=" #CCAD3A" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px">      </span><span style="font-size_replace:36px"><strong>美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:36px">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JAWPkOmig9E?autoplay=1" width="640"></iframe></p> <p> </p> </center> <p><em>Hello everyone,</em></p> <p><em>Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!</em></p> <p><em>Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed  tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!</em></p> <p><em>We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special. </em></p> <p><em>A round of loud applause to all of us!</em></p> <p><em>Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!</em></p> <p><em>Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!</em></p> <p><em>Thank you!</em></p> <p><em>Chong Chong</em></p> <p> </p> <p>Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.</p> <p>This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!</p> <p>Rockcurrent</p> <p>(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222354.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222384?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222393.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222449?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222460?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222463?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222476?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222602?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222612?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222711?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222772?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p>提前参加活动及暖身部分</p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220613.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220786?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220854.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220857?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220892?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220957?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221031?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221196.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221387.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221399?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221441.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221468.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221516.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221543.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221703.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221704.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221739.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221796?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221832?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222040?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222078?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222100?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222101?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222203?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222228?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222243?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222261?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222323?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
test final sample

? ? ? 美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑?



Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed? tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to?thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!




【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲

finalize code

<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor=" #CCAD3A" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px">      </span><span style="font-size_replace:36px"><strong>美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:36px">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JAWPkOmig9E?autoplay=1" width="640"></iframe></p> <p> </p> </center> <p><em>Hello everyone,</em></p> <p><em>Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!</em></p> <p><em>Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed  tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!</em></p> <p><em>We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special. </em></p> <p><em>A round of loud applause to all of us!</em></p> <p><em>Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!</em></p> <p><em>Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!</em></p> <p><em>Thank you!</em></p> <p><em>Chong Chong</em></p> <p> </p> <p>Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.</p> <p>This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!</p> <p>Rockcurrent</p> <p>(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222354.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222384?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222393.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222449?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222460?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222463?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222476?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222602?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222612?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222711?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222772?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p>提前参加活动及暖身部分</p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220613.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220786?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220854.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220857?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220892?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220957?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221031?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221196.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221387.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221399?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221441.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221468.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221516.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221543.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221703.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221704.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221739.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221796?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221832?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222040?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222078?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222100?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222101?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222203?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222228?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222243?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222261?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222323?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
final final

? ? ? 美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑?



Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed? tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to?thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!




【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲


<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor=" #CCAD3A" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px">      </span><span style="font-size_replace:36px"><strong>美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:36px">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JAWPkOmig9E?autoplay=1" width="640"></iframe></p> <p> </p> </center> <p><em>Hello everyone,</em></p> <p><em>Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!</em></p> <p><em>Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed  tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!</em></p> <p><em>We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special. </em></p> <p><em>A round of loud applause to all of us!</em></p> <p><em>Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!</em></p> <p><em>Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!</em></p> <p><em>Thank you!</em></p> <p><em>Chong Chong</em></p> <p> </p> <p>Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.</p> <p>This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!</p> <p>Rockcurrent</p> <p>(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222354.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222384?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/222393.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222449?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222460?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222463?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222476?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222602?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222612?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222711?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222772?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders </span></a></span></p> <p>提前参加活动及暖身部分</p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220613.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220786?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/220854.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220857?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220892?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/220957?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221031?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221196.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221387.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221399?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221441.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221468.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221516.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221543.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221703.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221704.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/221739.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221796?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/221832?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222040?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222078?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222100?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222101?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222203?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222228?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222243?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222261?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/222323?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲 </span></a></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>

? ? ? 美语世界2021年新年E诗E歌E决心活动颁奖典礼及合辑?



Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed? tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to?thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!




【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders


【12】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【13】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲




Hello everyone,

Welcome to the award ceremony for MYSJ“English Songs, English Poems, and New Year’s Resolutions” event!

Wow, it was such a brilliant start for the year of 2021! We kicked off the New Year with this exciting event. During the past 3 weeks, we witnessed  tremendous talents from our cyber-friends! Some of you performed beautiful English songs. We enjoyed your beautiful vocals greatly! Some of you demonstrated exceptional language translation skills by presenting us with these creative and splendid poems and song lyrics. And some of you shared your inspiring new year's resolutions with us!

We thank you all for your participation and showing your talents. It is your participation and your talents that made this event such a big success! I would also like to thank my co-host RockCurrent for his time and talent to make this award ceremony very special.

A round of loud applause to all of us!

Now, let's begin to watch and enjoy the award ceremony!

Wish you all a great time and hope to see you all in the next event!

Thank you!

Chong Chong


Hello, fellows in American English forum, it was my honor to co-host today’s awards ceremony with Ms. Chong. After witnessing the talents of your folks, I am now shaking and shivering. However, I have no other choice but to make this award ceremony a successful one.

This is my moment in lifetime by getting to know you gals and guys. Your voices are angels hovering in the heaven, tenderness of April flowers, dancing figures on moon-river, a cup of summer evening wine, a ripple in the mirror lake, a creek flowing through a heart, a hope feathered with pure love, youth and la vie en rose full of confidence and wisdom, and many many more to dry the ink of my pen. Thank you all for your devotions, and hope you enjoy the awards and here starts our moment!





【01】【E诗E歌E决心】The Pilgrims by John McCrae - Marauders

【02】【E诗E歌E决心】YOUTH by Samuel Ullman - 小步舞曲

【03】【E诗E歌E决心】Amazing Grace - FuRongLi

【04】【E诗E歌E决心】You Are My Sunshine - 甜虫虫

【05】【E诗E歌E决心】Lemon Tree - 可惜我是-水瓶座

【06】【E诗E歌E决心】《Say Something》cover Jasmine Thompson - moiausis

【07】【E诗E歌E决心】The Phantom of Opera - cover 江珊 - 晓月落花

【08】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Years Resolution for 2021 - 天边一片白云

【09】【E诗E歌E决心】New Year's Resolution - 2021. 新年打算 - yingyudidida

【10】【E诗E歌E决心】Nature is Speaking - Ice 冰 - moiausis

【11】【E诗E歌E决心】Man of Constant Sorrow - Marauders

【12】【E诗E歌E决心】 A Moment in Lifetime (中文歌英译) - rockcurrent


【13】【E诗E歌E决心】美语世界坛新年活动通知 by 风儿忒绿

【14】【E诗E歌E决心】热身—My English Teacher Ms Jia Yang - woodwishper

【15】【E诗E歌E决心】T. S. 艾略特《J.阿尔弗瑞德·普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中文完整版 - 忒忒绿

【16】【E诗E歌E决心】Sylvia Plath - Mirror - 影云

【17】【E诗E歌E决心】My new year's resolution - 移花接木

【18】【E诗E歌E决心】Take a bow - 俏君

【19】【E诗E歌E决心】Shenandoah - AprilMei

【20】【E诗E歌E决心】《Don't cry for me Argentina》cover Madonna - moiausis

【21】【E诗E歌E决心】 你是人间的四月天 - 甜虫虫

【22】【E诗E歌E决心】The end of the world - 才歌

【23】【E诗E歌E决心】My New Year's Resolution/【Vincent】- beautifulwind

【24】【E诗E歌E决心】《La Vie en Rose》English Version - Ha65494

【25】【E诗E歌E决心】穿越半个地球漂洋过海来看你(英文诗歌) - 忒忒绿

【26】【E诗E歌E决心】-- 致青春 - 树的花花世界

【27】【E诗E歌E决心】《Tenderness inside my palm》 - 移花接木

【28】【E诗E歌E决心】《诗经 ·蒹葭》英文版与现代汉语版 - 忒忒绿

【29】【E诗E歌E决心】Nocturne - Secret Garden - 甜虫虫

【30】【E诗E歌E决心】 立 - 在我的想象里 及英文翻译/朗诵 - 影云

【31】【E诗E歌E决心】- 那些年那些迪斯尼 - xiaosai

【32】【E诗E歌E决心】Hope is The Thing With Feathers - Emily Dickinson - xiaoruo

【33】【E诗E歌E决心】"I'm Yours" cover Jason Maraz - 移花接木

【34】【E诗E歌E决心】Can you feel the love tonight -By 美景 - 沿途美景

【35】【E诗E歌E决心】California Silence In my life Yesterday - 又听了三遍

【36】【E诗E歌E决心】《Only time》cover Enya - moiausis

【37】【E诗E歌E决心】Summer Wine——by Lucy & Audrey - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【38】【E诗E歌E决心】来个欢快的 - Shalala - xiaosai

【39】【E诗E歌E决心】【Madonna - LA ISLA BONITA】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【40】【E诗E歌E决心】Changing Partners/Moon River/La Vie en Rose - 小步舞曲







Hello every one,

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MYSJ’s hobby show and award gala. It is my pleasure to be today’s MC. Reading all the posts, oh, boy, I am amazed by the variety of hobbies presented here! Even more impressive and stunning is how talented the people are. Your souls are so beautiful and interesting! It is such an eye-opener for me and I thank you for taking me on this journey to Neverland! I hope you enjoy the award and hey everybody, let’s have fun! I know it is a bit late, but I would like to wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!

Oh, one more thing I would like to share with you. There will be a rose teddy bear made of 999 roses as Valentine's Day and CNY gift for everyone. This is a token of appreciation from MYSJ for your participation. Alrighty, I have been talking too much, now, show time!

--- 树的花花世界   




【01】【HobbyShow】my another hobby - singing - moiausis

【02】【HobbyShow】Poetry Reading - 影云

【03】【HobbyShow】Wire Wrapping - 甜虫虫

【04】【HobbyShow】Singing - Ha65494

【05】【HobbyShow】Vintage restoration - 移花接木

【06】【HobbyShow】Karaoke: Love tried to welcome me - 俏君

【07】【HobbyShow】HobbyShow? talkshow :) - Heraclius



【09】【HobbyShow】 My hobby - Marauders

【10】【HobbyShow】Unexpected encounter - 移花接木

【11】【HobbyShow】--- Turn Ugly To Beauty - woodwishper

【12】【HobbyShow】EWD, 重赏之下必有勇夫, - 移花接木

【13】【HobbyShow】Blind imitation - 唐古

【14】【HobbyShow】My first painting:) - beautifulwind

【15】【HobbyShow】--- My Hobby - 沿途美景

【16】【HobbyShow】--Travelling --My furthest steps in Canada - woodwishper

【17】【HobbyShow】---woodwork--Mortise and tenon structured square cherry kitchen dough table - woodwishper

【18】【HobbyShow】 The joy of setting a table - just_4_fun

【19】【HobbyShow】Making Mini Model Houses - 东南西北妈

【20】【HobbyShow】 Royal Doulton bone china & porcelain collection - 移花接木

【21】【HobbyShow】 dubbing 给大家拜年!!牛年大吉!! - moiausis

【22】【HobbyShow】 -- read it when you are hungry - 树的花花世界

【23】【HobbyShow】the joy of singing “And I love you so “ 给美坛的朋友们拜年! - 才歌

【24】【HobbyShow】 Happy Valentine's Day - 【 The Rose 】 - 沿途美景

【25】【HobbyShow】Guitar solo:" Snowing Valentine's Day" - 欲借嵯峨

【26】【HobbyShow】Dreaming 动漫配音《我喜欢你》 Happy V day! - beautifulwind

【27】【HobbyShow】R. W. 爱迪生《紫杜鹃》现代诗歌体中文版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【HobbyShow】We'll sing together until we are old—《Over and over》 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【29】【HobbyShow】Introducing " movie story teller"- "清风送影“ - danren

【30】【HobbyShow】My world of flowers - 天边一片白云


<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor="#F69999" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px">      </span><span style="font-size_replace:36px"><strong>美语世界2021年春情节HobbyShow活动颁奖典礼及合辑</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:36px">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IlZ-y_Ni-rk?autoplay=1" width="640"></iframe></p> <p> </p> </center> <p>Hello every one,</p> <p>Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MYSJ’s hobby show and award gala. It is my pleasure to be today’s MC. Reading all the posts, oh, boy, I am amazed by the variety of hobbies presented here! Even more impressive and stunning is how talented the people are. Your souls are so beautiful and interesting! It is such an eye-opener for me and I thank you for taking me on this journey to Neverland! I hope you enjoy the award and hey everybody, let’s have fun! I know it is a bit late, but I would like to wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!</p> <p>Oh, one more thing I would like to share with you. <em><strong>There will be a rose teddy bear made of 999 roses</strong> </em>as Valentine's Day and CNY gift for everyone. This is a token of appreciation from MYSJ for your participation. Alrighty, I have been talking too much, now, show time!</p> <p>--- 树的花花世界   </p> <p>     Feb/21/2021</p> <p>(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224686.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【HobbyShow】my another hobby - singing - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224709?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【HobbyShow】Poetry Reading - 影云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224757.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】【HobbyShow】Wire Wrapping - 甜虫虫</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224825?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】【HobbyShow】Singing - Ha65494</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224831?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】【HobbyShow】Vintage restoration - 移花接木</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224838?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】【HobbyShow】Karaoke: Love tried to welcome me - 俏君</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224852?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【HobbyShow】HobbyShow? talkshow :) - Heraclius </span></a></span></p> <p>提前参加活动及暖身部分</p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/bbs/mysj/223343.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【HobbyShow】美语世界坛2021春情节HobbyShow活动通知</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/223560.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【HobbyShow】 My hobby - Marauders </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/223667.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【HobbyShow】Unexpected encounter - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/223717.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【11】【HobbyShow】--- Turn Ugly To Beauty - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/223752?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【12】【HobbyShow】EWD, 重赏之下必有勇夫, - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/223803?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【13】【HobbyShow】Blind imitation - 唐古 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/223823?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【14】【HobbyShow】My first painting:) - beautifulwind </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/223824.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【15】【HobbyShow】--- My Hobby - 沿途美景 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/223893.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【16】【HobbyShow】--Travelling --My furthest steps in Canada - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/223928?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【17】【HobbyShow】---woodwork--Mortise and tenon structured square cherry kitchen dough table - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/223954.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【18】【HobbyShow】 The joy of setting a table - just_4_fun </span></a></span></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224114.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【19】【HobbyShow】Making Mini Model Houses - 东南西北妈 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224173.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【20】【HobbyShow】 Royal Doulton bone china & porcelain collection - 移花接木</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224197.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【21】【HobbyShow】 dubbing 给大家拜年!!牛年大吉!! - moiausis </span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224262.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【22】【HobbyShow】 -- read it when you are hungry - 树的花花世界</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224290.html"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【23】【HobbyShow】the joy of singing “And I love you so “ 给美坛的朋友们拜年! - 才歌 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224319.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【24】【HobbyShow】 Happy Valentine's Day - 【 The Rose 】 - 沿途美景 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/224381.html "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【25】【HobbyShow】Guitar solo:" Snowing Valentine's Day" - 欲借嵯峨 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224396?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【26】【HobbyShow】Dreaming 动漫配音《我喜欢你》 Happy V day! - beautifulwind </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224400?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【27】【HobbyShow】R. W. 爱迪生《紫杜鹃》现代诗歌体中文版 - 忒忒绿</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224432?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【28】【HobbyShow】We'll sing together until we are old—《Over and over》 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224466?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【29】【HobbyShow】Introducing " movie story teller"- "清风送影“ - danren</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/224517?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【30】【HobbyShow】My world of flowers - 天边一片白云</span></a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>





Hello every one,

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MYSJ’s hobby show and award gala. It is my pleasure to be today’s MC. Reading all the posts, oh, boy, I am amazed by the variety of hobbies presented here! Even more impressive and stunning is how talented the people are. Your souls are so beautiful and interesting! It is such an eye-opener for me and I thank you for taking me on this journey to Neverland! I hope you enjoy the award and hey everybody, let’s have fun! I know it is a bit late, but I would like to wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!

Oh, one more thing I would like to share with you. There will be a rose teddy bear made of 999 roses as Valentine's Day and CNY gift for everyone. This is a token of appreciation from MYSJ for your participation. Alrighty, I have been talking too much, now, show time!

--- 树的花花世界   




【01】【HobbyShow】my another hobby - singing - moiausis

【02】【HobbyShow】Poetry Reading - 影云

【03】【HobbyShow】Wire Wrapping - 甜虫虫

【04】【HobbyShow】Singing - Ha65494

【05】【HobbyShow】Singing - Ha65494

【06】【HobbyShow】Vintage restoration - 移花接木

【07】【HobbyShow】Karaoke: Love tried to welcome me - 俏君

【08】【HobbyShow】HobbyShow? talkshow :) - Heraclius



【10】【HobbyShow】 My hobby - Marauders

【11】【HobbyShow】Unexpected encounter - 移花接木

【12】【HobbyShow】--- Turn Ugly To Beauty - woodwishper

【13】【HobbyShow】EWD, 重赏之下必有勇夫, - 移花接木

【14】【HobbyShow】Blind imitation - 唐古

【15】【HobbyShow】My first painting:) - beautifulwind

【16】【HobbyShow】--- My Hobby - 沿途美景

【17】【HobbyShow】--Travelling --My furthest steps in Canada - woodwishper

【18】【HobbyShow】---woodwork--Mortise and tenon structured square cherry kitchen dough table - woodwishper

【19】【HobbyShow】 The joy of setting a table - just_4_fun

【20】【HobbyShow】Making Mini Model Houses - 东南西北妈

【21】【HobbyShow】 Royal Doulton bone china & porcelain collection - 移花接木

【22】【HobbyShow】 dubbing 给大家拜年!!牛年大吉!! - moiausis

【23】【HobbyShow】 -- read it when you are hungry - 树的花花世界

【24】【HobbyShow】the joy of singing “And I love you so “ 给美坛的朋友们拜年! - 才歌

【25】【HobbyShow】Guitar solo:" Snowing Valentine's Day" - 欲借嵯峨

【26】【HobbyShow】 Happy Valentine's Day - 【 The Rose 】 - 沿途美景

【27】【HobbyShow】Dreaming 动漫配音《我喜欢你》 Happy V day! - beautifulwind

【28】【HobbyShow】R. W. 爱迪生《紫杜鹃》现代诗歌体中文版 - 忒忒绿

【29】【HobbyShow】We'll sing together until we are old—《Over and over》 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【30】【HobbyShow】Introducing " movie story teller"- "清风送影“ - danren

【31】【HobbyShow】My world of flowers - 天边一片白云





Hello every one,

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MYSJ’s hobby show and award gala. It is my pleasure to be today’s MC. Reading all the posts, oh, boy, I am amazed by the variety of hobbies presented here! Even more impressive and stunning is how talented the people are. Your souls are so beautiful and interesting! It is such an eye-opener for me and I thank you for taking me on this journey to Neverland! I hope you enjoy the award and hey everybody, let’s have fun! I know it is a bit late, but I would like to wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!

Oh, one more thing I would like to share with you. There will be a rose teddy bear made of 999 roses as Valentine's Day and CNY gift for everyone. This is a token of appreciation from MYSJ for your participation. Alrighty, I have been talking too much, now, show time!

--- 树的花花世界   




【01】【HobbyShow】my another hobby - singing - moiausis

【02】【HobbyShow】Poetry Reading - 影云

【03】【HobbyShow】Wire Wrapping - 甜虫虫

【04】【HobbyShow】Singing - Ha65494

【05】【HobbyShow】Vintage restoration - 移花接木

【06】【HobbyShow】Karaoke: Love tried to welcome me - 俏君

【07】【HobbyShow】HobbyShow? talkshow :) - Heraclius



【09】【HobbyShow】 My hobby - Marauders

【10】【HobbyShow】Unexpected encounter - 移花接木

【11】【HobbyShow】--- Turn Ugly To Beauty - woodwishper

【12】【HobbyShow】EWD, 重赏之下必有勇夫, - 移花接木

【13】【HobbyShow】Blind imitation - 唐古

【14】【HobbyShow】My first painting:) - beautifulwind

【15】【HobbyShow】--- My Hobby - 沿途美景

【16】【HobbyShow】--Travelling --My furthest steps in Canada - woodwishper

【17】【HobbyShow】---woodwork--Mortise and tenon structured square cherry kitchen dough table - woodwishper

【18】【HobbyShow】 The joy of setting a table - just_4_fun

【19】【HobbyShow】Making Mini Model Houses - 东南西北妈

【20】【HobbyShow】 Royal Doulton bone china & porcelain collection - 移花接木

【21】【HobbyShow】 dubbing 给大家拜年!!牛年大吉!! - moiausis

【22】【HobbyShow】 -- read it when you are hungry - 树的花花世界

【23】【HobbyShow】the joy of singing “And I love you so “ 给美坛的朋友们拜年! - 才歌

【24】【HobbyShow】 Happy Valentine's Day - 【 The Rose 】 - 沿途美景

【25】【HobbyShow】Guitar solo:" Snowing Valentine's Day" - 欲借嵯峨

【26】【HobbyShow】Dreaming 动漫配音《我喜欢你》 Happy V day! - beautifulwind

【27】【HobbyShow】R. W. 爱迪生《紫杜鹃》现代诗歌体中文版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【HobbyShow】We'll sing together until we are old—《Over and over》 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【29】【HobbyShow】Introducing " movie story teller"- "清风送影“ - danren

【30】【HobbyShow】My world of flowers - 天边一片白云





Hello every one,

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to MYSJ’s hobby show and award gala. It is my pleasure to be today’s MC. Reading all the posts, oh, boy, I am amazed by the variety of hobbies presented here! Even more impressive and stunning is how talented the people are. Your souls are so beautiful and interesting! It is such an eye-opener for me and I thank you for taking me on this journey to Neverland! I hope you enjoy the award and hey everybody, let’s have fun! I know it is a bit late, but I would like to wish everyone a very happy Chinese New Year!

Oh, one more thing I would like to share with you. There will be a rose teddy bear made of 999 roses as Valentine's Day and CNY gift for everyone. This is a token of appreciation from MYSJ for your participation. Alrighty, I have been talking too much, now, show time!

--- 树的花花世界   




【01】【HobbyShow】my another hobby - singing - moiausis

【02】【HobbyShow】Poetry Reading - 影云

【03】【HobbyShow】Wire Wrapping - 甜虫虫

【04】【HobbyShow】Singing - Ha65494

【05】【HobbyShow】Vintage restoration - 移花接木

【06】【HobbyShow】Karaoke: Love tried to welcome me - 俏君

【07】【HobbyShow】HobbyShow? talkshow :) - Heraclius



【09】【HobbyShow】 My hobby - Marauders

【10】【HobbyShow】Unexpected encounter - 移花接木

【11】【HobbyShow】--- Turn Ugly To Beauty - woodwishper

【12】【HobbyShow】EWD, 重赏之下必有勇夫, - 移花接木

【13】【HobbyShow】Blind imitation - 唐古

【14】【HobbyShow】My first painting:) - beautifulwind

【15】【HobbyShow】--- My Hobby - 沿途美景

【16】【HobbyShow】--Travelling --My furthest steps in Canada - woodwishper

【17】【HobbyShow】---woodwork--Mortise and tenon structured square cherry kitchen dough table - woodwishper

【18】【HobbyShow】 The joy of setting a table - just_4_fun

【19】【HobbyShow】Making Mini Model Houses - 东南西北妈

【20】【HobbyShow】 Royal Doulton bone china & porcelain collection - 移花接木

【21】【HobbyShow】 dubbing 给大家拜年!!牛年大吉!! - moiausis

【22】【HobbyShow】 -- read it when you are hungry - 树的花花世界

【23】【HobbyShow】the joy of singing “And I love you so “ 给美坛的朋友们拜年! - 才歌

【24】【HobbyShow】 Happy Valentine's Day - 【 The Rose 】 - 沿途美景

【25】【HobbyShow】Guitar solo:" Snowing Valentine's Day" - 欲借嵯峨

【26】【HobbyShow】Dreaming 动漫配音《我喜欢你》 Happy V day! - beautifulwind

【27】【HobbyShow】R. W. 爱迪生《紫杜鹃》现代诗歌体中文版 - 忒忒绿

【28】【HobbyShow】We'll sing together until we are old—《Over and over》 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽

【29】【HobbyShow】Introducing " movie story teller"- "清风送影“ - danren

【30】【HobbyShow】My world of flowers - 天边一片白云





Needless to say how much chaos or what kind ordeals we have been through for the past year, and yet, more days still to come. That is something to remember in one’s life and pass down to future generations.

With social limitations and curfews we had to cancel our travel plans. Our feet are restricted, it is just a bad time. But a bad time should not make bad lives, there is nothing to stop the free mind. [E外桃源] is just such an event to share ideas of magnificent virtual tours. So glad to have so many happy souls together in MYSJ during this stressful time! For those who made contributions to this event, you are not sharing your memories or imaginations, you are passing positive energies. For anyone witnessing this event, your appreciation and comments had added much much more to this moment of joy. Today we are still confined but we are willing to do so in order that tomorrow we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Collectively we make ourselves stronger individuals.

Brothers and sisters, I am very delighted to announce [E外桃源] award ceremony begins, I wish you a very good time and enjoy your stay in MYSJ.


--- 移花接木   




【01】【E外桃源】活动 -- my dream land - 树的花花世界

【02】【E外桃源】活动-活动—Xanadu - Okra

【03】【E外桃源】I'm here for the coursing stream and the White Beaches - 甜虫虫

【04】【E外桃源】the Eternal City of Rome - TJKCB

【05】【E外桃源】A Tribute to 甜虫虫 (双语) - LYJiang

【06】【E外桃源】【Cat Stevens - Morning has broken(破晓)】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【07】【E外桃源】星.Sailing - jzhou8968

【08】【E外桃源】New Zealand - moiausis

【09】【E外桃源】From West to East, “O Mio Babbino Caro” to “Butterfly Love - 贝城

【10】【E外桃源】Banff National Park in Canada - 艾唱

【11】【E外桃源】My secret lover - 天边一片白云

【12】【E外桃源】※ La Isla Bonita 风光美丽的小岛 ※ - 提啦米酥



【14】【E外桃源】One of the most romantic places in my eyes -- Wave Organ - beautifulwind

【15】【E外桃源】From Spring to Eternity - LYJiang

【16】【E外桃源】活动预热 O Canada - 移花接木

【17】【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494

【18】【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there - 唐古

【19】【E外桃源】Brunei ,I miss you - Heraclius

【20】【E外桃源】The Grand Canyon (双语) - LYJiang

【21】【E外桃源】Born of Fire, Born of the Sea - 盈盈一笑间

【22】【E外桃源】Qinghai Lake, Namtso,purifying heart and soul - 移花接木

【23】【E外桃源】不为修来生,只为途中与你相见 - 忒忒绿

【24】【E外桃源】~~~梦里醉乡—Salute to every lonely dream chaser!~~~ - 山丘

【25】【E外桃源】Alsace (Elssas in German) - Marauders

【26】【E外桃源】weekend with Tchaikovsky - 欲借嵯峨

【27】【E外桃源】Musing on Chinese Poetry(雙語) - LYJiang

【28】【E外桃源】My little Eden - 轻轻的我来

【29】【E外桃源】Aurora-Yellowkinfe-Great Slave Lake - woodwishper

【30】【E外桃源】Dreams in Emerald Lake - woodwishper




<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor="#E7F699" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="color:#696969">      <strong>美语世界2021年三月E外桃源活动颁奖典礼及合辑</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="color:#696969">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9kLf6ibOQpw?autoplay=1" width="640"></iframe></p> <p> </p> </center> <p><span style="color:#696969">Needless to say how much chaos or what kind ordeals we have been through for the past year, and yet, more days still to come. That is something to remember in one’s life and pass down to future generations. </span></p> <p><span style="color:#696969">With social limitations and curfews we had to cancel our travel plans. Our feet are restricted, it is just a bad time. But a bad time should not make bad lives, there is nothing to stop the free mind. [E外桃源] is just such an event to share ideas of magnificent virtual tours. So glad to have so many happy souls together in MYSJ during this stressful time! For those who made contributions to this event, you are not sharing your memories or imaginations, you are passing positive energies. For anyone witnessing this event, your appreciation and comments had added much much more to this moment of joy. Today we are still confined but we are willing to do so in order that tomorrow we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Collectively we make ourselves stronger individuals. </span></p> <p><span style="color:#696969">Brothers and sisters, I am very delighted to announce [E外桃源] award ceremony begins, I wish you a very good time and enjoy your stay in MYSJ. </span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color:#696969">--- 移花接木   </span></p> <p><span style="color:#696969">     Mar/21/2021</span></p> <p><span style="color:#696969">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226646.html"><span style="color:#696969">【01】【E外桃源】活动 -- my dream land - 树的花花世界 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226707?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【02】【E外桃源】活动-活动—Xanadu - Okra</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226781.html "><span style="color:#696969">【03】【E外桃源】I'm here for the coursing stream and the White Beaches - 甜虫虫</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226823?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【04】【E外桃源】the Eternal City of Rome - TJKCB </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226857?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【05】【E外桃源】A Tribute to 甜虫虫 (双语) - LYJiang</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226910?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【06】【E外桃源】【Cat Stevens - Morning has broken(破晓)】 by 逗 - 逗儿 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226918?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【07】【E外桃源】星.Sailing - jzhou8968 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226970?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【08】【E外桃源】New Zealand - moiausis </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/227067?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【09】【E外桃源】From West to East, “O Mio Babbino Caro” to “Butterfly Love - 贝城 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/227084?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【10】【E外桃源】Banff National Park in Canada - 艾唱 </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/227121?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【11】【E外桃源】My secret lover - 天边一片白云</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/227132?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【12】【E外桃源】※ La Isla Bonita 风光美丽的小岛 ※ - 提啦米酥</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="color:#696969">提前参加活动及暖身部分</span></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/225353?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【13】【E外桃源】美语世界坛2021三月活动通知 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/225561.html "><span style="color:#696969">【14】【E外桃源】One of the most romantic places in my eyes -- Wave Organ - beautifulwind </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/225598.html "><span style="color:#696969">【15】【E外桃源】From Spring to Eternity - LYJiang </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/225616?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【16】【E外桃源】活动预热 O Canada - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/225767.html "><span style="color:#696969">【17】【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/225793?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【18】【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there - 唐古 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/225863?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【19】【E外桃源】Brunei ,I miss you - Heraclius </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/225905.html "><span style="color:#696969">【20】【E外桃源】Nature is a Sculptor (Bilingual Version) - LYJiang </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/225924.html "><span style="color:#696969">【21】【E外桃源】Born of Fire, Born of the Sea - 盈盈一笑间 </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226213?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【22】【E外桃源】Qinghai Lake, Namtso,purifying heart and soul - 移花接木 </span></a></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226254.html"><span style="color:#696969">【23】【E外桃源】不为修来生,只为途中与你相见 - 忒忒绿 </span></a></span></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226287.html "><span style="color:#696969">【24】【E外桃源】~~~梦里醉乡—Salute to every lonely dream chaser!~~~ - 山丘</span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226316.html "><span style="color:#696969">【25】【E外桃源】Alsace (Elssas in German) - Marauders</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/226358?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#696969">【26】【E外桃源】weekend with Tchaikovsky - 欲借嵯峨 </span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226409.html "><span style="color:#696969">【27】【E外桃源】Musing on Chinese Poetry(雙語) - LYJiang</span></a></p> <p><a href=" https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226445.html"><span style="color:#696969">【28】【E外桃源】My little Eden - 轻轻的我来 </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226487.html "><span style="color:#696969">【29】【E外桃源】Aurora-Yellowkinfe-Great Slave Lake - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p><a href="https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/226577.html "><span style="color:#696969">【30】【E外桃源】Dreams in Emerald Lake - woodwishper </span></a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>





Needless to say how much chaos or what kind ordeals we have been through for the past year, and yet, more days still to come. That is something to remember in one’s life and pass down to future generations.

With social limitations and curfews we had to cancel our travel plans. Our feet are restricted, it is just a bad time. But a bad time should not make bad lives, there is nothing to stop the free mind. [E外桃源] is just such an event to share ideas of magnificent virtual tours. So glad to have so many happy souls together in MYSJ during this stressful time! For those who made contributions to this event, you are not sharing your memories or imaginations, you are passing positive energies. For anyone witnessing this event, your appreciation and comments had added much much more to this moment of joy. Today we are still confined but we are willing to do so in order that tomorrow we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Collectively we make ourselves stronger individuals.

Brothers and sisters, I am very delighted to announce [E外桃源] award ceremony begins, I wish you a very good time and enjoy your stay in MYSJ.


--- 移花接木   




【01】【E外桃源】活动 -- my dream land - 树的花花世界

【02】【E外桃源】活动-活动—Xanadu - Okra

【03】【E外桃源】I'm here for the coursing stream and the White Beaches - 甜虫虫

【04】【E外桃源】the Eternal City of Rome - TJKCB

【05】【E外桃源】A Tribute to 甜虫虫 (双语) - LYJiang

【06】【E外桃源】【Cat Stevens - Morning has broken(破晓)】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【07】【E外桃源】星.Sailing - jzhou8968

【08】【E外桃源】New Zealand - moiausis

【09】【E外桃源】From West to East, “O Mio Babbino Caro” to “Butterfly Love - 贝城

【10】【E外桃源】Banff National Park in Canada - 艾唱

【11】【E外桃源】My secret lover - 天边一片白云

【12】【E外桃源】※ La Isla Bonita 风光美丽的小岛 ※ - 提啦米酥



【14】【E外桃源】One of the most romantic places in my eyes -- Wave Organ - beautifulwind

【15】【E外桃源】From Spring to Eternity - LYJiang

【16】【E外桃源】活动预热 O Canada - 移花接木

【17】【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494

【18】【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there - 唐古

【19】【E外桃源】Brunei ,I miss you - Heraclius

【20】【E外桃源】Nature is a Sculptor (Bilingual Version) - LYJiang

【21】【E外桃源】Born of Fire, Born of the Sea - 盈盈一笑间

【22】【E外桃源】Qinghai Lake, Namtso,purifying heart and soul - 移花接木

【23】【E外桃源】不为修来生,只为途中与你相见 - 忒忒绿

【24】【E外桃源】~~~梦里醉乡—Salute to every lonely dream chaser!~~~ - 山丘

【25】【E外桃源】Alsace (Elssas in German) - Marauders

【26】【E外桃源】weekend with Tchaikovsky - 欲借嵯峨

【27】【E外桃源】Musing on Chinese Poetry(雙語) - LYJiang

【28】【E外桃源】My little Eden - 轻轻的我来

【29】【E外桃源】Aurora-Yellowkinfe-Great Slave Lake - woodwishper

【30】【E外桃源】Dreams in Emerald Lake - woodwishper




? ? ? 美语世界2021年三月E外桃源活动颁奖典礼及合辑?



Needless to say how much chaos or what kind ordeals we have been through for the past year, and yet, more days still to come. That is something to remember in one’s life and pass down to future generations.

With social limitations and curfews we had to cancel our travel plans. Our feet are restricted, it is just a bad time. But a bad time should not make bad lives, there is nothing to stop the free mind. [E外桃源] is just such an event to share ideas of magnificent virtual tours. So glad to have so many happy souls together in MYSJ during this stressful time! For those who made contributions to this event, you are not sharing your memories or imaginations, you are passing positive energies. For anyone witnessing this event, your appreciation and comments had added much much more to this moment of joy. Today we are still confined but we are willing to do so in order that tomorrow we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Collectively we make ourselves stronger individuals.

Brothers and sisters, I am very delighted to announce [E外桃源] award ceremony begins, I wish you a very good time and enjoy your stay in MYSJ.


---?移花接木? ?

? ? ?Mar/21/2021



【01】【E外桃源】活动 -- my dream land - 树的花花世界

【02】【E外桃源】活动-活动—Xanadu - Okra

【03】【E外桃源】I'm here for the coursing stream and the White Beaches - 甜虫虫

【04】【E外桃源】the Eternal City of Rome - TJKCB

【05】【E外桃源】A Tribute to 甜虫虫 (双语) - LYJiang

【06】【E外桃源】【Cat Stevens - Morning has broken(破晓)】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【07】【E外桃源】星.Sailing - jzhou8968

【08】【E外桃源】New Zealand - moiausis

【09】【E外桃源】From West to East, “O Mio Babbino Caro” to “Butterfly Love - 贝城

【10】【E外桃源】Banff National Park in Canada - 艾唱

【11】【E外桃源】My secret lover - 天边一片白云

【12】【E外桃源】※ La Isla Bonita 风光美丽的小岛 ※ - 提啦米酥



【14】【E外桃源】One of the most romantic places in my eyes -- Wave Organ - beautifulwind

【15】【E外桃源】From Spring to Eternity - LYJiang

【16】【E外桃源】活动预热 O Canada - 移花接木

【17】【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494

【18】【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there - 唐古

【19】【E外桃源】Brunei ,I miss you - Heraclius

【20】【E外桃源】The Grand Canyon (双语) - LYJiang

【21】【E外桃源】Born of Fire, Born of the Sea - 盈盈一笑间

【22】【E外桃源】Qinghai Lake, Namtso,purifying heart and soul - 移花接木

【23】【E外桃源】不为修来生,只为途中与你相见 - 忒忒绿

【24】【E外桃源】~~~梦里醉乡—Salute to every lonely dream chaser!~~~ - 山丘

【25】【E外桃源】Alsace (Elssas in German) - Marauders

【26】【E外桃源】weekend with Tchaikovsky - 欲借嵯峨

【27】【E外桃源】Musing on Chinese Poetry(雙語) - LYJiang

【28】【E外桃源】My little Eden - 轻轻的我来

【29】【E外桃源】Aurora-Yellowkinfe-Great Slave Lake - woodwishper

【30】【E外桃源】Dreams in Emerald Lake - woodwishper







Needless to say how much chaos or what kind ordeals we have been through for the past year, and yet, more days still to come. That is something to remember in one’s life and pass down to future generations.

With social limitations and curfews we had to cancel our travel plans. Our feet are restricted, it is just a bad time. But a bad time should not make bad lives, there is nothing to stop the free mind. [E外桃源] is just such an event to share ideas of magnificent virtual tours. So glad to have so many happy souls together in MYSJ during this stressful time! For those who made contributions to this event, you are not sharing your memories or imaginations, you are passing positive energies. For anyone witnessing this event, your appreciation and comments had added much much more to this moment of joy. Today we are still confined but we are willing to do so in order that tomorrow we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Collectively we make ourselves stronger individuals.

Brothers and sisters, I am very delighted to announce [E外桃源] award ceremony begins, I wish you a very good time and enjoy your stay in MYSJ.


--- 移花接木   




【01】【E外桃源】活动 -- my dream land - 树的花花世界

【02】【E外桃源】活动-活动—Xanadu - Okra

【03】【E外桃源】I'm here for the coursing stream and the White Beaches - 甜虫虫

【04】【E外桃源】the Eternal City of Rome - TJKCB

【05】【E外桃源】A Tribute to 甜虫虫 (双语) - LYJiang

【06】【E外桃源】【Cat Stevens - Morning has broken(破晓)】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【07】【E外桃源】星.Sailing - jzhou8968

【08】【E外桃源】New Zealand - moiausis

【09】【E外桃源】From West to East, “O Mio Babbino Caro” to “Butterfly Love - 贝城

【10】【E外桃源】Banff National Park in Canada - 艾唱

【11】【E外桃源】My secret lover - 天边一片白云

【12】【E外桃源】※ La Isla Bonita 风光美丽的小岛 ※ - 提啦米酥



【14】【E外桃源】One of the most romantic places in my eyes -- Wave Organ - beautifulwind

【15】【E外桃源】From Spring to Eternity - LYJiang

【16】【E外桃源】活动预热 O Canada - 移花接木

【17】【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494

【18】【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there - 唐古

【19】【E外桃源】Brunei ,I miss you - Heraclius

【20】【E外桃源】The Grand Canyon (双语) - LYJiang

【21】【E外桃源】Born of Fire, Born of the Sea - 盈盈一笑间

【22】【E外桃源】Qinghai Lake, Namtso,purifying heart and soul - 移花接木

【23】【E外桃源】不为修来生,只为途中与你相见 - 忒忒绿

【24】【E外桃源】~~~梦里醉乡—Salute to every lonely dream chaser!~~~ - 山丘

【25】【E外桃源】Alsace (Elssas in German) - Marauders

【26】【E外桃源】weekend with Tchaikovsky - 欲借嵯峨

【27】【E外桃源】Musing on Chinese Poetry(雙語) - LYJiang

【28】【E外桃源】My little Eden - 轻轻的我来

【29】【E外桃源】Aurora-Yellowkinfe-Great Slave Lake - woodwishper

【30】【E外桃源】Dreams in Emerald Lake - woodwishper







Needless to say how much chaos or what kind ordeals we have been through for the past year, and yet, more days still to come. That is something to remember in one’s life and pass down to future generations.

With social limitations and curfews we had to cancel our travel plans. Our feet are restricted, it is just a bad time. But a bad time should not make bad lives, there is nothing to stop the free mind. [E外桃源] is just such an event to share ideas of magnificent virtual tours. So glad to have so many happy souls together in MYSJ during this stressful time! For those who made contributions to this event, you are not sharing your memories or imaginations, you are passing positive energies. For anyone witnessing this event, your appreciation and comments had added much much more to this moment of joy. Today we are still confined but we are willing to do so in order that tomorrow we can reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Collectively we make ourselves stronger individuals.

Brothers and sisters, I am very delighted to announce [E外桃源] award ceremony begins, I wish you a very good time and enjoy your stay in MYSJ.


--- 移花接木   




【01】【E外桃源】活动 -- my dream land - 树的花花世界

【02】【E外桃源】活动-活动—Xanadu - Okra

【03】【E外桃源】I'm here for the coursing stream and the White Beaches - 甜虫虫

【04】【E外桃源】the Eternal City of Rome - TJKCB

【05】【E外桃源】A Tribute to 甜虫虫 (双语) - LYJiang

【06】【E外桃源】【Cat Stevens - Morning has broken(破晓)】 by 逗 - 逗儿

【07】【E外桃源】星.Sailing - jzhou8968

【08】【E外桃源】New Zealand - moiausis

【09】【E外桃源】From West to East, “O Mio Babbino Caro” to “Butterfly Love - 贝城

【10】【E外桃源】Banff National Park in Canada - 艾唱

【11】【E外桃源】My secret lover - 天边一片白云

【12】【E外桃源】※ La Isla Bonita 风光美丽的小岛 ※ - 提啦米酥



【14】【E外桃源】One of the most romantic places in my eyes -- Wave Organ - beautifulwind

【15】【E外桃源】From Spring to Eternity - LYJiang

【16】【E外桃源】活动预热 O Canada - 移花接木

【17】【E外桃源】A day in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Ha65494

【18】【E外桃源】 Easter Island---I will be there - 唐古

【19】【E外桃源】Brunei ,I miss you - Heraclius

【20】【E外桃源】Nature is a Sculptor (Bilingual Version) - LYJiang

【21】【E外桃源】Born of Fire, Born of the Sea - 盈盈一笑间

【22】【E外桃源】Qinghai Lake, Namtso,purifying heart and soul - 移花接木

【23】【E外桃源】不为修来生,只为途中与你相见 - 忒忒绿

【24】【E外桃源】~~~梦里醉乡—Salute to every lonely dream chaser!~~~ - 山丘

【25】【E外桃源】Alsace (Elssas in German) - Marauders

【26】【E外桃源】weekend with Tchaikovsky - 欲借嵯峨

【27】【E外桃源】Musing on Chinese Poetry(雙語) - LYJiang

【28】【E外桃源】My little Eden - 轻轻的我来

【29】【E外桃源】Aurora-Yellowkinfe-Great Slave Lake - woodwishper

【30】【E外桃源】Dreams in Emerald Lake - woodwishper







Hello every one,

It has been six months since the day of recovery of MYSJ.

“Mountains are famous for living saints and waters gain miraculous spirit for residing dragons."

MYSJ is more and more unique and special because more and more highly motivated friends with interesting souls gather here. We appreciate every one who made contributions to MYSJ.

Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you. We are mirrors to each other. At this time,through 笑闹美坛 event, we appreciate the sense of humor, the intelligence, the courages and resoluteness of everyone. We face everything calmly, bravely and optimistically.

Thank you very much.

山不在高,有仙则名。 水不在深,有龙则灵。 美语世界,因为有屏幕前的你们,而独具一格,精彩纷呈。





【01】【笑闹美坛】美军布莱德利将军被美军士兵当作间谍扣押 - 移花接木

【02】【笑闹美坛】How I learn English from Stand-Up Comedian Joe Wong, Russe - TJKCB

【03】【笑闹美坛】《天津哪吒》来笑闹美坛啦! - Ha65494

【04】【笑闹美坛】Vitamins became...伤不起 - beautifulwind

【05】【笑闹美坛】是草还是花 - 花儿解语2021

【06】【笑闹美坛】Never a dull moment - Okra

【07】【笑闹美坛】Social Distancing - 花儿解语2021

【08】【笑闹美坛】 Be a good cat - 唐古

【09】【笑闹美坛】Yeah Right - Marauders

【10】【笑闹美坛】A Wrist Corsage - 花儿解语2021

【11】【笑闹美坛】美语世界坛四月活动通知 Apr/01 -Apr/17/2021

【12】【笑闹美坛】“有钱花”, 最喜欢的花儿 - 花儿解语2021

【13】【笑闹美坛】if she looks back, that means she's interested - 欲借嵯峨

【14】【笑闹美坛】JP vs GP - just_4_fun

【15】【笑闹美坛】 Immigrants got the last laugh - LYJiang

【16】【笑傲美坛】I'll stand by you - beautifulwind

【17】【笑闹美坛】拥抱快乐 Prepare Our Kids and Ourselves with Joy - 忒忒绿

【18】【笑闹美坛】The disappeared BAOZIs - 天边一片白云

【19】【笑闹美坛】how can you mend a broken heart - 回头笑笑

【20】【笑闹美坛】Hi miss, you don't know me - 甜虫虫

【21】【笑闹美坛】之1旅途逸事 - 树的花花世界

【22】【笑闹美坛】办公室的故事 - iCall

【23】【笑闹美坛】周星馳 in three languages - LYJiang

【24】【笑闹美坛】同事的笑话 - 秋日晴天

【25】【笑傲美坛】宋冬野鸽子 - 俏君

【26】【笑傲美坛】The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel(了不起的麦瑟尔夫人) - 盈盈一笑间

【27】【笑闹美坛】搞笑配音 - moiausis

【28】【笑闹美坛】不搞笑,带着美食凑热闹 - 花儿解语2021

【29】【笑闹美坛】My Ode To FOMO - 择木而栖

【30】【笑闹美坛】老板的笑话 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽





Hello every one,

It has been six months since the day of recovery of MYSJ.

“Mountains are famous for living saints and waters gain miraculous spirit for residing dragons."

MYSJ is more and more unique and special because more and more highly motivated friends with interesting souls gather here. We appreciate every one who made contributions to MYSJ.

Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you. We are mirrors to each other. At this time,through 笑闹美坛 event, we appreciate the sense of humor, the intelligence, the courages and resoluteness of everyone. We face everything calmly, bravely and optimistically.

Thank you very much.

山不在高,有仙则名。 水不在深,有龙则灵。 美语世界,因为有屏幕前的你们,而独具一格,精彩纷呈。





【01】【笑闹美坛】美军布莱德利将军被美军士兵当作间谍扣押 - 移花接木

【02】【笑闹美坛】How I learn English from Stand-Up Comedian Joe Wong, Russe - TJKCB

【03】【笑闹美坛】《天津哪吒》来笑闹美坛啦! - Ha65494

【04】【笑闹美坛】Vitamins became...伤不起 - beautifulwind

【05】【笑闹美坛】是草还是花 - 花儿解语2021

【06】【笑闹美坛】Never a dull moment - Okra

【07】【笑闹美坛】Social Distancing - 花儿解语2021

【08】【笑闹美坛】 Be a good cat - 唐古

【09】【笑闹美坛】Yeah Right - Marauders

【10】【笑闹美坛】A Wrist Corsage - 花儿解语2021

【11】【笑闹美坛】美语世界坛四月活动通知 Apr/01 -Apr/17/2021

【12】【笑闹美坛】“有钱花”, 最喜欢的花儿 - 花儿解语2021

【13】【笑闹美坛】if she looks back, that means she's interested - 欲借嵯峨

【14】【笑闹美坛】JP vs GP - just_4_fun

【15】【笑闹美坛】 Immigrants got the last laugh - LYJiang

【16】【笑傲美坛】I'll stand by you - beautifulwind

【17】【笑闹美坛】拥抱快乐 Prepare Our Kids and Ourselves with Joy - 忒忒绿

【18】【笑闹美坛】The disappeared BAOZIs - 天边一片白云

【19】【笑闹美坛】how can you mend a broken heart - 回头笑笑

【20】【笑闹美坛】Hi miss, you don't know me - 甜虫虫

【21】【笑闹美坛】之1旅途逸事 - 树的花花世界

【22】【笑闹美坛】办公室的故事 - iCall

【23】【笑闹美坛】周星馳 in three languages - LYJiang

【24】【笑闹美坛】同事的笑话 - 秋日晴天

【25】【笑傲美坛】宋冬野鸽子 - 俏君

【26】【笑傲美坛】The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel(了不起的麦瑟尔夫人) - 盈盈一笑间

【27】【笑闹美坛】搞笑配音 - moiausis

【28】【笑闹美坛】不搞笑,带着美食凑热闹 - 花儿解语2021

【29】【笑闹美坛】My Ode To FOMO - 择木而栖

【30】【笑闹美坛】老板的笑话 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽