一共锻炼23天。体重先猛降再猛升再缓降/波动,还不够折腾的。不过这么折腾一下倒是得到了满有用的经验,有空再说。 最后是比上月底少2lb, (多半是因为这两天拔了牙不能大吃的缘故),bodyfat不变 腹肌没练,腰和肚子上还是有很多脂肪,站着看不出来,但是一弯腰就不好看。腰围感觉没变,有空再量一下。腿还是圆的。。。收获是好像pp更翘了一点? 身体素质保持吧。flexibility, 前半个月比较僵,后半个月才好了。 对了 还有一个进步是力量上的:现在full wheel可以做的很轻松了。记得上个月还有点勉强来着。 9月计划: 看来bodyfat真是需要再减一点,不然不容易有型。而且,看来练腹肌还是有必要的,不然腰腹也不容易tone. 具体目标还是跟8月一样吧,因为8月的都没太完成:bodyfat to 20%, keep working out to tone up butt, thigh, waist, ab(start doing ab workout, 3 times/week); lose 1 inch around waist 8月有点小忙。9月将会很忙,希望还能坚持健康生活。 Sep 2007
Overcoming Procrastination by Steve Pavlina, CEO, Dexterity Software Procrastination, the habit of putting tasks off to the last possible minute, can be a major problem in both your career and your personal life. Missed opportunities, frenzied work hours, stress, overwhelm, resentment, and guilt are just some of the symptoms. This article will explore the root causes of procrastination and give you several practical tools to overcome it. Replace "Have To" With "Want To" First, thinking that you absolutely have to do something is a major reason for procrastination. When you tell yourself that you have to do something, you're implying that you're being forced to do it, so you'll automatically feel a sense of resentment and rebellion. Procrastination kicks in as a defense mechanism to keep you away from this pain. If the task you are putting off has a real deadline, then when the deadline gets very close, the sense of pain associated with the task becomes overridden by the much greater sense of pain if you don't get started immediately. The solution to this first mental block is to realize and accept that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Even though there may be serious consequences, you are always free to choose. No one is forcing you to run your business the way you do. All the decisions you've made along the way have brought you to where you are today. If you don't like where you've ended up, you're free to start making different decisions, and new results will follow. Also be aware that you don't procrastinate in every area of your life. Even the worst procrastinators have areas where they never procrastinate. Perhaps you never miss your favorite TV show, or you always manage to check your favorite online forums each day. In each situation the freedom of choice is yours. So if you're putting off starting that new project you feel you "have to" do this year, realize that you're choosing to do it of your own free will. Procrastination becomes less likely on tasks that you openly and freely choose to undertake. Replace "Finish It" With "Begin It" Secondly, thinking of a task as one big whole that you have to complete will virtually ensure that you put it off. When you focus on the idea of finishing a task where you can't even clearly envision all the steps that will lead to completion, you create a feeling of overwhelm. You then associate this painful feeling to the task and delay as long as possible. If you say to yourself, "I've got to do my taxes today," or "I must complete this report," you're very likely to feel overwhelmed and put the task off. The solution is to think of starting one small piece of the task instead of mentally feeling that you must finish the whole thing. Replace, "How am I going to finish this?" with "What small step can I start on right now?" If you simply start a task enough times, you will eventually finish it. If one of the projects you want to complete is to clean out your garage, thinking that you have to finish this big project in one fell swoop can make you feel overwhelmed, and you'll put it off. Ask yourself how you can get started on just one small part of the project. For example, go to your garage with a notepad, and simply write down a few ideas for quick 10-minute tasks you could do to make a dent in the piles of junk. Maybe move one or two obvious pieces of junk to the trash can while you're there. Don't worry about finishing anything significant. Just focus on what you can do right now. If you do this enough times, you'll eventually be starting on the final piece of the task, and that will lead to finishing. Replace Perfectionism With Permission To Be Human A third type of erroneous thinking that leads to procrastination is perfectionism. Thinking that you must do the job perfectly the first try will likely prevent you from ever getting started. Believing that you must do something perfectly is a recipe for stress, and you'll associate that stress with the task and thus condition yourself to avoid it. You then end up putting the task off to the last possible minute, so that you finally have a way out of this trap. Now there isn't enough time to do the job perfectly, so you're off the hook because you can tell yourself that you could have been perfect if you only had more time. But if you have no specific deadline for a task, perfectionism can cause you to delay indefinitely. If you've never even started that project you always wanted to do really well, could perfectionism be holding you back? The solution to perfectionism is to give yourself permission to be human. Have you ever used a piece of software that you consider to be perfect in every way? I doubt it. Realize that an imperfect job completed today is always superior to the perfect job delayed indefinitely. Perfectionism is also closely connected to thinking of the task as one big whole. Replace that one big perfectly completed task in your mind with one small imperfect first step. Your first draft can be very, very rough. You are always free to revise it again and again. For example, if you want to write a 5000-word article, feel free let your first draft be only 100 words if it helps you get started. That's less than the length of this paragraph. Replace Deprivation With Guaranteed Fun A fourth mental block is associating deprivation with a task. This means you believe that undertaking a project will offset much of the pleasure in your life. In order to complete this project, will you have to put the rest of your life on hold? Do you tell yourself that you will have to go into seclusion, work long hours, never see your family, and have no time for fun? That's not likely to be very motivating, yet this is what many people do when trying to push themselves into action. Picturing an extended period of working long hours in solitude with no time for fun is a great way to guarantee procrastination. The solution to the deprivation mindset is to do the exact opposite. Guarantee the fun parts of your life first, and then schedule your work around them. This may sound counterproductive, but this reverse psychology works extremely well. Decide in advance what times you will allocate each week to family time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies. Guarantee an abundance of all your favorite leisure activities. Then limit the amount of working hours each week to whatever is left. The peak performers in any field tend to take more vacation time and work shorter hours than the workaholics. By treating your working time as a scarce resource rather than an uncontrollable monster that can gobble up every other area of your life, you'll begin to feel much more balanced, and you'll be far more focused and effective in using your working time. It's been shown that the optimal work week for most people is 40-45 hours. Working longer hours than this actually has such an adverse effect on productivity and motivation that less real work is done in the long run. What would happen if you only allowed yourself a certain number of hours a week to work? What if I came to you and said, "You are only allowed to work 10 hours this week?" Your feeling of deprivation would be reversed, wouldn't it? Instead of feeling that work was depriving you of leisure time, you'd feel you were being deprived of work. You'd replace, "I want to play" with "I want to work," your motivation for work would skyrocket, and all traces of procrastination would vanish. I also strongly recommend that you take at least one full day off each week with no work whatsoever. This will really recharge you and make you eager to start the coming week. Having a guaranteed work-free day will increase your motivation for work and make you less likely to procrastinate. If you know that the next day is your day off, you'll be less likely to put off tasks, since you won't allow yourself the luxury of allowing them to spill over into your day off. When you think that every day is a work day, however, work seems never-ending, and you always tell yourself, "I should be working." Thus, your brain will use procrastination as a way to guarantee that you get some form of pleasure in your life. Use Timeboxing For tasks you've been putting off for a while, I recommend using the timeboxing method to get started. Here's how it works: First, select a small piece of the task you can work on for just 30 minutes. Then choose a reward you will give yourself immediately afterwards. The reward is guaranteed if you simply put in the time; it doesn't depend on any meaningful accomplishment. Examples include watching your favorite TV show, seeing a movie, enjoying a meal or snack, going out with friends, going for a walk, or doing anything you find pleasurable. Because the amount of time you'll be working on the task is so short, your focus will shift to the impending pleasure of the reward instead of the difficulty of the task. No matter how unpleasant the task, there's virtually nothing you can't endure for just 30 minutes if you have a big enough reward waiting for you. When you timebox your tasks, you may discover that something very interesting happens. You will probably find that you continue working much longer than 30 minutes. You will often get so involved in a task, even a difficult one, that you actually want to keep working on it. Before you know it, you've put in an hour or even several hours. The certainty of your reward is still there, so you know you can enjoy it whenever you're ready to stop. Once you begin taking action, your focus shifts away from worrying about the difficulty of the task and towards finishing the current piece of the task which now has your full attention. When you do decide to stop working, claim your reward, and enjoy it. Then schedule another 30-minute period to work on the task with another reward. This will help you associate more and more pleasure to the task, knowing that you will always be immediately rewarded for your efforts. Working towards distant and uncertain long-term rewards is not nearly as motivating as immediate short-term rewards. By rewarding yourself for simply putting in the time, instead of for any specific achievements, you'll be eager to return to work on your task again and again, and you'll ultimately finish it. You may also want to read my blog entry on timeboxing. The writing of this article serves as a good example of applying the above techniques. I could have said to myself, "I have to finish this 2000-word article, and it has to be perfect." So first I remember that I don't have to write anything; I freely choose to write articles. Then I realize that I have plenty of time to do a good job, and that I don't need to be perfect because if I start early enough, I have plenty of time to make revisions. I also tell myself that if I just keep starting, I will eventually be done. Before I started this article, I didn't have a topic selected, so I used the timeboxing method to get that done. Having dinner was my reward. I knew that at the end of 30 minutes of working on the task, I could eat, and I was hungry at the time, so that was good motivation for me. It took me a few minutes to pick the topic of overcoming procrastination, and I spent the rest of the time writing down some ideas and making a very rough outline. When the time was up, I stopped working and had dinner, and it really felt like I'd earned that meal. The next morning I used the same 30-minute timeboxing method, making breakfast my reward. However, I got so involved in the task that I'm still writing 90 minutes later. I know I'm free to stop at any time and that my reward is waiting for me, but having overcome the inertia of getting started, the natural tendency is to continue working. In essence I've reversed the problem of procrastination by staying with the task and delaying gratification. The net result is that I finish my article early and have a rewarding breakfast. I hope this article has helped you gain a greater insight into the causes of procrastination and how you can overcome it. Realize that procrastination is caused by associating some form of pain or unpleasantness to the task you are contemplating. The way to overcome procrastination is simply to reduce the pain and increase the pleasure you associate with beginning a task, thus allowing you to overcome inertia and build positive forward momentum. And if you begin any task again and again, you will ultimately finish it. 原文地址:http://sas.calpoly.edu/asc/ssl/procrastination.html [此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-21 17:51:43编辑过]
把任务都拖到最后一刻来做的坏习惯,叫做“拖延”,这种坏习惯常常对人的事业和日常生活造成很大的危害。失去重要的机会,混乱的工作时间,压力、紧张、怨恨、内疚等等都会成为其后果。这篇文章将探讨“拖延”的深层原因并且给出几点克服“拖延”的实际方法。 一、变成“必须”为“愿意” 首先,抱着你一定要做完某事的想法是导致“拖延”的一个主要原因。当你告诉自己你必须做某件事的时候,你其实就在暗示自己你是被强迫着去做,所以你自然而然地感觉到厌恶和抵触。正是因为这种不愉快的感觉,你选择了“拖延”。如果你的任务有一个最后期限,那么这个期限越近,这种不愉快就越强烈,如果你还不立即开始工作,那么这种不愉快感将不断增强。 针对这个心理障碍(mental block)就是要认识并且接受这种想法:你不需要做任何你不想做的事情。即使这会导致很严重的后果,你仍然有权力选择不做。所有你所做过的决定造就了今天的你,而如果你并不喜欢今天的状态,你可以开始做不同的决定,这将带给你不同的生活。你还应该意识到其实你并不是在生活和工作的每个方面都习惯“拖延”。最严重的拖延者也有不拖延的地方。比如说,也许你从来没有错过一场世界杯,也许一有机会玩魔兽你就毫不犹豫,因为在这里你可以选择做与不做。所以如果你总是把自己的工作一推再推,你就应该意识到自己其实可以选择在何时开始工作的,这其实取决于你。这样想,“拖延”就可以大大减少了。 二、变“完成”为“开始” 第二,总是想着你要完成一些大的复杂的工作显然会导致你的“拖延”。如果你总是想着一定要完成一些连具体步骤都还不清楚的复杂任务时,你会感到被狠狠地打击(“崩溃了!”“吐血了!”“晕倒了!”)。这样不愉快的感觉会让你尽量地拖延。当你对自己说“我必须完成这项工作”时,你其实就在让自己倾向于拖延。 如果想解决,方法就是试着想想只是开始做一小块工作而不是总想着要把大任务做完。想想“我现在能开始哪一小步”,而不是想“我什么时候才能做完啊!”其实你坚持简单的每次都做一点,你就肯定可以做完。假设你需要清理一个大的车库,一想到要清理那么大一个空间你就会感到要吐血了,这样你就倾向于拖延。其实你可以问问自己如果只是做一小部分,比如说去车库时带上一本小本子,写下你可以想到的十分钟内做完的简单任务,像扫一小块地,或者丢掉一两堆垃圾。不要操心什么时候做完它,而专注于现在能做的事。其实如果你这样做上一些次数,你也许在哪一次就发现根本没有剩下多少了,这时你就一鼓劲就把它做完了。 三、不要做完美主义者,做个正常人 第三种容易导致“拖延”的错误想法就是完美主义。要完美地完成一项工作的想法非常有可能让你根本不开始工作,因为这种想法本身就给这项工作附加上很大的压力,在这种情况下,你当然不愿意工作了。于是乎,你把工作拖延到临近最后期限时才开始,这样你就可以解脱了——因为现在已经没有足够的时间让你完美地完成工作了,你完全有理由对自己说:“我不把它做完美是正常的,要是我有足够的时间,我完全可以把他做得完美。”但是如果这项工作没有最后期限呢?你会不会把工作无限期地拖延下去?完美主义让你根本无法开始一项你想做好的工作,你能说它不是有害的? 解决办法就是把你自己当作正常人,而不是圣人。你用过一种任何方面都堪称完美的软件吗?记住,不完美地完成一件工作无论如何都比一直拖延而未完成的完美工作要强。另外,完美主义也关联到前面提到过的总把任务看作一个大的整体。不要这么想,总想着一件完美的完成了的整体的工作,而应该想想并不完美的小小的第一步。第一步可以很粗糙,很粗糙,你以后想修改就可以修改啊。举个例子,如果你要写一篇5000字的文章,你应该放松地开始只打一篇哪怕只有100字的草稿来帮助你开始——重要的是开始。 四、变“剥夺”为“夺不走的快乐” 第四个心理上的障碍就是把工作联系到“剥夺”上。这就是说你相信投入一项工作之中会大大地剥夺你生活中的乐趣。为了完成这项工作,你是不是把本应在工作外的时间也投入了工作?你是不是告诉自己,你要走进隔离——超长的工作时间,见不到你的家人,没有时间来放松?这是不会带给你工作热情的。然而,这却仍然是很多人逼迫自己投入工作时的想法。在脑海中想象一种长期的孤独奋战而无法享受乐趣的工作情景,这必然会导致“拖延”。 克服这种想法的办法是完全相反地去想。首先保证你生活中的乐趣,然后再来安排你的工作。听起来有些不可思议是吧?但是这种想法确实会带来效率。首先安排好每个星期哪些时间用来和家人共处,哪些用来娱乐,哪些用来体育锻炼,哪些用来搞社会活动,哪些用来满足个人癖好。保证足够的休闲活动,这样每个星期剩下的工作时间就有限了。其实每个领域的顶级工作者相对于工作狂都是倾向于更短的工作时间和更多的休闲时间的。如果你把工作时间看作一种有限的资源而不是无限地吞噬你业余时间的魔鬼的话,你显然会感到心理平衡,而更专心也更有效率地工作的。有数据表明大多数人一周的最佳工作时间为40-45小时。工作更长的时间会导致工作动力和效率的下降,长期来看其实会使工作成果降低。如果你让自己每周只能工作有限个小时,那事情又会变得怎样呢?如果我对你说,你这周只被允许工作10小时,你会怎样呢?你会感到你被剥夺了工作而不是休闲,是不是?这样你会开始想“我要工作”而不是“我要休息”了,你的工作热情立马高涨,所有的拖延症状全部消失。 我同时也推荐你每周至少完全休息一天,不做任何工作。这会完全改变你而让你渴望新的一周的到来,工作的开始。保证每周一天完全不工作会提高你的工作热情而减少你拖延的可能。如果你知道第二天是你的休息日,你就不太可能再拖延工作了,因为你没有那么多奢侈的可工作时间给你用来补偿拖延所浪费的时间。但是如果每天都是工作日你就会觉得工作没有尽头,你不断告诉自己“我应该工作”,这样,你就很有可能用拖延(来让自己一定程度地摆脱工作)来取得乐趣。 五、利用“时间搏击” 对于那么你倾向于拖延的工作,我推荐你用“时间搏击”(有更好的翻译吗?)来开始工作。比如说,首先,选一件你在30分钟内就能完成的任务;然后选定一项奖励,很快就能兑现的奖励;(然后规定,)只要你投入了工作时间就可以保证得到奖励,不用管有没有取得有意义的成果。奖励可以选择看一段你喜欢的电视节目或是一场电影,或者好好地吃顿饭,或者和朋友出去玩等等,总之可以是任何让你感到快乐的事。因为你所需要投入的工作时间很短,而且很快就能有一项大的奖励,这样不管这项任务多么不爽,你都没有理由不能忍受这30分钟。 当你在用时间搏击来处理工作任务时,你会发现很多趣事:你会发现你会工作远超过30分钟,你会发现你全心投入一项工作,哪怕是很困难的工作,你也愿意做下去。而往往是工作上一个甚至几个小时,你才意识到(这是很困难的工作)。因为奖励就在那,所以你知道什么时候只要你愿意停下来,你就能享受奖励(所以你根本不用急于停下来)。一旦你开始行动,你便不再忧虑任务的难度而全神贯注于你现在手头的工作了。 你决定停止工作,然后享受你的奖励,之后你可以再计划另一个30分钟的工作时间以及另一份奖励。这会让你在这项工作上享受到越来越多的快乐,也明白只要付出努力,就立即能获得奖励。事实上追求一个遥远而不定的长期性的奖励根本不如一个立即能得到的短期性奖励能激发人的工作热情。而这种不要求任何具体成果只要投入工作时间就能得到的奖励会让你非常渴望投入工作—— 一次一次的工作,这样你最终必能完成工作。 我写这篇文章的过程其实就是一个好的例子。我可以对我自己说:“我必须完成这篇2000字的文章,而且把它做得完美。”(但我没有) 我首先意识到我可以选择任何话题;然后我又意识到我有足够得时间来写好它,所以我不要求我(一下就)做到完美,因为我开始得够早,接下来有足够的时间来修改;我还告诉自己如果我不断地开始,那我最终肯定能做完。在我开始写作之前,我还没有选定题目,所以我就用时间搏击的方法,并把晚餐作为奖励。我知道30分钟之后,我就能享受晚餐,这成为了我的一个很好的工作动机。我花了几分钟选定题目——如何克服拖延,然后我利用剩下的时间写下一些想法, 列出一个粗略的提纲。当时间结束时,我停下来,享受晚餐,这的确让我感觉是我(用工作)赚来了晚餐。 第二天早上我同样利用30分钟的时间搏击方法,并把早餐当作奖励。有趣的是,我太投入进我的工作以致于我写了90分钟——我知道我可以随时停止而奖励就在那里,但我做着做着就用一直工作下去的惯性了。简单地说就是我把拖延的毛病给反过来了,我现在变成了继续工作而推延休闲了。结果我提早完成了文章,并把早餐当作了奖励。 我希望这篇文章能够帮助你理解拖延的原因并帮助你克服它。注意,拖延是在你把某些形式的痛苦和不快附加到工作上而导致的,要克服它只需要减少痛苦和不快,而增加快乐,这样你就能克服(拖延的)惯性而给自己前进的动力。你一次一次地开始工作后,你最终就能够完成它的。 Procrastination 的定义 Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, (procrastinators often know exactly what they should be doing, even if they cannot do it), which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help. 里面说得很好的在于,拖沓并不是因为当事人不会管理时间;他们清楚的知道时间就快不够,但是就是不愿意去做。 Procrastination的形成 1. 一个人认为自己5天之内可以做完一件事情,所以在离deadline还有15天的时候一点不着急,直到最后只剩5天了才开始。 2. 这种紧迫感和焦虑往往促发人的斗志,会让自己觉得,自己只有在压力状态下才有做事情的状态。 3. 最后拿到成绩的时候,成绩往往不是很差,这样子就强化了自己最适合在deadline之前短期高压的状态下工作的心态,并且对以后的行为不断进行自我暗示。 这一个部分写得非常符合大部分有拖沓习惯的中国学生的经历。因为中国学生往往非常聪明,所以哪怕最后只剩一点点时间了,也会完成得不错;从而自认为自己最适合这样子的工作状态。周而复始,反复循环。 Procrastination的其他特点 1. 没有自信。因为每次完成任务都达不到自己最高的能力,对自我能力的评估会越来越低。 2. 我太忙。我一直拖着没做因为我一直很忙。 3. 顽固。你催我也没有用。我准备好了自然会开始做。 4. 操控别人。他们着急也没用,一切都要等我到了才能开始。 5. 对抗压力。因为每天压力很大,所以要做的事情一直被拖下来。 6. 受害者心态。我也知道自己怎么会这样,别人能做得自己做不到。 Procrastination的浅层原因 1. 太难 2. 太耗时间 3. 没有相关知识技能 4. 害怕别人知道自己做不好 Procrastination深层原因,以及解决方法 1. 完美主义。所有事情都要达到一个很高的境界,要一次做好,所以不愿意匆匆忙忙开始,要万事俱备才行。解决方法:对自己说现在的状态就已经很好,可以开始了。每有一点进展都鼓励自己。意识到一点错误都不犯是不可能的。伟大的作家,诗人,艺术家都是断断续续完成他们的杰作的,自己也可以如此。 2. 抵制与敌意。这个老师对我态度太差了,所以我不高兴作他布置的作业。解决办法:要意识到,不完成作业受害的是自己。不能仅仅因为一个老师的态度而影响到自己的前途。 3. 容易颓废。任务太难了,或者别人都不需要做我干吗要做,不能忍受持续做这件事情,等明天再做吧。但是往往明天到了,心里还是不高兴做,又继续往后推。解决办法:寻找一切可以找到的帮助,设法降低事情的难度,取得进展;暂时推迟自己想要放弃的心态,每天能多做一点就多做一点。这一点也很符合很多中国学生的现状。因为不是人人都对自己的课题感兴趣的,所以容易产生厌倦感,所以不容易定下心来完成相关任务。解决的办法如上所说,向别人寻求帮助,听取建议,同时可以把任务分成比较容易的小块,化整为零,告诉自己其实每一个小部分都很容易就能完成。 4. 自我贬低。如果常常不能很好地完成任务,自己对自己的能力的估计会越来越低,即使以后完成好了,也认为是运气。解决办法:接受别人对自己工作的赞扬;自己对自己进行勉励。 治疗的步骤: 1. 意识到自己的拖沓是完全没有必要的。 2. 把拖沓的原因一条条写出来 3. 一条条克服这些原因 4. 开始做事 我知道很多学生都或多或少有这样的毛病。Procrastination也不能一棒子打死,有些文章说Procrastination也有好处,比如在一些无关紧要的小事情上拖延一下,而把精力集中在大事上。但是归根结底,如果Procrastination影响到自己的生活,自己就应该学会去控制这种毛病。
--notes-- 6.14 metabolism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/metabolismhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/basal_metabolic_rate http://weight-loss-lose-weight.com/blog/index.htm/2006/11/01/what-determines-the-rate-of-our-metabolism/what determines the rate of our metabolism? there are four components to our metabolic rate. first, between 60% and 75% of the calories we burn are calories we burn just to keep us alive. you can calculate your resting metabolic rate, also known as your basal metabolic rate, using our basal metabolic rate calculator. these are the calories you burn to keep your heart pumping, your lungs breathing, and everything else necessary to sustain life. second, our physical activity is responsible for a further 15% to 30% of the calories we burn in a day. obviously people who exercise burn more calories than people who do not exercise. third, we burn calories as we chew and digest food, and this component of our metabolism is called the thermic effect of feeding. after eating, your metabolism speeds up as your digestive juices go to work, and as food is pushed through your digestive system and converted to energy and waste products. this represents 5% to 15% of daily calories burned, depending on how often you eat. finally, our genes determine about 5% of the calories we burn each day. from a weigh loss perspective, it’s easy to see how these metabolic factors determine whether or not we can lose weight. as our activity level increases, we burn more calories, and that boosts our metabolism, so tomorrow we will discuss activity and weight loss.
Low Carb Fruit: Lists of the Best and Worst Choose Low Sugar Fruit Fruit is an area where some of the low carb diets part company, as some depend more upon glycemic index or glycemic load (South Beach, Zone), while others just look at total carbs (Atkins, Protein Power). Also, some diets (Atkins, South Beach) don’t allow fruit at all in the first phase. In general, your best bet fruits are these, but do check carb counts. These are sort of arranged by sugar content, taking volume and weight, into account. This is not an exhaustive list.
Good news: the fruits lowest in sugar are some of the highest in nutritional value, including antioxidants and other phytonutrients.
Fruits lowest in sugar: Rhubarb Strawberries (more about berries on low carb diets) Cranberries Raspberries Blackberries Blueberries Grapefruit Melons Apricots Plums Peaches Pears Guava Cherries Apples Papaya
These are fairly high in sugar: Grapes Tangerine Oranges Pineapple Kiwi
The following fruits are very high in sugar and generally going to be very infrequent visitors to the low carb diet: Bananas Dried Fruit Mango http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/whatfruit.htm
there is no single number that works for everyone. your body-mass index, or bmi, a ratio of weight to height, is one way to tell if you are at a healthy weight (for information on how to calculate your bmi, click here). almost everyone should try to keep their bmi below 25. also, keep in mind that most of the weight we gain in adulthood is fat. so unless you were clearly underweight at age 18 or 20, it is best not to gain more than 5 or 6 pounds after this age. for someone who is very overweight, it is usually not realistic to go all the way back to your weight at age 18; even a 5-10% weight loss has important health benefits.
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[此贴子已经被linfeeling于2007-12-9 22:52:33编辑过]
http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&replyid=1427026&topicid=275610&page=1&skin=0&star=15 p24 mar 26
保持healthy lifestyle就会觉得身体清洁,精力充沛。。。想起当时好的感觉,我也打算回头了。 开始健身记录 apr 9
http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&replyid=1594184&topicid=275610&page=1&skin=0&star=33 目标:get fit, look great, live healthy 措施:把有关健康的事(睡眠,饮食,健身)当作first priority 1.live a healthy lifestyle:按时睡觉,按时吃饭,常常锻炼 2.eat right:保证营养(2d, 2f, 3v, 4p, 5g). a multi-vitamin everyday. 吃的清谈。多煲养生汤。近期尽量不吃零食(grocery shopping的时候不要买)。 3.锻炼:循序渐进吧,争取每天,至少隔天,都动一动,慢慢上量。 4.stay relaxed,stay positive.
思想动员:过健康生活(生活规律,healthy diet + 锻炼)的好处~~~ 以下是引用zizai在2006-10-22 20:27:00的发言:
这是静摩擦--等变成滑动摩擦以后阻力会小一点,天天锻炼就没那么痛苦了----不过我现在还没到那个程度 锻炼的好处:坐飞机不累,学需要点体力的娱乐项目变得非常容易,比如滑雪冲浪跳舞,精力充沛精神容易集中,一天可以多做不少事情,睡觉比较香,不容易生病,进行少儿不宜活动质量比较高,然后老了身体会比较好,partially达到延长青春的作用
去年(2006)日记 看看还挺有意思的。xiaoyi mm不知道还在不在。 开始 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&replyid=265320&topicid=182541&page=1&skin=0&star=16 四月 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&replyid=41088&topicid=190253&page=1&skin=0&star=1 五月 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&replyid=204720&topicid=199127&skin=0
so far总结 apr 28
apr 2007 前面的零星锻炼不记得了
4月中开始运动,锻炼大概10次,主要目的是back on track, 体重不变(甚至略升?) 5月希望减一点
may 2007
5月锻炼坚持的不甚好,中间off track了将近2周。锻炼8次。 6月要加油。同时注意饮食。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-10 18:09:59编辑过]
card 60'
card 70'
outdoor w/r 25'
card 35'
tennis 50'
card 50'
WT 30'
card 55'
WT 30'
card 50'
card 25'
WT 20'
card 60' (light)
WT 15'
card 75'
card 50'
WT 45'
card 30'
card 55'
card 30'
WT 20'
yoga 1hr
不过也许5月属于预备阶段吧。从开始锻炼到现在2个半月,刚开始体重是增加的,6月初体重降回到锻炼前一样,所以一共也是减了2磅。bodyfat减少更多些。shape, energy都有进步。
希望可以保证每周至少2次WT, 1次yoga. 争取每周再加一次pilates, 哎,腹肌是N年没有练过了,汗死
July 2007
card 55'
card 20'
WT 20' (u b)
yoga 1hr
card 60'
card 30'
WT 25'(l b)
tennis 1hr
card 30'
WT 15'(ub)
tennis 1hr
card 65'
card 40'
WT 40'(tb)
card 50'
yoga 30'
card 20'
WT 25'(lb)
tennis 1hr
yoga 45'
card 60'
card 40'
WT 30'(tb)
yoga 25'
card 25'
WT 35'(tb)
yoga 20'
card 50'
yoga 25'
card 60'
yoga 20'
card 15'
WT 30'(tb)
yoga 25'
card 60'
yoga 20'
card 20'
WT 30'
yoga 25'
card 45'
yoga 25'
card 45'
yoga 25'
card 20'
WT 30'(tb)
哈哈表扬自己,7月锻炼很不错亚 一共27天 hard to believe, 主要是只做半小时yoga的也算是锻炼了
体重-5lbs, bodyfat -3% (这两天water retention乐,所以bodyfat按前两天的算)
现在weight, bodyfat都和去年春天一样了,比去年同期还重/胖一点。1个半月back on track + 2个月减脂增肌 阶段宣告结束,接下去开始维持+进一步塑型阶段
8月: 体重无所谓了,bodyfat还按原计划先减到20%吧。现在穿衣服看还可以,但是露出来的话,大腿是圆的,看不出太多肌肉形状,还是bodyfat太高的缘故。希望继续tone up~~ pp再翘一点~~ 腰围再减一寸~~肚子再平一点~~ 这样我就满意了~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-16 19:49:12编辑过]
walk 35'
card 30'
yoga 20'
yoga 20'
yoga 25'
card 20'
yoga 1hr
yoga 20'
card 20'
WT 30'
yoga 20'
card 50'
card 30'
WT 30'
yoga 45'
card 45'
yoga 20'
card 30'
card 25'
WT 30'
yoga 30'
jogging) 1hr
WT 25'
card 45'
yoga 30'
card 25'
WT 25'
yoga 45'
card 50'
最后是比上月底少2lb, (多半是因为这两天拔了牙不能大吃的缘故),bodyfat不变
身体素质保持吧。flexibility, 前半个月比较僵,后半个月才好了。
对了 还有一个进步是力量上的:现在full wheel可以做的很轻松了。记得上个月还有点勉强来着。 9月计划:
具体目标还是跟8月一样吧,因为8月的都没太完成:bodyfat to 20%, keep working out to tone up butt, thigh, waist, ab(start doing ab workout, 3 times/week); lose 1 inch around waist
8月有点小忙。9月将会很忙,希望还能坚持健康生活。 Sep 2007
yoga 20'
yoga 35'
card 50'
yoga 20'
yoga 30'
card 50'
card 25'
WTw ab 35'
yoga 30'
yoga 35'
yoga 25'
card 25'
WTw ab 35'
card 15'
yoga 1 hr
yoga 40'
card 50'
card 25'
WTlb w ab 30'
yoga 25'
card 40' + ab
card 25'
WT 25'
card 45'
card 30'
WTlb w ab 25'
体重先降后升,后来经常不称,也搞不清是多少,现在water retention了。保守算,比上个月-1 lb, bodyfat -2%吧,这个算达到目标了。
10月计划: 哎,都不知道写啥了。
10月会继续很忙,要注意健康饮食,坚持锻炼。(最近很有感受,特别忙的时候,锻炼一下非常的refreshing )
每周2次WT, 3次cardio...继续tone up butt, thigh, waist, ab...加上oblique好了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-16 19:38:13编辑过]
yoga 20'
yoga 30'
card 45'
yoga 20'
card 45'
card 25'
WTlb w ab 30'
yoga 30'
card 45'
card 40'
WTw ab 35'
yoga 45'
card 45'
card 45'
card 45'
card 35'
card 45'
WT 30'
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-31 20:39:07编辑过]
http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&replyid=453023&topicid=316117&page=1&skin=0&star=1 跟老秤的结果相比5个月22磅,非常非常的稳定每个月4-5磅,其实好像成果满不错的哈。继续努力。 kittypeny 5/22/2007 新三年:01到04年三年,初进健身房,初学健康饮食常识,摸索中稳步前进,从终身大胖子晋级到一般身材。 旧三年:04到06,人生重大变故若干,无比费神才搞定,从一般身材突然又变回了更大的胖子。 缝缝补补(又三年)一辈子:过去差不多5个月,健康饮食加适量锻炼,知识就是力量,稳定减掉24磅,drop了很多dress size回到0了。享受成功的同时也给自己定下新的目标。希望最终保持bmi 19 (105-106lbs), body fat 我的秤上读数不超过18%(大约相当于实际22-23% ?),然后暗地里希望能最终穿上bikini。引用flying_pipi的名言:“运动,读书,英语,做女人” 现在追求缓慢的稳中有降,希望肚子平一点,腿型改善一点,上肢的muslce tone增加一点来掩盖flab;另外打算多跑步,增强体质,争取最终不记速度的跑个半马,完全的只追求跑完不追求速度啊;生活里面追求心态平和喜乐,多读书多交友;争取每个月做一两件新鲜的事情,爬个新的trail,认识一个新mm,或者尝试一种新的食物,或者学一种新的技能;工作上稳稳当当就好了,做到average我就满足了。然后就是,争取一直做纪录,坚持上三年。 每月总结放前几楼方便浏览。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-1 0:11:21编辑过]
前25天,运动15天,不过有时候量特别轻,主要就是走路,或者elliptical作为cardio,配合pilates,我只做winsor系列,多数时间是20分钟快速的那个(cd4),有时候做abs 或者buns workout。偶尔做55分钟的workout,但是这个速度有点慢,后半个小时总觉得脚冰凉,所以最近一个月才做了一次。月中mc不太正常,稍微受了点影响。上肢力量训练一次都没做,但是自己感觉视觉效果有改善,因为脂肪层薄了。腰腹力量改善了很多,但是小腹鼓鼓的状态还是非常严重,好像不光是脂肪,似乎内脏也太大了???很喜欢pilates里面关于后腰的练习,对于长期坐在电脑前面工作的人有无穷的帮助。下个月考虑加入上肢力量训练。
目标1000卡,结果太难保证了。Bad days比
good days多了好多。平均下来还是在1300多。不过呢,吃是一个心理问题。很多时候吃并不是因为饿了,而是因为觉得boring, depressed, lonely之类。这个月很多时候在看电视的时候非常盲目的一下吃掉了不少东西。其实安排好的话一天1000卡不会饿。不过考虑到实施起来不太现实,打算下个月改成weekday 1000,周末1200-1300左右。另外周末打算喝猪脚木瓜汤,所以也应该留出一定空间。 开始减肥三个月的小结:
减了12,3磅的样子,视觉效果比较明显。不过我的起点非常低,即使现在也还是偏obese的,BMI是21多点。道理不用多说了,版里多的很,就是多动少吃了。但是我比较喜欢列图表,自己总结查找起来会比较方便。饮食日记记的倒还仔细,自己觉得比较有用。我运动的不行,属于很弱很弱的人,自己尽力的能站着不坐着,能走动就不站着。但是我的饮食系统我自己觉得还是可以的。一般是计划每天30%热量来自蛋白质,20%来自脂肪,40%来自碳水,其中20%来自糖,20%来自复杂碳水化合物。跟FDA推荐的10%, 30%, 60%很不一样。我不是学营养学的,所以不代表最科学的做法,只是自己的体会。提高蛋白质比例有助于增加肌肉,而且比较耐饿。我自己的试验:同样的100卡,如果全是糖,1小时左右就饿了,如果是蛋白质或脂肪,可以坚持一个半到两小时。前提是都坐在电脑前面,不做体力运动。另外我喜欢看到自己的食物看起来有一定的体积,否则会觉得没吃到什么东西。 思想总结:
关于如何跟自己的惰性做斗争,其实用手写了不少读书笔记和心得,不过敲上来太费劲了。基本上是identify自己的问题,然后找解决的办法。比如我晚上回家有时候觉得累,摊在沙发里一摊一晚上就过去了。现在把锻炼的东西都放在沙发边,然后请老公监督,即使再累也应该可以穿上跑鞋上elliptical 随便走走,然后走着走着会觉得其实还可以走更久一点。既不要求速度也不要求强度,只要在动就成。
2007年4月 提前写月总结:本月减体重成效是一塌糊涂,计划5磅(好像太贪心了),实际减1-2磅。吃的不多,平均每天少于1300卡,但是也没做到1000哈。。。。运动平均每天180多卡,好像不多。不过比从前有进步了 下个月:总摄入提高成1100卡/天for weekday,1400 for weekend,protein 提高成35%, fiber提高成33克 锻炼:weekday天气允许的情况下中午power walk 30'/天, 其他高一些强度的Cardio 30‘/天, 除elliptical/treadmill外加入一点其他variety如健身操,ball workout, NYC ballet等, 另外准备开始学yoga,计划 8次,继续坚持 pilates 15次,每组肌肉训练10次,包括arms, buns, abs, legs kittypeny: 身高159cm, 过去的三个半月时间里成功drop了大约15,6磅,从131磅变成现在的115.5,恢复到了20岁,25岁的水平。但是年龄关系,脂肪分布大大不如从前,主要集中在大腿,胳膊和下腹,尤其是下腹。 Endurance能力缓慢提高中,现在可以做一小时左右的cardio。 力量训练有待提高,目前还非常弱。 Flexibility训练仅限于pilates和一般stretch,一直在考虑加入yoga,但是由于本阶段主要目标还是shed pounds,而yoga减肥能力太弱时间太长,还是暂缓了。 下阶段是继续努力,保持饮食健身日记,争取延长cardio时间和强度,继续保持前面良好的饮食习惯,尽量保证生活规律。力量训练主要集中在arms, buns, abs上,尤其arms需要在短期内提高。 下阶段体重目标110磅。身材目标是能穿所有家里size 2的衣服。希望在6/1前实现。届时将上传跟145磅时候穿同样衣服的对比照片。 最终目标是size 0的那些衣服,估计需要在100-105磅达到。希望在8/1前实现。届时将上传跟上次100磅左右时候穿同样衣服的对比照片。 2007年5月提前小节 low carb diet两周左右,然后完全乱套,有binge然后狂吐的经历若干次,吃sugar free chocolate射入sugar alcohol过多然后拉肚子若干次,锻炼一般,月初两周效果显著,后来乱套以后回来2,3磅,总体减了4-5磅,跟前几个月速度完全相同。实话low diet即使有效也不太容易坚持的好,不过我觉得用上一两周改变身体平衡用来打破平台应该是很好的。 整个low carb过程前一周都比较痛苦,低血糖症状很明显,很头晕无力,一个星期以后恢复了,还很high,但是一个星期以后没什么理由的把自己费掉了。总之5月是混乱的一个月。虽然达到了最初的目标,稳定在112左右,但是锻炼的并不好,吃的一点都不健康。决定恢复我自己的diet plan, 1200cal/day,40% protein, 30-40% unsaturated fat,尽量多吃fiber,还是尽量避免精粮和糖,但是对net carbs不做太严格的限制。允许吃全麦面包,绿色蔬菜不限制,可以吃少量cereal, soymilk, yogurt。但是少吃水果,不喝果汁,蜂蜜等纯糖的东西。尽量少买少吃processed foods。开始研究中式饭菜的健康吃法。锻炼上争取每天动动,早上尽量做pilates,中午尽量散步,晚上集中做些cardio + WT,争取做个一两次yoga什么的调剂调剂。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-29 21:42:46编辑过]
walk in mall 2hr
hiking 4hr(1300) + walking in mall 2hr (200cal)
noon walk (2m, 100cal)
noon walk (2m, 100cal)
hiking 2hr
25' elliptical (160cal) + 20' adv pilates (50cal)
30' elliptical (205cal) + 20' adv pilates (50cal)
24 walking in the mall 4hr 300cal
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-10 8:54:08编辑过]
treadmill 15' (130cal) + 20' adv pilates (50cal) + yoga 30' (20cal)
walking outside 2hr (300cal)
adv pilates 20' (50cal)
20 15' elliptical (115cal) + 10' treadmill (100cal) + 8' arms + 8' abs + 50' basic yoga
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-16 13:20:47编辑过]
4. 一个可以看很多健身DVD的片段的网站 http://www.collagevideo.com/cart/default.aspx
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-5 15:57:13编辑过]
feeling to the task and delay as long as possible. If you say to yourself, "I've got to do my taxes today," or "I must complete this report," you're very likely to feel overwhelmed and put the task off. The solution is to think of starting one small piece of the task instead of mentally feeling that you must finish the whole thing. Replace, "How am I going to finish this?" with "What small step can I start on right now?" If you simply start a task enough times, you will eventually finish it. If one of the projects you want to complete is to clean out your garage, thinking that you have to finish this big project in one fell swoop can make you feel overwhelmed, and you'll put it off. Ask yourself how you can get started on just one small part of the project. For example, go to your garage with a notepad, and simply write down a few ideas for quick 10-minute tasks you could do to make a dent in the piles of junk. Maybe move one or two obvious pieces of junk to the trash can while you're there. Don't worry about finishing
anything significant. Just focus on what you can do right now. If you do this enough times, you'll eventually be starting on the final piece of the task, and that will lead to finishing. Replace Perfectionism With Permission To Be Human A third type of erroneous thinking that leads to procrastination is perfectionism. Thinking that you must do the job perfectly the first try will likely prevent you from ever getting started. Believing that you must do something perfectly is a recipe for stress, and you'll associate that stress with the task and thus condition yourself to avoid it. You then end up putting the task off to the last possible minute, so that you finally have a way out of this trap. Now there isn't enough time to do the job perfectly, so you're off the hook because you can tell yourself that you could have been perfect if you only had more time. But if you have no specific deadline for a task, perfectionism can cause you to delay indefinitely. If you've never even started that project you always wanted to do really well, could perfectionism be holding you back? The solution to perfectionism is to give yourself permission to be human. Have you ever used a piece of software that you consider to be perfect in every way? I doubt it. Realize that an imperfect job completed today is always superior to the perfect job delayed indefinitely. Perfectionism is also closely connected to thinking of the task as one big whole. Replace that one big perfectly completed task in your mind with one small imperfect first step. Your first draft can be very, very rough. You are always free to revise it again and again. For example, if you want to write a 5000-word article, feel free let your first draft be only 100 words if it helps you get started. That's less than the length of this paragraph. Replace Deprivation With Guaranteed Fun A fourth mental block is associating deprivation with a task. This means you believe that undertaking a project will offset much of the pleasure in your life. In order to complete this project, will you have to put the rest of your life on hold? Do you tell yourself that you will have to go into seclusion, work long hours, never see your family, and have no time for fun? That's not likely to be very motivating, yet this is what many people do when trying to push themselves into action. Picturing an extended period of working long hours in solitude with no time for fun is a great way to guarantee procrastination. The solution to the deprivation mindset is to do the exact opposite. Guarantee the fun parts of your life first, and then schedule your work around them. This may sound counterproductive, but this reverse psychology works extremely well. Decide in advance what times you will allocate each week to family time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies. Guarantee an abundance of all your favorite leisure activities. Then limit the amount of working hours each week to whatever is left. The peak performers in any field tend to take more vacation time and work shorter hours than the workaholics. By treating your working time as a scarce resource rather than an uncontrollable monster that can gobble up every other area of your life, you'll begin to feel much more balanced, and you'll be far more focused and effective in using your working time. It's been shown that the optimal work week for most people is 40-45 hours. Working longer hours than this actually has such an adverse effect on productivity and motivation that less real work is done in the long run. What would happen if you only allowed yourself a certain number of hours a week to work? What if I came to you and said, "You are only allowed to work 10 hours this week?" Your feeling of deprivation would be reversed, wouldn't it? Instead of feeling that work was depriving you of leisure time, you'd feel you were being deprived of work. You'd replace, "I want to play" with "I want to work," your motivation for work would skyrocket, and all traces of procrastination would vanish. I also strongly recommend that you take at least one full day off each week with no work whatsoever. This will really recharge you and make you eager to start the coming week. Having a guaranteed work-free day will increase your motivation for work and make you less likely to procrastinate. If you know that the next day is your day off, you'll be less likely to put off tasks, since you won't allow yourself the luxury of allowing them to spill over into your day off. When you think that every day is a work day, however, work seems never-ending, and you always tell yourself, "I should be working." Thus, your brain will use procrastination as a way to guarantee that you get some form of pleasure in your life. Use Timeboxing For tasks you've been putting off for a while, I recommend using the timeboxing method to get started. Here's how it works: First, select a small piece of the task you can work on for just 30 minutes. Then choose a reward you will give yourself immediately afterwards. The reward is guaranteed if you simply put in the time; it doesn't depend on any meaningful accomplishment. Examples include watching your favorite TV show, seeing a movie, enjoying a meal or snack, going out with friends, going for a walk, or doing anything you find pleasurable. Because the amount of time you'll be working on the task is so short, your focus will shift to the impending pleasure of the reward instead of the difficulty of the task. No matter how unpleasant the task, there's virtually nothing you can't endure for just 30 minutes if you have a big enough reward waiting for you. When you timebox your tasks, you may discover that something very interesting happens. You will probably find that you continue working much longer than 30 minutes. You will often get so involved in a task, even a difficult one, that you actually want to keep working on it. Before you know it, you've put in an hour or even several hours. The certainty of your reward is still there, so you know you can enjoy it whenever you're ready to stop. Once you begin taking action, your focus shifts away from worrying about the difficulty of the task and towards finishing the current piece of the task which now has your full attention. When you do decide to stop working, claim your reward, and enjoy it. Then schedule another 30-minute period to work on the task with another reward. This will help you associate more and more pleasure to the task, knowing that you will always be immediately rewarded for your efforts. Working towards distant and uncertain long-term rewards is not nearly as motivating as immediate short-term rewards. By rewarding yourself for simply putting in the time, instead of for any specific achievements, you'll be eager to return to work on your task again and again, and you'll ultimately finish it. You may also want to read my blog entry on timeboxing. The writing of this article serves as a good example of applying the above techniques. I could have said to myself, "I have to finish this 2000-word article, and it has to be perfect." So first I remember that I don't have to write anything; I freely choose to write articles. Then I realize that I have plenty of time to do a good job, and that I don't need to be perfect because if I start early enough, I have plenty of time to make revisions. I also tell myself that if I just keep starting, I will eventually be done. Before I started this article, I didn't have a topic selected, so I used the timeboxing method to get that done. Having dinner was my reward. I knew that at the end of 30 minutes of working on the task, I could eat, and I was hungry at the time, so that was good motivation for me. It took me a few minutes to pick the
topic of overcoming procrastination, and I spent the rest of the time writing down some ideas and making a very rough outline. When the time was up, I stopped working and had dinner, and it really felt like I'd earned that meal. The next morning I used the same 30-minute timeboxing method, making breakfast my reward. However, I got so involved in the task that I'm still writing 90 minutes later. I know I'm free to stop at any time and that my reward is waiting for me, but having overcome the inertia of getting started, the natural tendency is to continue working. In essence I've reversed the problem of procrastination by staying with the task and delaying gratification. The net result is that I finish my article early and have a rewarding breakfast. I hope this article has helped you gain a greater insight into the causes of procrastination and how you can overcome it. Realize that procrastination is caused by associating some form of pain or unpleasantness to the task you are contemplating. The way to overcome procrastination is simply to reduce the pain and increase the pleasure you associate with beginning a task, thus allowing you to overcome inertia and build positive forward momentum. And if you begin any task again and again, you will ultimately finish it. 原文地址:http://sas.calpoly.edu/asc/ssl/procrastination.html
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-21 17:51:43编辑过]
列出一个粗略的提纲。当时间结束时,我停下来,享受晚餐,这的确让我感觉是我(用工作)赚来了晚餐。 第二天早上我同样利用30分钟的时间搏击方法,并把早餐当作奖励。有趣的是,我太投入进我的工作以致于我写了90分钟——我知道我可以随时停止而奖励就在那里,但我做着做着就用一直工作下去的惯性了。简单地说就是我把拖延的毛病给反过来了,我现在变成了继续工作而推延休闲了。结果我提早完成了文章,并把早餐当作了奖励。 我希望这篇文章能够帮助你理解拖延的原因并帮助你克服它。注意,拖延是在你把某些形式的痛苦和不快附加到工作上而导致的,要克服它只需要减少痛苦和不快,而增加快乐,这样你就能克服(拖延的)惯性而给自己前进的动力。你一次一次地开始工作后,你最终就能够完成它的。 Procrastination 的定义 Procrastination is a complex psychological behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, (procrastinators often know exactly
what they should be doing, even if they cannot do it), which is why very detailed schedules usually are no help. 里面说得很好的在于,拖沓并不是因为当事人不会管理时间;他们清楚的知道时间就快不够,但是就是不愿意去做。 Procrastination的形成 1. 一个人认为自己5天之内可以做完一件事情,所以在离deadline还有15天的时候一点不着急,直到最后只剩5天了才开始。 2. 这种紧迫感和焦虑往往促发人的斗志,会让自己觉得,自己只有在压力状态下才有做事情的状态。 3. 最后拿到成绩的时候,成绩往往不是很差,这样子就强化了自己最适合在deadline之前短期高压的状态下工作的心态,并且对以后的行为不断进行自我暗示。 这一个部分写得非常符合大部分有拖沓习惯的中国学生的经历。因为中国学生往往非常聪明,所以哪怕最后只剩一点点时间了,也会完成得不错;从而自认为自己最适合这样子的工作状态。周而复始,反复循环。 Procrastination的其他特点 1. 没有自信。因为每次完成任务都达不到自己最高的能力,对自我能力的评估会越来越低。
2. 我太忙。我一直拖着没做因为我一直很忙。
3. 顽固。你催我也没有用。我准备好了自然会开始做。
4. 操控别人。他们着急也没用,一切都要等我到了才能开始。
5. 对抗压力。因为每天压力很大,所以要做的事情一直被拖下来。
6. 受害者心态。我也知道自己怎么会这样,别人能做得自己做不到。 Procrastination的浅层原因 1. 太难
2. 太耗时间
3. 没有相关知识技能
4. 害怕别人知道自己做不好 Procrastination深层原因,以及解决方法 1. 完美主义。所有事情都要达到一个很高的境界,要一次做好,所以不愿意匆匆忙忙开始,要万事俱备才行。解决方法:对自己说现在的状态就已经很好,可以开始了。每有一点进展都鼓励自己。意识到一点错误都不犯是不可能的。伟大的作家,诗人,艺术家都是断断续续完成他们的杰作的,自己也可以如此。 2. 抵制与敌意。这个老师对我态度太差了,所以我不高兴作他布置的作业。解决办法:要意识到,不完成作业受害的是自己。不能仅仅因为一个老师的态度而影响到自己的前途。 3. 容易颓废。任务太难了,或者别人都不需要做我干吗要做,不能忍受持续做这件事情,等明天再做吧。但是往往明天到了,心里还是不高兴做,又继续往后推。解决办法:寻找一切可以找到的帮助,设法降低事情的难度,取得进展;暂时推迟自己想要放弃的心态,每天能多做一点就多做一点。这一点也很符合很多中国学生的现状。因为不是人人都对自己的课题感兴趣的,所以容易产生厌倦感,所以不容易定下心来完成相关任务。解决的办法如上所说,向别人寻求帮助,听取建议,同时可以把任务分成比较容易的小块,化整为零,告诉自己其实每一个小部分都很容易就能完成。 4. 自我贬低。如果常常不能很好地完成任务,自己对自己的能力的估计会越来越低,即使以后完成好了,也认为是运气。解决办法:接受别人对自己工作的赞扬;自己对自己进行勉励。 治疗的步骤:
1. 意识到自己的拖沓是完全没有必要的。
2. 把拖沓的原因一条条写出来
3. 一条条克服这些原因
4. 开始做事 我知道很多学生都或多或少有这样的毛病。Procrastination也不能一棒子打死,有些文章说Procrastination也有好处,比如在一些无关紧要的小事情上拖延一下,而把精力集中在大事上。但是归根结底,如果Procrastination影响到自己的生活,自己就应该学会去控制这种毛病。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-21 17:52:08编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-29 18:51:20编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-22 9:38:37编辑过]
我刚去yoga了,真是弱,连胳膊都举不起来了--几个月没动了啊 去了久违的gym, 觉得那个气氛还是很熟悉地。。。希望自己能经常去 ‘也可以不怕别人的取笑和不理解’还有人取笑和不理解么?在这儿不都是各管各的吗 我的过程常常是,状态好的时候,慢慢就懒了,觉得我不锻炼,不注意饮食似乎身材也不变,体重也不变,就掉以轻心,再加上工作忙了或者有什么事了,就更顾不上了,然后过几个月突然就变了,变的还特快。所以这几年,好像除了一年表现比较好,每年都要deal with同样的5-10lbs. 看起来不多,可是加上bodyfat的变化,其实是挺多的。体质也差的很大。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-29 18:51:36编辑过]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/metabolism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/basal_metabolic_rate
http://weight-loss-lose-weight.com/blog/index.htm/2006/11/01/what-determines-the-rate-of-our-metabolism/ what determines the rate of our metabolism? there are four components to our metabolic rate. first,
between 60% and 75% of the calories we burn are calories we burn just
to keep us alive. you can calculate your resting metabolic rate, also
known as your basal metabolic rate, using our basal metabolic rate calculator.
these are the calories you burn to keep your heart pumping, your lungs
breathing, and everything else necessary to sustain life. second,
our physical activity is responsible for a further 15% to 30% of the
calories we burn in a day. obviously people who exercise burn more
calories than people who do not exercise. third, we burn calories
as we chew and digest food, and this component of our metabolism is
called the thermic effect of feeding. after eating, your metabolism
speeds up as your digestive juices go to work, and as food is pushed
through your digestive system and converted to energy and waste
products. this represents 5% to 15% of daily calories burned, depending
on how often you eat. finally, our genes determine about 5% of the calories we burn each day. from
a weigh loss perspective, it’s easy to see how these metabolic factors
determine whether or not we can lose weight. as our activity level
increases, we burn more calories, and that boosts our metabolism, so
tomorrow we will discuss activity and weight loss.
http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&topicid=150212&replyid=&skin=1 5.25 about carb: kitty's link http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates.html
2007.5.23 夏三月,此为蕃秀。天地气交,万物华实,夜卧早起,无厌于日,使志勿怒,使华英成秀,使气得泄,若所爱在外,此夏气之应,养长之道也. 宜:绿豆,莲藕,银耳,莲子,桑葚,杏仁,玉竹,麦冬,金银花,枸杞,薏仁,青果,乌梅,山楂,五味子,芡实及瓜类食物。 今天刚看到的: 冬瓜薏米鸡肉汤 健脾利湿,减肥,主治肥胖病湿邪困脾,形体肥胖,身体困重,头昏嗜睡
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-15 1:22:36编辑过]
sports bra 非常好,medium support比我其他的都更support,可以穿着跑步跳绳不会jiggle
那个小背心里面带一个real bra,后背带钩子的那种,不是shelf bra,所以support也非常好,不过这个是内衣了,穿在衬衣里面应该不错,反正才15刀. 我一般是不太能穿shelf bra的衣服,又没型又没support
其实medium impact已经足够的好了,而且价格跟tjmaxx, target里见的已经差不多了,质量却好一截,如果喜欢跳绳的,还是推荐high impact
介绍一下讲减肥/weight control 心理和stress对策的书:
The 9 Truths about Weight Loss: The No-Tricks, No-Nonsense Plan for Lifelong Weight Control
面的low fat diet我不推荐啊,但是关于锻炼的作用讲的比任何书都要好,因为它不是介绍任何diet,而是通过科学数据讲life
style change. 不过它的数据比较老,书是01年的。这几年应该有新study支持新的结论。但是强烈推荐manage
那本书的low fat diet是前几年的研究结果,是要人low fat high
carb,比如推荐pasta,pop corn之类,我觉得没道理,比较过时了。相比而言,我是不吃refined
carbs的,而且我也不要求那么的low fat, 他那个非常极端,跟atkins限制carb gram一样严格,我认为没必要。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-8 19:25:25编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-23 19:59:49编辑过]
Low Carb Fruit: Lists of the Best and Worst
Choose Low Sugar Fruit Fruit is an area
where some of the low carb diets part company, as some depend more upon
glycemic index or glycemic load (South Beach, Zone), while others just
look at total carbs (Atkins, Protein Power). Also, some diets (Atkins,
South Beach) don’t allow fruit at all in the first phase. In general,
your best bet fruits are these, but do check carb counts. These are
sort of arranged by sugar content, taking volume and weight, into
account. This is not an exhaustive list.
Good news: the fruits lowest in sugar are some of the highest in nutritional value, including antioxidants and other phytonutrients.
If you are considering using organic vegetables, check out this list of which fruits and vegetables have the most and least pesticides to help you guide your choices.
Fruits lowest in sugar:
Strawberries (more about berries on low carb diets)
These are fairly high in sugar:
The following fruits are very high in sugar and generally going to be very infrequent visitors to the low carb diet:
Dried Fruit
Mango http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/whatfruit.htm
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-16 2:59:46编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-23 20:04:30编辑过]
以下是引用turningleaf在2007-3-22 0:53:00的发言:
what? the point is--i guess you know it too well--this is not sth you
do once. it becomes a routine, an obligation, a responsibility~~~
一般是计划每天30%热量来自蛋白质,20%来自脂肪,40%来自碳水,其中20%来自糖,20%来自复杂碳水化合物。跟fda推荐的10%, 30%, 60%很不一样。我不是学营养学的,所以不代表最科学的做法,只是自己的体会。提高蛋白质比例有助于增加肌肉,而且比较耐饿。我自己的试验:同样的100卡,如果全是糖,1小时左右就饿了,如果是蛋白质或脂肪,可以坚持一个半到两小时。前提是都坐在电脑前面,不做体力运动。另外我喜欢看到自己的食物看起来有一定的体积,否则会觉得没吃到什么东西。
早饭8点吃:半杯skim milk (40卡)浇在一杯fortified cereal上,也可以吃oatmeal,但是一定要读label。我一般选一杯热量在100-130卡的cereal or oatmeal。我喜欢选糖非常少,fiber非常多的会已经耐饿。对味道我不挑剔,反正早上很忙,胡乱添添肚子也就算了。折合140-170卡。
其实每天带到公司的午饭是惊人的一大堆,一般包括: 1. 谷类:一两片whole wheat bread (90卡,选4g protein, 5g fiber, 0.5g fat的) 2. 每片表面涂reduced fat swiss cheese spread一个wedge,或者sugar free fruit preserve两大勺,20-35卡 3. 蔬菜:一大包蔬菜,菠菜的话生吃,asparagus, french beans, snap beans等水煮。一般带80-120卡的量。不要小看这个,这体积是非常非常大的。如果是菠菜,80卡是堆的尖尖的三大纸盘。看起来很有气势。其他豆类也是看起来一大盆的样子。 4. 调味:我喜欢新鲜蔬菜原来的味道,所以一般什么都不加。如果吃不惯可以加fat free salad dressing。或者自己用fat free myo 和dijun style mustard 调一个酱。我用婴儿的小小号罐头(半个serving那种)带到公司去,方便又可爱,就可以保证吃不多。 5. 蛋白质:reduced fat火腿,turkey ham, chicken breast, fish fillet, 或者egg beater,一般是100-160卡的分量。我把火腿切成非常细小的块,用牙签扎了吃着玩,100卡是3oz, 85克,可以切出好几十小块,可以就下去一瓶o calorie的flavored sparkling water,吃的也满愉快的。或者用一片生菠菜包一块火腿,一口一个。可以吃上半小时。 6. 健康脂肪:松子一小把,10克,大约一手心的样子,一粒一粒慢慢吃很香,74卡 7. 一个水果,一般是网球大小的,苹果,桃子,李子等,如果买的太大就切成小块用盒子装到公司来吃 8. 一个yogurt,我只吃dannon light n fit,是市面普通isle里卖的sugar%最低的,看起来比较稀,味道轻淡。有时候加一点fiber bran cereal吃,可以补充全天的fiber,作为下午的snack非常好 9. 用一个8oz的小瓶子带牛奶到公司,用来喝咖啡。 另外吃一粒multi-vitamin和move-free。有时候喝sugar free fiber,一杯23卡,橘子口味的,我用热水冲,喝起来象果珍,满好的。
晚上基本类似,也是面包,蔬菜,有时候煎鱼片,或者炒虾吃。如果放油,一定是放extra virgin olive oil,并且放的非常少。有时候吃lean turkey burger之类,反正也是看起来正餐,但是热量很少。蘑菇是好东西,大大肉肉的,几滴油一炒,吃起来跟肉差不多了,多多的用herb 和spices,味道不差。老美的调料其实比中国人的只多不少,搭配起来用效果也非常不错。有时候搭配的好,到晚上能有一点热量剩余,锻炼之后我会允许自己吃一点不健康的食物作为treat,比如一个lindt milk chocolate truffle是78卡。为了避免一次吃n个,我一般把这样的食物藏在地下室里或者老公的活动区域,自己去的少,没看见自然不会老想着吃了。等吃的时候叫老公去拿一个过来,就不会一次抓一大把了。
there is no single number that works for everyone. your body-mass
index, or bmi, a ratio of weight to height, is one way to tell if you
are at a healthy weight (for information on how to calculate your bmi,
click here). almost everyone should try to keep their bmi below 25.
also, keep in mind that most of the weight we gain in adulthood is fat.
so unless you were clearly underweight at age 18 or 20, it is best not to gain more than 5 or 6 pounds after this age.
for someone who is very overweight, it is usually not realistic to go
all the way back to your weight at age 18; even a 5-10% weight loss has
important health benefits.
lunch图片 86楼, gi, gl
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-9 1:16:37编辑过]
·冬三月饮食宜食物品(2004-3-31 17:25:49)
·冬三月饮食宜忌原则(2004-3-31 17:22:54)
·秋三月饮食忌食物品(2004-3-31 17:19:33)
·秋三月饮食宜忌原则(2004-3-31 17:16:49)
·秋三月饮食宜食物品(2004-3-31 16:59:38)
·夏三月饮食忌食物品(2004-3-31 16:51:37)
·夏三月饮食宜食物品(2004-3-31 15:58:02)
·夏三月饮食宜忌原则(2004-3-31 15:08:06)
·春三月饮食忌食物品(2004-3-31 15:02:43)
·宜食物品(2004-3-31 14:11:52)
·四季饮食宜忌(2004-3-31 11:32:46)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-14 19:31:40编辑过]
生姜茶:为何今日才公布,因为elen一直在喝,观察到身体无副作用,才决定分享;&此茶是选用分量中等的两块(热天可减量)老姜母(姜的一款)加冷清水熬煮40分钟;因为老姜母效用最大; 效用:在进行排毒果蔬餐时可暖胃,促进代谢;如不喝,排毒餐会冷胃,一般会坚持不住大吃的; 喝法:早晨空腹喝,还可通畅气血;一天内都可按身体需要喝,勿过量即可;如身体实热体的人,可酌情减量;&姜是瘦身的最佳食物,古人都知“冬吃萝卜,夏吃姜”; 如在生理期,还可:老姜母、红枣、枸杞、龙眼干(减重的需少量);注如冷清水熬煮40分钟;&效用:调气血,促循环,清淤血;比四神汤好! 生姜茶就是如此简单,也便宜,却是瘦身极品;当然,此茶是配合排毒餐的,如正常饮食,可免了,不然会令体内燥热
排毒蔬果餐 排毒蔬果餐; 原理:起床四小时内,只摄入纤维素高的果蔬,快速清除肠毒,排除宿便;打倒小腹,瘦身关键! 食谱: 早起(最迟不超过7点)-喝杯温开水,也可是生姜茶,但都需温热的-按摩腹部,15分钟后,
-然后,11点前睡觉;才可运行肝胆经,修复细胞; -早晨清醒后,观察身体:皮肤光亮,小腹平了,全身轻盈;自然纯净的你,开始进入修身的正道…… 此
荷,她在哭泣、生病、绝望……你忍心吗?多呵护身心,哪怕只是一点点,都会发现她已给你惊喜的回报……共勉之&elen 排毒餐:续上篇; 此食谱的果蔬都是按照属性,热量,纤维素设计的;环环相扣,不可轻易打乱;
总之,此排毒餐天然、营养、科学;又便宜!&相比瘦身中心a钱的绿茶粉或特定餐;此排毒法最快速! 大家可因个人体质参考,不必强求;elen体质是代谢快的,可以坚持n天之久,也不用吃杂粮,不过这个嘛,自己能掌控身体,又有探寻本能,so,因人而异,健康第一! to:试验排毒餐的mm: 排
水果解析 水
淀粉普遍比蔬菜高;按美容瘦身,也分好水果vs坏水果;以下精简解析elen排毒餐水果:所提水果都包含中低gi值,纤维素高; 苹果:属性,富含果胶;~一天一个苹果足够,再多就需减少主食;~苹果减肥餐:elen读书时试过,头昏心慌,差点晕倒;~so,排毒瘦身餐续多样果蔬;单一水果是大错特错!
莲雾:属性平;粉红佳人;含水份多,瘦身佳品; 排
人尽量选用属性平热的水果;&湿热体质的人,只要加以生姜茶,都可食用;&水果:早晨食用是金,中午是铜,晚上是铁;&共勉之……elen 水果解析:&上篇提到的排毒餐水果都属于无公害水果;~水果也有坏处多的;虽有一定营养;但起码不利美肤瘦身;以下略点的都属高gi值,热量高的水果:
杏:属性平;含一定的毒素,多吃不妙! 水果家族真大,以上只点到少许,大家多补充;&水果以当季盛产的为佳;~反季节的水果,激素居多;违反大自然规律;~辨别简单:价格适中或便宜的大多为自然生产的水果;~贵的或冷藏久的水果,费钱又伤身;&共勉之……elen
蔬菜解析 蔬菜解析:前言:蔬菜的瘦身效用大于水果;~elen排毒餐选用的都是根茎类蔬菜;因为叶菜类属性大都寒凉,且含农药多,瘦身拒绝往来户!&根茎类蔬菜大多纤维素高、低gi值,水分多;以下略点: 西芹:属性凉;排毒餐首选;素食者可多食,补充钾;
土豆:属性平;淀粉高,热量中等;瘦身禁食;~比红薯还没营养;~本应列入主食的,刚忘了; 分
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-24 13:06:18编辑过]
食物;&SO,人不能缺少碳水化合物,但应食用好淀粉;~对市面上的粗细粮的解析: 玉米:通常被认为减肥食物,但Elen否认,玉米含淀粉多,虽有少量纤
补充:玉米、糙米:属性平;~红薯:属性温;&未完待续……Elen 银耳:属性平;淀粉中等;养颜效用根据银耳质量而定;~多食易肠胃粘滞腹涨;~减肥者一周食一次;
寒,加老姜母熬粥,最佳!~减肥者可天天食用适量; 以上解析到的碳水化合物,都是较常见的,大家可根据体质选用;五谷为主,以未精白的杂粮为主食,天然
末,做菜时适当添加; 花生:属性热;油脂热量惊人;~十粒花生相当一碗米饭;
有乌发功效; 以上都是市面常见的坚果;~见到很多进口的坚果,种类多;~因对其运输过程、保存期限有顾忌,故,略过不表;&正常人的饮食只要包括:杂
粮、蔬果;即可供应身体所需;&坚果只是一款补充,大家可根据体质选择;&共勉之……Elen 补充: 食物解析:
奶:同牛奶,且大多含砂糖,热量更高;~如果实在喜欢喝,就用酸奶机自己做吧; 中药篇 中药篇:&前言:《神农本草经》所记载的365种药材按“君臣佐使”(性能及功效)分为上品、中品、下品;~故选择中药需
时间都用以钻研医术,配的药方令人拍案叫好!可惜后来他离职了,失去联络:(&以下点的是几款无副作用的养生药材: 黑枣:味甘,性温;归脾、胃经;~补
生地黄:味甘,性微寒;~如湿热,手足心发热者,可以热水泡饮;效果明显; 以上五款药材是Elen受益的,SO,
与你们分享……&共勉之……Elen 运动篇 运动篇:&运动是最佳的美容方法;~瘦身如不运动,单靠节食,也是徒劳!&正常人一周要保持三次运动:有氧运动需持续30
课30分钟~Yoga练习1小时~晚上10点柔软操~经络按摩~放松功~&Elen 修身小结 修身小结:&Elen已写完~饮食VS运动~都是自己试验过的无公害之道;大家可以根据、体质、自身所需去参考;
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-24 13:20:07编辑过]
啊?书上是说吃多了会泻肚子,因为不吸收。我从来没有一次超过半根,没经验。你吃了多少啊? 2根?那东西可甜了,我还在想是不是有单卖sugar alchohol的,也不知能不能用在bakery里。 我没觉得甜,看来是有瘾。。。。吃了两整块,上次是吃掉1块半,效果相似,10分钟之内就清肠了,感觉不象病毒引起的腹泻那样会肚子疼,没什么不良感觉,反而很轻松 吃了不吸收是说可以不计算进卡路里么?那岂不是很好的东西了? mm如果发现哪里有卖这个的一定一定告诉我一声
我没觉得甜,看来是有瘾。。。。吃了两整块,上次是吃掉1块半,效果相似,10分钟之内就清肠了,感觉不象病毒引起的腹泻那样会肚子疼,没什么不良感觉,反而很轻松 吃了不吸收是说可以不计算进卡路里么?那岂不是很好的东西了? mm如果发现哪里有卖这个的一定一定告诉我一声 costco上周又在我们这里卖呢, 20刀15块。比网上要便宜。
护肤我没什么经验,护手也许你能用。我洗东西不戴手套的。我们家十几年都用palmolive,但只要用别得牌子我就会起毛,尤其回国,洗一次碗手就完蛋了,所以我回国肯定会带洗碗液,去朋友家也会就近买一瓶。polish最好用的是蜂蜜加brown sugar,再涂上护手霜,还可以带手套,一次二次状况就改善了。 护肤重在保护,比搞坏了再修补要事半功倍。 你中午出去连防晒都不用吗?
学到了,这个polish是什么意思?是涂在手上护肤用的?不会黏糊糊的么? 我又土又懒,多年没用过什么涂在脸上的东西了,中午也没涂防晒霜
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-22 22:20:32编辑过]
costco上周又在我们这里卖呢, 20刀15块。比网上要便宜。 我买的$2/each,亏啊 “现在的年轻人都比我们会保养啊”--没错啊,我是勤劳朴实的中年妇女一员,也非常羡慕现在的年轻人,有钱有闲的,我的勤快从来没用在这方面过,都在照顾家人和房子了,再次
问下kittypeny妹妹,又没有发现什么好办法收紧腹部皮肤啊? very unfortunately, I have not found a way my skin is still as loose as ever i try to give it more time and eat more 胶质 like pork skin, pork feet, not sure if it will help i can only pray :((((((
回头一看,整整4个月以前还在为5mph能坚持跑3分钟(您没看错,是3分钟)而欢欣雀跃呢 这进步。。。。。。。kakaka 偶FT呀。 不过我刚开始跑步的时候好像也是速度很慢的(不记得多少了);不过跑步机上5mph没有incline的话我基本上还是快步走的,非常不舒服
偶FT呀。 不过我刚开始跑步的时候好像也是速度很慢的(不记得多少了);不过跑步机上5mph没有incline的话我基本上还是快步走的,非常不舒服
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-23 21:11:01编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-24 10:07:02编辑过]
物理方法是指穿衣服吗? 我是天天用SPF 15, 下班回家路上特晒,加涂SPF 30, 回家洗掉。
写东西老是丢,气死。再来 保湿用什么呢? 绿葱mm讲的蜂蜜红糖磨沙,要磨到什么地步呢?我比较没数,以前每次磨沙都把皮肤磨伤了 ‘以前每次磨沙都把皮肤磨伤了’
ellip 20min 200cal + tred 20min 100cal+stretch
kitty, google image 'visor'
wiki上好像有 pinch的方法和公式
ellip 20min 200cal + tred 20min 100cal+stretch
kitty, google image 'visor'
wiki上好像有 pinch的方法和公式
赫赫,我也想知道。还有那个日本的Udon面是不是也很不好啊? 你们都好专业啊,向你们学习!
其实看照片也知道,我哪里有可能17啊,标准是21以上呢 哪有照片啊?找了半天没找到。。。 哪有照片啊?找了半天没找到。。。
赫赫,我也想知道。还有那个日本的Udon面是不是也很不好啊? 你们都好专业啊,向你们学习!
ellip 20min 200cal + tred 20min 100cal+stretch
kitty, google image 'visor'
wiki上好像有 pinch的方法和公式
都是精米精面啊,即使热量不高也不太好吧 中午在外面吃,没有办法啊。主要是为了出去转转。。。 如何才能找到又好吃,又健康的饭馆呢?尤其是亚洲饭馆,似乎很难啊
中午在外面吃,没有办法啊。主要是为了出去转转。。。 如何才能找到又好吃,又健康的饭馆呢?尤其是亚洲饭馆,似乎很难啊
kitty你上面写了什么,不打算给我看啊 typo typo...改了
哪有照片啊?找了半天没找到。。。 有个魅力1000的在老帖子里,楼实在高,我自己都没爬出来。。。。 有个魅力1000的在老帖子里,楼实在高,我自己都没爬出来。。。。
loose fit么,看上去是紧身的那种裤子啊
小腹是在裤子那部分啊 对了这个bun workout有用么。我觉得gym器械很有用,就没试过别的
Turningleaf MM, Can you tell me what kind of machine in the gym is good to Bun? My bun is very smaller. And I am a beginner of gym. Thanks,
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-26 22:58:40编辑过]
10' ellip (100cal) + 20' tred(100cal) + 15' WT + 10' stretch
leg press 2x15, glute 2x12, (abductor, addctor, back extension) 2x15
今天做了fitness test, 一上来做,fitness level只有70, VO2 38.2
活动了一阵儿再测就变成90了,VO2 43.6
败家无数无数啊无数无数 进了每个体育用品商店狂试,弄了4身新运动服,主要来自addidas,狂喜欢, show~~~~~~~!!! 除了运动服还买别的衣服了吗?
show~~~~~~~!!! 除了运动服还买别的衣服了吗? 哎,光叫kitty秀,你前段时间不也去买衣服了吗?也让我们看看吧