It has been six months since the day of recovery of MYSJ.
“Mountains are famous for living saints and waters gain miraculous spirit for residing dragons."
MYSJ is more and more unique and special because more and more highly motivated friends with interesting souls gather here. We appreciate every one who made contributions to MYSJ.
Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you. We are mirrors to each other. At this time,through 笑闹美坛 event, we appreciate the sense of humor, the intelligence, the courages and resoluteness of everyone. We face everything calmly, bravely and optimistically.
Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +.
Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +.
Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +.
Hello every one,
It has been six months since the day of recovery of MYSJ.
“Mountains are famous for living saints and waters gain miraculous spirit for residing dragons."
MYSJ is more and more unique and special because more and more highly motivated friends with interesting souls gather here. We appreciate every one who made contributions to MYSJ.
Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you. We are mirrors to each other. At this time,through 笑闹美坛 event, we appreciate the sense of humor, the intelligence, the courages and resoluteness of everyone. We face everything calmly, bravely and optimistically.
Thank you very much.
山不在高,有仙则名。 水不在深,有龙则灵。 美语世界,因为有屏幕前的你们,而独具一格,精彩纷呈。
【01】【笑闹美坛】美军布莱德利将军被美军士兵当作间谍扣押 - 移花接木
【02】【笑闹美坛】How I learn English from Stand-Up Comedian Joe Wong, Russe - TJKCB
【03】【笑闹美坛】《天津哪吒》来笑闹美坛啦! - Ha65494
【04】【笑闹美坛】Vitamins became...伤不起 - beautifulwind
【05】【笑闹美坛】是草还是花 - 花儿解语2021
【06】【笑闹美坛】Never a dull moment - Okra
【07】【笑闹美坛】Social Distancing - 花儿解语2021
【08】【笑闹美坛】 Be a good cat - 唐古
【09】【笑闹美坛】Yeah Right - Marauders
【10】【笑闹美坛】A Wrist Corsage - 花儿解语2021
【11】【笑闹美坛】美语世界坛四月活动通知 Apr/01 -Apr/17/2021
【12】【笑闹美坛】“有钱花”, 最喜欢的花儿 - 花儿解语2021
【13】【笑闹美坛】if she looks back, that means she's interested - 欲借嵯峨
【14】【笑闹美坛】JP vs GP - just_4_fun
【15】【笑闹美坛】 Immigrants got the last laugh - LYJiang
【16】【笑傲美坛】I'll stand by you - beautifulwind
【17】【笑闹美坛】拥抱快乐 Prepare Our Kids and Ourselves with Joy - 忒忒绿
【18】【笑闹美坛】The disappeared BAOZIs - 天边一片白云
【19】【笑闹美坛】how can you mend a broken heart - 回头笑笑
【20】【笑闹美坛】Hi miss, you don't know me - 甜虫虫
【21】【笑闹美坛】之1旅途逸事 - 树的花花世界
【22】【笑闹美坛】办公室的故事 - iCall
【23】【笑闹美坛】周星馳 in three languages - LYJiang
【24】【笑闹美坛】同事的笑话 - 秋日晴天
【25】【笑傲美坛】宋冬野鸽子 - 俏君
【26】【笑傲美坛】The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel(了不起的麦瑟尔夫人) - 盈盈一笑间
【27】【笑闹美坛】搞笑配音 - moiausis
【28】【笑闹美坛】不搞笑,带着美食凑热闹 - 花儿解语2021
【29】【笑闹美坛】My Ode To FOMO - 择木而栖
【30】【笑闹美坛】老板的笑话 - 爱听歌的奥黛丽
【31】【笑闹美坛】好了歌 - 天山晨
🔥 最新回帖
<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor=" #0B0B9D" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="color:#000000"> <strong> </strong></span><strong> 美语世界2021年八月【MYSJ COSPLAY】活动颁奖典礼及合辑 </strong></p> <p><strong>(请点击视频看颁奖典礼 主持人:AP33912)</strong></p> <p><strong><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="" width="640"></iframe></strong></p> <p> </p> </center> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">Ladies and Gentlemen, </span></p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +. </span></p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">你给我们二十分钟,我们给你世界+,包含歌、影、视、文艺节目,纵横两千年,关联陆、海、空的3D作品。</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">主持人:AP33912</span></p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=""><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【MYSJ COSPLAY】电梯奇遇 - 天山晨 </span></a> </span> <span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=""><span style="color:#FFFFFF">神似星爷奖 Star Alike Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246492?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《梁祝》,Cosplay 祝英台 - 陶陶三:</span></a> <a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246492?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">创意无限陶山伯奖 Endless Creativity Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操《短歌行》到赤壁指点江山 - AP33912: AP33912: 王者风范奖 King Style Award </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246626?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】【MYSJ COSPLAY】(Oil Painting)Tree House Cosplay树的花花世界 - beautifulwind: 美心白雪树屋艺术奖 Tree House and Snow Heart Art Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246675?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】【MYSJ COSPLAY】看看被子的小女孩的小男孩 - 陶陶三: 自编自导自演三栖明星奖 Master TTS Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246699?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Heidi the shepherdess《Baa Baa Black Sheep》 - Ha65494: 童心未泯奖 Childlike Innocence Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246742?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操K歌 【短歌行】 - 天山晨: 唯我独尊奖 I Am The One Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246813?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【MYSJ COSPLAY】 the color of the night - 唐古: 有情有义奖 Sentimental&Righteous Award </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246844?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【MYSJ COSPLAY】原创香港“剧集” A Hongkong Mini-series - LYJiang: 青春换取一杯凉奖 Every dark cloud has a silver lining Award </span></a></span></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【MYSJ COSPLAY】兵团故事:千万别再说真话了 - ibelieu: 落笔生花奖 Best Smooth Writing Award</span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【11】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《夜雨寄北》/The Ba Mountain Rains - 陶陶三: 巴金创乐奖 Ba Jin Composition&Arrangement Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247336?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【12】【MYSJ COSPLAY】七仙女咏叹调之 Double O Seventh‘s 快七夕了,一年又过去了, - 何仙姑: 仙女驻足鹊桥奖 Fairy landing Magpie Bridge Award </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246260?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【13】【MYSJ COSPLAY】美语世界八月活动通知 Aug/01-Aug/27/2021</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247422?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【14】【MYSJ COSPLAY】传奇 - beautifulwind: 传奇合作奖 Legendary Cooperation Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247469?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【15】【MYSJ COSPLAY】献一首七夕牛郎太空寻织女的新歌 《When you see yourself......far aw - AP33912:当神话遇到科学奖 Mythology Meets Science Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247474?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【16】【MYSJ COSPLAY】跟着 T 和 P 学 “Pull” - ibelieu: </span></a> <a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247474?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">最全PULL辞典奖 The Most Comprehensive Pull Dictionary Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247531?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【17】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【短歌行】cosplay 成【长歌行】 - 天山晨: 曹操翻译副官奖 Best CaoCao Special Translator Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247595?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【18】【MYSJ COSPLAY】How You Treat People Is Who You Are - 甜虫虫: 慧心纨质奖 Kindness Spread Like A Virus Award</span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【19】【MYSJ COSPLAY】John Cage 4'33" - 立: 出神入化钢琴家奖 Outstanding Pianist Award </span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【20】【MYSJ COSPLAY】I will not let you cry(千金一诺为红颜) - 爪四哥: 词曲唱样样牛奖 Best Paws Made LyricsComposionSing Award</span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【21】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Girl brutally interrogate dad!!! - 移花接木: 最耐心最老实最酷帅爸爸奖 Superb Entertaining WHY Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247895?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【22】【MYSJ COSPLAY】星条旗上的梅花: ABC母亲 (原创) - LYJiang: 有其母有其子奖 Extraordinary Mother Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247965?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【23】【MYSJ COSPLAY】王维赠别李龟年【唐诗英译】相思 (Missing) - WXCTEATIME: 相思红豆奖 Lovesickness Red Bean Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247966?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【24】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《猎杀本拉登 - Zero Dark Thirty》配音 - moiausis: 演技精湛秒杀原配奖 Superb Acting Superb Anchor Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248012?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【25】【MYSJ COSPLAY】She Walks in Beauty + 减肥超级讨厌 - 甜虫虫: 人心知足虫吞象奖 Little Foodie's Complaint Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248144?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【26】【MYSJ COSPLAY】红烛绿窗新月明 - 盈盈一笑间: 笑月清照奖 All Time Inspiration Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248209?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【27】【MYSJ COSPLAY】重拾样板戏 - 轻轻的我来: 字正腔圆样板戏奖 Bejing Opera Poet Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248342?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【28】【MYSJ COSPLAY】To Victory and Beyond - 前川: 最有气势女王陛下奖 The Most Imposing Queen Majesty Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248375?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【29】【MYSJ COSPLAY】秦俑 - LinMu: 英雄救美奖 Qin Dynasty Hero Saving Beauty Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248418?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【30】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Tearfully passionate cosplay 【Swan】东归英雄 - 移花接木: 英雄有泪不轻弹奖 Tears welling in heros eyes’ Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248470?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【31】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Cosplay 柏拉图《对话录·位置与序列》 - 忒忒绿: 自由哲学家奖 Philosopher of Freedom Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248525?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【32】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【笑傲江湖曲之周伯通】Cosplay 老顽童 - 天山晨: 淘气小顽童奖 Urchin Peter Pan Kidult Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248529?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【33】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Let me introduce myself - 天边一片白云: 最爱吃移花包子奖 Most humorous talent Award </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248530?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【34】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Snow White Sing A Song 交AP作业,祝酥酥和艾艾等处女座朋友们生快!! - beautifulwind:美梦成真奖 The Beautiful Dream Becoming True Award </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248617?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【35】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Frozen II, English and Spanish - Marauders: 英西合璧语言天才奖 English Spanish Bilingual Language Talent Award </span></a></p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
美语世界2021年八月【MYSJ COSPLAY】活动颁奖典礼及合辑
(请点击视频看颁奖典礼 主持人:AP33912)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +.
【01】【MYSJ COSPLAY】电梯奇遇 - 天山晨 神似星爷奖 Star Alike Award
【02】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《梁祝》,Cosplay 祝英台 - 陶陶三: 创意无限陶山伯奖 Endless Creativity Award
【03】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操《短歌行》到赤壁指点江山 - AP33912: AP33912: 王者风范奖 King Style Award
【04】【MYSJ COSPLAY】(Oil Painting)Tree House Cosplay树的花花世界 - beautifulwind: 美心白雪树屋艺术奖 Tree House and Snow Heart Art Award
【05】【MYSJ COSPLAY】看看被子的小女孩的小男孩 - 陶陶三: 自编自导自演三栖明星奖 Master TTS Award
【06】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Heidi the shepherdess《Baa Baa Black Sheep》 - Ha65494: 童心未泯奖 Childlike Innocence Award
【07】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操K歌 【短歌行】 - 天山晨: 唯我独尊奖 I Am The One Award
【08】【MYSJ COSPLAY】 the color of the night - 唐古: 有情有义奖 Sentimental&Righteous Award
【09】【MYSJ COSPLAY】原创香港“剧集” A Hongkong Mini-series - LYJiang: 青春换取一杯凉奖 Every dark cloud has a silver lining Award
【10】【MYSJ COSPLAY】兵团故事:千万别再说真话了 - ibelieu: 落笔生花奖 Best Smooth Writing Award
【11】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《夜雨寄北》/The Ba Mountain Rains - 陶陶三: 巴金创乐奖 Ba Jin Composition&Arrangement Award
【12】【MYSJ COSPLAY】七仙女咏叹调之 Double O Seventh‘s 快七夕了,一年又过去了, - 何仙姑: 仙女驻足鹊桥奖 Fairy landing Magpie Bridge Award
【13】【MYSJ COSPLAY】美语世界八月活动通知 Aug/01-Aug/27/2021
【14】【MYSJ COSPLAY】传奇 - beautifulwind: 传奇合作奖 Legendary Cooperation Award
【15】【MYSJ COSPLAY】献一首七夕牛郎太空寻织女的新歌 《When you see yourself......far aw - AP33912:当神话遇到科学奖 Mythology Meets Science Award
【16】【MYSJ COSPLAY】跟着 T 和 P 学 “Pull” - ibelieu: 最全PULL辞典奖 The Most Comprehensive Pull Dictionary Award
【17】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【短歌行】cosplay 成【长歌行】 - 天山晨: 曹操翻译副官奖 Best CaoCao Special Translator Award
【18】【MYSJ COSPLAY】How You Treat People Is Who You Are - 甜虫虫: 慧心纨质奖 Kindness Spread Like A Virus Award
【19】【MYSJ COSPLAY】John Cage 4'33" - 立: 出神入化钢琴家奖 Outstanding Pianist Award
【20】【MYSJ COSPLAY】I will not let you cry(千金一诺为红颜) - 爪四哥: 词曲唱样样牛奖 Best Paws Made LyricsComposionSing Award
【21】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Girl brutally interrogate dad!!! - 移花接木: 最耐心最老实最酷帅爸爸奖 Superb Entertaining WHY Award
【22】【MYSJ COSPLAY】星条旗上的梅花: ABC母亲 (原创) - LYJiang: 有其母有其子奖 Extraordinary Mother Award
【23】【MYSJ COSPLAY】王维赠别李龟年【唐诗英译】相思 (Missing) - WXCTEATIME: 相思红豆奖 Lovesickness Red Bean Award
【24】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《猎杀本拉登 - Zero Dark Thirty》配音 - moiausis: 演技精湛秒杀原配奖 Superb Acting Superb Anchor Award
【25】【MYSJ COSPLAY】She Walks in Beauty + 减肥超级讨厌 - 甜虫虫: 人心知足虫吞象奖 Little Foodie's Complaint Award
【26】【MYSJ COSPLAY】红烛绿窗新月明 - 盈盈一笑间: 笑月清照奖 All Time Inspiration Award
【27】【MYSJ COSPLAY】重拾样板戏 - 轻轻的我来: 字正腔圆样板戏奖 Bejing Opera Poet Award
【28】【MYSJ COSPLAY】To Victory and Beyond - 前川: 最有气势女王陛下奖 The Most Imposing Queen Majesty Award
【29】【MYSJ COSPLAY】秦俑 - LinMu: 英雄救美奖 Qin Dynasty Hero Saving Beauty Award
【30】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Tearfully passionate cosplay 【Swan】东归英雄 - 移花接木: 英雄有泪不轻弹奖 Tears welling in heros eyes’ Award
【31】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Cosplay 柏拉图《对话录·位置与序列》 - 忒忒绿: 自由哲学家奖 Philosopher of Freedom Award
【32】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【笑傲江湖曲之周伯通】Cosplay 老顽童 - 天山晨: 淘气小顽童奖 Urchin Peter Pan Kidult Award
【33】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Let me introduce myself - 天边一片白云: 最爱吃移花包子奖 Most humorous talent Award
【34】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Snow White Sing A Song 交AP作业,祝酥酥和艾艾等处女座朋友们生快!! - beautifulwind:美梦成真奖 The Beautiful Dream Becoming True Award
【35】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Frozen II, English and Spanish - Marauders: 英西合璧语言天才奖 English Spanish Bilingual Language Talent Award
美语世界2021年八月【MYSJ COSPLAY】活动颁奖典礼及合辑
(请点击视频看颁奖典礼 主持人:AP33912)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +.
【01】【MYSJ COSPLAY】电梯奇遇 - 天山晨 神似星爷奖 Star Alike Award
【02】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《梁祝》,Cosplay 祝英台 - 陶陶三: 创意无限陶山伯奖 Endless Creativity Award
【03】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操《短歌行》到赤壁指点江山 - AP33912: AP33912: 王者风范奖 King Style Award
【04】【MYSJ COSPLAY】(Oil Painting)Tree House Cosplay树的花花世界 - beautifulwind: 美心白雪树屋艺术奖 Tree House and Snow Heart Art Award
【05】【MYSJ COSPLAY】看看被子的小女孩的小男孩 - 陶陶三: 自编自导自演三栖明星奖 Master TTS Award
【06】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Heidi the shepherdess《Baa Baa Black Sheep》 - Ha65494: 童心未泯奖 Childlike Innocence Award
【07】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操K歌 【短歌行】 - 天山晨: 唯我独尊奖 I Am The One Award
【08】【MYSJ COSPLAY】 the color of the night - 唐古: 有情有义奖 Sentimental&Righteous Award
【09】【MYSJ COSPLAY】原创香港“剧集” A Hongkong Mini-series - LYJiang: 青春换取一杯凉奖 Every dark cloud has a silver lining Award
【10】【MYSJ COSPLAY】兵团故事:千万别再说真话了 - ibelieu: 落笔生花奖 Best Smooth Writing Award
【11】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《夜雨寄北》/The Ba Mountain Rains - 陶陶三: 巴金创乐奖 Ba Jin Composition&Arrangement Award
【12】【MYSJ COSPLAY】七仙女咏叹调之 Double O Seventh‘s 快七夕了,一年又过去了, - 何仙姑: 仙女驻足鹊桥奖 Fairy landing Magpie Bridge Award
【13】【MYSJ COSPLAY】美语世界八月活动通知 Aug/01-Aug/27/2021
【14】【MYSJ COSPLAY】传奇 - beautifulwind: 传奇合作奖 Legendary Cooperation Award
【15】【MYSJ COSPLAY】献一首七夕牛郎太空寻织女的新歌 《When you see yourself......far aw - AP33912:当神话遇到科学奖 Mythology Meets Science Award
【16】【MYSJ COSPLAY】跟着 T 和 P 学 “Pull” - ibelieu: 最全PULL辞典奖 The Most Comprehensive Pull Dictionary Award
【17】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【短歌行】cosplay 成【长歌行】 - 天山晨: 曹操翻译副官奖 Best CaoCao Special Translator Award
【18】【MYSJ COSPLAY】How You Treat People Is Who You Are - 甜虫虫: 慧心纨质奖 Kindness Spread Like A Virus Award
【19】【MYSJ COSPLAY】John Cage 4'33" - 立: 出神入化钢琴家奖 Outstanding Pianist Award
【20】【MYSJ COSPLAY】I will not let you cry(千金一诺为红颜) - 爪四哥: 词曲唱样样牛奖 Best Paws Made LyricsComposionSing Award
【21】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Girl brutally interrogate dad!!! - 移花接木: 最耐心最老实最酷帅爸爸奖 Superb Entertaining WHY Award
【22】【MYSJ COSPLAY】星条旗上的梅花: ABC母亲 (原创) - LYJiang: 有其母有其子奖 Extraordinary Mother Award
【23】【MYSJ COSPLAY】王维赠别李龟年【唐诗英译】相思 (Missing) - WXCTEATIME: 相思红豆奖 Lovesickness Red Bean Award
【24】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《猎杀本拉登 - Zero Dark Thirty》配音 - moiausis: 演技精湛秒杀原配奖 Superb Acting Superb Anchor Award
【25】【MYSJ COSPLAY】She Walks in Beauty + 减肥超级讨厌 - 甜虫虫: 人心知足虫吞象奖 Little Foodie's Complaint Award
【26】【MYSJ COSPLAY】红烛绿窗新月明 - 盈盈一笑间: 笑月清照奖 All Time Inspiration Award
【27】【MYSJ COSPLAY】重拾样板戏 - 轻轻的我来: 字正腔圆样板戏奖 Bejing Opera Poet Award
【28】【MYSJ COSPLAY】To Victory and Beyond - 前川: 最有气势女王陛下奖 The Most Imposing Queen Majesty Award
【29】【MYSJ COSPLAY】秦俑 - LinMu: 英雄救美奖 Qin Dynasty Hero Saving Beauty Award
【30】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Tearfully passionate cosplay 【Swan】东归英雄 - 移花接木: 英雄有泪不轻弹奖 Tears welling in heros eyes’ Award
【31】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Cosplay 柏拉图《对话录·位置与序列》 - 忒忒绿: 自由哲学家奖 Philosopher of Freedom Award
【32】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【笑傲江湖曲之周伯通】Cosplay 老顽童 - 天山晨: 淘气小顽童奖 Urchin Peter Pan Kidult Award
【33】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Let me introduce myself - 天边一片白云: 最爱吃移花包子奖 Most humorous talent Award
【34】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Snow White Sing A Song 交AP作业,祝酥酥和艾艾等处女座朋友们生快!! - beautifulwind:美梦成真奖 The Beautiful Dream Becoming True Award
【35】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Frozen II, English and Spanish - Marauders: 英西合璧语言天才奖 English Spanish Bilingual Language Talent Award
? ? ? 美语世界2021年八月【MYSJ COSPLAY】活动颁奖典礼及合辑?
(请点击视频看颁奖典礼? 主持人:AP33912)
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +.
【01】【MYSJ COSPLAY】电梯奇遇 - 天山晨 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?神似星爷奖 Star Alike Award
【02】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《梁祝》,Cosplay 祝英台 - 陶陶三:? 创意无限陶山伯奖 Endless Creativity Award
【03】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操《短歌行》到赤壁指点江山 - AP33912: AP33912:? 王者风范奖 King Style Award
【04】【MYSJ COSPLAY】(Oil Painting)Tree House Cosplay树的花花世界 - beautifulwind:? ? ? 美心白雪树屋艺术奖 Tree House and Snow Heart Art Award
【05】【MYSJ COSPLAY】看看被子的小女孩的小男孩 - 陶陶三: 自编自导自演三栖明星奖 Master TTS Award
【06】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Heidi the shepherdess《Baa Baa Black Sheep》 - Ha65494: 童心未泯奖 Childlike Innocence Award
【07】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操K歌 【短歌行】 - 天山晨: ? 唯我独尊奖 I Am The One Award
【08】【MYSJ COSPLAY】 the color of the night - 唐古: ? ? ? 有情有义奖 Sentimental&Righteous Award
【09】【MYSJ COSPLAY】原创香港“剧集” A Hongkong Mini-series - LYJiang: 青春换取一杯凉奖 Every dark cloud has a silver lining Award
【10】【MYSJ COSPLAY】兵团故事:千万别再说真话了 - ibelieu: 落笔生花奖 Best Smooth Writing Award
【11】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《夜雨寄北》/The Ba Mountain Rains - 陶陶三: 巴金创乐奖 Ba Jin Composition&Arrangement Award
【12】【MYSJ COSPLAY】七仙女咏叹调之 Double O Seventh‘s 快七夕了,一年又过去了, - 何仙姑: 仙女驻足鹊桥奖 Fairy landing Magpie Bridge Award
【13】【MYSJ COSPLAY】美语世界八月活动通知 Aug/01-Aug/27/2021
【14】【MYSJ COSPLAY】传奇 - beautifulwind: 传奇合作奖 Legendary Cooperation Award
【15】【MYSJ COSPLAY】献一首七夕牛郎太空寻织女的新歌 《When you see yourself......far aw - AP33912:当神话遇到科学奖 Mythology Meets Science Award
【16】【MYSJ COSPLAY】跟着 T 和 P 学 “Pull” - ibelieu: 最全PULL辞典奖 The Most Comprehensive Pull Dictionary Award
【17】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【短歌行】cosplay 成【长歌行】 - 天山晨: 曹操翻译副官奖 Best CaoCao Special Translator Award
【18】【MYSJ COSPLAY】How You Treat People Is Who You Are - 甜虫虫: ? ? ? ? 慧心纨质奖 Kindness Spread Like A Virus Award
【19】【MYSJ COSPLAY】John Cage 4'33" - 立: 出神入化钢琴家奖 Outstanding Pianist Award
【20】【MYSJ COSPLAY】I will not let you cry(千金一诺为红颜) - 爪四哥: 词曲唱样样牛奖 Best Paws Made LyricsComposionSing Award
【21】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Girl brutally interrogate dad!!! - 移花接木: 最耐心最老实最酷帅爸爸奖 Superb Entertaining WHY Award
【22】【MYSJ COSPLAY】星条旗上的梅花: ABC母亲 (原创) - LYJiang: 有其母有其子奖 Extraordinary Mother Award
【23】【MYSJ COSPLAY】王维赠别李龟年【唐诗英译】相思 (Missing) - WXCTEATIME: 相思红豆奖 Lovesickness Red Bean Award
【24】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《猎杀本拉登 - Zero Dark Thirty》配音 - moiausis: 演技精湛秒杀原配奖 Superb Acting Superb Anchor Award
【25】【MYSJ COSPLAY】She Walks in Beauty + 减肥超级讨厌 - 甜虫虫: ? ? 人心知足虫吞象奖 Little Foodie's Complaint Award
【26】【MYSJ COSPLAY】红烛绿窗新月明 - 盈盈一笑间: 笑月清照奖 All Time Inspiration Award
【27】【MYSJ COSPLAY】重拾样板戏 - 轻轻的我来: 字正腔圆样板戏奖 Bejing Opera Poet Award
【28】【MYSJ COSPLAY】To Victory and Beyond - 前川: 最有气势女王陛下奖 The Most Imposing Queen Majesty Award
【29】【MYSJ COSPLAY】秦俑 - LinMu: 英雄救美奖 Qin Dynasty Hero Saving Beauty Award
【30】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Tearfully passionate cosplay 【Swan】东归英雄 - 移花接木: 英雄有泪不轻弹奖 Tears welling in heros eyes’ Award
【31】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Cosplay 柏拉图《对话录·位置与序列》 - 忒忒绿: 自由哲学家奖 Philosopher of Freedom Award
【32】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【笑傲江湖曲之周伯通】Cosplay 老顽童 - 天山晨: 淘气小顽童奖 Urchin Peter Pan Kidult Award
【33】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Let me introduce myself - 天边一片白云: 最爱吃移花包子奖 Most humorous talent Award
【34】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Snow White Sing A Song 交AP作业,祝酥酥和艾艾等处女座朋友们生快!! - beautifulwind:美梦成真奖 The Beautiful Dream Becoming True Award
【35】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Frozen II, English and Spanish - Marauders: 英西合璧语言天才奖 English Spanish Bilingual Language Talent Award
<div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"><div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <div id="articleBody" style="font-size_replace:16px"> <div id="msgbodyContent"> <table bgcolor=" #0B0B9D" border="1" bordercolor="#ffffff" cellpadding="128" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center" width="800"> <table style="color:#ffffff" class="ui small compact table"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <center> <p><span style="color:#000000"> <strong> </strong></span><strong> 美语世界2021年八月【MYSJ COSPLAY】活动颁奖典礼及合辑 </strong></p> <p><strong>(请点击视频看颁奖典礼 主持人:AP33912)</strong></p> <p><strong><iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" src="" width="640"></iframe></strong></p> <p> </p> </center> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">Ladies and Gentlemen, </span></p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">Welcome to the first Coscar Awards ceremony, here at Disney World today with my good friend Mickey Mouse hosting this event. You give us 20 minutes we give you a world +. </span></p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">你给我们二十分钟,我们给你世界+,包含歌、影、视、文艺节目,纵横两千年,关联陆、海、空的3D作品。</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">主持人:AP33912</span></p> <p><span style="color:#FFFFFF">(请点击视频看颁奖典礼)</span></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=""><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【01】【MYSJ COSPLAY】电梯奇遇 - 天山晨 </span></a> </span> <span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=""><span style="color:#FFFFFF">神似星爷奖 Star Alike Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246492?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【02】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《梁祝》,Cosplay 祝英台 - 陶陶三:</span></a> <a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246492?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">创意无限陶山伯奖 Endless Creativity Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【03】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操《短歌行》到赤壁指点江山 - AP33912: AP33912: 王者风范奖 King Style Award </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246626?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【04】【MYSJ COSPLAY】(Oil Painting)Tree House Cosplay树的花花世界 - beautifulwind: 美心白雪树屋艺术奖 Tree House and Snow Heart Art Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246675?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【05】【MYSJ COSPLAY】看看被子的小女孩的小男孩 - 陶陶三: 自编自导自演三栖明星奖 Master TTS Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246699?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【06】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Heidi the shepherdess《Baa Baa Black Sheep》 - Ha65494: 童心未泯奖 Childlike Innocence Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246742?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【07】【MYSJ COSPLAY】曹操K歌 【短歌行】 - 天山晨: 唯我独尊奖 I Am The One Award</span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246813?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【08】【MYSJ COSPLAY】 the color of the night - 唐古: 有情有义奖 Sentimental&Righteous Award </span></a></span></p> <p><span style="font-size_replace:16px"><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246844?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【09】【MYSJ COSPLAY】原创香港“剧集” A Hongkong Mini-series - LYJiang: 青春换取一杯凉奖 Every dark cloud has a silver lining Award </span></a></span></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【10】【MYSJ COSPLAY】兵团故事:千万别再说真话了 - ibelieu: 落笔生花奖 Best Smooth Writing Award</span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【11】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《夜雨寄北》/The Ba Mountain Rains - 陶陶三: 巴金创乐奖 Ba Jin Composition&Arrangement Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247336?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【12】【MYSJ COSPLAY】七仙女咏叹调之 Double O Seventh‘s 快七夕了,一年又过去了, - 何仙姑: 仙女驻足鹊桥奖 Fairy landing Magpie Bridge Award </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/246260?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【13】【MYSJ COSPLAY】美语世界八月活动通知 Aug/01-Aug/27/2021</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247422?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【14】【MYSJ COSPLAY】传奇 - beautifulwind: 传奇合作奖 Legendary Cooperation Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247469?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【15】【MYSJ COSPLAY】献一首七夕牛郎太空寻织女的新歌 《When you see yourself......far aw - AP33912:当神话遇到科学奖 Mythology Meets Science Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247474?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【16】【MYSJ COSPLAY】跟着 T 和 P 学 “Pull” - ibelieu: </span></a> <a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247474?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">最全PULL辞典奖 The Most Comprehensive Pull Dictionary Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247531?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【17】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【短歌行】cosplay 成【长歌行】 - 天山晨: 曹操翻译副官奖 Best CaoCao Special Translator Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247595?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【18】【MYSJ COSPLAY】How You Treat People Is Who You Are - 甜虫虫: 慧心纨质奖 Kindness Spread Like A Virus Award</span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【19】【MYSJ COSPLAY】John Cage 4'33" - 立: 出神入化钢琴家奖 Outstanding Pianist Award </span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【20】【MYSJ COSPLAY】I will not let you cry(千金一诺为红颜) - 爪四哥: 词曲唱样样牛奖 Best Paws Made LyricsComposionSing Award</span></a></p> <p><a href=" "><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【21】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Girl brutally interrogate dad!!! - 移花接木: 最耐心最老实最酷帅爸爸奖 Superb Entertaining WHY Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247895?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【22】【MYSJ COSPLAY】星条旗上的梅花: ABC母亲 (原创) - LYJiang: 有其母有其子奖 Extraordinary Mother Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247965?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【23】【MYSJ COSPLAY】王维赠别李龟年【唐诗英译】相思 (Missing) - WXCTEATIME: 相思红豆奖 Lovesickness Red Bean Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/247966?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【24】【MYSJ COSPLAY】《猎杀本拉登 - Zero Dark Thirty》配音 - moiausis: 演技精湛秒杀原配奖 Superb Acting Superb Anchor Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248012?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【25】【MYSJ COSPLAY】She Walks in Beauty + 减肥超级讨厌 - 甜虫虫: 人心知足虫吞象奖 Little Foodie's Complaint Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248144?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【26】【MYSJ COSPLAY】红烛绿窗新月明 - 盈盈一笑间: 笑月清照奖 All Time Inspiration Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248209?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【27】【MYSJ COSPLAY】重拾样板戏 - 轻轻的我来: 字正腔圆样板戏奖 Bejing Opera Poet Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248342?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【28】【MYSJ COSPLAY】To Victory and Beyond - 前川: 最有气势女王陛下奖 The Most Imposing Queen Majesty Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248375?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【29】【MYSJ COSPLAY】秦俑 - LinMu: 英雄救美奖 Qin Dynasty Hero Saving Beauty Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248418?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【30】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Tearfully passionate cosplay 【Swan】东归英雄 - 移花接木: 英雄有泪不轻弹奖 Tears welling in heros eyes’ Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248470?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【31】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Cosplay 柏拉图《对话录·位置与序列》 - 忒忒绿: 自由哲学家奖 Philosopher of Freedom Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248525?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【32】【MYSJ COSPLAY】【笑傲江湖曲之周伯通】Cosplay 老顽童 - 天山晨: 淘气小顽童奖 Urchin Peter Pan Kidult Award</span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248529?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【33】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Let me introduce myself - 天边一片白云: 最爱吃移花包子奖 Most humorous talent Award </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248530?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【34】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Snow White Sing A Song 交AP作业,祝酥酥和艾艾等处女座朋友们生快!! - beautifulwind:美梦成真奖 The Beautiful Dream Becoming True Award </span></a></p> <p><a href="/topics/wenxuecity/248617?section_alias=mysj"><span style="color:#FFFFFF">【35】【MYSJ COSPLAY】Frozen II, English and Spanish - Marauders: 英西合璧语言天才奖 English Spanish Bilingual Language Talent Award </span></a></p> <p> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>
🛋️ 沙发板凳
最喜欢狗必理奖和Happy Rain Award! 奖品好吉祥啊,谢谢美风!这辈子也没有一次活动拿过这么多奖!收藏了,等老了以后,拿出来给孙辈们炫耀:-)
很荣幸获得The heart of gold 奖! 好特殊的奖!很开心能给大家带来哪怕片刻的欢笑声:)
--- Life is like a mirror. If you smile at it, it will smile back at you.
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