对酒当歌,人生几何 Singing with wine, I find how short and fast life is. 譬如朝露,去日苦多 Like the morning dew, too many days has passed. 慨当以慷,忧思难忘 I should sing generously, but the sadness is unforgettable. 何以解忧,唯有杜康 What could relieve my worries? Only Dukang Wine could 青青子衿,悠悠我心 Your blue collar lingers is so blue, and deeply marked in my heart 但为君故,沉吟至今 But because of you, I whispered that poem till now 呦呦鹿鸣,食野之苹 A group of deer is yelling, and eating apple grass in the wilderness 我有嘉宾,鼓瑟吹笙 When talented people arrive, I use drums to welcome them. 明明如月,何时可掇 The moon is so bright, when I can take off a piece of it? 忧从中来,不可断绝 My constant sorrow comes from here, and it has never ended. 越陌度阡,枉用相存 Crossing the path in the field, I greet the guests from afar. 契阔谈宴,心念旧恩 Reunited after a long absence, we are talking about the affection of the past. 月明星稀,乌鹊南飞 The bright moon rose, the stars flickered, and a group of magpies flew south. 绕树三匝,何枝可依? They has been flying around the tree for times, Where can they find a shelter? 山不厌高,海不厌深 The mountains do not hesitate too high , and the sea does not hesitate too deep 周公吐哺,天下归心 Treating talents with courtesy like Zhou Gong, I'd like to win all the hearts of them .
短歌行 - 许鹤缤
(电视剧《军师联盟》 主题曲)
作词:曹操 作曲:董冬冬
Singing with wine, I find how short and fast life is.
Like the morning dew, too many days has passed.
I should sing generously, but the sadness is unforgettable.
What could relieve my worries? Only Dukang Wine could
Your blue collar lingers is so blue, and deeply marked in my heart
But because of you, I whispered that poem till now
A group of deer is yelling, and eating apple grass in the wilderness
When talented people arrive, I use drums to welcome them.
The moon is so bright, when I can take off a piece of it?
My constant sorrow comes from here, and it has never ended.
Crossing the path in the field, I greet the guests from afar.
Reunited after a long absence, we are talking about the affection of the past.
The bright moon rose, the stars flickered, and a group of magpies flew south.
They has been flying around the tree for times, Where can they find a shelter?
The mountains do not hesitate too high , and the sea does not hesitate too deep
Treating talents with courtesy like Zhou Gong, I'd like to win all the hearts of them .