不幅责转小道消息说GA election comittee said GA is for Biden unofficially. No idea when they will announce. PS 川普身边的人在劝他2024年重选,这是CNN说的。 PS不少老美共和党人很高兴,TRUMP下去了,SENATE赢了,CONGRESS比预期好。
不幅责转小道消息说GA election comittee said GA is for Biden unofficially. No idea when they will announce. PS 川普身边的人在劝他2024年重选,这是CNN说的。 PS不少老美共和党人很高兴,TRUMP下去了,SENATE赢了,CONGRESS比预期好。
不幅责转小道消息说GA election comittee said GA is for Biden unofficially. No idea when they will announce. PS 川普身边的人在劝他2024年重选,这是CNN说的。 PS不少老美共和党人很高兴,TRUMP下去了,SENATE赢了,CONGRESS比预期好。
不幅责转小道消息说GA election comittee said GA is for Biden unofficially. No idea when they will announce. PS 川普身边的人在劝他2024年重选,这是CNN说的。 PS不少老美共和党人很高兴,TRUMP下去了,SENATE赢了,CONGRESS比预期好。
I think the scarcity mindset is the problem. 2nd or 3rd generation Chinese kids are "idealistic" because they see the potential to overcome the scarcity problem if we all work together. For example, look at what Tesla is doing, AI to solve the man power problem, renewable energy for energy problem, space exploration for more room to grow. Guess what, their stock is selling. When look at people who are suffering, I would teach my child the root causes and possible solutions. I would not say there is nothing can be done about this sad reality. And their only way out to move ahead and leave some people behind or even step on them.
小道消息又更新了说GA should be announced fro Biden by 3PM EST today. NV won't be called until 1pm EST tomorrow PA likely called overnight. --From dcurbanmom.com 政治版。
I think the scarcity mindset is the problem. 2nd or 3rd generation Chinese kids are "idealistic" because they see the potential to overcome the scarcity problem if we all work together. For example, look at what Tesla is doing, AI to solve the man power problem, renewable energy for energy problem, space exploration for more room to grow. Guess what, their stock is selling. When look at people who are suffering, I would teach my child the root causes and possible solutions. I would not say there is nothing can be done about this sad reality. And their only way out to move ahead and leave some people behind or even step on them. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-05 13:43
不幅责转小道消息说GA election comittee said GA is for Biden unofficially. No idea when they will announce. PS 川普身边的人在劝他2024年重选,这是CNN说的。 PS不少老美共和党人很高兴,TRUMP下去了,SENATE赢了,CONGRESS比预期好。
我在伦敦的中国同事三四月的时候大马路上被teenagers追着骂,叫她这个virus滚回中国去。。。 So that he can not reinforce this Chinese virus stigma. Trump is racist and has no respect for law and order. He will make matters worse.
我在伦敦的中国同事三四月的时候大马路上被teenagers追着骂,叫她这个virus滚回中国去。。。 So that he can not reinforce this Chinese virus stigma. Trump is racist and has no respect for law and order. He will make matters worse. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-05 13:56
我一直觉得party affiliation非常蠢,是近几十年两党才灌输给选民的一个idea。华人随机而变两头摇摆才应该是常态。
给那个川普马屁精州长搞得吧?或者大城市人口越来越多? 昨天CNN的Van Jones,好像是他说的。。。 很自豪地说,关键时候又是我们黑人扛着你们~~
UBI and universal health care may be the answer but the bill will not pass when GOP is in control of congress.
THANKS 释疑, 我说我印象中非常CLEAR.
me three
For sure. There is not forever friend or enemy, but forever interest. However, we need to be unified first.
Black women
me too
Me too
没法看?等的不就是看他们tear flood 的这一天么。。。
都说欧洲好,你们有几个在欧洲的? 我在伦敦的中国同事三四月的时候大马路上被teenagers追着骂,叫她这个virus滚回中国去。。。 我以前住在伦敦6个月,大白天的被抢劫了。。。 还有 Italy / Spain 遍地小偷。。。
已经没有悬念了说是 马上可以call
高挂免战牌 说等所有票都delivery了一起公布 免得像傻乎乎的AZ 一点一点用力数票 然后被自己人拿着枪堵门= =
我也一个没加 就喜欢看小丑们出来丢人显眼
讲真的 不大想看 想看她们现在是不是可以好好聊天了 I blame it on 王舔 赵育空 他们开始的
I think the scarcity mindset is the problem. 2nd or 3rd generation Chinese kids are "idealistic" because they see the potential to overcome the scarcity problem if we all work together. For example, look at what Tesla is doing, AI to solve the man power problem, renewable energy for energy problem, space exploration for more room to grow. Guess what, their stock is selling. When look at people who are suffering, I would teach my child the root causes and possible solutions. I would not say there is nothing can be done about this sad reality. And their only way out to move ahead and leave some people behind or even step on them.
我住在美国好多年然后搬到伦敦 前一年是特别不喜欢 后来慢慢的也觉得还行 但是还是觉得美国更好一些 结果疫情以来 真是。。。不知道说啥了。。。想搬去苏黎世。。。
If global citizens can be a unified, these big moneys will have no where to hide. I know I am very idealistic, lol
NV won't be called until 1pm EST tomorrow
PA likely called overnight.
--From dcurbanmom.com 政治版。
等着吧 我就等着接下来纷纷跳船 狗咬狗的那一天。。。。
Canada has 18 months protected leave with EI payment for mom and dad combined.
我就蔽了一个 看it之前的帖子 it应该不在美国 但是选前异常活跃支持金毛 而且现身说法说自己不戴口罩 娃不戴口罩 继续在居住地无防护社交 估计迷惑了不少人 这种散布致命假消息的 是真坏 最近出差去几个红州 一路上惊恐啊 大多数人都没有带口罩 真是惊恐
我也深深的自责 没有努力给我妈(反)洗脑 现在给她列了一个单子 有各种不太左的news outlets
也告诉了她 怎么用Safari自带的英翻中功能
微信怎么说呢 看什么人用吧?她朋友让她去填加州反aa的petition她也填了 一群老太太们在社区玩 也有peer pressure吧?
其实只要有自己的思考 站谁那边都可以的 就怕被带偏还不知道呀
我觉得圈钱更有气势了 不仅流亡海外 还流亡地球?
That's why Trump needs to go. A very bad example globally.
其实我觉得收入来源稳定而自足的话 就不会对税收太敏感
说到底只要政府的透明度够 你的福利总是来自于税收的 不可能一分钱不花 就有良好的社区的
http://www2.harpercollege.edu/mhealy/eco212i/lectures/5es/5es.htm Scarcity mindset 是学经济的基本功。
The result of this election is critical for many.
一样一样的 母女感情都被这个大统领弄光了
我以前住在伦敦6个月,大白天的被抢劫了。。。 还有 Italy / Spain 遍地小偷。。。
-- 这俩跟Trump有关系吗?都是Trump上台前的事。我同意Trump must go,但是你也太牵强了。
哎,今天正好看见这篇 https://www.usnews.com/news/top-news/articles/2020-11-02/you-are-no-longer-my-mother-a-divided-america-will-struggle-to-heal-after-trump-era
算了算了 算trump赢了吧
世界第一影响力强国的元首 公开叫嚣针对某一种族的歧视语言 居然还有大量该种族人群支持他 人类历史上有过么? 二战有多少犹太人支持希特勒啊
What are you trying to say?
trump的帐明显没做平呀 那么多债
抵不住有人爱他? law and order都是随便讲讲的
本质上还是 喜欢横行霸道
跟他没关系 但是以后这样的事更多 因为地球大统领都已经背书了
Scarcity mindset 是学经济的基本功。资源没有稀缺性,那经济学要重写了。
完全正确 也不会盯着别人得的那点福利
晓庆姐一直用民主党政治人物当头像,夸他们帅,风度好什么什么的,实际上就是给人家招黑~~ 最后几天实在忍不住,红果果公开挺川了~~
So that he can not reinforce this Chinese virus stigma. Trump is racist and has no respect for law and order. He will make matters worse.
yeah 我也有这个感觉 而且也不知道为什么
Thanks. You warm my heart. :-)
Thanks! I know I struggle to explain myself at times.
like cry me a river style?
I see. So who is here suggesting other people are uneducated?
我举这个例子,就是想说:贫富混居的理想是美好的,但是有很多现实的后果,制定政策的人需要考虑清楚,有足够的应对。我当时报警,警察说这种小抢劫非常普遍,事后连个 police report 都没给。
绝对要重写啊 你这种学软科学的人也该回回炉了
那事发生的时候,Trump 还没有叫 China virus。
你是对的 我轻易不想搬的 (其实就是各种平衡)
我跟家属回乡 大马路上一大妈当着我面问我婆 she is Chinese... how do you feel?
We are not even talking about the same thing.