当人在任何时候任何环境任何情况下只做对的事不做错的事 That''s another reason why I look up to God. I have realized that I cannot overcome my limit as a human without having faith in God. I have made mistakes in life and believing in God was my first step towards redemption. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-03 13:44
That's interesting. May I ask how you form your own judgement and opinions? Your information must come from somewhere too. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-03 13:54
这个说法是不是有点欠妥,最高院在Bush v. Gore 都没提这方面证据,当时majority反对的是这种重数选票的糟糕的先例,完全乱了美国选举的章法。您说的这个抓现行又是从何谈起? Stoneroses 发表于 2020-11-03 14:00
Britannica 是这么说的 According to Florida law, a machine recount of all votes cast was required because the margin of victory was less than 0.5%. In this race, the gap appeared to be roughly 0.01%. Both campaigns immediately dispatch team of lawyers to Florida
Britannica 是这么说的 According to Florida law, a machine recount of all votes cast was required because the margin of victory was less than 0.5%. In this race, the gap appeared to be roughly 0.01%. Both campaigns immediately dispatch team of lawyers to Florida CleverBeaver 发表于 2020-11-03 14:07
Good idea. I think you get paid working at the polling stations? Or to help with campaign by knocking on doors?Or volunteer in other occasions in general. Christmas is coming, many organizations need volunteers and donations.
回复 188楼xiaohuli8485的帖子 这说明投票点的大妈非常负责任。 如果这个人的mail-in和in person都被算数了,他一个人就两票,违反了一人一票。这种情况,是他自己没经验,如果mail in,就应该提早。如果现场投,就不该申请absentee ballot。小兄弟就当学习了,等四年再投一次吧。 顺手Google了一下absentee ballot rule,参见 https://www.usa.gov/absentee-voting You might be able to vote in person on Election Day, even if you received a mail-in ballot. Every state has different rules, so check with your state or local election office for the specific procedures. Typically: You’ll take your absentee ballot to your designated polling place on Election Day. Your polling place may change, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Check your polling place’s location before you go. Depending on your state's rules, you might exchange your uncast absentee ballot for an in-person ballot, or complete your absentee ballot and hand it in, or cast a provisional ballot. If you forget to bring your absentee ballot with you, you may be able to cast a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots are counted once your election officials verify your voter status.
Good idea. I think you get paid working at the polling stations? Or to help with campaign by knocking on doors?Or volunteer in other occasions in general. Christmas is coming, many organizations need volunteers and donations. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-03 14:16
Britannica 是这么说的 According to Florida law, a machine recount of all votes cast was required because the margin of victory was less than 0.5%. In this race, the gap appeared to be roughly 0.01%. Both campaigns immediately dispatch team of lawyers to Florida CleverBeaver 发表于 2020-11-03 14:07
哦,这里不是投票作弊的意思,而是说佛罗里达州的法律规定,如果两党票数差额小于0.5%, 那么就要进行一次机读的重新数票。在Bush v. Gore这个case里,两候选人之间的选票差额极小,相差票数按照比例大概只有0.01%的区别,按照佛州的法律,可以机器重数,但是此举遭到布什反对上诉,因为重数这个过程会有很多未知数,也会增加新的人为操纵的可能,如果输了就重数,就没完没了,坏了规矩。高院的决定是不应该重数。这个case,并没有说布什和共和党作弊的意思。 倒是川总一直提到的voter fraud,说是因为有的州投票不看photo id,导致一些没有投票资格的人,比如非移,可以盗用他人voter身份来投票,甚至有些投票人竟然是已经去世的人。但是目前这种传说中的投票欺诈,还只是江湖传说,具体哪里有证据还没听说过。
哦,这里不是投票作弊的意思,而是说佛罗里达州的法律规定,如果两党票数差额小于0.5%, 那么就要进行一次机读的重新数票。在Bush v. Gore这个case里,两候选人之间的选票差额极小,相差票数按照比例大概只有0.01%的区别,按照佛州的法律,可以机器重数,但是此举遭到布什反对上诉,因为重数这个过程会有很多未知数,也会增加新的人为操纵的可能,如果输了就重数,就没完没了,坏了规矩。高院的决定是不应该重数。这个case,并没有说布什和共和党作弊的意思。 倒是川总一直提到的voter fraud,说是因为有的州投票不看photo id,导致一些没有投票资格的人,比如非移,可以盗用他人voter身份来投票,甚至有些投票人竟然是已经去世的人。但是目前这种传说中的投票欺诈,还只是江湖传说,具体哪里有证据还没听说过。
Stoneroses 发表于 2020-11-03 14:59
有的州投票不看photo id Who does that? I am indeed curious how they deal witht the situation where the reigstered voter requested the mail in ballot but died or gone missing before able to vote. Sometimes, death certificates do not get filed in time.
回复 1楼Seeking668的帖子 A judge ordered the U.S. Postal Service to sweep some mail processing facilities for delayed ballots and immediately dispatch them for delivery in election battlegrounds including Pennsylvania, Florida and Arizona https://reut.rs/389a44k
有的州投票不看photo id Who does that? I am indeed curious how they deal witht the situation where the reigstered voter requested the mail in ballot but died or gone missing before able to vote. Sometimes, death certificates do not get filed in time. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-03 15:08
从维基百科搬运一下,发现大加州居然连id都不要看?贴这里,多方求证一下 The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) provides a web page and a map with ID requirements for voting in each state.[19] In states with strict ID laws, the voter is required to take additional action after the provisional ballot is cast to verify ID. The NCSL website describes strict states as follows:
In the "strict" states, a voter cannot cast a valid ballot without first presenting ID. Voters who are unable to show ID at the polls are given a provisional ballot. Those provisional ballots are kept separate from the regular ballots. If the voter returns to election officials within a short period of time after the election (generally a few days) and presents acceptable ID, the provisional ballot is counted. If the voter does not come back to show ID, that provisional ballot is never counted.[20]
从维基百科搬运一下,发现大加州居然连id都不要看?贴这里,多方求证一下 The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) provides a web page and a map with ID requirements for voting in each state.[19] In states with strict ID laws, the voter is required to take additional action after the provisional ballot is cast to verify ID. The NCSL website describes strict states as follows:
In the "strict" states, a voter cannot cast a valid ballot without first presenting ID. Voters who are unable to show ID at the polls are given a provisional ballot. Those provisional ballots are kept separate from the regular ballots. If the voter returns to election officials within a short period of time after the election (generally a few days) and presents acceptable ID, the provisional ballot is counted. If the voter does not come back to show ID, that provisional ballot is never counted.[20]
看民主党这四年的表现,的确不能指望他们能合心抗疫。 把党派之争凌驾于国家利益国民利益之上,大部分人都看得见。
历史进程就是one step forward, two steps backward的
所以这次的结果无论怎样 也都是历史洪流里的一小步罢了
Again, I am not here to argue with you. But how many truth do you think there is?
你应该把“The truth " 替换成“My belief". 自己claim 的truth只是belief.
其实 说句很不正确的心里话 我当年看Obama的任职直播 也是觉得Pelosi大妈像自己儿子当总统一样高兴的状态 有点过头
但是这么些年下来 她从来也没做过什么很招人厌的事
问题是你不可能知道God想什么(如果有God的话),你在教堂里看的听的都是某些**人**说的话,而不是God说的, 所以宗教根本来说就是一小撮人用来洗脑和统治其他人的工具
机器比较consistent 公不公平另说 但可能比我们自相残杀各自的想法要好
我也想投沃伦. 不过被民主党干掉了,连副总统也没捞着, 不过我以前一直要投共和党, 沃伦没了, 又返回原来决定了
对warren的一丝丝反感主要来自于这个班上有段时间天天骂她 xxxxx
她的对于自己的身份的manipulation 和高院提名 太小巫见大巫啦
That's interesting. May I ask how you form your own judgement and opinions? Your information must come from somewhere too.
耶稣的两条命令,爱神,以及爱人如己。 摩西的十戒也是白纸黑字。 你认为哪个不清楚?
不行 Nancy has to go. 她问题大了去啦
Warren太左了,现实一点选个中间派。 虽然我也支持她的政见。
是的 这个操作 我也是很后来才知道的
我可以自己思考 这个世界的所有观点,理论,都是别的**人**的想法,他们可以想,我当然也可以想啦,他们并不比我高明一等~
是 我对sanders的人无感
单纯觉得 免学费免医疗费是社会进步的体现
但是我很明白这次就是需要像biden这样的温和派 才能更往中间靠一点点
这个说法是不是有点欠妥,最高院在Bush v. Gore 都没提这方面证据,当时majority反对的是这种重数选票的糟糕的先例,完全乱了美国选举的章法。您说的这个抓现行又是从何谈起?
哈哈哈 😄 好像是的
就是个random walk
就算是深蓝州,也不过是六四开到三七开之间, 绝不是人大开会全体举手通过模式~~
脑残! 当大统领说 just a big flu, 和进行各种不带口罩和鼓动人民破坏抗疫的骚操作时,还指望别人合作?川普是把自己的利益凌驾于everything.
如果说trump是symptom DNC就是disease DNC必须改革
I see. I seek the truth, not superiority.
Britannica 是这么说的
According to Florida law, a machine recount of all votes cast was required because the margin of victory was less than 0.5%. In this race, the gap appeared to be roughly 0.01%. Both campaigns immediately dispatch team of lawyers to Florida
嗯 我们应该乐观一点
在蓝州可能还行,在红州怕是要小心proud boys和Karen吧。Trump的China virus口号深得他们人心。
Good idea. I think you get paid working at the polling stations? Or to help with campaign by knocking on doors?Or volunteer in other occasions in general. Christmas is coming, many organizations need volunteers and donations.
敲木鱼 我们不要再次见证历史呀
得了吧,就是他这只无能的大龙虾扇呼起来的。O8 时期也不记得这么频繁的打砸抢。
这说明投票点的大妈非常负责任。 如果这个人的mail-in和in person都被算数了,他一个人就两票,违反了一人一票。这种情况,是他自己没经验,如果mail in,就应该提早。如果现场投,就不该申请absentee ballot。小兄弟就当学习了,等四年再投一次吧。
顺手Google了一下absentee ballot rule,参见 https://www.usa.gov/absentee-voting You might be able to vote in person on Election Day, even if you received a mail-in ballot. Every state has different rules, so check with your state or local election office for the specific procedures. Typically: You’ll take your absentee ballot to your designated polling place on Election Day. Your polling place may change, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Check your polling place’s location before you go. Depending on your state's rules, you might exchange your uncast absentee ballot for an in-person ballot, or complete your absentee ballot and hand it in, or cast a provisional ballot. If you forget to bring your absentee ballot with you, you may be able to cast a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots are counted once your election officials verify your voter status.
花了那么多钱弹劾 就是瞎折腾 当真全世界撕国情咨文 真是全世界的笑话 把她年轻时坐天安门那点好感都败光了
下次吧 争取去volunteer
Warren太左?真是被洗脑了。Warren这些放到欧洲,加拿大,都是中间偏右的政治家了。 美国现在是极右翼当家。到处都是亿万富翁,而下层老百姓都快活不下去了。20年来中位数工资没涨一块钱,而物价涨了快3倍了。
How are you so sure?
only __you__ can be American?
这个问题两党都没有解决的诚意,毕竟会得罪金主。 有一点诚意的Warren/Bernie又拉不到选票,因为会被打成Communist。美国整体还是太右了,没见过哪个欧美国家现在居然还在纠结堕胎权这么基本的问题的。
左中右都是相对的,你只能一步一步往前走啊, 除非实在走不动了,革命才是最后的手段。
为啥NBC 说 biden已经拿到212票了
Does polling station have volunteer? I thought they recruit poll workers. You cannot just show up like some Trump supporters...
突然有点回到原来追球赛的学生时代了 LOL
Have a good dream~~~
还以为poll worker都是义工呢。。。不过那也行啊,甚至更好。
哦,这里不是投票作弊的意思,而是说佛罗里达州的法律规定,如果两党票数差额小于0.5%, 那么就要进行一次机读的重新数票。在Bush v. Gore这个case里,两候选人之间的选票差额极小,相差票数按照比例大概只有0.01%的区别,按照佛州的法律,可以机器重数,但是此举遭到布什反对上诉,因为重数这个过程会有很多未知数,也会增加新的人为操纵的可能,如果输了就重数,就没完没了,坏了规矩。高院的决定是不应该重数。这个case,并没有说布什和共和党作弊的意思。
倒是川总一直提到的voter fraud,说是因为有的州投票不看photo id,导致一些没有投票资格的人,比如非移,可以盗用他人voter身份来投票,甚至有些投票人竟然是已经去世的人。但是目前这种传说中的投票欺诈,还只是江湖传说,具体哪里有证据还没听说过。
Participation in the society is great and should be encouraged.
里面提到了 当年fl有很大一捆选票被算作弃票 远超过这0.01%的差异
有的州投票不看photo id
Who does that? I am indeed curious how they deal witht the situation where the reigstered voter requested the mail in ballot but died or gone missing before able to vote. Sometimes, death certificates do not get filed in time.
Again, time for the supreme court judges to show their true colors.
有一位忘年交的老奶奶,过去多年响应她婆婆的号召去作poll worker,在一个中西部摇摆州。据说是这样,一个投票站义工小组六个人,三个注册民主党,三个注册共和党,然后组长一定要是与本州执政党相反的党派,比如说,这个州现在是共和党州长,就要由民主党的一位来当义工组长。 所以呢,老奶奶对川总喊话投票欺诈的说法非常鄙视。但是,投票的规则属于各个州立法管辖的范畴,不难想象,州和州之间的要求和标准会差别很大。
A judge ordered the U.S. Postal Service to sweep some mail processing facilities for delayed ballots and immediately dispatch them for delivery in election battlegrounds including Pennsylvania, Florida and Arizona
这个是因为选民投票投错了自己注册的precinct,或者一些其他的technical defect,选票被作废的事情是经常有的。就像投票权,最早只是白男才可以投票,到后来女性也可以,再后来各个种族只要是18岁+公民都可以,历史上一些投票的标准,比如文化程度要求,语言要求之类的,已经都渐渐被废除掉了。但是,很多文化程度和语言要求达不到理想标准的投票人,虽然有票,还是会投错…… 不过,这个不是平权问题,是智商问题,所以这些票被作废也很难翻盘。
Photos: #COVID19 positive voters cast ballots curbside in St. Louis on eve of the election. Very, very 2020.
The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) provides a web page and a map with ID requirements for voting in each state.[19] In states with strict ID laws, the voter is required to take additional action after the provisional ballot is cast to verify ID. The NCSL website describes strict states as follows: In states with non-strict voter ID laws, other methods of validation are allowed, which vary by state. Possible alternatives are: signing an affidavit, having a poll worker vouch for voter, having election officials verify a voter's identity after the vote is cast, or having the voter return an inquiry mailed to their reported address. The NCSL categorizes state-level voter ID laws as follows:[21] Photo ID required (strict): Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. Photo ID requested (non-strict): Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Texas. Non-photo ID required (strict): Arizona, North Dakota, and Ohio. Non-photo ID requested (non-strict): Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia,. No ID required to vote at ballot box: California, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C. No ID is required to vote in North Carolina as of Dec. 31, 2019.
I do not get it. How do they verify that a person is allowed to vote?