我看到过1-2天就drop out 的人,。 也听到过有人sneak 手机进去打电话的 10天不是vacation, 不是总是轻松愉快的 The Code of Discipline[p=27, null, left]The foundation of the practice is sīla — moral conduct. Sīla provides a basis for the development of samādhi — concentration of mind; and purification of the mind is achieved through paññā — the wisdom of insight. The Precepts [p=27, null, left]All who attend a Vipassana course must conscientiously undertake the following five precepts for the duration of the course:
to abstain from killing any being; to abstain from stealing; to abstain from all sexual activity; to abstain from telling lies; to abstain from all intoxicants.
[p=27, null, left]There are three additional precepts which old students (that is, those who have completed a course with S.N. Goenka or one of his assistant teachers) are expected to follow during the course:
to abstain from eating after midday; to abstain from sensual entertainment and bodily decorations; to abstain from using high or luxurious beds.
[p=27, null, left]Old students will observe the sixth precept by having tea without milk or fruit juice at the 5 p.m. break, whereas new student may have tea with milk and some fruit. The teacher may excuse an old student from observing this precept for health reasons. The seventh and eighth precept will be observed by all. Acceptance of the Teacher and the Technique[p=27, null, left]Students must declare themselves willing to comply fully and for the duration of the course with the teacher's guidance and instructions; that is, to observe the discipline and to meditate exactly as the teacher asks, without ignoring any part of the instructions, nor adding anything to them. This acceptance should be one of discrimination and understanding, not blind submission. Only with an attitude of trust can a student work diligently and thoroughly. Such confidence in the teacher and the technique is essential for success in meditation. Other Techniques, Rites, and Forms of Worship[p=27, null, left]During the course it is absolutely essential that all forms of prayer, worship, or religious ceremony — fasting, burning incense, counting beads, reciting mantras, singing and dancing, etc. — be discontinued. All other meditation techniques and healing or spiritual practices should also be suspended. This is not to condemn any other technique or practice, but to give a fair trial to the technique of Vipassana in its purity. [p=27, null, left]Students are strongly advised that deliberately mixing other techniques of meditation with Vipassana will impede and even reverse their progress. Despite repeated warnings by the teacher, there have been cases in the past where students have intentionally mixed this technique with a ritual or another practice, and have done themselves a great disservice. Any doubts or confusion which may arise should always be clarified by meeting with the teacher. Interviews With the Teacher[p=27, null, left]The teacher is available to meet students privately between 12 Noon and 1:00 p.m. Questions may also be asked in public between 9:00 and 9:30 p.m. in the meditation hall. The interview and question times are for clarifying the technique and for questions arising from the evening discourses. Noble Silence[p=27, null, left]All students must observe Noble Silence from the beginning of the course until the morning of the last full day. Noble Silence means silence of body, speech, and mind. Any form of communication with fellow student, whether by gestures, sign language, written notes, etc., is prohibited. [p=27, null, left]Students may, however, speak with the teacher whenever necessary and they may approach the management with any problems related to food, accommodation, health, etc. But even these contacts should be kept to a minimum. Students should cultivate the feeling that they are working in isolation. Separation of Men and Women[p=27, null, left]Complete segregation of men and women is to be maintained. Couples, married or otherwise, should not contact each other in any way during the course. The same applies to friends, members of the same family, etc. Physical Contact[p=27, null, left]It is important that throughout the course there be no physical contact whatsoever between persons of the same or opposite sex. Yoga and Physical Exercise[p=27, null, left]Although physical yoga and other exercises are compatible with Vipassana, they should be suspended during the course because proper secluded facilities are not available at the course site. Jogging is also not permitted. Students may exercise during rest periods by walking in the designated areas. Religious Objects, Rosaries, Crystals, Talismans, etc.[p=27, null, left]No such items should be brought to the course site. If brought inadvertently they should be deposited with the management for the duration of the course. Intoxicants and Drugs[p=27, null, left]No drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants should be brought to the site; this also applies to tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and all other sedatives. Those taking medicines or drugs on a doctor's prescription should notify the teacher. Tobacco[p=27, null, left]For the health and comfort of all students, smoking, chewing tobacco, and taking snuff are not permitted at the course. Food[p=27, null, left]It is not possible to satisfy the special food preferences and requirements of all the meditators. Students are therefore kindly requested to make do with the simple vegetarian meals provided. The course management endeavors to prepare a balanced, wholesome menu suitable for meditation. If any students have been prescribed a special diet because of ill-health, they should inform the management at the time of application. Fasting is not permitted. Clothing[p=27, null, left]Dress should be simple, modest, and comfortable. Tight, transparent, revealing, or otherwise striking clothing (such as shorts, short skirts, tights and leggings, sleeveless or skimpy tops) should not be worn. Sunbathing and partial nudity are not permitted. This is important in order to minimize distraction to others. Laundry and Bathing[p=27, null, left]No washing machines or dryers are available, so students should bring sufficient clothing. Small items can be hand-washed. Bathing and laundry may be done only in the break periods and not during meditation hours. Outside Contacts[p=27, null, left]Students must remain within the course boundaries throughout the course. They may leave only with the specific consent of the teacher. No outside communications is allowed before the course ends. This includes letters, phone calls and visitors. Cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices must be deposited with the management until the course ends. In case of an emergency, a friend or relative may contact the management. Music, Reading and Writing[p=27, null, left]The playing of musical instruments, radios, etc. is not permitted. No reading or writing materials should be brought to the course. Students should not distract themselves by taking notes. The restriction on reading and writing is to emphasize the strictly practical nature of this meditation. Recording Devices and Cameras[p=27, null, left]These may not be used except with the express permission of the teacher. Course Finances[p=27, null, left]According to the tradition of pure Vipassana, courses are run solely on a donation basis. Donations are accepted only from those who have completed at least one ten-day course with S.N. Goenka or one of his assisting teachers. Someone taking the course for the first time may give a donation on the last day of the course or any time thereafter. [p=27, null, left]In this way courses are supported by those who have realized for themselves the benefits of the practice. Wishing to share these benefits with others, one gives a donation according to one's means and volition. Such donations are the only source of funding for course in this tradition around the world. There is no wealthy foundation or individual sponsoring them. Neither the teachers nor the organizers receive any kind of payment for their service. Thus, the spread of Vipassana is carried out with purity of purpose, free from any commercialism. [p=27, null, left]Whether a donation is large or small, it should be given with the wish to help others: 'The course I have taken has been paid for through the generosity of past students; now let me give something towards the cost of a future course, so that others may also benefit by this technique.' Summary[p=27, null, left]To clarify the spirit behind the discipline and rules, they may be summarized as follows: [p=27, null, left]Take great care that your actions do not disturb anyone. Take no notice of distractions caused by others. [p=27, null, left]It may be that a student cannot understand the practical reasons for one or several of the above rules. Rather than allow negativity and doubt to develop, immediate clarification should be sought from the teacher. [p=27, null, left]It is only by taking a disciplined approach and by making maximum effort that a student can fully grasp the practice and benefit from it. The emphasis during the course is on work. A golden rule is to meditate as if one were alone, with one's mind turned inward, ignoring any inconveniences and distractions that one may encounter. [p=27, null, left]Finally, students should note that their progress in Vipassana depends solely on their own good qualities and personal development and on five factors: earnest efforts, confidence, sincerity, health and wisdom. [p=27, null, left]May the above information help you to obtain maximum benefit from your meditation course. We are happy to have the opportunity to serve, and wish you peace and harmony from your experience of Vipassana. THE COURSE TIMETABLE[p=27, null, left]The following timetable for the course has been designed to maintain the continuity of practice. For best results students are advised to follow it as closely as possible.
4:00 am
Morning wake-up bell
4:30-6:30 am
Meditate in the hall or in your room
6:30-8:00 am
Breakfast break
8:00-9:00 am
Group meditation in the hall
9:00-11:00 am
Meditate in the hall or in your room according to the teacher's instructions
11:00-12:00 noon
Lunch break
12noon-1:00 pm
Rest and interviews with the teacher
1:00-2:30 pm
Meditate in the hall or in your room
2:30-3:30 pm
Group meditation in the hall
3:30-5:00 pm
Meditate in the hall or in your own room according to the teacher's instructions
5:00-6:00 pm
Tea break
6:00-7:00 pm
Group meditation in the hall
7:00-8:15 pm
Teacher's Discourse in the hall
8:15-9:00 pm
Group meditation in the hall
9:00-9:30 pm
Question time in the hall
9:30 pm
Retire to your own room--Lights out
[p=27, null, left]You may download a copy of the above Code of Discipline in Adobe Acrobat format here for careful reading and review before you register for a course. You may apply for a Vipassana meditation course by completing and submitting an application for a scheduled course.
五,内在心态的辨认 六,修心的几个大关口
楼主自己年近四十,所以,周围的朋友都是这个年龄,有很多都是人生硬件配置豪华鲜亮的,一流的头脑,靠自己的能力,工作家庭房子车子孩子,样样齐全。。。就是活得心好累! 有的朋友甚至会对我感叹说,还是年轻好,那个时候虽然穷,啥都没有,但也没有这么多压力责任,多么轻松自在啊!
有姐妹问我,外在的思想行为还比较好辨认,但是内在的心态就不容易认清楚了,怎么办?呵呵,人想要看清楚自己的心可不是件容易的事啊!关于这个问题,释迦牟尼老师给的答案很清楚,内在心态的存在形态就是一个字---我! 当一个人有我的时候,是自私的心态,当一个人无我的时候,是无私的心态!修心就是在心态上去除“我”!
1)情关 - 包括一切人类的感情,亲情,爱情,友情
2)名关 - 这是指声望名望
4)色欲关 - 这包括食和性(食色性也)
1)静下心来,观察自己的内心,觉知自我的感知 (这个部分可以依靠打坐站桩来帮助静心)
2)修炼平等心(没有分别心)- 就是遇到了快乐的感知,不企盼它会持续;遇到了烦恼的感知,也不企盼它会消失。(这个部分需要深层体悟宇宙自然的无我和无常)
修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列一,四月专题,学会放下烦恼 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1804735
修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列二,抑郁症/忧郁症专辑 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1819722
修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列三,五月专题,圣经修心专辑-重返伊甸园 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1821401&page=1
修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列四,母亲节专题,教育孩子成为一个快乐自在的人 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1825143 修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列五,六月专题,佛经修心 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1836786 修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列六,七月专题,舒气通心篇(站桩打坐) http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1851460 修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列七,八月专题,优雅幸福女神-秦怡老师的故事 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1866164 修心养性-快乐自在-享受人生,系列八,九月专题,常见修心问题汇总贴 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1880810 .
一把开启你生命智慧的钥匙-易经,系列一,卜卦解卦,由易入道 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1790907&forumpage=1 一把开启你生命智慧的钥匙-易经,系列二,自强不息,从我流年的故事看乾卦 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1794813&forumpage=3 一把开启你生命智慧的钥匙-易经,系列三,厚德载物,从我的婚姻生活看坤卦 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1798399&&page=1 一把开启你生命智慧的钥匙-易经,系列四,阴阳一体-龙的传人,易经职场帖 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1802176
看来楼主不仅会水仙术, 还是老顽童
修心贵在坚持啊.. 每个月初会小修一下,之后忙着忙那总觉得没时间就退回起点。
You are on the right track!!!!
行为上我比以前对别人更好了 也包括家人老公和身边所有人 因为放下我了嘛 有了更多的耐心和精力对别人好 可是我自己什么感觉也没有 觉得心里最柔软的地方上了锁一样
lz我以前是个多愁善感 感情老丰富的人了 难道我这辈子感情都被我用完了么 我心里清楚多愁善感带给我很多烦恼 所以那个心不敢动 但是自己不太适应啊。。
修心是为了修己安人啊,先把自己的一颗心安下来,然后用自己的正能量帮助周围的人安心。。。win win的大好事,你说呢?加油!
Location link:
佛经贴我跪求过大家去禅修, 10天闭关很短, 但是对很多人来说要适应的
下面这个the cold of discipline看过了吗?10天你是不能站桩的, 做瑜伽的, 不能用手机和任何人联系, 不能上网, 时间表是按照僧侣的作息的, 不能听音乐, 看任何东西, 和写任何东西的
葛老的课 是不讲行禅的, 运动会很少
多了解了解吧, 不要太impulsive, 对自己负责吧
我看到过1-2天就drop out 的人,。 也听到过有人sneak 手机进去打电话的
10天不是vacation, 不是总是轻松愉快的
The Code of Discipline[p=27, null, left]The foundation of the practice is sīla — moral conduct. Sīla provides a basis for the development of samādhi — concentration of mind; and purification of the mind is achieved through paññā — the wisdom of insight.
The Precepts
[p=27, null, left]All who attend a Vipassana course must conscientiously undertake the following five precepts for the duration of the course:
to abstain from killing any being;
to abstain from stealing;
to abstain from all sexual activity;
to abstain from telling lies;
to abstain from all intoxicants.
[p=27, null, left]There are three additional precepts which old students (that is, those who have completed a course with S.N. Goenka or one of his assistant teachers) are expected to follow during the course:
to abstain from eating after midday;
to abstain from sensual entertainment and bodily decorations;
to abstain from using high or luxurious beds.
[p=27, null, left]Old students will observe the sixth precept by having tea without milk or fruit juice at the 5 p.m. break, whereas new student may have tea with milk and some fruit. The teacher may excuse an old student from observing this precept for health reasons. The seventh and eighth precept will be observed by all.
Acceptance of the Teacher and the Technique[p=27, null, left]Students must declare themselves willing to comply fully and for the duration of the course with the teacher's guidance and instructions; that is, to observe the discipline and to meditate exactly as the teacher asks, without ignoring any part of the instructions, nor adding anything to them. This acceptance should be one of discrimination and understanding, not blind submission. Only with an attitude of trust can a student work diligently and thoroughly. Such confidence in the teacher and the technique is essential for success in meditation.
Other Techniques, Rites, and Forms of Worship[p=27, null, left]During the course it is absolutely essential that all forms of prayer, worship, or religious ceremony — fasting, burning incense, counting beads, reciting mantras, singing and dancing, etc. — be discontinued. All other meditation techniques and healing or spiritual practices should also be suspended. This is not to condemn any other technique or practice, but to give a fair trial to the technique of Vipassana in its purity.
[p=27, null, left]Students are strongly advised that deliberately mixing other techniques of meditation with Vipassana will impede and even reverse their progress. Despite repeated warnings by the teacher, there have been cases in the past where students have intentionally mixed this technique with a ritual or another practice, and have done themselves a great disservice. Any doubts or confusion which may arise should always be clarified by meeting with the teacher.
Interviews With the Teacher[p=27, null, left]The teacher is available to meet students privately between 12 Noon and 1:00 p.m. Questions may also be asked in public between 9:00 and 9:30 p.m. in the meditation hall. The interview and question times are for clarifying the technique and for questions arising from the evening discourses.
Noble Silence[p=27, null, left]All students must observe Noble Silence from the beginning of the course until the morning of the last full day. Noble Silence means silence of body, speech, and mind. Any form of communication with fellow student, whether by gestures, sign language, written notes, etc., is prohibited.
[p=27, null, left]Students may, however, speak with the teacher whenever necessary and they may approach the management with any problems related to food, accommodation, health, etc. But even these contacts should be kept to a minimum. Students should cultivate the feeling that they are working in isolation.
Separation of Men and Women[p=27, null, left]Complete segregation of men and women is to be maintained. Couples, married or otherwise, should not contact each other in any way during the course. The same applies to friends, members of the same family, etc.
Physical Contact[p=27, null, left]It is important that throughout the course there be no physical contact whatsoever between persons of the same or opposite sex.
Yoga and Physical Exercise[p=27, null, left]Although physical yoga and other exercises are compatible with Vipassana, they should be suspended during the course because proper secluded facilities are not available at the course site. Jogging is also not permitted. Students may exercise during rest periods by walking in the designated areas.
Religious Objects, Rosaries, Crystals, Talismans, etc.[p=27, null, left]No such items should be brought to the course site. If brought inadvertently they should be deposited with the management for the duration of the course.
Intoxicants and Drugs[p=27, null, left]No drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants should be brought to the site; this also applies to tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and all other sedatives. Those taking medicines or drugs on a doctor's prescription should notify the teacher.
Tobacco[p=27, null, left]For the health and comfort of all students, smoking, chewing tobacco, and taking snuff are not permitted at the course.
Food[p=27, null, left]It is not possible to satisfy the special food preferences and requirements of all the meditators. Students are therefore kindly requested to make do with the simple vegetarian meals provided. The course management endeavors to prepare a balanced, wholesome menu suitable for meditation. If any students have been prescribed a special diet because of ill-health, they should inform the management at the time of application. Fasting is not permitted.
Clothing[p=27, null, left]Dress should be simple, modest, and comfortable. Tight, transparent, revealing, or otherwise striking clothing (such as shorts, short skirts, tights and leggings, sleeveless or skimpy tops) should not be worn. Sunbathing and partial nudity are not permitted. This is important in order to minimize distraction to others.
Laundry and Bathing[p=27, null, left]No washing machines or dryers are available, so students should bring sufficient clothing. Small items can be hand-washed. Bathing and laundry may be done only in the break periods and not during meditation hours.
Outside Contacts[p=27, null, left]Students must remain within the course boundaries throughout the course. They may leave only with the specific consent of the teacher. No outside communications is allowed before the course ends. This includes letters, phone calls and visitors. Cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices must be deposited with the management until the course ends. In case of an emergency, a friend or relative may contact the management.
Music, Reading and Writing[p=27, null, left]The playing of musical instruments, radios, etc. is not permitted. No reading or writing materials should be brought to the course. Students should not distract themselves by taking notes. The restriction on reading and writing is to emphasize the strictly practical nature of this meditation.
Recording Devices and Cameras[p=27, null, left]These may not be used except with the express permission of the teacher.
Course Finances[p=27, null, left]According to the tradition of pure Vipassana, courses are run solely on a donation basis. Donations are accepted only from those who have completed at least one ten-day course with S.N. Goenka or one of his assisting teachers. Someone taking the course for the first time may give a donation on the last day of the course or any time thereafter.
[p=27, null, left]In this way courses are supported by those who have realized for themselves the benefits of the practice. Wishing to share these benefits with others, one gives a donation according to one's means and volition. Such donations are the only source of funding for course in this tradition around the world. There is no wealthy foundation or individual sponsoring them. Neither the teachers nor the organizers receive any kind of payment for their service. Thus, the spread of Vipassana is carried out with purity of purpose, free from any commercialism.
[p=27, null, left]Whether a donation is large or small, it should be given with the wish to help others: 'The course I have taken has been paid for through the generosity of past students; now let me give something towards the cost of a future course, so that others may also benefit by this technique.'
Summary[p=27, null, left]To clarify the spirit behind the discipline and rules, they may be summarized as follows:
[p=27, null, left]Take great care that your actions do not disturb anyone. Take no notice of distractions caused by others.
[p=27, null, left]It may be that a student cannot understand the practical reasons for one or several of the above rules. Rather than allow negativity and doubt to develop, immediate clarification should be sought from the teacher.
[p=27, null, left]It is only by taking a disciplined approach and by making maximum effort that a student can fully grasp the practice and benefit from it. The emphasis during the course is on work. A golden rule is to meditate as if one were alone, with one's mind turned inward, ignoring any inconveniences and distractions that one may encounter.
[p=27, null, left]Finally, students should note that their progress in Vipassana depends solely on their own good qualities and personal development and on five factors: earnest efforts, confidence, sincerity, health and wisdom.
[p=27, null, left]May the above information help you to obtain maximum benefit from your meditation course. We are happy to have the opportunity to serve, and wish you peace and harmony from your experience of Vipassana.
THE COURSE TIMETABLE[p=27, null, left]The following timetable for the course has been designed to maintain the continuity of practice. For best results students are advised to follow it as closely as possible.
[p=27, null, left]You may download a copy of the above Code of Discipline in Adobe Acrobat format here for careful reading and review before you register for a course. You may apply for a Vipassana meditation course by completing and submitting an application for a scheduled course.
学佛不是万金油, 有问题, 哪里涂涂就可以解决的
有时候可能看点心理方面的书, 可能更直接一点
不知道为什么,现在physically 远离引起我烦恼的人之后,我更加肆无忌惮了。因为无法在行为上犯错,所以也不去费力气纠正自己了。
luckily 我们村就有一个庙 我想一两个小时的meditation也是很有帮助的。
另外,我觉得蛮奇怪的,加州本来就不大,我们以前从san diego开到san Francisco也只有八个小时。。。而且,我看了一下,这三个教学点分别是在北加,中加和南加,照理说无论如何车程3-4小时之内就会有啊。。。你会不会地址没看清楚?要不你短信给我你的地址,我再帮你看一下,你现在这么大好的修心时间,不做一些实打实地修行,太白瞎啦!