problem: appetite too good, negative mood Total: 550 Calories /2 hours Note: elliptical @ 8 is easier than treadmill @5-5.2. Also elliptical burns more calories and does not hurt joint as much. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 16:20:52编辑过]
Suggestion for next step: 1. record any food intake; 2. organize food - refer to other people's record; 3. increase cardio -time&level =>elliptical is good for me. 4. buy a abs ball this weekend; 5. add stretch & abs in the morning => get up 20 min. early - :( 6. give myself some rewards per progress; [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/6 11:54:11编辑过]
Diet: Breakfast: flaxplus + a little cereal + cold milled flax =>all in soybean milk Lunch: Carrots pan fried with cilantro (taste is awful) + korean BBQ Snack: pear Dinner: chicken soup (had enough) + a little fried egg with onion + boiled vegi After gym: watermelon (not a good choice but have to finish it)
Lunch makes me sick. But I am a creative cook :)
PT night: 1. cardio: elliptical 28 min 2. WT: still focus on upper body because of my foot. Worked on bar 40LBs! 3. After WT, stairs 15 min. @ level 5
Note: need more vegi + day time move around Total: 1.5 hours
1. water can pump up weight, so focus on workout but not number of weight; 2. should eat more vegi; 3. serious cardio @1-2 days/week: treadmill: 20 min. @5-5.2; elliptical: 28 min. @ fat burn 8/4; stairs: 20 min. @5 4. stretch before & after 5. might consider group class - pilate
Diet: Breakfast:flaxplus + a little cereal + cold milled flax =>all in soybean milk (how boring I am!); Lunch: boiled green vegi. + fried egg w/onion; Snack: watermelon; Dinner: chicken soup (finally!) + 番茄炒蛋
Cardio: 1. morning: walk around office building @ speed 4: 25 min. 2. after lunch: walk around office building @ speed 4: 30 min. 3. elliptical 28 min. @4/8 4. treadmill 10 min. @ 4 脚还是不舒服,10分钟就撤
WT: 30 min. here and there
Weekend is coming and I have lunch appointment with friends. I need burn more fat as an allowance for more intake. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:53:38编辑过]
Diet: Breakfast: soybean milk, 1 egg, 1 banana, 1 kiwi Lunch: celery/w peanuts, little chicken snack: peach Dinner: 豆腐,黄瓜. After training I ate a piece of BBQ chicken.
Personal Training Day Cardio: 1. Treadmill: 20 min.@ 5-5.2 2. elliptical: 25 min. @ 8
Cardi0: 1. elliptical: 15 min.
problem: appetite too good, negative mood Total: 550 Calories /2 hours Note: elliptical @ 8 is easier than threadmill @5-5.2. Also elliptical burns more calories and does not hurt joint as much.
以下是引用LeahBun在9/23/2011 1:15:00 PM的发言: 嗯同意。放假在家最容易多吃。。。最好找点事情做。。。就算不出门,在家玩玩ps3,或者做做家务。。。分散注意力 very much agree. next time I schedule a plan before taking any vacation.
summary as of today: 1. cardio: not enough (make it 60 min. per day); 2. food intake: can be less and balanced - make a cook plan during weekend for the next week - more vegi and less fruits; 3. day time movearound: put sports shoes in the office and walk 30 min. after lunch; [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/14 12:56:40编辑过]
Diet: (carb is high today, need salad for dinner) Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast + 1 piece of vegi/tofu cake + 1 cup of soybean milk snack: half sweet potato lunch: spicy korean noodle snack: the other half sweet potato dinner: 一杯半的水果榨汁,gym回来后2个炒鸡蛋+沙拉(low fat dressing)
Morning Exercise: stretch (10) + heavy ball w/arms (50) + situp w/heavy ball (50) almost give up morning exercise。 我觉得早晨锻炼需要咬牙切齿啊。人还没完全清醒呢就要倒在垫子上运动,太残酷了。 晚上gym:如果不是晚上有个kickboxing的课(星期一那个kickboxing的老师不要太性感哪。。一个女人身上的肌肉可以那么好看),我是真的不想去gym了。最近有点儿累。喝了一杯鲜榨果汁,精神好些。这个kickboxing课太累人了,比前几天的不是一个等级的。坚持了40分钟,我溜了。
Other: a) I woke up a few times last night. From tonight on I will have some wiine before go to the bed. b) I feel I am getting tired of elliptical. Tonight I will take kickboxing. c) no more butter on the toast d) 为了刺激我的热情,这个周末要做点儿什么奖励自己。 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/29 0:03:58编辑过]
Diet: Breakfast: flaxplus + a big spoon of flax seed powder + soybean milk Lunch: fried tofu + bacon + salad Dinner: beef w/seaweed soup (no beef - after cooking over 10 hours, beef is like wood) + mixed salad w/tomato
Morning: 20 stretches and that's all. After lunch: walk under sun 25 mins. Evening: PT night (treadmill power walk 40 min, speed @3.8-4, incline 2) + WT
Note: a) feel aching and sour all over my body. I need catch up sleep this weekend or take a nap during the day; b) stop pushing myself too hard and learn to relax; [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/6 12:04:48编辑过]
Fitness: Morning: stretch (20), situp with medicine ball (20), arms with medicine ball (20) After lunch: walk around office building 35 min. It's 1st time to walk with the toning shoes. Afternoon: walk around office building 25 min.
Gym: treadmill 52 min. (warm up 5 min + 45 min @ speed 4.5/4.8/5.0 + cool down 2 min.) core: flutter: 50x3; basic crunch: 40x3; side crunch: 30x2 WT: lat pull down: level 3 (2x15) + level 1 (1x15) cable cross: triceps: level 3 (3x15) seated leg press: 15x3 @50lb swiss ball squat: 15x3 chest press: 15x2 @25lb + 10x1@15lb after WT, treadmill: 20 min. walk @ speed 3.8/4
Other: Purple Yam Nutrition: Like regular yams, purple yams are extremely good for you. High in potassium, plus B6, vitamin C, fiber, plus antioxidants, purple yams are truly one of nature's wonders. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/6 12:09:08编辑过]
Here are tips from my PT for fat burning. This might not fit you because this is based upon my situation: 1) target for fat loss and body tone up; 2) right foot is weak, 3) core is weak;
PT suggests work out 5.5 days/week: 5 days (cardio + core + WT + burst training) and 1 day (cardio + core only).
Cardio part: (max: 50 min.) 1. warm up: 5 min. (stretch=>treadmill 3.5-4); 2. treadmill: 40 min. @ speed 4.8-5-5.2 (no incline); 3. cool down: 5 min. @ speed 3.5-4;
Core part: (core is weak, so it's before WT) 1. situp: with medicine ball 10lb (40x3); 2. flutter: 50x3; 3. crunch: 40x3;
WT part (used most often): (6 sets/day; 5 days/week) 1. biceps curl: 15x3 @10lb dumbbell; 2. triceps: cross cable @ level 3 (15x3); 3. chest press: 15x3 @25lb; 4. lat pulldown: 15x3 @48lb; 5. dead lift: 15x3 @ 40lb barbell; 6. leg extension: 15x3 @ 30lb; 7. seated leg press: 15x3 @ 50lb; 8. lunges
Cardio - Burst Training: (this is a must after WT) Treadmill: 20min. interval speed @3.5====>6.5====>3.5 (increase speed by 0.5 every 2 min. until 6.5; and then slow down by 0.5 every 2 min. )
Diet: Breakfast: rice soup (red bean, brown rice, barley, grounded date), 1.5 boiled egg, 0.5 cup soybean milk, and 榨菜 Snack: 1 peach (huge!) Lunch: brown rice, beef (big chunk), turkey (stir fried), 7 jumbo shrimp (boiled), 2 pieces of 木薯. Eat too much, need seriously work out tonight! Snack: 1 cucumber + 1 sweet pepper Dinner: 沙拉 + 火鸡肉 + 大碗牛肉清汤 After Gym: 0.5 boiled egg, 1 table spoon of yogurt [do not open refrigerator after gym - too much challenge]
Exercise: 1. Morning: stretch + crunch w/ mini. core ball; 2. Day time: walk 30 min. after lunch; another 25 min. walk 3. Gym: 今天又是我的PT night. 35 分钟 elliptical @ interval, resistance 7, incline 4/10. 挺过瘾的。如果不是要上课,我可以继续35分钟没问题。看了中午吃多了还是有好处的。 今天的课特累。最后一组free weight 练习后背的器械差点儿放弃不做。还好坚持下来了。可谁知道这种临界坚持是好是坏呢。
No more 木薯! - Just found this one from baidu: 尽管木薯的块根富含淀粉,但其全株各部位,包括根、茎、叶都含有毒物质,而且新鲜块根毒性较大。因此,在食用木薯块根时一定要注意。木薯含有的有毒物质为亚麻仁苦苷,如果摄入生的或未煮熟的木薯或喝其汤,都有可能引起中毒。其原因为亚麻仁苦苷或亚麻仁苦苷酶经胃酸水解后产生游离的氢氰酸,从而使人体中毒。 一个人如果食用150~300克生木薯即可引起中毒,甚至死亡。 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/5 11:33:01编辑过]
sweet potatoes is one of the super foods!. 富含矿物质和其他营养成分. 美国卖的基本都是sweet potatoes, 有的叫yam, 是因为皮是紫色的, 很象非洲的yam. FDA规定, 即使用Yam这个名称, 也一定要加sweet potatoes在前边. 紫蜀好象只有在日本或者亚洲店里可以买得到.
sweet potatoes is one of the super foods!. 富含矿物质和其他营养成分. 美国卖的基本都是sweet potatoes, 有的叫yam, 是因为皮是紫色的, 很象非洲的yam. FDA规定, 即使用Yam这个名称, 也一定要加sweet potatoes在前边. 紫蜀好象只有在日本或者亚洲店里可以买得到. wow, so informative! some of my korean friends eat sweet potato when on diet, so I just follow it. Right, I buy it from asian store.
sweet potatoes is one of the super foods!. 富含矿物质和其他营养成分. 美国卖的基本都是sweet potatoes, 有的叫yam, 是因为皮是紫色的, 很象非洲的yam. FDA规定, 即使用Yam这个名称, 也一定要加sweet potatoes在前边. 紫蜀好象只有在日本或者亚洲店里可以买得到.
最近每天早上吃一个。哈哈。周末烤好。早上微波炉热1分钟就好。 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 17:24:52编辑过] This is a good idea and taste is better than the steamed. miss the smell .... in the winter when I passed by the toasted sweet potato oven....
Is 美国薯 the one that's orange color inside? chinese input at office. 我看到有两种, 一种土豆皮那个颜色, 瓤是黄的. 还有一种皮是紫的, 里边是桔红的. 前边一般就叫sweet potato, 后边那个叫(sweet potato) yam.
Diet: Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs [144 ca], 1 bowl of rice soup (red bean/brown rice/barley/grounded date with sugar&soy milk) [47+84+18+90], bean sprouts [15] ===> [total: 307] Snack: 1/2 purple sweet potato [52] Lunch: less than 1 serving of stewed beef with 牛蹄筋 [220], a few pc of 木薯 [52] [no vegi. only carb + meat =>not good combination] ===> [total: 272] Snack: 1 apple [100] Dinner: salmon [200] +清炒豆苗 [80] ===> [total: 280] Snack: 3 table spoon yogurt (fat free) [60] + 4 pieces of watermelon [80]
first time to count calories. so it might not be accurate. Total today: 1242
Exercise: Morning: stretch + nothing Day Time: walk around office building 30 min. + 40 min. Gym: stretch=>ellicpitcal 60 min. (interval @ resistance 7 & incline 4/10] => lat pull down 3x15; biceps by dumbbell 10x3 @ 8lb
Exercise: Day time: quick walk 20 min. , arms: 4 sets, seated crunch: 300 Gym: 1. kickboxing: 30 min. (I do not like the instructor. Next time make a quick decision), 2. treadmill 40 min. (interval 3.8/4 @ incline 0.5/2.5); Home: 1. push up on the knee: 40 2. throw medicine ball between hands (work on waist) :100 3. situp with medicine ball 25x4 4. basic crunch: 50
Exercise: 1. Morning: Stretch (40); situp with medicine ball 25x3 2. Day Time: Seated crunch 300; twisting arms (3x40); quick walk 25 min. + 40 min. 3. Gym: PT night a) cardio: 40 min. (stairs 25 min. + elliptical 15 min.) b) WT + Core: 50 min. c) cardio after WT: 35 min. 很变态,今天让我走treadmill,坡度9,速度4,共20分钟。我是一直hold前面的杆子(这个等同于某种程度的作弊),走到12分钟的 时候感觉要挂了。在挂和欺骗PT之间我挣扎了1分钟,选择欺骗。坡度降到6,感觉轻松很多。2分钟后调回到9。20分钟结束后3.6-3.8无坡度走了15分钟cool down.
[Note]: I had a very bad sleep last night - woke up many times. Stop pushing myself too hard.
Others: 1. Too much red meat. No more this week. 2. 好像有点儿上火的感觉。。 3. No more 2 hours exercise - control under 100 minutes. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 11:27:37编辑过]
Diet: total calory intake: 1252 1. Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs [144], 1 big bowl of green bean soup [316/5=63], 榨菜 [10]==>217 2. Snack: 20 grape tomato [30] 3. Lunch: stir fried 腐竹 w/carrot [400+20+35=455], boiled shrimp [111], pepper [30] ==> 596 4. Dinner: 素炒番茄青椒【80+33+66=179】,一大杯豆浆【130】==》309 5. Snack after Gym: 豆浆【100】
Exercise: a) Morning: 1. stretch: 50 2. crunch with medicine ball: 80 b) Day Time: 1. seated crunch: 30x4 2. quick walk: 15+35+30=>80 min. c) Gym: 1. treadmill: 30 min. quick walk w/slow run 2. PT 3. treadmill: 20 min. (9/4)
Diet: total calorie intake: 1232 1. Breakfast: 1.5 小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,冰糖)[180], 半袋榨菜 [15], 一杯薏米茶 [357/5 = 72] ==>267 2. Lunch: 煎三文鱼(6 oz)[80+248=328],沙拉(甜椒,生菜,花菜)[50] =>378 4. Snack: 1 L peach [61] 5. Dinner: sashimi, 沙拉 【454】 6. Snack: 1 M apple [72]
Exercise: a) Morning: Nothing. b) Day Time: c) Gym: 1. treadmill: 20 min. warm up 2. kickboxing: 60 min. (质量特差,还不如跑步了) 3. triceps: 15x3 (level 3) + 15x1 (level 2) 4. fly: 10x4 (5lb)
Diet: total calorie intake: 1. Breakfast: 2小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,冰糖)[240], 1 serving flax seed [72], 榨菜 [15], 一杯薏米茶 [357/5 = 72] ==>399 2. Snack: 1 M apple [72] 3. Lunch: BBQ chicken breast + salad [353] 4. Snack: 1 S purple yam [82] 5. Dinner: 水煮花菜,小西红柿,黄瓜,煎豆腐 【242】 6. Snack: 1 S purple yam [60]
Exercise: a) Morning: b) Day Time: a lot of crunches c) Gym: 1) treadmill: 25 min. (interval @4.8-5.4) 2) triceps, biceps, fly, lat pull down, seated row, chest press (3 - 5 sets) 3) treadmill: 35 min. (variety @ 3.8)
谢谢mm的热心和鼓励。像我这样原来一直不运动的人,刚开始的时候减重快,这很大程度上是水分的减少。当然fat loss也有。这两天我一直在这版上看精华帖子,看看大家在所谓的平台期是如何应对的 -- 目前我的状况,我想还是cardio为主,可以加强时间和强度。WT隔天30分钟左右。 calorie我已经控制的不错的了,不能再少了 - 饮食上可以 稍微减少些动物蛋白,增加植物蛋白摄取。 关于维度,我想在下个月开始作为辅助手段吧。。。目前肥肉太多了 :( 下班路上买了厨房用的称 - make sure my calorie count is accurate....long way to go.. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 20:53:49编辑过]
Exercise: a) Morning: stretch: 100 b) Day Time: seated crunch, arms, quick walk c) Gym: 1) treadmill: 60 min. jogging @4.5/4.8 2) pilate: 60 min. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/20 1:00:22编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1252 1. Breakfast: 1小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,薏米)[125], 1 purple yam [176] ==>301 2. Snack: 1 M apple [72], supplement [22] 3. Lunch: eggs fried w/ tomato, left over steak, boiled vegi ==> 544 4. Snack: grape tomato [31] 5. Dinner: stewed beef w/tofu & pepper, 凉拌豆芽==> 282
Exercise: a) Morning: stretch b) Day Time: 1) twisted arms: 40x4 2) seated crunch: 30x2 3) quick walk: 18 min. after lunch walk: 40 min. c) Home: 今天没有去gym,看电视的时候抱着medicine ball在地毯上不停的扭动扭动。。。唉,肚子上的肥肉还是很可观。。 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/22 11:33:01编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1206 1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 【72】,紫薯【122】,1 cup soy milk【110】==》304 2. Snack: pear [214] 3. Lunch: turkey breast, chicken breast [200], green bean [59], grilled onion [30]==>289 4. Snack: 1 S apple [55] 5. Dinner: 5 oz grilled turkey, pepper, carrot, broccoli [254], soy milk [90]
Exercise: a) Morning: stretch b) Day time: twisted arms 40x2; seated crunch: 30x2; quick walk: 20 min. c) Gym: cardio: elliptical: 60 min (resistance 4/8, incline 4/10) WT: seated leg press: 50lb (15x2), 70lb (15x3); single leg rise: 40x3 abs: crunch/flutter/situp with medicine ball: 360 cardio: elliptical: 20 min (resistance 7)
Exercise: a) Morning: stretch b) Day time: twisted arms 40x2: quick walk: 30 min. after-lunch walk: 20 min. c) Gym: cardio: treadmill: 40 min. (incline 3, speed 3.8) pilate: 50 min. seated leg press: 50lb (15x2) crunch w/medicine ball: 50x4
Exercise: a) Morning: stretch & crunch w/ball 50x2 b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x2; wall push-up: 30x2; quick walk: 65 min. c) Gym: cardio: elliptical: 60 min (resistance 4/8) WT: bicep curl: 7.5lb (20x5), triceps extension: 10lb (20x4), chest press: 30lb (10x5), pull down: 50lb (15x4) abs: crunch w/ball: 50x6
我本来是想low carb...但是carb含量已经51% (breakfast, lunch & snack). 当然晚饭还没有考虑。thanks to, otherwise, I still think my food intake is low carb. what a surprise... [此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/28 0:21:13编辑过]
Exercise: a) Morning: nothing b) Day time: situp w/medicine ball: 30x3; basic crunch: 50x3; knee push up: 20x2; situp w/swiss ball: 30x4 c) Gym: cardio: treadmill: 65 min. (speed 4.5/incline 0 => speed 4.8/incline 0.5 for 50 min. + 4.5/1/5 =>4.8/0.5 for 10 min. + 5 min. cool down)
以下是引用无风自飞在11/8/2011 12:08:00 PM的发言: MM好认真啊! 记得真详尽!就凭这么认真的态度,我肯定你行!- thank you! Still a long way to go.
!就两个小建议:吃的好像有点少,不用特别追究卡路里,大方向对就对了。 - This is what I am thinking of too. Will make my food intake more balanced.
另外也不用每天称重,女性water weight浮动很大,体重数字无论高低上下,给我们带来的精神负担永远弊大于利。。。衣服穿上身的合适程度还有个人精神状态,是最好的衡量标准。。。 - I have taken this advice. I do it 1 time /week - every Sunday morning.
mm 加油! 你肯定行! - Next summer I want to look sexy with a tank!!!
i want to keep this log to monitor the progress for getting fitness. any suggestion is most welcome.
long-term goal: gain muscles + balanced food + life time habit
short-term goal: phase i: weight lose: 15lbs (9/1 - 12/31/2011) & fat loss
summary of exercise & weight loss:
1st week (9/4-9/10): no record, exercise: 4 days/week + 1 day hiking;
2nd week (9/11-9/17): -1.5 lb, exercise: 7 days/week
3rd week (9/18-9/24): - 0.5lb, exercise: 6 days/week (mc week)
4th week (9/25-10/1): - 1lb, exercise: 7 days/week
8/25 - 10/1: 共减重6磅!
5th week (10/2-10/8): -1.5 lb, exercise: 6 days/week
6th week (10/9-10/15): +0.3lb, exercise: 6 days/week (mc week)
7th week (10/16-10/22): -2lb, exercise: 6 days/week
8th week (10/23 - 10/29): -1.6lb, exercise: 7 days/week
10/2-10/29: 减重4.8磅!
9th week (10/30 - 11/5): -1.4lb, exercise: 6 days/week
10th week (11/6-11/12): -1lb, exercise: 6 days/week
11th week (11/13-11/19): -1.8lb, exercise: 6 days/week
12th week (11/20-11/26): +1.2lb, exercise: 5 days @ gym + 2 days @ home
10/30-11/26: 减重3磅!
13th week (11/27-12/3): -2lb, exercise: 6days @ gym + 1 day hiking
14th week (12/4-12/10): +1.8lb, exercise: 5 days @ gym (mc week)
15th week (12/11-12/17): -1.6lb, exercise: 5 days
16th week (12/18-12/24): +0.6lb, exercise: 5days
17th week (12/25-12/31): -0.8lb, exercise: 2 days @ gym
11/27-12/31: 减重2lb!
heart rate calculation:
my target training zone: 140-164
fat burning zone: 94-132
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/2 12:12:43编辑过]
stretch: 1 min.
warm up: treadmill@ 3.5: 5 min.
treadmill: @5.5/22 min. + interval @ 3.5/4
elliptical: 1 min.
1. hip - 12x3 @ 22.5lb
2. fly - 6x3 @5lb
3. situp - 25x3 @ + 10lb heavy ball
4. faceup crunch - 15x3
5. Hip abduction - 30x3
6. biceps - 12x3 @ 8 lb
7. triceps - 15x3 @level 2
problem: breath, joint
Others: running shoes @ acisc, socks with cushion, sports bra
9/15 (Thursday) -
Breakfast: soybean milk, 1 egg, 1 banana, 1 kiwi
Lunch: celery/w peanuts, little chicken
snack: peach
Dinner: 豆腐,黄瓜. After gym a piece of BBQ chicken.
1. Treadmill: 20 min.@ 5-5.2
2. elliptical: 25 min. @ 8
WT: as required by PT.
After WT, another cardio: elliptical: 15 min.
problem: appetite too good, negative mood
Total: 550 Calories /2 hours
Note: elliptical @ 8 is easier than treadmill @5-5.2. Also elliptical burns more calories and does not hurt joint as much.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 16:20:52编辑过]
这段时间只减了大概1lb - 主要原因是cardio不够 - both time and level,并且食欲大增,吃嘛嘛香
Gym: 5-6 days/week
PT: 2 days/week
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/16 0:50:40编辑过]
Breakfast: soybean milk, 1 egg, 1 banana
Snack: 3 tomato
Lunch: celery peanut salad + 1 egg + 1 small cup of chicken/salmon
Dinner: 荞麦面条,4个烤鸡翅,一些蔬菜
Problem: most protein obtained from egg. need change.
Note: MC 1st day - do not feel pain. Nice!
1. situp with heavy ball (10lb) = 160
2. faceup crunch = 100-120
3. flutter = 90
4. elliptical = 35@8
5. double cable cross: biceps: 15x3@ level 3
6. double cable cross: legs: 15x3@ level 3
7. biceps: dumbbell = 15x3@8lb
Total: 1.5 hours
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/6 11:53:36编辑过]
1. record any food intake;
2. organize food - refer to other people's record;
3. increase cardio -time&level =>elliptical is good for me.
4. buy a abs ball this weekend;
5. add stretch & abs in the morning => get up 20 min. early - :(
6. give myself some rewards per progress;
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/6 11:54:11编辑过]
Cardio -
1. elliptical:25 min.
2. treadmill: 15 min.
WT: 30 min.
1. breakfast: soybean milk + egg
2. salad (770 cal)
3. camping dinner: very heavy, lost control
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:46:39编辑过]
右脚脚腕和小腿肿的很厉害。拍了x-ray,没发现问题。我的猜测是跳绳有关。 也许腿上的包包也是其中一个原因。
Breakfast @ camp site => too much!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:47:32编辑过]
晚餐:BBQ鸡肉 + 忘了(没有及时记录)
Cardio: elliptical: 15 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:48:54编辑过]
今天是personal trainer 日。我和personal trainer商量后决定今天的锻炼集中在上臂,腹部和后腰。
1. morning: elliptical: 30 min @ fat burn level (8/4)
2. evening: elliptical: 30 min. @ fat burn level (8/4)
WT: per request of personal trainer
after WT: stairs walking 15 min. @ level 5
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:49:49编辑过]
breakfast:organic flaxplus + a little cereal + organic cold milled flax =>all in soybean milk
snack: pear + 2 tomoto
lunch: 黑木耳/枸杞/花生 + 乌鸡汤
snack: 西瓜,很多西瓜
dinner: 韩国牛仔骨+leftover
1. elliptical: 28min.
2. stairs: 10 min.
WT: 45 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:51:12编辑过]
1. Callanetics 10 in 10:
2. Quick stomach:
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/22 17:22:30编辑过]
yeah, I have to admit that. Will add more vegi in diet. Thank you 粉条mm.
Breakfast: flaxplus + a little cereal + cold milled flax =>all in soybean milk
Lunch: Carrots pan fried with cilantro (taste is awful) + korean BBQ
Snack: pear
Dinner: chicken soup (had enough) + a little fried egg with onion + boiled vegi
After gym: watermelon (not a good choice but have to finish it)
Lunch makes me sick. But I am a creative cook :)
PT night:
1. cardio: elliptical 28 min
2. WT: still focus on upper body because of my foot. Worked on bar 40LBs!
3. After WT, stairs 15 min. @ level 5
Note: need more vegi + day time move around
Total: 1.5 hours
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:52:28编辑过]
1. water can pump up weight, so focus on workout but not number of weight;
2. should eat more vegi;
3. serious cardio @1-2 days/week:
treadmill: 20 min. @5-5.2;
elliptical: 28 min. @ fat burn 8/4;
stairs: 20 min. @5
4. stretch before & after
5. might consider group class - pilate
what else?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/23 14:45:06编辑过]
Breakfast:flaxplus + a little cereal + cold milled flax =>all in soybean milk (how boring I am!);
Lunch: boiled green vegi. + fried egg w/onion;
Snack: watermelon;
Dinner: chicken soup (finally!) + 番茄炒蛋
1. morning: walk around office building @ speed 4: 25 min.
2. after lunch: walk around office building @ speed 4: 30 min.
3. elliptical 28 min. @4/8
4. treadmill 10 min. @ 4 脚还是不舒服,10分钟就撤
30 min. here and there
Weekend is coming and I have lunch appointment with friends. I need burn more fat as an allowance for more intake.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:53:38编辑过]
9/15 -
Breakfast: soybean milk, 1 egg, 1 banana, 1 kiwi
Lunch: celery/w peanuts, little chicken
snack: peach
Dinner: 豆腐,黄瓜. After training I ate a piece of BBQ chicken.
Personal Training Day
1. Treadmill: 20 min.@ 5-5.2
2. elliptical: 25 min. @ 8
1. elliptical: 15 min.
problem: appetite too good, negative mood
Total: 550 Calories /2 hours
Note: elliptical @ 8 is easier than threadmill @5-5.2. Also elliptical burns more calories and does not hurt joint as much.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/22 19:17:32编辑过]
9/21 - Wednesday
1. breakfast:organic falxplus + a little cereal + organic cold milled flax =>all in soybean milk
snack: pear + 2 tomoto
2. lunch: 黑木耳/枸杞/花生 + 乌鸡汤
snack: 西瓜,很多西瓜
3. dinner: 韩国牛仔骨+leftover
1. elliptical: 28min.
2. stair: 10 min.
WT: 45 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/22 19:20:19编辑过]
Thank you very much mm. Will keep it as much as I can.
very much agree. next time I schedule a plan before taking any vacation.
1st week (9/4-9/10): NA Exercise: 4 days/week + 1 day hiking;
2nd week (9/11-9/17): -1.5 lb: 7 days/week
3rd week (9/18-9/24): - 0.5lb: 6 days/week (?!!)
4th week (9/25-10/1): -1lb/7days
5th week (10/2-10/8):
6th week (10/9-10/15):
7th week (10/16-10/22):
8th week
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/2 11:32:33编辑过]
午/晚餐:意大利餐-从餐前酒一直吃到甜点 - 吃的时候小心肝颤啊颤~~
snack: 亚洲梨一个
1. elliptical: 28 min. @4/8
2. stairs: 20 min. @5-7
stretch at the end.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:54:21编辑过]
breakfast: 薏米水 + 香薰(嘿嘿-精神食粮)
snack: 用自家后院长的西瓜+番茄榨汁一杯,从这味道可以判断平时买的水果是多么的上年纪
lunch:grilled的马铃薯/圆葱/黑木耳 + bacon (4 pieces)
snack: 紫薯一个
dinner: 鱼片粉丝汤 + 紫甘蓝沙拉
After gym: 西瓜+番茄榨汁一杯
1. stairs: 22 min. @5/6 =>7
2. treadmill: 15 min. @4.8=>5 (yeah! back to treadmill finally)
1. cross cable: triceps & legs
2. dumbbell: biceps
3. lat pulldown
4. seated leg
5. crunch & flutter
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:55:20编辑过]
1. Breakfast: 2 pieces of whole wheat toast + 1 cup of soybean milk;
2. snack: 2 organic tomato
3. lunch: pita/pork, salad/beans (need to control calories => light dinner & tomorrow's intake)
4. Dinner: 西瓜+番茄榨汁一杯
Cardio & WT:
1. Morning: Stretch
2. Gym: kickboxing 60分钟 + weight training 35 分钟
第一次kickboxing,动作乱七八糟的,但是狂出汗 - 不错不错。 最近由于cardio做的时间多些,腿有些酸痛 =》对于目前鸡血的我,这是幸福的感觉。。。
After gym: grape tomato 一些些 + yogurt @9pm
Note: will add 10 min. stretch + abs in the morning this week. I think my snack last week has high sugar level. Need to be careful with watermelon.
Other: kickboxing @6pm. So no actual dinner today. dinner will be the same on Wednesday.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:56:07编辑过]
Breakfast: 1 piece of toast + homemade vegi w/tofu & egg cake + soybean milk
snack: 1 tomato ( loyal I am)
lunch: grilled的马铃薯/圆葱/黑木耳 + bacon
snack: green tomato again (had more than enough)
Dinner: 牛肉海带清汤 + 一份 homemade vegi w/tofu & egg cake + 一小份凉菜
Morning: Stretch + situp with medincine ball (50) + arms with ball (50)
PT Night:
1. stairs: 20 min. warm up: 5 min. @ level 5 + 15 min. @ level 7
2. elliptical: 28 min. fat burn @ 4/8
WT: 6 groups (each 3 sets) as required
After WT, 15 min. treadmill 上倒着走15分钟 @ incline 6.5, speed 2.3。 这个有点儿奇怪,PT说是可以更多消耗大腿后面的脂肪。。且听她的好了。。
Other: gym回来后,而不住吃了几个grape tomato。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/28 11:57:41编辑过]
something interesting:
muscle exercise:
summary as of today:
1. cardio: not enough (make it 60 min. per day);
2. food intake: can be less and balanced - make a cook plan during weekend for the next week - more vegi and less fruits;
3. day time movearound: put sports shoes in the office and walk 30 min. after lunch;
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/14 12:56:40编辑过]
Diet: (carb is high today, need salad for dinner)
Breakfast: 2 pieces of toast + 1 piece of vegi/tofu cake + 1 cup of soybean milk
snack: half sweet potato
lunch: spicy korean noodle
snack: the other half sweet potato
dinner: 一杯半的水果榨汁,gym回来后2个炒鸡蛋+沙拉(low fat dressing)
Morning Exercise: stretch (10) + heavy ball w/arms (50) + situp w/heavy ball (50) almost give up morning exercise。 我觉得早晨锻炼需要咬牙切齿啊。人还没完全清醒呢就要倒在垫子上运动,太残酷了。
a) I woke up a few times last night. From tonight on I will have some wiine before go to the bed.
b) I feel I am getting tired of elliptical. Tonight I will take kickboxing.
c) no more butter on the toast
d) 为了刺激我的热情,这个周末要做点儿什么奖励自己。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/29 0:03:58编辑过]
Breakfast: flaxplus + a big spoon of flax seed powder + soybean milk
Lunch: fried tofu + bacon + salad
Dinner: beef w/seaweed soup (no beef - after cooking over 10 hours, beef is like wood) + mixed salad w/tomato
Morning: 20 stretches and that's all.
After lunch: walk under sun 25 mins.
Evening: PT night (treadmill power walk 40 min, speed @3.8-4, incline 2) + WT
a) feel aching and sour all over my body. I need catch up sleep this weekend or take a nap during the day;
b) stop pushing myself too hard and learn to relax;
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/6 12:04:48编辑过]
Breakfast: red bean w/barley w/grounded date soup + 素炒油麦菜
Snack: a big pear
Lunch:potato w/mushroom, pork, 素炒油麦菜
Dinner: 清蒸鱼,薏米红豆红枣粥(加了冰糖的),一份凉拌紫甘蓝,两小块儿sashimi - 真好吃啊,好解馋哪。但是我直接打包了,明天中午再吃。
晚饭后零食:grape tomato,blue berry (a cup)。
Morning: walk around office building 20 min./after lunch: 30 min.
Note: I learn more from here than from my PT. Will stop PT after 2 weeks.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/9/30 23:28:47编辑过]
午饭:一杯红酒,一大份海鲜沙拉,sashimi (午餐有点儿腻)
晚饭:沙拉(sweet peper/spring mix),8个水煮虾,半份samon
零食:a cup blueberry
1. zumba 一小时
2. 15 分钟abs课
3. kickboxing 一小时
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/1 23:48:28编辑过]
Diet: 香蕉,酸奶,煮鸡蛋,豆浆 (食欲要爆发了吗?)
Lunch: BBQ Chicken, 沙拉,黄瓜,甜椒,紫甘蓝凉菜
Snack: 一大杯蓝莓,紫薯
Dinner: 酱牛肉(大块),牛肉清汤,小份沙拉,一片火鸡胸 (mamma mia!!)
Mamma Mia Dancing Queen:
Treadmill: warm up @3.5/5 => 5 min. + jogging @ 4.8/5/5.2 => 35 min.
WT: 6 sets (2 cores, 2 arms, 1 leg, 1 back)
Treadmill: after WT, 30 min. (3.5/4)
Other: 买了Reebok toning shoes. 希望自己能够在午饭后在办公室走走。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/2 22:01:25编辑过]
Breakfast: soybean milk, 1 banana, 1 table spoon powdered flax see, 1 serving flaxplus (flaxplus: 300 calories/serving => will not purchase any more)
snack: 1 purple yam
lunch: stir fried 秋葵, BBQ chicken
snack: 1 pear
dinner: 沙拉 (spring mix + sweet pepper + turkey breast), 一碗牛肉清汤
Morning: stretch (20), situp with medicine ball (20), arms with medicine ball (20)
After lunch: walk around office building 35 min. It's 1st time to walk with the toning shoes.
Afternoon: walk around office building 25 min.
treadmill 52 min. (warm up 5 min + 45 min @ speed 4.5/4.8/5.0 + cool down 2 min.)
core: flutter: 50x3; basic crunch: 40x3; side crunch: 30x2
WT: lat pull down: level 3 (2x15) + level 1 (1x15)
cable cross: triceps: level 3 (3x15)
seated leg press: 15x3 @50lb
swiss ball squat: 15x3
chest press: 15x2 @25lb + 10x1@15lb
after WT, treadmill: 20 min. walk @ speed 3.8/4
Purple Yam Nutrition:
Like regular yams, purple yams are extremely good for you. High in potassium, plus B6, vitamin C, fiber, plus antioxidants, purple yams are truly one of nature's wonders.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/6 12:09:08编辑过]
PT suggests work out 5.5 days/week: 5 days (cardio + core + WT + burst training) and 1 day (cardio + core only).
Cardio part: (max: 50 min.)
1. warm up: 5 min. (stretch=>treadmill 3.5-4);
2. treadmill: 40 min. @ speed 4.8-5-5.2 (no incline);
3. cool down: 5 min. @ speed 3.5-4;
Core part: (core is weak, so it's before WT)
1. situp: with medicine ball 10lb (40x3);
2. flutter: 50x3;
3. crunch: 40x3;
WT part (used most often): (6 sets/day; 5 days/week)
1. biceps curl: 15x3 @10lb dumbbell;
2. triceps: cross cable @ level 3 (15x3);
3. chest press: 15x3 @25lb;
4. lat pulldown: 15x3 @48lb;
5. dead lift: 15x3 @ 40lb barbell;
6. leg extension: 15x3 @ 30lb;
7. seated leg press: 15x3 @ 50lb;
8. lunges
Cardio - Burst Training: (this is a must after WT)
Treadmill: 20min. interval speed @3.5====>6.5====>3.5 (increase speed by 0.5 every 2 min. until 6.5; and then slow down by 0.5 every 2 min. )
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/3 12:45:00编辑过]
Breakfast: rice soup (red bean, brown rice, barley, grounded date), 1.5 boiled egg, 0.5 cup soybean milk, and 榨菜
Snack: 1 peach (huge!)
Lunch: brown rice, beef (big chunk), turkey (stir fried), 7 jumbo shrimp (boiled), 2 pieces of 木薯. Eat too much, need seriously work out tonight!
Snack: 1 cucumber + 1 sweet pepper
Dinner: 沙拉 + 火鸡肉 + 大碗牛肉清汤
After Gym: 0.5 boiled egg, 1 table spoon of yogurt [do not open refrigerator after gym - too much challenge]
1. Morning: stretch + crunch w/ mini. core ball;
2. Day time: walk 30 min. after lunch; another 25 min. walk
3. Gym: 今天又是我的PT night. 35 分钟 elliptical @ interval, resistance 7, incline 4/10. 挺过瘾的。如果不是要上课,我可以继续35分钟没问题。看了中午吃多了还是有好处的。 今天的课特累。最后一组free weight 练习后背的器械差点儿放弃不做。还好坚持下来了。可谁知道这种临界坚持是好是坏呢。
No more 木薯! - Just found this one from baidu:
尽管木薯的块根富含淀粉,但其全株各部位,包括根、茎、叶都含有毒物质,而且新鲜块根毒性较大。因此,在食用木薯块根时一定要注意。木薯含有的有毒物质为亚麻仁苦苷,如果摄入生的或未煮熟的木薯或喝其汤,都有可能引起中毒。其原因为亚麻仁苦苷或亚麻仁苦苷酶经胃酸水解后产生游离的氢氰酸,从而使人体中毒。 一个人如果食用150~300克生木薯即可引起中毒,甚至死亡。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/5 11:33:01编辑过]
美国卖的基本都是sweet potatoes, 有的叫yam, 是因为皮是紫色的, 很象非洲的yam. FDA规定, 即使用Yam这个名称, 也一定要加sweet potatoes在前边.
sweet potatoes is one of the super foods!. 富含矿物质和其他营养成分.
美国卖的基本都是sweet potatoes, 有的叫yam, 是因为皮是紫色的, 很象非洲的yam. FDA规定, 即使用Yam这个名称, 也一定要加sweet potatoes在前边.
wow, so informative! some of my korean friends eat sweet potato when on diet, so I just follow it. Right, I buy it from asian store.
sweet potatoes is one of the super foods!. 富含矿物质和其他营养成分.
美国卖的基本都是sweet potatoes, 有的叫yam, 是因为皮是紫色的, 很象非洲的yam. FDA规定, 即使用Yam这个名称, 也一定要加sweet potatoes在前边.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 17:24:52编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 17:24:52编辑过]
我家烤箱坏了. 所有用微波, 要烤4分钟, 里边才会软, 不过我就是从costco买的美国薯.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 17:27:00编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 17:24:52编辑过]
This is a good idea and taste is better than the steamed. miss the smell .... in the winter when I passed by the toasted sweet potato oven....
我家烤箱坏了. 所有用微波, 要烤4分钟, 里边才会软, 不过我就是从costco买的美国薯.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 17:27:00编辑过]
Is 美国薯 the one that's orange color inside? chinese input at office.
Is 美国薯 the one that's orange color inside? chinese input at office.
我看到有两种, 一种土豆皮那个颜色, 瓤是黄的. 还有一种皮是紫的, 里边是桔红的. 前边一般就叫sweet potato, 后边那个叫(sweet potato) yam.
我看到有两种, 一种土豆皮那个颜色, 瓤是黄的. 还有一种皮是紫的, 里边是桔红的. 前边一般就叫sweet potato, 后边那个叫(sweet potato) yam.
I see. Thanks for letting me know. will try it after I finish what I have. 皮是紫的, 里边是桔红的 - seems very colorful.
This is a good idea and taste is better than the steamed. miss the smell .... in the winter when I passed by the toasted sweet potato oven....
我家烤箱坏了. 所有用微波, 要烤4分钟, 里边才会软, 不过我就是从costco买的美国薯.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 17:27:00编辑过]
我是Asian Market 买的。外皮紫色。里面白色。包上锡纸。400度 1个小时就OK。个头小一点。我一般吃个小的+杯咖啡就饱了。大概过2个小时再喝杯酸奶
听我的几个韩国朋友说哦 - 那个红薯很有助于减肥的。说是它的纤维让身体排出废物,最重要的是人体不太吸收红薯中的淀粉。所以在韩国是传统的减肥食品。糖炒板栗就不知道了。
mm看我给抹茶mm的回复。这个绝对可以继续吃的。我也很怀念冬天路过街边儿烤红薯的时候 - 闻味道比吃还诱人的说。。
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs [144 ca], 1 bowl of rice soup (red bean/brown rice/barley/grounded date with sugar&soy milk) [47+84+18+90], bean sprouts [15] ===> [total: 307]
Snack: 1/2 purple sweet potato [52]
Lunch: less than 1 serving of stewed beef with 牛蹄筋 [220], a few pc of 木薯 [52] [no vegi. only carb + meat =>not good combination] ===> [total: 272]
Snack: 1 apple [100]
Dinner: salmon [200] +清炒豆苗 [80] ===> [total: 280]
Snack: 3 table spoon yogurt (fat free) [60] + 4 pieces of watermelon [80]
first time to count calories. so it might not be accurate. Total today: 1242
Morning: stretch + nothing
Day Time: walk around office building 30 min. + 40 min.
Gym: stretch=>ellicpitcal 60 min. (interval @ resistance 7 & incline 4/10] => lat pull down 3x15; biceps by dumbbell 10x3 @ 8lb
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 16:21:58编辑过]
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg [77], 1 small bowl of rice soup (red bean/brown rice/grounded date/soy milk/sugar) [120], bean sprouts w/seseam seed & oil [25] Total=>222
Snack: 1 purple sweet potato [120]
Lunch: 0.5 bowl brown rice [108], salmon [200], and 清炒豆苗[80] Total =>388
Snack: 1 big peach [62]
Dinner: stir fried egg/tomato/broccoli [243], yogurt [60], stewed beef [60], watermelon [50] total =>413
total intake: 1205:
it's hard to get the balanced food.
1. Morning: stretch, swiss ball situp (60)
2. During the day: quick walk 40 min.
3. Gym: PT night.
Elliptical: 30 min. (interval 4/10 @ resistance 7)
WT: 6 sets (including 1 core)
No cardio after WT.
over exhausted. I went to sleep early (10pm) and felt much better the next morning.
Note: it's windy and chilly.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/7 12:27:27编辑过]
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg [72], 1 small bowl of rice soup (red bean/brown rice/grounded date/soy milk) [120], some 榨菜 [15] ==>207
Snack: 1/2 Japanese sweet potato [60]
Lunch:牛蹄筋[240 - high protein, low fat], broccoli [80] ===>320
Snack: 1/2 Japanese sweet potato [60]
Dinner: 6 oz turkey breast [136 + 100], sweet pepper [43], cucumber [34], tomato [33]==>346
total: 993
Morning: stretch
Day time:quick walk 25 min.; another 40 min.; another 30 min. (good girl!)
1. realized how small a table spoon is. 1 tbs oil = 120 calories!
2. waist: 72(!), breast: 85, hip: 90, thigh: 51; upper arms: 27
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/8 0:49:14编辑过]
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs [144], 1 small bowl 红豆紫米粥[120],腐乳[15] => 279
Snack: 西瓜榨汁一杯 [110]
Lunch: 2 cup boiled 芥兰 +一个番茄 [85],sashimi [331] =>416
Snack: 1 small apple [55]
Dinner: stir-fried zucchini w/ carrot [60/2+10+20=50], grilled turkey breast [136] =>186
Snack: 1 tomato [30]
total: 1076
1. 早晨:stretch, basic crunch (30x3), flutter (50x3),
2. Gym: treadmill (3.5 warmup for 5 min.), 20 min. interval walking (incline @3, speed 3.8/4);
3. Kickboxing class: 40 min. + 10 min. abs. + 10 stretch
4. WT:
a) lat pull down (15x2@level 3 + 30x1@level 1)
b) cable cross for triceps (15x3 @ level 3)
c) chest press (15x5@10lb)
d) swiss ball squt (15x3)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 16:22:25编辑过]
Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 [72], 一小碗杂粮粥(红豆/紫米/红枣/冰糖)[120], 萝卜凉菜[35],腐乳[20]==>247
Snack:1 serving 酸奶 【130】
Lunch: 腐竹牛肉清汤 【87+17=104】, 红烧牛肉(lean beef + 牛蹄筋)【162+147=309】, stir-fried zucchini w/ carrot [60/2+10+20=50】 total =>463
Snack: 1 tomato [25]
Dinner: 4 lettuce leaves [10], 4 oz yellow pepper [32], 4 oz turkey breast [92], alive oil [120/2=60] => 194
Total: 1059
treadmill: 30 min. interval 4.8/5.2
elliptical: 60 min. interval 4/10 @ resistance 7
stretch at the end.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 16:22:46编辑过]
Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 [72], 一小碗杂粮粥(红豆/紫米/红枣/冰糖)[120], 萝卜凉菜[45] =>237
Snack: 1/2 sweet patota [80]
Lunch: 红烧牛肉(lean beef + 牛蹄筋)【162+147=309】+ tofu [200/3=67] + boiled vegi [40] =>416
Snack: 1/2 sweet patota [80]
Dinner: beef+ 百叶结 【376】,lettuce (4 big leaves)【10】, hot sauce 【5】, 腐竹牛肉清汤 【104】=>495
Snack: 1 tomato [30]
Total: 1338 (吃多了不说还没有水果!明天要多水果蔬菜并控制总摄入)
Day time: quick walk 20 min. , arms: 4 sets, seated crunch: 300
1. kickboxing: 30 min. (I do not like the instructor. Next time make a quick decision),
2. treadmill 40 min. (interval 3.8/4 @ incline 0.5/2.5);
1. push up on the knee: 40
2. throw medicine ball between hands (work on waist) :100
3. situp with medicine ball 25x4
4. basic crunch: 50
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/11 12:38:39编辑过]
Diet: total: 1205
Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 [72], 一小碗杂粮粥(红豆/紫米/红枣/冰糖)[120], 1 serving Flaxseed [70], vegi 凉菜 w/seseam oil [70] ==>332
Snack: 1 big peach [61]
Lunch: beef+ 百叶结 【376】,boiled vegi [40] => 416
Snack: 1 small pear [81]
Dinner: fried tofu [259], lettuce [8], sweet pepper [24], cucumber [24] ==>315。 晚饭的沙拉没有dressing, 吃的时候想起兔子.
1. Morning: Stretch (40); situp with medicine ball 25x3
2. Day Time: Seated crunch 300; twisting arms (3x40); quick walk 25 min. + 40 min.
3. Gym: PT night
a) cardio: 40 min. (stairs 25 min. + elliptical 15 min.)
b) WT + Core: 50 min.
c) cardio after WT: 35 min.
很变态,今天让我走treadmill,坡度9,速度4,共20分钟。我是一直hold前面的杆子(这个等同于某种程度的作弊),走到12分钟的 时候感觉要挂了。在挂和欺骗PT之间我挣扎了1分钟,选择欺骗。坡度降到6,感觉轻松很多。2分钟后调回到9。20分钟结束后3.6-3.8无坡度走了15分钟cool down.
[Note]: I had a very bad sleep last night - woke up many times. Stop pushing myself too hard.
1. Too much red meat. No more this week.
2. 好像有点儿上火的感觉。。
3. No more 2 hours exercise - control under 100 minutes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 11:27:37编辑过]
Diet: total intake 1208
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs [144], 1 big cup soy milk [130], barley water [30] ==>304
Snack: 1 small pear [81], 1 M apple [72] ==> 153
Lunch: Salmon [207+120/3]=247, cucumber [67], sweet pepper [30] ==> 344
Snack: 1 L tomato [33]
Dinner: salmon [240], 素炒西红柿青椒【44+60+30】=>374
Day Time: quick walk 20 + 35+ 30 =85 min. seated crunch: 187
1) elliptical 60 min. (interval @ resistance 7 & incline 4/7) ;
2) pilate 60 min.
好像有点说话不算数 - 说好不超过100 分钟。但是这个pilate我觉得是for beginner 的。更是让我cool down.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 1:04:19编辑过]
Diet: total calory intake: 1252
1. Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs [144], 1 big bowl of green bean soup [316/5=63], 榨菜 [10]==>217
2. Snack: 20 grape tomato [30]
3. Lunch: stir fried 腐竹 w/carrot [400+20+35=455], boiled shrimp [111], pepper [30] ==> 596
4. Dinner: 素炒番茄青椒【80+33+66=179】,一大杯豆浆【130】==》309
5. Snack after Gym: 豆浆【100】
a) Morning:
1. stretch: 50
2. crunch with medicine ball: 80
b) Day Time:
1. seated crunch: 30x4
2. quick walk: 15+35+30=>80 min.
c) Gym:
1. treadmill: 30 min. quick walk w/slow run
2. PT
3. treadmill: 20 min. (9/4)
午饭吃的腐竹让我一直很饱,所以下午的snack吃不下任何东西。 腐竹的热量和蛋白质含量很高。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/14 0:58:39编辑过]
Diet: total calory intake: 966 【太少了,可是MC第一天,实在没有食欲】
1. Breakfast: 1 small bowl of green bean soup [50], 2/3 sweet potato [60], 2 cups 薏米 tea [100] ==>210
2. Snack: grape tomato [28]
3. Lunch: stir fried eggplant w/pepper [130+100+33]= 263
4. Snack: 1 peach [61]
5. Dinner: fish fillet [208], boiled vegi [30] + sauce [20] = 258
6. Snack: 40 grape tomato [56], 2 cups 薏米 tea [100] =》156
a) Morning: Nothing. Legs are on fire.
b) Day Time:
1. walk (not quick): 20 + 40 + 30 min.; quick walk: 15
2. twisted arms: 40x2
3. seated crunch: 17+25
c) Gym: Rest! MC
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/15 0:53:06编辑过]
热量:61 大卡(100克)
小米 35.0g
薏米 15.0g
紫红糯米 5.0g
甘薯(红心) 130.0g
饮用水 350.0g
10/15 (Saturday) -
Diet: total calorie intake: 1232
1. Breakfast: 1.5 小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,冰糖)[180], 半袋榨菜 [15], 一杯薏米茶 [357/5 = 72] ==>267
2. Lunch: 煎三文鱼(6 oz)[80+248=328],沙拉(甜椒,生菜,花菜)[50] =>378
4. Snack: 1 L peach [61]
5. Dinner: sashimi, 沙拉 【454】
6. Snack: 1 M apple [72]
a) Morning: Nothing.
b) Day Time:
c) Gym:
1. treadmill: 20 min. warm up
2. kickboxing: 60 min. (质量特差,还不如跑步了)
3. triceps: 15x3 (level 3) + 15x1 (level 2)
4. fly: 10x4 (5lb)
10/16 (Sunday) - 1208
Diet: total calorie intake:
1. Breakfast: 2小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,冰糖)[240], 1 serving flax seed [72], 榨菜 [15], 一杯薏米茶 [357/5 = 72] ==>399
2. Snack: 1 M apple [72]
3. Lunch: BBQ chicken breast + salad [353]
4. Snack: 1 S purple yam [82]
5. Dinner: 水煮花菜,小西红柿,黄瓜,煎豆腐 【242】
6. Snack: 1 S purple yam [60]
a) Morning:
b) Day Time: a lot of crunches
c) Gym:
1) treadmill: 25 min. (interval @4.8-5.4)
2) triceps, biceps, fly, lat pull down, seated row, chest press (3 - 5 sets)
3) treadmill: 35 min. (variety @ 3.8)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 11:26:00编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1171
1. Breakfast: 1小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,冰糖)[125], 一杯薏米茶 [357/5 = 72] ==>197
2. Snack: 1 M purple yam [200]
3. Lunch: chicken breast, tofu, boiled vegi, olive oil [446]
4. Snack: 20 grape tomato [28]
5. Dinner: beef, 百叶结,炒菠菜 【300】
a) Morning: crunch w/medicine ball: 50
b) Day Time:
1) twisted arms: 40x2
2) seated crunch: 50
3) quick walk: 20 + 50 + 15 = 85 min.
c) Gym:
1) elliptical: 60 min. interval resistance 4/7
2) treadmill: 60 min. walk @3.6 @incline variety
3) basic crunch: 200
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/18 1:05:13编辑过]
believe or not, 越接近目标的最后那几磅越难减, 而且吃的越少越难减. 因为身体已经适应了, 学会如何更有效的利用资源, 把食物带近来的能量储存起来, 所以减重速度会明显下降, 甚至还会增重. 所谓的"平台期". 我自己还没有找到突破平台的好办法, 最近总是那么上下两磅的浮动, 很沮丧. :(
所以除了用体重计, 还要定期测量各种围度. 围度变化才是更真实的变化.
我知道这样说可能会更打击你的积极性, 因为我自己也被打击过. 不过开始减的一些重, 水份比例还是满大的. 不过你一直有锻炼, 所以可能fat loss也不少.
believe or not, 越接近目标的最后那几磅越难减, 而且吃的越少越难减. 因为身体已经适应了, 学会如何更有效的利用资源, 把食物带近来的能量储存起来, 所以减重速度会明显下降, 甚至还会增重. 所谓的"平台期". 我自己还没有找到突破平台的好办法, 最近总是那么上下两磅的浮动, 很沮丧. :(
所以除了用体重计, 还要定期测量各种围度. 围度变化才是更真实的变化.
谢谢mm的热心和鼓励。像我这样原来一直不运动的人,刚开始的时候减重快,这很大程度上是水分的减少。当然fat loss也有。这两天我一直在这版上看精华帖子,看看大家在所谓的平台期是如何应对的 -- 目前我的状况,我想还是cardio为主,可以加强时间和强度。WT隔天30分钟左右。 calorie我已经控制的不错的了,不能再少了 - 饮食上可以 稍微减少些动物蛋白,增加植物蛋白摄取。
关于维度,我想在下个月开始作为辅助手段吧。。。目前肥肉太多了 :(
下班路上买了厨房用的称 - make sure my calorie count is accurate....long way to go..
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/17 20:53:49编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1200
1. Breakfast: 1 serving flax plux [260], 1 big cup of soy milk [130] ==>390
2. Snack: 1 L peach [61]
3. Lunch: spinach [40], chicken breast [237], olive oil [65] ==> 342
4. Snack: 1 M pear [96]
5. Dinner: 尖椒炒蛋,水煮花菜 【311】
a) Morning: crunch w/medicine ball: 100
b) Day Time:
1) twisted arms: 40x2
2) seated crunch: 40x2
3) quick walk: 20 + 10 min. regular walk: 20 min.
c) Gym:
1) elliptical: 60 min. (incline 4/10, resistance 7/8)
2) lower body WT: seated leg press, leg extension, swiss ball squat, bridge, hip abduction,
3) core: crunches 300
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/19 0:21:17编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1283
1. Breakfast: 1 purple yam [173], 1.5 cup soy milk [165], 一杯薏米茶 [449/10 = 45] ==>383
2. Snack: 1 S yam [95]
3. Lunch: 4 shrimp [55], boiled vegi [19], tofu w/oil [215] =289
4. Snack: 1 M pear [96],
5. Dinner: salmon [313], cucumber [24], tomato [28] ==>365
6. Snack: 1/2 cup soy milk [55]
a) Morning: stretch: 100
b) Day Time: seated crunch, arms, quick walk
c) Gym:
1) treadmill: 60 min. jogging @4.5/4.8
2) pilate: 60 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/20 1:00:22编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1367
1. Breakfast: 1小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,薏米, 冰糖)[125], 1 purple yam [143], a little 腐乳[10] ==>278
2. Snack: 1 M apple [72], supplement [22]
3. Lunch: 4 shrimp [55], boiled vegi [19], tofu w/oil [215] =289
4. Snack: 2 pear [96x2=192]
5. Dinner: 6 oz steak [450], cucumber [27], tomato [37] = 514
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day Time:
1) twisted arms: 40x2
2) seated crunch: 30x2
3) quick walk: 20 + 30 min, after-lunch walk: 35 min.
c) Gym:
1) elliptical: 60 min. (incline 4/10; resistance 4/8)
2) upper body WT:
biceps curl: 10lb @15x3;
fly: 7.5lb @15x3;
lat pull down: 15x4 @ level 3;
chest press: 25lb @ 15x3;
triceps: 15x3 @ level 3
3) crunch & flutter: 100x2
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/21 0:21:02编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1252
1. Breakfast: 1小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,薏米)[125], 1 purple yam [176] ==>301
2. Snack: 1 M apple [72], supplement [22]
3. Lunch: eggs fried w/ tomato, left over steak, boiled vegi ==> 544
4. Snack: grape tomato [31]
5. Dinner: stewed beef w/tofu & pepper, 凉拌豆芽==> 282
a) Morning: stretch
b) Day Time:
1) twisted arms: 40x4
2) seated crunch: 30x2
3) quick walk: 18 min. after lunch walk: 40 min.
c) Home: 今天没有去gym,看电视的时候抱着medicine ball在地毯上不停的扭动扭动。。。唉,肚子上的肥肉还是很可观。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/22 11:33:01编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake:1202
1. Breakfast: 1小碗杂粮粥(红豆,黑豆,紫米,薏米)[125], 1个煮蛋 【72】,薏米茶 [449/10 = 45], 凉拌豆芽 [60] ==>302
2. Snack: 草莓【105】
3. Lunch: 5 oz 三文鱼 [272],6 oz 水煮green bean [53] =>325
4. Snack: 草莓 [25], tomato [36], beets [21]
5. Dinner: cucumber/sweet pepper/1 serving salad + chicken breast ==>388
a) Morning: nothing
b) Gym:
1) elliptical: 60 min. (resistance 4/8)
2) WT lower body:
seated leg press: 50lb @15x5
leg extension: 30lb @8x4
squat w/ swiss ball: 20x3
3) crunch combined: 200
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/22 21:04:01编辑过]
10/23 (Sunday) -
Diet: total calorie intake: 1207
1. Breakfast: 1小碗杂粮粥,[100], 1个煮蛋 【72】,紫薯【70】,豆芽凉菜【60】==》302
2. Snack: 草莓【92】
3. Lunch: 7 oz chicken breast [218+65], 1 serving salad [20], sweet pepper [24], tomato [22]==>349
4. Snack: 1 L apple [144]
5. Dinner: 5 oz salmon [267], 6 oz green bean [53]
a) Morning: nothing
b) Gym:
1) treadmill: 5 min. warm up [3.5]
2) treadmill: 45 min.[speed @ 4.8/5 for 25 min. + 5/5.4 for 20]
3) treadmill: 10 min. [3.5]
1) biceps curl: 10lb (15x3)
2) triceps 10x2 ==> 20x2 (10lb)
3) chest press 25lb (15x5)
4) pull down 50lb (15x3)
5) lat pull down 57lb (15x2)
after WT Cardio:
1) treadmill: 20 min. (2.5 incline, speed 3.8)
今天在gym一直不饿,估计是早晨吃了紫薯的原因。昨天在gym里非常想吃东西 - 高热量的东西在脑子里排队走来走去的。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/23 21:46:02编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1206
1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 【72】,紫薯【122】,1 cup soy milk【110】==》304
2. Snack: pear [214]
3. Lunch: turkey breast, chicken breast [200], green bean [59], grilled onion [30]==>289
4. Snack: 1 S apple [55]
5. Dinner: 5 oz grilled turkey, pepper, carrot, broccoli [254], soy milk [90]
a) Morning: stretch
b) Day time: twisted arms 40x2; seated crunch: 30x2; quick walk: 20 min.
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 60 min (resistance 4/8, incline 4/10)
WT: seated leg press: 50lb (15x2), 70lb (15x3); single leg rise: 40x3
abs: crunch/flutter/situp with medicine ball: 360
cardio: elliptical: 20 min (resistance 7)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/25 1:31:23编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1206
1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 【72】,紫薯【100】,1.5 cup soy milk【180】==》352
2. Snack: pear [173]
3. Lunch: turkey breast [150], broccoli [66]==>216
4. Snack: 1 S apple [55]
5. Dinner: salad (eggs, spring mix, baby carrot, cucumber, sweet pepper, tomato), barle tea==>410
a) Morning: stretch
b) Day time: twisted arms 40x2; seated crunch 30x2: ; quick walk 30 min.; after-lunch walk: 30 min.
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 60 min. (resistance 7)
WT: chest press: 25lb (10x5), pull down: 50lb (10x5), lat pulldown: 57lb (10x5)
abs: crunch/flutter: 50x10
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/26 0:40:44编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1121
1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 【72】,sweet potato [59],1 cup soy milk【110】==》241
2. Snack: grape tomato [33]
3. Lunch: turkey breast [65], fried tofu [225]==>290
4. Snack: grape tomato [33]
5. Dinner: 6 oz salmon fried, 2 serving salad w/beets, barley tea [524]
a) Morning: stretch
b) Day time: twisted arms 40x2: quick walk: 30 min. after-lunch walk: 20 min.
c) Gym:
cardio: treadmill: 40 min. (incline 3, speed 3.8)
pilate: 50 min.
seated leg press: 50lb (15x2)
crunch w/medicine ball: 50x4
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/27 1:09:57编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1141
1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 【72】,sweet potato [111],1.5 cup soy milk【180】==》363
2. Snack: grape tomato [37]
3. Lunch: turkey breast w/onion [150], beets [53], broccoli [56], ==>259
4. Snack: grape tomato [37]
5. Dinner: 6oz 煎三文鱼,sweet pepper, cucumber, salad, barley tea ==> 445
a) Morning: stretch & crunch w/ball 50x2
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x2; wall push-up: 30x2; quick walk: 65 min.
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 60 min (resistance 4/8)
WT: bicep curl: 7.5lb (20x5), triceps extension: 10lb (20x4), chest press: 30lb (10x5), pull down: 50lb (15x4)
abs: crunch w/ball: 50x6
我本来是想low carb...但是carb含量已经51% (breakfast, lunch & snack). 当然晚饭还没有考虑。thanks to, otherwise, I still think my food intake is low carb. what a surprise...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/28 0:21:13编辑过]
紫薯我是在ranch 99买的。因为有个mm说sweet potato和yam不一样,所以特地看了一眼-紫薯英文是purple yam. 我认为是薯类中最好吃的--比较甜.这两天试了试sweet potato,也还可以。
紫薯我是在ranch 99买的。因为有个mm说sweet potato和yam不一样,所以特地看了一眼-紫薯英文是purple yam. 我认为是薯类中最好吃的--比较甜.这两天试了试sweet potato,也还可以。
这样啊- 那你试验一下sweet potato, 美国店里有。。。和中国的红薯差不多。外皮是土豆颜色的,里面也是。。就是变形了的土豆。感觉热量还小呢。。因为密度小
Diet: total calorie intake: 1132
1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 【77】,sweet potato [150],1 cup soy milk【120】==》347
2. Snack: grape tomato [74]
3. Lunch: 3oz turkey breast, napa cabbage [71+65+30] ==>166
4. Dinner: 煎三文鱼,sweet pepper, cucumber, salad, beets, egg, barley tea ==> [545]
a) Morning: stretch
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x4; wall push-up: 30x4; seated crunch: 30x 3; quick walk: 15 +30 + 15 min.
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 30 min (resistance 4/8)
WT: seated leg press 50lb (15x5); hip abduction 55lb (15x4); hip adduction 70lb (15x5); captain chair 25;
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/29 0:31:43编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1538
1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 [77],1 serving 燕麦 [150],soy milk [85], 薏米茶 [50]==>362
2. Snack: pear [224]
3. Lunch: salmon, napa cabbage, beets, tomato [372]
4. Snack: 豉汁蒸凤爪 [260]
5. Dinner: salad w/sweet pepper, eggs, tomato [320]
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time:
c) Gym:
cardio: treadmill: 25 min. (incline 0/2, speed 4.5), kickboxing: 30 min.
WT: lat pull down: 57lb (15x3), chest press: 25lb (15x3) + 30lb (15x1),
abs: combined crunch: 150
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/29 21:23:31编辑过]
10/30 (Sunday) - 开吃了。。。有好几千了。人生需要偶尔放纵一下。。吃的都high了。。人生观特positive....
Diet: total calorie intake:
1. Breakfast: 1个煮蛋 [77], 山药枸杞冰糖(甜食)==》251
2. Snack: 2包小核桃,一包笋干
3. Lunch: 中餐馆(清蒸鱼,牛肉,海螺肉,青菜)
4. Snack: 一个槟榔,一个陈皮梅,两片梨,又一包小核桃,一包香辣鱼片 (小包是50g/包)
5. Dinner: 青菜,鸡蛋等。
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time: crunch w/ball: 50x6
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 60 min. (incline 4/10, resistance 7)
bicep curl: 10lb (15x3);
triceps extension: 10lb (15x3);
pull down: 55lb (15x3);
chest press: 30lb (15x3);
lat pulldown: 57lb (15x3)
cardio: treadmill: 50 min. (speed 3.5=>4.6/4.8/5)
中餐馆的菜热量很高 - 是个朋友告诉的 -说是蔬菜都是在滚油里烫一下再炒的,为了保证翠绿的颜色。自从知道了这个之后,在我眼里中餐馆的蔬菜和炸薯条没区别的。
但是哦,吃饱了在gym里尽头十足,跑起来特爽 - 最近觉得在gym里汗流浃背锻炼的女人都很sexy...特别是triceps发达的那种。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/31 11:11:27编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1305
1. Breakfast: 1 bowl 山药枸杞冰糖(甜食) [200], purple yam [150], fish chips [50] =》400
2. Snack: 小核桃 [120]
3. Lunch: boiled vegi [120], 小核桃 [120] =>240
4. Snack: tomato [80]
5. Dinner: chicken breast, 蒜蓉西兰花,egg, 薏米茶 =》405
6. Snack: 草莓,西红柿 =》60
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x3; seated crunch: 30x3; quick walk: 20 +30 + 20 min.; wall pushup: 30+ 60
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 65 min. (incline 4/10, resistance 7)
abs: crunch w/ball: 50x4
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/1 11:27:44编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1251
1. Breakfast: purple yam [150], soy milk [150] =》300
2. Snack: strawberry [56]
3. Lunch: broccoli, chicken breast =>280
4. Snack: tomato [40]
5. Dinner: 芥兰【50】,鸡蛋【80】,鸡胸 【260】,小核桃【125】
6. Snack: watermelon [60]
a) Morning: arms w/ball: 50
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x3; seated crunch: 40x2; walk: 40 min. wall pushup:50
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 60 min. (resistance 7)
WT: seated leg press: 50lb (25x1) + 65lb (15x2) + 70lb (10x1)
lat pull down: 57lb (15x4)
abs: crunch/flutter/bicycle crunch/situp with ball: 40x3x4
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/2 1:03:09编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1339
1. Breakfast: purple yam [150], red bean w/ pearl barley soup [120], 1 egg [77] =》347
2. Snack: tomato [60],
3. Lunch: broccoli, chicken breast =>300
4. Snack: apple [72]
5. Dinner: green bean [80], egg [80], grilled turkey [150], pepper [40], beets [50], rice soup [100] =>500
6. Snack: watermelon [60]
a) Morning: stretch 40x2; wall pushup 30
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x3; seated crunch: 30x2; walk: 15 + 30 + 15 min. wall pushup: 50x3
c) Gym:
cardio: treadmill: 35 min. (incline variety 1-6, speed 3.5/3.8)
WT: biceps curl: 8lb (15x3); triceps extension: 10lb (15x3); chest press: 30lb (15x4); lat pull down: 57lb (15x3)
Pilate: 60 min.
Abs: situp w/medicine ball: 30x3; basic crunch: 30x3
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/3 11:23:13编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1332
1. Breakfast: purple yam [150], red bean w/ pearl barley soup [150], =》300
2. Snack: tomato [60], 小核桃 [120]
3. Lunch: grilled turkey [180], green bean [140] =>320
4. Snack: apple [72]
5. Dinner: 豆腐玉米粒肉末,西兰花,鸡蛋,火鸡,薏米茶 =》460(估计的)
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x3; seated crunch: 30x3; walk: 15 + 30 min. wall pushup: 50x5
c) Gym:
cardio: treadmill: 60 min. (3.5=>4.6/4.8/5/5.2/5.4)
WT: pull down 50lb (15x4), chest press: 25lb (15x4)
abs: situp w/ medicine ball: 40x2, twist w/medicine ball: 100
knee push up: 35
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/4 0:42:07编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1424
1. Breakfast: Japanese yam [150], bean soup [180], =》330
2. Snack: apple [72], 小核桃 [120]
3. Lunch: chicken breast [180], broccoli [100] =>280
4. Snack: apple [72]
5. Dinner: turkey breast [60], noodle [100], yam [120], vegi [100], 1 egg [120], 薏米茶【50】=》550
a) Morning: stretch (40x2)
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x2; seated crunch: 30x4; walk: 15 + 30 + 15 min. wall pushup: 50x4;
c) Home:
circuit training: Jillian Michaels: Banish Fat Boost Metabolism’ DVD [40 minutes]
abs: situp w/medicine ball: 40; basic crunch: 30x3
最近热量摄入增加,因为想在减肥的同时还想长肌肉。。。。所以。。。还有就是晚上最近不是我做饭,这就out of my control了。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/7 18:26:56编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1410
1. Breakfast: Japanese yam [200], bean soup [180], =》380
2. Lunch: chicken breast [180], salad & self made dressing [60+ 60] =>300
3. Snack: nuts [220], tomato [50]
4. Dinner: 火鸡芹菜蛋饺汤2碗 【350】,圆白菜西红柿 【60】, 薏米茶【50】=》460
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time: Jillian Michaels, shred in 30 days, level 1 [20 minutes]
c) Gym:
cardio: treadmill: 35 min. (jogging @ 4.6)
abs: basic crunch/flutter/side crunch: 30x3x3
biceps curl: dumbbell 8lb (15x3);
triceps extension: 10lb (15x3);
leg adduction: 70lb (20x3);
seated leg press: 70lb (15x3);
pull down: 50lb (15x3);
chest press: 30lb (15x4);
cardi: treadmill: 35 min. (jogging @ 4.5)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/7 18:28:26编辑过]
11/6 (Sunday)
Diet: total calorie intake: 1555
1. Breakfast: 红薯【150】,豆粥【150】 = 300
2. Snack: nuts [120], tomato [30]
3. Lunch: 火鸡蛋饺汤2大碗【350】,红烧牛筋【125】,沙拉【50】=525
4. Snack: 1 cup of watermelon juice [150]
5. Dinner: turkey meat ball w/radish soup [300], salad [50], vegi [80] = 430
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time: situp w/medicine ball: 30x3; basic crunch: 50x3; knee push up: 20x2; situp w/swiss ball: 30x4
c) Gym:
cardio: treadmill: 65 min. (speed 4.5/incline 0 => speed 4.8/incline 0.5 for 50 min. + 4.5/1/5 =>4.8/0.5 for 10 min. + 5 min. cool down)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/6 23:49:22编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1291
1. Breakfast: 红薯【61】,豆粥【120】, nuts [125] = 306
2. Snack: 红薯【61】,baby carrot [57]
3. Lunch: stir fried cabbage w/tomato [80], chicken breast w/egg [150] = 230
4. Snack: pear [222]
5. Dinner: BBQ chicken breast【150】, 煎鱼片【100】,花菜 【40】,nuts [125]=415
a) Morning: stretch: 40x2
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x4; wall pushup: 50x6; seated crunch: 30x1; walk: 15 + 30 + 15 min.
c) Gym:
cardio: elliptical: 60 min. (incline 4/10, resistance 7)
abs: basic crunch/flutter/side crunch: 40x3x3
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/8 0:47:16编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1390
1. Breakfast: oatmeal [150], nuts [125], soy milk [60] = 335
2. Snack: nuts [125],1 L apple [110]
3. Lunch: stir fried cabbage w/tomato + 花菜 [80], chicken breast [150] = 230
4. Snack: pear [180]
5. Dinner: 芥兰/虾/煎蛋汤面 【20+40+100+100=260】 + 红烧牛筋【150】=410
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time: walk: 30 +15 min.
c) Home: nothing
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/9 11:36:51编辑过]
就两个小建议:吃的好像有点少,不用特别追究卡路里,大方向对就对了。 另外也不用每天称重,女性water weight浮动很大,体重数字无论高低上下,给我们带来的精神负担永远弊大于利。。。衣服穿上身的合适程度还有个人精神状态,是最好的衡量标准。。。
mm 加油! 你肯定行!
MM好认真啊! 记得真详尽!就凭这么认真的态度,我肯定你行!- thank you! Still a long way to go.
!就两个小建议:吃的好像有点少,不用特别追究卡路里,大方向对就对了。 - This is what I am thinking of too. Will make my food intake more balanced.
另外也不用每天称重,女性water weight浮动很大,体重数字无论高低上下,给我们带来的精神负担永远弊大于利。。。衣服穿上身的合适程度还有个人精神状态,是最好的衡量标准。。。 - I have taken this advice. I do it 1 time /week - every Sunday morning.
mm 加油! 你肯定行! - Next summer I want to look sexy with a tank!!!
thank you mm. It's because I have a lot of fat to burn :)
Diet: total calorie intake: 1470
1. Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal [150], nuts [125], 1/2 cup soy milk [60] ==>335
2. Snack: 小核桃 [125], 薏米茶 [50] =>175
3. Lunch: boiled vegi [20], stir-fried vegi [40], 1 egg [120], chicken breast [120] =>300
4. Snack: 1 L apple [110]
5. Dinner: turkey breast/leg [250?], stuffing [100?], salad [50]=>400
6. Snack: watermelon [150]
a) Morning: throw ball b/hands: 40x2;
b) Day time: twisted arms: 40x2; seated crunch: 40x5; walk: 15+30+30 min; wall pushup: 50x6; squat: 40x3
c) Gym:
cardio: treadmill: 45 min. (incline 0.5/2/3, speed 3.8)
pilate: 50 min. + 10 min. stretch
others: basic crunch: 40x3; butt kick: 40x3; squeez w/medicine ball: 100x2
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/10 1:22:25编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1425
1. Breakfast: Japanese yam [160], 1 cup soy milk [120] ==>280
2. Snack: 小核桃 [125], 薏米茶 [50] =>175
3. Lunch: boiled vegi [50], turkey breast [160] =>210
4. Snack: 1 L apple [110]
5. Dinner: 火鸡竹笋豆腐汤2碗,火鸡腿肉,煎豆腐,西兰花 =》500
6. Snack: 西瓜=》150
a) Morning: nothing
b) Day time: 昨晚就睡了大概2个小时,白天昏沉沉还要上班。。减肥养生健身之大忌
c) Gym:
1. treadmill: 15 min. (incline 2, speed 3.8)
2. basic crunch: 40x2; butt kick: 30x1; plank: 1 (60 seconds)
3. elliptical: 20 min. (resistance 6/8)
4. biceps curl: 8lb (15x3); triceps: 10lb (15x3); basic crunch: 60x2; shoulder press: 10lb (10x3); seated leg press: 70lb (15x3)
5. treadmill: 20 min. (incline 2, speed 3.8)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/11 0:32:11编辑过]
11/11 (Friday)
Diet: total calorie intake: 1284
1. Breakfast: 1 cup soy milk [110], 1个大红薯 [224] ==>334
2. Snack: 来一份的小核桃 【125】
3. Lunch: 1.5大碗的萝卜竹笋火鸡肉丸汤 [300?],1大分色拉[80] = 380
4. Snack: 1 L 苹果[110]
5. Dinner: 1大分色拉 w/nuts [200], turkey breast [80], 薏米茶【55】= 335
a) Morning: nothing;
b) Day time: 天气冷了,休假在家的时候总是想:吃点儿什么汤汤水水的?
1. push up on knee - 20
2. butt kick: 30
3. russian twist w/medicine ball: 50
4. squeez abs w/medicine ball: 100
5. biceps curl w/dumbell 5lb: 50
1. butt kick: 30
2. biceps curl w/dumbbell 5lb: 100
c) Gym:
1. elliptical: 100 min. (incline 4/10, resistance 8: 60 min. + incline 10, resis: 8: 40 min)
2. stretch
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/12 0:18:50编辑过]
Diet: total calorie intake: 1356
1. Breakfast: 1 cup soy milk [110], 1个大红薯 [186], 柠檬冰糖水 [30] ==>326
2. Snack: nuts [125]
3. Lunch: 大份沙拉 w/nuts/火鸡胸 [25+125+100+60+30]=340
4. Snack: 1巨大梨[220]
5. Dinner: brussel sprouts w/turkey meat, broccoli, egg [35+100+60+100+50=345]
a) Morning: stretch 30x3;
b) Day time:
1. knee push up: 20
2. flutter: 40
3. basic crunch: 40
c) Gym:
elliptical: 60 min. (incline 4/10, resistance: 8)
so far 这个星期吃得是减肥2.5月来最多的一个星期 - 明天早晨要称重了,希望不要太BH...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/12 23:16:43编辑过]
上星期小结:吃:平均1395卡/天 - 其中晚餐吃肉汤大量并多次;运动:6天;减重:明早知分晓