川普任命他为FBI副局长 纽时:此人毫无经验

最新回复:2025年2月24日 12点14分 PT
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据美国全国广播公司(NBC)2月24日报道,美国总统川普(Donald Trump)23日宣布,前福克斯新闻主持人邦吉诺(Dan Bongino)将出任联邦调查局(FBI)副局长。作为川普的忠实支持者,邦吉诺担任过纽约警察和美国特勤局特工,后来转型为保守派评论员,但他没有在FBI任职的经历。

川普在社交媒体上发文称:“邦吉诺是一位对美国有着深切热爱和热忱的人,他刚刚被即将成为有史以来最好局长的帕特尔帕特尔(Kash Patel)任命为下一任FBI副局长。通过与杰出的新任司法部长帕姆·邦迪和帕特尔局长合作,公平、正义、法律和秩序将很快回到美国。”


川普2月24日宣布任命前福克斯新闻主持人邦吉诺(Dan Bongino)为FBI副局长。(Wiki Commons)








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rumble. com/v6oo1fo-live-with-julie.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp AN INTERNAL ELECTION FRAUD SYSTEM WILL BE EXPOSED AND DISPOSED OF [Word heard – February 16, 2025] For I the Lord this day am warning the ones that have brought great darkness to this nation and the world – darkness so gross and overwhelming to this earth that many have been enslaved by it. Enemies of Almighty God your dark secrets, dark past, dark wars, your deception and your dark and evil systems meant to destroy everything it touches, will all completely be annihilated with My Light, that will uncover every secret, every plan everywhere. Your full control over this nation, your control over all the nations of this earth will be brought to nothing. I am moving My hand across the nations to devour your systems and annihilate it as if it never existed. Your mental darkness you have plagued so many with, to deceive them into doing your bidding, this darkness will be lifted too and many people will receive the light and the freedoms from your mind control. All your neuro weapons and psyop operations and used to ruin nations with your propaganda to move your reset into full existence will be ripped apart by My outstretched hand. People do not belong to you. Their bodies and minds are not yours. Their children are not yours. Their livelihoods are not yours and their happiness, it’s not yours to take. A great shaking will cut off the access to more of the human minds and mind control. This will cause a great shift in society but do not get into fear or be confused when it appears to look worse at first because your enemies will ramp up their system to destroy as many people as they can. But My children I am stepping in and you will win this war against your peace, your minds, your nation and your children.
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PART 2 I’m exposing every scientific lab, all the bio-weapons, all the forms of psyop operations who have all been a part of this and how they accomplished so much against you in a short period of time. Every weapon your enemies used against you I will stop and I will destroy it says the Lord. My frequencies will destroy your enemies’ frequencies that were against you. Fear will leave and depression will be destroyed and a darkness that was overwhelming you will be replaced with My Light and My Peace. My children get ready for My rapid response to your enemies’ attacks against you. I’m destroying every part of their functioning system and rogue regime that they have placed in every nation. I want this earth to be able to be free to choose Me just like I have done in numerous times in the past, to fully set My people free from their enemies. Your enemies’ systems will continue to collapse and you will see them try to advance their darkness and their war against you but it will fall. Don’t fear what you are about to hear and what you see when the financial system falls apart because I have another one for you. Don’t fear when your infrastructure is attacked because I am bringing you ones your enemies can’t control at their every whim. I will warn you again – your electricity, you will see surges of power in and out. Your phone lines will be temporarily cut off. None of this will last. This is to confuse and stifle your enemies’ 5G warfare against you. They were about to use technology to destroy as many people as possible at one time to shut down the world, to take back control. Their 5G towers needed to be cut off. Their psyops missions with social media had to be extinguished. Everything abnormal of how uncomfortable it may seem, this is truly for your freedom and for your enemies’ demise. So stay the course and hold your ground because what you see is coming to an end with your enemies and their war against you says the Lord of Hosts.
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PART 3/3 Manifesto – this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. Sworn Affitdavits will be in your news for a significant reason. Election interference will be in your news for a shocking reason and it will bring this nation to a standstill it will seem like. Follow the money and find a gusher of truth. A massive honey hole will be discovered of how your govt manipulated many elections year after year and the amount of years and elections stolen will bring catastrophic damage to your enemies that they have tried to hold you in their bondage of this rogue regime for hijacking your elections so you couldn’t vote them out. An internal election fraud system that was paid for by the American taxpayers. It was used to steal every voice and to keep the Establishment in power. How sloppy the Biden regime was with the election system will bring the Establishment’s downfall. Your enemy’s desperation gave to weakness and massive mistakes. Elections will be restored to this nation, how they should have always been, says the Lord Your Redeemer.
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没经验不要紧啊,可以当搅屎棍啊, 三哥最擅长了 ,哈哈
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回复:‘size0 发表评论于 2025-02-24 08:40:09 看这个比习还会加速的加速师把美国带到哪条沟里吧’ **================** 四年后你如果还健在就知道结果了,让我们拭目以待吧。
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美国政府换届从来都是部门正职是政治任命,但副职以下都是专业人员,与党派和总统无关,以保证部门可以正常运转。 川普需要依赖FBI让美国转入法西斯主义,要是都能换成自己的人,他会做,哪怕这会让FBI在处理犯罪问题上没作为。 只要可以发起对政治对手的调查即可。 这是希特勒做过的事情。
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回复:‘西岸-影 发表评论于 2025-02-24 10:52:01 美国政府换届从来都是部门正职是政治任命,但副职以下都是专业人员,与党派和总统无关,以保证部门可以正常运转。 川普需要依赖FBI让美国转入法西斯主义,要是都能换成自己的人,他会做,哪怕这会让FBI在处理犯罪问题上没作为。 只要可以发起对政治对手的调查即可。 这是希特勒做过的事情。’ **================** 这个副局长是kash请来负责解雇那些反川普的FBI特工的,是临时工,任务完成就离开,他自己有广播电台,赚很多钱。