Yoga is aimed to unite the mind, the body, and the spirit. Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body's posture, alignment and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stress stricken environment. This is one of the foremost reasons why people want to start practicing Yoga - to feel more fit, to be more energetic, be happier and peaceful. The Yoga movements are performed, mostly, in a group setting on a special Yoga mat with an aid of a Yoga instructor. The body's own weight is used for resistance and a great deal of focus is accorded to the flow from one posture into the other. There are many different Yoga styles and they differ in their emphasis. No one style is better than the other. The Style you use is a matter of personal preference or a matter of need.
Vinyasa Yoga, for example, makes use of modified yoga poses that are designed to meet the specific needs of an individual and to enhance healing, flexibility and strength of joints. The poses also intend to promote the feeling of well-being and strength. Practices may also include meditation, reflection, study and other classic elements, but the emphasis of this branch of Yoga practice is on coordinating breath and movement. As you can imagine, given the scope of practice, the inherent therapeutic applications and the heritage of the lineage, the training requirements for teacher certification are extensive.
Pilates seek to reach much the same goals, also via a series of controlled movements. The major difference is that the Pilates technique not only has a full complement of matwork, but it incorporates work on the Pilates machines. The emphasis of the exercises is to strengthen the abdominals, improve posture, stabilize and lengthen the spine, improve balance and overall strength. Pilates gives you a longer, leaner, dancer-like line.
Unlike many other training programs, Pilates works the whole body, emphasizing control, precision and concentration in both the mind and the body. Movements are not performed rapidly or repeated excessively instead, the focus is on quality not quantity. The abdominal muscles, lower back and buttocks ("powerhouse") serve as the center of all movement, allowing the rest of the body to move freely. This focus on core stabilization makes one stronger from the inside out and is critical for the advancement of the client. The low impact nature of Pilates makes it ideal for injury prevention and rehabilitation. Its six principles – concentration, control, centering, breathing, flow and precision - train the body to move efficiently with minimal impact on the body. The balance between strength and flexibility creates a healthy, vigorous and symmetrical workout for all muscle groups resulting in a leaner, more balanced, and stronger body.
Working With Yoga and Pilates in Conjunction The nature of the techniques makes it easy for them to complement each other. Get the stretch from Yoga and keep it from Pilates. Strengthen your abdominals on the reformer andwatch your poses improve. Join the breathing techniques of Pilates and meditative aspect of Yoga into your daily routine and see the stress of your everyday life, begin to dissipate.Both techniques are time-proven, established, and with the help of an experienced instructor, you will surely reach the goals you set up for yourself!
Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body's posture, alignment and patterns of movement.
这段也完全可以给跑步。。除了aware of posture, alignment, pattern of movement, 还有balance, breathing, muscle control。这两个我觉得练到一定程度mentally完全一样。跑步会跑到你会感觉你tiny teeny muscle的动态感觉配合呼吸节奏。runner's high就是在那个moment灵肉合一。。呼吸完全搭配pace..进入空灵状态。。.绝对是完美互补的运动。。。
Exercise: 1) Abs: 16 min. (focused on lower abs) 2) Warm-up: 10 min. jogging @ 5.2mph 3) Barbell WT Lifting: 40 min. (skipped abs exercise) ~ 练举重有一个多月了, 渐入佳境...
warm-up: lower to 2.5kg x 2 compound: remain same - 3.5kg x 2 squats: 6kg x 2; 5kg x 2 for 2nd round shoulders & arms (plates): 2.5kg x 2 chest & back: 3.5kg x 2
以下是引用cheese-head在5/25/2011 11:21:00 AM的发言: IMHO, Yoga and pilate are two totally different things:) 让cheese-head mm 见笑了. 我最近开始同时尝试Yoga 和Pilate. 心里一直嘀咕是不是要focus在其中一项上, 但又不知道那一个更适合我. 对这两种锻炼方式我都是beginner level, 理论和实践都很贫乏. 和以前相比略有进步, 至少能够净下心来用心去做并慢慢开始有些感觉了. 这几天在网上做了一些在Yoga和Pilate之间如何取舍的research, 基本上决定暂时两项齐头并进, 让时间来决定今后的发展方向吧.
谢谢mm的推荐: Bryan Kest Power Yoga. 我这个星期跟着做了一遍. 虽说有几个动作做不下来, 有些动作搞得是四不象, 但是很欣赏Bryan's 哲学, "There is no perfect pose, where you are at is the best." 非常地encouraging. 他的声音还好, 不bother 我. 等我忙过这一阵子, 来写个这盘DVD的Review. 到时候欢迎mm来指导.
May 22 (Sun.)
Power Yoga [Bryan Kest]: 50 min. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 22:37:16编辑过]
谢谢mm的推荐: Bryan Kest Power Yoga. 我这个星期跟着做了一遍. 虽说有几个动作做不下来, 有些动作搞得是四不象, 但是很欣赏Bryan's 哲学, "There is no perfect pose, where you are at is the best." 非常地encouraging. 他的声音还好, 不bother 我. 等我忙过这一阵子, 来写个这盘DVD的Review. 到时候欢迎mm来指导.
May 22 (Sun.)
Power Yoga [Bryan Kest]: 50 min. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 22:37:16编辑过] 我选DVD也很看重这个,哈哈
Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body's posture, alignment and patterns of movement.
谢谢mm的推荐: Bryan Kest Power Yoga. 我这个星期跟着做了一遍. 虽说有几个动作做不下来, 有些动作搞得是四不象, 但是很欣赏Bryan's 哲学, "There is no perfect pose, where you are at is the best." 非常地encouraging. 他的声音还好, 不bother 我. 等我忙过这一阵子, 来写个这盘DVD的Review. 到时候欢迎mm来指导.
妹妹的求证精神才让我汗颜。我是一个懒散随心的人,我觉得yoga和其他workout的区别就是它是work in.当然如果你不是吃这套的人,比如我老公,我觉得pilate会比较给力,因为core exercise and low body的练习更intense.
Upper back: muscles are more developed than middle and lower back Middle back: erector spinae muscles around middle back are almost non-exist! Lats: in good shape Lower back: not much unwanted fat, but looks a little sloppy, not tight enough. Surprise, surprise!!?? I have been doing all kinds of lower back exercise in my core training.
Shoulders and Arms:
Biceps: maintained similiar size as starting point. Triceps: stronger, tighter, muscles in shape Shoulders: seems easy to bulk up on me; have to watch out; focus on lean & long muscles, reduce weight on shoulder press, lateral raise.
Abs: grids for 4 packs seem more apparent, lower abs are leaner; still blocky, not curvy.
Lower body: a big sigh... not much improvement.
Inner thigh: still in drumstick shape, have wobbly fat. Quads & Hamstring: stronger, need to work more on hamstring. Calves: no change in size & shape. Glute: weight-bearing appears improved, not much isolation training, hard to conclude on progress of this part.
The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness: The Apples & Pears Approach to Losing Weight, Living Longer, and Feeling Healthier [by Marie Savard, Carol Svec]
The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness: The Apples & Pears Approach to Losing Weight, Living Longer, and Feeling Healthier [by Marie Savard, Carol Svec]
Bent-over BB row (Biceps. Lats, Shoulders) Reverse Grip bent-over BB row (same as above) Bent-over one arm long bar roll (Biceps, Lats, Lower Back, Traps)
One-arm dumbbell row, or Bent-over two dumbbell row with palms in (Biceps, Lats)
The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness: The Apples & Pears Approach to Losing Weight, Living Longer, and Feeling Healthier [by Marie Savard, Carol Svec]
[Research & Study] Using Foam Rollers By Michael Boyle, MS, ATC
A decade ago, strength coaches and athletic trainers would have looked quizzically at a 36-inch long cylindrical piece of foam and wondered, "What is that for?" Today, nearly every athletic training room and most strength and conditioning facilities contain an array of foam rollers of different lengths and consistencies.
What happened to bring foam rollers into prominence? The change has been in our attitude toward massage therapy. We have been slowly moving away from an injury care mode of isokinetics and electronics to more European-inspired processes that focus on hands-on soft tissue care. We now realize that techniques like massage, Muscle Activation (MAT), and Active Release Therapy (ART) can work wonders for sore or injured athlete.
In addition, the understanding at the elite athlete level is: If you want to stay healthy, get a good manual therapist in your corner. Thus, athletes at all levels are starting to ask for some form of soft tissue care. What does all this have to do with foam rollers? As coaches and athletic trainers watched elite-level athletes experience success from various soft tissue techniques, the obvious question arose: How can I make massage available to large groups of athletes at a reasonable cost? Enter the foam roller.
National Academy of Sports Medicine President Michael Clark, DPT, MS, PT, NASM-PES, is credited by many-this author included-with exposing the sports medicine community to the foam roller. In one of Clarke's early manuals, he included a few photos of self-myofascial release using a foam roller. The technique illustrated was simple and self-explanatory: Get a foam roller and use your bodyweight to apply pressure to sore spots.
Since then, many of us have discovered more uses for foam rollers, including injury prevention and performance enhancement. We've also moved away from the accupressure concept and now use them more for self-massage. And we've come up with specific protocols for different situations.
Essentially, foam rollers are the poor man's massage therapist. They provide soft tissue work to the masses in any setting. But you need to know their nuances to get the most out of them.
What, How & When A foam roller is simply a cylindrical piece of extruded hard-celled foam. Think swimming pool noodles, but a little more dense and larger in diameter. They usually come in one-foot or three-foot lengths. I find the three-foot model works better, but it obviously takes up more space.
They are also now available in a number of densities from relatively soft foam (slightly harder than a pool noodle), to newer high-density rollers that feel much more solid. The denser the athlete, the more dense the roller should be. Large, heavily-muscled athletes will do better with a very high density roller whereas a smaller, younger athlete should begin with a less dense product.
The application techniques are simple. Clarke's initial recommendation was based on an accupressure concept, in which pressure is placed on specific surfaces of the body. Athletes were instructed to use the roller to apply pressure to sensitive areas in their muscles-sometimes called trigger points, knots, or areas of increased muscle density. The idea was to allow athletes to apply pressure to injury-prone areas themselves.
The use of foam rollers has progressed in many circles from an accupressure approach to self-massage, which I've found to be more effective. The roller is now usually used to apply longer more sweeping strokes to the long muscle groups like the calves, adductors, and quadriceps, and small directed force to areas like the TFL, hip rotators, and glute medius.
Athletes are instructed to use the roller to search for tender areas or trigger points and to roll these areas to decrease density and over-activity of the muscle. With a little direction on where to look, most athletes easily find the tender spots on their own. However, they may need some instruction on the positioning of the roller, such as parallel, perpendicular, or 45 degrees, depending on the muscle.
The feel of the roller and intensity of the self-massage should be properly geared to the age, comfort, and fitness level of the athlete. This is one of the plusses of having the athlete roll themselves-they can control the intensity with their own body weight.
There is no universal agreement on when to roll, how often to roll, or how long to roll, but generally, techniques are used both before and after a workout. Foam rolling prior to a workout can help decrease muscle density and promote a better warmup. Rolling after a workout may help muscles recover from strenuous exercise.
My preference is to have athletes use the rollers before every workout. We also use them after a workout if athletes are sore.
One of the nice things about using the foam roller is that it can be done on a daily basis. In fact, in their book, The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, Clair Davies and Amber Davies recommend trigger point work up to 12 times a day in situations of acute pain.
How long an athlete rolls is also determined on a case-by-case basis. I usually allow five to 10 minutes for soft tissue activation work at the beginning of the session prior to warmup. If my athletes roll after their workout, it is done for the same length of time.
Some Specifics While the foam roller can be used on almost any area of the body, I have found it works best on the lower extremities. There is not as much dense tissue in the upper body and our athletes are not prone to the same frequency of upper body strains as lower. The hamstrings and hip flexors seem to experience the most muscle strains, so we concentrate on those areas.
Here are some protocols I use: Gluteus max and hip rotators: The athlete sits on the roller with a slight tilt and moves from the iliac crest to the hip joint to address the glute max. To address the hip rotators, the affected leg is crossed to place the hip rotator group in an elongated position. As a general rule of thumb, 10 slow rolls are done in each position (although there are no hard and fast rules for reps). Often athletes are simply encouraged to roll until the pain disappears.
TFL and Gluteus Medius: The tensor fasciae latae and gluteus medius, though small in size, are significant factors in anterior knee pain. To address the TFL, the athlete begins with the body prone and the edge of the roller placed over the TFL, just below the iliac crest. After working the TFL, the athlete turns 90 degrees to a side position and rolls from the hip joint to the iliac crest to address the gluteus medius.
Adductors: The adductors are probably the most neglected area of the lower body. A great deal of time and energy is focused on the quadriceps and hamstring groups and very little attention is paid to the adductors. There are two methods to roll the adductors. The first is a floor-based technique that works well for beginners. The user abducts the leg over the roller and places the roller at about a 60-degree angle to the leg. The rolling action begins just above the knee in the area of the vastus medialis and pes anserine, and should be done in three portions. To start, 10 short rolls are done covering about one third the length of the femur. Next, the roller is moved to the mid-point of the adductor group and again rolled 10 times in the middle third of the muscle. Last, the roller is positioned high into the groin almost to the pubic symphysis for a final set of 10 rolls.
The second technique for the adductors should be used after the athlete is comfortable with the first one. This exercise requires the athlete to sit on a training room table or the top of a plyometric box, which allows him or her to shift significantly more weight onto the roller and work deeper into the large adductor triangle. The athlete then performs the same rolling movements mentioned above.
Although I primarily use the rollers for athletes' legs, they can also be used with upper extremities. The same techniques can be used for pecs, lats, and rotator cuffs, although with a much smaller amplitude-making the movements closer to accupressure.
Assessing Effectiveness Foam rolling is hard work that can even border on being painful. Good massage work, and correspondingly good self-massage work, may be uncomfortable, much like stretching. Therefore, it is important that athletes learn to distinguish between a moderate level of discomfort related to working a trigger point and a discomfort that can lead to injury.
When an athlete has completed foam rolling, he or she should feel better, not worse. And the rollers should never cause bruising. Ask the athlete how his or her muscles feel after each session to assess if the techniques are working.
I also judge whether foam rolling is working by monitoring compliance. If I don't have to tell athletes to get out the foam roller before a workout, I know the techniques are working. Most do it without prompting as they see the benefits.
Rolling vs. Massage The question often arises: "Which is better, massage therapy or a foam roller?" To me the answer is obvious: Hands-on work is better than foam. Hands are directly connected to the brain and can feel. A foam roller cannot feel. If cost was not an issue I would have a team of massage therapists on call for my athletes at all times.
However, having an abundance of massage therapists on staff is not in most of our budgets. Therein lies the beauty of the foam rollers: They provide unlimited self-massage for under $20. Sounds like a solution to me.
Warm-up: 5 min. elliptical Barbell Weight Lifting: 40 min. (my triceps are still shaking! ) Abs: >300 crunches (machine, mat); 2 sets planks, medicine ball
Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg, 2 slices lemon loaf cake(finished!! ), 1 large coffee Snack: None Lunch: a protein rich salad (3.5 oz chicken breast strips, beans, half egg white, walnuts, greens, peppers) Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 medium pear, 1 M decaf coffee Dinner: pan-fried salmon(5 oz), 190-200g baked yam fries, 1 cup roasted asparagus, a few Stix
Total calorie intake: about 1,700. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/2 21:35:06编辑过]
这个到底是个神马东西,嫩怎么天天吃? Pringles - Stix [see the picture below].
I like to have something sweet with coffee. Stix is not the best choice, but better than other sweets; in addition, there are many sticks in one pack, it'll take me a little while to finish it. It satisfies my craving for cookies and cakes.
There are a few different flavors: wheat, pizza, cheese, honey butter etc. I like honey butter the most!
I like to have something sweet with coffee. Stix is not the best choice, not better than other sweets; in addition, there are many sticks in one pack, it'll take me a little while to finish it. It satisfies my craving for cookies and cakes.
There are a few different flavors: wheat, pizza, cheese, honey butter etc. I like honey butter the most!
她胳膊上的肌肉太过了, 后腰, 大腿的肌肉不错! 第二张照片里hamstring貌似也有点过.
Alicia Marie: Ms. Muscle & Fitness 2006; MTV fitness coach.
以下是引用fengge在5/22/2011 10:05:00 PM的发言:
千年老妖: 10, 15磅。先用这个两个.
谢谢建议, 下周我就开始到处看看, 先搞一个10磅的. 最好是颜色鲜艳一点的: 宝蓝, hot pink....
26lb, 35lb!!! 佩服啊! 惊叹啊!!
她胳膊上的肌肉太过了, 后腰, 大腿的肌肉不错! 第二张照片里hamstring貌似也有点过.
Alicia Marie: Ms. Muscle & Fitness 2006; MTV fitness coach.
我最初感兴趣是看你的一个帖子里有用kettlebell 练core的图片(那个turkey什么的). 后来就特别留意各种杂志上kettlebell 的workout programs. 2010年kettlebell 被评为最受欢迎的hand weights.
Gym里没有kettlebell class. 我准备在家练. 目前我有一盘Jillian Michaels的kettlebell DVD, 开始练之前打算再买本书研究一下. 有mm做伴太好了, 以后还要向你多请教呢!
Alicia Marie 也是hourglass身材, 我看过她的一个traning show(HBO), 关于练core的: 她不主张练obliques, 只练6大块和后腰, 可以保持腰部narrow, 形成和胸和hips的对比. 紫雨感兴趣的话可以搜索一下她的training tips.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/24 10:26:34编辑过]
健身好几年,真正让我觉得全身平衡性和综合体力提高的还是free weights了。
我的基本动作是跟Lauren Brooks学的,女的里面她算练的最好之一吧。这是她的网站
健身好几年,真正让我觉得全身平衡性和综合体力提高的还是free weights了。
谢谢mm提供的link. 我保存了.
我健身时间不长, 不到一年的时间. 不过在锻炼和理论上付出的时间和精力相当地可观. 很赞同你关于free weights的看法. 我在加强了WT training后, 感觉endurance, agility和strength都大大地提高了, 和cardio的互动也更强了. 中长期目标是根据自己的需要编排, 组合WT training routine 以及cardio/WT mix. 任重道远啊....
Pilate: 55 min.
Abs: 300 crunches
Note: sit-ups 很弱, 要加强锻炼.
Breakfast: 1 slice whole wheat toast, 3 Tbsp Greek yogurt with dried cranberries & 4 cherries, 1 large coffee
Snack: half pack Stix
Lunch: beef rice noodle, boiled Chinese brocolli (80g)
Snack: 2 whole grain biscuits with flaxseeds, half pack Stix, 1 M coffee
Dinner: 1碗猪骨dried squid汤(吃了1块大排), 炒上海青, 4.5个杏仁炸大虾, 1小碗米饭, cherries (20个)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/24 10:27:35编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/23 17:33:18编辑过]
这个太厉害了, 我练10LB就不错了, MM还35LB, 崇拜啊。
sit up采取普拉提的呼吸方式,效果更好
我今天做的pilate就是妖姐推荐的那个classic mat workout (Mari Winsor). 直腿sit-ups我没问题, 慢速弯腿的有点困难. 控制不好. 正在学习pilate式呼吸. 以后还要多做多体会.
谢谢推荐这盘DVD, 今天做完后我出了一身的汗. 很过瘾!
greek yogurt 真是难吃啊,难吃死了
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/23 17:33:18编辑过]
加些水果进去: 芒果, 各种莓类, 葡萄干(少量)都是不错的选择. Greek yogurt protein 含量高, 吃起来方便.
加些水果进去: 芒果, 各种莓类, 葡萄干(少量)都是不错的选择. Greek yogurt protein 含量高, 吃起来方便.
以下是引用千年老妖在5/23/2011 5:59:00 PM的发言:
Elliptical: 61 min. 605 cal, Cross Country Training
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast with almond butter, 1 cup skim milk(100 cal.), 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 Special K cereal bar
Lunch: 1 big salad
Snack: 1.6 pack Stix, 1 M coffee
Dinner: BBQ chicken breast strips(120g), whole wheat pita, garden salad, strawberries (12)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/24 20:50:05编辑过]
(Source: From Deborah Harris, Guide)
Yoga is aimed to unite the mind, the body, and the spirit. Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body's posture, alignment and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stress stricken environment. This is one of the foremost reasons why people want to start practicing Yoga - to feel more fit, to be more energetic, be happier and peaceful. The Yoga movements are performed, mostly, in a group setting on a special Yoga mat with an aid of a Yoga instructor. The body's own weight is used for resistance and a great deal of focus is accorded to the flow from one posture into the other. There are many different Yoga styles and they differ in their emphasis. No one style is better than the other. The Style you use is a matter of personal preference or a matter of need.
Vinyasa Yoga, for example, makes use of modified yoga poses that are designed to meet the specific needs of an individual and to enhance healing, flexibility and strength of joints. The poses also intend to promote the feeling of well-being and strength. Practices may also include meditation, reflection, study and other classic elements, but the emphasis of this branch of Yoga practice is on coordinating breath and movement. As you can imagine, given the scope of practice, the inherent therapeutic applications and the heritage of the lineage, the training requirements for teacher certification are extensive.
Pilates seek to reach much the same goals, also via a series of controlled movements. The major difference is that the Pilates technique not only has a full complement of matwork, but it incorporates work on the Pilates machines. The emphasis of the exercises is to strengthen the abdominals, improve posture, stabilize and lengthen the spine, improve balance and overall strength. Pilates gives you a longer, leaner, dancer-like line.
Unlike many other training programs, Pilates works the whole body, emphasizing control, precision and concentration in both the mind and the body. Movements are not performed rapidly or repeated excessively instead, the focus is on quality not quantity. The abdominal muscles, lower back and buttocks ("powerhouse") serve as the center of all movement, allowing the rest of the body to move freely. This focus on core stabilization makes one stronger from the inside out and is critical for the advancement of the client. The low impact nature of Pilates makes it ideal for injury prevention and rehabilitation. Its six principles – concentration, control, centering, breathing, flow and precision - train the body to move efficiently with minimal impact on the body. The balance between strength and flexibility creates a healthy, vigorous and symmetrical workout for all muscle groups resulting in a leaner, more balanced, and stronger body.
Working With Yoga and Pilates in Conjunction
The nature of the techniques makes it easy for them to complement each other. Get the stretch from Yoga and keep it from Pilates. Strengthen your abdominals on the reformer andwatch your poses improve. Join the breathing techniques of Pilates and meditative aspect of Yoga into your daily routine and see the stress of your everyday life, begin to dissipate.Both techniques are time-proven, established, and with the help of an experienced instructor, you will surely reach the goals you set up for yourself!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 11:24:46编辑过]
这段也完全可以给跑步。。除了aware of posture, alignment, pattern of movement, 还有balance, breathing, muscle control。这两个我觉得练到一定程度mentally完全一样。跑步会跑到你会感觉你tiny teeny muscle的动态感觉配合呼吸节奏。runner's high就是在那个moment灵肉合一。。呼吸完全搭配pace..进入空灵状态。。.绝对是完美互补的运动。。。
以下是引用fengge在5/23/2011 5:57:00 PM的发言:
加些水果进去: 芒果, 各种莓类, 葡萄干(少量)都是不错的选择. Greek yogurt protein 含量高, 吃起来方便.
1) Abs: 16 min. (focused on lower abs)
2) Warm-up: 10 min. jogging @ 5.2mph
3) Barbell WT Lifting: 40 min. (skipped abs exercise) ~ 练举重有一个多月了, 渐入佳境...
warm-up: lower to 2.5kg x 2
compound: remain same - 3.5kg x 2
squats: 6kg x 2; 5kg x 2 for 2nd round
shoulders & arms (plates): 2.5kg x 2
chest & back: 3.5kg x 2
Breakfast: 2 slices w/w toast, 1 hard-boiled egg, 4 Tbsp Greek yogurt with 4 strawberries, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 M banana
Lunch: Grilled cajun seasoned catfish (4 oz), mixed steamed veggi, rice
Snack: 1 pack Stix, strawberries (15个), 1 M coffee
Dinner: 酱蒸排骨, 白灼baby上海青, 橄榄菜炒豆角, 半碗米饭, 1块绿茶瑞士卷, 2杯清茶
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 23:11:11编辑过]
IMHO, Yoga and pilate are two totally different things:)
让cheese-head mm 见笑了. 我最近开始同时尝试Yoga 和Pilate. 心里一直嘀咕是不是要focus在其中一项上, 但又不知道那一个更适合我. 对这两种锻炼方式我都是beginner level, 理论和实践都很贫乏. 和以前相比略有进步, 至少能够净下心来用心去做并慢慢开始有些感觉了. 这几天在网上做了一些在Yoga和Pilate之间如何取舍的research, 基本上决定暂时两项齐头并进, 让时间来决定今后的发展方向吧.
谢谢mm的推荐: Bryan Kest Power Yoga. 我这个星期跟着做了一遍. 虽说有几个动作做不下来, 有些动作搞得是四不象, 但是很欣赏Bryan's 哲学, "There is no perfect pose, where you are at is the best." 非常地encouraging. 他的声音还好, 不bother 我. 等我忙过这一阵子, 来写个这盘DVD的Review. 到时候欢迎mm来指导.
May 22 (Sun.)
Power Yoga [Bryan Kest]: 50 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 22:37:16编辑过]
让cheese-head mm 见笑了. 我最近开始同时尝试Yoga 和Pilate. 心里一直嘀咕是不是要focus在其中一项上, 但又不知道那一个更适合我. 对这两种锻炼方式我都是beginner level, 理论和实践都很贫乏. 和以前相比略有进步, 至少能够净下心来用心去做并慢慢开始有些感觉了. 这几天在网上做了一些在Yoga和Pilate之间如何取舍的research, 基本上决定暂时两项齐头并进, 让时间来决定今后的发展方向吧.
谢谢mm的推荐: Bryan Kest Power Yoga. 我这个星期跟着做了一遍. 虽说有几个动作做不下来, 有些动作搞得是四不象, 但是很欣赏Bryan's 哲学, "There is no perfect pose, where you are at is the best." 非常地encouraging. 他的声音还好, 不bother 我. 等我忙过这一阵子, 来写个这盘DVD的Review. 到时候欢迎mm来指导.
May 22 (Sun.)
Power Yoga [Bryan Kest]: 50 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 22:37:16编辑过]
也看牌子, 有些牌子不太厚, 不用求死啊!
Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body's posture, alignment and patterns of movement.
这段也完全可以给跑步。。除了aware of posture, alignment, pattern of movement, 还有balance, breathing, muscle control。这两个我觉得练到一定程度mentally完全一样。跑步会跑到你会感觉你tiny teeny muscle的动态感觉配合呼吸节奏。runner's high就是在那个moment灵肉合一。。呼吸完全搭配pace..进入空灵状态。。.绝对是完美互补的运动。。。
这个我有体会, 特别是easy run的时候, 完全不觉得累, 感觉着身边的一切, 包括自己在内, 都是静止的, 只有mp3里的音乐在流淌. 再看表时, 1个小时已经过去了. 我不high, 倒是有种平和, 归属的感觉, 很舒畅.
让cheese-head mm 见笑了. 我最近开始同时尝试Yoga 和Pilate. 心里一直嘀咕是不是要focus在其中一项上, 但又不知道那一个更适合我. 对这两种锻炼方式我都是beginner level, 理论和实践都很贫乏. 和以前相比略有进步, 至少能够净下心来用心去做并慢慢开始有些感觉了. 这几天在网上做了一些在Yoga和Pilate之间如何取舍的research, 基本上决定暂时两项齐头并进, 让时间来决定今后的发展方向吧.
谢谢mm的推荐: Bryan Kest Power Yoga. 我这个星期跟着做了一遍. 虽说有几个动作做不下来, 有些动作搞得是四不象, 但是很欣赏Bryan's 哲学, "There is no perfect pose, where you are at is the best." 非常地encouraging. 他的声音还好, 不bother 我. 等我忙过这一阵子, 来写个这盘DVD的Review. 到时候欢迎mm来指导.
妹妹的求证精神才让我汗颜。我是一个懒散随心的人,我觉得yoga和其他workout的区别就是它是work in.当然如果你不是吃这套的人,比如我老公,我觉得pilate会比较给力,因为core exercise and low body的练习更intense.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 22:58:15编辑过]
我觉得普拉提相对比较偏wt 。。shaping效果更全面。但是不够有灵性。。
练Yoga 或Pilate的时候, 觉得自己好僵硬啊, 笨拙得犹如大象一般, 恨不得把腿掰成两段直接放到位算了.
水果味的yogurt我也爱. 吃plain Greek yogurt 是为了那个protein含量啊! 练WTs的小悲哀: 一天到晚盘算着补蛋白长肌肉...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 23:16:58编辑过]
水果味的yogurt我也爱. 吃plain Greek yogurt 是为了那个protein含量啊! 练WTs的小悲哀: 一天到晚盘算着补蛋白长肌肉...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 23:16:58编辑过] 我是打心底喜欢plain greek yogurt,觉得比一般yogurt香,还可以自己加甜的水果和麦片进去调整甜度,一般的酸奶我基本不吃。太甜了。
以下是引用fengge在5/25/2011 11:05:00 PM的发言:
水果味的yogurt我也爱. 吃plain Greek yogurt 是为了那个protein含量啊! 练WTs的小悲哀: 一天到晚盘算着补蛋白长肌肉...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 23:16:58编辑过]
练Yoga 或Pilate的时候, 觉得自己好僵硬啊, 笨拙得犹如大象一般, 恨不得把腿掰成两段直接放到位算了.
这个我有体会, 特别是easy run的时候, 完全不觉得累, 感觉着身边的一切, 包括自己在内, 都是静止的, 只有mp3里的音乐在流淌. 再看表时, 1个小时已经过去了. 我不high, 倒是有种平和, 归属的感觉, 很舒畅.
Exercise: Rest
Breakfast: 2 pcs green tea chestnut Swiss rolls (433 cal !!!), 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 hard boiled egg
Lunch: 1 Bento box - 8 smoked salmon rolls, side seaweed salad(2 oz-70 cal), 1 cup meso soup
Snack: 1 M coffee, 1.5 pack Stix, 15 strawberries
Dinner: sweet chilli chips (20ish, 325 cal !!!), 4 oz pan-fried salmon, half cup arugula salad with grape tomatoes (Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing), half steamed sweet potato (150g), 1 can diet coke
Total calorie intake: 1,760 (fat from chips & Swiss Roll: 49g !!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/26 21:44:48编辑过]
啊?! 我的理解: high = 沸腾的鸡血!!! 有木有!!!!!!!! 血不涌上来怎么High???
不管怎样, 跑起来奏是高兴!! 敖敖!
我是打心底喜欢plain greek yogurt,觉得比一般yogurt香,还可以自己加甜的水果和麦片进去调整甜度,一般的酸奶我基本不吃。太甜了。
这个和你土恩一下! 我狠喜欢Greek yogurt. 自己可以非常creative地搭配: 我试过加芒果丁, whole grain cracker 和yogurt 配在一起, 不同的texture 和水果味很好吃. 今天又买了一罐. 嘿嘿...
啊?! 我的理解: high = 沸腾的鸡血!!! 有木有!!!!!!!! 血不涌上来怎么High???
不管怎样, 跑起来奏是高兴!! 敖敖!
很难说具体是哪一种move练出了中腹沟. 我觉得把core 综合起来练效果会好很多, 锻炼方式也要多样化, 除了crunches, planks, 再加上push-ups, kickboxing moves, medicine ball, bosu, weight bar, kettlebell : ) 另外做各种planks的同时用腹式呼吸也有帮助.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/27 14:33:57编辑过]
很难说具体是哪一种move练出了中腹沟. 我觉得把core 综合起来练效果会好很多, 锻炼方式也要多样化, 除了crunches, planks, 再加上push-ups, kickboxing moves, mechine ball, bosu, weight bar, kettlebell : ) 另外做各种planks的同时用腹式呼吸也有帮助.
Exercise: 下午不想干活, 提前下班高效率地练了50分钟
Treadmill: HIIT 40分钟, 5.2:7.2=1.5:1, 3.78 miles, 340-350 cal.
Abs: 105 crunches
拉伸走人 - 本周的训练计划完成了!
Breakfast: 1 small crossiant, half cup mixed fruit (grapefruit, orange, pineapple), 1 large coffee
Snack: half cup mixed fruit, 1 cup mint tea, 1 mini chocolate scone
Lunch: pan-fried salmon (100g), half steamed sweet potato
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 Special K strawberry cereal bar, 1 M decaf coffee, 大半个香蕉
Dinner: 越南馆子~ grilled beef & chicken vermicelli, 2 crab spring rolls, 1 cup mango shake(10 oz-197 cal!), 1.5 pcs green tea chestnut Swiss roll, 2 cups green tea [881 cal] ~ 撑死了...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/27 22:09:50编辑过]
Me, too !
很难说具体是哪一种move练出了中腹沟. 我觉得把core 综合起来练效果会好很多, 锻炼方式也要多样化, 除了crunches, planks, 再加上push-ups, kickboxing moves, medicine ball, bosu, weight bar, kettlebell : ) 另外做各种planks的同时用腹式呼吸也有帮助.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/27 14:33:57编辑过]
我觉得crunch是这里面效果最弱的..别得很多都可以小量出大效果..crunch前面都白白浪费时间啊..同样的时间别得combo一下效果强好多...象medicine ball或者plank哪些一个set就可以消掉100 crunch
只看大腿不行, 要看:
1) 发胖时肥肉主要囤积在什么部位(腰腹 - 顷向苹果; 还是胯, 屁股和大腿 - 顷向梨 ~ 这一步还不能下结论呦!)
2) 量腰围 (腰间最细处) 和臀围(胯骨下3-4英寸, 包括pp最大一圈, 量时身体要放松)
3) 算腰臀围比例(WTR Ratio) , 小于等于0.80, 是梨, 反之是苹果.
我脚得用不同的方法直接和间接地训练core, 腰腹的线条会更好看一些, 立体一些. 不过每个人的腹肌和脂肪分布不同, 对不同练abs的方式做出的反应估计也会不一样.
以下是引用fengge在5/27/2011 10:34:00 PM的发言:
我脚得用不同的方法直接和间接地训练core, 腰腹的线条会更好看一些, 立体一些. 不过每个人的腹肌和脂肪分布不同, 对不同练abs的方式做出的反应估计也会不一样.
我觉得crunch是这里面效果最弱的..别得很多都可以小量出大效果..crunch前面都白白浪费时间啊..同样的时间别得combo一下效果强好多...象medicine ball或者plank哪些一个set就可以消掉100 crunch
我的粗浅理解是Crunch 应该是最直接的练腹肌的方式. 用同样的crunch routine 时间长了, 效果就减弱了. 添加其他的锻炼方式(比如各种plank的变种) 和工具(medine ball etc.)可以从不同的角度刺激core, 肌肉受力不同, 做出的反应也不一样, 所以我们会觉得新的moves更给力.
Health Risks for Pear-shaped Women (to be continued)
[written by Marie Savard, M.D, US internist, women's health expert]
Varicose veins
Problems with body image
Eating disorders
Menopausal symptoms
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/29 10:35:08编辑过]
我的粗浅理解是Crunch 应该是最直接的练腹肌的方式. 用同样的crunch routine 时间长了, 效果就减弱了. 添加其他的锻炼方式(比如各种plank的变种) 和工具(medine ball etc.)可以从不同的角度刺激core, 肌肉受力不同, 做出的反应也不一样, 所以我们会觉得新的moves更给力.
只看大腿不行, 要看:
1) 发胖时肥肉主要囤积在什么部位(腰腹 - 顷向苹果; 还是胯, 屁股和大腿 - 顷向梨 ~ 这一步还不能下结论呦!)
2) 量腰围 (腰间最细处) 和臀围(胯骨下3-4英寸, 包括pp最大一圈, 量时身体要放松)
3) 算腰臀围比例(WTR Ratio) , 小于等于0.80, 是梨, 反之是苹果.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/28 22:22:08编辑过]
Exercise: Rest
Walking/Shopping: 3.5 hours
Breakfast: 1 multi-grain thin bagel, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 M coffee [170]
Snack: None
Lunch: Chicken & shrimp udon soup [437]
Snack: 1 M bag pop corn(780 cal)
Dinner: 1 Vietnamese grilled chicken & spring roll vermicelli, 2 packs Stix, 2 cups green tea [664]
Total calorie intake: 2,410 !!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/29 14:26:34编辑过]
May 29 (Sun.) ~ at work
1) Warm-up: Elliptical, 11 min, 115 cal.
2) WT - Upper body: 40 min. 恶狠狠地折腾了一下背.
Inclined chest press: 3x10 (25 lb)
2 sets back extensions
Seated row with different hand attachment (3x10; 50lb)
Breakfast: 1 poached egg, 1 multi-grain thin bagel, 1 small coffee
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 small pear
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita stuffed with 1.5 grilled chicken legs, arugula, grape tomatoes
Snack: 2 oz steamed sweet potato, 1 M coffee, 13 strawberries
Dinner: home-made beef stew (5 oz), half cup mashed potato with skin, half cereal bar, 1 M coffee
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/1 22:02:03编辑过]
Upper back: muscles are more developed than middle and lower back
Middle back: erector spinae muscles around middle back are almost non-exist!
Lats: in good shape
Lower back: not much unwanted fat, but looks a little sloppy, not tight enough. Surprise, surprise!!?? I have been doing all kinds of lower back exercise in my core training.
Shoulders and Arms:
Biceps: maintained similiar size as starting point.
Triceps: stronger, tighter, muscles in shape
Shoulders: seems easy to bulk up on me; have to watch out; focus on lean & long muscles, reduce weight on shoulder press, lateral raise.
Abs: grids for 4 packs seem more apparent, lower abs are leaner; still blocky, not curvy.
Lower body: a big sigh... not much improvement.
Inner thigh: still in drumstick shape, have wobbly fat.
Quads & Hamstring: stronger, need to work more on hamstring.
Calves: no change in size & shape.
Glute: weight-bearing appears improved, not much isolation training, hard to conclude on progress of this part.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/29 14:22:44编辑过]
我常做的medicine ball moves :
Wood chops
Russian twist
Oblique crunch with ball
Torso twist
我在Youtube上搜了一个, 看起来不错:
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/28 22:22:08编辑过]
0.72是腰臀比例么? 如果是, 那你是梨shape - 高个子的梨. 梨的队伍又壮大了! 哈哈...
May 29 (Sat.)
Exercise: Rest
Walking/Shopping: 3.5 hours
Dinner: 1 Vietnamese grilled chicken & spring roll vermicelli, 2 packs Stix, 2 cups green tea
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/29 14:26:34编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/29 20:29:57编辑过]
0.72是腰臀比例么? 如果是, 那你是梨shape - 高个子的梨. 梨的队伍又壮大了! 哈哈...
老妖明显是hourly glass啊啊。。。不能光看腰臀吧,还要看胸肩。。。
一个月能看到这些效果不错了,别急!middle back肌肉是挺难长的,我那里也一直摸不到肌肉,感觉upper back和lower back都比他容易。
谢谢yogima的鼓励! 我的脊椎骨沟到middle back就不行了, middle back处既没肥肉也没肌肉, 神马性格也没有.
一个月塑形远远不够啊, 还要继续努力! 我已经开始调整背部的训练计划了.
老妖明显是hourly glass啊啊。。。不能光看腰臀吧,还要看胸肩。。。
从医学角度上看, 所有女性分为两种体型: Apple & Pear, 多数hour-glass属于梨形.
我们通常所说的Body type在医学上称为"Body Image". Body Image考虑人的视觉反应, 比如胸围. 我正在研究的一本书是一个MD写的, 讲这两种体型的饮食, 容易得的疾病, 怎样保健等. 我打算近期贴出来一些信息(梨型的)供大家参考. 对于有兴趣的同学来说, 知道自己体型的医学定义在看这个贴子时会可能会有些帮助, 否则的话body type怎样定义都木有关系哈!
从医学角度上看, 所有女性分为两种体型: Apple & Pear, 多数hour-glass属于梨形.
我们通常所说的Body type在医学上称为"Body Image". Body Image考虑人的视觉反应, 比如胸围. 我正在研究的一本书是一个MD写的, 讲这两种体型的饮食, 容易得的疾病, 怎样保健等. 我打算近期贴出来一些信息(梨型的)供大家参考. 对于有兴趣的同学来说, 知道自己体型的医学定义在看这个贴子时会可能会有些帮助, 否则的话body type怎样定义都木有关系哈!
啊啊啊。。。原来是这样,你的这本书叫什么名字? 俺可以研究一下苹果型的有关资料。
The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness:
The Apples & Pears Approach to Losing Weight, Living Longer, and Feeling Healthier
[by Marie Savard, Carol Svec]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/30 14:40:24编辑过]
WT - Leg & Glute: 40 min.
Kickboxing: 40 min.
Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg, 8 oz cup oatmeal with raisins, 1 large coffee, half low-fat fruit muffin
Snack: 1 M banana, 5 raw almonds
Lunch: Home-made beef stew(4 oz), mashed potato with skin (1/3 cup), 1/2 whole wheat pita
Snack: 1 M coffee, 1 pack Stix, 30 raspberries
Dinner: 辣鱼块(basa, 120g), 鸡胸炒豆角, 米饭, 薯片(1/2 cup), 半罐 diet coke
* 今天大概是因为练习了WTs了, 那个饿啊啊啊, 二十分钟都等不及了, 晚饭前吃掉了一些cheetos (150卡). 没出息啊...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/30 21:53:36编辑过]
Ding mm!!!!
Thanks for support!
To GTAgal:
The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness:
The Apples & Pears Approach to Losing Weight, Living Longer, and Feeling Healthier
[by Marie Savard, Carol Svec]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/30 14:40:24编辑过]
Bent-over BB row (Biceps. Lats, Shoulders)
Reverse Grip bent-over BB row (same as above)
Bent-over one arm long bar roll (Biceps, Lats, Lower Back, Traps)
One-arm dumbbell row, or
Bent-over two dumbbell row with palms in (Biceps, Lats)
Seated cable row (Biceps, Lats, Shoulders)
Lying T-bar row (Biceps, Lats)
Exercise: None. Rest
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast with almond butter, 1 cup organic soy milk
Snack: 1 M banana, 1 pack Stix, 1 large coffee
Lunch: Bento Box - grilled chicken breast (2.5 oz), side salad, 5 shrimp rolls, 3 oz steamed sweet potato
Snack: 1 M coffee, half Special K cereal bar
Dinner: home-made beef stew(3.5 oz), half whole wheat pita, 1 diet coke, 1 slice lemon loaf cake, 1 cup chips : ( ~ 又吃cheetos了!! 掌嘴!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/1 15:50:25编辑过]
To GTAgal:
The Body Shape Solution to Weight Loss and Wellness:
The Apples & Pears Approach to Losing Weight, Living Longer, and Feeling Healthier
[by Marie Savard, Carol Svec]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/30 14:40:24编辑过]
这本书我看了一半了, 先提醒一下mm, 这本书对苹果体型不是很"友好", 对于潜在的疾病说的有点太严重了, mm做个参考就行了,不要太往心里去.
Waist: -0.5cm; Hips: -0.5cm; Thigh: no change; Calves: no change.
June 1 (Wed.)
Morning: Abs: 300 crunches
Afternoon: easy run 65 min, 5.5 miles, 520 cal. @5.5mph
Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 slice lemon loaf cake, 1 large coffee
Snack: half Special K cereal bar
Lunch: Grilled whole rainbow trout with capers & lemon, steamed broccoli & baby carrots
Snack: 1 pack Stx, 1 M coffee, raspberries (30)
Dinner: 鸡胸炒豆角, 辣鱼块(110g), 白粥, 1 slice lemon loaf cake, 1 M coffee
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 22:39:45编辑过]
这本书我看了一半了, 先提醒一下mm, 这本书对苹果体型不是很"友好", 对于潜在的疾病说的有点太严重了, mm做个参考就行了,不要太往心里去.
我专门搜了一下作者的照片, 都是做着的, 看不清是不是梨, 哈哈...
Using Foam Rollers
By Michael Boyle, MS, ATC
A decade ago, strength coaches and athletic trainers would have looked quizzically at a 36-inch long cylindrical piece of foam and wondered, "What is that for?" Today, nearly every athletic training room and most strength and conditioning facilities contain an array of foam rollers of different lengths and consistencies.
What happened to bring foam rollers into prominence? The change has been in our attitude toward massage therapy. We have been slowly moving away from an injury care mode of isokinetics and electronics to more European-inspired processes that focus on hands-on soft tissue care. We now realize that techniques like massage, Muscle Activation (MAT), and Active Release Therapy (ART) can work wonders for sore or injured athlete.
In addition, the understanding at the elite athlete level is: If you want to stay healthy, get a good manual therapist in your corner. Thus, athletes at all levels are starting to ask for some form of soft tissue care.
What does all this have to do with foam rollers? As coaches and athletic trainers watched elite-level athletes experience success from various soft tissue techniques, the obvious question arose: How can I make massage available to large groups of athletes at a reasonable cost? Enter the foam roller.
National Academy of Sports Medicine President Michael Clark, DPT, MS, PT, NASM-PES, is credited by many-this author included-with exposing the sports medicine community to the foam roller. In one of Clarke's early manuals, he included a few photos of self-myofascial release using a foam roller. The technique illustrated was simple and self-explanatory: Get a foam roller and use your bodyweight to apply pressure to sore spots.
Since then, many of us have discovered more uses for foam rollers, including injury prevention and performance enhancement. We've also moved away from the accupressure concept and now use them more for self-massage. And we've come up with specific protocols for different situations.
Essentially, foam rollers are the poor man's massage therapist. They provide soft tissue work to the masses in any setting. But you need to know their nuances to get the most out of them.
What, How & When
A foam roller is simply a cylindrical piece of extruded hard-celled foam. Think swimming pool noodles, but a little more dense and larger in diameter. They usually come in one-foot or three-foot lengths. I find the three-foot model works better, but it obviously takes up more space.
They are also now available in a number of densities from relatively soft foam (slightly harder than a pool noodle), to newer high-density rollers that feel much more solid. The denser the athlete, the more dense the roller should be. Large, heavily-muscled athletes will do better with a very high density roller whereas a smaller, younger athlete should begin with a less dense product.
The application techniques are simple. Clarke's initial recommendation was based on an accupressure concept, in which pressure is placed on specific surfaces of the body. Athletes were instructed to use the roller to apply pressure to sensitive areas in their muscles-sometimes called trigger points, knots, or areas of increased muscle density. The idea was to allow athletes to apply pressure to injury-prone areas themselves.
The use of foam rollers has progressed in many circles from an accupressure approach to self-massage, which I've found to be more effective. The roller is now usually used to apply longer more sweeping strokes to the long muscle groups like the calves, adductors, and quadriceps, and small directed force to areas like the TFL, hip rotators, and glute medius.
Athletes are instructed to use the roller to search for tender areas or trigger points and to roll these areas to decrease density and over-activity of the muscle. With a little direction on where to look, most athletes easily find the tender spots on their own. However, they may need some instruction on the positioning of the roller, such as parallel, perpendicular, or 45 degrees, depending on the muscle.
The feel of the roller and intensity of the self-massage should be properly geared to the age, comfort, and fitness level of the athlete. This is one of the plusses of having the athlete roll themselves-they can control the intensity with their own body weight.
There is no universal agreement on when to roll, how often to roll, or how long to roll, but generally, techniques are used both before and after a workout. Foam rolling prior to a workout can help decrease muscle density and promote a better warmup. Rolling after a workout may help muscles recover from strenuous exercise.
My preference is to have athletes use the rollers before every workout. We also use them after a workout if athletes are sore.
One of the nice things about using the foam roller is that it can be done on a daily basis. In fact, in their book, The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, Clair Davies and Amber Davies recommend trigger point work up to 12 times a day in situations of acute pain.
How long an athlete rolls is also determined on a case-by-case basis. I usually allow five to 10 minutes for soft tissue activation work at the beginning of the session prior to warmup. If my athletes roll after their workout, it is done for the same length of time.
Some Specifics
While the foam roller can be used on almost any area of the body, I have found it works best on the lower extremities. There is not as much dense tissue in the upper body and our athletes are not prone to the same frequency of upper body strains as lower. The hamstrings and hip flexors seem to experience the most muscle strains, so we concentrate on those areas.
Here are some protocols I use:
Gluteus max and hip rotators: The athlete sits on the roller with a slight tilt and moves from the iliac crest to the hip joint to address the glute max. To address the hip rotators, the affected leg is crossed to place the hip rotator group in an elongated position. As a general rule of thumb, 10 slow rolls are done in each position (although there are no hard and fast rules for reps). Often athletes are simply encouraged to roll until the pain disappears.
TFL and Gluteus Medius: The tensor fasciae latae and gluteus medius, though small in size, are significant factors in anterior knee pain. To address the TFL, the athlete begins with the body prone and the edge of the roller placed over the TFL, just below the iliac crest. After working the TFL, the athlete turns 90 degrees to a side position and rolls from the hip joint to the iliac crest to address the gluteus medius.
Adductors: The adductors are probably the most neglected area of the lower body. A great deal of time and energy is focused on the quadriceps and hamstring groups and very little attention is paid to the adductors. There are two methods to roll the adductors. The first is a floor-based technique that works well for beginners. The user abducts the leg over the roller and places the roller at about a 60-degree angle to the leg. The rolling action begins just above the knee in the area of the vastus medialis and pes anserine, and should be done in three portions. To start, 10 short rolls are done covering about one third the length of the femur. Next, the roller is moved to the mid-point of the adductor group and again rolled 10 times in the middle third of the muscle. Last, the roller is positioned high into the groin almost to the pubic symphysis for a final set of 10 rolls.
The second technique for the adductors should be used after the athlete is comfortable with the first one. This exercise requires the athlete to sit on a training room table or the top of a plyometric box, which allows him or her to shift significantly more weight onto the roller and work deeper into the large adductor triangle. The athlete then performs the same rolling movements mentioned above.
Although I primarily use the rollers for athletes' legs, they can also be used with upper extremities. The same techniques can be used for pecs, lats, and rotator cuffs, although with a much smaller amplitude-making the movements closer to accupressure.
Assessing Effectiveness
Foam rolling is hard work that can even border on being painful. Good massage work, and correspondingly good self-massage work, may be uncomfortable, much like stretching. Therefore, it is important that athletes learn to distinguish between a moderate level of discomfort related to working a trigger point and a discomfort that can lead to injury.
When an athlete has completed foam rolling, he or she should feel better, not worse. And the rollers should never cause bruising. Ask the athlete how his or her muscles feel after each session to assess if the techniques are working.
I also judge whether foam rolling is working by monitoring compliance. If I don't have to tell athletes to get out the foam roller before a workout, I know the techniques are working. Most do it without prompting as they see the benefits.
Rolling vs. Massage
The question often arises: "Which is better, massage therapy or a foam roller?" To me the answer is obvious: Hands-on work is better than foam. Hands are directly connected to the brain and can feel. A foam roller cannot feel. If cost was not an issue I would have a team of massage therapists on call for my athletes at all times.
However, having an abundance of massage therapists on staff is not in most of our budgets. Therein lies the beauty of the foam rollers: They provide unlimited self-massage for under $20. Sounds like a solution to me.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/2 23:17:17编辑过]
这本书我看了一半了, 先提醒一下mm, 这本书对苹果体型不是很"友好", 对于潜在的疾病说的有点太严重了, mm做个参考就行了,不要太往心里去.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/2 10:16:00编辑过]
Still unwilling to do any Yoga or Pilate exercise. Inspiration for Pilate:
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/2 10:16:00编辑过]
Warm-up: 5 min. elliptical
Barbell Weight Lifting: 40 min. (my triceps are still shaking!
Abs: >300 crunches (machine, mat); 2 sets planks, medicine ball
Breakfast: 1 hard-boiled egg, 2 slices lemon loaf cake(finished!!
Snack: None
Lunch: a protein rich salad (3.5 oz chicken breast strips, beans, half egg white, walnuts, greens, peppers)
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 medium pear, 1 M decaf coffee
Dinner: pan-fried salmon(5 oz), 190-200g baked yam fries, 1 cup roasted asparagus, a few Stix
Total calorie intake: about 1,700.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/2 21:35:06编辑过]
Pilate (Classic mat): 50 min.
Breakfast: conference treats - 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 mini plain croissant, 1 slice fruit cake, 1 slice whole grain banana bread, 1 M coffee
snack: 1 cherry turnover(238 cal), 1 M coffee
Lunch: steamed cod (4.5 oz), boiled mixed veggi, rice
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 Special K cereal bar
Dinner: pan-fried salmon(150g), boiled corn & baby carrots, baked yam fries(170g-264 cal.), half taro bun
Movie Night: cheetos (70% bag - 1,456 cal!!!!!!!)
Total calorie intake: 3,192 !!!! (恶贯满盈!! 脸圆了一圈!)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/4 22:02:38编辑过]
Jun. 3 (Fri.)
Pilate (Classic mat): 50 min.
Breakfast: conference treats - 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 mini plain croissant, 1 slice fruit cake, 1 slice whole grain banana bread, 1 M coffee
snack: 1 cherry turnover(238 cal), 1 M coffee
Lunch: steamed cod (4.5 oz), boiled mixed veggi, rice
Snack: 1 pack Stix
Pringles - Stix [see the picture below].
I like to have something sweet with coffee. Stix is not the best choice, but better than other sweets; in addition, there are many sticks in one pack, it'll take me a little while to finish it. It satisfies my craving for cookies and cakes.
There are a few different flavors: wheat, pizza, cheese, honey butter etc. I like honey butter the most!
Nutrition Value for Stix (per pack)
Calorie: 90
Fat: 3.5g (Saturated fat: 1.5g)
Sodium: 150mg
Carb: 12g (sugar: 2 g)
Protein: 2g
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/5 22:05:59编辑过]
Exercise: Rest
Shopping/walking: 5 hours
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 w/wheat toast, half taro bun, 1 large coffee
Snack: none
Lunch: 1 small bowl chicken wanton soup
Snack: 1 whole wheat chicken wrap, 1 M coffee
Dinner: BBQ chicken breast (no skin, 120g), 1 whole wheat pita, lettuce, tomato etc. baked yam fries (80g), half pack Stix, 20 blueberries
Jun. 5 (Sun.)
HIIT: running, 5.52 miles, @5.4 & 7.4mph = 2:1min, 15x
Abs: 202 crunches, planks: 2 sets
Breakfast: Greek fat-free yogurt(100g) with blueberries, 1.5 slices French toast with sugar-free strawberry jam, 1 large coffee
Snack: blueberries (20-25)
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita stuffed with chicken breast, lettuce, grape tomatoes, pickles
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1/2 cup coffee(M), blueberries (20), 2 Halls candy drops
Dinner: 里脊炒苦瓜, 炒笋瓜, 1碗药材鸡汤, 米饭, 1包Stix, 下午剩下的半杯咖啡
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 22:41:34编辑过]
Pringles - Stix [see the picture below].
I like to have something sweet with coffee. Stix is not the best choice, not better than other sweets; in addition, there are many sticks in one pack, it'll take me a little while to finish it. It satisfies my craving for cookies and cakes.
There are a few different flavors: wheat, pizza, cheese, honey butter etc. I like honey butter the most!
Nutrition Value for Stix (per pack)
Calorie: 90
Fat: 3.5g (Saturated fat: 1.5g)
Sodium: 150mg
Carb: 12g (sugar: 2 g)
Protein: 2g
low sugar + crispy + chewy + starch satisfaction
should be a good choice for me coz I always prefer sth. crispy & chewy in mouth...
Stix should be a good choice for me coz I always prefer sth. crispy & chewy in mouth...
low sugar + crispy + chewy + starch satisfaction
Stix should be a good choice for me coz I always prefer sth. crispy & chewy in mouth...
mm不用客气! 想找一个低糖低脂低热量又好味道的小零食还真不容易呢! 除了Stix外, 还有韩国出的一种Brown Rice Cracker也不错, 在H-mart能买到.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/5 22:22:30编辑过]
Exercise: WTs Day (+ protein shake)
Warm-up: Elliptical 10 min. 102 cal.
Dip +Chin-up: 6x10 (70lb, 80lb)
Lat pulldown: 3x10 (40lb)
Chest press: 3x12 (25-30lb)
Seated row: 3x12 (35lb)
Pec.+ Delt fly: 6x12 (40lb)
Lower ~ run out of time, didn't finish the training plan
Seated Leg Press: 3x12 (50lb)
Seated Leg Curls: 3x12 (40lb)
Hips Adduction: 3x12 (85lb)
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal with sunflower seeds & raisins, 1 large coffee, half orange
Snack: 1 M banana, 1 small steamed sweet potato
Lunch: leftovers - whole wheat pita with chicken, lettuce, tomato & pepper pickles
Snack: 1 M decaf coffee, 1 pack Stix, 6 large strawberries
Dinner: leftovers - stir-fry bitter melon with pork tenderlion, zuchini, rice, chicken soup with Chinese herbs, 2 pack Stix, 2 pcs lemon whole grain biscuits, 1 cup skim milk
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/6 22:29:39编辑过]
I will go back to gym today...
以下是引用fengge在6/6/2011 2:34:00 PM的发言:
Jun. 6 (Mon.)
Exercise: WTs Day (+ protein shake)
Warm-up: Elliptical 10 min. 102 cal.
Dip +Chin-up: 6x10 (70lb, 80lb)
Lat pulldown: 3x10 (40lb)
Chest press: 3x12 (25-30lb)
Seated row: 3x12 (35lb)
Pec.+ Delt fly: 6x12 (40lb)
Lower ~ run out of time, didn't finish the training plan
Seated Leg Press: 3x12 (50lb)
Seated Leg Curls: 3x12 (40lb)
Hips Adduction: 3x12 (85lb)
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal with sunflower seeds & raisins, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 M banana, 1 small steamed sweet potato
Lunch: leftovers - whole wheat pita with chicken, lettuce, tomato & pepper pickles
Snack: 1 M coffee, 1 pack Stix, 6 large strawberries
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/6 14:38:21编辑过]
I will go back to gym today...
Finally ~~~~~~~~ (echo, echo.......)
I will check your dairy tomorrow ! Behave, baby, behave !
Exercise: none. Rest
Breakfast: 1 whole grain orange carrot muffin(370 cal.), 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 small steamed sweet potato (130g)
Lunch: 1 whole wheat chicken wrap, 1 cup chicken noodle soup
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 M coffee, 8 large strawberries
Dinner: 1 small Vietnamese beef pho (60% rice noodles), 1 cup boiled Chinese broccoli, 1 cup skim milk, 2/3 pack Stix, 2 Ferrero Rocher (120 cal)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/7 22:15:02编辑过]
高压: 111 ~ Optimal
低压: 80 ~ Optimal
心跳: 53 ~ 是不是太低了?
以下是引用fengge在6/7/2011 10:21:00 PM的发言:
高压: 111 ~ Optimal
低压: 80 ~ Optimal
心跳: 53 ~ 是不是太低了?
高压: 111 ~ Optimal
低压: 80 ~ Optimal
心跳: 53 ~ 是不是太低了?