Everybody is born with a different body type. This is why every man and woman has a different body shape, and develops different levels of body fat and muscle mass. Your body type is completely determined by genetics. You will probably share the same body type as one of your parents, or your sister or brother. Because body type is a genetic trait, it is usually very difficult or impossible to change body types.
There are three different body type classifications:
Endomorphs: Endomorphs tend to have bigger bones that the other body types. These men and women usually have round faces with larger thighs and hips. Endomorphs have arms and legs that tend to be short and tapering, giving them a stocky appearance. Most endomorphs have comparatively small hands and feet and a high waist. Additionally, endomorphs have higher levels of body fat than the other body types, but they can also build muscle and lean mass easily. Weight loss is most difficult for the endomorph body type.
Mesomorphs: Mesomorphs are usually described as having an athletic build. They often have an hourglass or ruler shape, and gain muscle mass easily. The majority of mesomorphs have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. They have a fast metabolism and can lose weight more easily than endomorphs.
Ectomorphs: Ectomorphs have a thin, linear appearance. Most ectomorphs look like rulers, with narrow waists, hips, and shoulders. Ectomorphs can lose weight easily and tend to have low levels of body fat. However, they also have a harder time gaining lean muscle mass.
Few people actually fall distinctly into one category. Instead, it is much more likely that you will be a combination of the body types. Common combinations include ecto-mesomorph and endo-mesomorph.
In addition to your body type, you will also find that you have a distinct body shape. Your body shape is based upon the size of your physical features and the overall balance of your body. Men and women tend to have different body shapes. Men are often described as having a rectangular shape or a cone shape. Women are typically described as having hourglass, pear, apple, or ruler body shapes.
Hourglass: Women with an hourglass shape are often envied by all of their friends. This is because hourglasses have well-proportioned upper and lower bodies, with a distinctively narrow waist. However, if you are an hourglass, you may find that you tend to gain weight all over your body, particularly in your hips and chest area. Hourglasses tend to be endomorphs or mesomorphs.
Pear: Pear-shaped women tend to have larger lower bodies and smaller upper bodies. If you are a pear, you will find that your hips are slightly wider than your shoulders and that you tend to gain weight below your waist. Pears usually have small chests and flat stomachs. Most pears are mesomorphs.
Apple: Apples are generally bigger on the top half of their bodies than on the bottom half. They commonly have slim hips and a large chest and stomach. Apples tend to gain weight above the waist or along the backside. The majority of apples are mesomorphs or endomorphs.
Ruler: Women with a ruler shape tend to be waif-like and slim. Rulers have no large differences between the size of their hips, waists, and shoulders. Rulers tend to put on weight in their stomach and backside, while maintaining slender arms and legs. Most rulers are ectomorphs.
Chest: upper chest is weak compared to middle chest Back: Lats are in shape, but middle back and inner back lack details Shoulders: have shown caps, not enough shape, muscle is not lean Biceps: need to tone down, don't need too much biceps Triceps: need more details, especially in lower part of arms Quads: overpower hamstring; drumstick shape, need to reduce fat & define muscles Hamstring/glute: weak compared to quads Calves: not in diamond shape, need to raise and define Abs: have some definitions, but too blocky
Exercise: 1. Warm-up: Rowing 6 min. 1,124 m, resistance level @5. 2. Barbell WT Lifting: 45 min. (+ protein shake)
Warm-up & Upper: 3.5kg x 2 Lower: 5kg x 2 Compound: 3.5kg x 2 Arm & Shoulder, abs: 2.5kg x 2 Push-ups: 15 3. Easy run: 20 min. @5.2mph; Power walk 10 min.@ 4.1mph with incline 5.0
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast, 1 large hard-boiled egg, half cup fresh mango, 1 L coffee Snack: 1 small organic apple, 1 pc whole grain lemon biscuit Lunch: a big salad (2.5 oz chicken breast strip, 1 large egg white, spring mix, beans etc.) Snack: 1 M coffee, 1 pack Stix Dinner: grilled chicken on vermicelli, tum yum soup, 1 pack almond pocky, 1 S coffee [此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 23:35:53编辑过]
太好了!你去过whole foods这家吗?这两天安在一家一家考察,发现loblaws, highland farms的东西都不错,你一般在哪里买有机的? Most of time I went to Loblaws for convenience. At weekend, I go to Ambrosia or Big Carrot. A few organic shops for your reference:
Big Carrot: 348 Danforth Ave Tel: 416-466-2129 Baldwin Natural Foods: 322 Bloor St. W Tel: 416-968-7930, or 2401 Yonge St (north of Eglinton on the east side) Ambrosia: Yonge & Steeles
Most of time I went to Loblaws for convenience. At weekend, I go to Ambrosia or Big Carrot. A few organic shops for your reference:
Big Carrot: 348 Danforth Ave Tel: 416-466-2129 Baldwin Natural Foods: 322 Bloor St. W Tel: 416-968-7930, or 2401 Yonge St (north of Eglinton on the east side) Ambrosia: Yonge & Steeles
[Research & Study] Characteristics of a Good Weight-Training Program (by Hugo Ricera, James Villepigue)
1. Weight training sessions should be short: 60 min. maximum.
2. The rest between sets should be kept to a minimum: 90 seconds or less.
3. Sets of each exercise should consist of 8-15 repetitions: within this range, the growth hormone output is maximized. (Note: this rule does not apply to the calves and abs. There maybe times that you would benefit greatly by either doing more or fewer repetitions. It all depends on your goals and routine.)
4. Training must be progressive
5. Training must be varied (e.g. vary your lifting speed)
6. Training must consist primarily of free weight basic exercises.
从去年8月中到今年4月底完成了减肥大业, 历时8个半月. 减肥篇链接:
下一个阶段是body toning and shaping, 主要目标是调解脂肌比例, 打造线条, 平衡身体比例. 虽然在减肥的过程中一直坚持做重量训练, 特别是上肢, 这些练习的重点是body conditioning, 离塑形还相距甚远. 4月份我花了1个月的时间学习和尝试塑形的基础理论和各种训练项目, 感觉科学地增肌塑形真是一门学问, 博大精深. 让我吃惊的是关于如何训练不同的body type和body shape的理论是百花齐放, 甚至于相互矛盾. 我打算把这些research的理论作为参考, 摸索适合自己的training plan.
note: 过去的1个星期我一直在犹豫是否另开新楼. 主要是担心近期工作太忙, 夏天户外活动又多, 不一定能坚持不懈地更新. 多谢老妖姐和yoyo的鼓励, 我决定先尝试两个月. 因为时间不一定能保证, 很遗憾不能邀请其他姐妹加入了. 欢迎大家多交流. 谢谢!
7月4日更新: 5月6月尝试了两个月, 塑形有些成果也有不尽人意之处. 决心再努力两个月! 9月初结束此贴.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/8/19 0:21:32编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/4 11:05:25编辑过]
Everybody is born with a different body type. This is why every man and woman has a different body shape, and develops different levels of body fat and muscle mass. Your body type is completely determined by genetics. You will probably share the same body type as one of your parents, or your sister or brother. Because body type is a genetic trait, it is usually very difficult or impossible to change body types.
There are three different body type classifications:
Endomorphs: Endomorphs tend to have bigger bones that the other body types. These men and women usually have round faces with larger thighs and hips. Endomorphs have arms and legs that tend to be short and tapering, giving them a stocky appearance. Most endomorphs have comparatively small hands and feet and a high waist. Additionally, endomorphs have higher levels of body fat than the other body types, but they can also build muscle and lean mass easily. Weight loss is most difficult for the endomorph body type.
Mesomorphs: Mesomorphs are usually described as having an athletic build. They often have an hourglass or ruler shape, and gain muscle mass easily. The majority of mesomorphs have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. They have a fast metabolism and can lose weight more easily than endomorphs.
Ectomorphs: Ectomorphs have a thin, linear appearance. Most ectomorphs look like rulers, with narrow waists, hips, and shoulders. Ectomorphs can lose weight easily and tend to have low levels of body fat. However, they also have a harder time gaining lean muscle mass.
Few people actually fall distinctly into one category. Instead, it is much more likely that you will be a combination of the body types. Common combinations include ecto-mesomorph and endo-mesomorph.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/9 10:01:12编辑过]
In addition to your body type, you will also find that you have a distinct body shape. Your body shape is based upon the size of your physical features and the overall balance of your body. Men and women tend to have different body shapes. Men are often described as having a rectangular shape or a cone shape. Women are typically described as having hourglass, pear, apple, or ruler body shapes.
Hourglass: Women with an hourglass shape are often envied by all of their friends. This is because hourglasses have well-proportioned upper and lower bodies, with a distinctively narrow waist. However, if you are an hourglass, you may find that you tend to gain weight all over your body, particularly in your hips and chest area. Hourglasses tend to be endomorphs or mesomorphs.
Pear: Pear-shaped women tend to have larger lower bodies and smaller upper bodies. If you are a pear, you will find that your hips are slightly wider than your shoulders and that you tend to gain weight below your waist. Pears usually have small chests and flat stomachs. Most pears are mesomorphs.
Apple: Apples are generally bigger on the top half of their bodies than on the bottom half. They commonly have slim hips and a large chest and stomach. Apples tend to gain weight above the waist or along the backside. The majority of apples are mesomorphs or endomorphs.
Ruler: Women with a ruler shape tend to be waif-like and slim. Rulers have no large differences between the size of their hips, waists, and shoulders. Rulers tend to put on weight in their stomach and backside, while maintaining slender arms and legs. Most rulers are ectomorphs.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/9 10:01:51编辑过]
Date: May 7, 2011
Body Weight: 120 lb.
Body Fat %: 18.1%
Arms (biceps): R-24.7cm; L-25cm
Thighs: R-51cm; L-51cm
Calves: R-35cm; L-35.5cm
Hips (3" below pelvis bones): 93 cm
Waist-to-Hip Ratio: 0.794 (<0.80)
我在梨和苹果的分界线上, 偏梨!
我的总体body type + body shape 是: Pear(和苹果杂交) - Endomorphs !
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/14 21:29:11编辑过]
我目前的体型, 单从照片上看象Alicia Keys
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/9 15:08:23编辑过]
体型是由基因决定的. 每种体形都有独特之处. 在不借助整形的前提下, 一个梨不可能转变成Hour-glass或者Ruler. 坦然地接收自己的身体, 用心去打造, 呵护和热爱自己的身体, 努力成为一个健美, 自信, 快乐的杂交梨!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/24 21:01:45编辑过]
Chest: upper chest is weak compared to middle chest
Back: Lats are in shape, but middle back and inner back lack details
Shoulders: have shown caps, not enough shape, muscle is not lean
Biceps: need to tone down, don't need too much biceps
Triceps: need more details, especially in lower part of arms
Quads: overpower hamstring; drumstick shape, need to reduce fat & define muscles
Hamstring/glute: weak compared to quads
Calves: not in diamond shape, need to raise and define
Abs: have some definitions, but too blocky
Training Strategy:
1. 体重: 维持在118-122磅之间. 调整脂肌比例: 减掉几磅肥肉, 增加几磅肌肉.
2. 上肢增肌, 减小腰围, 平衡下肢; 同时加强下肢lean muscle mass.
3. 把Yoga, Pilate加入训练项目.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/25 14:18:39编辑过]
1. characteristics of a good weight-training program
2. yoga vs. pilate
3. health risks of pear-shaped women
4. foam roller
5. blood pressure and pulse rate for women
6. the 15 best lean muscle building foods
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/7/17 21:50:11编辑过]
may exercise calendar
july exercise calendar
OMG, fengge出手就是不一样,给MM加油!!
先订个塑形计划吧, 大家一起帮你看看.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/8 21:58:38编辑过]
以下是引用fengge在5/8/2011 9:58:00 PM的发言:
先订个塑形计划吧, 大家一起帮你看看.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/8 21:58:38编辑过]
May 8 (Sun.)
Exercise: 今天看了电影"Fast Five"太兴奋, 锻炼地有点过了.
Arms & Shoulder [P]: 60 min. (5, 7lb dumbbells)
Abs [P]: 240 crunches
Treadmill: 33 min. HIIT - 5.2 & 7.2mph @ 2:1 min. ratio, 3.22 miles.
Brunch: 韩国海鲜豆腐套餐, 半份石头锅泡饭, 半包Stix, 1中杯咖啡
Snack: 1包巧克力杏仁Pocky, 1中杯咖啡 [边看电影边啃]
Dinner: 自家做的烤鸭和土豆, 白灼豆苗, 药材猪骨清汤, half bowl crispy rice, 3根巧克力杏仁Pocky
~ 晚饭至少吃掉700卡!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 23:37:35编辑过]
yoyo以前练重量多吗? 如果不多的话, 我觉得先从器械练起比较好, 大部分器械是isolation exercise, 单一练一两块肌肉, 动作固定, 不容易lose form或受伤. 练一段时间后对自己的肌肉和身体反应有了解后, 再上free weights. 如果你已经有基础了, 直接用free wts就行了, 同时也可以把器械当辅助.
腰线: 加强core exercise, 各种各样的crunches, planks.
肩: 要看个人的审美观了. 我个人喜欢圆肩头, 能看到front delt的线条: 长, lean. 要达到这种效果, 恐怕还有再刷掉点肥肉.
大腿: 除了cardio, 还要上腿部的重量练习, 负重或body weight都可以.
胸肌: 器械, push-ups.
assisted chin up and dip
hip ab/ad-duction
chess press
以下是引用fengge在5/8/2011 10:51:00 PM的发言:
yoyo以前练重量多吗? 如果不多的话, 我觉得先从器械练起比较好, 大部分器械是isolation exercise, 单一练一两块肌肉, 动作固定, 不容易lose form或受伤. 练一段时间后对自己的肌肉和身体反应有了解后, 再上free weights. 如果你已经有基础了, 直接用free wts就行了, 同时也可以把器械当辅助.
加强core exercise, 各种各样的crunches, planks.
肩: 要看个人的审美观了. 我个人喜欢圆肩头, 能看到front delt的线条: 长, lean. 要达到这种效果, 恐怕还有再刷掉点肥肉.
大腿: 除了cardio, 还要上腿部的重量练习, 负重或body weight都可以.
胸肌: 器械, push-ups.
assisted chin up and dip
hip ab/ad-duction
chess press
塑形很personal, 要看个人的审美观和身体对重量的反应. yoyo先练一阵子, 有问题大家多交流. 我先卧倒了, 你也早点休息吧. Good night!
1) Kickboxing: 45 min.
2) Abs:
Captain's Chair: 3x12
Ab Crunch (seated): 3x12 (15lb)
Ab Crunch (lying): 3x12 (20lb)
Back Extension: 3x12 (85lb)
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal with sunflower seeds & raisins, half banana, 1 L coffee [263]
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 small organic apple [145]
Lunch: 120g pan-fried salmon, 1 medium size salad with spring mix, arugula, celery, beans [353]
Snack: 1 M coffee, 1 free-free yogurt, blueberries, raspberries [88]
Dinner: 处理剩菜- 煎三文鱼(65g), 3块烤鸭胸, 2块roasted土豆, 猪肉丝炒豆角, 1/3碗米饭, 1小碗骨头汤, 1 scoop frozen yogurt, 3根almond pocky, 1小杯咖啡 [780]
Total calorie intake: 今天吃多了. 算了一下: 1,629. 明天要稍注意一下饮食.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 23:38:08编辑过]
dear..you look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
多谢帮主美言! 我还是不够lean啊! 要是和你一样骨感, 肌肉线条会更明显些.
你如果不准备减重。1600的卡路里应该不多,你的body fat 已经很低了,低于18不太好,尤其是女性,据说会对生育有影响。
谢谢老妖姐. 减肥结束后, 我开始逐渐增加热量摄入了, 计划分两步:
第一步: 5月头3个星期, 加到1,450-1,520
第二步: 从5月第四周起慢慢加到1,700. 以后重量练习强度大了, 估计还要再多些.
分步走主要是担心一下子失控了疯吃大嚼, 又把肥肉给招回来了. 唉, 真不容易啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/10 13:52:45编辑过]
Exercise: Rest
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast, 1 large hard-boiled egg, 1 L coffee
Snack: fresh mango (160g), 1 sesame rice ball with red bean filling (340 cal.!)
Lunch: Bento box - 10 brown rice vegetarian California rolls, 1 cup meso soup
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 whole grain biscuit, blueberries, raspberries, 1 M coffee
Dinner: Vietnamese beef rice noodle soup, 1 cup boiled Chinese broccoli, 1 pack almond chocolate Pocky
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 23:36:34编辑过]
谢谢老妖姐. 减肥结束后, 我开始逐渐增加热量摄入了, 计划分两步:
第一步: 5月头3个星期, 加到1,450-1,520
第二步: 从5月第四周起慢慢加到1,700. 以后重量练习强度大了, 估计还要再多些.
分步走主要是担心一下子失控了疯吃大嚼, 又把肥肉给招回来了. 唉, 真不容易啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/10 13:52:45编辑过]
多谢帮主美言! 我还是不够lean啊! 要是和你一样骨感, 肌肉线条会更明显些.
你如果不准备减重。1600的卡路里应该不多,你的body fat 已经很低了,低于18不太好,尤其是女性,据说会对生育有影响。
不要怕..I checked...完全没问题..哈哈
1. Warm-up: Rowing 6 min. 1,124 m, resistance level @5.
2. Barbell WT Lifting: 45 min. (+ protein shake)
Warm-up & Upper: 3.5kg x 2
Lower: 5kg x 2
Compound: 3.5kg x 2
Arm & Shoulder, abs: 2.5kg x 2
Push-ups: 15
3. Easy run: 20 min. @5.2mph; Power walk 10 min.@ 4.1mph with incline 5.0
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast, 1 large hard-boiled egg, half cup fresh mango, 1 L coffee
Snack: 1 small organic apple, 1 pc whole grain lemon biscuit
Lunch: a big salad (2.5 oz chicken breast strip, 1 large egg white, spring mix, beans etc.)
Snack: 1 M coffee, 1 pack Stix
Dinner: grilled chicken on vermicelli, tum yum soup, 1 pack almond pocky, 1 S coffee
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 23:35:53编辑过]
起点: May 1 的照片:
-------------------------奖by meso
Thanks, Meso !!!
yoyo以前练重量多吗? 如果不多的话, 我觉得先从器械练起比较好, 大部分器械是isolation exercise, 单一练一两块肌肉, 动作固定, 不容易lose form或受伤. 练一段时间后对自己的肌肉和身体反应有了解后, 再上free weights. 如果你已经有基础了, 直接用free wts就行了, 同时也可以把器械当辅助.
加强core exercise, 各种各样的crunches, planks.
肩: 要看个人的审美观了. 我个人喜欢圆肩头, 能看到front delt的线条: 长, lean. 要达到这种效果, 恐怕还有再刷掉点肥肉.
大腿: 除了cardio, 还要上腿部的重量练习, 负重或body weight都可以.
胸肌: 器械, push-ups.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 15:24:58编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 15:24:58编辑过]
这 是神码精神啊
自残有理!! 要继续发扬光大! 哈哈~~
嗯, 记下了. 我争取每周保持3次有质量的cardio.
不要怕..I checked...完全没问题..哈哈
我爬了斧帮大楼, 你那个PT关于体脂12%的说法靠谱啊! 以前我看过一个reality show (TLC台的), 讲一个女body builder参加比赛的故事. 大赛前教练警告她的体脂低于12%, 会影响女性荷尔蒙, 对女性特征(例假, 胸)和以后生育都会有负面影响. 做为自残份子, 当然她没听教练的, 继续练肌肉, 赛前体脂只有10点几, 最后比赛得了第五名. 她狠不高兴, 还哭了好几鼻子. 现在我对这类节目极有兴趣, 可惜再没有重播过.
我爬了斧帮大楼, 你那个PT关于体脂12%的说法靠谱啊! 以前我看过一个reality show (TLC台的), 讲一个女body builder参加比赛的故事. 大赛前教练警告她的体脂低于12%, 会影响女性荷尔蒙, 对女性特征(例假, 胸)和以后生育都会有负面影响. 做为自残份子, 当然她没听教练的, 继续练肌肉, 赛前体脂只有10点几, 最后比赛得了第五名. 她狠不高兴, 还哭了好几鼻子. 现在我对这类节目极有兴趣, 可惜再没有重播过.
这 是神码精神啊
以下是引用GTAgal在5/11/2011 4:05:00 PM的发言:是安做不到的境界。。。一边羞愧去了。。。
哎, 木有神马精神, 就是个惯性! 8个月如一日每天计算和记录五餐的热量, 习惯成自然了. 就象焦一和老妖姐的X光眼能透过衣服看肌肉一样, 我现在对自己家做的吃的大概看一眼就对热量心中有数了.
你们没有到我那个肥硕级别, 没必要费那个劲!
以下是引用fengge在5/11/2011 10:30:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用GTAgal在5/11/2011 4:05:00 PM的发言:是安做不到的境界。。。一边羞愧去了。。。
哎, 木有神马精神, 就是个惯性! 8个月如一日每天计算和记录五餐的热量, 习惯成自然了. 就象焦一和老妖姐的X光眼能透过衣服看肌肉一样, 我现在对自己家做的吃的大概看一眼就对热量心中有数了.
你们没有到我那个肥硕级别, 没必要费那个劲!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/11 15:24:58编辑过]
欢迎欢迎! 大家多交流经验教训, 一起进步!
正面: 我个人觉得Jillian的biceps太壮了, 影响了肩头的美观.
Delt. 肌肉要长和lean才好看. 下面这个fitness model (Jamie) 的肩头肌肉就太雄壮了(也可能是拍照角度问题):
Shoulders I adore: Huaren - flying_pipi
(if pipi doesn't like personal pics were referenced, please let me know, I'll remove them. Many thanks!)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/12 11:05:59编辑过]
老妖姐最会鼓励人!! 压力啊!!! 我要好好锻炼, 积极更新帖子.
先来个预告: 周末来更新一篇关于Fat的文章.
同晕! 我很好奇她当时拼了命想练哪几块肌肉又为毛没进前三名?
凡事都有两方面啊: 太认真的人都是操心的命! 累人!
yoyo的性格好, 乐天派, 什么事都不往心里去!
大本营我还没去说上几句话呢, 另立门户恐怕不够资格啊! 有各位大佬罩着俺就很知足了.
我觉得肩宽的人不要过份练肩头, 有一点definition就行了,不然看起来有点笨重.
以下是引用fengge在5/11/2011 11:23:00 PM的发言:
凡事都有两方面啊: 太认真的人都是操心的命! 累人!
yoyo的性格好, 乐天派, 什么事都不往心里去!
以下是引用fengge在5/11/2011 11:29:00 PM的发言:
大本营我还没去说上几句话呢, 另立门户恐怕不够资格啊! 有各位大佬罩着俺就很知足了.
我爬了斧帮大楼, 你那个PT关于体脂12%的说法靠谱啊! 以前我看过一个reality show (TLC台的), 讲一个女body builder参加比赛的故事. 大赛前教练警告她的体脂低于12%, 会影响女性荷尔蒙, 对女性特征(例假, 胸)和以后生育都会有负面影响. 做为自残份子, 当然她没听教练的, 继续练肌肉, 赛前体脂只有10点几, 最后比赛得了第五名. 她狠不高兴, 还哭了好几鼻子. 现在我对这类节目极有兴趣, 可惜再没有重播过.
我再三问他了..他説我这个是factor in年纪的..确实没问题...我一直印象觉得低于18%太低了...所以当时有点吃惊...他説只是偏lean..still considered healthy...我自己也没什么感觉一切正常...最搞的是胸围还比俩月前涨了2厘米...没准pushup整的..蛤蛤
以下是引用22june在5/12/2011 1:01:00 AM的发言:
我觉得肩宽的人不要过份练肩头, 有一点definition就行了,不然看起来有点笨重.
ME 2,忙死了
以下是引用tzimisce在5/12/2011 1:16:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用wfufhoney在5/12/2011 1:14:00 AM的发言:
Advanced Kickboxing: 45 min.
Breakfast: 3 Tbsp Greek yogurt with dried cranberries, 8 oz cup oatmeal, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 L coffee
Snack: 10 almonds
Lunch: Chipotle mango baked Talipia (4 oz), steamed mixed vegetable, 1 small potato
Snack: 1 pack Stix, 1 M coffee, 1 fresh mango (mango - 135 cal.)
Dinner: 辣鱼块(cod-4oz), 白灼生菜, 炒豆芽, 鸡汤馄炖, 半杯 frozen yogurt, 1包杏仁Pocky, 几口咖啡 ~吃得乱七八糟!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/13 9:14:06编辑过]
太晒了..周末跑了8 mile头昏眼花的...这才几月啊...关键是热啊..要出去走路还行..跑起来恨不得裸奔啊啊啊啊啊!!!而且long run真伤膝盖..我回来膝盖又开始痛
太晒了..周末跑了8 mile头昏眼花的...这才几月啊...关键是热啊..要出去走路还行..跑起来恨不得裸奔啊啊啊啊啊!!!而且long run真伤膝盖..我回来膝盖又开始痛
MM,一上7或8 MILE 就会有膝盖痛的问题,正想问下大家是如何解决的。而且一侧比另一侧重一点。检查了一下跑鞋,底不平了,内侧摩的比外侧严重。
ME 2,忙死了
想想看锻炼是为了自己, 只要领导没意见, 何乐而不为呢? 或者学习花妈妈爬楼梯, 非常practical而且有效. 真是佩服她呢!
我也喜欢她, 有好几张她的碟呢! 前几天一个朋友向我推荐她的yoga DVD, Jillian居然大叫"Who is your daddy?". 我当时就笑翻了. 如果是Circuit Training 还说得过去, 教yoga时这么trash talk 就太过份了.
香港的大太阳我领教过, 中午还是不要出门了.
我再三问他了..他説我这个是factor in年纪的..确实没问题...我一直印象觉得低于18%太低了...所以当时有点吃惊...他説只是偏lean..still considered healthy...我自己也没什么感觉一切正常...最搞的是胸围还比俩月前涨了2厘米...没准pushup整的..蛤蛤
才看了我医生,他说18% 以下就有点underweight..除非搞专业,否则不建议这样。。 哈哈
鸡蛋, 牛奶和部分水果我买有机的. 肉类的就是lean cut, 非有机. Danforth上有一家专卖有机食品的Super Market: Big Carrots很不错的. mm有空的话可以去看看.
太晒了..周末跑了8 mile头昏眼花的...这才几月啊...关键是热啊..要出去走路还行..跑起来恨不得裸奔啊啊啊啊啊!!!而且long run真伤膝盖..我回来膝盖又开始痛
跑步我不懂. long run可不可以步子小一点频率快一点呢? ms对膝盖的冲击小些. 我下个月跑5K, 希望不要太热. 我是出汗大王!
我是新手, 不够专业. 海版才是高手呢! 欢迎mm来串门, 大家多交流交流.
这个要看个人的喜好了. 我觉得海延版版这点做得特别好: 了解自己的身体, 很清楚自己想要什么, 并且长期坚持不懈地朝着目标努力. 值得大家学习啊!
塑形很personal, 取决于个人的体形和审美观. 我要练肩膀是因为我是梨形, 胯宽, 身体又扁. 所以我想把肩部练宽一点, 腰练细一点来平衡下肢; 同时加强立体感, 造成一种hour glass的假象(忽略胸部啊!). 我记得mm是大胸细腿型的, 对这种体型我没有研究过, 感觉上是要加强腰部线条, 一定不能有love handles, tone胳膊和lats (中, 后腰). 你的腿已经很美了, 平时运动又多, 不应该是问题. 我说的这些不一定对, 建议mm再和老妖姐等同体形的切磋一下.
对了, 我把flying_pipi的照片加到前一页了. 她的肩头肌肉就是lean and long的代表了.
谢谢! 现在版面上Hour glass, Apple 和Pear都有帖子了, 谁再来开个Ruler的健身日记就全了!
你哪儿油桶了?? 标准的Hour Glass 啊!! 我在research training plan的时候, 一看见hour glass立刻闭眼, 妒嫉啊! 有木有!!!!
才看了我医生,他说18% 以下就有点underweight..除非搞专业,否则不建议这样。。 哈哈
跑步我不懂. long run可不可以步子小一点频率快一点呢? ms对膝盖的冲击小些. 我下个月跑5K, 希望不要太热. 我是出汗大王!
一般我们long run的pace都很慢..频率一致..主要是时间太长..如果uneven surface就会对膝盖影响...
鸡蛋, 牛奶和部分水果我买有机的. 肉类的就是lean cut, 非有机. Danforth上有一家专卖有机食品的Super Market: Big Carrots很不错的. mm有空的话可以去看看.
太好了!你去过whole foods这家吗?这两天安在一家一家考察,发现loblaws, highland farms的东西都不错,你一般在哪里买有机的?
这个要看个人的喜好了. 我觉得海延版版这点做得特别好: 了解自己的身体, 很清楚自己想要什么, 并且长期坚持不懈地朝着目标努力. 值得大家学习啊!
塑形很personal, 取决于个人的体形和审美观. 我要练肩膀是因为我是梨形, 胯宽, 身体又扁. 所以我想把肩部练宽一点, 腰练细一点来平衡下肢; 同时加强立体感, 造成一种hour glass的假象(忽略胸部啊!). 我记得mm是大胸细腿型的, 对这种体型我没有研究过, 感觉上是要加强腰部线条, 一定不能有love handles, tone胳膊和lats (中, 后腰). 你的腿已经很美了, 平时运动又多, 不应该是问题. 我说的这些不一定对, 建议mm再和老妖姐等同体形的切磋一下.
对了, 我把flying_pipi的照片加到前一页了. 她的肩头肌肉就是lean and long的代表了.
千万别学我,我有love handles..
trainer 恨不得把每个人都弄成pro...ha ha
太好了!你去过whole foods这家吗?这两天安在一家一家考察,发现loblaws, highland farms的东西都不错,你一般在哪里买有机的?
Most of time I went to Loblaws for convenience. At weekend, I go to Ambrosia or Big Carrot. A few organic shops for your reference:
Big Carrot: 348 Danforth Ave Tel: 416-466-2129
Baldwin Natural Foods: 322 Bloor St. W Tel: 416-968-7930, or 2401 Yonge St (north of Eglinton on the east side)
Ambrosia: Yonge & Steeles
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/13 14:54:01编辑过]
~ Cross training ~
1) Rowing: 20 min. resistance level @5
2) Abs: crunches - 260, planks: 3 sets
3) Rowing: 15 min. resistance level @5
4) Legs & Glute:
Glute: 3x15 (60lb)
Hip adduction: 3x15 (90lb)
Seated leg curl: 3x12 (45lb)
Back extension: 3x15 (85lb)
Breakfast: 1 whole grain carrot muffin (370 cal), 1 L coffee
Snack: half pack Stix
Lunch: 1.5 bowl wonton & noodle soup, 1 rice cracker (35 cal. - yuck!)
Snack: 1 M coffee, 1 fresh mango, 1 pack Stix
Dinner: 薯片(chettos, 2 cups - 375 cal.), 烧鱼块(basa, 5-6 oz), 白灼豆苗, 半块烤鸡胸(去皮), 1杯Perrier ~ 晚饭差不多有800卡!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/13 21:54:06编辑过]
Most of time I went to Loblaws for convenience. At weekend, I go to Ambrosia or Big Carrot. A few organic shops for your reference:
Big Carrot: 348 Danforth Ave Tel: 416-466-2129
Baldwin Natural Foods: 322 Bloor St. W Tel: 416-968-7930, or 2401 Yonge St (north of Eglinton on the east side)
Ambrosia: Yonge & Steeles
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/13 14:54:01编辑过]
WOW, 没想到MM早就开始有机了,安才刚刚开始,谢了!!
我在mississauga, 所以找了几个离这里近的,对了,MM要是住在北边,有兴趣去有机农场pick-your-own的话可以去这里看看:
谢谢! 现在版面上Hour glass, Apple 和Pear都有帖子了, 谁再来开个Ruler的健身日记就全了!
哈,我应该是 ruler 吧,什么都没有,上下一样粗。回家贴张照片给鉴定一下。
(by Hugo Ricera, James Villepigue)
1. Weight training sessions should be short: 60 min. maximum.
2. The rest between sets should be kept to a minimum: 90 seconds or less.
3. Sets of each exercise should consist of 8-15 repetitions: within this range, the growth hormone output is maximized. (Note: this rule does not apply to the calves and abs. There maybe times that you would benefit greatly by either doing more or fewer repetitions. It all depends on your goals and routine.)
4. Training must be progressive
5. Training must be varied (e.g. vary your lifting speed)
6. Training must consist primarily of free weight basic exercises.
trainer 恨不得把每个人都弄成pro...ha ha
以下是引用lusi在5/13/2011 4:02:00 PM的发言:
哈,我应该是 ruler 吧,什么都没有,上下一样粗。回家贴张照片给鉴定一下。
千万别学我,我有love handles..
我看了你的6 packs的照片了, 木有见神马handles啊!! 只看见两个漂亮的腰窝和华丽丽的6大块腹肌!
trainer 恨不得把每个人都弄成pro...ha ha
是啊, 今天gym里的一个黑mm告诉我她的trainer建议她的体脂目标设在14-16%. 吓了我一跳!
还好进来开一下, 原来我也是杂交梨, 接受现实, 继续锻炼。
杂交的很吗? 我正好在分界线上, 可以忽梨忽苹果! 哈哈~
WOW, 没想到MM早就开始有机了,安才刚刚开始,谢了!!
我在mississauga, 所以找了几个离这里近的,对了,MM要是住在北边,有兴趣去有机农场pick-your-own的话可以去这里看看:
谢谢建议! 有机食品我也是有一下没一下的. 直接入口的, 象沙拉, 苹果, 牛奶, 豆浆, 尽量有机, 其他的看方便了.
哈,我应该是 ruler 吧,什么都没有,上下一样粗。回家贴张照片给鉴定一下。
mm还要测一下waist-to-hip ratio (测量方法在p.1).
seated leg curl恨不错!
热! seated 比趴着的那个hamstring curl 给力!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/14 20:44:35编辑过]