[减肥篇]: 2010年8月~ 2011年4月减肥日记. 达到目标了! 不再更新!

楼主 (北美华人网)
从去年夏天到现在一年长了18 磅. 体重上涨的原因:
1.  工作压力大, 加班多, 今年上半年平均每周工作54 个小时.
2.  饮食上放纵自己, 经常吃薯条, pizza 类垃圾食品, 总之是什么方便就吃什么. 除了偶尔逛街, 什嘛运动都木有.

今年annual health check 被医生警告血脂偏高. 警钟啊! 不能再这样下去了, 自己的身体还是要自己多包重. 上周末办了健身卡,这个星期一减肥健身正式开始了. 为了更好地监督自己, 争取每天来发发日记,欢迎大家督促.

短期目标:今年Christmas 前减重15 lb  

长期目标:115-120 lb. BMI: 18 - 22, toned abs, arms and legs.  
欢迎 tinytoy mm 12月30号加入!!
Now: 5'5, 128-130 lbs
Goal: 110-115 lbs
Exercise: 3-5 times per week.

Weight Loss Strategy   (fengge):
1. Control daily calorie intake: 1,200 - 1,563 (based on the information below)
BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the number of calories your body burns at rest to maintain normal body functions. As per "The Fat-Burning Bible", BMR accounts for about 70% of daily expenditure.
BMR = 655 + (9.6 x Wt in kg) + (1.8 x Ht in cm) - (4.7 x Age in years)

Harris Benedict Formula:
To determine your daily calorie needs, mutiply your BMR by the appropriate activity factor, as follows:

If you are sedentary (little or no exercise): Calorie-calculation = BMR x 1.2
If you are lightly active (light exercise 1-3 days/week): BMR x 1.375
If you are moderately active (Moderate exercise 3-5 days/week): BMR x 1.55
If you are very active (hard exercise 6-7 days a week): BMR x 1.725
If you are extra active (very hard exercise and physical job or 2x training): BMR x 1.9
1 pound fat is roughly equivalent to 3,500 calories. If you want to lose fat, a useful guideline for lowering your calorie intake is to reduce your calories by at least 500, but no more than 1,000 below your maintenance level. As a guide to minimum calorie intake, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that calorie levels never drop below 1,200 calories per day for women or 1,800 calories per day for men.
2. Cardio + Weight training + Flexibility exercise:

Age <30: 60% cardio, 30% weight, 10% flexibility
Age >30: 50% cardio, 40% weight, 10% flexibility
Age >40: 40% cardio, 50% weight, 10% flexibility
Weight training: Studies have shown consistent weight training can raise the body's metabolism by 15%. This means an average woman might burn 200-300 more calories at rest everyday. At least 24-48 hours between training the same muscles and taking 1-2 days off from exercising per week.

[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/8 1:05:04编辑过]
2 楼
1. 减肥健身的动力来源 (motivation)
2. find your motivation (from women's health magzine):
3. research: the piriformis syndrome (梨状肌综合征):
4. research: learn how to interpret your blood work (from the fat burning bible)
5. 2010年终总结对比照片:
6. 2011年4月31日减肥大结局:
summary of weight loss :

1st week (aug.16-22):          -2 lb.  exercise: 5 days/week
2nd week (aug.23-29):         -1 lb.  exercise: 6 days/week
3rd week (aug.30-sep.5):     -2 lb.  exercise: 5 days/week
4th week (sep.6-12):            -1 lb.  exercise: 6 days/week 
        month 1 - total weight loss: - 6 lb. 

5th week (sep.13-20):          -2 lb.  exercise: 5 days/week
6th week (sep.21-26):          -1 lb.  exercise: 5 days/week 
7th week (sep.27-oct.3):      -1 lb.  exercise:  6 days/week
8th week (oct.4-10):            - 2 lb.  exercise:  6 days/week
      month 1 & 2 - total weight loss: -12 lb.  

9th week (oct.11-17):           -0.2 lb. exercise: 6 days/week
10th week (oct.18-24):         -1.5 lb. exercise: 6 days/week
11th week (oct.25-31):         -1.1 lb. exercise: 6 days/week
12th week (nov.1-7):            -2.0 lb. exercise: 5 days/week
  month 1- 3 : total weight loss: -16.8 lb ~   
减肥健身第二阶段(再减10磅, 靠近长期目标:115-120磅)从11月8号开始(日记从第15页起):
summary of weight loss: http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=341&topicid=793174&page=1&star=16
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/1 20:34:20编辑过]
3 楼
以下是引用fengge在8/21/2010 7:18:00 PM的发言:

从去年夏天到现在一年长了18 磅.
     1.  工作压力大, 加班多, 今年上半年平均每周工作54 个小时. 哎, 资本家奏是剥削人!
     2.  饮食上放纵自己, 经常吃薯条, pizza 类垃圾食品, 总之是什么方便就吃什么. 除了偶尔逛街, 什嘛运动都木有.

     今年annual health check 被医生警告血脂偏高. 警钟啊! 不能再这样下去了, 自己的身体还是要自己多包重. 上周末办了健身卡,这个星期一减肥健身正式开始了. 为了更好地监督自己, 争取每天来发发日记,欢迎大家督促.

短期目标:今年 Christmas 前减重15lb
长期目标:再减5-8 磅. BMI < 27, keep fit, toned abs, arms and legs.


mm,你现在的bmi是多少? 目标小于27??你确定你算对了?
4 楼
谢谢MM提醒. 我上网research 了一下. 用下面网址提供的方法计算, 我的BMI 是24.3, 但是在积木里称的是32.2. 这是为什么呢? MM 能给科普一下么?


我先把我地BMI target 删掉, 等搞明白了再加上.

搞明白了! 答案在第4 页38 楼.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/9 19:50:34编辑过]
5 楼
Aug. 16 (Mon.):
Elliptical (interval): 35 min. Stretch: 5 min. Biceps Curl: 3 x 15 rep. Triceps Extension: 3 x 15 rep.

Aug. 17 (Tue.):
Treadmill (interval): 40 min, Ab Crunch: 3 x 15 rep.

Aug. 18 (Wed): Rest

Aug. 19 (Thur):
Group exercise: Body Pump – weight exercise 45 min. Stretch 5 min.

Aug. 20 (Fri.):
Treadmill (interval): 45 min. Ab Crunch: 2X 20 rep. Back Extension: 3 x 15 rep.

Aug. 21 (Sat.):
Shopping 3.5 hours (冒充一次运动)

从明天起, 要把饮食一并记录下来. mm如有好的建议, 一定要告诉我呵. Thanks in advance.
Aug.22 (Sun.)

Breakfast:  1 cup 2% milk (122 cal.), 1 个糯米麻团 ( 354 cal.)   这个不能再吃了  
Lunch: 1 碗白粥 (82 cal.), 1 小盘 asparagus (huaren.usl.) – 被那个麻团吓坏了.
Dinner: Vietnamese cold rice noodle (431 cal.), 1/3 fried spring roll (49 cal.) & 1 fried chicken wing (1huaren.usl)
其它: 咖啡 1 杯 (2% milk no sugar) (35 cal.)
Total: 1,289 cal. (总结: 早餐吃得不科学, 晚上吃了太多carb and deep fries. 蔬菜水果吃得太少. 要improve)
Exercise – 在积木里泡了2个小时. 难得有时间:

Elliptical: 50 min. (Cross Country, 402 cal.): 边锻炼边看"So you think you can dance”. 没觉得太累.
Biceps Curl: 3x15 rep.
Triceps extension: 3x15 rep.
Back extension: 3x15 rep.
Shoulder press: 15
Chest press: 15
Crunches: 3x15 rep.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 15:02:06编辑过]
6 楼
1st week weigh-in (Aug. 16-22): -2 lb.
Today's update - Aug. 23 (Mon.)

Breakfast: 1 large coffee (skim milk, no sugar, 35 cal.), have early meeting, skipped breakfast.
Lunch: Vietnamese beef noodle (Pho, 2/3 bowl, 320 cal.)
Snack: blueberry (1/2 cup, 45 cal.), 1 fruit bar (110 cal.), Roasted salted amonds (14pcs, 90 cal.)
Dinner: 水煮鱼片(210cal) 炒豆芽(115 cal) 米饭(3tsp,100 cal),Apple juice (1 cup, 117 cal)
Total Calories: 1,142 (Summary: below mini. required calorie intake. Eat more vegetable).
Group Exercise: Body Combat (Kickboxing, 50 min, 343 cal.). Kickboxing is so far my favourite exercise.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/30 16:52:22编辑过]
7 楼
Aug. 24 (Tues.):

Breakfast: a large coffee (35 cal.), a small cup oatmeal (with skim milk, dried plums, 167cal)
Lunch: small caesar salad (with caser dressing only, no croutons or cheese): 160cal.
Snack: 1/2 cup blueberry (45 cal.), 1 fruit bar (110 cal.), 10 roasted salty almonds (80cal.)
Dinner: Chinese buffet (1,500-2,000 cal.) with friends.
Total Calories: 2,097 - 2,597 cal. (have to exercise more for rest of the week)

Yoga (50 min. 175 cal.)
Crunches (2 different equipment): 3x10; 3x10
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/30 16:53:16编辑过]
8 楼
Aug. 25 (Wed.)

Breakfast:a large coffee (35cal.), a small cup oatmeal (with skim milk, dried dates, 170 cal.)
Lunch: a medium Madarin grilled chicken salad with poppy seed dressing (317 cal.)
Snack: 2 medium-sized peaches (80 cal.), 2 pcs Korean rice cracker (38 cal), 2 cups 玄米茶 (0 cal.)

Dinner: 水煮鱼片(180), 橄榄菜炒豆角 (103) , Stir fry pork tenderloin (3小条, 30?), 1/2 cup apple juice (60), 白粥 (111)
Total calorie intake: 1,124 (need more good protein for lunch and more grain for breakfast)
连续workout了3 天,  upper body, lower body and core 基本上都顾及到了. 今天不去gym锻炼了, 让肌肉休息1 天.
Walk after lunch: 30 minutes (medium-fast pace, 80 cal.)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/30 16:53:55编辑过]
9 楼
Jia you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10 楼
谢谢Summer mm的鼓励! I will keep it up!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/26 13:24:24编辑过]
11 楼
Aug. 26 (Thur.)
Breakfast: All-bran muffin with raisins (145), a large coffee (35)
Lunch: 1 small bowl of plain congee (80), stir-fry green beans (110), 4 small pcs tilapia (90)
Snacks: 1 cup watermelon (60), 2 peaches (80), 10 spicy & salted almond (80), 3 cups 玄米茶 (0) 
Dinner: Home-made Thai rice paper shrimp rolls with dipping sauce (300), 1/3 Italian spicy sausage (60), 1/2 bowl Greek salad (home-made, tomato, cucumber with olive dressing and tiny portion feta, 155 cal.)
Total calorie intake: 1,195 (need more good protein and vegetable for lunch)
Body Combat - Kickboxing (50 min.non-stop, 400-450 cal.), 10 min. power-walk on threadmill (48 cal.) 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/28 15:20:47编辑过]
12 楼
13 楼
偶像光临! 太激动了!

老妖jj说到点子上了. 主要是饮食和压力. 一起加班的2个同事都酷爱意大利餐. Take-out无一例外的是pizza & coke. 下馆子就是meatballs, pasta and garlic bread. 去年冬天我又迷上了potato and cheese pierogi. 好吃又易做 - 水煮一下就好了. 从以中餐为主到大量cheese, 面食和饮料, 这种饮食结构的改变,暴饮暴食,再加上缺乏睡眠, 体重一下就上来了. 我现在开始调整饮食, 加紧锻炼, 希望圣诞前能把这15lb肥肉减下去.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/27 8:39:13编辑过]
14 楼
Aug. 27 (Fri.)
Breakfast: a small cup of oatmeal (with skim milk and dried dates, 170), a large coffee (35)
Lunch: 3 rice paper rolls (shrimps, lettuce, carrots, vermicelli, mushrooms, mint & cilantro, 300)
Snack: 1 cup of watermelon (60), 2 small peaches (70), 2 Korean rice cracker (38), a pot of roasted brown rice tea (0) 
Dinner: chicken soup with rice noodles and lettuce (no chicken, 400), 1/2 bowl Greek salad with tomato & cucumber (no cheese, 130), 1/2 Italian spicy sausage (50), 1/2 small coffee (no sugar, 25)
Total calorie intake: 1,278 (今天的饮食没有什么protein啊, protein intake 应该占total diet 的40%.  周末要大鱼大肉大豆腐!)
Group class: Awesome abs (45 min. 352-400 cal.), 10 min. fast-to-slow walk on threadmill (46 cal.). Core is my weakest part, need more exercise.
Shopping 1 hour after work.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 9:09:02编辑过]
15 楼
 水煮鱼片好像蛮油的, 那个虾听医生说最好不要吃, 还有那些贝壳类的海鲜最好不要吃, 鱼可以吃, 烹饪方式最好是蒸, 墩, 煮。我LG检查也是和你一样的问题, 比你还要严重些, 坚持锻炼和控制饮食 是王道。

 MM 加油!
16 楼
谢谢Houston mm 的提醒. 以后我会少吃水煮鱼, 虽说辣得很过瘾, 必竟油水太大了. 还是要尽量多吃清蒸海鲜.

我再多一句嘴, 如果mm 的LG 还没有做B超地话, 最好要做一次, 看是不是脂肪肝. 万一是的话 (knock on wood), 在煅练控食的同时, 还要吃包肝的药. 说错的话, mm 别怪我.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/30 16:48:23编辑过]
17 楼
Aug. 28 (Sat.)
Breakfast:1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 fried egg (75+72=147), 1壶玄米茶 (0)
Lunch: 牛肉片, 金针菇, 豆腐沙锅 (216+26+56+45=343), a medium coffee (50)
Snack: 1 peach (40), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 2 Korean rice crackers (38), 1 cup apple juice (60)
Dinner: Vietnamese vermicelli with fried chicken, cucumber and tomato (415), 2/3 alcohol-free beer (60)
Total calorie intake: 1,188 (Protein intake has improved, need more leafy vegetables)

今天感觉很疲倦. 大小臂, 大小腿, 上腹部和腰都觉得酸痛. 看来周四的kickboxing 和周五的Abs exercise 起作用乐. Oh-yeh! 今天打算take it easy:

大扫除: 2.5 小时
Walk:   35 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 9:02:14编辑过]
18 楼
Aug. 29 (Sun.)
Breakfast: 1片全麦面包(87), 1个煎鸡蛋(90), 1杯咖啡(medium with milk and sugar, 65)
Lunch: 炒牛肉(180), 粉丝大虾煲(210), 1片全麦面包(87), 1小杯苹果汁(100)
Snack: 2 杯玄米茶, 8个无花果(8x3.3=26.4)
Dinner: Baby spinach salad with bean sprouts & strawberry (low fat dressing, 25+50=75), Macaroni casserole with ground beef sauce and cheese (2/3 serving, 334)

Total calorie intake: 1,255 (need to eat more white meat).


Elliptical 70 min, (interval – resistance 1 & 8, 560)
Ab crunches: 3x15
Back extension: 3x15
Shopping: 1 hr.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/30 9:01:43编辑过]
19 楼
Aug. 30 (Mon.)
2nd week weigh-in (Aug.23-29): -1 lb.
Breakfast: 2/3 all-bran muffin with raisins (97), a large coffee (skim milk only, 35)
Lunch: Macaroni casserole (1/2 serving, 249), 1 fat-free yogurt (35)
Snack: 2 peaches (80), 1 medium coffee (with 2% milk and 1 sugar, 70)
Dinner: Greek salad without feta (219), Corn beef slices (200), 1 small cup apple juice (100)
Total calorie intake: 1,085.
Threadmill: 40 min. (260)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/30 21:38:59编辑过]
20 楼
Aug. 31 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 small cup of oatmeal (170), a large coffee (35)
Lunch: Stir-fry extra lean beef with zucchini (210), 1/4 bowl of rice (50?), 1/4 serv.Greek salad no cheese (60)
Snack: 6 spicy and salted almond (60), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 2 peaches (80), 2 brown rice cracker (40), a pot of roasted brown rice tea (0)
Dinner: 1 chicken fajita wrap with bean sprouts (316), 1/2 cup of apple juice (50)
Total Calorie intake: 1,106 (need to have more protein for breakfast, e.g. eggs /egg white)
Group class - Core and Abs exercise (45 min.)
*A tough class: planks + push-ups+ crunches+ weights. My elbows were bruised from switching planks to elbow planks and then side planks in hold position for 30 sec.. It's a great exercise as it targets all my weak parts: lower back, lower abs and obliques. If I am not worn-out by Friday, I will try this class again!  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/31 20:12:23编辑过]
21 楼
Sept. 1 (Wed.)
Breakfast:1 bran muffin with raisins (145), a large coffee (35)
Lunch: Stir-fry chicken with zucchini (380), 1/3 bowl of rice (65)
Snack: 1/2 cup of blueberry (73), 8 spicy and salted almond (80), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 pot of roasted brown rice tea
Dinner: Vietnamese cold rice noodle with bean sprouts (431 cal.), 1/3 fried spring roll (49 cal.)
Total calorie intake: 1,293 (more vegetable!!)
Exercise: Rest for a day.  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/1 19:15:18编辑过]
22 楼
Sept. 2 (Thur.)
Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal with coconut, dates & sunflower seeds (180), 1 large coffee (with 3/4 pack brown sugar, 50)
Lunch: 2/3 bowl of Vietnamese beef pho (400)
Snack: 1/2 cup blueberry (73), 1 fat-free yogurt (35)
Dinner: a big caesar salad with 1 tomato (no cheese, no crouton, low-fat dressing: 30+27+70=127), 4 small pcs corn beef (65)
Total calorie intake: 930 (今天吃地太少了! 蛋白, 蔬菜, 水果, 淀粉(粗粮)到是都有了, 比例也可以. 明天早餐加1-2个蛋白, 中午或晚上吃点海鲜)
Kickboxing: 45 min. 汗如雨下, 后背都湿透了.
Threadmill: 20 min (1.5 incline, run+power walk+cool down, 115 cal.) 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 9:22:38编辑过]
23 楼
mm, 你吃得怎么每个都能算出多少卡?
24 楼
 jia you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
25 楼
mm jiayou!!!!!!!!!!!
26 楼
Sept.3  (Fri.)
Breakfast: 3/4 all-bran muffin with raisins (135), 1 cup skim milk (86), 1 egg white (17), 1 large coffee with skim milk & 1 pack brown sugar (60) [sub ttl: 298]
Lunch: 6 pcs smoked salmon spring rolls (ingredients: salmon, cucumber, rice paper, lettuce, carrots, avocado and goma dressing,  Bento Nouveau's website claimed this combo only has 110 cal.??
My research results: 288 cal.

goma dressing (Janpanese sesame seeds dressing): 25 cal. for 2 tsp, 3 tsp for my lunch (38).
smoked salmon (paper thin slice): 60-66 cal.;
cucumber: 8 cal for 1/2 cup sliced;
carrots: 26 cal for 1/2 cup sliced;
lettuce: 2 cal for 2 leaves
rice paper: 10 cal for 1/2 rice paper (6-7" dia)
avovado: 138 cal for 1/2 medium size
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 2 peaches (80), 8 almonds (80), 1 teapot of roasted brown rice tea (0)
Dinner: 2/3 bowl of beef rice noodles (small portion noodles, 400)
Total calorie intake: 1,181.
Exercise (MC):
Morning (at home): 8 min. abs + 8 min. buns + 8 min. arms. 做这个8 分钟系列时还不知道亲戚提前3天来串门了.
Lunch Hour (gym): power walk on threadmill (incline: 3; total: 2.23 miles, 240? cal.)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/1 14:11:25编辑过]
27 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在9/2/2010 3:11:00 PM的发言:
mm, 你吃得怎么每个都能算出多少卡?

中餐的卡路里查薄荷网: http://www.boohee.com/assessment/calory
西餐的查: http://caloriecount.about.com/
其它的就放狗搜了: google.
另外, Pre-package的食品多数都有nutrition list. mm 在享用前留意一下卡路里数就行了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/2 21:37:54编辑过]
28 楼
以下是引用kristenbell在9/2/2010 3:46:00 PM的发言:
 jia you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

谢谢Kristenbell mm, 我很看好你的塑身贴哦.  mm一起加油!  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 8:42:16编辑过]
29 楼
以下是引用09summer在9/2/2010 4:04:00 PM的发言:
mm jiayou!!!!!!!!!!!
谢谢mm的鼓励, I will keep it up !
30 楼
以下是引用fengge在9/2/2010 8:45:00 PM的发言:

中餐的卡路里查薄荷网: http://www.boohee.com/assessment/calory
西餐的查: http://caloriecount.about.com/
其它的就放狗搜了: google.

另外, Pre-package的食品多数都有nutrition list. mm 在享用前留意一下卡路里数就行了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/2 21:37:54编辑过]
31 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在9/2/2010 3:11:00 PM的发言:
mm, 你吃得怎么每个都能算出多少卡?
32 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在9/3/2010 2:38:00 PM的发言:

33 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在9/3/2010 2:40:00 PM的发言:

34 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在9/3/2010 2:48:00 PM的发言:

35 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在9/3/2010 2:52:00 PM的发言:


用老妖jj推荐的成份分解法计算卡路里应该是最准确的. 如果时间不允许的话,  可以用薄荷网的数据做参考. 一般来说, 搜索一个中餐菜名, 薄荷网会列出多种同名菜但不同做法的选择, 可以选一种最接近的, 然后单击菜名, 跳出的窗口会显示具体的配料, 营养成分和做法. 如果mm的用料以及烹调方法和网上的类似, 根据吃掉的重量或数量直接计算卡路里就行了. 如配料差别大的话, 就要单独查出那个不同配料的卡路里算总和.


每个季节常吃的菜不是很多, mm只要坚持记录卡路里一段时间, 就会对自己的饮食结构有个大概的了解. 加油!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 19:51:44编辑过]
36 楼
Sept. 4 (Sat.)
Brunch: 韩国海鲜豆腐套餐 (Soon Tofu - oysters, shrimps, mussels, tofu, mushrooms, 1 poached egg, 1/2 rice &  cold dishes: kimchi, bean sprouts, spicy tunips: 204[stew]+54[egg]+192 [rice] +50[c/d]=500), medium coffee (regular, 50)
Dinner: 2 baked chicken wings (with Korean BBQ sauce, 223 cal), 2 servings of spring mix salad with canned orange, tomato, cucumber & low-fat dressing (20+60+75=155); 1/2 steamed small sweet potato (32)
Snack: 2 Korean rice crackers (38), 4 pistaches (36?), 1 medium coffee no sugar (28)
Total calorie intake: 1,062 (more fruits!)
今天才发现以前低估米饭的卡路里数了 :
Nutrition Facts - White, long grain rice (cooked)
1 cup (158g)  = 1小碗
Calorie:         205
Total Fat: 0.4g      1%

Saturated fat:         0.1g
Polyunsaturated fat:  0.1g  
Monounsaturated fat: 0.1g
Carbohydrates: 44.5g , 15%
Protein: 4.3g    
Exercise (MC):
No gym exercise.
Shopping: 2 hours (morning) + 2 hours (afternoon)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/7 11:07:36编辑过]
37 楼
Sept. 5 (Sun.)
Breakfast: 1 slice whole wheat toast with 1 big fried egg (190), 1 cup soy milk (80) [sub ttl:270]
Lunch: 鸡汤米粉 (with watercress, tomato, no chicken, 38+180+12+4=234), 1 serving of spring mix salad with canned orange (1 tsp low-fat salad dressing: 17+50+30=97) [sub ttl: 331]
Snack: 2 Korean rice crackers (38), 1 medium coffee (no sugar, 60), 1 pc steamed sweet potato (46) 
Dinner: 萝卜排骨汤 (330+230[排骨] = 560), 1 slice whole wheat bread (100), 1 serving of spring mix salad same as lunch (80) [sub ttl: 740]
Total calorie intake: 1,485 (吃多了!)
Exercise (MC):

Elliptical (65 min. Interval, resistance 1&8, 435 cal.)
Biceps curl: 2x10 rep.
Triceps extension: 2x10 rep.
Shoulder press: 2x10 rep.
Chest press: 2x10 rep.
Lat pulldown: 2x10 rep.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/7 11:10:01编辑过]
38 楼
我花了2周的时间把"The Fat Burning Bible”(by Mackie Shilstone)看了一遍, 感觉对减肥健身很有帮助. 感谢Sampot mm 的推荐. 这本书涵盖面广, 我只把一些基本的理论搬到这里供大家参考:
Key Points:
To lose weight and keep fit, age is not an issue; metabolic fitness is the issue—that is:

how efficiently your metabolism burns fat,
which is based on how much lean muscle you have,
what and how often you eat,
how much and at what intensity you exercise, and
how balanced your body’s hormonal systems are, especially those hormones that regulate the burning of nutrients as fuel or cause their storage as fat.
PART I: Know About Yourself
1. Body Fat calculation
Body fat –to-lean muscle ratio for women:
Body Fat (%)                         Level
<14                                 Athletic
14–17                              Good/lean
18–22                              Average
23–27                              Fair/fat
27+                                 Obese
Step 1: Taking Measurements
1)      Height in inches ____
2)      Hips in inches ____
3)      Waist in inches ____
4)      Weight in pounds ____

Step 2: Determining Your Percentage of Body Fat
1)      Multiply your hips (in.) ____ x 1.4 = ____ minus 1 = ____ (A)
2)      Multiply your waist (in.) ____ x 0.72 = ____ minus 2 = ____ (B)
3)      Add A plus B = ____ (C)
4)      Multiply your height (in.) ____ x 0.61 = ____ (D)
5)      Subtract D from C, then subtract 10 more: (C – D) – 10 =____ % fat

Calculate Pounds of Body Fat and Lean Muscle:
Total weight (lb.) x percent body fat = total pounds of fat
Total weight – total pounds of fat = total pounds of lean muscle

2. BMI (Body Mass Index):
BMI is defined as your weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared.

BMI is not an infallible standard by which to measure how fat you are, if taken together with other factors (such as waist measurement), it is a useful tool for helping to create an accurate health profile and can serve as an early warning system for heart disease.
Interpret Your BMI:

BMI < 20. Unless you are an athlete, a BMI this low might mean that you are too thin & are possibly compromising your immune system.

BMI = 20 – 22: This range is associated with living the longest and having the lowest incidence of serious illness.
BMI = 23 – 25: within the acceptable range, associated with good health.
BMI = 26 - 30. Risk for developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some kinds of cancers. Need lose weight
BMI > 30. The worst-case scenario, risk for all of the diseases mentioned above. It is imperative that you begin to lose weight and exercise.
3. Evaluate your health and fat patterns:
The Fat-Burning Metabolic Fitness Self-Evaluation Questionnaire
Age ____
Gender ____
Height ____
Scale Weight ____ lb. (Note 1)
% Body Fat ____
Fat ____ lb.
Lean Muscle ____ lb.
Body Mass Index ____
Overall Body Measurements:
Arm ____ in.
Forearm ____ in.
Chest ____ in.
Waist ____ in. (Note 2, 3)
Abdomen ____ in.
Hips ____ in. (Note 3)
Thigh ____ in.
Calf ____ in.
Waist-to-Hip Ratio ____

Note 1: Ideally, you should weigh yourself nude first thing in the morning before you have eaten breakfast
Note 2:  A waist circumference of 35 inches or more generally indicates more health risks (cardiovascular disease, high level of triglycerides in the blood etc.) for women, especially before menopause.
Note 3: Waist-to-Hip Ratio (see below):
                       Excellent      Good              Average                High            Extreme
Male                <0.85         0.85–0.9         0.91–0.95           0.96–1.0            >1.0
Female           <0.75          0.75–0.8        0.81–0.85            0.86–0.9            >0.9

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 15:27:31编辑过]
39 楼
The Fat Burning Bible - Part II
Diet Plan
(work best for metabolic efficiency)

30% protein + 40% low-glycemic carb + 30% acceptable fats + 5 serving fruit & vegetables

Protein (30%): Protein is a stabilizing food that assists in insulin management, the building of lean muscle, and immune function. Because protein is not stored, three balanced meals and two or three snacks per day that include protein are required to suppress hunger and burn body fat during physical exercise.
Source #1: Lean Meat & Low-fat dairy

Lean meat - Chicken breasts (skinless), Non-fried fish & seafood, 95% lean ground beef, Turkey, Light tuna, egg whites.
Nonfried fish and seafood: eat cold-water fish such as salmon and halibut at least twice a week. Avoid eating swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel more than once a week (for the concern of mercury in fish).
Low-fat Dairy – skim milk, fat-free cheese, cottage cheese, fat-free yogurt

Source #2: Soy/Whey Products – Tofu, Soy cheese, Soy milk, American Whey Protein Power.

Low-glycemic carb (40%): To maintain the brain and central nervous system, the body needs a certain amount of glucose, which it gets from sugars and starches, the by-products of carbohydrates after digestion. This glucose is stored in the liver and in the muscles. When you do not eat a sufficient amount of carbohydrates daily, your body has to get its supply from somewhere. At that point, it will begin breaking down its own muscle protein to synthesize glucose to adequately supply vital organs. So, the weight you are losing on a low-carbohydrate diet will be muscle tissue, not fat, because your body cannot break down its fat stores into glucogen.

Foods that have a low glycemic rating do not significantly elevate insulin or stimulate fat storage. High-glycemic foods should be avoided or eaten in moderation.
Examples of low-glycemic carb: yam, sweet potato, brown rice, whole-grain cereals, bran, flaxseed muffin, apple, oatmeal

Acceptable Fats (30%): fats are a wonderful source of energy, and many fats, like fish or fish oils containing omega-3, can lower cholesterol, improve joint health, and help protect against cancer. 3 types of fats:
1) Monounsaturated fats is the best kind of fat, such as vegetable oil, avocados, nuts
2) Saturated fats - eat limited amount
3) Trans fatty acids - bad fat. Say no to fries, donuts, cookies, chip etc.
Fruits and Vegetables:
1) Blue or purple fruits and vegetables: contain varying amounts of health-promoting phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and phenolics, have antioxidant and antiaging benefits, promote memory function, and lower the risk for certain types of cancers.

2) Green fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of potent phytochemicals, such as lutein and indoles, which have antioxidant and other health-promoting benefits such as creating stronger bones, promoting keener vision, and helping to prevent cancer.

3) White, tan, and brown fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of phytochemicals that help to maintain good levels of cholesterol, promote heart health, and prevent some kinds of cancers such as breast cancer.

4) Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables contain varying amounts of antioxidants such as vitamin C, as well as carotenoids and bioflavonoids, two classes of phytochemicals that promote health. Eating these kinds of foods will contribute to your having a healthy heart, healthy vision, strong immune function, and lowered risk of some types of cancers.

5) Red fruits and vegetables promote a healthy urinary tract, heart health, and good memory function and protect against certain types of cancers.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 15:29:37编辑过]
40 楼
The Fat Burning Bible - Part III

High-quality multivitamin/mineral supplement can help promote general health, a stronger immune system, and good metabolic function.

The book suggests taking one that includes the following:
Nutrient Amount
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene)   10,000 IU
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)       600 mg
Vitamin D                                     400 IU
Vitamin E                                     200 IU
Vitamin K                                     60 mcg
Thiamin                                        60 mg
Riboflavin                                    30 mg
Niacin                                           60 mg
Vitamin B6                                   60 mg
Folic acid                                   800 mcg
Vitamin B12                               800 mcg
Biotin                                         600 mcg
Pantothenic acid                         100 mg
Iron                                              18 mg
Iodine                                          300 mcg
Zinc (monomethionine)              15 mg
Selenium                                     100 mcg
Copper                                        1.5 mg
Manganese                                  15 mg
Molybdenum                              25 mcg                
Calcium (as calcium carbonate and calcium citrate) 1,000 mg
Magnesium (aspartate or glycenate) 300 mg
Chromium (as chromium picolinate) 200 mcg

The book recommends 6 types of minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids can increase metabolic function and burn fat more efficiently:
The Metabolic Fitness Six:

1. Calcium: reduction in blood pressure; lowers serum cholesterol; minimize bone loss with the onset of andropause or menopause.
1,000 mcg/day +Vitamin D 400-600mg/day - calcium needs vitamin D to be absorbed.
2. Magnesium: greatly enhance the effects of calcium.
The book suggests taking 450 mg magnesium glycinate or aspartate (not in combination with calcium but as a separate supplement) before bedtime.

3. Chromium Picolinate: helps to burn fat because it increases the body’s sensitivity to glucose.
The book recommends taking 200 mcg twice daily with a meal. After two months, you can drop down to a 200 mcg maintenance dose.

4. Coenzyme Q10 (usually not in the multivitamin/mineral supplement): a powerful antioxidant, improves metabolic efficiency and endurance when taken before an exercise session; helps to decrease insulin resistance, and doubles your body’s ability to eliminate metabolic toxins.
The book recommends 50 mg for women and 100 mg for men, which should be taken before cardiovascular exercise or interval training. Taking this supplement with a snack containing fat (like a small handful of nuts or a tablespoon of peanut butter) will help your body to absorb it.

5. Acetyl-L-Carnitin: use acytyl-L-carnitine in conjunction with coenzyme Q10 because this combination enhances mitochondrial function (over-weight people are usually associated with impaired mitochondrial function).
The book recommends women take 500 mg acetyl-L-carnitine (before aerobic exercise or interval training), and men 1,000 mg, along with their coenzyme Q10 to increase in metabolic efficiency and exercise endurance, as well as an increase in fat loss.

6. Green Tea Extract: This extract, 200 to 300 mg taken 30 to 45 minutes
before a workout, will increase your fat-burning efficiency.

Other Supplements That Show Promise (for reference only)

Alpha-lipoic acid: a powerful antioxidant that is both water and fat soluble.
Conjugated linoleic acid: Some studies have shown that this supplement promotes fat loss, preserves and even increases lean muscle, increases bone density, and increases immune function.
Omega-3: decrease body fat and increase lean muscle. The book recommends taking 5 g per day either in the form of fish oil capsules, flaxseed oil, and/or as ground flaxseed sprinkled on cereal or a salad.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 15:24:44编辑过]
41 楼
The Fat Burning Bible - Part IV
The average cardio and resistance exercise % for a person in good health with normal weight:

Age < 40: cardio - 70%, Resistance – 30%
40 - 49:    cardio - 40%, Resistance – 60%
50–59:   cardio – 50%, Resistance – 50%
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 15:30:46编辑过]
42 楼
Sept. 6 (Mon.)
3rd week weigh-in(Aug. 30 - Sep.5): -2 lb!  
真是不敢相信自己的眼睛。MC还没结束, 体重就降了2 磅? 通常我在MC期间会增加2-3磅的.不想那么多了, 反正看见数字就高兴!
Breakfast: 1 pc thin whole wheat toast (50), 1 egg white (17), 1 cup soy milk (80) [sub ttl:147]
Lunch: Sushi and Sashimi boat: 11 pcs (6 sashimi [20-35 cal/pc] & 5 sushi [30-50cal/pc]; a small salad & edamame (30), 1 Miso soup (46), 1 oz plum wine (50), Tempura (1 shrimp -60+11.36x4 (vegetables)=106 [sub ttl: 612]
Snack: 1 peach (40), 1 med.coffee (50), 1 fruit bar (90)
Dinner: 萝卜排骨汤 (no meat, 330), 3 tsp rice (60), stir-fry watercress with garlic (25) [sub ttl:415]
Total calorie intake: 1,354 (周末控制饮食真不容易啊!)
Exercise (MC):

Threadmill (4.15 miles, interval): 60 min. 410 cal.
Leg press: 2x15
Shoulder press: 2x10
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/8 8:58:58编辑过]
43 楼
Sept. 7 (Tue.)
Breakfast: 1 cup soy milk (80), 1 egg white (17), 4oz cup oatmeal with 1 tsp sunflower seeds & raisins(130), 1 L coffee (50) [sub ttl:277]
Lunch: 5 sashimi (5x30=150), 1 avocado roll (40), 2 cups green tea (0) [sub ttl: 190]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 5 almonds (50), 1 peach (40), 1 organic baby cucumber (15) [sub ttl: 140]
Dinner: Korean spicy sweet potato noodles with spinach, celery, carrots & mushrooms(Chapcae, 350cal.), 1/2 cup apple juice (50), 1 serving spring mix salad with tomato & cucumber (25+30=55) [sub ttl: 455]
Total calorie intake: 1,062
Morning: 8 min. abs
Gym: elliptical - 60 min. (program: variety, 512 cal.)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/8 19:59:22编辑过]
44 楼
Sept. 8 (Wed.)
Breakfast: 1 cup skim milk (90), 2/3 bran blueberry muffin (87), 1 L coffee (1 tsp skim milk, 25) [sub ttl:202]
Lunch: 1 pc steamed fish (120), 3 tsp rice (85), corn kernels & green beans (80) [sub ttl:285]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 2 peaches (80), 6 pistachio (6x4=24)
Dinner: Korean noodles (Chapcae, 400cal.), tomato & egg (37), 1/2 serving spring mix salad with cucumber (15+30=45),  [sub ttl: 482]
Total calorie intake: 1,108
Exercise: None. Rest muscles.
p.s. Bought some supplements today [all in Jamieson brand except Whey protein]:

Multivitamin for women
Coenzyme Q10
Omega 3
Whey protein [GNC]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/10 16:48:14编辑过]
45 楼
Sept. 9 (Thur.)
Breakfast: 2/3 all bran muffin (75), 1 L coffee (1tsp skim milk, 25) [sub ttl: 100]
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita with 3 slices turkey breast & 1 organic baby cucumber [sub ttl: 140+45+8=193]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 peach (40), 1 banana (105), 2 cups brown rice tea (0) [sub ttl:180]
Dinner: 3 Home-made Thai rice paper shrimp rolls with dipping sauce (225), 1大碗白粥 (159), 1点牛肉炒榨菜 (70)
[sub ttl:454]
Total calorie intake: 927 (今天吃少了. 多点蔬菜!)
Morning: 8 min. abs + 8 min. arms
Gym: Kick-boxing (1 hour)
Other: 1 scoop whey protein after workout.
* Start to take supplements recommended by "The Fat Burning Bible" from today. Will update the results...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/9 20:12:40编辑过]
46 楼
Sept. 10 (Fri.)
Breakfast: 1 cup (8oz) oatmeal with 1tsp sunflower seeds & raisins (160), 1 L coffee (2% milk, 40) [sub ttl: 200]
Lunch: 1 salmon sushi lunch box (salad, 1 pc salmon, 5-6 pc spicy salmon rolls, 300 cal.), 1 fruit bar (110) [sub ttl: 410]
Snack: 1 small fruit cup (4oz, 60 cal.), 1 cup skim milk (86), 2 cups brown rice tea (0) [sub ttl:146]
Dinner: 朋友请客吃饭. 虽说我已经劲量克制自己, 没有撒欢地吃, 结果还是悲剧了 :
Jam turnover (忍住没吃)
Cream of Zucchini Soup (250)
1 slice roasted prime rib with carrots (no gravy): 200+48=248
1/4 serving broccoli salad with raisins and pine nuts: 75
1/4 serving roasted asparagus: 20
1/2 can coke: 77
Apple pie (忍住没吃)
1/6 cookie (20)
TTL: 690

Total calorie intake: 1,446 (这个周末要控制一下了)
Threadmill: 60 min. (4.28 miles, 5mph-43min; power walk-12 min; cool down & stretch - 5min. 450 cal?)
Others: 1 scoop whey protein shake after workout. + Won 1 water bottle (stainless steel, red) from "Spin & Win" at gym.  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/13 9:14:02编辑过]
47 楼
Sept.11 (Sat.)
Breakfast: 1 cup soy milk (80), 1 poached egg (71), 1 slice whole wheat toast (50), 1/2 cup m.coffee (25) [sub ttl: 226]
Lunch: 1/2 bowl chicken noodle soup (Pho Ga, 280)
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1medium coffee (30), 1 scoop whey protein (2/170=85)
Dinner: 1 whole wheat pita with roast beef and cucumber (140+270+15=425), broccoli salad with raisins, bacon and pine nuts (90) [sub ttl: 515]
Total calorie intake: 1,171

Elliptical: 65 min. (Program: variety, 612 cal.)
Biceps curl: 2x10
Triceps extension: 2x10
Shoulder press: 2x10
Hip abduction: 4x20
Ab crunches: 3x15
Back extension: 3x10
Others: 新买了一双运动鞋 (New Balance). 款式和舒适度都很满意.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/14 12:46:34编辑过]
48 楼
Sept. 12 (Sun.)
Breakfast: 1 cup soy milk (80), 1 slice whole wheat toast (50), 1 banana (105) [sub ttl: 235]
Lunch: 3 rice paper shrimp rolls (mushroom, shrimp, vermicelli, mint, 225), 1/2 serving broccoli salad with raisins, bacon and pine nuts (90), 1 m. coffee (50) [sub ttl:365]
Snack: whey protein (2 scoops, 170), 1 vitamins drink (10) [sub ttl: 180]
Dinner: 牛肉汤米粉 (280), 西兰花沙拉[这是昨天请吃饭的朋友坚持让我打包带回来的, 很好吃. 因为沙拉调料不是低脂的, 还有少量的bacon bits, 每次我只吃一小碗(2 oz), 90 cal] [sub ttl: 370]
Total calorie intake: 1,150 (绿叶蔬菜吃地不够, 水果也不够).
Morning: 8 min. abs
Gym: threadmill (60 min. 4.15 miles, 4.8mph, walk+run, 440?) + Lat pull down: 3x10 (30lb)
Others: 试了一下楼梯机, 爬了5层楼, 感觉膝盖还能承受.打算下周除了椭圆机, 跑步机, 再加上这个.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 14:21:47编辑过]
49 楼
Week 4 weigh-in (Sep.6-12): -1 lb.
Month 1 Summary (Aug. 16-Sep. 12): Total weight loss - 6 lbs.  
Sept. 13 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 2/3 all-bran muffin (75), 1 L. coffee (25) [sub ttl: 100]
Lunch: 2 left-over rice paper shrimp rolls (150), 1/4 serving left-over broccoli salad (60) [sub ttl: 210]
Snack: 1 banana (105), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 scoop whey protein (110) [sub ttl: 250]
Dinner:  炒茄子 (150), 卤牛肉 (180), 1 碗白粥 (127) [sub ttl: 457]
Total calorie intake: 1,017 (还是缺少绿叶蔬菜和berry类的水果)
Kick boxing 50 min. (new instructor, new moves, no break. my hair was all wet ) + power walk on threadmill (11 min. incline: 3, mph: 3.5)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/13 20:01:44编辑过]
50 楼
Sept. 14 (Tue.):
Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal (160), 1/2 cup fruit (papaya, pineapple, 80), 1 L.coffee (3.25% milk, 40) [sub ttl: 280]
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita with 3 slices turkey breast and organic cucumber slices (193)
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), vitamin water (10)
Dinner: 今天加班,坚决不吃免费的pizza,跑去Foodcourt买了个泰餐鸡丝米粉,巨难吃(420 cal).减肥的精神还是值得记一笔的.

Total calorie intake: 938 (吃地太少啦! 今天忙忙碌碌得没顾上加餐. 空叫了3天多吃绿叶蔬菜. 明天一定要买一大份salad)
Morning: 8 min. abs
Other: bought a new gym bag (brand: Under Armour), black & white, has a separate compartment for shoes.
Have exercised continuously for 5 days. Take a break.  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/15 14:19:53编辑过]
51 楼
Sept.15 (Wed.)
Breakfast:1 cup soy milk with half scoop protein powder (80+85=165), 1 slice whole wheat toast (50), 1/2 fruit cup (grapes, apple, grapefruit, orange, cantaloupe, 5oz, 70 cal.), 1 L. coffee (20) [sub ttl: 305]
Lunch: a big salad (3 cocktail shrimps [12], spring mix, cucumber slices, grape tomatoes, spinach, 3 walnuts [40], grilled skinless chicken breast [50], a boiled egg [78] with regular Italian dressing [82]), 1/2 cup fruit cup left from breakfast (70) [sub ttl:332] 
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 Korean rice cracker (19), 1 scoop whey protein powder (110) [sub ttl: 164] 
Dinner: half slice pepperoni pizza (115), caeser salad with low fat dressing (20+35=55), tiny portion Korean spicy sweet potato noodles (40) [sub ttl: 210]
Total calorie intake: 1,011 (哎, 晚节不保呵, 除了晚上这半个pizza, 其他吃得还是很健康地!)
Morning: Jullian Michaels "30 Days Shred" (level 1) 

60 min. threadmill - power walk (incline 3, 3.8 mph) + jogging (5.3mph), ttl: 4.4 miles [445 cal.]
Back extension: 3x10 (80lb)
Ab crunches: 2x10 (20lb)
Lat pulldown: 3x10 (40lb)
Hip abduction: 3x10 (90lb)

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/20 11:05:16编辑过]
52 楼
53 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在9/15/2010 2:15:00 PM的发言:

谢谢mm地鼓励. 这个周末我要去另外一个城市参加朋友的生日party. 估计不会有时间锻炼了, 所以趁着现在有空又有劲儿的时候多动一动. 不过, 我会带着Jullian Michaels的DVD一起去的, 希望能见缝插针练一次. mm一起加油锻炼啊!


[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/20 11:04:34编辑过]
54 楼
Sept. 16 (Thur.)
Breakfast: 2/3 fruit & fibre low-fat muffin (80), 1 L coffee (2% milk 40) [sub ttl: 120]
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita with home-made baked chicken breast (6 oz) and organic cucumber slices (140+280+18=438)
Snack: 1 peach (40), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 scoop whey protein shake (110) [sub ttl: 185]
Dinner: 鸡汤蔬菜面(鸡丝, 西兰花, 胡萝卜, 芹菜, 420), 酸奶(35) [sub ttl: 455]
Total calorie intake: 1,198
Kickboxing: 60 min. (my legs & shoulders are sour from the past 2 days' exercise, maybe just do some light workout tomorrow - abs & power walk?)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/16 20:33:10编辑过]
55 楼
Sept. 17 (Fri.)
Breakfast: 1 poached egg (71), 1 slice whole wheat toast (50), 1/2 cup L. coffee (25) [sub ttl:146] 
Lunch: 韩国海鲜豆腐套餐(390), 1/2 cup coffee from breakfast (25) [sub ttl: 415]
Snack: 1 scoop whey protein (85)
Dinner: 1/2 bowl Vietnamese beef pho (280), California salad (with almond bits, low-fat Asian sesame dressing -50, 200 cal) [sub ttl:480]
Total calorie intake: 1,126.
Exercise: Weights & Abs 

Warm-up: stair stepper (6 min. 16 stairs?)
Biceps curl: 3x10 (25lb)
Shoulder press:3x10 (25lb)
Chest press: 3x10 (25lb)
Hip abduction: 3x12 (90lb)
Lateral raise: 3x10 (20lb)
Lat pulldown: 3x10 (30lb)
Back extension: 3x12 (80lb)
Glute: 3x10 (30lb)
Push-up (on knees, 16)
Ab exercise (10 min.): Tamilee Webb's  DVD "Tight on Time"
Stretch (6 min.): Tamilee Webb's DVD "Tight on Time"
Other: massage 1 hour.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/20 11:06:32编辑过]
56 楼
Sept. 18 (Sat.)
Breakfast: 2 slices of whole wheat toasts with 2 egg white (121+34=155), 1 M. coffee (with milk, 25) [sub ttl: 180]           
Snack: an apple (73)
Lunch: 6 pork & celery dumplings (100), 2 pcs baked chicken breast strips (50), 1/2 can diet coke (0)  [sub ttl: 150]  
Dinner: 1 slice pizza (330)
Total calorie intake: 733 calories (on the road, didn't eat much)

None. Drove 7.5 hours to a friend's birthday party.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/21 15:17:05编辑过]
57 楼
Sept. 19 (Sun.)

Breakfast: 1 poached egg (71), 2 slices whole wheat toast (130), 1 M. coffee(25) [sub ttl: 226]
Lunch: 1 small cinnamon scone (250) , 1 apple (73) [sub ttl: 333]
Dinner: 1 glass white wine and a little bit of everything of the following:

 ~Birthday Party Menu~
Appetizer buffet (chicken wings, shrimps, bite-size pizza, meatballs, fries, deep fried vegetables etc.)

Bread and butter
Roasted red bell pepper soup
Cabbage rolls

Salad bar (five bean, marinated carrots, potato, macaroni, coleslaw)

Main Entree:
Roasted turkey with cranberry sauce and stuffing accompanied by assorted roasted vegetables, potatoes and mashed turnips.
Prime rib carving station served with au jus and fried onions.


Birthday cupcakes
Pumpkin pie with ice cream Total calorie intake: thousands


Jullian Michaels "30 Days Shred" (level 1) - use 2 water bottles as dumbbells.
Helped out with decorating the party rooms: 3 hours.


[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/21 15:14:58编辑过]
58 楼
Sept. 20 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 poached egg (71), 2 slices of whole wheat toast (130), 1 M. coffee (no sugar, 20) [sub ttl: 221]
Lunch: 1 chicken wrap snacker (190), 1 diet coke (0), 1 M. regualr coffee (40) [sub ttl: 230]
Dinner: Wendy's Baja salad (740)  - very flavorful, but won't eat this any more!
Total calorie intake: 1,191 (on the road going back home: drove 730 km !)
Exercise: none
Nutrition List - Wendy's Baja Salad

1990 mg
59 楼
Sept. 22 (Wed.)
Breakfast: 1 all-bran muffin (85), 1 M. coffee (25) [sub ttl: 110]
Lunch: Farewell lunch at an Italian lounge (Milo) - organic arugula salad (apple, beets, goat cheese, walnuts, olive dressing, 350 cal), half slice of vegan pizza (73) [sub ttl: 423]
Snack: 2/3 large banana (2/3x121=81), 1 L. coffee (40), 5 Korean brown-rice cracker (5x18=90)  [sub ttl: 211]
Dinner: Korean beef and seafood Soon Tofu (400), 3Tsp rice (40) [sub ttl: 440]
Total calorie intake: 1,184 (have to control my caffeine consumption: 1 Large in the morning to wake me up and 1 green tea or roasted brown rice tea after lunch to keep myself going)
Exercise: None
My right palm got bacteria infection. The doctor has confirmed the bacteria source is not gym (which was my suspect at first place), it's a type of Herpe virus (HHV3). It can be cured by taking strong antibiotic pills and ointment for 2-3 weeks.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/23 9:29:55编辑过]
60 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在9/21/2010 12:36:00 PM的发言:
~Sorry for the late reponse. I can't type Chinese now as my home laptop was sent out for repair. I have to rely on my work computer to keep my fitness dairy up-to-date for a few days.
flowersmom, thanks for your comment, it's very encouraging. I will keep it up!
Since I am lack of knowledge on healthy diet and fitness , I decided to start from the basics. By recording my daily food consumptions and exercise, I would have a mini database later to analyze my diet pattern and workout routine, and then come up with the meal & exercise package which works best for me. It may take a bit of time, but it will benefit in long run. Keeping fit and healthy is a life-long battle.
As for the past weekend birthday party menu, I didn't memorize each item. There were 2 menu sheets on each table, I took one back and typed them out here. This way has two-folds benefit: I got my dinner list & kept a record for the special event for a very special friend.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/23 18:19:37编辑过]
61 楼
Sept. 23 (Thur.)
Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal with raisins (180), 1 L.coffee (25), 1 mixed fruit cup (10oz, 140) [sub ttl: 345]
Lunch: salad (shrimps: 5x2.75=14; grilled chicken breast strips: 110 for 3 oz; spring mix & spinach: 15+7=22; tomato slices & cherry tomato: 3x3/slice + 2x3/cherry t.=15, boiled asparagus: 2x4/spear=8, strawberry: 2x4/1 pc med.=8; walnuts: 1/4x185/14 halves=46; couscous: 25) [sub ttl:248]
Snack: 1 scoop whey protein (85)
Dinner: Double order Chicken wraps (whole wheat tortillas with BBQ chicken strips, lettuce & tomato slices, 2x190=380 cal.) 
Total calorie intake: 1,058

Kickboxing: 60 min.
Ab crunches: 3x12 (20lb)
Biceps curl: 3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension: 3x10 (25lb)
Hip abduction: 3x10 (90lb)
Lat pulldown (Back & shoulder): 3x10 (35lb)
Chest press: 3x10 (40lb)
Back: 3x10 (35lb)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/23 18:27:39编辑过]
62 楼
63 楼
64 楼
以下是引用ilovehouston99在9/23/2010 3:49:00 PM的发言:
Since I didn't workout yesterday, the weight exercise (15 min.) on top of kickboxing was the result of guilt.
65 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在9/23/2010 4:54:00 PM的发言:
Thanks for jj's comments. I will adjust my diet plan to ensure my daily calorie intake above 1,200.
About my infection, my doctor said it was caused by Herpe virus inside of my body. About 80% North American possess this type of virus. If the virus breaks out around the lips, it is known as cold sores. In my case, it broke out on my right palm purely because of bad luck.  I have scheduled another doctor tomorrow for second opinon. Regardless, I will pay attention to my diet and keep myself away from germs as much as possible. I have bought 2 pairs of sports gloves for weight exercise, as I found most people in gym don't clean up weight equipment or dumbbells after using them. I suggest all gym girls in this forum do the same.   
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/23 18:56:06编辑过]
66 楼
 cold sore 经常也是因为身体有run down的状况,比如疲劳,休息不好,或者营养不均衡。我在健身房里都是用手套的,一是为了保护手,而是避免肮脏,不过,我一般都很自觉清洁我用过的东西,哈哈。
67 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在9/23/2010 7:42:00 PM的发言:
 cold sore 经常也是因为身体有run down的状况,比如疲劳,休息不好,或者营养不均衡。我在健身房里都是用手套的,一是为了保护手,而是避免肮脏,不过,我一般都很自觉清洁我用过的东西,哈哈。

Thanks for JJ's kind comments. The second opinon about my palm problem is Shingles - Varicella zoster virus (VZV) which is in the herpes family of viruses, but different from cold sores. I got a different ointment and 1 week's supply of stronger antibiotic pills. The cause of the breakout is stress, weak immune system etc. It will take 3-4 weeks to heal completely. ugh, I have to talk to my boss soon, too much work and pressure on me ... 
68 楼
Sept. 24 (Fri.)
Breakfast: 2 pcs whole wheat toasts from Weight Watcher (110), 1 fried Omega 3 egg (90), 1 cup soy milk (90) [sub ttl: 290]
Lunch: 1 big pc steamed fish (cod, 2/3x157=105), 1/3 bowl of rice (80), boiled corn kernels, green beans & carrots (90), 1 L coffee with 2% milk (40) [sub ttl: 315] 
Snack: 1 scoop of whey protein (90), 1 bottle acai vitamin water (10), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 3 Korean brown rice crackers (3x19=57) [sub ttl:192]
Dinner: 1/2 can diet coke (0), Beef rice noodle with celery, tofu & carrots (410)
Total calorie intake: 1,207 (no fruit!)
Treadmill: 60 min. (4.18 miles, 412 cal. - jogging at 5mph + power walk with incline 2, average heart rate: 151)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/25 10:30:21编辑过]
69 楼
Sept. 25 (Sat.)
Breakfast: 2 pcs whole wheat toast (110), 1 poached Omega 3 egg (70), 1 M. coffee (20) [sub ttl: 200]
Lunch: shrimp wonton soup with beef (180+156=336), boiled Chinese broccoli (30) [sub ttl: 336]
Snack: fruit smoothie[15 frozen strawberry, 1 cup OJ, 1 banana (125), 1 scoop whey protein (90)] [sub ttl: 215]
Dinner: [sub ttl: 460]
Appetizer: 4 pcs Bruschetta (baggautte, tomato, onion, garlic, 1Tsp olive oil, no cheese, 160)
Entree:1 small pc of salmon marinated with herb & wine (190) & California salad (dressing-50, 75) 
Dessert: 1 fat-free yogurt (35)
Total calorie intake: 1,211 (the wonton soup is high in cholesterol & sodium !!) 

Elliptical: 60 min. (500 cal. 5.20 miles. average heart rate: 147. Program: interval, resistance level at 1&8)
Shopping: 2 hours
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/26 8:46:28编辑过]
70 楼
Sept. 26 (Sun.)
Breakfast: 1 pc whole wheat toast (55), 1 poached egg (70), 1 cup organic soy milk (90) [sub ttl: 215]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 M. coffee (skim milk only, 20) [sub ttl: 55]
Lunch: 4 pcs Bruschetta (left over from yesterday, 180), 3 oz.corn beef (3x70=210) [sub ttl: 390]
Snack: 1 cup home-made fruit smoothie (125), 1 scoop whey protein (90) [sub ttl: 215]
Dinner: 1 bowl pork bone soup with ginseng (clear, 125), 2 oz bulgogi (Korean BBQ beef, 2x93=186), stir-fry bean sprout (40), a few pcs stir-fried tofu with hot pepper (35), 1Tsp rice (30) [sub ttl: 416]
Total calorie intake: 1,291 (corn beef & bulgogi are high in sodium, have to eat light tomorrow)
Morning: 8 min. abs
Gym: treadmill 60 min. (426 cal. 4.12 miles, jogging + power walk with incline 2-3)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/26 19:58:30编辑过]
71 楼
以下是引用fengge在9/24/2010 2:16:00 PM的发言:

     Thanks for JJ's kind comments. The second opinon about my palm problem is Shingles - Varicella zoster virus (VZV) which is in the herpes family of viruses, but different from cold sores. I got a different ointment and 1 week's supply of stronger antibiotic pills. The cause of the breakout is stress, weak immune system etc. It will take 3-4 weeks to heal completely. ugh, I have to talk to my boss soon, too much work and pressure on me ... 
pat pat

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/26 15:24:27编辑过]
72 楼
Week 6 weigh in (Sept. 21-26): -1 lb
Sept. 27 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 cup (8oz) oatmeal (147) with 1 tsp sunflower seeds (45) +1tsp dried cranberry and raisin mix (50), 1 L coffee with 2% milk & 1/4 pack sweetner (30) [sub ttl:272]
Lunch: Lunch at Training - surprisingly healthy [sub ttl: 325]
Main:1/2 spinach wrap with beef & lettuce (109) [didn't eat Swiss cheese]
Salad: spring mix salad with Sesame dressing (60), raw celery stalk, grape tomatoes & 5 baby carrots (3+8+5x4=31), tiny portion of Thai vermercelli + green pepper salad (50)
Fruit: 6 grapes (6x2=12), 4 pcs melon (40), a few berries (8) [sub ttl: 60]
Drink: 1 S. coffee (15)
* I must be really bored at the training, I counted everything I ate! 
Snack: 8-9 grapes (18), 2 baby carrots (8), 1 cup lemon tea (0), 2 Korean brown rice crackers (2x19=38)  [sub ttl: 64]
Dinner: leftover from last night - 1 bowl of pork bone soup with ginseng (clear, 125), 1 oz bulgogi with bean sprouts (93+30=123), a few pcs stir-fried tofu (35), scrambled egg fried with mushrooms (2x91=182), 1Tbsp rice (30), 1/4 serving cesaer salad with reduced bacon bits & cheese (1/4 x 180=45)= [sub ttl:540]
Total calorie intake: 1,201 (right on the bar!)  
Exercise: None (rest) 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/28 15:03:34编辑过]
73 楼
Sept. 28 (Tues.)
Breakfast: 1 multi-grain English muffin with pine nuts & dried cranberries (200), 1 S. banana (100), a few grapes (8?x2=16), 1/2 multigrain flatbread (50), 1 S. coffee (20) [sub ttl: 370]
Lunch: salad [grilled chicken breast strips (2 ozx37=74), spring mix & spinach, cherry tomatoes & cucumber slices (40), cocktail shrimps (4x2.75=11), walnuts (50), couscous (10), 1 boiled egg (78), 2 strawberries (2x4=8),a few pcs orange (1/2x45=23) [sub ttl: 294]
Snack: 1 scoop whey protein (85), 2 Korean rice crackers (2x19=38), 1 fat-free yogurt (35) [sub ttl: 158]
Dinner: Korean seafood tofu combo (lots tofu, shrimps-only eat 2, mussel, 2 Tbsp rice, side dishes - kimchi, turnips, sprouts, beans, 1 egg white,  390)
Total calorie intake: 1,212
Exercise (ttl: 80 min.)  

Elliptical: 60 min. (585 cal. 5.25 miles. Program: variety)
Ab crunches:                           3x10 (20lb)
Seated row (back):                   3x10 (40lb)
Back extension (erector spinae):  3x10 (90lb)
Biceps curls:                             3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:                     3x10 (25lb)
Hip abduction:                          3x10 (100lb) 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/1 9:23:07编辑过]
74 楼
Sept. 29 (Wed.)
Breakfast: Whole grain blueberry muffin (4/5x360=288), 1 L coffee (30) [sub ttl: 318]
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita with 2 oz corn beef (140+140=280), 1 small serving mixed salad (asparagus-10, spring mix & spinach-20, 3 cucumber slices-3, 4 walnut halves-40, 3 grape tomatoes-9, 2 cocktail shrimps-6, dressing-50/tbsp) [sub ttl:418]
Snack: 1 cup home-made fruit smoothie (125), 1 scoop whey protein (85), 1 Korean cracker (19), 1 fat-free yogurt (35) [sub ttl:264]
Dinner: 1 oz (3 pcs) roasted pork tenderlion (100), 1/2 serving caesar salad with tiny portion cheese (dressing-70/Tbsp, 84), 1/3 cup fruit smoothie (1/3x125=42) [sub ttl:226]
Total calorie intake: 1,226 (Be careful with low-fat muffins, even though made of whole grain, whole wheat)
Treadmill: 62 min. (4.85 miles, jogging at 5-5.2mph & power walk at 3.8mph with incline level 3)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/1 9:06:23编辑过]
75 楼
Sept. 30 (Thur.)
Breakfast: 1 cup organic soy milk (90), 1 cup (8oz) oatmeal with 1/2 tsp cranberry & raisin mix (147+25=172), 1 L coffee (with skim milk, 20) [sub ttl: 282]
Snack: 1/2 mixed fresh fruit cup (10oz) [1/2x 140=70]
Lunch: 2/3 whole wheat pita with roasted pork (2 oz) [2/3x140+120=213], 1/2 serving small salad (cucumber, tomato, asparagus, spring mix & spinach, 2 cocktail shrimps, dressing-40, 70), a bowl clear pork rib soup (125) [sub ttl: 408]
Snack: fresh fruit cup left from morning (70), 1 scoop whey protein powder (85) [sub ttl: 155]
Dinner: Korean seafood tofu combo (2nd time this week, yammy - still craving for it - 390)
Total calorie intake: 1,305 (have to watch calories for lunch & afternoon snack )
Calorie intake target (>1,200 cal./day):

Breakfast + Snack: 300-350
Lunch: 300-350
Afternoon snack: 120-180 (incl. protein shake)
Dinner: 400-450 (less carb)
Exercise - last day of Sept.:
Morning: 8 min. abs + 20 push-ups (on knee) + bridge (20 sec.) + side plank crunches (20 each side)[14 min.]
Gym - 75 min.:

Kickboxing (50 min.) - feel great!
Pectoral fly (biceps, deltoid, pectroal muscles): 3x10 (40lb)
Chest press:            2x10 (19lb)
Biceps curl:             3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:    3x10 (25lb)
Lat pulldown (back): 3x10  (45lb - too heavy for me, my hands started shaking from 2nd rep.)
Glute (butt):           3x10 (each side, 35-40lb)
Hip abduction:         3x10 (100lb)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/2 23:12:03编辑过]
76 楼
Oct. 1 (Fri.)
Breakfast: 1 whole wheat bagel (61g) with 1tsp strawberry jam (120+50=170), 1 L.coffee (35) [sub ttl:205] 
Lunch: 1/2 vegan whole wheat wrap (sun-dried tomato, lettuce, cucumber, mozzerella, 100), 1 sushi bento box (salad-25, California rolls 4x310/8=155, 2 veggie rice paper rolls 2x18=36, goma sauce: 25/2tsp) [sub ttl:341]
Snack: 1 scoop whey protein (85), 1 cup home-made fruit smoothie (125), 1 S coffee (15) [sub ttl: 225]
Dinner: a small Vietnamese beef pho (395), some rice crackers (80)  [sub ttl:475]
Total calorie intake: 1,246 (too much carbs & pho is high in sodium)
Elliptical (62 min. 618 cal, 5.2 miles, program: Variety)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/2 9:57:36编辑过]
77 楼
Oct. 2 (Sat.)

我的笔记本电脑终于修好, 可以敲中文了!
Breakfast: 1 pc whole wheat toast (85), 1 poached egg (70), 1/2 cup soy milk (40), 1/2 L coffee (15) [sub ttl: 210]
Lunch: 5 shrimp wontons in chicken soup (180), boiled Chinese broccoli (30), 1 M. coffee (20) [sub ttl:230]
Snack: 1/2 sticky rice sesame ball (1/2x354=177), 1 pear (91) [sub ttl:268]
Dinner: 1 slice pepperoni pizza (200), 1/3 small french fries (1/3x440=147) [sub ttl: 347]- 和朋友看Hockey比赛, 除了pizza, fries, hot dog, pop corn and beer, 没有什么可吃的.只好饿肚子了.明天再好好补养!   
Total calorie intake: 1,055 (特殊情况,身不由己)
Walk: 65 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/2 23:33:54编辑过]
78 楼
Oct. 3 (Sun.)
Breakfast: 1 cup organic soy milk (80), 1 pc whole wheat toast with jam (85+30/tsp=115), 1/2 糯米豆沙麻球 (leftover from yesterday, 177) [sub ttl: 372]
Lunch: 螃蟹炒饭 (280), 蒜蓉青菜 (40) [sub ttl: 320]
Snack: 1 M. coffee (25), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 bottle Vitamin water (10), 6 pcs chips (40) [sub ttl: 110]
Dinner: 乌鸡人参汤(130)+ BBQ鸡翅(200) + 清炒豆苗(20)+ 蒜蓉青菜(20)+ 1 fat-free yogurt(35)[sub ttl:405]

Total calorie intake: 1,207.
Exercise (total: 85 min.)

Treadmill: 62 min. (512 cal. jogging at 5-5.3mph + power walk at 3.5-4mph with incline level 3)
8 min. abs + 20 push-ups (on knees)
Biceps curl:            3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:   3x10 (25lb)
Chest press:          3x10 (25lb)
Seated row (back): 3x10 (30lb)
Hip abduction:        3x10 (100-110lb)
Back extension:      3x10 (90lb)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/4 8:41:15编辑过]
79 楼
80 楼
Week 7 weigh-in: -1 lb (-10 lb in total)   
10 lb Reward (by end of this week): Chinese buffet or 1 small crunchy caramel cake !
Oct. 4 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 M. bowl 银耳莲子红枣羹(108/400g), 1 slice w/w toast with jam (115), 1 L coffee (35), 1 apple (110) [sub ttl:368]
Lunch: 1 w/w pita with 2 oz turkey breast slices (140+60), sprouts & grape tomatoes (15+15) [sub ttl: 230]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1碗银耳莲子羹(108) [sub ttl: 143]
Dinner: 2 BBQ chicken wings (200), 蒜蓉炒青菜(40), 2碗乌鸡人参汤(210) [sub ttl: 450]
Total calorie intake: 1,191 (争取晚饭少吃主食)
Exercise (MC):
Treadmill: power walk (60 min. 422 cal. 3.8 miles, average heart rate: 129, 3.5-4.2 mph with incline 3-4)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/4 19:42:31编辑过]
81 楼
以下是引用fengge在10/4/2010 2:28:00 PM的发言:

     Week 7 weigh-in: -1 lb (-10 lb in total)   

     10 lb Reward (by end of this week): Chinese buffet or 1 small crunchy caramel cake !
     Oct. 4 (Mon.)
     Breakfast: 1 M. bowl       (      ), 1 slice w/w toast with jam (115), 1 L coffee (35), 1 apple (110) [sub ttl:   ]
     Lunch: 1 w/w pita with 2 oz turkey breast slices (140+60), sprouts (15) & grape tomatoes (15+15) [sub ttl: 245]
     Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35)
     Total calorie intake:
     Exercise (MC):
     Treadmill: power walk (60 min. 422 cal. 3.8 miles, average heart rate: 129, 3.5-4.2 mph with incline 3-4)
     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/4 14:39:39编辑过]

82 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在10/4/2010 3:52:00 PM的发言:

83 楼
以下是引用tbld在10/3/2010 8:41:00 PM的发言:

谢谢tbld MM, 我觉得记录一天三餐和锻炼项目收益还是蛮多的. 以前我对食物的卡路里数和营养价值有很多的误解. 比如我以为沙拉 = 健康食品. 查了Wendy's 的官方网站才知道1份Baja salad 要740卡呢! 我狂踩椭圆机1个小时才烧550-600卡, 有了这个概念,每次嘴谗的时候就会自动放弃这个选择了. 实在想吃, 就和朋友 share1份. 减肥健身是一种生活方式的改变.对每天的饮食和运动多一些认知,希望会潜移默化到日常生活中,多做正确的选择,健康的选择 (哎,我的中文太烂了!). MM 一起加油!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/5 8:39:51编辑过]
84 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在10/4/2010 3:52:00 PM的发言:

谢谢老妖jj. 商量一下先, 那个奔照片的项目可不可以延期一个月左右, 等我完成减15磅的计划后再进行呢? 我打算埋头苦干,一鼓作气, 实现承诺. 不达目标, 不抬头,不拍片. 够坚决吧?!  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/5 8:41:32编辑过]
85 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在10/4/2010 3:57:00 PM的发言:

flowersmom, 我已经审请奔片项目延期了. 等我减掉15磅, 一定上片子!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/5 8:44:31编辑过]
86 楼
以下是引用fengge在10/4/2010 9:09:00 PM的发言:

flowersmom, 我已经审请奔片项目延期了. 等我减掉15磅, 一定上片子!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/5 8:44:31编辑过]
87 楼
Oct. 5 (Tue.)
Breakfast: 1 slice w/w toast with jam (115), 1 L. coffee (2% milk, 35), 1 碗银耳莲子红枣羹(108) [sub ttl: 258]
Lunch: same as yesterday - w/w pita with turkey breast, broccoli sprouts & grape tomatoes [sub ttl: 230]
Snack: 4 oz blue berry (43), 1 L. peach (61), 1 fat-free yogurt (35) [sub ttl: 139]  
Dinner: 1小碗越南牛肉河粉(400), 1 fat-free yogurt with 1tsp dried cranberry (35+35=70) [sub ttl: 470]
Total calorie intake: 1,097 (不到1,200卡! 明天早餐和中饭要多吃点.)
Exercise: None. MC - Rest.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/5 19:12:57编辑过]
88 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在10/5/2010 10:04:00 AM的发言:

谢谢MM. 我们一起加油锻炼. 早日达到目标!
89 楼
以下是引用fengge在10/4/2010 8:32:00 PM的发言:

     谢谢tbld MM, 我觉得记录一天三餐和锻炼项目收益还是蛮多的. 以前我对食物的卡路里数和营养价值有很多的误解. 比如我以为沙拉 = 健康食品. 查了Wendy's 的官方网站才知道1份Baja salad 要740卡呢! 我狂踩椭圆机1个小时才烧550-600卡, 有了这个概念,每次嘴谗的时候就会自动放弃这个选择了. 实在想吃, 就和朋友 share1份. 减肥健身是一种生活方式的改变.对每天的饮食和运动多一些认知,希望会潜移默化到日常生活中,多做正确的选择,健康的选择 (哎,我的中文太烂了!). MM 一起加油!
     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/5 8:39:51编辑过]

90 楼
~~ 转帖 (Sorry, 记不得出处了, 请作者见谅)~~




[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/6 21:41:03编辑过]
91 楼
Oct. 6 (Wed.) - work from home.
Breakfast: 1片全麦面包(85), 1个煎鸡蛋(Omega-3, 110), 1碗银耳莲子红枣羹(108) [sub ttl: 303]
Lunch: 韩国海鲜豆付套餐 (390)
Snack: 1 scoop protein (85), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1个桃 (61), 1 L coffee with skim milk only (20) [sub ttl: 201]
Dinner: 1 碗乌鸡人参汤 (128), 1 big salad (arugula-15, dried cranberries-40, canned orange -1/4x70=18, walnuts -7x185/14=93, cucumber -10, grape tomatoes -10, low-fat dressing-30/1tsp) [sub ttl: 344]
Total calorie intake: 1,238
Exercise :

椭圆机: 60 min. 581 cal. 5 miles. (Program: Variety+Interval)
Biceps curl:             3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:    3x10 (25lb)
Chest press:            3x10 (25lb)
Lat pulldown (back): 3x10 (40lb)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/6 21:27:40编辑过]
92 楼
看了这篇文章很受启发,准备行动起来, 把这些好东西加进每天的饮食里.
                                          Yummy Detox Food  [source: Women's Health Magzine?]
When it comes to cleansing your body of harmful toxins, food really is the best medicine. You’ll be amazed to learn that many of your favorite foods also cleanse the body’s detoxification organs like the liver, intestines, kidneys, and skin, preventing harmful toxic buildup. Help ward off the harmful effects of pollution, food additives, second-hand smoke, and other toxins with delicious fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils, and beans.
Apples. Because apples are high in pectin, a type of fiber that binds to cholesterol and heavy metals in the body, they help eliminate toxic build up and to cleanse the intestines. (常吃, 冰箱里还有好几个呢)
Avocados. We rarely think of avocados as a cleansing food but these nutritional powerhouses lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least thirty different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals. (因为热量高, 吃地少, 可以加一个在fruit smoothie里)
Beets. Time to whip up some delicious borscht soup since its main ingredient, beets, contain a unique mixture of natural plant compounds that make them superb blood purifiers and liver cleansers.(Salad bar里有, 要多吃) 
Blueberries. Truly one of the most powerful healing foods, blueberries contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain. Blueberries also act as antibiotics by blocking bacteria in the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent infections. They also have antiviral properties and help to block toxins from crossing the blood-brain barrier to gain access to the delicate brain. (常吃,lalala)
Cabbage. Cabbage contains numerous anticancer and antioxidant compounds and helps the liver break down excess hormones. Cabbage also cleanses the digestive tract and neutralizes some of the damaging compounds found in cigarette smoke (and second-hand smoke). It also strengthens the liver’s ability to detoxify. (加进Grocery Shopping List里)  
Celery and Celery Seeds. Celery and celery seeds are excellent blood cleansers and contain many different anti-cancer compounds that help detoxify cancer cells from the body. Celery seeds contain over twenty anti-inflammatory substances. It is particularly good for detoxifying substances found in cigarette smoke. (最近吃得少, 最好凉拌或生吃, 加进Grocery Shopping List里)
Cranberries. Cleanse your body from harmful bacteria and viruses that may be lingering in your urinary tract with cranberries since they contain antibiotic and antiviral substances. (常吃dried cranberries)
Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil. Loaded with essential fatty acids, particularly the Omega-3s, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil are essential for many cleansing functions throughout the body. (Fatty acids - check: I'm taking Omega-3 capsule on daily basis, flaxseeds are also high in fibre - will consider to add in daily diet.)
Garlic. Eat garlic to cleanse harmful bacteria, intestinal parasites and viruses from your body, especially from the blood and intestines. It also helps cleanse build-up from the arteries and has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties that help detoxify the body of harmful substances. Additionally, garlic assists with cleansing the respiratory tract by expelling mucous build-up in the lungs and sinuses. For the health benefits, choose only fresh garlic, not garlic powder, which has virtually none of the above properties. (常7)
Grapefruit. Add a ruby red grapefruit to your breakfast to benefit from pectin fiber that binds to cholesterol, thereby cleansing the blood. Pectin also binds to heavy metals and helps escort them out of the body. It also has antiviral compounds that cleanse harmful viruses out of the body. Grapefruit is an excellent intestinal and liver detoxifier (加入Grocery Shopping List)
Kale. Steam some kale to benefit from its powerful anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds that help cleanse the body of harmful substances. It is also high in fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Like cabbage, kale helps neutralize compounds found in cigarette smoke and strengthens liver cleansing. (这个我爱吃, 但不常吃, 也加进Grocery Shopping List里)
Legumes. Add a handful of cooked beans to your next meal since they loaded with fiber that helps lower cholesterol, cleanses the intestines, and regulates blood sugar levels. Legumes also help protect the body against cancer. (soy beans 也算是legumes family的一种. Grocery store有organic mixed beans package, 考虑买来褒粥喝, 先research一下recipe)
Lemons. Excellent liver detoxifiers, lemons contain high amounts of vitamin C, a vitamin needed by the body to make an important substance called glutathione. Glutathione helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice (not the bottled variety) to pure water to support your cleansing efforts on a daily basis. (常用来做菜, 可以多做些柠檬蜂蜜水喝)
Seaweed. Seaweed could be the most underrated vegetable in the western world. Studies at McGill University in Montreal showed that seaweeds bind to radioactive waste in the body. Seaweed also binds to heavy metals to help eliminate them from the body. In addition, they are powerhouses of minerals and trace minerals. (除了sushi, 不常吃, 加进Grocery Shopping List里)
Watercress. If you haven’t tried watercress add this delicious green to your next sandwich since it increases detoxification enzymes and acts on cancer cells in the body. In a study at the Norwich Food Research Centre in the United Kingdom, smokers who were given 170 grams of watercress per day eliminated higher than average amounts of carcinogens in their urine, thereby eliminating them from their body. (常7)
Eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables assists with detoxifying harmful substances from your body. Who knew cleansing could taste so good?

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/8 11:40:24编辑过]
93 楼
Oct.7 (Thur.)
Breakfast:1 slice w/w toast with jam (115), 1小碗银耳红枣莲子羹(108) [sub ttl: 223]
Snack: 1 bowl (8 oz) grapefruit (Detox fruit), dry oats & grain with 1 fat-free yogurt (40+20+35=95) - First time noticed the breakfast yogurt bar at Cafeteria. This combo tastes great!
Lunch: 1 w/w pita stuffed with 2 oz turkey breast (200), cucumbers & b. sprouts (10+10=20) [sub ttl: 220]
Snack: 1 yogurt with dried cranberries (35+25/1tsp=60), cucumber slices (10), 1 M. apple (72) [sub ttl: 142]
Dinner: Salt & pepper shrimps (4x345/23=60), 1碗半猪骨汤(党参, 红枣, dried mushrooms, 胡罗卜, 枸杞, 126+126/2=189), 猪骨汤里的胡罗卜(16), 1根大排(45), a few mushrooms (25), 焯油麦菜(25), 烧豆付(35), 6-7个Crispy mini rice crackers (50), 1 M.coffee with skim milk (15) [sub ttl: 460]
Total calorie intake: 1,140 (昂? 一天吃了5顿, 还没吃够1,200? 蛋白不太够啊! 明天加鸡蛋和white meat.)
Morning: push-ups (30), Straight plank (30 sec.), side planks (15 sec. each side) - hurt my left elbow! 
Gym: Kickboxing (50 min.) + Power walk on treadmill (20 min. 1.25 miles, 3.8-4.0 mph with incline level 3-4)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/8 9:22:47编辑过]
94 楼
以下是引用tbld在10/5/2010 7:31:00 PM的发言:


谢谢 tbld mm.
我是用薄荷网查中餐热量的: http://www.boohee.com/assessment/calory
跑到mm的楼里看了一下, 用你昨天吃的清炒西兰花为例,示范一下卡路里的计算过程:
1) 在薄荷网输入"炒西兰花"(菜名要简单, 不要太具体), 相关的菜名和热量即会列出.
2) 把鼠标移到最接近的菜名"素炒西兰花"上(不要点击), 一个粉色小窗口会显示: 热量: 309.78, 重量: 428克. 这是整盘菜的量, 配料和做法网上有详细说明, 参见3).
3) 单击素炒西兰花菜名, 跳出的窗口会显示这个菜的营养信息, 做法等具体资料:
只要mm在准备菜的时候留心一下用料和重量, 卡路里就可以轻松地推算出了.
另外, 在减肥期间, 要少吃油, 糖, 盐. 尽量用粗粮替代大米白面. 多喝水. 蛋白, 蔬菜, 水果要吃够, 比例请参考p.4(39 楼)的"The Fat Burning Bible"总结. 希望对mm有帮助.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/6 18:02:33编辑过]
95 楼
fat burning bilbe 真是不错的一本书啊。
96 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在10/6/2010 6:08:00 PM的发言:
fat burning bilbe 真是不错的一本书啊。

同意. 我基本上是按照这本书上的理论安排饮食健身的. 目前为止感觉效果还不错.
97 楼
以下是引用fengge在10/6/2010 5:56:00 PM的发言:

     谢谢 tbld mm.
     我是用薄荷网查中餐热量的: http://www.boohee.com/assessment/calory
     跑到mm的楼里看了一下, 用你昨天吃的清炒西兰花为例,示范一下卡路里的计算过程:
     1) 在薄荷网输入"炒西兰花"(菜名要简单, 不要太具体), 相关的菜名和热量即会列出.
     2) 把鼠标移到最接近的菜名"素炒西兰花"上(不要点击), 一个粉色小窗口会显示: 热量: 309.78, 重量: 428克. 这是整盘菜的量, 配料和做法网上有详细说明, 参见3).
     3) 单击素炒西兰花菜名, 跳出的窗口会显示这个菜的营养信息, 做法等具体资料:
     只要mm在准备菜的时候留心一下用料和重量, 卡路里就可以轻松地推算出了.
     另外, 在减肥期间, 要少吃油, 糖, 盐. 尽量用粗粮替代大米白面. 多喝水. 蛋白, 蔬菜, 水果要吃够, 比例请参考p.4(39 楼)的"The Fat Burning Bible"总结. 希望对mm有帮助.
     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/6 18:02:33编辑过]

98 楼
Oct. 8 (Fri.) - #100 楼!
Breakfast: 1 slice w/w toast with jam (115), 1 cup unsweetened organic soy milk (80), 1 L. coffee (with 1/2 pack sweetner & skilm milk, 40) [sub ttl:235]
Snack: 1 cup (8oz) ruby grapefruit with 1tsp sunflower seeds & 1 tsp cranberries, dry oats & grain and fat-free yogurt (40+35+25+15+35=150)
Lunch: 1 big salad [2 oz chicken breast (2x47/oz=94), 1 hard boiled egg (78), celery+spinach+spring mix+tomato+asparagus+cucumber(45), couscous(30), 1 Tbsp Italian dressing(70) =317]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt with cranberries (75)
Dinner: 1 碗排骨米线(大量青菜, 2块排骨, 410), 5-6 个rice crackers (40), 1/2 can diet 7 Up (0) [sub ttl: 450]
Total calorie intake: 1,227 (今天吃的蛋白, 水果和青菜的比例应该够了.)
Morning: 8 min. abs
1)Treadmill (40 min.331 cal. jogging @5.0-6.0mph; walking:3.8-4) - my right leg splint felt funny,Why?    
2) Elliptical (22 min. 200 cal. Program - Variety)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/9 12:37:37编辑过]
99 楼
Oct. 9 (Sat.)
Breakfast: 2片全麦吐司夹2份炒蛋白(85x2+30+20=220), 1 杯有机豆浆(80) [sub ttl: 300]
Lunch: 1大碗海鲜粥(salmon, scallop, squid, clam, prawn -180), XO酱炒肠粉(80), 脆皮鸡(鸡胸1块, 69), 星洲炒罗卜糕(80), 白灼芥兰(25) [sub ttl: 434]
Snack: 1 L. coffee (30), 1 fat-free yogurt (35), 1 scoop whey protein (90) [sub ttl:155]
Dinner: 中午打包 -1碗海鲜粥(145), 脆皮鸡(去皮鸡胸1块, 55), 几块星洲炒罗卜糕(30), 白灼芥兰(25), 1个大桃(61) [sub ttl:316]
Total calorie intake: 1,205 (水果太少了, 还没有detox的食品, 明天加上.)
ABs Ball exercise ~ 27 min.
* 买了1个6磅的Abs ball 和DVD [Gaiam]. The instructor is Jonathan Roche. Abs ball 和普通的medicine ball 很相似只是多了2个把手方便抓握. 今天尝试了一下Beginner level, 感觉还不错: Warm-up+ 3 min. upper abs + 3 min. lower abs + 3 min. obliques + 3 min. combined moves + stretch =15-17min. 我做了2遍.

椭圆机: 61min. 600 cal. (5.12 miles, Program: Interval)
Biceps curl:            3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:   3x10 (25lb)
Chest press:           3x10 (25lb)
Shoulder press:       2x10 (20-25lb) - 25磅的做起来很吃力, 换成20磅的. 只做了2组.
Lat pulldown (L.back): 3x10 (40lb)
Seated row (back):   3x10 (40lb)
Hip adductor:           3x10 (100lb)
Back extension:        3x10 (90-100lb)  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/13 21:57:52编辑过]
100 楼
Abs ball:
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/13 21:58:48编辑过]