“Here is a simple example. Let’s say you have two self-employed people, Sam and Carrie, who are both freelance photographers. Their businesses make the same net profits of $60,000 last year ($5,000/month). The only difference is that Sam is a Sole Proprietorship and Carrie is an S-Corporation.
Because Sam is a sole proprietorship, there is no difference between him and the business. They are one and the same. Therefore he has to pay self-employment taxes (Social Security + Medicare) of 15.3% on the entire $60,000 annual net profit, or about $9,200. He also must pay federal and local income taxes on that income.
Carrie is a bit different. She incorporated her one-person business into an S-Corporation, which is a separate entity. She wears two hats: she is the sole shareholder of that corporation, and also the sole employee.
S-Corporation are a ‘pass-through’ entity, which means all the profits of the corporation pass through directly to the shareholders’ tax returns. S-Corps do not pay corporate income taxes. However, the classification of this profit also matters:
As an employee, she just assigns herself a “reasonable salary” as required by the IRS. She does some research, and finds that similar photographers in her area earn $25 an hour. $25 an hour x 40 hours a week = $1000/week, or $4,000/month. So her salary is $4,000/month.
As the corporation shareholder, she owns a business with $5,000 of overall profits each month, but also pays out $4,000 for that one extremely loyal employee. That means $1,000 per month is not paid out as salary, and will be distributed to the shareholders (her) as dividends, or unearned income.
At tax time, Carrie gets $48,000 a year in earned income as an employee, and $12,000 in S-Corp distributions as a shareholder. You only pay self-employment taxes on earned income. $48,000 x 15.3% = $7,400. She also must pay federal and local income taxes, the same amount as Sam.
So as an S-Corporation, Carrie paid $1,800 a year less than Sam in taxes.“
那是真正self-employed的,省个12.4%+2.9%=15.3%,咱们这种有full-time工作的,也就省个2.9%而已,懒得折腾了啊。 你明白我的意思了吗?full-time工作的已经交满了social security的,再有额外收入也不需要交了呀,所以就交个双份的medicare而已,小意思。 [此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 13:20:35编辑过] Is there any tax rate difference between ordinary income and dividend income?
For the year 2009, married individuals who file jointly can contribute $5,000 ($6,000 if 50 or older) to a Roth IRA if their modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is below $166,000. If their MAGI is between $166,000 and $176,000, then they can contribute some amount less than their full limit. If their income exceeds $176,000, they are not eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA for 2009.
你笑死我了。。。。 health care怎么会改dividend law呢。 是另外的law要改capital gain,增加capital gain的税。(原来是15%) MM 不要笑我。我也是在网上看到的。难道是我理解错了?
Dividend tax rates will also go up. Qualified dividends, which today are taxed at a maximum rate of 15%, will be taxable at ordinary income rates (which could mean that dividends presently taxed at 15% will be taxed at 39.6% plus 3.8% for Medicare, for a total of 43.4%, in 2013). Capital gains tax rates will go from 15% today to 20% in 2011 to 23.8% in 2013.
Dividends are currently taxed at a maximum rate of 15 percent. Starting next year this will increase to a maximum rate of 39.6 percent. Should this new legislation pass, the maximum tax rate on dividends will increase to 42.5 percent. Add on Massachusetts state tax of 5.3 percent and the maximum effective tax rate on dividends will be 47.8 percent. States such as California will have a tax rate over 50 percent. This is a pretty big swing from the 2009 tax rate. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 22:31:43编辑过]
Dividend tax rates will also go up. Qualified dividends, which today are taxed at a maximum rate of 15%, will be taxable at ordinary income rates (which could mean that dividends presently taxed at 15% will be taxed at 39.6% plus 3.8% for Medicare, for a total of 43.4%, in 2013). Capital gains tax rates will go from 15% today to 20% in 2011 to 23.8% in 2013.
Dividends are currently taxed at a maximum rate of 15 percent. Starting next year this will increase to a maximum rate of 39.6 percent. Should this new legislation pass, the maximum tax rate on dividends will increase to 42.5 percent. Add on Massachusetts state tax of 5.3 percent and the maximum effective tax rate on dividends will be 47.8 percent. States such as California will have a tax rate over 50 percent. This is a pretty big swing from the 2009 tax rate.
我知道法律要变,但是跟health care bill没有任何关系的。 所以只有懂法,才能为了省税来规划自己家的财务状况和投资去向啊。 我大半夜的在家翻去年的信用卡记录,再使劲找点儿能够抵税的开销出来。
Soon after, Congress passed the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, which included some of the cuts Bush requested and which he signed into law on May 28, 2003. Under the new law, qualified dividends are taxed at the same rate as long-term capital gains, which is 15 percent for most individual taxpayers. Qualified dividends received by individuals in the 10% and 15% income tax brackets were taxed at a 5% from 2003 to 2007. The qualified dividend tax rate was set to expire December 31, 2008; however, the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 extended the lower tax rate through 2010 and further cut the tax rate on qualified dividends to 0% for individuals in the 10% and 15% income tax brackets. As sunset provisions take effect in 2011, taxation of dividends and marginal ordinary income tax rates return to pre-2001 levels.[4]
Bentley only wanted to convert non-deductible traditional IRA $6000 (after-tax) into Roth IRA, but ended up with an extra taxable income of $5894 to calculate his tax because his total non-roth IRA balance was $346000.
我的理解是:$6000是税后的,但是他在报税的时候,还要多报$5894的收入。Am I right? Did I misunderstand something?
Bentley only wanted to convert non-deductible traditional IRA $6000 (after-tax) into Roth IRA, but ended up with an extra taxable income of $5894 to calculate his tax because his total non-roth IRA balance was $346000.
我的理解是:$6000是税后的,但是他在报税的时候,还要多报$5894的收入。Am I right? Did I misunderstand something? 这个意思是说你不能只convert non-deductible IRA,而是按比例convert 所有的IRA。 可以google roth conversion pro rata rule。
这个意思是说你不能只convert non-deductible IRA,而是按比例convert 所有的IRA。 可以google roth conversion pro rata rule。 又研究了一下,理解了爱宝宝mm的意思,高收入的人不可以contribute to traditional IRA, 所以convert non-deductible to roth IRA的时候,只需要为non-deductible IRA的earnings付税,如果这几年capital gain很少,就没有多少earnings需要缴税了 要是本身有traditional IRA的,conversion就不合算了,因为这个pro rata rule
又研究了一下,理解了爱宝宝mm的意思,高收入的人不可以contribute to traditional IRA, 所以convert non-deductible to roth IRA的时候,只需要为non-deductible IRA的earnings付税,如果这几年capital gain很少,就没有多少earnings需要缴税了 要是本身有traditional IRA的,conversion就不合算了,因为这个pro rata rule
对于W2高工资的家庭来说,2010年赶紧转以前的non-deductible to roth IRA能够省不少税的。这个是税法的loophole,需要take advantage of。
我家我是financial planner,专门琢磨如何省税。
我今年是这样操作的:卖了brokerage account里面2万刀mutual funds,take了4000刀的loss,然后用这个钱算作2009和2010年的non-deductible traditional IRA。这样我这个4000刀loss算作investment loss,可以抵消capital gain distribution,如果还有多余部分可以用来抵税(一年可以take 3000刀的loss)。然后我的钱进了non-deductible traditional IRA,马上转成ROTH IRA,以后所有的withdraw又tax free了,很赚啊。而且因为卖出后随即买进,只不过是在不同的账户里面而已,我的position还是不动的,但是我两头省了很多税。
对于W2高工资的家庭来说,2010年赶紧转以前的non-deductible to roth IRA能够省不少税的。这个是税法的loophole,需要take advantage of。
我家我是financial planner,专门琢磨如何省税。
我今年是这样操作的:卖了brokerage account里面2万刀mutual funds,take了4000刀的loss,然后用这个钱算作2009和2010年的non-deductible traditional IRA。这样我这个4000刀loss算作investment loss,可以抵消capital gain distribution,如果还有多余部分可以用来抵税。然后我的钱进了non-deductible traditional IRA,马上转成ROTH IRA,以后所有的withdraw又tax free了,很赚啊。
对于W2高工资的家庭来说,2010年赶紧转以前的non-deductible to roth IRA能够省不少税的。这个是税法的loophole,需要take advantage of。
我家我是financial planner,专门琢磨如何省税。
我今年是这样操作的:卖了brokerage account里面2万刀mutual funds,take了4000刀的loss,然后用这个钱算作2009和2010年的non-deductible traditional IRA。这样我这个4000刀loss算作investment loss,可以抵消capital gain distribution,如果还有多余部分可以用来抵税(一年可以take 3000刀的loss)。然后我的钱进了non-deductible traditional IRA,马上转成ROTH IRA,以后所有的withdraw又tax free了,很赚啊。而且因为卖出后随即买进,只不过是在不同的账户里面而已,我的position还是不动的,但是我两头省了很多税。
又研究了一下,理解了爱宝宝mm的意思,高收入的人不可以contribute to traditional IRA, 所以convert non-deductible to roth IRA的时候,只需要为non-deductible IRA的earnings付税,如果这几年capital gain很少,就没有多少earnings需要缴税了 要是本身有traditional IRA的,conversion就不合算了,因为这个pro rata rule
好复杂阿,怪不得富人们都雇financial planner
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:00:44编辑过]
我以为任何人都可以contribute to traditional IRA, 只是roth有收入限制?至于这个contribution (to traditional IRA)是否deductible则取决于你是否已经有了其它雇主提供的retirement plan或者是达到了一定收入限制。
本来就有non-deductible traditional IRA,如果没有什么gain或者gain很少(相对于contribution来说)的话,那么conversion to Roth还是划算的呀。
这个conversion from traditional IRA to Roth似乎有个矛盾的地方。如果收入超过了Roth的限制本来是不能有Roth的,那么就算能够把以前的non-deductible traditional IRA convert 成Roth,以后是不是只能持有这个converted roth, 而不能contribute? 还是说2010年之后,这个规定就改了,roth IRA contribution不再有收入限制?不知道表达清楚了没有。
我以为任何人都可以contribute to traditional IRA, 只是roth有收入限制?至于这个contribution (to traditional IRA)是否deductible则取决于你是否已经有了其它雇主提供的retirement plan或者是达到了一定收入限制。
本来就有non-deductible traditional IRA,如果没有什么gain或者gain很少(相对于contribution来说)的话,那么conversion to Roth还是划算的呀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/8 1:06:58编辑过] both traditional IRA and Roth IRA have income limitations。自己有business的话可以开SEP-IRA或者SIMPLE IRA,这两个基本没收入限制。 你第二段说的是正确的,我给你highlight了。
sole proprietorship的税是pass through的,盈利多少,就是你的收入多少。
sole proprietorship的税是pass through的,盈利多少,就是你的收入多少。
成立公司是为了liability shield,不是为了抵税有什么帮助。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 12:40:29编辑过]
成立公司是为了liability shield,不是为了抵税有什么帮助。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 12:40:29编辑过]
那你是全部付self-empolyment tax?
比如上面连接里面的example, 一个人的S-corporation也可以给自己发工资啊。
“Here is a simple example. Let’s say you have two self-employed
people, Sam and Carrie, who are both freelance photographers. Their
businesses make the same net profits of $60,000 last year
($5,000/month). The only difference is that Sam is a Sole
Proprietorship and Carrie is an S-Corporation.
Because Sam is a sole proprietorship, there is no
difference between him and the business. They are one and the same.
Therefore he has to pay self-employment taxes (Social Security +
Medicare) of 15.3% on the entire $60,000 annual net profit, or about
$9,200. He also must pay federal and local income taxes on that income.
Carrie is a bit different. She incorporated her
one-person business into an S-Corporation, which is a separate entity.
She wears two hats: she is the sole shareholder of that corporation, and
also the sole employee.
S-Corporation are a ‘pass-through’ entity, which means all the
profits of the corporation pass through directly to the shareholders’
tax returns. S-Corps do not pay corporate income taxes. However, the
classification of this profit also matters:
As an employee, she just assigns herself a “reasonable salary”
as required by the IRS. She does some research, and finds that similar
photographers in her area earn $25 an hour. $25 an hour x 40 hours a
week = $1000/week, or $4,000/month. So her salary is $4,000/month.
As the corporation shareholder, she owns a business with
$5,000 of overall profits each month, but also pays out $4,000 for that
one extremely loyal employee. That means $1,000 per month is not paid
out as salary, and will be distributed to the shareholders (her) as
dividends, or unearned income.
At tax time, Carrie gets $48,000 a year in earned income as an
employee, and $12,000 in S-Corp distributions as a shareholder. You
only pay self-employment taxes on earned income. $48,000 x 15.3% =
$7,400. She also must pay federal and local income taxes, the same
amount as Sam.
So as an S-Corporation, Carrie paid $1,800 a year less
than Sam in taxes.“
那你是全部付self-empolyment tax?
比如上面连接里面的example, 一个人的S-corporation也可以给自己发工资啊。
social security有收入cap的,full-time挣的工资早就phase out了,最多交个medicare的钱,没多少的,还省得麻烦。所以我100% pass through得了。
social security有收入cap的,full-time挣的工资早就phase
out了,最多交个medicare的钱,没多少的,还省得麻烦。所以我100% pass through得了。
如果你的公司有很大的利润,相对于“reasonable salary"来说,那么差别就不仅仅是SS了吧。
比如文章里面的比较极端的那个律师John Edwards的例子. 甚至普通的人,10万的salary VS (6万salary+4万dividends),省下来的税差不少吧。
如果你的公司有很大的利润,相对于“reasonable salary"来说,那么差别就不仅仅是SS了吧。
比如文章里面的比较极端的那个律师John Edwards的例子. 甚至普通的人,10万的salary VS (6万salary+4万dividends),省下来的税差不少吧。
你明白我的意思了吗?full-time工作的已经交满了social security的,再有额外收入也不需要交了呀,所以就交个双份的medicare而已,小意思。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 13:20:35编辑过]
你明白我的意思了吗?full-time工作的已经交满了social security的,再有额外收入也不需要交了呀,所以就交个双份的medicare而已,小意思。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 13:20:35编辑过]
我是说,比如你flip houses, 就算是part-time, 如果1年可以flip2-3个,也起码有5万以上的额外收入了吧。如果是sole proprietorship,那么这5万的收入就要全部交self-employment tax. 但是如果是S-corporation, 那么如果你只付自己3万的薪水,另外2万做为divident收入,那么只有这3万的薪水要付self-employment tax。 这省的就不只是2.9%的差距了吧。
我是说,比如你flip houses, 就算是part-time, 如果1年可以flip2-3个,也起码有5万以上的额外收入了吧。如果是sole proprietorship,那么这5万的收入就要全部交self-employment tax. 但是如果是S-corporation, 那么如果你只付自己3万的薪水,另外2万做为divident收入,那么只有这3万的薪水要付self-employment tax。 这省的就不只是2.9%的差距了吧。
self-employment tax就是(6.2%Social Security +1.45%Medicare)×2=15.3%啊。
(如果是W2的话,就是交了6.2%Social Security +1.45%Medicare),无论哪种情况,有工作还是self-employment ,只要收入满了$106,800,就不需要再交Social Security了。
如果你的full-time工作已经交满了Social Security,那么不管你额外的收入是不是算薪水,还是算dividend,你都不需要再交Social Security了。所以我说的这种情况,就是针对于我们有full-time工作的,折腾这个dividend,才省2.9%,没有必要。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 13:56:48编辑过]
self-employment tax就是(6.2%Social Security
(如果是W2的话,就是交了6.2%Social Security +1.45%Medicare),无论哪种情况,有工作还是self-employment ,只要收入满了$106,800,就不需要再交Social Security了。
如果你的full-time工作已经交满了Social Security,那么不管你额外的收入是不是算薪水,还是算dividend,你都不需要再交Social Security了。所以我说的这种情况,就是针对于我们有full-time工作的,折腾这个dividend,才省2.9%,没有必要。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 13:56:48编辑过]
嗯,这么说S-corporation能够省税的地方只是self-employment tax?对于有"day" job的人来说,也就是省了个SStax.
嗯,这么说S-corporation能够省税的地方只是self-employment tax?对于有"day" job的人来说,也就是省了个SStax.
有day job的人反正不需要交SS,所以根本没必要整这个S-corporation的,才省2.9%的medicare。
我是说,比如你flip houses, 就算是part-time, 如果1年可以flip2-3个,也起码有5万以上的额外收入了吧。如果是sole proprietorship,那么这5万的收入就要全部交self-employment tax. 但是如果是S-corporation, 那么如果你只付自己3万的薪水,另外2万做为divident收入,那么只有这3万的薪水要付self-employment tax。 这省的就不只是2.9%的差距了吧。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 14:52:09编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 14:52:43编辑过]
my case only
my case only
你明白我的意思了吗?full-time工作的已经交满了social security的,再有额外收入也不需要交了呀,所以就交个双份的medicare而已,小意思。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 13:20:35编辑过]
Is there any tax rate difference between ordinary income and dividend income?
75% 已经很不错了。。。考虑到你倒的还挺成功的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 16:04:00编辑过]
Is there any tax rate difference between ordinary income and dividend income?
都要付federal tax,但是dividend income不要交SS+medicare。
都要付federal tax,但是dividend income不要交SS+medicare。
Thanks for your reply! Does dividend income have a cap of 15%?
Thanks for your reply! Does dividend income have a cap of 15%?
还是有问题的,因为你的relocation package算是reimburse你的moving expenses的,所以你可以用来抵税的部分应该是:
(total moving expenses - after-tax cash relocation package)
小心点儿,因为relocation package在你的W2上是单独一项的,你要是抵税的moving expenses再填上很多的话,太容易被audit了。
多谢了,我们实际搬家花的钱,没有after-tax cash relocation package多,所以也不用修改税表了
还想问一个有点白痴的问题,roth IRA的门槛是MAGI〈167000,这个MAGI就是税表第一页最后一项吗?
要是我们今年在4月15号之前存non-deductible traditional IRA,什么时候可以convert to roth IRA呢?
Thanks for your reply! Does dividend income have a cap of 15%?
那是capital gain,你搞混淆了。dividend以前一直付marginal tax rate的。最近几年才减的,不过明年又涨回去了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 23:23:54编辑过]
health care怎么会改dividend law呢。
是另外的law要改capital gain,增加capital gain的税。(原来是15%)
多谢了,我们实际搬家花的钱,没有after-tax cash relocation package多,所以也不用修改税表了
还想问一个有点白痴的问题,roth IRA的门槛是MAGI〈167000,这个MAGI就是税表第一页最后一项吗?
要是我们今年在4月15号之前存non-deductible traditional IRA,什么时候可以convert to roth IRA呢?
43是taxable income,你自己去税表上找一下,应该是37行才是AGI。
43是taxable income,你自己去税表上找一下,应该是37行才是AGI。
我可能没说清,我问的就是:是不是37项AGI〈167K,才可以放满roth IRA?
我可能没说清,我问的就是:是不是37项AGI〈167K,才可以放满roth IRA?
For the year 2009, married individuals who file jointly can contribute $5,000
($6,000 if 50 or older) to a Roth IRA if their modified adjusted gross income
(MAGI) is below $166,000. If their MAGI is between $166,000 and $176,000, then
they can contribute some amount less than their full limit. If their income
exceeds $176,000, they are not eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA for 2009.
health care怎么会改dividend law呢。
是另外的law要改capital gain,增加capital gain的税。(原来是15%)
MM 不要笑我。我也是在网上看到的。难道是我理解错了?
Dividend tax rates will also go up. Qualified dividends, which today are taxed at a maximum rate of 15%, will be taxable at ordinary income rates (which could mean that dividends presently taxed at 15% will be taxed at 39.6% plus 3.8% for Medicare, for a total of 43.4%, in 2013). Capital gains tax rates will go from 15% today to 20% in 2011 to 23.8% in 2013.
Dividends are currently taxed at a maximum rate of 15 percent. Starting next year this will increase to a maximum rate of 39.6 percent. Should this new legislation pass, the maximum tax rate on dividends will increase to 42.5 percent. Add on Massachusetts state tax of 5.3 percent and the maximum effective tax rate on dividends will be 47.8 percent. States such as California will have a tax rate over 50 percent. This is a pretty big swing from the 2009 tax rate.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 22:31:43编辑过]
MM 不要笑我。我也是在网上看到的。难道是我理解错了?
Dividend tax rates will also go up. Qualified dividends, which today are taxed at a maximum rate of 15%, will be taxable at ordinary income rates (which could mean that dividends presently taxed at 15% will be taxed at 39.6% plus 3.8% for Medicare, for a total of 43.4%, in 2013). Capital gains tax rates will go from 15% today to 20% in 2011 to 23.8% in 2013.
Dividends are currently taxed at a maximum rate of 15 percent. Starting next year this will increase to a maximum rate of 39.6 percent. Should this new legislation pass, the maximum tax rate on dividends will increase to 42.5 percent. Add on Massachusetts state tax of 5.3 percent and the maximum effective tax rate on dividends will be 47.8 percent. States such as California will have a tax rate over 50 percent. This is a pretty big swing from the 2009 tax rate.
我知道法律要变,但是跟health care bill没有任何关系的。
以下是引用lovemybaby在4/6/2010 10:31:00 PM的发言:
我知道法律要变,但是跟health care bill没有任何关系的。
文章名字叫Looking Hard For Health Care Reform Winners,所以我以为是因为Health Care Bill的呢。
dividend一直付marginal tax rate的。
I'm confused...
I'm confused...
呵呵,以前我学税法的时候,一直是按照ordinary income算的,后来2003-2010暂时减下去了,从明年开始又加回去了。看英文版讲解:
Soon after, Congress passed the Jobs and
Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, which included some of the
cuts Bush requested and which he signed into law on May 28, 2003. Under the new
law, qualified dividends are taxed at the same
rate as long-term capital gains, which is 15 percent for most
individual taxpayers. Qualified dividends received by individuals in the 10% and
15% income tax brackets were
taxed at a 5% from 2003 to 2007. The qualified dividend tax rate was set to
expire December 31, 2008; however, the Tax Increase
Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 extended the lower tax rate
through 2010 and further cut the tax rate on qualified dividends to 0% for
individuals in the 10% and 15% income tax brackets. As sunset provisions
take effect in 2011, taxation of dividends and marginal ordinary income tax
rates return to pre-2001 levels.[4]
2003 - 2010
2011 -
一共5000 还是每人5000啊
多谢解答. 学了好多东西
也多谢这么mm 献花
赶快去存, 还好还来得及, mm这个帖子开的好及时.
就是高收入家庭,如果以前存了non- deductible traditional IRA的话,因为这几年股市不景气,没啥capital gain的话,把non-deductible traditional IRA转成Roth IRA,既不需要交税,又省了以后提取时的税率,是个no-brainer。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/5 7:04:06编辑过]
爱宝宝mm,今天研究了一下conversion,我认为还是需要交税的,取决于你的total non-roth IRA balance
你看这贴里的example,尤其是第二个Bentley's case
Bentley only wanted to convert non-deductible traditional IRA $6000 (after-tax) into Roth IRA, but ended up with an extra taxable income of $5894 to calculate his tax because his total non-roth IRA balance was $346000.
我的理解是:$6000是税后的,但是他在报税的时候,还要多报$5894的收入。Am I right? Did I misunderstand something?
health care怎么会改dividend law呢。
是另外的law要改capital gain,增加capital gain的税。(原来是15%)
Only when I left my previous employer. Not now ba.
我爬楼不认真。mm是正在换工作么?anyway, 只要你convert to roth 之前把tax-deductible的IRA rollover 到401k就行了吧,我的理解哈。
爱宝宝mm,今天研究了一下conversion,我认为还是需要交税的,取决于你的total non-roth IRA balance
你看这贴里的example,尤其是第二个Bentley's case
Bentley only wanted to convert non-deductible traditional IRA $6000 (after-tax) into Roth IRA, but ended up with an extra taxable income of $5894 to calculate his tax because his total non-roth IRA balance was $346000.
我的理解是:$6000是税后的,但是他在报税的时候,还要多报$5894的收入。Am I right? Did I misunderstand something?
这个意思是说你不能只convert non-deductible IRA,而是按比例convert 所有的IRA。 可以google roth conversion pro rata rule。
那我封楼算了,凭什么我辛辛苦苦给大家码字啊?很多我写下的经验不是三天两天能够学到的,更不是课本上能够学到的,我干吗要无私分享啊?自己坐在家赚钱不好吗?昨天码了半天字给你解释self-employment tax,好不容易把你讲明白了,就随口开了句玩笑,就上升到了嘲笑你的地步,这个好人也太难做了。我当然不可能100%永远对,税法还在不断的变更呢,我现在写的东西到明年后年很有可能就不对了,或者税法有变化了的地方,我也不可能都知道的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 20:54:23编辑过]
那我封楼算了,凭什么我辛辛苦苦给大家码字啊?很多我写下的经验不是三天两天能够学到的,更不是课本上能够学到的,我干吗要无私分享啊?自己坐在家赚钱不好吗?昨天码了半天字给你解释self-employment tax,好不容易把你讲明白了,就随口开了句玩笑,就上升到了嘲笑你的地步,这个好人也太难做了。我当然不可能100%永远对,税法还在不断的变更呢,我现在写的东西到明年后年很有可能就不对了,或者税法有变化了的地方,我也不可能都知道的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 20:54:23编辑过]
我没有太敏感。你觉得你在开玩笑,我在网上又看不到你的语气和表情。你把我跟别人弄混了。我没有问 self employment tax的问题。
我没有太敏感。你觉得你在开玩笑,我在网上又看不到你的语气和表情。你把我跟别人弄混了。我没有问 self employment tax的问题。
不写了,昨天浪费半天时间科普self-employment tax,自己的工作都没有做完,自家的税表也没整完。结果还把你和其他人的ID混淆了,还随口说了句玩笑,没打表情,把你给得罪了。
不写了,昨天浪费半天时间科普self-employment tax,自己的工作都没有做完,自家的税表也没整完。结果还把你和其他人的ID混淆了,还随口说了句玩笑,没打表情,把你给得罪了。
这个意思是说你不能只convert non-deductible IRA,而是按比例convert 所有的IRA。 可以google roth conversion pro rata rule。
又研究了一下,理解了爱宝宝mm的意思,高收入的人不可以contribute to traditional IRA, 所以convert non-deductible to roth IRA的时候,只需要为non-deductible IRA的earnings付税,如果这几年capital gain很少,就没有多少earnings需要缴税了
要是本身有traditional IRA的,conversion就不合算了,因为这个pro rata rule
好复杂阿,怪不得富人们都雇financial planner
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:00:44编辑过]
下次你在房子上赚大钱的时候, 就会想到因为好人有好报, I DESERVE IT.
虽然我一直没时间爬楼, 但我给MM 拍手, 撒花.......
又研究了一下,理解了爱宝宝mm的意思,高收入的人不可以contribute to traditional IRA, 所以convert non-deductible to roth IRA的时候,只需要为non-deductible IRA的earnings付税,如果这几年capital gain很少,就没有多少earnings需要缴税了
要是本身有traditional IRA的,conversion就不合算了,因为这个pro rata rule
好复杂阿,怪不得富人们都雇financial planner
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:00:44编辑过]
对于W2高工资的家庭来说,2010年赶紧转以前的non-deductible to roth IRA能够省不少税的。这个是税法的loophole,需要take advantage of。
我家我是financial planner,专门琢磨如何省税。
我今年是这样操作的:卖了brokerage account里面2万刀mutual funds,take了4000刀的loss,然后用这个钱算作2009和2010年的non-deductible traditional IRA。这样我这个4000刀loss算作investment loss,可以抵消capital gain distribution,如果还有多余部分可以用来抵税(一年可以take 3000刀的loss)。然后我的钱进了non-deductible traditional IRA,马上转成ROTH IRA,以后所有的withdraw又tax free了,很赚啊。而且因为卖出后随即买进,只不过是在不同的账户里面而已,我的position还是不动的,但是我两头省了很多税。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:56:44编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:36:40编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:36:40编辑过]
对于W2高工资的家庭来说,2010年赶紧转以前的non-deductible to roth IRA能够省不少税的。这个是税法的loophole,需要take advantage of。
我家我是financial planner,专门琢磨如何省税。
我今年是这样操作的:卖了brokerage account里面2万刀mutual funds,take了4000刀的loss,然后用这个钱算作2009和2010年的non-deductible traditional IRA。这样我这个4000刀loss算作investment loss,可以抵消capital gain distribution,如果还有多余部分可以用来抵税。然后我的钱进了non-deductible traditional IRA,马上转成ROTH IRA,以后所有的withdraw又tax free了,很赚啊。
爱宝宝, 接着写吧, 我是相信好人有好报的, 尤其是无私奉献, 帮助别人的好人.
下次你在房子上赚大钱的时候, 就会想到因为好人有好报, I DESERVE IT.
虽然我一直没时间爬楼, 但我给MM 拍手, 撒花.......
对于W2高工资的家庭来说,2010年赶紧转以前的non-deductible to roth IRA能够省不少税的。这个是税法的loophole,需要take advantage of。
我家我是financial planner,专门琢磨如何省税。
我今年是这样操作的:卖了brokerage account里面2万刀mutual funds,take了4000刀的loss,然后用这个钱算作2009和2010年的non-deductible traditional IRA。这样我这个4000刀loss算作investment loss,可以抵消capital gain distribution,如果还有多余部分可以用来抵税(一年可以take 3000刀的loss)。然后我的钱进了non-deductible traditional IRA,马上转成ROTH IRA,以后所有的withdraw又tax free了,很赚啊。而且因为卖出后随即买进,只不过是在不同的账户里面而已,我的position还是不动的,但是我两头省了很多税。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:56:44编辑过]
怒赞你啊!! 脑子真是太灵光了
又研究了一下,理解了爱宝宝mm的意思,高收入的人不可以contribute to traditional IRA, 所以convert non-deductible to roth IRA的时候,只需要为non-deductible IRA的earnings付税,如果这几年capital gain很少,就没有多少earnings需要缴税了
要是本身有traditional IRA的,conversion就不合算了,因为这个pro rata rule
好复杂阿,怪不得富人们都雇financial planner
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:00:44编辑过]
我以为任何人都可以contribute to traditional IRA, 只是roth有收入限制?至于这个contribution (to traditional IRA)是否deductible则取决于你是否已经有了其它雇主提供的retirement plan或者是达到了一定收入限制。
本来就有non-deductible traditional IRA,如果没有什么gain或者gain很少(相对于contribution来说)的话,那么conversion to Roth还是划算的呀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/8 1:06:58编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/8 0:57:59编辑过]
pat pat
我爬楼不认真。mm是正在换工作么?anyway, 只要你convert to roth 之前把tax-deductible的IRA rollover 到401k就行了吧,我的理解哈。
我没有太敏感。你觉得你在开玩笑,我在网上又看不到你的语气和表情。你把我跟别人弄混了。我没有问 self employment tax的问题。
nod nod
不写了,昨天浪费半天时间科普self-employment tax,自己的工作都没有做完,自家的税表也没整完。结果还把你和其他人的ID混淆了,还随口说了句玩笑,没打表情,把你给得罪了。
pat pat
pat pat
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/7 22:36:40编辑过]
其实不算还工作了。。。一样的工作一样的老板,只是地方不同而已了。算OFFICE CONSOLIDATION吧。
我以为任何人都可以contribute to traditional IRA, 只是roth有收入限制?至于这个contribution (to traditional IRA)是否deductible则取决于你是否已经有了其它雇主提供的retirement plan或者是达到了一定收入限制。
本来就有non-deductible traditional IRA,如果没有什么gain或者gain很少(相对于contribution来说)的话,那么conversion to Roth还是划算的呀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/8 1:06:58编辑过]
both traditional IRA and Roth IRA have income limitations。自己有business的话可以开SEP-IRA或者SIMPLE IRA,这两个基本没收入限制。