gaga, she didn't BEN, she wrote a couple of words. You know what, after I got 3 WW, I rushed into some posts, only to see a couple of words....-----------people even hide words with WW3 ! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-1 19:35:43编辑过]
以下是引用flying_pipi在2007-8-1 19:34:00的发言: gaga, she didn't BEN, she wrote a couple of words. You know what, after I got 3 WW, I rushed into some posts, only to see a couple of words....-----------people even hide words with WW3 ! there would be no comments like this if they set it to WW4, that's why sigh, 干吗对我意见那么大。算了好人做到底吧,麻烦就麻烦点了,msg你了
How to find positive energy 昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week 补充mm们suggestions: think positively 作息规律, 按部就班 绿茶 认识一个新朋友,打开自己的视野 goal setting 每日自省以下,总结有什么得失 足够睡眠 help others Others: 大树采精气这个难度太大了。。 dress up这个刺激shopping,怎么办。。
The culprit behind bloating and fluid retention may be aldosterone, a hormone that regulates levels of sodium and potassium in the body. There is often an upswing in this hormone after a woman ovulates. The surprise remedy for abdominal bloating is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Won’t that just pile on more water around your waist? The answer is no. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out the body and actually reduces bloating. You might also want to reduce your salt intake.
And if you’ve noticed that certain foods make you more gassy, try and avoid them during the week before your period. Many women complain of monthly weight gain before their period. A lot of this is attributable to water retention. Calcium (1000 mg per day) and magnesium (400 mg per day) reduce water retention and premenstrual weight gain. Calcium is found in dairy products such as yogurt or cheese, as well as in puddings, broccoli, salmon and tofu. A better way to raise serotonin levels is to eat complex carbohydrates, which include whole grain bread, pasta, cereal, sunflower seeds, peanut butter and plain yogurt. These foods can help you feel good, and they’re good for you. make sure you wear a good bra: Support is critical to your comfort when you have breast tenderness and swelling. There is growing evidence that vitamin E, taken orally, may also help.
以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-2 2:39:00的发言: there would be no comments like this if they set it to WW4, that's why sigh, 干吗对我意见那么大。算了好人做到底吧,麻烦就麻烦点了,msg你了 乖~~~ Super super hot!
nod nod also recommend elliptical treadmill is noisy, and if you use it anywhere other than the basement, the whole house feels like it's gonna be shaken down
以下是引用kittypeny在2007-8-2 9:20:00的发言: How to find positive energy 昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week 补充mm们suggestions: think positively 作息规律, 按部就班 绿茶 认识一个新朋友,打开自己的视野 goal setting 每日自省以下,总结有什么得失 足够睡眠 help others Others: 大树采精气这个难度太大了。。 dress up这个刺激shopping,怎么办。。 说到这个positive energy, 我觉得对我来说,简单说就是我最开始的健身目标: 吃好睡好,适量运动,stay positive 抄我家挂历上的‘幸福之道’: 一贯知足 二目远眺 三餐有度 四季长春 五谷皆珍 六欲有节 七分打扮 八方交好 酒薄烟断 十分坦荡 时宜有律 十二分开心
3500cal: chinese food at home, lots of fruit cereal bar peanuts onion ring 2 icecream cones in the afternoon 1 pint of icecream at night almonds pinenuts tofu crab etc
以下是引用kittypeny在2007-8-7 11:07:00的发言: 3500cal: chinese food at home, lots of fruit cereal bar peanuts onion ring 2 icecream cones in the afternoon 1 pint of icecream at night almonds pinenuts tofu crab etc how much is 1 pint ah? still, could it be 3500cal? why you eat so much high fat food ne, nausea?
我错了555555555555 以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 11:26:00的发言: how much is 1 pint ah? still, could it be 3500cal? why you eat so much high fat food ne, nausea?
ai....i know it is bad dono what came on to me too many unexpected things, i find myself able to stick to diet/exercise in routine life if anyone goes out of the routine i feel messed up and can't stick to my plans over-eating and under exercising has been the coping skill i have learned so far, i need to work on changing the vicious cycle 以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 12:13:00的发言: 记得你以前说想做的事里面不就有一条是‘大吃大喝’么 至少可以安慰自己说做过了 不过老做也不好哈
以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 12:18:00的发言: 有什么烦心事,猛锻炼一阵,通常会好很多的 got less time on my hand busy at work so go home later than usual and have to work from home too weekends are packed with activities, or helping a friend move, or bring my mom to see places next weekend some friends will come to visit later this week someone's kid will come and stay temporarily at my home for several days need to go to the doc's, dentist's, orthodontist's need to service the car need to get prescription filled for mom blablabla.... life is so busy but really need to learn to cope
以下是引用kittypeny在2007-8-7 12:27:00的发言: got less time on my hand busy at work so go home later than usual and have to work from home too weekends are packed with activities, or helping a friend move, or bring my mom to see places next weekend some friends will come to visit later this week someone's kid will come and stay temporarily at my home for several days need to go to the doc's, dentist's, orthodontist's need to service the car need to get prescription filled for mom blablabla.... life is so busy but really need to learn to cope well you can say no to some of these things and delegate some to your LD:P busy at work usually means more money coming, hehe
money part is nono we earn too little here hourly rate is much much less than lg's sigh 以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 12:55:00的发言: well you can say no to some of these things and delegate some to your LD:P busy at work usually means more money coming, hehe
以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 13:04:00的发言: mm和ld是同行?anyway谁挣都一样 no 同行 ya he earns less but much much less work we both earn very little money 55555555 he only works about half hours that i work....
以下是引用kittypeny在2007-8-7 13:50:00的发言: admire啥,刚动了心思而已,还啥都没做呢 i meant motivation itself is good, seems it's hard for you not to keep going and get ahead, that kind of people would just get what they want
以下是引用kittypeny在2007-8-7 13:54:00的发言: 羡慕你已经有dream job了,我还在这碌碌无为的挣俩小钱 money is important ah if i knew this earlier, i guess i would do totally different things and health is even more important...if i knew this earlier, ...
o thanks i should try my best at diff things now fulfulling potential in itself is a pleasant experience 以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 13:59:00的发言: i meant motivation itself is good, seems it's hard for you not to keep going and get ahead, that kind of people would just get what they want
哈哈这两句深有同感 小时候可鄙视赚钱了。。。现在totally different 小时候应该好好做早操和眼保操,大学应该学很多体育项目,天天早锻炼, 中学应该减肥 还有研究生应该读另外那个专业 如果能回去做小时候自己的mentor今天搞不好很牛----不过别的人也都一样 以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 14:02:00的发言: money is important ah if i knew this earlier, i guess i would do totally different things and health is even more important...if i knew this earlier, ...
以下是引用kittypeny在2007-8-7 14:10:00的发言: o thanks i should try my best at diff things now fulfulling potential in itself is a pleasant experience 说的好亚。就是同时要记得‘身体是革命的本钱’亚 :)
em nodnod balancing life/joy/work is a healthy challenge too, managing to get to the optimal point of 3 itself is an achievement i'll try 以下是引用turningleaf在2007-8-7 16:03:00的发言: 说的好亚。就是同时要记得‘身体是革命的本钱’亚 :)
以下是引用kittypeny在2007-8-7 20:40:00的发言: heihei 我这里就是这样,忙一下又闲一下的,闲的时候闲的心里发慌啊。。。。。忙的时候有时候就是hours长。。。。 昨晚熬夜弄清楚了一套事情,可惜马上又要忙了 所以现在想新出路了, ------------------------ 进展,是刚做到了confrontation step felt great doing it 现在看的比较开了 觉得世界都更开阔了一样 最近几天自觉喜悦开朗 细节在给你email that is great! feel so happy for you!! 看得我都觉得心情更好了 锻炼也很不错哈,我也要加油了 有我email吧
老小说 agatha christie:endless night, soso i kinda expected the outcome kitty你也喜欢agatha的小说吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-1 19:35:43编辑过]
再来说一遍, 锻炼很爽,终于体会到了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~~哪怕才一点点时间
不同牌子不一样,这个元香挺好的,没有味精,而且一点都不腻。向喜欢素食的mm们推荐一下。我还买过他家的素鸭,也很好吃。 我也很喜欢吃腐竹
gaga, she didn't BEN, she wrote a couple of words. You know what, after I got 3 WW, I rushed into some posts, only to see a couple of words....-----------people even hide words with WW3 !
there would be no comments like this if they set it to WW4, that's why
你啥时候也学的说话这么夸张了,谁还没个状态好点不好点的时候:P 什么时候我又有烦心事了,还变成第三个人了不成
July 2007
card 55'
card 20'
WT 20' (u b)
yoga 1hr
card 60'
card 30'
WT 25'(l b)
tennis 1hr
card 30'
WT 15'(ub)
tennis 1hr
card 65'
card 40'
WT 40'(tb)
card 50'
yoga 30'
card 20'
WT 25'(lb)
tennis 1hr
yoga 45'
card 60'
card 40'
WT 30'(tb)
总结总结~~~ 哈哈表扬自己,7月锻炼很不错亚 一共27天 hard to believe, 主要是只做半小时yoga的也算是锻炼了
总结总结~~~ 哈哈表扬自己,7月锻炼很不错亚 一共27天 hard to believe, 主要是只做半小时yoga的也算是锻炼了
时期: 排卵期 黄体前期(高温期)
症候: 体温逐渐上升,代谢仍就不错,越后面几天就趋向平缓,食欲渐增,营养吸收好.
肥计划: 由于此时期是双重时期,虽然代谢快,但吸收也快,因此要减肥的MM们,一定要主义此时的饮食习惯,(减肥当然是巩固最重要,如果不巩固,还是会胖
第④阶段22-28天{减肥维持期} 时期: 经期的前一周 开始出现PMS经前症候群(高温期)
症候: 身体浮肿,体重上升(一般在1-2斤)有便秘情况,情绪不稳定暴躁易怒皮肤状况变差,容易长豆豆.
减肥计划: 由于受到黄体素的影响,囤积水分开始严重,体重开始停滞,食欲大增.而且容易情绪化, 多喝水, 并且吃东西 要清淡些, 运动方式不必激烈, 但要持续下, 毕竟好不容易受下来 最后一个星期要巩固下的. ----------
别的虽没有,water retention and appetite already act up
a hormone that regulates levels of sodium and potassium in the body.
There is often an upswing in this hormone after a woman ovulates. The
surprise remedy for abdominal bloating is to drink 6 to 8 glasses of
water a day. Won’t that just pile on more water around your waist? The
answer is no. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out the body and
actually reduces bloating. You might also want to reduce your salt
And if you’ve noticed that certain foods make you more gassy, try and avoid them during the week before your period. Many women complain of monthly weight gain before their period. A lot
of this is attributable to water retention. Calcium (1000 mg per day)
and magnesium (400 mg per day) reduce water retention and premenstrual
weight gain. Calcium is found in dairy products such as yogurt or
cheese, as well as in puddings, broccoli, salmon and tofu. A better way to raise serotonin levels is to eat complex carbohydrates,
which include whole grain bread, pasta, cereal, sunflower seeds, peanut
butter and plain yogurt. These foods can help you feel good, and
they’re good for you. make sure you wear a good bra: Support is critical to your comfort when
you have breast tenderness and swelling. There is growing evidence that
vitamin E, taken orally, may also help.
there would be no comments like this if they set it to WW4, that's why
乖~~~ Super super hot!
turningleaf 的效果很好啊,恭喜mm!
thanks mm, 一起+U
这个不错,哪里看到的? 我怎么觉得没啥新鲜的,就是喝水吃vitamin, 我平时都已经有做啊。
buns &thigh,还是没啥感觉。lunge和squat还有个好处是对腿部肌肉刺激很大,我的大腿内侧也长出了一条细细长长的肌肉了,站
和臀围没变,但形状好看多了,特别是pp,看照片觉得真的翘了,感觉臀肌还有个作用就是把肉往中间聚拢了,感觉臀部更集中了。下个月会继续做臀肌的训练。 关于胸肌:也长了细细长长的一条,一直连到腋下,根据形状和位置,我觉得对预防胸部下垂是绝对有种提拉作用的。围度没有任何变化,我想大概是因为胸肌特别扁平,所以影响不了身体的任何围度。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-5 11:22:49编辑过]
8/3 晚饭 eat out: chinese 700cal little carbs 7 servings of almond: 80*7cal Smoothie 200cal 15' treadmill incline walk 130cal 20' adv pilates 30' yoga good, good~~~
夏天的感叹是“苦短” 想做的事情很多,时间总不够用 弥补失去的童年 怎么弥补啊?好奇ing....
美人志上看得生理期保养, 总结一下 大家看看自己都有什么麻烦,也许有用,欢迎讨论 麻烦-->原因-->解决方法 1. 快来之前便秘-->黄体素-->多吃fiber(蔬果),多喝温开水 2. 快来之前心烦-->黄体素-->纪录生理期,做运动,户外活动 (我补充一个,做yoga, 很有用啊) 3.mimi size变化-->排卵期-->弹性内衣, shower温水按摩 4.起痘-->黄体素-->注意清洁,不要换保养品 5.来的头1,2天拉肚子-->胃酸分泌不良-->忌吃生冷食物 6.腰酸-->排血不畅-->保温+按摩(另外,肚子上有赘肉会加重腰酸, 所以塑身对健康也有好处啊!) 7.长或短于28天有没有关系? --如果在21-35天范围内, 每次间隔规律,就是正常的. 否则最好看医生. 一般少于28天属于热性体质,需要少吃辛辣,多于28天一般体质较虚, 要注意补养. 8.血块(超过大拇指一节大小)-->注意保暖,如果严重可能是子宫病变需要检查 mm where is 美人志?
mm where is 美人志?
哎,我说句真心话都不行,总不至于给点儿正面的反馈就是讲夸张话,客观一点好嘛。 我也上这个表情
How to find positive energy
昨日commute的时候胡思乱想的。。 先说几个provide negative energy (i.e. short-term, non-sustaining energy) 的例子: 喝咖啡 Shopping 吃零食 灌水 Positive energy Work out Be thankful Talk to a good friend Planning Travel to a new place Cold shower Cooking Don't think but solve a problem Stop complaining Be confident or fake it Reading A little wine everyday Try something new every week 补充mm们suggestions: think positively 作息规律, 按部就班 绿茶 认识一个新朋友,打开自己的视野 goal setting 每日自省以下,总结有什么得失 足够睡眠 help others Others: 大树采精气这个难度太大了。。 dress up这个刺激shopping,怎么办。。 说到这个positive energy, 我觉得对我来说,简单说就是我最开始的健身目标: 吃好睡好,适量运动,stay positive 抄我家挂历上的‘幸福之道’: 一贯知足 二目远眺 三餐有度 四季长春 五谷皆珍 六欲有节 七分打扮 八方交好 酒薄烟断 十分坦荡 时宜有律 十二分开心
8/4 Sat 在外走路几小时,消耗300卡,吃掉3500卡 8/5 Sun 吊螃蟹,消耗几乎为0,吃掉3500卡 跟周五比,周一体重重了5磅整!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
周五是多少啊 3500卡是你确切纪录么 这些应该主要是食物的重量,过一两天消化了很快就会轻回去的
说到这个positive energy, 我觉得对我来说,简单说就是我最开始的健身目标: 吃好睡好,适量运动,stay positive 抄我家挂历上的‘幸福之道’: 一贯知足 二目远眺 三餐有度 四季长春 五谷皆珍 六欲有节 七分打扮 八方交好 酒薄烟断 十分坦荡 时宜有律 十二分开心
你太牛了,不锻炼不cardio的运动量还比我一周加起来的多。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 周一没锻炼,都不知道干了什么了。。。。早起还干活 555555 周五104点几 3500估算的,应该只多不少,只把几个大项目加了一下 不多啊,几天就动了一下,不才350cal么,要不然就是你太懒啦 可是我看你ms活动满多的样子 不一定要gym才是运动啊 不是说生理期后几天走走路对身体好的么,我本来周日下午想去逛街的,结果吃过午饭就睡了。。。siesta 赫赫 同问你吃什么能吃3500cal亚?
3500cal: chinese food at home, lots of fruit cereal bar peanuts onion ring 2 icecream cones in the afternoon 1 pint of icecream at night almonds pinenuts tofu crab etc how much is 1 pint ah? still, could it be 3500cal? why you eat so much high fat food ne, nausea?
美人志上看得生理期保养, 总结一下 大家看看自己都有什么麻烦,也许有用,欢迎讨论 麻烦-->原因-->解决方法 1. 快来之前便秘-->黄体素-->多吃fiber(蔬果),多喝温开水 2. 快来之前心烦-->黄体素-->纪录生理期,做运动,户外活动 (我补充一个,做yoga, 很有用啊) 3.mimi size变化-->排卵期-->弹性内衣, shower温水按摩 4.起痘-->黄体素-->注意清洁,不要换保养品 5.来的头1,2天拉肚子-->胃酸分泌不良-->忌吃生冷食物 6.腰酸-->排血不畅-->保温+按摩(另外,肚子上有赘肉会加重腰酸, 所以塑身对健康也有好处啊!) 7.长或短于28天有没有关系? --如果在21-35天范围内, 每次间隔规律,就是正常的. 否则最好看医生. 一般少于28天属于热性体质,需要少吃辛辣,多于28天一般体质较虚, 要注意补养. 8.血块(超过大拇指一节大小)-->注意保暖,如果严重可能是子宫病变需要检查 really good to know
how much is 1 pint ah? still, could it be 3500cal? why you eat so much high fat food ne, nausea?
有什么烦心事,猛锻炼一阵,通常会好很多的 got less time on my hand busy at work so go home later than usual and have to work from home too weekends are packed with activities, or helping a friend move, or bring my mom to see places next weekend some friends will come to visit later this week someone's kid will come and stay temporarily at my home for several days need to go to the doc's, dentist's, orthodontist's need to service the car need to get prescription filled for mom blablabla.... life is so busy but really need to learn to cope
"美人志上看得生理期保养" 我就是想问问这个“美人志”是什么,在哪里可以看到?
got less time on my hand busy at work so go home later than usual and have to work from home too weekends are packed with activities, or helping a friend move, or bring my mom to see places next weekend some friends will come to visit later this week someone's kid will come and stay temporarily at my home for several days need to go to the doc's, dentist's, orthodontist's need to service the car need to get prescription filled for mom blablabla.... life is so busy but really need to learn to cope well you can say no to some of these things and delegate some to your LD:P busy at work usually means more money coming, hehe
well you can say no to some of these things and delegate some to your LD:P busy at work usually means more money coming, hehe
msg-ed u
admire啥,刚动了心思而已,还啥都没做呢 i meant motivation itself is good, seems it's hard for you not to keep going and get ahead, that kind of people would just get what they want
羡慕你已经有dream job了,我还在这碌碌无为的挣俩小钱 money is important ah if i knew this earlier, i guess i would do totally different things and health is even more important...if i knew this earlier, ...
i meant motivation itself is good, seems it's hard for you not to keep going and get ahead, that kind of people would just get what they want
money is important ah if i knew this earlier, i guess i would do totally different things and health is even more important...if i knew this earlier, ...
哈哈这两句深有同感 小时候可鄙视赚钱了。。。现在totally different 小时候应该好好做早操和眼保操,大学应该学很多体育项目,天天早锻炼, 中学应该减肥 还有研究生应该读另外那个专业 如果能回去做小时候自己的mentor今天搞不好很牛----不过别的人也都一样 倒不一定会很牛,就是会更顺利一点吧
o thanks i should try my best at diff things now fulfulling potential in itself is a pleasant experience 说的好亚。就是同时要记得‘身体是革命的本钱’亚 :)
说的好亚。就是同时要记得‘身体是革命的本钱’亚 :)
会少走不少弯路 不过人也是老在变,现在的想法跟15年前是全反过来了 跟10年前也很不一样 家里也要有本事给指路才能顺利啊,我爹妈都是imcompetent的代表性人物,听他们的我就毁了 家里倒不一定怎样本事,主要是本人是比较听话的那种 很多就算没本事的父母opinion也是很多的,有点本事的就更不用说了 说起父母来估计话就长了。。。 不过我今天休假呵呵。。。
heihei 我这里就是这样,忙一下又闲一下的,闲的时候闲的心里发慌啊。。。。。忙的时候有时候就是hours长。。。。 昨晚熬夜弄清楚了一套事情,可惜马上又要忙了 所以现在想新出路了, ------------------------ 进展,是刚做到了confrontation step felt great doing it 现在看的比较开了 觉得世界都更开阔了一样 最近几天自觉喜悦开朗 细节在给你email that is great! feel so happy for you!! 看得我都觉得心情更好了
症候:代谢增快,消化功能佳,精神稳定,心情愉快,肤质细腻光滑 减肥计划:此时是代谢的最佳时期只要严格的要求自己,减肥效果一下就出来了.至少可瘦2斤,不会反弹.
------------- 【瘦身福利期】 身体状况:
1. 腹闷胀痛
5.体重升 容易腹泻或便秘
【瘦身超速期】 身体状况:
1. 精神安定 心情愉快
应该这么做:1. 进行正确的减重饮食
·冬三月饮食宜食物品(2004-3-31 17:25:49)
·冬三月饮食宜忌原则(2004-3-31 17:22:54)
·秋三月饮食忌食物品(2004-3-31 17:19:33)
·秋三月饮食宜忌原则(2004-3-31 17:16:49)
·秋三月饮食宜食物品(2004-3-31 16:59:38)
·夏三月饮食忌食物品(2004-3-31 16:51:37)
·夏三月饮食宜食物品(2004-3-31 15:58:02)
·夏三月饮食宜忌原则(2004-3-31 15:08:06)
·春三月饮食忌食物品(2004-3-31 15:02:43)
·宜食物品(2004-3-31 14:11:52)
·四季饮食宜忌(2004-3-31 11:32:46)
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[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-8 3:15:49编辑过]
that is great! feel so happy for you!! 看得我都觉得心情更好了