以下是引用azurite在2007-4-15 17:22:00的发言: i am just very very very very curious, for these many dishes and this complicated preparation,
how much time do you spend from the very begining till everything is ready?
And how can you keep the cooked dishes warm while you are making the rest?
And how much time do you spend each day cleaning the dishes and the kitchen? 嘿嘿,说到痛处了。 我做菜慢,如果非常努力地统筹的话,也是要提前一天把大部分肉菜都备好。 前一天晚上把所有该卤的肉都卤完,浸在卤汤里。扣肉也都做完。汤炖好。 请客当天我基本上用两个小时备菜吧。 然后就是人来以后炒好两个热菜,这个就是10分钟以内的事。 处理肉类2小时:大肠,猪肚要花一点时间去洗。其他肉类都还好。用高压锅卤,会快很多。我基本上都是开始冒汽后15分钟就关火。 备菜我一般是全部切好熟食装盘,然后统一切葱姜蒜,然后统一调味。 不过我一般在厨房里干活的时候,都是至少三个火眼同时开着。三个TIMER一起盯着。然后一边洗菜,一边切菜,一边盯着火或者炒或者焯蔬菜。 我这次热菜做的不多,做完了就放在烤箱里稍微保温一下。 保守估计,至少5小时? 最后清洗工作不是我了,我家领导做。 我没有每天做这么多菜啊?我家厨房小,巴掌大地方,也好清理。
以下是引用malden在2007-4-15 18:16:00的发言: 嘿嘿,说到痛处了。 我做菜慢,如果非常努力地统筹的话,也是要提前一天把大部分肉菜都备好。 前一天晚上把所有该卤的肉都卤完,浸在卤汤里。扣肉也都做完。汤炖好。 请客当天我基本上用两个小时备菜吧。 然后就是人来以后炒好两个热菜,这个就是10分钟以内的事。 处理肉类2小时:大肠,猪肚要花一点时间去洗。其他肉类都还好。用高压锅卤,会快很多。我基本上都是开始冒汽后15分钟就关火。 备菜我一般是全部切好熟食装盘,然后统一切葱姜蒜,然后统一调味。 不过我一般在厨房里干活的时候,都是至少三个火眼同时开着。三个TIMER一起盯着。然后一边洗菜,一边切菜,一边盯着火或者炒或者焯蔬菜。 我这次热菜做的不多,做完了就放在烤箱里稍微保温一下。 保守估计,至少5小时? 最后清洗工作不是我了,我家领导做。 我没有每天做这么多菜啊?我家厨房小,巴掌大地方,也好清理。 ok, you invited guests over, that is a little bit more reasonable, i did not read very carefully, sorry about that. i thought you cook that much everyday,, i was shocked..
i personally really hate cooking, not because of the cooking but because of the preparation work and the cleaning up work....i cannot do it everyday,,, but i have this obsession that on one hand i think being woman i am supposed to cook, but on the other hand i really do not want to spend the time, and housework makes my hands rough, too, i do not want to lose the beauty....
i really want to know how to make the food delicious and fast and easy to clean up the kitchen....
and my hair,too. Everytime i cook i have to wash my hair that night, i cannot stand the smell on my hair after I cook, i really do not cook very often, cuz i cannot afford all the consequence of me cooking once... 以下是引用azurite在2007-4-15 18:35:00的发言: ok, you invited guests over, that is a little bit more reasonable, i did not read very carefully, sorry about that. i thought you cook that much everyday,, i was shocked..
i personally really hate cooking, not because of the cooking but because of the preparation work and the cleaning up work....i cannot do it everyday,,, but i have this obsession that on one hand i think being woman i am supposed to cook, but on the other hand i really do not want to spend the time, and housework makes my hands rough, too, i do not want to lose the beauty....
i really want to know how to make the food delicious and fast and easy to clean up the kitchen....
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 21:24:52编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 23:15:10编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 21:41:05编辑过]
金钱肚,牛键,牛筋,拿水焯过,用卤汤卤过。我发过卤料包得图。 我好像也发过夫妻肺片得做法啊。我去找找。 http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?boardid=222&topicid=274154&replyid=&skin=1
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 23:10:09编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 23:14:09编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 20:23:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 21:52:41编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-14 21:51:13编辑过]
看得我饿死了。。。。 dnn都是你做的么?你太油菜了啊。。。。。。。。你们也太fb了啊。。。。 我做的。嘿嘿。
有没有凉拌金针菇的做法阿。。。求教。。。 简单。金针菇焯水,过冷水河,沥干水分。拌入西红柿,我今天切得太粗了。 然后加红油,醋,一点酱油,盐,糖,麻油,葱末。拌匀即可。
妈呀,馋死我了,怎么感觉像没有吃晚饭一样,其实我刚吃饱了的。弱弱的问,这个各个凉拌大菜的红油,都是自己调的么?有没有偷懒的招数? 自己调得。我发过做法。其实做一次红油,多做一些,可以用很多次。 而且我平时也不放得很多。
今天没敢让她多喝。她们要保持清醒的头脑打牌,哈哈哈。 哈哈,让她替AC帮争气,体现我们人挫脑不挫的精神。。。。。。。。。打赢他们。。。。。。。。。
how much time do you spend from the very begining till everything is ready?
And how can you keep the cooked dishes warm while you are making the rest?
And how much time do you spend each day cleaning the dishes and the kitchen?
i am just very very very very curious, for these many dishes and this complicated preparation,
how much time do you spend from the very begining till everything is ready?
And how can you keep the cooked dishes warm while you are making the rest?
And how much time do you spend each day cleaning the dishes and the kitchen?
i personally really hate cooking, not because of the cooking but because of the preparation work and the cleaning up work....i cannot do it everyday,,, but i have this obsession that on one hand i think being woman i am supposed to cook, but on the other hand i really do not want to spend the time, and housework makes my hands rough, too, i do not want to lose the beauty....
i really want to know how to make the food delicious and fast and easy to clean up the kitchen....
以下是引用azurite在2007-4-15 18:35:00的发言:
i personally really hate cooking, not because of the cooking but because of the preparation work and the cleaning up work....i cannot do it everyday,,, but i have this obsession that on one hand i think being woman i am supposed to cook, but on the other hand i really do not want to spend the time, and housework makes my hands rough, too, i do not want to lose the beauty....
i really want to know how to make the food delicious and fast and easy to clean up the kitchen....
那个梅菜扣肉的照片在我这里。。入口即化,肥而不腻。 水平一流啊。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-21 0:10:51编辑过]
这个好漂亮,楼主能说具体一点吗? 去中国店买一包绿豆粉,以1比6的比例加水放在火上煮,一定要不停的搅拌,至沸腾. 放凉后切片入盘,加入蒜末,醋即可.
凉粉要用绿豆制的淀粉为原料。先将绿豆淀粉用水化开搅匀,锅内盛水烧开,待将要开时将化匀的绿豆淀粉倒入,边倒边搅,搅均匀后,盛入大瓷盘中晾凉,放入凉水浸泡,即成凉粉。吃时用刮挠(一种刨凉粉的工具)沿着凝结的凉粉刨出条,放入碗内,浇上好酱油、醋、蒜泥和胡萝卜丝、芝麻酱、辣椒油拌和,这种凉粉叫刮条。还有用刀切成小长条块的,也是浇上面的佐料食用 http://www.6park.com/life6/messages/gvk19693.html