一方面,美国连自己的国民都不管(Katrina/Maui and so on)。另一方面,同样的事情如果换成中国来做,你猜美国政府怎么说? 这些国际机构被操作的前例数不胜数,真这么有信心,就让中韩这些直接受害国的专家上门实时抽查。 中国政府可是刚刚禁了日本的所有海产品,韩国人也在疯抢海盐,连福岛自己的居民都在抗议。开放旅游,警告游客的危险,游客们还要去at their own risk呗
回复 162楼的帖子 加州人民应该是最先享用马桶水净化的饮用水的。 California plant transforming sewage into drinking water https://youtu.be/Aj9ylsoHBcg?feature=shared HRennoguest 发表于 2023-08-24 12:14
Japan announces date for Fukushima radioactive water release Greenpeace International 22 August 2023 • 4 min read Tokyo – Greenpeace Japan criticises the Japanese government’s announcement of the start date for radioactive water discharges from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station into the Pacific Ocean. The decision disregards scientific evidence, violates the human rights of communities in Japan and the Pacific region, and is non-compliant with international maritime law. More importantly it ignores its people’s concerns, including fishermen. The Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) – the nuclear power plants’ operators – falsely assert that there is no alternative to the decision to discharge and that it is necessary to move towards final decommissioning. This further highlights the failure of the decommissioning plan for the nuclear plants destroyed in the 2011 earthquake, stating that tens of thousands of tons of contaminated water will continue to increase with no effective solution. “We are deeply disappointed and outraged by the Japanese Government’s announcement to release water containing radioactive substances into the ocean. Despite concerns raised by fishermen, citizens, Fukushima residents, and the international community, especially in the Pacific region and neighboring countries, this decision has been made,” said Hisayo Takada, Project Manager at Greenpeace Japan. The increasing volumes of and the pending release of the radioactive water demonstrate the failure of the decommissioning plan for the Fukushima Daiichi. The contaminated water will continue to accumulate for many years without effective measures to stop it. The Japanese Government and TEPCO falsely claim that discharge is the only viable option necessary for eventual decommissioning. Nuclear power generation, which experiences shutdowns due to accidents and natural disasters, and perpetually requires thermal power as a backup, cannot serve as a solution to global warming. “The deliberate pollution of the Pacific Ocean through these radioactive waste discharges is a consequence of the 2011 nuclear disaster and Japan’s decades long nuclear power program. Instead of acknowledging the flaws in the current decommissioning plan, the ongoing nuclear crisis, and the massive amount of public funds required, the Japanese government intends to restart more nuclear reactors despite evidence of major earthquakes and safety risks. The current government energy plan fails to deliver secure and sustainable renewables such as wind and solar energy that the climate emergency demands,” said Takada. As of 8 June 2023, there were 1,335,381 cubic meters of radioactive wastewater stored in tanks[1], but due to the failure of the ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) processing technology, approximately 70% of this water will have to be processed again. Scientists have warned that the radiological risks from the discharges have not been fully assessed, and the biological impacts of tritium, carbon-14, strontium-90 and iodine-129, which will be released in the discharges, have been ignored.[2] The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) endorsed Japan’s plans for discharge. However, the IAEA has failed to investigate the operation of the ALPS, has completely ignored the highly radioactive fuel debris that melted down which continues every day to contaminate ground water – nearly 1000 cubic meters every ten days. Furthermore, the discharge plan has failed to conduct a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment, as required by its international legal obligations, given that there is a risk of significant transboundary harm to neighboring countries. The IAEA is not tasked with protecting the global marine environment but it should not encourage a state to violate it. “The myth is being perpetuated that discharges are necessary for decommissioning. But the Japanese government itself admits that there is sufficient water storage space in Fukushima Daiichi.[3] Long-term storage would expose the current government decommissioning roadmap as flawed, but that is exactly what needs to happen. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station is still in crisis, posing unique and severe hazards, and there is no credible plan for its decommissioning,” emphasized Shaun Burnie, Senior Nuclear Specialist at Greenpeace East Asia. Member states at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, as well as UN Special Rapporteurs, have opposed and criticized Japan’s discharge plans.[4] Japan’s discharge plans also disregard the groundbreaking Human Rights Council resolution 48/13, which in 2021 determined that it is a human right to have a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.[5] Furthermore, Japan has failed to comply with its legal obligations under the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to protect the marine environment including its legal requirement to conduct a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment into the discharges into the Pacific Ocean, given the risk of significant transboundary harm to neighboring countries.[6] “Instead of engaging in an honest debate about this reality, the Japanese government has opted for a false solution – decades of deliberate radioactive pollution of the marine environment – during a time when the world’s oceans are already facing immense stress and pressures. This is an outrage that violates the human rights of the people and communities of Fukushima, and other neighboring prefectures and the wider Asia-Pacific region,” said Burnie. ENDS
一方面,美国连自己的国民都不管(Katrina/Maui and so on)。另一方面,同样的事情如果换成中国来做,你猜美国政府怎么说? 这些国际机构被操作的前例数不胜数,真这么有信心,就让中韩这些直接受害国的专家上门实时抽查。 中国政府可是刚刚禁了日本的所有海产品,韩国人也在疯抢海盐,连福岛自己的居民都在抗议。开放旅游,警告游客的危险,游客们还要去at their own risk呗
上次台山核电泄漏事故就没下文了。 当初合作方法国向美国政府救援, 让人跌眼镜。 原来台山核电站技术是法国的, 但燃料包皮破损污染冷却水(好像是设计问题)。 修补清洗技术在美国公司手里, 受管制。 美国能源部说, 问题不大, 不需要美国公司救援。 法国方面说事情挑明了, 不干我的事了。 中国方面说, 连美国都说没事, 根本不是个事。 几天后台山核电站关机了, 又过了一段时间媒体报道中国第一座核废水处理厂建立。 不是什么大事。
你可以考虑夜黑风高日 吊死在日本领事馆前面 一样的为国捐躯
核污水里面只有氚么? 这脑子是喝了多少核污水?
全世界独有你日本爹一家, 其他国家没有发生过堆芯过水
你得先搞清楚日本发生了啥 其他国家没发生过
所有其他国家排放的是用来暖脚的暖水袋里面的水 日本放的是直接浸泡臭脚丫的水
这个回帖用来形容你自己简直太贴切了 还有, 信美国政府对灾害估计的新冠死者, 坟头长草了, 记得著名的“口罩无用论”么, 出自CDC 信夏威夷火警的人,已经是凉凉的黑炭
美国政府在灾难前面只有利益和算计, 对日本核废水睁眼啥很奇怪吗?
脑子是个好东西 如果不懂 可以网络多找点资料看看 网络没上锁 如果这么多解释 这么多资料也还是看不懂 那还是算了 别为难自己,又或许装睡的人是叫不醒的
哇 这么喜欢核废水 就跟那个层主说的 一次一点一次一点有啥危害对吧?
那日本这么多人分着吃, 你们日杂这么热情 一人一点就好了。我们不需要谢谢
这个容器是占全地球表面70%的大海洋! 海洋可以深到几千几万米甚至更多!分次倒是为了不让某一点浓度过高。
你误伤友军了 朋友 😂
但是这些大便水进了下水道然后进了自来水公司,你还真就喝上了。 所以,关键在于,你相信日本的核污水处理是简单的类似把大便水混到马桶里还是类似于自来水公司的净化,屁股决定脑袋吧。
这位不知道bill gates在非洲做的一个project吧。就是把马桶水净化成饮用水。Netflix有他的纪录片,他还带头喝了。
哇 你可真博学 居然知道这是个project 你再博学点 给我说说哪家自来水厂是抽马桶水来净化供水的? 这是马桶水喝多了?还是核废水喝多了?
搞了半天日本人不往自己河流湖泊里面排,是因为没钱造排水管道,而不是对处理后的水没信心? 这简单啊,中国出钱出人,帮日本修一根通内陆的排水管道,帮日本人进行海水淡化,你日本人能保障建成后直接往自己湖泊里排吗?
堂堂全球第三大经济体,全球最富裕的少数地方,把太平洋当成自家下水道,仅仅是因为缺了那点修水管的钱? 这话你自己真的相信??
你们这种故意装傻,真的有意思吗? 有任何证据证明日本核废水里只有氚,而没有其他放射性污染???
California plant transforming sewage into drinking water https://youtu.be/Aj9ylsoHBcg?feature=shared
全球三分之一的地区没有安全饮用水 这对水源极度缺乏的地区是好事情, 而且现代科技是能做到toilet to tap. 野外生存也经常有净水器 能把臭水转化成饮用水. 这不稀奇. 可这和核污水有关系么?你们这样转化视线有意思么? 还有没有低级缺乏水源地区 把核污水转换成饮用水的例子么?我知道日本人刚喝了一杯,为什么不开放给全日本人饮用呢?
Japan announces date for Fukushima radioactive water release Greenpeace International 22 August 2023 • 4 min read
Tokyo – Greenpeace Japan criticises the Japanese government’s announcement of the start date for radioactive water discharges from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station into the Pacific Ocean. The decision disregards scientific evidence, violates the human rights of communities in Japan and the Pacific region, and is non-compliant with international maritime law. More importantly it ignores its people’s concerns, including fishermen. The Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) – the nuclear power plants’ operators – falsely assert that there is no alternative to the decision to discharge and that it is necessary to move towards final decommissioning. This further highlights the failure of the decommissioning plan for the nuclear plants destroyed in the 2011 earthquake, stating that tens of thousands of tons of contaminated water will continue to increase with no effective solution. “We are deeply disappointed and outraged by the Japanese Government’s announcement to release water containing radioactive substances into the ocean. Despite concerns raised by fishermen, citizens, Fukushima residents, and the international community, especially in the Pacific region and neighboring countries, this decision has been made,” said Hisayo Takada, Project Manager at Greenpeace Japan. The increasing volumes of and the pending release of the radioactive water demonstrate the failure of the decommissioning plan for the Fukushima Daiichi. The contaminated water will continue to accumulate for many years without effective measures to stop it. The Japanese Government and TEPCO falsely claim that discharge is the only viable option necessary for eventual decommissioning. Nuclear power generation, which experiences shutdowns due to accidents and natural disasters, and perpetually requires thermal power as a backup, cannot serve as a solution to global warming. “The deliberate pollution of the Pacific Ocean through these radioactive waste discharges is a consequence of the 2011 nuclear disaster and Japan’s decades long nuclear power program. Instead of acknowledging the flaws in the current decommissioning plan, the ongoing nuclear crisis, and the massive amount of public funds required, the Japanese government intends to restart more nuclear reactors despite evidence of major earthquakes and safety risks. The current government energy plan fails to deliver secure and sustainable renewables such as wind and solar energy that the climate emergency demands,” said Takada. As of 8 June 2023, there were 1,335,381 cubic meters of radioactive wastewater stored in tanks[1], but due to the failure of the ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) processing technology, approximately 70% of this water will have to be processed again. Scientists have warned that the radiological risks from the discharges have not been fully assessed, and the biological impacts of tritium, carbon-14, strontium-90 and iodine-129, which will be released in the discharges, have been ignored.[2] The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) endorsed Japan’s plans for discharge. However, the IAEA has failed to investigate the operation of the ALPS, has completely ignored the highly radioactive fuel debris that melted down which continues every day to contaminate ground water – nearly 1000 cubic meters every ten days. Furthermore, the discharge plan has failed to conduct a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment, as required by its international legal obligations, given that there is a risk of significant transboundary harm to neighboring countries. The IAEA is not tasked with protecting the global marine environment but it should not encourage a state to violate it. “The myth is being perpetuated that discharges are necessary for decommissioning. But the Japanese government itself admits that there is sufficient water storage space in Fukushima Daiichi.[3] Long-term storage would expose the current government decommissioning roadmap as flawed, but that is exactly what needs to happen. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station is still in crisis, posing unique and severe hazards, and there is no credible plan for its decommissioning,” emphasized Shaun Burnie, Senior Nuclear Specialist at Greenpeace East Asia. Member states at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, as well as UN Special Rapporteurs, have opposed and criticized Japan’s discharge plans.[4] Japan’s discharge plans also disregard the groundbreaking Human Rights Council resolution 48/13, which in 2021 determined that it is a human right to have a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.[5] Furthermore, Japan has failed to comply with its legal obligations under the United Nations Convention for the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), to protect the marine environment including its legal requirement to conduct a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment into the discharges into the Pacific Ocean, given the risk of significant transboundary harm to neighboring countries.[6] “Instead of engaging in an honest debate about this reality, the Japanese government has opted for a false solution – decades of deliberate radioactive pollution of the marine environment – during a time when the world’s oceans are already facing immense stress and pressures. This is an outrage that violates the human rights of the people and communities of Fukushima, and other neighboring prefectures and the wider Asia-Pacific region,” said Burnie. ENDS
别跳针这样快, 影片是回答你问那里有哪家自来水厂是抽马桶水净化供水的。 影片回答了你的问题。
你问问你同学敢不敢喝? 或者洗衣做饭?
You nailed it!!!
真谢谢你啊 不过我怎么觉得你本意并非如此呢?
中国代表团关于日本福岛第一核电站事故核污染水处置问题的工作文件 信息来源:中国常驻国际原子能机构维也纳总部代表团 https://www.caea.gov.cn/n6760338/n6760342/c10087800/content.html