你不懂就不要乱说。 以前有被打死的案例。觉得你不熟,出门说句freeze,觉得自己危险就可以打了。 黑人和亚裔是最容易这样被打死的人群。有讨糖的,还有翻别人垃圾桶的,都容易被打死。 Indiana今年通过的法律是,即使警察未经允许闯入私宅都可以开枪。 Burns Ind. Code Ann. § 35-41-3-2 2012 Ind. SEA 1 https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/indiana/in-code/indiana_code_35-41-3-2 Sec. 2. (a) In enacting this section, the general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to recognize the unique character of a citizen’s home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant. By reaffirming the long standing right of a citizen to protect his or her home against unlawful intrusion, however, the general assembly does not intend to diminish in any way the other robust self defense rights that citizens of this state have always enjoyed. Accordingly, the general assembly also finds and declares that it is the policy of this state that people have a right to defend themselves and third parties from physical harm and crime. The purpose of this section is to provide the citizens of this state with a lawful means of carrying out this policy. Provisions concerning civil immunity for the justified use of force as defined in this section are codified under IC 34-30-31.
Indiana''''s Castle Doctrine The use of deadly force in Indiana is justified when it''''s used to prevent bodily harm to one''''s self or others, or the stopping of a forcible felony. It may also be used to prevent or stop an attack or unlawful entry into one''''s home, vehicle, or property. This includes unlawful entry by police officers. This also applies to other''''s home when the defender is a relative, or has the authority to protect it. It is also expectable to use deadly force to prevent the hijacking of an aircraft. Statute
你不懂就不要乱说。 以前有被打死的案例。觉得你不熟,出门说句freeze,觉得自己危险就可以打了。 黑人和亚裔是最容易这样被打死的人群。有讨糖的,还有翻别人垃圾桶的,都容易被打死。 Indiana今年通过的法律是,即使警察未经允许闯入私宅都可以开枪。 Burns Ind. Code Ann. § 35-41-3-2 2012 Ind. SEA 1 https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/indiana/in-code/indiana_code_35-41-3-2 Sec. 2. (a) In enacting this section, the general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to recognize the unique character of a citizen’s home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant. By reaffirming the long standing right of a citizen to protect his or her home against unlawful intrusion, however, the general assembly does not intend to diminish in any way the other robust self defense rights that citizens of this state have always enjoyed. Accordingly, the general assembly also finds and declares that it is the policy of this state that people have a right to defend themselves and third parties from physical harm and crime. The purpose of this section is to provide the citizens of this state with a lawful means of carrying out this policy. Provisions concerning civil immunity for the justified use of force as defined in this section are codified under IC 34-30-31.
Indiana''''s Castle Doctrine The use of deadly force in Indiana is justified when it''''s used to prevent bodily harm to one''''s self or others, or the stopping of a forcible felony. It may also be used to prevent or stop an attack or unlawful entry into one''''s home, vehicle, or property. This includes unlawful entry by police officers. This also applies to other''''s home when the defender is a relative, or has the authority to protect it. It is also expectable to use deadly force to prevent the hijacking of an aircraft. Statute
你不懂就不要乱说。 以前有被打死的案例。觉得你不熟,出门说句freeze,觉得自己危险就可以打了。 黑人和亚裔是最容易这样被打死的人群。有讨糖的,还有翻别人垃圾桶的,都容易被打死。 Indiana今年通过的法律是,即使警察未经允许闯入私宅都可以开枪。 Burns Ind. Code Ann. § 35-41-3-2 2012 Ind. SEA 1 https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/indiana/in-code/indiana_code_35-41-3-2 Sec. 2. (a) In enacting this section, the general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to recognize the unique character of a citizen’s home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant. By reaffirming the long standing right of a citizen to protect his or her home against unlawful intrusion, however, the general assembly does not intend to diminish in any way the other robust self defense rights that citizens of this state have always enjoyed. Accordingly, the general assembly also finds and declares that it is the policy of this state that people have a right to defend themselves and third parties from physical harm and crime. The purpose of this section is to provide the citizens of this state with a lawful means of carrying out this policy. Provisions concerning civil immunity for the justified use of force as defined in this section are codified under IC 34-30-31.
Indiana''''''''s Castle Doctrine The use of deadly force in Indiana is justified when it''''''''s used to prevent bodily harm to one''''''''s self or others, or the stopping of a forcible felony. It may also be used to prevent or stop an attack or unlawful entry into one''''''''s home, vehicle, or property. This includes unlawful entry by police officers. This also applies to other''''''''s home when the defender is a relative, or has the authority to protect it. It is also expectable to use deadly force to prevent the hijacking of an aircraft. Statute
minqidev 发表于 2022-09-01 12:01
This includes unlawful entry by police officers.keyword: UNLAWFUL 警察执法 (on law enforcement duty) 不算unlawful
是啊,感觉男的也就是个急性子,拧几下门把,看着也没有很暴力,就是急着想开门进去,不相信女的会锁门的那种。这父亲就说了句i got a gun,然后真的就几秒后立马开枪,感觉都没几秒,因为说了i got a gun,那男的就开始转身了啊,感觉说和开枪同时进行,否则怎么可能前面还中了一枪,看了视频,感觉真的惨,陌生人都觉得太枉死了,为他的父母感到伤心,养这么大了。
其实这事对老父亲也是很大的 emotional burden,所以视频里女儿和母亲都在安慰他,说他做得对 "you saved my life"。随便copy几个评论: Every person has the right to defend themselves. This man did the right thing. If someone is breaking in your home, you need to protect yourself and family. That father was right in everything he did. He has the responsibility to protect his family. I''m glad no charges will be filed, and I sincerely hope this family can get the counseling they need to begin their emotional healing. I held it together until I heard the daughter comfort her dad and tell him he saved her life. I’m sure that man needed to hear that from her at that exact moment. That violent stalker will never have a chance to terrorize his daughter, or anyone else’s for that matter, ever again. He probably saved more lives than just his daughter’s life. He’s a hero. It’s rough, but what choice did the father have? Protecting your family is priority. While it is sad that this happened, sometimes the use of deadly force is justified, and this clearly was one of those times. If someone is attempting to force their way into your home then clearly they are violent. If her father wasn’t there his daughter could easily have been another story on the news about an abusive and obsessed ex killing their former partner. I’m not even a fan of guns but I’m a big believer in protecting those you love. He was given MULTIPLE WARNINGS and MULTIPLE CHANCES to walk away.
华人网上圣母(或者假装的圣母的)真的好多,在这里秀自己不懂枪不懂法(背后开枪,防卫过当,三枪太多,一枪足够,父女冷血,邻居吃瓜), 再宣扬下美国的堕落险恶(踩草皮死,敲门死,推销死,一言不合死,掀起杀前男友潮流,不杀生是善良中国思维,随意杀生是邪恶美国思维), 又顺便racist了一把(黑杀黑,白杀白,白杀黄,白杀黑)。 copy个youtube上的评论,送给这些圣母 —— hope you never have a daughter with a stalker ex bf
你不懂就不要乱说。 以前有被打死的案例。觉得你不熟,出门说句freeze,觉得自己危险就可以打了。
Burns Ind. Code Ann. § 35-41-3-2 2012 Ind. SEA 1 https://www.lawserver.com/law/state/indiana/in-code/indiana_code_35-41-3-2
Sec. 2. (a) In enacting this section, the general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to recognize the unique character of a citizen’s home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant. By reaffirming the long standing right of a citizen to protect his or her home against unlawful intrusion, however, the general assembly does not intend to diminish in any way the other robust self defense rights that citizens of this state have always enjoyed. Accordingly, the general assembly also finds and declares that it is the policy of this state that people have a right to defend themselves and third parties from physical harm and crime. The purpose of this section is to provide the citizens of this state with a lawful means of carrying out this policy. Provisions concerning civil immunity for the justified use of force as defined in this section are codified under IC 34-30-31.
Indiana''''s Castle Doctrine The use of deadly force in Indiana is justified when it''''s used to prevent bodily harm to one''''s self or others, or the stopping of a forcible felony. It may also be used to prevent or stop an attack or unlawful entry into one''''s home, vehicle, or property. This includes unlawful entry by police officers. This also applies to other''''s home when the defender is a relative, or has the authority to protect it. It is also expectable to use deadly force to prevent the hijacking of an aircraft. Statute
我们州就可以不退让的州啊,我不管其他州。我一直说是这个男的找死 而且即使法律规定不是自卫,80%概率,陪审团会宣布无罪的,只要开枪的人没有明显的恶意。
This includes unlawful entry by police officers. keyword: UNLAWFUL 警察执法 (on law enforcement duty) 不算unlawful
要救的 要采取一些基本的紧急抢救措施比如心肺复苏 这个是可以证明开枪者是没有谋杀意图的
首先 各个州不一样 其次 他们已经早打过了911 第三 他们可以argue说因为开枪打了人 心神惶恐不知道该怎么做 所以只知道傻等911来救, which could be true
你哪个眼睛看到我不是这么说的? 我只是说我们州肯定和Ohio一样,是合法的。 是不退让的。 别人敲了门,屋主感到危险,就可以开枪。
我再仔细查了查,好像只有DC明确要求经理避免冲突,其他州基本没有 On Duty to retreat
视频显然是剪辑过的 父母劝他走 父亲去拿枪 男方把门上的玻璃打碎 连门框都撞松了 怎么可能一分钟不到做这许多?
那人是个蠢货,一看就国内翻墙过来的 凡事有这个思维: 警察为啥不打犯人腿,不用麻醉枪, 警察为啥要一弹夹全部打完 为啥不能掏枪警告下,为啥一定要射击
都是翻墙过来的,或者刚下飞机的 真的,就用这一点,就可以直接区分:大陆人和美华
是啊,感觉男的也就是个急性子,拧几下门把,看着也没有很暴力,就是急着想开门进去,不相信女的会锁门的那种。这父亲就说了句i got a gun,然后真的就几秒后立马开枪,感觉都没几秒,因为说了i got a gun,那男的就开始转身了啊,感觉说和开枪同时进行,否则怎么可能前面还中了一枪,看了视频,感觉真的惨,陌生人都觉得太枉死了,为他的父母感到伤心,养这么大了。
和敲几下, 等几秒没啥关系
在美国只要敲门, 就有被枪击的可能
Google Door to door salesman shot by homeowner
所以,遇到麻烦打911真的屁用没有 一分多钟,门已经快(一说是已经)被撞开了 又过了几分钟,警察才show up 要不是老爸开枪,这家人不知道会有什么后果 YouTube上的老美几乎都是站老爸的 ,都说他有责任保护自己的家人
搞了半天是中部玉米州 我在IU呆过一年半,这辈子都不想去中部了 最差的地方
别的不说 打碎玻璃为啥一定会流血?
其实这事对老父亲也是很大的 emotional burden,所以视频里女儿和母亲都在安慰他,说他做得对 "you saved my life"。随便copy几个评论:
Every person has the right to defend themselves. This man did the right thing. If someone is breaking in your home, you need to protect yourself and family.
That father was right in everything he did. He has the responsibility to protect his family. I''m glad no charges will be filed, and I sincerely hope this family can get the counseling they need to begin their emotional healing.
I held it together until I heard the daughter comfort her dad and tell him he saved her life. I’m sure that man needed to hear that from her at that exact moment. That violent stalker will never have a chance to terrorize his daughter, or anyone else’s for that matter, ever again. He probably saved more lives than just his daughter’s life. He’s a hero.
It’s rough, but what choice did the father have? Protecting your family is priority.
While it is sad that this happened, sometimes the use of deadly force is justified, and this clearly was one of those times. If someone is attempting to force their way into your home then clearly they are violent.
If her father wasn’t there his daughter could easily have been another story on the news about an abusive and obsessed ex killing their former partner. I’m not even a fan of guns but I’m a big believer in protecting those you love. He was given MULTIPLE WARNINGS and MULTIPLE CHANCES to walk away.
你没看清楚我说开枪这事有理吗? 我说的是这女的跟死者真般配、 怪不得他俩是一对呢都不是正常人。
太夸张了吧。 那些上门推销的还得是高危职业了
他们已经报警了。这个时候可不能开门啊。谁知道他在不在血泊里,不开门看不清楚的。万一一枪都没打中,一开门他冲进来怎么办。这个时候是应该等警察。 我觉得这个老人做的没错。那男的已经在撞门了。难道坐以待毙吗?
其实我觉得死者不值,对方给了警告,不冲动是完全可避免。这不该是性别问题,今天是男孩闯女孩家,也会有女孩闯男孩家,男孩闯男孩家…. 被闯入方有权保护自己家庭,为此而付出的代价,无法预知。
视频里没什么问题 只是层主问为什么要救 我就是解释一下 说吓坏了没有采取急救措施也没有什么问题
我,男孩家长,支持打死 你需要教育你儿子的是:无论什么情况,不要硬闯别人的家或者车,人家说滚,赶紧润
copy个youtube上的评论,送给这些圣母 —— hope you never have a daughter with a stalker ex bf
她有打電話報警阿 而且男的這種行為確實很嚇人 但確實可以放槍把人嚇走 或許這是在這次的情況下最有可能和平收場的方式
去靶场用手枪打靶试试就知道了,瞄来瞄去也不容易打中,紧急情况更不是指哪打哪啊! 好像有统计,训练有素的警察紧在急情况下开枪的命中率也不超过六成(大概的印象,不一定准确哈),即使大都数情况下嫌疑人离的不远。
其实有两个人,另外一个白人小孩也没停住朝屋主走反而都没事,但是日本被打死了。 也就是说我说的,因为那里附近亚裔少,所以屋主以为是陌生人,所以才开枪。