Trump and his family watched the FBI search Mar-a-Lago via the property''s security feed. ead more:
It’s always been like this, politicians and public figures are selected. This time they just made it so obvious but most of the people still can’t sense it like you did. Trump exposed so many aspects of reality domestically and internationally, people still caught fighting between dem and rep are just being brainwashed for too long and became too dumb.
去看一下原话吧 一半:They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice … 另外一半:are people who feel the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures; and they're just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but – he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.
因为女婿在丈人入驻白宫前欠了一屁股债啊。 然后要挟得到一笔钱摆脱困境 Jared Kushner, in his capacity as a senior adviser to President Trump, reportedly played a central role in supporting a blockade of Qatar by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Kushner never disclosed his meeting with Saudi Arabia and the UAE on the blockade to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the time. Later, a financial company tied to Qatar brokered an especially valuable deal to rescue the Kushner Companies’ property at 666 Fifth Avenue. 落地无声 发表于 2022-08-12 22:07
联邦和地方政府抢物质,让大家竞价。害得gop的州长也要偷偷从韩国搞物资、亲自去机场押解,就怕联邦半路截胡。 Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said Thursday the state is using the Maryland National Guard and state police to keep the coronavirus test kits it secured from South Korea safe -- including from the federal government. When asked directly in a Washington Post Live interview about whether he was concerned the federal government would seize the shipment of tests, the Republican governor said, "It was a little bit of a concern about trying to get these things and it was a very complicated process." He said the plane was greeted on the tarmac by National Guard and state police personnel.
回复 745楼落地无声的帖子 Hogan cited the fate of 3 million N95 masks purchased by the state of Massachusetts --- all of which were confiscated in March by the federal government at the port of New York -- as the main reason for taking extra precautions to secure his state’s order of 500,000 COVID-19 testing kits from South Korea. 明抢啊。 That was so important to us that we wanted to make sure that plane took off from Korea safely, landed here in America safely and that we guarded that cargo from whoever might interfere with us getting that to our folks that need it,” he said in an interview with the
回复 776楼westlake的帖子 FBI can visit and review anytime they want, this has never been about documents. You lose if you believe that's the case. Trump is the enemy of deep states and corrupted officials. If he decides not to run office again, all attack will be stopped right away. As POTUS, he has right to access classified documents and declassify them. Those documents have damning evidence about corrupted government branches, including FBI, DOJ, CIA. He caught them all... some of the declassified documents already passesd onto John Durham, the special counsel hired by former AG, to investigate russian gate, spy gate from previous administration. he did not act on most of the declassified documents in his first term, but he may for the second term. Therefore, he is existential threat of corrupted government who just passed the bill to hire 87000 armed IRS use your tax money and scrutinize your tax. I don't know which side you are, but I know the corrupted official is not on my side. This is my last post on this thread, no need to attack me as messenger
回复 776楼westlake的帖子 FBI can visit and review anytime they want, this has never been about documents. You lose if you believe that''s the case. Trump is the enemy of deep states and corrupted officials. If he decides not to run office again, all attack will be stopped right away. As POTUS, he has right to access classified documents and declassify them. Those documents have damning evidence about corrupted government branches, including FBI, DOJ, CIA. He caught them all... some of the declassified documents already passesd onto John Durham, the special counsel hired by former AG, to investigate russian gate, spy gate from previous administration. he did not act on most of the declassified documents in his first term, but he may for the second term. Therefore, he is existential threat of corrupted government who just passed the bill to hire 87000 armed IRS use your tax money and scrutinize your tax. I don''t know which side you are, but I know the corrupted official is not on my side. This is my last post on this thread, no need to attack me as messenger monofaye 发表于 2022-08-13 10:16
回复 776楼westlake的帖子 FBI can visit and review anytime they want, this has never been about documents. You lose if you believe that''s the case. Trump is the enemy of deep states and corrupted officials. If he decides not to run office again, all attack will be stopped right away. As POTUS, he has right to access classified documents and declassify them. Those documents have damning evidence about corrupted government branches, including FBI, DOJ, CIA. He caught them all... some of the declassified documents already passesd onto John Durham, the special counsel hired by former AG, to investigate russian gate, spy gate from previous administration. he did not act on most of the declassified documents in his first term, but he may for the second term. Therefore, he is existential threat of corrupted government who just passed the bill to hire 87000 armed IRS use your tax money and scrutinize your tax. I don''t know which side you are, but I know the corrupted official is not on my side. This is my last post on this thread, no need to attack me as messenger monofaye 发表于 2022-08-13 10:16
BREAKINGL Judge has granted the motion to unseal the search warrant and receipts. ===================================================================== WSJ和Breitbart同时获得的文件显示,川普因涉嫌违反正在接受调查的法律包括18 USC 793 《间谍法》(针对故意/严重疏忽删除破坏涉及国防有关信息)。每份涉违法文件处罚可高达10年。 ======================================= NEW via Breitbart: Trump under investigation per search warrant for: 18 USC 2071 — Concealment, removal or mutilation 18 USC 793 — Gathering, transmitting or losing defence information 18 USC 1519 — Destruction, alteration or falsification of records in Federal investigations
============================== 据华尔街日报报道,周一搜查特朗普海湖庄园的FBI特工,带走了11套机密文件,其中包括一些标为绝密文件,只在特殊的政府机构中提供。 一份从特朗普住所拿走的物品清单显示,联邦调查局特工拿走了大约20箱物品、装订成册的照片、一张手写的纸条和对特朗普的盟友罗杰·斯通的行政许可。这份三页的清单显示,物品中还包括有关“法国总统”的信息。这份清单包含在一份七页的文件中,其中还包括佛罗里达州一名联邦地方法官签发的搜查令。 清单中提到了一套标有“各种机密/TS/SCI文件”的指引,缩写字幕指的是最高机密/敏感隔离信息。特工还收集了四套绝密文件,三套秘密文件和三套机密文件。清单没有提供任何有关文件内容的更多细节。 特朗普的律师认为,他在离任前行使了他的权力来解密这些材料。虽然总统有权力解密文件,但联邦法规也规定了解密的程序。 JUST IN: FBI looked for documents related to nuclear weapons at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: WaPo
JUST IN: In first public remarks since the FBI raid on former Pres. Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence, Attorney General Garland says, "faithful adherence to the rule of law is the bedrock principle of the Justice Department and of our democracy." — ABC News (@ABC) August 11, 2022
这个话说得也越来越让人不解了 既然要发表自己的观点 那么就是要让人接受自己的观点 现在连提问也不允许了 嫌麻烦了 只能允许接受 连半信半疑也不行了 更不能说有反对和质疑 那还发表啥观点做啥呢
既然人家对你提问 那么至少是对你的论点是有兴趣的 没有不理不睬视之无物吧
连着个也被批吗 晕不晕
但是讲道理卸任不该带走机密文件这种事情不用科普吧?你还说要verify什么administrative law,这不是常识吗?这都需要别人科普?
现在有争议的是 1 机密文件是否是已经解密的 2 机密文件的定义和几级 3 带走的文件在之前和国家档案馆交接完毕并相互认可 4 前特情局局长开始有了摄像头争论风波
总统简报也算是机密文件的一种 但是退休总统人手一份 除了川普没有?
很多问题在常人眼里是当然的 但是我眼里如果要探讨就是认真的 就是发表个自己观点而已 如有不适,请大度些多多体谅吧
好像历史上没有读到过吧 话说, 川普已经离开白宫快两年了吧 现在想起来搜查 也是反应有点慢了 而且还在这个节点 确实让人好奇
这也是我一直不理解的地方 六年了 到底犯了什么事 而且没完没了 没有结果 折腾得很
历史上 臭名的麦卡锡时期也就4年
还能因为什么?共和党办事不力呗,16年党内初选就应该把他screen 掉的,光靠民主党显然很难呀。
我一直有个疑问 当初作为政治素人的川普 怎么会被推上来的 后面的那只手是谁 还有那之后一系列的事情 总感觉有一只无形的手
话说现在就是你想竞选个镇长 也得有人拉你呢
不过我们也只是看看 估计大多数人也不愿意知道 好奇心会害死一只猫
路透社8月13日报道,美国司法部周五表示,美国联邦调查局(FBI)特工本周从美国前总统特朗普位于佛罗里达州的家中搜出11箱分类文件, 包括被标注为“最高机密”的文件。司法部同时披露了此次搜查的理由,因为特朗普很有可能违反了《间谍法》,如他被定罪,将面临最高10年监禁。
It’s always been like this, politicians and public figures are selected. This time they just made it so obvious but most of the people still can’t sense it like you did. Trump exposed so many aspects of reality domestically and internationally, people still caught fighting between dem and rep are just being brainwashed for too long and became too dumb.
He doesn’t need gop, gop needs him. If gop could’ve got rid of him, he wouldn’t even be selected in 2016
川皇非常缺钱好吧?2022 和2024 都有大笔的钱要还。
张嘴就是总统是大boss, 这是墙里的?
从川皇离任national archive 就一直在跟他要东西啊。要了这么久,还回来的里面有classified 。。。等等,自己看新闻吧。
就知道一部分人被China virus hurt了。 没关系,IRS Army 来了,来保护你们了, LOL
对,所以要政变,要勤王😂 😂😂
CNN has credibility? CNN is part of the problem, Wake up, folks!. 很多年前都说了,做人不要太CNN...你看看现在CNN的收视率就知道多少人看了
一家子穷凶极恶的捞钱。记得covid 前期 白宫花了好多钱买口罩消毒机, 回扣少不了
联邦和地方政府抢物质,让大家竞价。害得gop的州长也要偷偷从韩国搞物资、亲自去机场押解,就怕联邦半路截胡。 Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan said Thursday the state is using the Maryland National Guard and state police to keep the coronavirus test kits it secured from South Korea safe -- including from the federal government. When asked directly in a Washington Post Live interview about whether he was concerned the federal government would seize the shipment of tests, the Republican governor said, "It was a little bit of a concern about trying to get these things and it was a very complicated process." He said the plane was greeted on the tarmac by National Guard and state police personnel.
Hogan cited the fate of 3 million N95 masks purchased by the state of Massachusetts --- all of which were confiscated in March by the federal government at the port of New York -- as the main reason for taking extra precautions to secure his state’s order of 500,000 COVID-19 testing kits from South Korea.
That was so important to us that we wanted to make sure that plane took off from Korea safely, landed here in America safely and that we guarded that cargo from whoever might interfere with us getting that to our folks that need it,” he said in an interview with the
老川 关起来。
无法参加 2024 年大选。
民主党胜, 拜登 贺锦丽连任。
2025年 拜登 生病, 贺锦丽任美国总统, 佩洛西 当美国副总统, AOC 当美国议长。
如果 美国 全部交给 民主党的女政治家管理,
美国会更加 进步, 环保, 和欧盟关系更好。
他是美国的纳粹分子。 太危险啊。
民主党 和欧盟的关系比较好,
尤其 美国和德国关系好, 对欧美稳定好些。
那位居然不知道核武机密资料可以干嘛 不知道是真傻还是装傻
前面有川粉说过 离职不拿走资料的 不是职位太低就是loser
Trump has 100 mil at hand for election....where did you learn he does not have money?
这里有人说了,川普的金主是rust belt 的穷鬼,哪里来的钱啊。 人家白等后面金主有盖茨光头这样的首富,相比之下川普不就是穷鬼一枚啊
FBI 早就去看过了,还建议川普加把锁,锁加了,还说随时需要随时来看,结果被raid了。如果真的是特别机要的文件,为啥FBI拿了warrant等了两天才去的。请大家不要人云亦云,别人说啥就是啥,看到这些评论真的显示出你们的认知多少,水平在那里。
苹果公司 比较有钱吧,
另外苹果公司的口号 比较接近民主党.
医药企业, 还有医生, 保险等 垄断行业比较支持共和党吧,
这样一来 美国的医疗价格全世界最贵.
苹果公司 等 企业 估计比较支持民主党吧.
你们说来说去,还是白等无能。 川普领导下的国家档案馆,把乱七八糟的奥巴马文档处理的妥妥的,虽然川普多有抱怨。 相比之下痴呆白等上台后啥事不干,档案馆连川普的档案都处理不好,就几份文件而已,闹得鸡飞狗跳,有这时间,稍微布局一下,调整一下核武部署,这些机密早就失效了。
Seriously? Maybe you only learn American politics from MSM, let them feed what they want you to believe LOL
我看到的说法,是后来FBI又得到线报,有可能有交易进行,所以才不得不抢先下手,避免机密文件落到其它国家手里。FBI向法官申请搜查的时候还需要提供证据证明不能再等了,必须马上把文件拿回来,不然危及国家安全,法官才会批准。这个证据我猜也是机密,不在公开的材料之内。你看看公开的搜查令,可能的罪名是espionage,这个罪名,不是私藏资料,不是说万一他把资料给了谁,需要有证据证明交易已经开始,必须马上阻止。 川普的麻烦,现在已经不是私藏文件那么简单了,有可能会是间谍活动,这是为什么GOP大佬现在不敢说话的原因。 仔细想想吧
好厉害的角度哈哈 GOP没有请你去做律师是GOP的损失啊
川粉甩锅能力一流 懂王偷机密文件都是拜登的锅 这逻辑太牛了 哈哈哈
FBI can visit and review anytime they want, this has never been about documents. You lose if you believe that's the case. Trump is the enemy of deep states and corrupted officials. If he decides not to run office again, all attack will be stopped right away.
As POTUS, he has right to access classified documents and declassify them. Those documents have damning evidence about corrupted government branches, including FBI, DOJ, CIA. He caught them all...
some of the declassified documents already passesd onto John Durham, the special counsel hired by former AG, to investigate russian gate, spy gate from previous administration. he did not act on most of the declassified documents in his first term, but he may for the second term. Therefore, he is existential threat of corrupted government who just passed the bill to hire 87000 armed IRS use your tax money and scrutinize your tax. I don't know which side you are, but I know the corrupted official is not on my side.
This is my last post on this thread, no need to attack me as messenger
佩罗西, 贺锦丽的网站 天天批判 共和党 不为劳动人民照想啊.
佩罗西, 贺锦丽的网站天天都是 工会, 照顾劳动人民的权利啊!
起码民主党的网站里的口号 是 廉洁, 法制, 还有 为美国劳动人民的福利 服务吗?
佩罗西, 贺锦丽的网站 口号很漂亮啊.
我经常看 佩罗西, 贺锦丽的 facebook 网站啊.
口号都很美丽动人啊, 都是批判共和党的反动, 保守.
(德国之声中文网)根据周五(8月12日)公布的法庭文件,美国联邦调查局(FBI)特工从前总统特朗普在佛罗里达的宅邸海湖庄园(Mar-a-Lago)查获大量机密文件。 联邦调查局周一突击搜查了海湖庄园,但至今尚未公布搜查或者查获详情。联邦法律禁止不当处置机密材料,以及未经授权销毁和私藏机密文件或材料。
法庭文件显示,FBI特工在海湖庄园查获了11套机密文件,包括4套标为绝密(最高机密)的文件和7套其他类型的机密文件。其中一套绝密文件还被标记为"敏感分类信息"(SCI)--属于最高级别的机密。 这些文件的内容没有公布。"绝密"文件是指属于最高机密的国家安全信息。这些文件通常保管在特殊的政府设施中,以免对国家安全造成严重损害。 特工们查获了20多箱物品,还包括装有照片的活页夹、关于法国总统的材料、特朗普特赦其盟友罗杰·斯通(Roger Stone)的行政命令和一张手写便条。 根据这些文件,特朗普可能正在因为违反《间谍法》而接受调查。 在执政期间,特朗普加大了对违反这些法律的处罚力度。
联邦调查局请求法院解封搜查令 周四,美国司法部长加兰(Merrick Garland )表示,司法部已经请求佛罗里达州的一家法院解封对特朗普的搜查令,理由是"此事涉及大量公共利益"。 特朗普周五在他创办的社交媒体平台"真相社交"(Truth Social)发文声称,被查封的文件并未涉及机密。 "第一,这都是已经解密的文件。第二,他们不需要'查获'任何东西。他们可以在任何时候得到它,而不需要进行政治操作和闯入海湖庄园。"特朗普写道,"这些文件保存在安全的库房里,根据他们的要求,还另外加了一把锁。" 根据美国法律,在任总统可以解密信息,但这项权力在他们离任后就失效了。目前还不清楚被FBI扣押的这些文件是否曾被解密。 包括国家档案馆在内的机构曾向特朗普多次请求,要求他根据联邦法律交出总统档案。
特朗普被指控违反了哪些法律? 解封后的搜查令显示,FBI获准扣押特朗普涉嫌违反三个不同法律的物品。这些法律都涉及到对联邦政府档案的不当处置。无论这些档案是否仍属机密,这些法律都适用。 搜查令所引用的第一条法律规定防止未经授权拥有国防信息,违反者可被判处最高10年监禁。 另外两项法律禁止隐瞒或销毁美国政府文件,违反者可被分别判处3年和20年监禁。 联邦调查局面临反击 自周一实施搜查行动以来,加兰和他领导的司法部面临着来自共和党、特朗普及其支持者的激烈反击。 当地时间8月11日,一名不满这场搜查行动的特朗普支持者携带武器试图闯入FBI辛辛那提分局办公室,在与执法人员对峙中被击毙。此事已被作为国内极端主义行为进行调查。 (路透社、美联社、法新社)
美国是法制社会, 这个世界上最廉洁最法制的社会, 大家要相信法制
FBI 水平太差,事关国家安全,抓间谍应该由CIA上。
把川普 交给 希拉里 和 佩罗西大妈 处理吧!!
华人应该不到 40% 支持他, 尤其是唐人街的吧.
铁锈带的人很多支持bernie sanders 他们是为了报复民主党没有让sanders出线 所以这些人对川普不忠诚
基督教的人 如果真的虔诚 也早抛弃了川普 很多人是one issue voter 那是堕胎问题 他们投的是共和党
biden的天主教背景 拉回来很多票
男clinton当时竞选的时候 关于堕胎的mantra是 safe legal and rare这个当时非常有效团结两党
女clinton就是太志在必得了 所以说了deplorable这样的话
有的时候 是历史做的选择 回头看的这些分析 都是马后炮