Is subsection (d) the only applicable subsection? There are other subsections of the statute, are they entirely irrelevant? Moreover, in subsection (d), "having possession of" is merely one of the possible ways for "gathering, transmitting or losing defense information", the other ways include "having . . . access to," "having . . . control over" or "being entrusted with . . ." txchick 发表于 2022-08-13 18:04
第一,你quote的这段不是我写的。第二,谁都知道美国法律法官没定罪,没人是罪犯,只是犯罪嫌疑人。我也没说川普现在就要进监狱啊,我也没有说lock him up. 我只不过对你为他辩护的种种理由不同意而已。比如说总统不是联邦雇员,是大boss。比如川普作为前总统有法律的特权。比如拗什么时间线。 反而是你,当有人说当年川粉大喊lock her up的时候,是不是也没有innocent until proven guilty 的法制精神?你辩解lock up是犯罪嫌疑人戴手铐的意思。自己一会儿法制精神极强,一会儿为川粉当年的口号洗地,自己前后不一。
任何法律分支没有绝对独立 同理 刑法问题和行政法问题没有绝对不交叉 这个事情的开端是行政法问题 因为总统是属于政府机构任职 由此衍生出总统的特权 由此衍生出国家安全和情报系统 由此衍生出公民和行政人员和国家的关系 由此衍生出constitutional criminal 由此衍生出line-ups and other pre-trial identification procedures 由此衍生出exlucsionary rule, and how it affects the admissibility of evidence obtained through methods that violate the Constitution. 托您的时间,我要回应一下你的时间 否则安抚不了您的情绪
”那还lock her up? 把你们给能的“是你说的。 说lock up 就说lock up, 还扯上其他旧账来搅, 我说的连辩护都不算,就凭现在这点信息,怎么辩护。 我只是纠正一些我不认同的说法而已,比如特权这个说法,有人认为总统没有任何特权,我认为总统有法律给予的特权,就这么简单。 我也不是你们眼中的川粉。我反感美国这种分裂的状态和反对任何可能延长,恶化这种分裂的行为。 要是猪党有点格局,biden 出来讲个话,赦免川普,肯定对自己对美国都好。要说川普拿了情报里通外国,我是不信的。
beyondwind 发表于 2022-08-13 19:04
赦免? 你现在就已经是认为trump有罪么?只有被定罪了才能赦免。 A pardon is an expression of the President''s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant''s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence
赦免? 你现在就已经是认为trump有罪么?只有被定罪了才能赦免。 A pardon is an expression of the President''s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant''s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence 落地无声 发表于 2022-08-13 19:14
赦免? 你现在就已经是认为trump有罪么?只有被定罪了才能赦免。 A pardon is an expression of the President''s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant''s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence 落地无声 发表于 2022-08-13 19:14
赦免? 你现在就已经是认为trump有罪么?只有被定罪了才能赦免。 A pardon is an expression of the President''s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant''s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence 落地无声 发表于 2022-08-13 19:14
通俄,前几天paul manafort认了,不过trump已经赦免他了。 弹劾,反正以后不认选举结果的就是常态了,反正没啥后果,在你眼里当朝皇帝,不,总统有特权。 Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia
通俄,前几天paul manafort认了,不过trump已经赦免他了。 弹劾,反正以后不认选举结果的就是常态了,反正没啥后果,在你眼里当朝皇帝,不,总统有特权。 Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia
落地无声 发表于 2022-08-13 19:25
你被左媒骗了 自己去读senator report, 自己做结论。例如: “The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. ”
整个事件如果反噬, 司法部就是焦点 他们要解释 是什么让他们决定了entry without notice 否则就是违反了宪法第四条 The fourth Amendment requires that the execution of warrants the procedure which the police use in carrying out a search not be unreasonable. Thus in general, the police may not behave in an unduly intrusive manner.
你被左媒骗了 自己去读senator report, 自己做结论。例如: “The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. ” beyondwind 发表于 2022-08-13 19:41
你被左媒骗了 自己去读senator report, 自己做结论。例如: “The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. ” beyondwind 发表于 2022-08-13 19:41
这是他前几天自己亲口说的,要不去看下新闻? 另外2020年的 Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia August 18, 20201:00 PM ET Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign information to a Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election, a new bipartisan Senate report concludes. The findings draw a direct line between the president's former campaign chairman and Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign. Manafort, who was later convicted for financial fraud crimes, briefed Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik on the campaign's polling data and how the Trump campaign sought to beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. Manafort's connection with Kilimnik was a "grave counterintelligence threat," the report reads, adding that it found evidence the Russian intelligence officer may have been linked to the Russian government's efforts to hack and leak Democratic Party emails.
整个事件如果反噬, 司法部就是焦点 他们要解释 是什么让他们决定了entry without notice 否则就是违反了宪法第四条 The fourth Amendment requires that the execution of warrants the procedure which the police use in carrying out a search not be unreasonable. Thus in general, the police may not behave in an unduly intrusive manner.
这是他前几天自己亲口说的,要不去看下新闻? 另外2020年的 Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia August 18, 20201:00 PM ET Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign information to a Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election, a new bipartisan Senate report concludes. The findings draw a direct line between the president's former campaign chairman and Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign. Manafort, who was later convicted for financial fraud crimes, briefed Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik on the campaign's polling data and how the Trump campaign sought to beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. Manafort's connection with Kilimnik was a "grave counterintelligence threat," the report reads, adding that it found evidence the Russian intelligence officer may have been linked to the Russian government's efforts to hack and leak Democratic Party emails. 落地无声 发表于 2022-08-13 19:51
任何法律分支没有绝对独立 同理 刑法问题和行政法问题没有绝对不交叉 这个事情的开端是行政法问题 因为总统是属于政府机构任职 由此衍生出总统的特权 由此衍生出国家安全和情报系统 由此衍生出公民和行政人员和国家的关系 由此衍生出constitutional criminal 由此衍生出line-ups and other pre-trial identification procedures 由此衍生出exlucsionary rule, and how it affects the admissibility of evidence obtained through methods that violate the Constitution. 托您的时间,我要回应一下你的时间 否则安抚不了您的情绪
Rupert Murdoch Tells Trump to STFU About 2020 Nov 17, 2021 — The Fox News owner said Wednesday that the ex-president is an embarrassment to his party and should stop living in the past.
😂 Sidney Powell Says ''No Reasonable Person'' Thought Her Election Fraud Claims Were Fact
落地无声 发表于 2022-08-13 20:12
Every man has a right to speak out his opinion, and "the first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him", but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.
你被左媒骗了 自己去读senator report, 自己做结论。例如: “The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. ” beyondwind 发表于 2022-08-13 19:41
乐死了,你是不懂英文啊还是不懂英文啊? “The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. ” 不确定他为啥通俄,和不确定他是否通俄是两回事啊!就好比凶手跑到学校杀了一批学生,然后被赶到的警察击毙了,这个凶手又没有任何社媒发言,也没留下遗书什么的,所以最后大家不知道他为什么杀人,但是不等于对他杀人的事实也有疑问吧? 通俄是有铁证的,委员会只是不知道他为什么这么干而已。
有人自己不看材料,跑来质疑“possession", 我针对性回答这个而已。
这是华人上的讨论,最后定罪当然要法庭。当然川粉在讨论拜登儿子问题,希拉里的犯罪,比尔盖茨的阴谋,大法官的炼铜的时候,就忘了检察官,法庭和reasonable doubt了
定罪前送牢里也是lock up。
Obama都被他们lock up(蹲监狱)几次了
你认为这就是那些川粉高呼lock her up 的意思? 你自己都不信吧。
不信。谁有这个权力lock her up? 选民么?Trump 当了总统不也没能lock her up.
本来就是选举语言。但是lock up her那个口号就是把希拉里关到监狱里的意思,谁都知道,做不做得到是另一回事。问题是你把这个说成只是犯罪嫌疑人戴手铐而已,也洗得太过了。
从arrest 到 custody (with/without warrant) 再到最后的sentence要走10个法律steps 所以,lock up, 就是个口号 现在大家互相喊 争论没有啥意义啊
是,我不像你有宣传材料看照着读,你说的是“法律肯定说的是in posession”,但自己贴出来的法律除了posession还有其他的拥有国家机密的手段,不是非要in possession,我指出你对法律解读不完全,不过我同意蘑菇头应该找你做辩护律师。
-------------- 切, 亏你还在美国混, 法官没定罪前,没人是罪犯。
haha12345 发表于 2022-08-13 16:58 那还lock her up? 把你们给能的
surge是少见的非常认真的同学 读法律和新闻有理有节 也不骂人 这次估计是被啥事情气着了 哈哈 我现在已经学会不生气不损人了 何必呢
我的发言是有前因后果的,那是有人用了”keep"这个词,我觉得keep不严谨啊,记得读到的是in possession, 我又没说"只有" in possession。 你有兴趣可以返回去读贴,我自己都懒得再去挖了。
【你昨天看要回家看administrative law 没看出看一二三四来?噢对了,这是刑法问题。】
我们行政法没有学好 【这是刑法问题,所以有doj,这个你的懂?】
我还可以知道一点 【你不要造谣好不好】
我也不浪费时间了,和个拿行政法去和doj 打交道的大律师。
你说你说看 你为何吧beyond看成我 你是不是也和surge一样气急了? 秋天已经来了 消消气
川普的律师一般人不敢做的 要胆儿很壮的那种 看看刺杀大法官的哥们 申请精神病就看不见下文了 前儿那个闯特情局的 结局大家都看到了吧
以川普的性格,任何事情一旦侵犯了他的ego, 不闹大才怪。 上法庭,走10年的法律程序,美国继续分裂10年。川普是个素人没有大局观,猪党这些老政客了,竟然也没点格局
第一,你quote的这段不是我写的。第二,谁都知道美国法律法官没定罪,没人是罪犯,只是犯罪嫌疑人。我也没说川普现在就要进监狱啊,我也没有说lock him up. 我只不过对你为他辩护的种种理由不同意而已。比如说总统不是联邦雇员,是大boss。比如川普作为前总统有法律的特权。比如拗什么时间线。
反而是你,当有人说当年川粉大喊lock her up的时候,是不是也没有innocent until proven guilty 的法制精神?你辩解lock up是犯罪嫌疑人戴手铐的意思。自己一会儿法制精神极强,一会儿为川粉当年的口号洗地,自己前后不一。
任何法律分支没有绝对独立 同理 刑法问题和行政法问题没有绝对不交叉
这个事情的开端是行政法问题 因为总统是属于政府机构任职 由此衍生出总统的特权 由此衍生出国家安全和情报系统 由此衍生出公民和行政人员和国家的关系 由此衍生出constitutional criminal 由此衍生出line-ups and other pre-trial identification procedures 由此衍生出exlucsionary rule, and how it affects the admissibility of evidence obtained through methods that violate the Constitution.
托您的时间,我要回应一下你的时间 否则安抚不了您的情绪
你觉得美国总统不必要有大局观,反倒责怪民主党政客没有大局观,川粉真双标的够可以。 大选时候,我的一个川粉朋友破口大骂麦凯恩遗孀没有大局观,川普不就是骂过她老公吗?她竟然支持拜登! 我当时就无语了,美国总统可以没有大局观,触碰了他一点就可以大吵大闹,完全不管国家利益。反过来一个死了老公的家庭主妇必须有大局观,为了国家必须忍气吞声,以国家利益为重。
你这次表现的不如之前 逻辑清晰 还是被气着了 哈哈
”那还lock her up? 把你们给能的“是你说的。
说lock up 就说lock up, 还扯上其他旧账来搅,
我说的连辩护都不算,就凭现在这点信息,怎么辩护。 我只是纠正一些我不认同的说法而已,比如特权这个说法,有人认为总统没有任何特权,我认为总统有法律给予的特权,就这么简单。
要是猪党有点格局,biden 出来讲个话,赦免川普,肯定对自己对美国都好。要说川普拿了情报里通外国,我是不信的。
那个“那还lock her up? 把你们给能的” 不是我说的,要不要回去看看? 都给你指出来了,也不知道核实一下。
我也就是纠正你的一些我不认同的说法而已, 比如“特权这个说法,有人认为总统没有任何特权,我认为总统有法律给予的特权,就这么简单”。 我只是指出川普已经是前总统了。所以哪怕你说的是对的,也不适用。
另外,赦免哪些罪? 能不能给个list?
真的有点烦了 折腾得来 民主党要执政 真的要先把经济和教育搞上去 不要整天搞这些事情 你们就是说川普法西斯主义也罢 老百姓吃饭钱少了 就是要转向的 即便那个转向是未知的,也会去试试 人就那么现实
每次经济萧条 就是民粹的兴起 移民处境也会越来越难 历史上发生的事儿还少吗
赦免? 你现在就已经是认为trump有罪么?只有被定罪了才能赦免。
A pardon is an expression of the President''s forgiveness and ordinarily is granted in recognition of the applicant''s acceptance of responsibility for the crime and established good conduct for a significant period of time after conviction or completion of sentence. It does not signify innocence
嗯 心理学是个好东西
道歉,确实不是你说的。我一般只看帖不认ID。 不过我还是坚持我自己对于lock up的解读。
是我说的 lock up是关起来 带手铐 是handcuff 你这chinglish
通俄,前几天paul manafort认了,不过trump已经赦免他了。 弹劾,反正以后不认选举结果的就是常态了,反正没啥后果,在你眼里当朝皇帝,不,总统有特权。 Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia
哈,说赦免川普,你肯定不是川粉。川普不可能有罪,难來赦免一说,这个才是川粉。 这事跟希拉里邮件一样,查不到证据最后也会不了了之。川粉不用担心,民主制度就是这样,还习惯中共的搞法,是不了解民主制度。
你被左媒骗了 自己去读senator report, 自己做结论。例如:
“The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. ”
敢问何来此问? 有事说事,其他个人问题恕不奉陪。
另外2020年的 Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia August 18, 20201:00 PM ET Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign information to a Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election, a new bipartisan Senate report concludes. The findings draw a direct line between the president's former campaign chairman and Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign. Manafort, who was later convicted for financial fraud crimes, briefed Russian intelligence officer Konstantin Kilimnik on the campaign's polling data and how the Trump campaign sought to beat Hillary Clinton in the presidential election. Manafort's connection with Kilimnik was a "grave counterintelligence threat," the report reads, adding that it found evidence the Russian intelligence officer may have been linked to the Russian government's efforts to hack and leak Democratic Party emails.
这个在warrant 里面有吧,因为川普有销毁文件的嫌疑。
为啥川粉都是这个调调 就感觉又风湿 又尿糖
通俄又不只是字面上这个意思,有了link, 但是没有坐实影响。
要小心一些词的解读, connection 这种可大可小,媒体很擅长这种春秋笔法,去读原文比较严谨客观。
我来show off 一下英文,这就是你们认为的deplorable吧 敢问你们是怎么来到这个世上的?
哈哈哈,啥时候GOP 这么众叛亲离了?连WSJ都反水了
我在这个论坛上 只屏蔽了一个人 我一般很大度 大家都知道我屏蔽的是谁 所以 你如果愿意也可以效仿 恕我不谦虚地说
这比著名律师sidney powell的大海怪论还让人肃然起敬。
嗯, 你也可以说说你的观点嘛 有法理有依据 让我也学习学习 思路开阔一下 我最近很闭塞的 川普这事情两天前才知道 不必搞得你死我活 没有意思
Rupert Murdoch Tells Trump to STFU About 2020
Nov 17, 2021 — The Fox News owner said Wednesday that the ex-president is an embarrassment to his party and should stop living in the past.
😂 Sidney Powell Says 'No Reasonable Person' Thought Her Election Fraud Claims Were Fact
Nancy Pelosi says 'no one' is above the law after Mar-a-Lago raid
WSJ 一向是偏右的媒体,什么时候变成土工和民主党喉舌了。极右看什么都是左啊
两党对立的美国国会星期五(8月12日)最后批准了民主党人旗舰级气候与医疗法案,让总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在民主党青睐的优先事项方面取得了起死回生式的胜利。民主党希望这将提振他们在11月中期选举时保住参众两院控制权的前景。
不会吧,报道说搜了她的衣橱?是可忍孰不可忍 要不是苦肉计?据说老川现在有点paranoid,因为不知道是谁告发的,身边谁都有可能的话,是比较心烦
无所谓,政客见风使舵起来很快的。他back的反水得更快。Ted Cruz说不定哪天就对AOC投诚了,也毫不吃惊。
Every man has a right to speak out his opinion, and "the first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him", but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts.
2024 年民主党赢了后,
嗯,AOC有点夸张了,除非德州翻蓝。换个人吧,liz Cheney.
“The Committee was unable to reliably determine why Manafort shared sensitive internal polling data or Campaign strategy with Kilimnik. ”
佩老太今年应该完美离开众议院了 好命女啊