you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...
now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways... now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 3:35:00 PM的发言: sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways... now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
He should have kept his mouth shut at this time. He could have talked about the issue when things cooled down. Now he just added oil to a burning fire.
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways... now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
didn't specified, but at least Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, NYC are included. 以下是引用番茄85在7/19/2013 3:41:00 PM的发言:
He should have kept his mouth shut at this time. He could have talked about the issue when things cooled down. Now he just added oil to a burning fire. I agree..... As a president, he's not supposed to be biased....
以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 3:35:00 PM的发言: sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways... now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
I think what Obama has been doing lately is to stir things up, instead of addressing the real problems. He's dividing the nation instead of uniting it. I don't see any constructiveness about his speech and actions. The last thing this nation needs now is the emphasis from our president about the racial issue that this case reflected which is not true at first place anyway.... just to make things so much worse….. As a president, he's not supposed to be so biased. [此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 16:35:12编辑过]
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways... now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
I think what Obama has been lately is to stir things up, instead of addressing the real problems. He's dividing the nation instead of uniting it. I don't see any constructiveness about his speech and actions. The last thing this nation needs now is the emphasis from our president about the racial issue that this case reflected which is not true at first place anyway.... just to make things so much worse….. As a president, he's not supposed to be so biased.
I think what Obama has been lately is to stir things up, instead of addressing the real problems. He's dividing the nation instead of uniting it. I don't see any constructiveness about his speech and actions. The last thing this nation needs now is the emphasis from our president about the racial issue that this case reflected which is not true at first place anyway.... just to make things so much worse….. As a president, he's not supposed to be so biased. Re。
Race should not be brought into this case in the first place. Here was an article about GZ's past.
George Zimmerman Racist Towards Blacks?
George Zimmerman comes from a deeply Catholic background, served as an altar boy, and was “taught in his early years to do right by those less fortunate.” George Zimmerman himself is mixed race, although he’s often reported as being Hispanic. George Zimmerman has black roots through an Afro-Peruvian great-grandfather.
George Zimmerman was raised in a racially integrated household, with reports saying, “It wasn’t only white or only Hispanic or only black – it was mixed.” For several years, George Zimmerman shared meals with two African American girls who were considered part of the household. George Zimmerman Helped Blacks
Before the Trayvon Martin shooting even took place, George Zimmerman was one of the few non-black people that helped protest the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a Sanford police officer that was left unpunished. The twist to this story is that George Zimmerman asked the NAACP in Sanford for help, but he was shot down, claiming they didn’t have the resources to help the homeless black man.
So without the help of the NAACP George Zimmerman printed his own fliers and distributed them at black churches in the area. Only after the guilty party turned himself in did the NAACP become involved in negotiating an “undisclosed financial reward” for the black man George Zimmeran had helped.
In the same time frame George Zimmerman was helping blacks, he was video taped saying, “I would just like to state that the law is written in black and white. It should not and cannot be enforced in the gray for those that are in the thin blue line.” Ironically, the same police department George Zimmerman protested for racial violence and cover-ups is the police department that investigated Zimmerman after Trayvon Martin. In the end, even the FBI said George Zimmerman is not racist.
Oh, IC. Then she is guilty of something. If GZ had walked back to his car to get his gun then walked back to shot TM after the fight, he would have been found guilty as well.
还说什么,一个女的,在电梯,如果和一个老黑一起,会紧张?太错误了。妈呀!总统的智囊团哪去了?明确的说,美国的司法系统已经broken 了,但是,it don't mean you couldn't do anything.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 19:08:11编辑过]
you know it's funny to me
that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand
up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant
griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply
race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...
now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community
since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive
and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive,
and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this
hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people
should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just
given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community
is currently feeling.
haha ,如果是有组织的,估计有盒饭和水领。现在在电视台,终于听到一点点的不同的声音了。实在是老巴马的耳光子给老白,老左们打的太响亮了。
haha ,如果是有组织的,估计有盒饭和水领。现在在电视台,终于听到一点点的不同的声音了。实在是老巴马的耳光子给老白,老左们打的太响亮了。
sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me
that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand
up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant
griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply
race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...
now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community
since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive
and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive,
and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this
hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people
should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just
given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community
is currently feeling.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 16:51:27编辑过]
sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...
now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
he's not saying it's wrong, he's simply stating the fact
anybody notice his comment about "protest should be nonviolent"??
he's not saying it's wrong, he's simply stating the fact
anybody notice his comment about "protest should be nonviolent"??
he's not saying it's wrong, he's simply stating the fact
anybody notice his comment about "protest should be nonviolent"??
当然,他要这么说,要不他还要说打砸抢不成。但是他也说了,他代表真个AA 社区的利益。而且政客说话的时间,意义,都是很有讲究的,为什么在游行,前一天发表这么一个演说。无非就是要将事情闹大呗!而且这个案子,非要往种族歧视上面靠。太可怕了。文革呀!老巴马果然是无间道,是来毁美国的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 15:49:32编辑过]
当然,他要这么说,要不他还要说打砸抢不成。但是他也说了,他代表真个AA 社区的利益。而且政客说话的时间,意义,都是很有讲究的,无非就是要将事情闹大呗!而且这个案子,非要往种族歧视上面靠。太可怕了。文革呀!老巴马果然是无间道,是来毁美国的。
He should have kept his mouth shut at this time. He could have talked about the issue when things cooled down. Now he just added oil to a burning fire.
sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me
that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand
up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant
griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply
race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...
now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community
since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive
and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive,
and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this
hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people
should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just
given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community
is currently feeling.
当然,他要这么说,要不他还要说打砸抢不成。但是他也说了,他代表真个AA 社区的利益。而且政客说话的时间,意义,都是很有讲究的,为什么在游行,前一天发表这么一个演说。无非就是要将事情闹大呗!而且这个案子,非要往种族歧视上面靠。太可怕了。文革呀!老巴马果然是无间道,是来毁美国的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 15:49:32编辑过]
what ?!!!!
he's not saying it's wrong, he's simply stating the fact
anybody notice his comment about "protest should be nonviolent"??
当然,他要这么说,要不他还要说打砸抢不成。但是他也说了,他代表真个AA 社区的利益。而且政客说话的时间,意义,都是很有讲究的,为什么在游行,前一天发表这么一个演说。无非就是要将事情闹大呗!而且这个案子,非要往种族歧视上面靠。太可怕了。文革呀!老巴马果然是无间道,是来毁美国的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 15:49:32编辑过]
he's not saying it's wrong, he's simply stating the fact
anybody notice his comment about "protest should be nonviolent"??
Of course ah, it's always someone else's fault. They are innocent as an angel.
08 还诺贝尔和平奖。希望这次雪花灯拿诺奖,好象挪威提名他了。
re, 没看过这个,那个id科普一下吧。
what ?!!!!
He should have kept his mouth shut at this time. He could have talked about the issue when things cooled down. Now he just added oil to a burning fire.
I agree.....
As a president, he's not supposed to be biased....
呵呵 这时候又变成guilty until proven innocent了? 另外 她是在自己家
以下是引用sosososo在7/19/2013 3:58:00 PM的发言:
同意!好事!泥马,DUMB A*S 美国人民也该醒醒了!
12 (NOON)
avoid downtown NYC tomorrow.
08 还诺贝尔和平奖。希望这次雪花灯拿诺奖,好象挪威提名他了。
sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...
now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community is currently feeling.
I think what Obama has been doing lately is to stir things up, instead of addressing the real problems. He's dividing the nation instead of uniting it. I don't see any constructiveness about his speech and actions. The last thing this nation needs now is the emphasis from our president about the racial issue that this case reflected which is not true at first place anyway.... just to make things so much worse….. As a president, he's not supposed to be so biased.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 16:35:12编辑过]
sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me
that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand
up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant
griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply
race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...
now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community
since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive
and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive,
and people lose their $hit
instead of talking about how wrong obama is for speaking on this
hugely controversial case that is all over our media, maybe people
should actually listen to what he's saying and think about it... he's just
given the best explanation yet for the anger that the black community
is currently feeling.
但他一定要扯到黑人被歧视。他要这么讲,起码得建立在实事的基础上吧?Zimmerman是一个墨墨,都务必说成white Hispanic,由此务必牵出黑人遭白人歧视
I think what Obama has been lately is to stir things up, instead of addressing the real problems. He's dividing the nation instead of uniting it. I don't see any constructiveness about his speech and actions. The last thing this nation needs now is the emphasis from our president about the racial issue that this case reflected which is not true at first place anyway.... just to make things so much worse….. As a president, he's not supposed to be so biased.
I think what Obama has been lately is to stir things up, instead of addressing the real problems. He's dividing the nation instead of uniting it. I don't see any constructiveness about his speech and actions. The last thing this nation needs now is the emphasis from our president about the racial issue that this case reflected which is not true at first place anyway.... just to make things so much worse….. As a president, he's not supposed to be so biased.
但他一定要扯到黑人被歧视。他要这么讲,起码得建立在实事的基础上吧?Zimmerman是一个墨墨,都务必说成white Hispanic,由此务必牵出黑人遭白人歧视
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 16:19:25编辑过]
但他一定要扯到黑人被歧视。他要这么讲,起码得建立在实事的基础上吧?Zimmerman是一个墨墨,都务必说成white Hispanic,由此务必牵出黑人遭白人歧视
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 16:19:25编辑过]
去年,估计08 也不管这么嚣张的。估计和老黑社区说好了,等退休给自己找个好处理。
呵呵 这时候又变成guilty until proven innocent了? 另外 她是在自己家
他想get job down,问题是现在全国都炸开锅了,原先不反对他的人都站出来反他。08这么搞美国种族问题实在是太令人失望了
但他一定要扯到黑人被歧视。他要这么讲,起码得建立在实事的基础上吧?Zimmerman是一个墨墨,都务必说成white Hispanic,由此务必牵出黑人遭白人歧视
Race should not be brought into this case in the first place. Here was an article about GZ's past.
George Zimmerman Racist Towards Blacks?
George Zimmerman comes from a deeply Catholic background, served as an altar boy, and was “taught in his early years to do right by those less fortunate.” George Zimmerman himself is mixed race, although he’s often reported as being Hispanic. George Zimmerman has black roots through an Afro-Peruvian great-grandfather.
George Zimmerman was raised in a racially integrated household, with reports saying, “It wasn’t only white or only Hispanic or only black – it was mixed.” For several years, George Zimmerman shared meals with two African American girls who were considered part of the household.
George Zimmerman Helped Blacks
Before the Trayvon Martin shooting even took place, George Zimmerman was one of the few non-black people that helped protest the beating of a black homeless man by the son of a Sanford police officer that was left unpunished. The twist to this story is that George Zimmerman asked the NAACP in Sanford for help, but he was shot down, claiming they didn’t have the resources to help the homeless black man.
So without the help of the NAACP George Zimmerman printed his own fliers and distributed them at black churches in the area. Only after the guilty party turned himself in did the NAACP become involved in negotiating an “undisclosed financial reward” for the black man George Zimmeran had helped.
In the same time frame George Zimmerman was helping blacks, he was video taped saying, “I would just like to state that the law is written in black and white. It should not and cannot be enforced in the gray for those that are in the thin blue line.” Ironically, the same police department George Zimmerman protested for racial violence and cover-ups is the police department that investigated Zimmerman after Trayvon Martin. In the end, even the FBI said George Zimmerman is not racist.
我不知道啊,我看到的跟你看到的一样多,就是这个楼里的ronyning mm提供的资料
Race should not be brought into this case in the first place.
我不知道啊,我看到的跟你看到的一样多,就是这个楼里的ronyning mm提供的资料
protest nonviolent。。。可能吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 16:33:21编辑过]
didn't specified, but at least Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, NYC are included.
大家提出的黑女枪击老公,黑白没关系,因为有人提出来,而是说你看老黑开枪,怎么就不能stand her ground ,要判刑。老白莫,就OK 。和黑女老公黑白没关系。
大家提出的黑女枪击老公,黑白没关系,因为有人提出来,而是说你看老黑开枪,怎么就不能stand her ground ,要判刑。老白莫,就OK 。和黑女老公黑白没关系。
长毛怪还打算明天去chicago chinatown剪毛,看来得继续长着了
Oh, IC. Then she is guilty of something. If GZ had walked back to his car to get his gun then walked back to shot TM after the fight, he would have been found guilty as well.
明天开始下雨变凉快了。。。热就这几天 :(
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 16:50:35编辑过]
长毛怪还打算明天去chicago chinatown剪毛,看来得继续长着了