以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 3:35:00 PM的发言: sorry no chinese here you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real prob...... they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
Agree 以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 9:18:00 PM的发言: sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people l........
以下是引用蘅芷阶通萝薜门在7/20/2013 1:23:00 AM的发言: 以下内容含脚本,或可能导致页面不正常的代码我艹 看了巴马的发言稿 他果然疯了There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her bre........
they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.1
you are a racist for sure and not well educated. Period. [此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/20 3:37:40编辑过]
now we are having a good conversation, this is how i interpreted it... he was not trying to say anything about the verdict of the trial... as he said, this is how the system works... what he was trying to explain was the lens through which black people viewed the trial... this was, for many people, the story of a boy who was profiled on account of his skin color (lets face it, racial profiling does exist, i do, you do, everybody does), creating a situation that had a tragic resolution...
he was not discussing the outcome of the trial, but the reasons why it touched a nerve with so many people, the social and psychological implications of the incident and the outcome, and how they fit into a powerful (and largely accurate) historical narrative... at the end, he expresses hope that we're unravelling that narrative and provides suggestions for how we can continue doing so...
Totally agree with you. It is hard to find such a reasonable and rational post in an ocean of racist posts on huaren. Thank you for the post!
MM, 实在佩服你,占着大篇幅,长篇大论地用英文持之以恒地讨论着。我就纯粹哀叹一下我这懒人用手机上网的,实在是每次要狠狠拉一下才能看到你帖子下面的帖子。
以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 8:14:00 PM 的发言:
i will not go to the ghetto..... agreeing on the speech does not mean i deny the problems black people are having........ the speech simply acknowledges those racial tensions that we are having in this country, that's exactly why i'm no going to the ghetto....
怀疑他从小到大受过不少歧视,内心对美国是充满憎恨的。 you can google his pastor Jeremiah wright's speech, those famous public "god d*n America" speeches. This is what he grew up with. [此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/20 19:31:16编辑过]
sorry no chinese here you know it's funny to me
that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand
up and address the real prob...... they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.1
Chicago的黑人很多哇 ,明天应该不能去Chicago市中心了!
那时候怎么不闹事? 因为里面扯不到别的种族?
they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.1
can't agree more!
这有啥不懂的,每个人做事有自己的立场,作为黑人的立场我觉得可以理解,就是如果我是他我也许也会这么做。。 但我不是他,也不是黑人, 所以我的态度是不支持他。 你也别断章取义,我说的是我在工作中碰到的黑人nice,也不是指黑人这个整体nice。
芝加哥哪个星期没有枪击报道?Chicago Tribune给出2013上半年枪击分布地图真正触目惊心!出行避开南部黑人区已经是芝加哥人必知的生活常识!一声太息!黑人们真的看不到还是他们根本不在乎?!
芝加哥每年死在枪下的17岁男孩都有, 总统不会关心他们, 谁让他们不是死在白人枪下。 这末多年了, 那些黑人大老爷自己都是住安全的白人区的, 打砸抢也打不到自己这里, 鼓动穷兄弟在黑人区附近闹事对自己政治生涯只有好处没坏处。 倒霉的还不是周围的店铺还有闹事的黑人。 奥8马真对他们有感情, 怎么不在改善底特律还有这些黑人区的环境上下下工夫?
芝加哥每年死在枪下的17岁男孩都有, 总统不会关心他们, 谁让他们不是死在白人枪下。 这末多年了, 那些黑人大老爷自己都是住安全的白人区的, 打砸抢也打不到自己这里, 鼓动穷兄弟在黑人区附近闹事对自己政治生涯只有好处没坏处。 倒霉的还不是周围的店铺还有闹事的黑人。 奥8马真对他们有感情, 怎么不在改善底特律还有这些黑人区的环境上下下工夫?
RE. 我觉得他作为总统这么讲话太欠妥当了,很irritate那些黑人。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/20 0:04:42编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/20 0:12:25编辑过]
FT, where have you been?
有LA, I have seen it in other news.
以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 9:18:00 PM的发言:
sorry no chinese here
you know it's funny to me that people talk all of the time about how black leaders need to stand up and address the real problems in their communities.... there is constant griping and bellyaching that al sharpton and jesse jackson are simply race-baiters who stir up passions in really decisive ways...now we have here, the black man with the most influence over the african-american community since MLK, speaking on race in a way that is constructive and that encourages all americans to unify instead of being divisive, and people l........
政客的勇气和良心? that's new.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.1
还说什么,一个女的,在电梯,如果和一个老黑一起,会紧张?太错误了。妈呀!总统的智囊团哪去了?明确的说,美国的司法系统已经broken 了,但是,it don't mean you couldn't do anything.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 19:08:11编辑过]
以下是引用蘅芷阶通萝薜门在7/20/2013 1:23:00 AM的发言:
以下内容含脚本,或可能导致页面不正常的代码我艹 看了巴马的发言稿 他果然疯了There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her bre........
当然,他要这么说,要不他还要说打砸抢不成。但是他也说了,他代表真个AA 社区的利益。而且政客说话的时间,意义,都是很有讲究的,为什么在游行,前一天发表这么一个演说。无非就是要将事情闹大呗!而且这个案子,非要往种族歧视上面靠。太可怕了。文革呀!老巴马果然是无间道,是来毁美国的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/19 15:49:32编辑过]
they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.1
Well said!
they have the right to be angry. people here has the right to disregard them
his speech is totally uncalled for and totally unnecessary. he and Eric holder just can't pass the fact that this is a typical self defense and no more. not everything needs to be a racial outcry.
I bet Obama did not read through all the evidence and trayvon Martin"s phone photos himself .
and always remember as our Chinese ancestors put it, if you want people to look up to you, find improvement inside yourself first. the black can't blame anyone but themselves for being profiled as violent and dangerous in this country. if they want to change that, they need to positive PR campaign, they need to just be better themselves. they need to cut the murder rates . you know roughly 3% population ( young black man) accounted for 50% of the murders of this country . they change the statistics. people will respect.
before that no matter how hard they protest, I still gonna lock the car when there is a black around.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 6.1
you are a racist for sure and not well educated. Period.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/20 3:37:40编辑过]
now we are having a good conversation, this is how i interpreted it... he was not trying to say anything about the verdict of the trial... as he
said, this is how the system works... what he was trying to explain was the lens through which black people
viewed the trial... this was, for many people, the story of a boy who was
profiled on account of his skin color (lets face it, racial profiling does exist, i do, you do, everybody does), creating a situation that had a
tragic resolution...
he was not discussing the outcome of the trial, but the reasons why
it touched a nerve with so many people, the social and psychological
implications of the incident and the outcome, and how they fit into a
powerful (and largely accurate) historical narrative... at the end, he
expresses hope that we're unravelling that narrative and provides
suggestions for how we can continue doing so...
Totally agree with you. It is hard to find such a reasonable and rational post in an ocean of racist posts on huaren. Thank you for the post!
以下是引用cable在7/20/2013 2:48:00 AM的发言:
另外记着锁车门, 奥8在我们这里的南区也会锁的, 别听他嘴上忽悠。
以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 3:35:00 PM 的发言:
sorry no chinese here
大学在黑人很多的downtown。刚来的时候,傻傻的,自己一个人走路乱逛。不小心走远了, 走到了黑人区,大白天,一群黑人走向我,各种言语挑衅。吓得我拿起电话佯装call911,才连滚带爬的逃走。
还有一次地铁上,整个车厢就俩白人中年,估计是下班回家的。 还有三两个亚裔学生,其他都黑人,大声喧哗,还很大声的对白人说“kiss my black ass”, 白人又没惹他们,只是安静的坐着,戴着耳机。整个路程,non-black都正襟危坐,black都骑到其他族人头上去了。。。
还有同学在地铁口自己一个人走出来去上课, 一黑大妈莫名其妙的跑过来,言语羞辱,还用笔戳那个华人女生。。。
以下是引用Knitnutbyjl在7/19/2013 8:14:00 PM 的发言:
i will not go to the ghetto..... agreeing on the speech does not mean i deny the problems black people are having........ the speech simply acknowledges those racial tensions that we are having in this country, that's exactly why i'm no going to the ghetto....
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
大学在黑人很多的downtown。刚来的时候,傻傻的,自己一个人走路乱逛。不小心走远了, 走到了黑人区,大白天,一群黑人走向我,各种言语挑衅。吓得我拿起电话佯装call911,才连滚带爬的逃走。
还有一次地铁上,整个车厢就俩白人中年,估计是下班回家的。 还有三两个亚裔学生,其他都黑人,大声喧哗,还很大声的对白人说“kiss my black ass”, 白人又没惹他们,只是安静的坐着,戴着耳机。整个路程,non-black都正襟危坐,black都骑到其他族人头上去了。。。
还有同学在地铁口自己一个人走出来去上课, 一黑大妈莫名其妙的跑过来,言语羞辱,还用笔戳那个华人女生。。。
RE. 承认有部分黑人well educated,至少with decent manner,但是很多,呵呵,让那些给黑人说话的跟他们去住住试试把。像我这样此前不得不生活在芝加哥南部的人,深有体会,别人问我芝加哥怎么样,我说一辈子不想回去。
以下是引用naha!在7/20/2013 9:10:00 AM的发言:
too bad your mom is a also 华人大妈。son of SB.
大家为啥不弃权呢. 如果没有合适的.
因为已经被他们统治了,不需要游行了 ?
以下是引用减肥减肥减不动在7/20/2013 1:19:00 PM的发言:
BTW,媒体在这事上就是恶心到极点!包括anderson cooper跟piers morgan
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/20 13:49:01编辑过]
I feel many balcks didn't got respect not becuase of thire skin color, it is due to their behavior.
what a phony, huge hypocrite
you can google his pastor Jeremiah wright's speech, those famous public "god d*n America" speeches. This is what he grew up with.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/20 19:31:16编辑过]
反正也不选了,尽情撒 泼吧
以下是引用骗吃骗喝的小猪在7/20/2013 6:41:00 pm的发言: