don't want it! 厌食症的最后结果is death in horrible terms...:( 这个我在现实中见过许多。。。it is a truly sad sad mental problem...
A friend of mine has 厌食症. She is 158 centimeters tall, weighs 78 jin, exercise 3 hours everyday, daily 800 calories taken in. She said she is healthy and energetic.
A friend of mine has 厌食症. She is 158 centimeters tall, weighs 78 jin, exercise 3 hours everyday, daily 800 calories taken in. She said she is healthy and energetic.
Perception is a HUGE thing! 纵使世人都看出她快要饿死了,她自己看镜子里的自己依然觉得肥硕! 看你的描述,she's a typical anorexia...she needs medical help!!!!
哈哈哈哈。。。did u just say that I have thick skin~?:) lol... well...jokes aside, 我是这么想的: 1) I hate when people speak openly on a public forum and don't expect certain people to comment. And of course, comment could be positive or negative. 2) I hate when people can't stay on topic in a conversation. They turn a very concrete topic into something personal. That to me is lame! So...I don't really take any negative comment personally unless it is a personal insult~~:) 3) Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment. 4) 最后再补充一点:comment is like a mirror, which reflects more about the one who makes it...^_* 还有,我一直坚信群众的眼睛是雪亮滴! [此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 18:10:45编辑过]
哈哈哈哈。。。did u just say that I have thick skin~?:) lol...
well...jokes aside, 我是这么想的: 1) I hate when people speak openly on a public forum and don't expect certain people to comment. And of course, comment could be positive or negative. 2) I hate when people can't stay on topic in a conversation. They turn a very concrete topic into something personal. That to me is lame! So...I don't really take any negative comment personally unless it is a personal insult~~:) 3) Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment. 是呀, thick skin是好事. 我就是太敏感了.
哈哈哈哈。。。did u just say that I have thick skin~?:) lol... well...jokes aside, 我是这么想的: 1) I hate when people speak openly on a public forum and don't expect certain people to comment. And of course, comment could be positive or negative. 2) I hate when people can't stay on topic in a conversation. They turn a very concrete topic into something personal. That to me is lame! So...I don't really take any negative comment personally unless it is a personal insult~~:) 3) Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment. 4) 最后再补充一点:comment is like a mirror, which reflects more about the one who makes it...^_* 还有,我一直坚信群众的眼睛是雪亮滴! [此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 18:10:45编辑过] gals are sooooo sweet!!! 其实许多素昧平生的我们,能在这里真心交流,共同进步,这本身就是一件truly amazing的快乐!
Seriously. I bookmark this page and open it daily, no, tri-daily at least, when i feel tired or stressed =) It's such a mood booster for me! One function i wish they offer at the forum is to have a link that redirects to the page where I left off last time, so that i don't need to waste time on that.
Thanksf or remembering it, 青山! It'd also be nice for huaren to offer a way to link a post to other posts that cites/responds to it =) I know i am becoming picky, but look at such a long long thread we have here =D
Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite...
Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite...
now I normally go from the last page, and work my way backwards...
以下是引用macaojj在4/9/2012 7:36:00 PM的发言:
Seriously. I bookmark this page and open it daily, no, tri-daily at least, when i feel tired or stressed =) It's such a mood booster for me! One function i wish they offer at the forum is to have a link that redirects to the page where I left off last time, so that i don't need to waste time on that.
No i don't throw up. My daily is >2200 and average is >2500. I am keeping a detailed food log and that doesn't really help me reducing food intake. This is also an eating disorder but probably a milder one. I am just hoping to cure it gradually by myself...
Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite...
what models do you use? Tarther or hyperspeed are the light-weighted asics shoes that have good reviews at the same time... well just my $0.02 before 无风 gives the official answer:) [此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 20:39:06编辑过]
yeah, mine is constant and regular... i am getting a day below 2200 once every few weeks now. And that's with some mindful control already... 那你体重有明显增加吗? 没有说明你身体代谢高, 维持水平也高. 要么就需要检查甲状腺啥的了...
what models do you use? Tarther or hyperspeed are the light-weighted asics shoes that have good reviews at the same time... well just my $0.02 before 无风 gives the official answer:) [此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 20:39:06编辑过] 我用的是GT-2140,当时就是在网上看review不错,在zappos买的。
Seriously. I bookmark this page and open it daily, no, tri-daily at least, when i feel tired or stressed =) It's such a mood booster for me! One function i wish they offer at the forum is to have a link that redirects to the page where I left off last time, so that i don't need to waste time on that. 嗯...建议很好, 回头跟JD同学热烈反应一下~~~~
以下是引用belleviecn在4/9/2012 7:50:00 PM的发言: 多说一句,google一下就有很多厌食症的表现,达到多少条就可以被诊断为进食障碍,你不妨把这些信息发给你朋友,外因通过内因起作用,最重要的是让她自己意识到something wrong,然后她才可能愿意看心理医生,普通医生的帮助不是很大 Talking about mental problems, regardless of the presenting symptoms, patient normally won't go see a doc until there is impairment for this case, it's going to be severe physical problem down the road. Unfortunately, it will be too late by then~~~
以下是引用macaojj在4/9/2012 8:03:00 PM的发言: Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite... IF you are serious about it, have you ruled out BED diagnosis (Binge eating disorder)? :)
我用过它的前身,2110,stability鞋,support还不错。不过你未必需要这么多的支撑。我当初买也是跑鞋店给推荐的。 不过现在很流行go minimal,走轻巧无support路线,极端就是vibram的五指鞋之类的。理论是这样可以锻炼到人体自身的脚部肌肉,反而不容易受伤。然而,直接上minimal的话,保护不足,受伤的也不少。所以很多heated debate on this issue。 呵呵,我最近也在买鞋。前两次买鞋都是直接去跑鞋店,但是现在认识一些资深跑友,意见与鞋店很不同,所以东张西望杂七杂八的看了一些。
No i don't throw up. My daily is >2200 and average is >2500. I am keeping a detailed food log and that doesn't really help me reducing food intake. This is also an eating disorder but probably a milder one. I am just hoping to cure it gradually by myself... According to DSM IV (目前世界最权威的心理学诊断手册), here is the criteria for binge-eating disorder include:
A person’s report of feeling out of control while eating along with at least three of the following symptoms:
Eating much more rapidly than normal Eating until uncomfortably full Eating large amounts of food, even when not physically hungry Eating alone out of embarrassment at the quantity of food being eaten Feelings of disgust, depression, or guilt with overeating. These behaviors must occur 2 times per week over the course of 6 months with no compensatory behaviors (purging, laxatives or other inappropriate means to compensate for overeating).
不是特意吓你, 只是纯粹的FYI~~~:) If you are serious about this topic, I'd like to forward more details to you...:)
According to DSM IV (目前世界最权威的心理学诊断手册), here is the criteria for binge-eating disorder include:
A person’s report of feeling out of control while eating along with at least three of the following symptoms:
Eating much more rapidly than normal Eating until uncomfortably full Eating large amounts of food, even when not physically hungry Eating alone out of embarrassment at the quantity of food being eaten Feelings of disgust, depression, or guilt with overeating. These behaviors must occur 2 times per week over the course of 6 months with no compensatory behaviors (purging, laxatives or other inappropriate means to compensate for overeating).
不是特意吓你, 只是纯粹的FYI~~~:) If you are serious about this topic, I'd like to forward more details to you...:)
谢谢,我好好看看。现在也矛盾,因为虽然不skinny,绝对不算overweight,去找专家看有点过了吧?医生也未见得会take it serious。
以下是引用兔子飞飞在4/9/2012 10:48:00 PM的发言: 无风姐,我跑了两个月了,可是对比过去同样体重的照片,好像小腿更粗了,这个正常吗??是不是跑的姿势不好?或者拉伸没做好?? 1) 把心放肚子里, 跑步不会让小腿变粗! 2) 小腿部肌肉跟身体其他部位一样, 必须有足够的卡路里, 才能增肌. 短跑运动员之所以小腿粗, 要先看看他们吃的是什么是多少, 然后消耗又是多少! again, as long as you are in caloric deficit mode, there is no way to bulk any musle. 3) 小腿粗细, 非常大比重是先天因素, 因为这个地方很难囤积肥肉~~~ 4) 跑后的拉伸非常重要, 帮助肌肉放松, 减轻充血状态...
我家的captain chair可以做pull up. 可怜我的小胳膊没劲啊, 人只能在那吊着, 跟胖猴似的. 很有喜感. 哈哈.
哈哈哈。。。无尽欢乐滴想象中~~~:)。 你先push up练习起!
LZMM is an iron lady, superwoman.
1800 cals~~ is not 狠. It is normal for me. Dinner outside alone will be 1200.
True .....
I read everything here. LZMM is admirable, also crazy,......great!
Haha...thanks...and I love the "crazy" part~~~;)
嫩四十以后才生孩子?? 不会吧!!
想知道lzmm从什么时候开始serious about working out?也就是现在这个强度的schedule坚持多久了?
跑步从2007年开始的。serious about fitness 是从2011初开始的。大幅度weight training 是从2011年秋天开始的。。。
无风姐,一斤燕窝可以吃多久啊? 其实我想问的是,每天1-2勺的燕窝的话,一年下来开销大概多少。
我刚想说2500一年好贵,一看后面跟小香比就坦然了,呵呵,半个香的价格啊。 don't want it! 厌食症的最后结果is death in horrible terms...:(
这个我在现实中见过许多。。。it is a truly sad sad mental problem...
A friend of mine has 厌食症. She is 158 centimeters tall, weighs 78 jin, exercise 3 hours everyday, daily 800 calories taken in. She said she is healthy and energetic.
哈哈哈。。。无尽欢乐滴想象中~~~:)。 你先push up练习起!
我可以做push-up的, 可以一口气做好几十. :(
我敢想啊, 替别人想. 哈哈.
嫩四十以后才生孩子?? 不会吧!!
减脂,主要靠吃!nutrition is waaaay more important than anything else ....
我吃的挺注意的,早饭吃的好,午饭吃的饱,晚饭吃的少,中间也有加餐,基本只吃low GI carb 和蛋白。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 16:39:49编辑过]
I don't know what they were thinking in their 30ies...
maybe they didn't meet the right men earlier?
跑步从2007年开始的。serious about fitness 是从2011初开始的。大幅度weight training 是从2011年秋天开始的。。。
我吃的挺注意的,早饭吃的好,午饭吃的饱,晚饭吃的少,中间也有加餐,基本只吃high GI carb 和蛋白。
你确定这个? 没有说反?
Is it ready to eat or you have to cook it? and how to tell it is true?
You are my role model!!
你确定这个? 没有说反?
说反了 :P 原帖改了
嘻嘻...专家回来乐!! 先MUA~~~~~~
以下是引用GTAgal在4/9/2012 7:17:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用la.confidential在4/8/2012 11:25:00 PM的发言: 以下是引用la.confidential在4/8/2012 11:25:00 PM的发言:
形势发展很快嘛,商学院已经out啦? ;=p
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 16:49:56编辑过]
难怪我不瘦啊. 最痛恨的就是跑步, 而且膝盖年轻的时候穿高跟鞋导致的, 动不动就难过一下下...
难怪我不瘦啊. 最痛恨的就是跑步, 而且膝盖年轻的时候穿高跟鞋导致的, 动不动就难过一下下...
骑车游泳都行,有氧是一定要的,对心肺好,也burn fat。
我和嫩有很多相似的地方啊。 不同的是我要baby太晚了。35后才要老2。
所有的 都回复了,只有肚皮松了。 是不是再也回不了了?
嗯。。。花钱这事,it's all about personal choice:)
A friend of mine has 厌食症. She is 158 centimeters tall, weighs 78 jin, exercise 3 hours everyday, daily 800 calories taken in. She said she is healthy and energetic.
Perception is a HUGE thing!
看你的描述,she's a typical anorexia...she needs medical help!!!!
我可以做push-up的, 可以一口气做好几十. :(
我吃的挺注意的,早饭吃的好,午饭吃的饱,晚饭吃的少,中间也有加餐,基本只吃low GI carb 和蛋白。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 16:39:49编辑过]
关键是总卡数要低于你的maintenance level ! 具体理论详见首页三月份楼里的链接。
Bottomline is your training should be very specific for what you're trying to accomplish 'on the field.'
maybe they didn't meet the right men earlier?
En...I was referring those who got married~~~
Is it ready to eat or you have to cook it? and how to tell it is true?
买来是干的,需要自己炖。十几年吃下来,还是可辨真伪滴:) 德成行的质量不错。
难怪我不瘦啊. 最痛恨的就是跑步, 而且膝盖年轻的时候穿高跟鞋导致的, 动不动就难过一下下...
骑车游泳都行,有氧是一定要的,对心肺好,也burn fat。
我和嫩有很多相似的地方啊。 不同的是我要baby太晚了。35后才要老2。
所有的 都回复了,只有肚皮松了。 是不是再也回不了了?
无风我问你个问题. 你如何对待negative comments的? 就是说咋练出来的thick skin的?
哈哈哈哈。。。did u just say that I have thick skin~?:) lol...
well...jokes aside, 我是这么想的:
1) I hate when people speak openly on a public forum and don't expect certain people to comment. And of course, comment could be positive or negative.
2) I hate when people can't stay on topic in a conversation. They turn a very concrete topic into something personal. That to me is lame! So...I don't really take any negative comment personally unless it is a personal insult~~:)
3) Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.
4) 最后再补充一点:comment is like a mirror, which reflects more about the one who makes it...^_* 还有,我一直坚信群众的眼睛是雪亮滴!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 18:10:45编辑过]
哈哈哈哈。。。did u just say that I have thick skin~?:) lol...
well...jokes aside, 我是这么想的:
1) I hate when people speak openly on a public forum and don't expect certain people to comment. And of course, comment could be positive or negative.
2) I hate when people can't stay on topic in a conversation. They turn a very concrete topic into something personal. That to me is lame! So...I don't really take any negative comment personally unless it is a personal insult~~:)
3) Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.
是呀, thick skin是好事. 我就是太敏感了.
再说个我自己的尴尬事儿吧. 好久没进jcrew了, 看点熟悉的店员过来打招呼. 她穿了个条纹maxi, 配了牛仔衬衫. 我就赞她的outfit..然后啊, 一不留神, 我就问她是不是有喜了...人家脸红了半天说没有, 是那个大姨妈来访. 我这个毁啊....当时有地缝真能钻进去了就...
哈哈。。我一般不见人家肚子挺到我眼前,是绝对要save that question 的:)
哈哈。。我一般不见人家肚子挺到我眼前,是绝对要save that question 的:)
我也是啊, 那天不知道犯什么傻了...
Perception is a HUGE thing!
看你的描述,she's a typical anorexia...she needs medical help!!!!
She sees doctors who advise her to eat more and exercise less. But she can't. She feels good. Than the doctor said: I can't help you.
She sees doctors who advise her to eat more and exercise less. But she can't. She feels good. Than the doctor said: I can't help you.
哈哈哈哈。。。did u just say that I have thick skin~?:) lol...
well...jokes aside, 我是这么想的:
1) I hate when people speak openly on a public forum and don't expect certain people to comment. And of course, comment could be positive or negative.
2) I hate when people can't stay on topic in a conversation. They turn a very concrete topic into something personal. That to me is lame! So...I don't really take any negative comment personally unless it is a personal insult~~:)
3) Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment.
4) 最后再补充一点:comment is like a mirror, which reflects more about the one who makes it...^_* 还有,我一直坚信群众的眼睛是雪亮滴!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 18:10:45编辑过]
哈哈。。我一般不见人家肚子挺到我眼前,是绝对要save that question 的:)
我也是。 我们有个同事肯定怀孕了。和我聊天时说她妈妈身体不好,他们有了小孩也不能来帮忙。我也还是敢问,因为她很瘦,不是特别明显。
She sees doctors who advise her to eat more and exercise less. But she can't. She feels good. Than the doctor said: I can't help you.
如同下面MM建议的:she needs to see a psychiatrist...eating disorder is a mental problem!
爬了这么久的楼,真心觉得无风很全面,智慧和美貌并存。在这里学到很多东西。 gals are sooooo sweet!!! 其实许多素昧平生的我们,能在这里真心交流,共同进步,这本身就是一件truly amazing的快乐! gals are sooooo sweet!!! 其实许多素昧平生的我们,能在这里真心交流,共同进步,这本身就是一件truly amazing的快乐!
Seriously. I bookmark this page and open it daily, no, tri-daily at least, when i feel tired or stressed =) It's such a mood booster for me! One function i wish they offer at the forum is to have a link that redirects to the page where I left off last time, so that i don't need to waste time on that.
Thanksf or remembering it, 青山! It'd also be nice for huaren to offer a way to link a post to other posts that cites/responds to it =) I know i am becoming picky, but look at such a long long thread we have here =D
Perception is a HUGE thing!
看你的描述,she's a typical anorexia...she needs medical help!!!!
多说一句,google一下就有很多厌食症的表现,达到多少条就可以被诊断为进食障碍,你不妨把这些信息发给你朋友,外因通过内因起作用,最重要的是让她自己意识到something wrong,然后她才可能愿意看心理医生,普通医生的帮助不是很大
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite...
Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite...
now I normally go from the last page, and work my way backwards...
以下是引用macaojj在4/9/2012 7:36:00 PM的发言:
Seriously. I bookmark this page and open it daily, no, tri-daily at least, when i feel tired or stressed =) It's such a mood booster for me! One function i wish they offer at the forum is to have a link that redirects to the page where I left off last time, so that i don't need to waste time on that.
No i don't throw up. My daily is >2200 and average is >2500. I am keeping a detailed food log and that doesn't really help me reducing food intake. This is also an eating disorder but probably a milder one. I am just hoping to cure it gradually by myself...
以下是引用macaojj在4/9/2012 8:03:00 PM的发言:
Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite...
what models do you use? Tarther or hyperspeed are the light-weighted asics shoes that have good reviews at the same time... well just my $0.02 before 无风 gives the official answer:)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 20:39:06编辑过]
yeah, mine is constant and regular... i am getting a day below 2200 once every few weeks now. And that's with some mindful control already...
yeah, mine is constant and regular... i am getting a day below 2200 once every few weeks now. And that's with some mindful control already...
那你体重有明显增加吗? 没有说明你身体代谢高, 维持水平也高. 要么就需要检查甲状腺啥的了...
热. VENICE 那张美极了,一直以为油画才能现出这么斑剥的颜色, 我对颜色比光更加的敏感, 做梦有的时候都是五彩缤纷的, 典型的"色"女.
thanks~~ 那个是用胶片拍的。
这个鞋最靠近bare foot running
thanks~~ 那个是用胶片拍的。
真是这种感觉。我们晚上拍完照,沿着莱茵河散步。看见好几对小情侣就在河边吃晚餐(just some picnic),说着情话,甜蜜地热吻。真是浪漫啊。
浪漫巴黎,有图有真相~~ ;=P
what models do you use? Tarther or hyperspeed are the light-weighted asics shoes that have good reviews at the same time... well just my $0.02 before 无风 gives the official answer:)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 20:39:06编辑过]
Seriously. I bookmark this page and open it daily, no, tri-daily at least, when i feel tired or stressed =) It's such a mood booster for me!
One function i wish they offer at the forum is to have a link that redirects to the page where I left off last time, so that i don't need to waste time on that.
嗯...建议很好, 回头跟JD同学热烈反应一下~~~~
多说一句,google一下就有很多厌食症的表现,达到多少条就可以被诊断为进食障碍,你不妨把这些信息发给你朋友,外因通过内因起作用,最重要的是让她自己意识到something wrong,然后她才可能愿意看心理医生,普通医生的帮助不是很大
Talking about mental problems, regardless of the presenting symptoms, patient normally won't go see a doc until there is impairment for this case, it's going to be severe physical problem down the road. Unfortunately, it will be too late by then~~~
Secret Life of Mary Margaret: Portrait of a Bulimic
My problem is the opposite, as my daily diet range between 2200-3000. On weekends it'll even exceed 3000. I just can't help shoveling stuff into my mouth even when I am full :( I can relate to this video, although my problem is the opposite...
IF you are serious about it, have you ruled out BED diagnosis (Binge eating disorder)? :)
浪漫巴黎,有图有真相~~ ;=P
我用过它的前身,2110,stability鞋,support还不错。不过你未必需要这么多的支撑。我当初买也是跑鞋店给推荐的。 不过现在很流行go minimal,走轻巧无support路线,极端就是vibram的五指鞋之类的。理论是这样可以锻炼到人体自身的脚部肌肉,反而不容易受伤。然而,直接上minimal的话,保护不足,受伤的也不少。所以很多heated debate on this issue。 呵呵,我最近也在买鞋。前两次买鞋都是直接去跑鞋店,但是现在认识一些资深跑友,意见与鞋店很不同,所以东张西望杂七杂八的看了一些。
No i don't throw up. My daily is >2200 and average is >2500. I am keeping a detailed food log and that doesn't really help me reducing food intake. This is also an eating disorder but probably a milder one. I am just hoping to cure it gradually by myself...
According to DSM IV (目前世界最权威的心理学诊断手册), here is the criteria for binge-eating disorder include:
A person’s report of feeling out of control while eating along with at least three of the following symptoms:
Eating much more rapidly than normal
Eating until uncomfortably full
Eating large amounts of food, even when not physically hungry
Eating alone out of embarrassment at the quantity of food being eaten
Feelings of disgust, depression, or guilt with overeating.
These behaviors must occur 2 times per week over the course of 6 months with no compensatory behaviors (purging, laxatives or other inappropriate means to compensate for overeating).
不是特意吓你, 只是纯粹的FYI~~~:) If you are serious about this topic, I'd like to forward more details to you...:)
IF you are serious about it, have you ruled out BED diagnosis (Binge eating disorder)? :)
无风姐姐,你跑步有什么鞋推荐吗? 我现在用Asics,但是觉得不轻。
穿过很多, 最舒服的是现在这双: Nike Bowerman series: Zoom Vomero +6 ...
thanks~~ 那个是用胶片拍的。
这张, 感觉色彩过浓烈了~~~
浪漫巴黎,有图有真相~~ ;=P
德味, 大师, 学习了, 求套图~~~;=P
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/10 0:52:25编辑过]
According to DSM IV (目前世界最权威的心理学诊断手册), here is the criteria for binge-eating disorder include:
A person’s report of feeling out of control while eating along with at least three of the following symptoms:
Eating much more rapidly than normal
Eating until uncomfortably full
Eating large amounts of food, even when not physically hungry
Eating alone out of embarrassment at the quantity of food being eaten
Feelings of disgust, depression, or guilt with overeating.
These behaviors must occur 2 times per week over the course of 6 months with no compensatory behaviors (purging, laxatives or other inappropriate means to compensate for overeating).
不是特意吓你, 只是纯粹的FYI~~~:) If you are serious about this topic, I'd like to forward more details to you...:)
谢谢,我好好看看。现在也矛盾,因为虽然不skinny,绝对不算overweight,去找专家看有点过了吧?医生也未见得会take it serious。
如果真是要认真跑, 尤其是路跑, 鞋非常关键!!!
我自己以前也是外行, 最近一年来, 知道了要去店里找专业人帮忙挑选...因为每个人的foot type, foot strike 等都各不相同~~~
Generally speaking:
1)They should match your feet
2)They should provide rebound energy
3)They should be lightweight and flexible
王家卫所以牛, 是因为创作班底有个"铁三角"!!
我也一直期望着, 有一天, 能有自己的"铁三角"~~~;)
求招生简张,报名地点~~ ;-)
1) 把心放肚子里, 跑步不会让小腿变粗!
2) 小腿部肌肉跟身体其他部位一样, 必须有足够的卡路里, 才能增肌. 短跑运动员之所以小腿粗, 要先看看他们吃的是什么是多少, 然后消耗又是多少! again, as long as you are in caloric deficit mode, there is no way to bulk any musle.
3) 小腿粗细, 非常大比重是先天因素, 因为这个地方很难囤积肥肉~~~
4) 跑后的拉伸非常重要, 帮助肌肉放松, 减轻充血状态...
兔子飞飞 妹妹,我以前的经验告诉我,运动完后一定要彻底的腿部拉伸,并且拍打,捏小腿的肌肉直到肌肉完全放松。这样小腿肌肉不会变粗。
嗯...谢谢MM现身说法~~~:) MUA~~~~~
无风给你闪下我的food log:最新的在第14页。当时发出来很多人觉得我挖坑啊什么的,所以也懒得make a fuss了。回头我删了。。。甲亢至少两年前体检是没有的,倒是一直就吃这么多的。感觉有可能是eating disorder,轻微的吧,你说呢?也有看到同事吃很多的,我在女生里绝对是吃得多的,但是大家也不狠惊讶,毕竟觉得我运动也还是有的。我们公司很多free food,所以大家胃口都养的很大。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/4/9 23:45:13编辑过]
浪漫巴黎,有图有真相~~ ;=P
大师,这张是imply他们together as in together?~~~