觉得有必要再唐一句: There is no set caloric intake that is right for everyone. If you are following a diet that is telling you to eat a certain level of calories without taking into account your personal stats, 99 out of 100 times it is a bogus diet... The only way to know it is to try on yourself and keep modifying~~~:)
One of the most common strategies used to differentiate weight training exercises is by having an idea of how the exercise is training your body and which all muscle groups are being developed in the weight training process. Thus, weight training exercises came to be divided into two: Compound Exercises and Isolation Exercises. Before we find out the differences between the two exercise types, it is important to understand what each exercise type is which will ultimately decide the key variations between the two.
Compound exercises generally target multiple muscles and all those exercises which focus on the development of muscle groups are classified under this category. The most popular types of exercises in this division include the squats, deadlifts and the bench presses. On the other hand, all those types of exercises which focus on the development of a single muscle at a time constitute the isolation exercises. Apt examples of exercises falling under this category include the bicep curls and the calf raises.
Now, the big question that arises out of this discussion is which exercise type is better. However, to answer this question, one needs to determine what their body-building goal is. For example, if you are on the lookout of developing muscle mass in the fastest possible time, then there is no doubt that you should turn to compound exercises for help. Another vital reason why you should go in for compound exercises is especially when you are directed towards functional fitness and thereby compound exercises will actually guide your muscles to function together.
However, this does not mean that you should eliminate all types of isolation exercises as they too have their own function. Isolation exercises come into the picture when you need to eliminate imbalances in the functioning of muscle groups. By correcting any malfunctions in your muscular function, you can take your workout to the next level and this will gradually enhance your compound movements and you will be able to avoid injuries during workout. Most of us are unaware of the fact that muscle injuries are mostly caused due to muscle imbalances and thus, performing isolation exercises will help you to improve your fitness level and will prevent any chances of injury.
Therefore, we can strongly conclude that the right combination of compound as well as isolation exercises will offer you a great workout regime that will save your time and efforts as well so that you can reach your goal as fast as possible.
One of the most common strategies used to differentiate weight training exercises is by having an idea of how the exercise is training your body and which all muscle groups are being developed in the weight training process. Thus, weight training exercises came to be divided into two: Compound Exercises and Isolation Exercises. Before we find out the differences between the two exercise types, it is important to understand what each exercise type is which will ultimately decide the key variations between the two.
Compound exercises generally target multiple muscles and all those exercises which focus on the development of muscle groups are classified under this category. The most popular types of exercises in this division include the squats, deadlifts and the bench presses. On the other hand, all those types of exercises which focus on the development of a single muscle at a time constitute the isolation exercises. Apt examples of exercises falling under this category include the bicep curls and the calf raises.
Now, the big question that arises out of this discussion is which exercise type is better. However, to answer this question, one needs to determine what their body-building goal is. For example, if you are on the lookout of developing muscle mass in the fastest possible time, then there is no doubt that you should turn to compound exercises for help. Another vital reason why you should go in for compound exercises is especially when you are directed towards functional fitness and thereby compound exercises will actually guide your muscles to function together.
However, this does not mean that you should eliminate all types of isolation exercises as they too have their own function. Isolation exercises come into the picture when you need to eliminate imbalances in the functioning of muscle groups. By correcting any malfunctions in your muscular function, you can take your workout to the next level and this will gradually enhance your compound movements and you will be able to avoid injuries during workout. Most of us are unaware of the fact that muscle injuries are mostly caused due to muscle imbalances and thus, performing isolation exercises will help you to improve your fitness level and will prevent any chances of injury.
Therefore, we can strongly conclude that the right combination of compound as well as isolation exercises will offer you a great workout regime that will save your time and efforts as well so that you can reach your goal as fast as possible.
前面说过了。。减脂最关键的其实是“吃”! 要保证卡路里的摄入量在“caloric deficit mode”。。。once this deficit is in place, no matter what we do (for the most part), we are going to lose fat!
这招在我身上很管用!因为从human body science 的角度来说,旺盛而健康的新陈代谢系统是long term success 的必需!长期的1200卡饥饿吃法塑造的都是短期效果! sustainability is my key thing!~~~ 我明白, 我的意思是说我自己没找到要领, 好象循环起来事倍功半, 至今也没效果. 你能具体举例说明吗? 我也可以照猫画虎.
2)关于营养分配,我的原则是:1-1.5gm of protein for each pound of body weight, and there are 4 calories in each gram of protein. 50-100 grams of fat as a minium, and thee are 9 calories per gram of fat. The rest of them is where I add carbs and other macronutrients...
2)关于营养分配,我的原则是:1-1.5gm of protein for each pound of body weight, and there are 4 calories in each gram of protein. 50-100 grams of fat as a minium, and thee are 9 calories per gram of fat. The rest of them is where I add carbs and other macronutrients...
Sitting in kids' Chinese School and read something interesting: "Why don't zebras get ulcers--or heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases--when people do? In a fascinating look at the science of stress, biologist Robert Sapolsky presents an intriguing case, that people develop such diseases partly because our bodies aren't designed for the constant stresses of a modern-day life--like sitting in daily traffic jams or growing up in poverty. Rather, they seem more built for the kind of short-term stress faced by a zebra--like outrunning a lion." That makes total sense: stress is a big thing to impact every single aspect of our life ~~~
Sitting in kids' Chinese School and read something interesting: "Why don't zebras get ulcers--or heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases--when people do? In a fascinating look at the science of stress, biologist Robert Sapolsky presents an intriguing case, that people develop such diseases partly because our bodies aren't designed for the constant stresses of a modern-day life--like sitting in daily traffic jams or growing up in poverty. Rather, they seem more built for the kind of short-term stress faced by a zebra--like outrunning a lion." That makes total sense: stress is a big thing to impact every single aspect of our life ~~~
这个我看完,好有感触啊。 我爸爸病重,我后妈这次很明显的把所有的财产都准备自己吞,包括我的也是。
Pat pat...难道你爸没有相关的法律文件吗?
所以要想有腹部的definition,需要减脂。然后做compound exercise,而不是just crunches?
这个compound excercise 和循环WT 是一个概念吗。
减脂期间最好做短而重的大肌肉群WT,而不是isolation movements IMO...
有本书可以去看一下,名字类似 man's searching of meaning
回头去找来读读~~~:) 谢谢Lusi 推荐:)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/22 15:16:20编辑过]
减脂和增肌,我已经干过几轮了。。。我身体的基础代谢是1500卡,这已经考虑进去我的新陈代谢水平和运动量了! 所以我是我的体重乘以15,而不是10。。。
所以1800卡,对我的身体而言,肯定是caloric surplus...而且bump up/down calories needs to go slow ... 我要一周一周地逐渐加上去,才能有最佳效果!因为跟减脂必减肌肉同理,增肌的代价也会多少增脂肪~~~
Make sense?
There is no set caloric intake that is right for everyone. If you are following a diet that is telling you to eat a certain level of calories without taking into account your personal stats, 99 out of 100 times it is a bogus diet...
The only way to know it is to try on yourself and keep modifying~~~:)
有本书可以去看一下,名字类似 man's searching of meaning
LUSI 一听就是有文化的小姑娘
回头去找来读读~~~:) 谢谢Lusi 推荐:)
LUSI 一听就是有文化的小姑娘
1)不能吃的太少, 也不能长期在"deficit mode", 否则会严重slow down你的新陈代谢系统, 不仅会很快到达平台期, 而且最终还会反弹...其实真正有效的是在"caloric deficit" and "caloric surplus" 两者之间交替, 也就是在"fat reducing" and "bulking" 之间交替...但是很多MM只敢做"饥民", 不敢做"吃货", 最后都变成麻杆儿苦行僧:)
2)减脂期间, 最好要少损失肌肉, 这就是为什么weight training一定要坚持做...不是为了增肌(因为不可能), 而是为了保持... 体重到最后毫无意义, 瘦不难做到, 难的是瘦不露骨, 瘦而有型!
这个fat reducing和bulking是不是说明 大家减肥开始饿啊饿的,
有本书可以去看一下,名字类似 man's searching of meaning
是不是seven habits of highly effective people 里面提到了这个作者?
无风MM, 如果你睡眠不足, 会影响你的活动安排吗?我今天一天晕头晕脑,什么都不想做。
减脂期间最好做短而重的大肌肉群WT,而不是isolation movements IMO...
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/22 19:22:46编辑过]
查了一下compound vs isolation exercise
One of the most common strategies used to differentiate weight training exercises is by having an idea of how the exercise is training your body and which all muscle groups are being developed in the weight training process. Thus, weight training exercises came to be divided into two: Compound Exercises and Isolation Exercises. Before we find out the differences between the two exercise types, it is important to understand what each exercise type is which will ultimately decide the key variations between the two.
Compound exercises generally target multiple muscles and all those exercises which focus on the development of muscle groups are classified under this category. The most popular types of exercises in this division include the squats, deadlifts and the bench presses.
On the other hand, all those types of exercises which focus on the development of a single muscle at a time constitute the isolation exercises. Apt examples of exercises falling under this category include the bicep curls and the calf raises.
Now, the big question that arises out of this discussion is which exercise type is better. However, to answer this question, one needs to determine what their body-building goal is. For example, if you are on the lookout of developing muscle mass in the fastest possible time, then there is no doubt that you should turn to compound exercises for help. Another vital reason why you should go in for compound exercises is especially when you are directed towards functional fitness and thereby compound exercises will actually guide your muscles to function together.
However, this does not mean that you should eliminate all types of isolation exercises as they too have their own function. Isolation exercises come into the picture when you need to eliminate imbalances in the functioning of muscle groups. By correcting any malfunctions in your muscular function, you can take your workout to the next level and this will gradually enhance your compound movements and you will be able to avoid injuries during workout. Most of us are unaware of the fact that muscle injuries are mostly caused due to muscle imbalances and thus, performing isolation exercises will help you to improve your fitness level and will prevent any chances of injury.
Therefore, we can strongly conclude that the right combination of compound as well as isolation exercises will offer you a great workout regime that will save your time and efforts as well so that you can reach your goal as fast as possible.
LUSI 一听就是有文化的小姑娘
减脂和增肌,我已经干过几轮了。。。我身体的基础代谢是1500卡,这已经考虑进去我的新陈代谢水平和运动量了! 所以我是我的体重乘以15,而不是10。。。
所以1800卡,对我的身体而言,肯定是caloric surplus...而且bump up/down calories needs to go slow ... 我要一周一周地逐渐加上去,才能有最佳效果!因为跟减脂必减肌肉同理,增肌的代价也会多少增脂肪~~~
Make sense?
这个fat reducing和bulking是不是说明 大家减肥开始饿啊饿的,
"狂"跟"暴"都是问题,steady and slow is the key of this game~~~:)
赶紧搂住!你去哪享受人生乐? :)
有本书可以去看一下,名字类似 man's searching of meaning
查了一下compound vs isolation exercise
One of the most common strategies used to differentiate weight training exercises is by having an idea of how the exercise is training your body and which all muscle groups are being developed in the weight training process. Thus, weight training exercises came to be divided into two: Compound Exercises and Isolation Exercises. Before we find out the differences between the two exercise types, it is important to understand what each exercise type is which will ultimately decide the key variations between the two.
Compound exercises generally target multiple muscles and all those exercises which focus on the development of muscle groups are classified under this category. The most popular types of exercises in this division include the squats, deadlifts and the bench presses.
On the other hand, all those types of exercises which focus on the development of a single muscle at a time constitute the isolation exercises. Apt examples of exercises falling under this category include the bicep curls and the calf raises.
Now, the big question that arises out of this discussion is which exercise type is better. However, to answer this question, one needs to determine what their body-building goal is. For example, if you are on the lookout of developing muscle mass in the fastest possible time, then there is no doubt that you should turn to compound exercises for help. Another vital reason why you should go in for compound exercises is especially when you are directed towards functional fitness and thereby compound exercises will actually guide your muscles to function together.
However, this does not mean that you should eliminate all types of isolation exercises as they too have their own function. Isolation exercises come into the picture when you need to eliminate imbalances in the functioning of muscle groups. By correcting any malfunctions in your muscular function, you can take your workout to the next level and this will gradually enhance your compound movements and you will be able to avoid injuries during workout. Most of us are unaware of the fact that muscle injuries are mostly caused due to muscle imbalances and thus, performing isolation exercises will help you to improve your fitness level and will prevent any chances of injury.
Therefore, we can strongly conclude that the right combination of compound as well as isolation exercises will offer you a great workout regime that will save your time and efforts as well so that you can reach your goal as fast as possible.
嗯。基本同意!减脂期间compound exercise 尤其有效防止肌肉流失~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/22 20:19:28编辑过]
嗯。基本同意!减脂期间compound exercise 尤其有效防止肌肉流失~~~
BOOTCAMP 里面的WT动作全是compound exercise, 我还特别喜欢这样的动作
这里的话题好丰富, 受益匪浅阿, 都是貌美如花的才女。:)
无风MM, 如果你睡眠不足, 会影响你的活动安排吗?我今天一天晕头晕脑,什么都不想做。
En...IMO, personal greatness is determined by how you handle yourself when you are knocked down~~~
飞飞,你的点点裙是去anthro买的吗? 很好看~
BOOTCAMP 里面的WT动作全是compound exercise, 我还特别喜欢这样的动作
前面说过了。。减脂最关键的其实是“吃”! 要保证卡路里的摄入量在“caloric deficit mode”。。。once this deficit is in place, no matter what we do (for the most part), we are going to lose fat!
Cardio 在这个阶段只是帮助你达到"caloric deficit mode" 的一个手段而已...
1)不能吃的太少, 也不能长期在"deficit mode", 否则会严重slow down你的新陈代谢系统, 不仅会很快到达平台期, 而且最终还会反弹...其实真正有效的是在"caloric deficit" and "caloric surplus" 两者之间交替, 也就是在"fat reducing" and "bulking" 之间交替...但是很多MM只敢做"饥民", 不敢做"吃货", 最后都变成麻杆儿苦行僧:)
2)减脂期间, 最好要少损失肌肉, 这就是为什么weight training一定要坚持做...不是为了增肌(因为不可能), 而是为了保持... 体重到最后毫无意义, 瘦不难做到, 难的是瘦不露骨, 瘦而有型!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/22 13:24:48编辑过]
恩, 你这个第一条基本就是西方推崇的"calorie cycling". 可惜我到现在也不得其法, 循环地不对路.
恩, 你这个第一条基本就是西方推崇的"calorie cycling". 可惜我到现在也不得其法, 循环地不对路.
这招在我身上很管用!因为从human body science 的角度来说,旺盛而健康的新陈代谢系统是long term success 的必需!长期的1200卡饥饿吃法塑造的都是短期效果! sustainability is my key thing!~~~
这招在我身上很管用!因为从human body science 的角度来说,旺盛而健康的新陈代谢系统是long term success 的必需!长期的1200卡饥饿吃法塑造的都是短期效果! sustainability is my key thing!~~~
我明白, 我的意思是说我自己没找到要领, 好象循环起来事倍功半, 至今也没效果. 你能具体举例说明吗? 我也可以照猫画虎.
En...IMO, personal greatness is determined by how you handle yourself when you are knocked down~~~
How I handle myself in the face of adversity= I eat dark chocolate
我明白, 我的意思是说我自己没找到要领, 好象循环起来事倍功半, 至今也没效果. 你能具体举例说明吗? 我也可以照猫画虎.
1.先明确你此阶段的目标: 减脂? 增肌? 同时根据你自己对自己身体状况的了解确定新陈代谢的maintenance level...in terms of calories
2.如果是减脂, 卡路里摄入量要抵于上面的标准量. 如果是增肌, 要高出...
3.道理很简单, 关键在于: 第一你真的要keep a food log for 2 weeks of everything you eat and each food's caloric values! 第二增减要循序渐进...
haha ... if you were talking about 72%-87% range, I think it's actually a quite healthy way~~~:)
在贴子首页, 每个月的那层楼里都有健身日记+关键讨论内容的电梯~~~!!! ;-)
Pat pat...难道你爸没有相关的法律文件吗?
有。 但是被我后妈给改了。 我因为从boarding school 的时候出来,很多年没回过家了。 其实,我很有感触,钱财不过是身外物。 健康,平静的生活,才是最真实的。 好像你说的,一切随缘。
有。 但是被我后妈给改了。 我因为从boarding school 的时候出来,很多年没回过家了。 其实,我很有感触,钱财不过是身外物。 健康,平静的生活,才是最真实的。 好像你说的,一切随缘。
这都可以 建议mm上闲话版找妞妞大牛问问吧 她啥都知道
这招在我身上很管用!因为从human body science 的角度来说,旺盛而健康的新陈代谢系统是long term success 的必需!长期的1200卡饥饿吃法塑造的都是短期效果! sustainability is my key thing!~~~
1200卡,减肥期的饮食是短期效果, 我最多坚持两个星期。 无风MM的理论好,饿几天,吃几天。 坚持大量运动。
1.先明确你此阶段的目标: 减脂? 增肌? 同时根据你自己对自己身体状况的了解确定新陈代谢的maintenance level...in terms of calories
2.如果是减脂, 卡路里摄入量要抵于上面的标准量. 如果是增肌, 要高出...
3.道理很简单, 关键在于: 第一你真的要keep a food log for 2 weeks of everything you eat and each food's caloric values! 第二增减要循序渐进...
谢谢. 我90%的时间基本都保证calorie intake在维持水平之下, 1200卡之上. 可是真的除了最初两个月1200卡的时候减了点水份, 以后就长期平台了. 两个月前开始加大和变换运动种类, cardio跟WT交替, 但是没有进展, 而且反而重了.
我的目标主要是减脂 hopefully同时塑型. 吃的也很干净, fat, carb每天都不超标.
Happy Friday 美妞儿们!
Happy Friday 美妞儿们!
有。 但是被我后妈给改了。 我因为从boarding school 的时候出来,很多年没回过家了。 其实,我很有感触,钱财不过是身外物。 健康,平静的生活,才是最真实的。 好像你说的,一切随缘。
好... 我先笼统地讲讲"营养科学"...一家之言, 仅供参考~~
1) 如果你的基础代谢(your body's maintenance level)是1480卡, 你只吃1200卡, 那你100%是在"减脂"。如果这就是你的目标,那就吃对了。 如果目标是塑型增肌,那就不用想了,肯定没戏, 因为吃的远远不够。
2)关于营养分配,我的原则是:1-1.5gm of protein for each pound of body weight, and there are 4 calories in each gram of protein. 50-100 grams of fat as a minium, and thee are 9 calories per gram of fat. The rest of them is where I add carbs and other macronutrients...
3)有关Carbs, 有很多争论. 我个人的观点是取决于每个人不同的健身目标和身体情况. 象我, 经常跑步, carbs 对我来讲非常重要, 而且有帮助!
谢谢. 我90%的时间基本都保证calorie intake在维持水平之下, 1200卡之上. 可是真的除了最初两个月1200卡的时候减了点水份, 以后就长期平台了. 两个月前开始加大和变换运动种类, cardio跟WT交替, 但是没有进展, 而且反而重了.
我的目标主要是减脂 hopefully同时塑型. 吃的也很干净, fat, carb每天都不超标.
1) 你首先要根据自己的状况搞清楚你的基础代谢水平. i.e. your caloric maintenance level. 简单的方法就是用体重乘以15.
2) 吃两个月1200卡都减不下来, 只能说明几种可能:
1>你体重非常低, 1200卡都超出你所需要的基础代谢水平...
2>你长期以来一直on diet...饿着自己, 你的新陈代谢水平已经很低了, 所以再继续饿, 效果也不高, 基本平台了. (BTW, 这就是为啥不能长期on diet IMO)
3>你觉得你吃了1200卡, 其实并没有每天认真记录每一样入嘴食物的卡数, 你实际吃的已经超过了...
3)减脂期间, 吃最关键, 跟运动强度种类关系不大...如果还重了, 99.9%是吃的问题!!
4)你需要重新明确目标. 因为减脂和塑型/增肌不可能同时发生, 违反生理科学. You have to choose one goal at a time~~~
解决方案: 如果你自己觉得是新陈代谢的问题(depressed metabolism due to long time on diet), 唯一的解决办法就是fix your metabolism system!
Many thanks~~~
前面说过了...很重要的一条理论: There is no spot reduce!!! 减脂只能全身减, 没挑没减~~~:)
要减其实也简单, 就是卡路里的摄入量要低于基础代谢水平. 关键还是吃~~ 吃对了, 比做一万个ab crunches还管用!!!
2。WT:body weight lunges 12x3, body weight squats 12x3, body weight step-ups 12x3,body weight jump squats 12x3
3。Nutrition:1900 cals~~
4。阴天,光线险峻,挖掘了几个新角落,拍了N张新照片:) 一定众乐乐~~~
5。豆腐煲间和大师聊天, 忽然说,"你看美国的那些黑帮分子从监狱里出来, 每一个都练了一身的肌肉和线条...再看德国的希特勒从监狱里出来, 写完了一部《我的奋斗》...这说明了什么问题呢?"~~~~:)
好... 我先笼统地讲讲"营养科学"...一家之言, 仅供参考~~
1) 如果你的基础代谢(your body's maintenance level)是1480卡, 你只吃1200卡, 那你100%是在"减脂"。如果这就是你的目标,那就吃对了。 如果目标是塑型增肌,那就不用想了,肯定没戏, 因为吃的远远不够。
2)关于营养分配,我的原则是:1-1.5gm of protein for each pound of body weight, and there are 4 calories in each gram of protein. 50-100 grams of fat as a minium, and thee are 9 calories per gram of fat. The rest of them is where I add carbs and other macronutrients...
3)有关Carbs, 有很多争论. 我个人的观点是取决于每个人不同的健身目标和身体情况. 象我, 经常跑步, carbs 对我来讲非常重要, 而且有帮助!
我觉得这里有问题,这个1400指的是最基本维持代谢,并没有考虑到基本生活和和运动需要,因此低于这个数字的1200还是过于低了吧,静止不动应该是1400x1.2, 有简单运动1-3次是1400x1.35...。我和兔子的摄入量是差不多的,如果低于1400, 我的代谢立马下来,压根减不动,1400以上了体重才会动。尤其是这次减肥,特别明显,当然我的年龄也会是一个因素,本来代谢能力就差了,再饿死,更没戏
2。WT:body weight lunges 12x3, body weight squats 12x3, body weight step-ups 12x3,body weight jump squats 12x3
3。Nutrition:1900 cals~~
4。阴天,光线险峻,挖掘了几个新角落,拍了N张新照片:) 一定众乐乐~~~
5。豆腐煲间和大师聊天, 忽然说,"你看美国的那些黑帮分子从监狱里出来, 每一个都练了一身的肌肉和线条...再看德国的希特勒从监狱里出来, 写完了一部《我的奋斗》...这说明了什么问题呢?"~~~~:)
介个太搞了 哈哈 !!!!快点来众乐乐啊!!!夏天到了要鸡血!!!!!!!
ABC 有档节目叫MIND, 有一期是打开肥胖者的头颅, 看看什么脑部原因让他们无法控制CRAVINGS。 减肥在生活中不算难度太大的事情。老美在这个问题上花费了巨大的投资, 心理学, 运动学, 营养学,经济学都在研究这个问题。真是浪费啊, 把这笔投资让非洲的小孩去上学, 把这些胖子放到不发达国家的农村去吃粗茶淡饭, 就不成问题了。
前面说过了...很重要的一条理论: There is no spot reduce!!! 减脂只能全身减, 没挑没减~~~:)
要减其实也简单, 就是卡路里的摄入量要低于基础代谢水平. 关键还是吃~~ 吃对了, 比做一万个ab crunches还管用!!!
我是腹部和胸部差不多高。 腹部减平, 胸部估计也平了。 胸部瘦弱, 四肢和腹部厚重, 怎么会有这么奇怪的安排??!!!
练肌肉阶段, 腹部还是要做运动吧?
3)减脂期间, 吃最关键, 跟运动强度种类关系不大...如果还重了, 99.9%是吃的问题!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/24 11:05:51编辑过]
我觉得这里有问题,这个1400指的是最基本维持代谢,并没有考虑到基本生活和和运动需要,因此低于这个数字的1200还是过于低了吧,静止不动应该是1400x1.2, 有简单运动1-3次是1400x1.35...。我和兔子的摄入量是差不多的,如果低于1400, 我的代谢立马下来,压根减不动,1400以上了体重才会动。尤其是这次减肥,特别明显,当然我的年龄也会是一个因素,本来代谢能力就差了,再饿死,更没戏
看体重和代谢水平,我吃1400平均一周2-3次中等运动强度加上偶尔大吃一顿,一年能减一磅就不错了, 吃1000就减的非常的明显,连续吃上几周,配上一周5次有氧,正好一周一磅的速度。
无风睡好晚啊,我是今天早上看见的,昨晚第六次看的时候已经过了午夜12点了。 ABC 有档节目叫MIND, 有一期是打开肥胖者的头颅, 看看什么脑部原因让他们无法控制CRAVINGS。 减肥在生活中不算难度太大的事情。老美在这个问题上花费了巨大的投资, 心理学, 运动学, 营养学,经济学都在研究这个问题。真是浪费啊, 把这笔投资让非洲的小孩去上学, 把这些胖子放到不发达国家的农村去吃粗茶淡饭, 就不成问题了。美国人就知道浪费!
是的,世界上1/5的人吃不饱,剩下的4/5都在减肥。再次控诉一下美国的饮食习惯,DINNER 后吃DESSERT,活该胖死。
看体重和代谢水平,我吃1400平均一周2-3次中等运动强度加上偶尔大吃一顿,一年能减一磅就不错了, 吃1000就减的非常的明显,连续吃上几周,配上一周5次有氧,正好一周一磅的速度。
是的,世界上1/5的人吃不饱,剩下的4/5都在减肥。再次控诉一下美国的饮食习惯,DINNER 后吃DESSERT,活该胖死。
我也被这个习惯影响了,有时候吃晚饭特想吃甜食就吃一颗糖,还想:总没老美吃的多, 没关系。
前面说过了...很重要的一条理论: There is no spot reduce!!! 减脂只能全身减, 没挑没减~~~:)
要减其实也简单, 就是卡路里的摄入量要低于基础代谢水平. 关键还是吃~~ 吃对了, 比做一万个ab crunches还管用!!!
单做CRUNCH确实没用,一般减肥开始PT都不提倡作太多ABS,因为如果FAT 没有下去,ABS又练出来了,肚子会看着更大。。。
我正常的一周2-3次中等锻炼强度,大概1500-1600。1000 对于我而言是人家的1200。我如果没有吃够1000,白天就会老觉得饿,坚持不了3天就必须狠吃一顿。
2。WT:body weight lunges 12x3, body weight squats 12x3, body weight step-ups 12x3,body weight jump squats 12x3
3。Nutrition:1900 cals~~
4。阴天,光线险峻,挖掘了几个新角落,拍了N张新照片:) 一定众乐乐~~~
5。豆腐煲间和大师聊天, 忽然说,"你看美国的那些黑帮分子从监狱里出来, 每一个都练了一身的肌肉和线条...再看德国的希特勒从监狱里出来, 写完了一部《我的奋斗》...这说明了什么问题呢?"~~~~:)
我也被这个习惯影响了,有时候吃晚饭特想吃甜食就吃一颗糖,还想:总没老美吃的多, 没关系。
ABC 有档节目叫MIND, 有一期是打开肥胖者的头颅, 看看什么脑部原因让他们无法控制CRAVINGS。 减肥在生活中不算难度太大的事情。老美在这个问题上花费了巨大的投资, 心理学, 运动学, 营养学,经济学都在研究这个问题。真是浪费啊, 把这笔投资让非洲的小孩去上学, 把这些胖子放到不发达国家的农村去吃粗茶淡饭, 就不成问题了。
我觉得这里有问题,这个1400指的是最基本维持代谢,并没有考虑到基本生活和和运动需要,因此低于这个数字的1200还是过于低了吧,静止不动应该是1400x1.2, 有简单运动1-3次是1400x1.35...。我和兔子的摄入量是差不多的,如果低于1400, 我的代谢立马下来,压根减不动,1400以上了体重才会动。尤其是这次减肥,特别明显,当然我的年龄也会是一个因素,本来代谢能力就差了,再饿死,更没戏
3)所以,zig-zag diet 有利于提高新陈代谢,才是最佳减脂方法。你用的估计就是这个。。
介个太搞了 哈哈 !!!!快点来众乐乐啊!!!夏天到了要鸡血!!!!!!!
独乐乐每天都有:) 众乐乐最好有周期,否则引起审美疲劳~~~:)
ABC 有档节目叫MIND, 有一期是打开肥胖者的头颅, 看看什么脑部原因让他们无法控制CRAVINGS。 减肥在生活中不算难度太大的事情。老美在这个问题上花费了巨大的投资, 心理学, 运动学, 营养学,经济学都在研究这个问题。真是浪费啊, 把这笔投资让非洲的小孩去上学, 把这些胖子放到不发达国家的农村去吃粗茶淡饭, 就不成问题了。
非常同意!减肥甚至塑形,从理论上讲其实很简单,关键都在实践! 此外,压力大引起激素变化,各种合并症,及其相关药物带来的副作用等,也是引发肥胖的重要因素。。。
我是腹部和胸部差不多高。 腹部减平, 胸部估计也平了。 胸部瘦弱, 四肢和腹部厚重, 怎么会有这么奇怪的安排??!!!
练肌肉阶段, 腹部还是要做运动吧?
2)增肌阶段,腹部可以做,但我现在更喜欢compound exercise v.s. isolation movement ...
1)如果单纯要减体重,吃对了就足够了! 你看那些fashion model
2)要瘦而有形,就必须加上正确的wt 还有 cardio!
看体重和代谢水平,我吃1400平均一周2-3次中等运动强度加上偶尔大吃一顿,一年能减一磅就不错了, 吃1000就减的非常的明显,连续吃上几周,配上一周5次有氧,正好一周一磅的速度。
对!关键是不能长期只吃1000卡,否则会depress your metabolism in long run!
2)增肌阶段,腹部可以做,但我现在更喜欢compound exercise v.s. isolation movement ...
compound exercise 自己在家可以做吗?
是的,世界上1/5的人吃不饱,剩下的4/5都在减肥。再次控诉一下美国的饮食习惯,DINNER 后吃DESSERT,活该胖死。
单做CRUNCH确实没用,一般减肥开始PT都不提倡作太多ABS,因为如果FAT 没有下去,ABS又练出来了,肚子会看着更大。。。
哈哈,嗯,tip to share: 凡是让你减肥练abs的pt,都可以直接fire掉,because s/he doesn't know the stuff!!!
compound exercise 自己在家可以做吗?
相对困难。因为都是squat, deadlift之类的大杠子,重铁片~~~:)
"Why don't zebras get ulcers--or heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases--when people do? In a fascinating look at the science of stress, biologist Robert Sapolsky presents an intriguing case, that people develop such diseases partly because our bodies aren't designed for the constant stresses of a modern-day life--like sitting in daily traffic jams or growing up in poverty. Rather, they seem more built for the kind of short-term stress faced by a zebra--like outrunning a lion."
That makes total sense: stress is a big thing to impact every single aspect of our life ~~~
以下是引用无风自飞在3/24/2012 2:58:00 PM的发言:
Sitting in kids' Chinese School and read something interesting:
"Why don't zebras get ulcers--or heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases--when people do? In a fascinating look at the science of stress, biologist Robert Sapolsky presents an intriguing case, that people develop such diseases partly because our bodies aren't designed for the constant stresses of a modern-day life--like sitting in daily traffic jams or growing up in poverty. Rather, they seem more built for the kind of short-term stress faced by a zebra--like outrunning a lion."
That makes total sense: stress is a big thing to impact every single aspect of our life ~~~
squat练了大腿前侧肌肉不会太明显吗?以前我那个pt不让我练 说我前侧肌肉本来就紧.....然后让我跑步之后狂拉伸....
深蹲不光练大腿, 还带动身体很多的肌肉群!
独乐乐每天都有:) 众乐乐最好有周期,否则引起审美疲劳~~~:)
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/24 17:40:21编辑过]
对!关键是不能长期只吃1000卡,否则会depress your metabolism in long run!
无风mm,你“4miles/HIIT”是跑步还是HIIT啊?有空在首页上开一楼解释一下你daily logs的代号吧?