Miller has an extensive history of petty run-ins with the law, sources said, and appears to be a member of the sovereign citizens movement – a far-right movement built on conspiracy theories that believe governments have no authority over them.
Miller, a registered Republican, has a master’s degree from UCLA, and in 2022 ran for Nevada State assembly, the Press-Enterprise reported.
He also appears to own a California-based CBD company, and has espoused conspiracy theories and virulently misogynistic rhetoric online.
suspect says he backs ex-president
Miller, in an interview with Southern California News Group on Sunday, said he was "shocked" that he was arrested and accused of trying to harm Trump, who he supports.
A source close to the Trump campaign also told Fox News's Bill Melugin, and another told Fox News' Bryan Preston, that they do not believe this was an assassination attempt on Trump.
"And from my perspective, in law enforcement, he was. It's that group. If, in fact, it turns out that he is part of the Sovereign Citizens Group, they are certainly considered a far-right group.
美国共和党总统候选人、前总统川普(Donald Trump)两度遭遇暗杀危机后,加州警方10月13日公布,川普前一日于该州科切拉谷(Coachella Valley)造势时,一名男子被发现持有两支枪和一个大容量弹匣被捕。当局未透露其动机,美国《华盛顿邮报》及英国《卫报》则引述执法人员称,当局“可能阻止了第3次暗杀企图”。
被捕49岁男子米勒(Vem Miller)为拉斯维加斯居民,12日驾驶一辆黑色SUV接近集会场地时,被警方拦车截查并发现携有枪支,当时枪支已经上弹,另有大容量弹匣。此外,他携有假的记者证和假的贵宾通行证。