Trump administration offering buyouts to nearly all federal workers
The Trump administration is offering millions of federal workers the option to accept buyouts through a government-wide “deferred resignation” program if they resign by Feb. 6.
rumble. com/v6emrdj-live-with-julie.html?start=495
[Word heard – January 19, 2025]
For I the Lord this day am telling you My children a political shakedown has begun from the wicked class lording over you and controlling the system in every nation, influencing the world and with their ideals, their psychological programming and all their 5th generation warfare to bring their great reset into the world. The Establishment and its power is ending, no matter how it seems right now. The ungodly are being judged while My chosen people are moving into governmental positions and taking back ownership of the world, the way I’ve designed since the beginning of time. Your enemies are out and My children are being put back in. This political shake-up will bring an unprecedented amount of justice and vindication the world has not experienced before. The days are here for My glory to move and for evil to be destroyed says the Lord of Hosts.
A great shake-up in DC is happening right now under the radar for most to see their plans are falling apart and so is their trust in one another. There is a plan that the Establishment had made a pact that would fight to the bitter end and sabotage and destroy as much of this nation and cause so much destruction to Pres Trump so he would be restricted or limited and being too busy to go after them. But this plan that Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell and many others in the Old Guard have made is collapsing. They don’t have a clear direction because so many are fighting for the top positions to be in command. There is fighting in the ranks of the Establishment and betrayals that are causing them to make mistake after mistake. This pact to destroy Trump and who funded such a thing, will come out and it will be clear which politicians were a part of it and what they’ve all been really up to and it will be proven.
As they move forward with their plan they’ll be exposed even more and their plans will fall apart.
Part 2/2
An explosive news report is coming. A black book, one of many will surface, that many in Washington thought was destroyed. This book of names and a money trail will lead right to their honey holes. This will cause the Swamp to go right into a frenzy to further their cover ups and to further to cover their tracks but the more they do that the more obvious it will be that they are all guilty.
An exodus out of your Capital will take place. My children you will see many leave on their own and some will be removed in handcuffs and prisons will be filled with the ones who used to rule this nation. This is not a conspiracy. When treason is committed they will be punished and justice will always be served says the Lord.
A shake-up is coming in your judicial system. The judges that came after Trump will be removed and disbarred. Many throughout this nation who sit with their gavels and distort the law for their own political gain will all be judged by Me. Election fraud and judges knowing what they saw, deliberately ignored, some even destroying evidence. My children many judges will have to answer for their crimes they allowed and the crimes they committed on their own. Not one of them will get away with what they have done. The emails and phone calls from DC to these judges will come out. Someone has enough proof to end the big lie and to shake not only this nation politically but shake it judicially. It will shake the entertainment industry. It will shake My church. It will shake everything and every system and person that took part in hijacking and destroying My nation.
The winds of change are here. The storm is upon your enemies. Hunker down until it passes by you in your homes. Changes are being made and people you see in high places, I say again, you will see no more.
So hold onto Me My children, the great political shake-up and reset has begun for your freedoms says the Lord Your Redeemer.
英国媒体报道,美国总统川普(Donald Trump)1月28公布就任以来最激进的改革政府政策。川普发信给200万联邦僱员,但凡愿意在2月6日前选择离职的联邦僱员将获得8个月的遣散费。
路透社29日报道,川普向200万名联邦僱员发邮件表示,在这个自愿延迟离职方案(deferred resignation program)下,当事人的薪酬与福利都会维持到今年9月30日,期间会获得工作安排上的减免。
美国国家广播公司(NBC News)引述一名政府高层官员报道,白宫预计5%至10%的联邦僱员将选择离职,预计可节省高达1000亿美元。