Walking down a country road With my dear Mama When we started to talk about My Papa I asked how they fall in love "Any romantic part" Mama's face flushed With a shy smile up She said Papa loved playing the flute And "so far so good." Often sitting in the attic with dove Flew the melody into her heart
大音自成曲 寂然在我心
高山流水过 何需绿绮琴
无丝也无木 我亦笑渊明
蔓草之为会 或与日月疏
既见好梧桐 风儿自可听
天得一清 地得一宁
人得一灵 花得一荷
玄女落九天 令姿颤鸣玉
行行竟何之 桃李树东篱
冲冲那一年 剑挑花儿开
天地何青青 一松挺且立
来雁有驿站 目送归鸿去
城春草木疏 花落遗无影
犹有自在笑 与尔至岁寒
百年共枕眠 盈盈一笑间
《Country Road》(送给我的父母):
Walking down a country road
With my dear Mama
When we started to talk about
My Papa
I asked how they fall in love
"Any romantic part"
Mama's face flushed
With a shy smile up
She said Papa loved playing the flute
And "so far so good."
Often sitting in the attic with dove
Flew the melody into her heart
载营魄抱一 能无离乎
专气致柔 能如婴儿乎
涤除玄览 能无疵乎
天门开阖 能为雌乎
天地之间 其犹橐龠乎
虚而不屈 动而愈出!
美语世界: 小麻雀唱了一版Country Road,你再唱就只能是Cover了。 - 由陶陶三发表 - 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)