I measured my blood pressure at a drug store, not doctor's office. I double-checked today, twice, on different machine: Pulse measurements are same: 56. Will post some research results tonight or tomorrow.
有点低。。。 另外你的低压虽说在正常范围内,好像有点高。我一般是60,高压90。。你家里有没有高血压的历史?如果有,你要注意一下运动后的血压 Thanks! Never thought about blood pressure post workout. I'll find out today at gym. My dad's blood pressure is normal (but at high side) while my mom has low blood pressure for years. I could be prone to both.
Your blood pressure at 60/90 seems a little low to me. Maybe that's the range for strong athletes. I am doing research now, will let you know soon.
You have to re-size your picture. If you don't have photo processing software installed, google a free one, such as resizeyourimage.com.
The website I use is not handy right now, I can copy to you tonight with the size selection.
My mom is fighting low blood pressure for years. Don't worry too much. If you know a good Chinese herbal medicine doctor, go to see him/her. Prescription drug + herbs + Chinese food recommended by the doctor will help a lot ! Bless ! thanks.我们这里鸟不生蛋,更别提中医了,我会在网上查查,尽量饮食上注意。。。。。
Advanced Kickboxing: 45 min. (lots of squats today... my butt is burning.....) Core: 27 min. (crunches >300; planks: 2 sets; lower back: 4x15)
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal with sunflower seeds & raisins, 1 large coffee Snack: 1 mini fruit scone(270 cal) Lunch: Beef salad with couscous, spring mix, peppers, carrots, beets, soy beans, pasta & egg white Snack: 1 M coffee, 25-30 blueberries, 1 pack Stix Dinner: 大半个BBQ鸡胸, arugula salad with grape tomatoes, 1 Ferrero Rocher chocolate ball [此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 20:44:41编辑过]
I measured my blood pressure at a drug store, not doctor's office. I double-checked today, twice, on different machine: Pulse measurements are same: 56. Will post some research results tonight or tomorrow.
就知道问fengge mm不会错,我早就想练kickboxing,可是我这里的gym的kickboxing课都在晚上,没法去。所以想跟着DVD练,我曾经下载过几个DVD片断,觉得跟不上,很不协调。 I have been doing kickboxing for almost 10 months, still love it.
Kickboxing is composed of some basic moves:
For upper body: Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut & Bob (see the pictures below) For lower body: variety of kicks, squads, lunges, high knees, huaren.us, scissors
To me, upper body moves require more coordinations and techniques. Except alignments of different kicks, the lower body moves are easier to mimic. At beginning, you may not get the technique part, that's okay. Everyone has this phase, just copy the moves, coordinate whole body and get yourself familiar with those basics (e.g. stance, guard etc). Later on, you will find your moves look similiar to the instructors', but not quite the same. If you make this far, you are in phase 2: techniques. The rule of sum for techniques is using your torso as stabilizer, engage your abs, waist into EACH basic move. If you only fly your arms, fists or legs around, your core will not be trained as supposed to be.
For example, look at the uppercut picture below (the 4th pic), my breakdowns of this move are:
step 1: drop/lower one shoulder step 2: twist core & move one arm front (90 degree to the ground) step 3: simutaneous with step 2, bent the opposite knee & twist the other leg
All these steps happen at 1 second and blended into one move. The pictured uppercut pose is okay but not great to me because the body parts involvement is not intensive enough.
Here are my suggestions:
Talk to your family to free up your time for 2-3 nights, so you can attend the kickboxing class at gym. You will learn the basics and set the foundation for home practice later. Alternatively, get a good kickboxing DVD to replace the gym class. (sorry, I don't have any recommendation on DVD) Observe your moves in the mirror when you are kickboxing at home, make sure your entire core is involved. For every arm/leg move, there is a twist or squeeze or bend of your core. Kickboxing is intensive. With good techniques, you can burn 600-700 calories in one hour! +++UUUUUU
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast with 1 fried egg, 1 large coffee Snack: 1.5 cup Chinese white fungi soup with lotus seeds, dates, goji berries Lunch: Steamed cod(4.5-5 oz), mixed boiled veggi, rice Snack: 1 M decaf coffee, 9 large strawberries, 1 rice crispy square (high in sugar!) Dinner: 2 mini burger (2nd one is open face - half bun), 2 slices tomato bruchetta (on multi-grain bread) with 6 pcs smoked salmon slices & lettuce leaves, 1 small coffee, a few pcs of chips
Total Calorie Intake:晚饭吃多了. 粗算了一下, 晚上干掉约860卡. 全天约1,800卡.
My running team (group of 4 from the same department) will be dressed in black head-to-toe: black runnning T-shirt & shorts, black sun glasses & hat, like gang people! I am the representative from "OX GANG"!!! too bad can't input Chinese now.....
以下是引用flowersmom在6/16/2011 12:59:00 PM的发言: 加油!!!! Thanks a lot! I don't feel good today, have a bit headache, should be fine after I finish my second coffee: ) I overheard one of my team members suggested that all of us should run closely. Ah??!! I don't want to run with others hand-in-hand!
My running team (group of 4 from the same department) will be dressed in black head-to-toe: black runnning T-shirt & shorts, black sun glasses & hat, like gang people! I am the representative from "OX GANG"!!! too bad can't input Chinese now.....
wow, you are so cool! Thanks! I can't imagine how my team will look like after we all dress up and get together. I didn't train for this race, just for fun and get a race experience. I have signed up a 10K this fall.
奔! 必须滴 [此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 13:25:03编辑过] Eh, I am not sure whether someone will take pictures for us. The pre-race party starts at 6pm, then warm-up and run..... I might skip the post-race party and head home.
If I do get pictures, I'll post here without telling everyone which one is me! haha...
Thanks! I can't imagine how my team will look like after we all dress up and get together. I didn't train for this race, just for fun and get a race experience. I have signed up a 10K this fall. 我们公司今天内部网也在讨论 公司应该有ONSITE GYM 有人还说 公司应该SPONSOR 5K RUN
Lusi, thanks for your recommendation of Sam Murphy's running book. I ordered one from Amazon at $1.75! It might take a little bit time to receive it as it's currently out of stock. It'll be very helpful for my running training!
There is an unofficial race for Jazz Festival this summer (July) at harbourfront (5K, 10K, 20K). If you are interested, here is the link:
Lusi, thanks for your recommendation of Sam Murphy's running book. I ordered one from Amazon at $1.75! It might take a little bit time to receive it as it's currently out of stock. It'll be very helpful for my running training!
There is an unofficial race for Jazz Festival this summer (July) at harbourfront (5K, 10K, 20K). If you are interested, here is the link:
Breakfast: 3 pcs French toast (whole grain) with jam, Greek yogurt with blueberries, 1 large coffee Snack: 1.5 pack Stix Lunch: Grilled chicken (2 oz) on whole wheat pasta, 1 square dark chocolate (70% cocoa) Snack: raspberries (25-30), Chinese white fungi, lotus seeds, dates soup Dinner: [BBQ Party] 7 fried mini spring rolls, 2-3 slices BBQ beef short ribs, a small serving rice noodles, 1 can diet coke, half cup sun chips, 1 Ferrero chocolate ball [此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/19 0:11:59编辑过]
高压: 111 ~ Optimal
低压: 80 ~ Optimal
心跳: 53 ~ 是不是太低了?
I measured my blood pressure at a drug store, not doctor's office. I double-checked today, twice, on different machine:
Pulse measurements are same: 56. Will post some research results tonight or tomorrow.
Today's records (June 8):
Systolic: 118
Diastolic: 75
Pulse: 56
Systolic: 120
Diastolic: 79
Pulse: 56
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 16:43:59编辑过]
My pulse measurement is 56 today.
My research shows the pulse rate for an adult woman at rest (beats/min.):
Normal: 60-100
Female Athlete: 54-60
Male Athlete: 49-57
Ah??!! I AM A MAN !!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 15:46:03编辑过]
Thanks! Never thought about blood pressure post workout. I'll find out today at gym. My dad's blood pressure is normal (but at high side) while my mom has low blood pressure for years. I could be prone to both.
Your blood pressure at 60/90 seems a little low to me. Maybe that's the range for strong athletes. I am doing research now, will let you know soon.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 15:59:27编辑过]
Blood Pressure Range: [Source: highbloodpressureinfo.org]
Pulse Rate for Women by Age Group [Source: Buzzle.com]
Age Group
Pulse Rate (BPM)
You have to re-size your picture. If you don't have photo processing software installed, google a free one, such as resizeyourimage.com.
The website I use is not handy right now, I can copy to you tonight with the size selection.
My mom is fighting low blood pressure for years. Don't worry too much. If you know a good Chinese herbal medicine doctor, go to see him/her. Prescription drug + herbs + Chinese food recommended by the doctor will help a lot ! Bless !
以下是引用flowersmom在6/8/2011 4:41:00 PM的发言:
thanks, what about the size of the picture?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 16:53:38编辑过]
My pulse measurement is 56 today.
My research shows the pulse rate for an adult woman at rest (beats/min.):
Normal: 60-100
Female Athlete: 54-60
Male Athlete: 49-57
Ah??!! I AM A MAN !!
11[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 15:46:03编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 21:51:09编辑过]
The website I use is not handy right now, I can copy to you tonight with the size selection.
The website I used to re-size pictures: villagephotos.com. size: 420-440.
Jun. 7: 110/80; pulse: 53
Jun. 8: Resting: a) 118/75; pulse: 56; b) 120/79; pulse: 56; After 1 hr cardio work-out: 130/81; pulse: 108
Jun. 10: After 40 min. weight training: 133/82; pulse: 93
Jun. 14: Pre-workout: 115/79, pulse: 58; Post-workout (cardio): 118/78/101
Jun. 26: Post-workout(10K) pulse: 137
Jun. 30: Pre-workout: 115/77; pulse:59
Jul. 10: Post-workout: 119/81; pulse:91 (after WT + easy run)
Jul. 17: Post-workout: 115/71; pulse:95 (after cardio + WT)
Jul. 28: Post-workout: 119/68; pulse: 71 (after WT)
Aug.19: Pre-workout: 116/80; pusle: 57
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/8/19 14:48:59编辑过]
Elliptical: 1 hour, 575 cal, Cross Country Training
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal with sunflower seeds and raisins, 1 large coffee
Snack: 6 almonds, 1 M banana
Lunch: stir-fry bitter melon with pork tenderlion, grilled zuchini, half BBQ chicken leg, rice, 1 square dark chocolate (70% cocoa, 30 cal)
Snack: home-made Chinese herbal chicken soup (1 cup), 1.5 pack Stix, 1 M coffee
Dinner: Vietnamese chicken vermichilli with 1 spring roll, 2 Ferrero coconut chocolate balls(120 cal)
Total calorie intake: about 1,630
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 10:57:14编辑过]
Advanced Kickboxing: 45 min. (lots of squats today... my butt is burning.....)
Core: 27 min. (crunches >300; planks: 2 sets; lower back: 4x15)
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal with sunflower seeds & raisins, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 mini fruit scone(270 cal)
Lunch: Beef salad with couscous, spring mix, peppers, carrots, beets, soy beans, pasta & egg white
Snack: 1 M coffee, 25-30 blueberries, 1 pack Stix
Dinner: 大半个BBQ鸡胸, arugula salad with grape tomatoes, 1 Ferrero Rocher chocolate ball
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 20:44:41编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 21:51:09编辑过]
I measured my blood pressure at a drug store, not doctor's office. I double-checked today, twice, on different machine:
Pulse measurements are same: 56. Will post some research results tonight or tomorrow.
Today's records (June 8):
Systolic: 118
Diastolic: 75
Pulse: 56
Systolic: 120
Diastolic: 79
Pulse: 56
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 16:43:59编辑过]
你血压怎么这么低..我20几的时候是这样..现在基本都是70-100或者再高一点..如果到60-90 range我就晕到不行了..
你血压怎么这么低..我20几的时候是这样..现在基本都是70-100或者再高一点..如果到60-90 range我就晕到不行了..
out of range身体肯定不习惯...我小时候老师还觉得我心率太快..我自己完全没感觉...呵呵
哈哈, 以后你再自称男的时候, 我就可以和你做伴了! 我身上跳动着一颗男人的心!
高压低压都偏低啊! 我贴了一点关于血压和脉搏的资料, 帮主感兴趣的话, 可以看一下:
以下是引用22june在6/9/2011 3:05:00 PM的发言:
你血压怎么这么低..我20几的时候是这样..现在基本都是70-100或者再高一点..如果到60-90 range我就晕到不行了..
以下是引用22june在6/9/2011 3:05:00 PM的发言:
你血压怎么这么低..我20几的时候是这样..现在基本都是70-100或者再高一点..如果到60-90 range我就晕到不行了..
妖姐, 90/60的血压正好处在低血压的分界线上. 随着年龄的增长, 你们女的(哈哈! 焦一, 这么说好过瘾啊!!!)血压也会高一点, 你目前的血压偏低但很健康, 所以你的医生觉得好, 以后出现高血压心脏病的机率会相对低一些.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 22:27:38编辑过]
我也60-90左右, 平时没啥感觉, 不过有过3次晕过去的事故, 有一次差点把小命玩完了
如果你要去海拔高的地方的话, 一定要小心!
以下是引用fengge在6/9/2011 9:42:00 PM的发言:
哈哈, 以后你再自称男的时候, 我就可以和你做伴了! 我身上跳动着一颗男人的心!
哈哈, 以后你再自称男的时候, 我就可以和你做伴了! 我身上跳动着一颗男人的心!
高压低压都偏低啊! 我贴了一点关于血压和脉搏的资料, 帮主感兴趣的话, 可以看一下:
如果你要去海拔高的地方的话, 一定要小心!
以下是引用22june在6/9/2011 11:36:00 PM的发言:
我是有一次晚上晕倒在卫生间, 头撞在了shower curb上, 晕了大概4-5分钟吧, 爬起来也没觉得哪儿疼, 走了10几步后才发现满身的血, 我也没去看医生, 第2天带着满头的血腥味去上课, 汗......那时我一个人住, 真是很危险的. 以前还有2次晕倒, 都是在卫生间里, 家里有人, 第一时间给我灌了糖水下去
Warm-up: treadmill: 20 min. @5.4mph, 1.67 miles
Barbell WT Lifting: 40 min. (lots of squat again......dying.....)
Abs: 103 crunches
Breakfast: 2 pcs whole wheat toast with a fried egg, 1 M coffee
Snack: 1 M banana
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita with 4.5 oz BBQ chicken breast strips (sweet chili dipping), arugula & pepper
Snack: 1 large coffee, 6 large cherries, 1 pack Stix
Dinner: 6 fried dumplings, half cup diet cake, 1 slice caramel crunch cake (83g -392 cal), 1 M coffee, 3 cups chips(563 cal) ~ 边吃边看Dexter season 4
Total calorie intake: 2,250 cal !
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/11 20:48:56编辑过]
妖姐, 90/60的血压正好处在低血压的分界线上. 随着年龄的增长, 你们女的(哈哈! 焦一, 这么说好过瘾啊!!!)血压也会高一点, 你目前的血压偏低但很健康, 所以你的医生觉得好, 以后出现高血压心脏病的机率会相对低一些.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/9 22:27:38编辑过]
给mm擦泪, 回国的时候看看中医吧, 好在咱屯子里神马都有, 有了中医的方子回来后也能继续.
Exercise: None. Rest.
Shopping/Walking: 4 hours
Breakfast: 1 piece crunch caramel cake, 1 M coffee
Snack: none
Lunch: 1 whole wheat chicken wrap, 1 small coffee, half peanut butter cookie(154 cal.)
Snack: none
Main: rack of lamb (3.5 bones), 1 cup boiled asparagus, 1 ear corn on cob
Dessert: 2 pcs crunch caramel cakes, 1 small coffee
Total calorie intake: about 1,700 cal. (太多的fat intake, 这个周末要长膘了!)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/11 20:49:51编辑过]
Weight: 120.4 (基本没变化)
Measurement: 腰围: no change; 臀围: no change; 大腿围: -0.5cm; 小腿围: -1cm
Jun. 12 (Sun.)
Easy run: 60 min. @ 5.5mph, 5.12 miles, 491 cal.
Abs: 200 crunches
Breakfast: 2 slices w/w toast with almond butter, 3 Tbsp Greek yogurt+20 blueberries, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 Ferrero chocolate ball
Lunch: 1 whole wheat pita chicken sandwich, 1/3 slice pizza (meat lover)
Snack: red wine (less than 2 oz), 1 square dark chocolate, 30 blueberries, 5-6 pcs chips
Dinner: 1 small bowl home-made beef stew with rice, pan-fried salmon(150g)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/12 20:03:19编辑过]
低血糖不一定是瘦子..这就好像瘦子不一定fat低一样...一切主要是基因..基因之后我觉得还是代谢..糖代谢很快但是burn fat能力不一定强..我就是新陈代谢偏低容易囤积脂肪..我感觉这种是虚胖..锻炼有所改善不过这养身体确实得内外兼修..能看看中医确实不错啊..中医这个调理真是蛮强..
低血糖不一定是瘦子..这就好像瘦子不一定fat低一样...一切主要是基因..基因之后我觉得还是代谢..糖代谢很快但是burn fat能力不一定强..我就是新陈代谢偏低容易囤积脂肪..我感觉这种是虚胖..锻炼有所改善不过这养身体确实得内外兼修..能看看中医确实不错啊..中医这个调理真是蛮强..
你一直都坚持锻炼, 新陈代谢不应该低的. 焦一, 你是不是也去看看中医调理一下呀? 中药和食疗结合起来或许对你关用呢!
低血糖不一定是瘦子..这就好像瘦子不一定fat低一样...一切主要是基因..基因之后我觉得还是代谢..糖代谢很快但是burn fat能力不一定强..我就是新陈代谢偏低容易囤积脂肪..我感觉这种是虚胖..锻炼有所改善不过这养身体确实得内外兼修..能看看中医确实不错啊..中医这个调理真是蛮强..
低血糖不一定是瘦子..这就好像瘦子不一定fat低一样...一切主要是基因..基因之后我觉得还是代谢..糖代谢很快但是burn fat能力不一定强..我就是新陈代谢偏低容易囤积脂肪..我感觉这种是虚胖..锻炼有所改善不过这养身体确实得内外兼修..能看看中医确实不错啊..中医这个调理真是蛮强..
Jun. 13 (Mon.)
Exercise: WT Day [+protein shake]
Warm-up: 12 min. Elliptical, 112 cal.
Delt. fly & Pec. fly: 6x12 (40lb)
Chest Press: 3x12 (30lb)
Assisted Dip: 3x10 (60lb)
Assisted Chin-up: 3x10 (70lb)
Lat Pull-down: 3x10 (40lb)
Hips Adduction: 3x12 (75lb)
Glute: 3x12 (60lb)
Seated Leg Press: 3x12 (50lb)
Seated Leg Ext: 3x12 (45lb)
Calf Raise: 4x15-20 (5lb dumbbell each hand)
Step-ups: 15 each leg (7.5lb dumbbell each hand)
Breakfast: 1 whole grain orange & carrot muffin, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 small steamed sweet potato(125g), 1 cup 银耳莲子枸荠红枣羹
Lunch: Left-over pan-fried salmon (130g), half cup arugula salad, 1 square dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
Snack: 1 M coffee, 1 pack Stix
Dinner: 1份牛肉全麦通心粉, 半杯sparkling grape juice, 1 scoop green tea icecream
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/13 22:00:25编辑过]
以下是引用飞猪在6/12/2011 9:53:00 PM的发言:
fengge mm,有问题请教,我觉得练kick boxing 可能对我的腰腹有帮助,你觉得有道理吗?你有什么DVD可推荐吗?
减腰腹要靠: 1) clean diet; 2) 全方位多手段的锻炼.
单从运动的角度来说, kickboxing是一种很好的辅助性练腰腹的手段. 再加上crunches, 腰部线条就会显现了. 我在健身房推荐过多次了. 我练kickboxing都是在gym上课. 对DVD没有什么了解. 今年春节回国的时候买了一盘Tae Bo, 不是很喜欢. 一是不教基本techniques, 二是变种得太厉害了, 尤其不喜欢他的footwork. 不推荐花mm买. 我在amzon上帮你搜到了这个: Kickboxing: Core Cross Train [Gaiam], 我木有用过, 不知道好不好, mm可以参考一下Review.
你要是决定练这个了, 来告诉我一声, 我再来多唐几句kickboxing的要领.
减腰腹要靠: 1) clean diet; 2) 全方位多手段的锻炼.
单从运动的角度来说, kickboxing是一种很好的辅助性练腰腹的手段. 再加上crunches, 腰部线条就会显现了. 我在健身房推荐过多次了. 我练kickboxing都是在gym上课. 对DVD没有什么了解. 今年春节回国的时候买了一盘Tae Bo, 不是很喜欢. 一是不教基本techniques, 二是变种得太厉害了, 尤其不喜欢他的footwork. 不推荐花mm买. 我在amzon上帮你搜到了这个: Kickboxing: Core Cross Train [Gaiam], 我木有用过, 不知道好不好, mm可以参考一下Review.
你要是决定练这个了, 来告诉我一声, 我再来多唐几句kickboxing的要领.
就知道问fengge mm不会错,我早就想练kickboxing,可是我这里的gym的kickboxing课都在晚上,没法去。所以想跟着DVD练,我曾经下载过几个DVD片断,觉得跟不上,很不协调。
就知道问fengge mm不会错,我早就想练kickboxing,可是我这里的gym的kickboxing课都在晚上,没法去。所以想跟着DVD练,我曾经下载过几个DVD片断,觉得跟不上,很不协调。
I have been doing kickboxing for almost 10 months, still love it.
Kickboxing is composed of some basic moves:
For upper body: Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut & Bob (see the pictures below)
For lower body: variety of kicks, squads, lunges, high knees, huaren.us, scissors
To me, upper body moves require more coordinations and techniques. Except alignments of different kicks, the lower body moves are easier to mimic. At beginning, you may not get the technique part, that's okay. Everyone has this phase, just copy the moves, coordinate whole body and get yourself familiar with those basics (e.g. stance, guard etc). Later on, you will find your moves look similiar to the instructors', but not quite the same. If you make this far, you are in phase 2: techniques. The rule of sum for techniques is using your torso as stabilizer, engage your abs, waist into EACH basic move. If you only fly your arms, fists or legs around, your core will not be trained as supposed to be.
For example, look at the uppercut picture below (the 4th pic), my breakdowns of this move are:
step 1: drop/lower one shoulder
step 2: twist core & move one arm front (90 degree to the ground)
step 3: simutaneous with step 2, bent the opposite knee & twist the other leg
All these steps happen at 1 second and blended into one move. The pictured uppercut pose is okay but not great to me because the body parts involvement is not intensive enough.
Here are my suggestions:
Talk to your family to free up your time for 2-3 nights, so you can attend the kickboxing class at gym. You will learn the basics and set the foundation for home practice later.
Alternatively, get a good kickboxing DVD to replace the gym class. (sorry, I don't have any recommendation on DVD)
Observe your moves in the mirror when you are kickboxing at home, make sure your entire core is involved. For every arm/leg move, there is a twist or squeeze or bend of your core.
Kickboxing is intensive. With good techniques, you can burn 600-700 calories in one hour! +++UUUUUU
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/14 16:19:08编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/14 16:03:42编辑过]
FENGGE做起事情来真是有板有眼 严肃认真 太佩服了
Elliptical: 45 min. 420 cal. Interval + Cross Country Training
Abs: 200-230 crunches, planks: 2 sets
Breakfast: 1 whole wheat bagel with 2 slices tomato, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 steamed sweet potato (150g)
Lunch: leftovers - beef whole wheat spaghetti, 1 cup Chinese white fungi, dates, goji berry soup
Snack: 2 cups green tea, 8 medium strawberries
Dinner: Vietnamese Pho, grilled chicken, lemon grass pork chop, boiled Chinese broccoli, chetto (<1 cup), 1 M coffee
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/15 9:31:42编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/15 9:05:07编辑过]
big WOW~~
Thanks for support !
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/15 9:05:07编辑过]
You are welcome! Anytime!
Exercise: None. Rest.
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast with 1 fried egg, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1.5 cup Chinese white fungi soup with lotus seeds, dates, goji berries
Lunch: Steamed cod(4.5-5 oz), mixed boiled veggi, rice
Snack: 1 M decaf coffee, 9 large strawberries, 1 rice crispy square (high in sugar!)
Dinner: 2 mini burger (2nd one is open face - half bun), 2 slices tomato bruchetta (on multi-grain bread) with 6 pcs smoked salmon slices & lettuce leaves, 1 small coffee, a few pcs of chips
Total Calorie Intake: 晚饭吃多了. 粗算了一下, 晚上干掉约860卡. 全天约1,800卡.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/15 21:34:48编辑过]
Toronto Charity Rat Race - 5K ~ My 1st Race !!
这个5K不在计划中. 领导动圆我作为部门代表之一参赛. 我没想就答应了. 每个参赛人员要raise至少60大洋. 我平时就不喜欢fund raising, 一凑够120块就stop. 比赛是晚上8点(白天照常上班), 6点开始 Pre-Race Party, 拍照, mingle, 跳Zumba热身. 我的部门有4人参赛. 小组长要求全体穿黑色: 黑衣黑裤黑墨镜, 一幅黑帮形象. 照了两张集体照, 等收到后争取发上来.
- 参赛人数: 1,300-1,500
- 路线: Downtown Toronto, 因为修路要饶行, 实际路程比5K稍多一点点.
- 路况: 缓上坡+缓下坡+直路
- 天气: 多云, 21-24摄氏度, 微风.
- 我的参赛方针: 打酱油. 没有专门为这个比赛训练.
- 我的目标: 赛前google了一下5K平均成绩(如下), 目标设在30 分钟以内.
The fastest runner: 15 min.
Reasonably fast male and female: 20-25 min.
Joggers and fun runners: slower than 25 min. ~ 我属于这个行列: JOGGER, 目前还不能算是RUNNER!
Official 比赛成绩: Chip time: 26 min. 31 sec.; Gun time: 27分4秒. Gender Place: 67/738. 第一名的成绩是16分23秒 (Chip Time).
1) 彻头彻尾地理解了神马叫鸡血!!! 一路上有不少行人给呐喊助威, 太震奋人心了! 和天马行空一个人跑treadmill不可同日而语啊! 鸡血一路汹涌到终点....建议热爱跑步的同学们尝试一下Race的激情!
2) 跑马的姐妹们太值得敬佩了! 5K还不到半马的1/4啊!
3) 我的pace比较平均, 感觉和平时的easy run差不多: 5.3-5.6MPH. 上坡时明显吃力(平时训练不够!), 开始借助嘴来呼吸, 呼吸的频率控制地还可以, 不乱. 路上还和熟人打招呼, 寒喧两句. 下坡是爽呆了, 听了22帮主的教导没疯跑, 控制速度, 保存体力. 最后该冲刺时还傻呵呵四平八稳地跑过去.
4) 感觉上平时一直坚持cardio 的, 既使没有特别的training, 5K跑个30分钟以内估计没有问题. 跑10K就一定要花时间专门训练了.
5) 跑完没有觉得太累, 就是渴. 走了两圈, 喝了半瓶水, 心跳恢复正常.
5k Map:
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal, 1 hard-boiled egg, Greek fat-free yogurt with 10 raspberries, 1 large coffee
Snack: 银耳莲子红枣羹(1.5 cup), half pack Stix
Lunch: Grilled cat fish, mixed boiled veggi, Spanish rice pilaf, 16 cherries
Snack: blueberries (30-40)
Pre-race: 1 whole wheat chicken wrap, 1 square dark chocolate, 1 egg white, 1 small coffee
Post-race: sports drink (half cup), 1 M banana, beef stew, 3 slices whole grain bread, half cup diet coke
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/21 21:25:59编辑过]
Jun. 16 (Thur.)
Toronto United Way 5K Race (unofficial) at 6pm
My running team (group of 4 from the same department) will be dressed in black head-to-toe: black runnning T-shirt & shorts, black sun glasses & hat, like gang people! I am the representative from "OX GANG"!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 12:57:36编辑过]
wow, you are so cool!
Thanks a lot! I don't feel good today, have a bit headache, should be fine after I finish my second coffee: ) I overheard one of my team members suggested that all of us should run closely. Ah??!! I don't want to run with others hand-in-hand!
Jun. 16 (Thur.)
Toronto United Way 5K Race (unofficial) at 6pm
My running team (group of 4 from the same department) will be dressed in black head-to-toe: black runnning T-shirt & shorts, black sun glasses & hat, like gang people! I am the representative from "OX GANG"!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 12:57:36编辑过]
奔! 必须滴
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 13:25:03编辑过]
奔! 必须滴
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 13:25:03编辑过]
wow, you are so cool!
Thanks! I can't imagine how my team will look like after we all dress up and get together. I didn't train for this race, just for fun and get a race experience. I have signed up a 10K this fall.
奔! 必须滴
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 13:25:03编辑过]
Eh, I am not sure whether someone will take pictures for us. The pre-race party starts at 6pm, then warm-up and run..... I might skip the post-race party and head home.
If I do get pictures, I'll post here without telling everyone which one is me! haha...
Thanks! I can't imagine how my team will look like after we all dress up and get together. I didn't train for this race, just for fun and get a race experience. I have signed up a 10K this fall.
我们公司今天内部网也在讨论 公司应该有ONSITE GYM 有人还说 公司应该SPONSOR 5K RUN
要有免费比赛参加 我肯定积极参加
Lusi, thanks for your recommendation of Sam Murphy's running book. I ordered one from Amazon at $1.75! It might take a little bit time to receive it as it's currently out of stock. It'll be very helpful for my running training!
There is an unofficial race for Jazz Festival this summer (July) at harbourfront (5K, 10K, 20K). If you are interested, here is the link:
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 14:16:16编辑过]
我们公司今天内部网也在讨论 公司应该有ONSITE GYM 有人还说 公司应该SPONSOR 5K RUN
要有免费比赛参加 我肯定积极参加
It's a charity run. Each runner has to raise $60 minimum. I was lazy, once I raised enough money ($120) for qualification, I stopped.
Google the race opportunities in your city. I found some races are not expensive, 10K for only $35-40.
Lusi, thanks for your recommendation of Sam Murphy's running book. I ordered one from Amazon at $1.75! It might take a little bit time to receive it as it's currently out of stock. It'll be very helpful for my running training!
There is an unofficial race for Jazz Festival this summer (July) at harbourfront (5K, 10K, 20K). If you are interested, here is the link:
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/16 14:16:16编辑过]
:o it's that cheap? wow, I am going to put it to my wish list as well.
According to Amazon's description, it seems there are more pages in the English version.
Is it the TD Jazz Festival? I thought it's only about music. I might wander around for the food and breeze. As for running, maybe next year.
刚开始的时候人多得跑不开(1,200-1,500人). 前面后面都是黑压压黄花花的人头, 我那个急啊!
每个小组给照了1-2张照片, 估计下周会拿到集体照. 到时候再来更新. 比赛的成绩和一些心得我帖在38页了(最后一层楼). mm感兴趣的话去看个热闹.
谢谢mm的鼓励! 大家多交流经验教训, 朝着健美的目标一起努力!
1) WT - Upper Body [+protein shake]
2) Warm-up: elliptical 11 min. 102 cal.
Incline chest press: 3x10 (25lb)
High row: 3x10 (30lb)
Dip/Chin-up: 6x10 (55lb-Dip; 65lb-Chin-up)
Back Extension: 3x12 (75lb)
3) Abs: 315 crunches (machines, matt, ball), planks: 2 sets
4) Golf: 1.5 hours
Breakfast: 2 slices whole wheat toast, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 large coffee
Snack: none
Lunch: [Golf Court] 1 burger, caesar salad, mixed fruit, 3 pcs mini cookies, 1 bottle beer, 1 can diet coke
Snack: 1 Chinese sesame rice ball, 1 small coffee
Dinner: Vietnamese BBQ chicken vermichelli, 1 deep fried spring roll, a few pcs chips, 1 cup diet Pepsi
Total calorie intake: 2,000 卡以上. 今天吃得很不健康, 周末不能太放纵了!
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/18 0:04:10编辑过]
Jun. 16 (Thur.)
Toronto Charity Rat Race - 5K
这个5K不在计划中. 领导动圆我作为部门代表之一参赛. 我没想就答应了. 每个参赛人员要raise至少60大洋. 我平时就不喜欢fund raising, 一凑够120块就帐植辉傧虮鹑艘杩盍? 比赛是晚上8点(白天照常上班), 6点开始 Pre-Race Party, 拍照, mingle, 跳Zumba 热身. 我的部门有4人参赛. 小组长要求全体穿黑色: 黑衣黑裤黑墨镜, 一幅黑帮形象. 照了两张集体照, 等收到后争取发上来.
- 参赛人数: 1,300-1,500
- 路线: Downtown Toronto, 因为修路要饶行, 实际路程比5K稍多一点点.
- 路况: 缓上坡+缓下坡+直路
- 天气: 多云, 21-24摄氏度, 微风.
- 我的参赛方针: 打酱油. 没有专门为这个比赛训练.
- 我的目标: 赛前google了一下5K平均成绩(如下), 目标设在30 分钟以内.
The fastest runner: 15 min.
Reasonably fast male and female: 20-25 min.
Joggers and fun runners: slower than 25 min. ~ 我属于这个行列: JOGGER, 目前还不能算是RUNNER!
比赛成绩: Gun time - 27分5秒; Chip time - 还没顾上查, 估计会略低于27分.
第一名的成绩是16分7秒 (Gun Time).
1) 彻头彻尾地理解了神马叫鸡血!!! 一路上有不少行人给呐喊助威, 太震奋人心了! 和天马行空一个人跑treadmill不可同日而语啊! 鸡血一路汹涌到终点....建议热爱跑步的同学们尝试一下Race的激情!
2) 跑马的姐妹们太值得敬佩了! 5K还不到半马的1/4啊!
3) 我的pace比较平均, 感觉和平时的easy run差不多: 5.3-5.6MPH. 上坡时明显吃力(平时训练不够!), 开始借助嘴来呼吸, 呼吸的频率控制地还可以, 不乱. 路上还和熟人打招呼, 寒喧两句. 下坡是爽呆了, 听了22帮主的教导没疯跑, 控制速度, 保存体力. 最后该冲刺时还傻呵呵四平八稳地跑过去.
4) 感觉上平时一直坚持cardio 的, 既使没有特别的training, 5K跑个30分钟以内估计没有问题. 跑10K就一定要花时间专门训练了.
5) 跑完没有觉得太累, 就是渴. 走了两圈, 喝了半瓶水, 心跳恢复正常.
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal, 1 hard-boiled egg, Greek fat-free yogurt with 10 raspberries, 1 large coffee
Snack: 银耳莲子红枣羹(1.5 cup), half pack Stix
Lunch: Grilled cat fish, mixed boiled veggi, Spanish rice pilaf, 16 cherries
Snack: blueberries (30-40)
Pre-race: 1 whole wheat chicken wrap, 1 square dark chocolate, 1 egg white, 1 small coffee
Post-race: sports drink (half cup), 1 M banana, beef stew, 3 slices whole grain bread, half cup diet coke
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/17 23:41:17编辑过]
Jun. 16 (Thur.)
Toronto Charity Rat Race - 5K
这个5K不在计划中. 领导动圆我作为部门代表之一参赛. 我没想就答应了. 每个参赛人员要raise至少60大洋. 我平时就不喜欢fund raising, 一凑够120块就帐植辉傧虮鹑艘杩盍? 比赛是晚上8点(白天照常上班), 6点开始 Pre-Race Party, 拍照, mingle, 跳Zumba 热身. 我的部门有4人参赛. 小组长要求全体穿黑色: 黑衣黑裤黑墨镜, 一幅黑帮形象. 照了两张集体照, 等收到后争取发上来.
- 参赛人数: 1,300-1,500
- 路线: Downtown Toronto, 因为修路要饶行, 实际路程比5K稍多一点点.
- 路况: 缓上坡+缓下坡+直路
- 天气: 多云, 21-24摄氏度, 微风.
- 我的参赛方针: 打酱油. 没有专门为这个比赛训练.
- 我的目标: 赛前google了一下5K平均成绩(如下), 目标设在30 分钟以内.
The fastest runner: 15 min.
Reasonably fast male and female: 20-25 min.
Joggers and fun runners: slower than 25 min. ~ 我属于这个行列: JOGGER, 目前还不能算是RUNNER!
比赛成绩: Gun time - 27分5秒; Chip time - 还没顾上查, 估计会略低于27分.
第一名的成绩是16分7秒 (Gun Time).
1) 彻头彻尾地理解了神马叫鸡血!!! 一路上有不少行人给呐喊助威, 太震奋人心了! 和天马行空一个人跑treadmill不可同日而语啊! 鸡血一路汹涌到终点....建议热爱跑步的同学们尝试一下Race的激情!
2) 跑马的姐妹们太值得敬佩了! 5K还不到半马的1/4啊!
3) 我的pace比较平均, 感觉和平时的easy run差不多: 5.3-5.6MPH. 上坡时明显吃力(平时训练不够!), 开始借助嘴来呼吸, 呼吸的频率控制地还可以, 不乱. 路上还和熟人打招呼, 寒喧两句. 下坡是爽呆了, 听了22帮主的教导没疯跑, 控制速度, 保存体力. 最后该冲刺时还傻呵呵四平八稳地跑过去.
4) 感觉上平时一直坚持cardio 的, 既使没有特别的training, 5K跑个30分钟以内估计没有问题. 跑10K就一定要花时间专门训练了.
5) 跑完没有觉得太累, 就是渴. 走了两圈, 喝了半瓶水, 心跳恢复正常.
Breakfast: 8 oz cup oatmeal, 1 hard-boiled egg, Greek fat-free yogurt with 10 raspberries, 1 large coffee
Snack: 银耳莲子红枣羹(1.5 cup), half pack Stix
Lunch: Grilled cat fish, mixed boiled veggi, Spanish rice pilaf, 16 cherries
Snack: blueberries (30-40)
Pre-race: 1 whole wheat chicken wrap, 1 square dark chocolate, 1 egg white, 1 small coffee
Post-race: sports drink (half cup), 1 M banana, beef stew, 3 slices whole grain bread, half cup diet coke
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/17 23:41:17编辑过]
Exercise: None. Rest.
Breakfast: 3 pcs French toast (whole grain) with jam, Greek yogurt with blueberries, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1.5 pack Stix
Lunch: Grilled chicken (2 oz) on whole wheat pasta, 1 square dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
Snack: raspberries (25-30), Chinese white fungi, lotus seeds, dates soup
Dinner: [BBQ Party] 7 fried mini spring rolls, 2-3 slices BBQ beef short ribs, a small serving rice noodles, 1 can diet coke, half cup sun chips, 1 Ferrero chocolate ball
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/19 0:11:59编辑过]
Chip time - 26:31 (reached my goal !)
Gun time - 27:04
Gender Place - 67/738
Overall Place - 284/1,378
Pace/Km: 5:25
Total entrance: 1,378 (Male: 638; Female: 738)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/18 15:06:15编辑过]
Official Record for Toronto Rat Race 5k (Jun. 16, 2011)
Chip time - 26:31 (reached my goal !)
Gun time - 27:04
Gender Place - 67/561
Overall Place - 284/1,378
Pace/Km: 5:25
Total entrance: 1,378 (Male: 638; Female: 738)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/18 14:57:44编辑过]
刚放狗搜了什么是chip time. :)
很酷啊。看来5k只要平常坚持锻炼就可以了,除非你要跑得成绩特别好。好啊好啊,明年我也搞个5k跑跑。 你的号真不错呀,“我发了”。
坚持锻炼的同时再掌握一些跑步的技巧: 呼吸, 补水, 频率等. 另外, mm有空的话, 最好常在户外跑一跑, 适应一下不同的路况(坡度等). 我平时在跑步机上锻炼, 比赛时就明显觉得户外做战经验不足.
我都没注意bib的号码这么吉利呢! 希望借mm的吉言今年能发个小财! 哈哈~~~
其实不用等到明年, mm坚持跑步的话, 到秋天(9, 10月)就可以跑个5K了. 加油!!
谢谢鼓励! 健身版上跑马的牛人一大把啊! 我这三脚猫的功夫实在是惭愧!
yoyo, 我发现你最偏心这个pet !!
刚放狗搜了什么是chip time. :)
花收到了, 谢谢啊!
chip time是从个人跨过起跑线起记算的; gun time是假设枪响时每个人都同时从起跑线上开跑. 启跑的时候我在大部队中间, 离起跑线还差一大节呢, 所以我的chip time 比 gun time 少. 我这也是现学现卖哈!
我也在盘算呢! 本来报了秋天的女子10K, 才接到邀请, 比赛的前一天我要去Montreal参加个婚礼, 就把这个机会转给一个同事了. 从现在到10月份有不少5K race, 10K就很少. 有个8K的, 正在犹豫要不要报名. 要不我再跑个5K玩玩?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/19 0:00:36编辑过]
以下是引用fengge在6/18/2011 11:59:00 PM的发言:
我也在盘算呢! 本来报了秋天的女子10K, 才接到邀请, 比赛的前一天我要去Montreal参加个婚礼, 就把这个机会转给一个同事了. 从现在到10月份有不少5K race, 10K就很少. 有个8K的, 正在犹豫要不要报名. 要不我再跑个5K玩玩?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/19 0:00:36编辑过]
鸡血效应! 孤君作战了这么久, 一下子有这么多人同跑, 兴奋一把!
鸡血效应! 孤君作战了这么久, 一下子有这么多人同跑, 兴奋一把!
Jun. 19 (Sun.) ~ at work
Rowing: 30 min. 260 cal. Resistance level: 5
Elliptical: 30 min. 285 cal. Cross Country Training
Abs: 120 crunches (machine: 4x15+4x15)
Breakfast: 1 whole grain thin bagel with almond butter, 1 large coffee
Snack: 1 square dark chocolate, 1 pack Stix
Lunch: Fried noodle, BBQ short ribs (3-4 slices)
Snack: Blueberries (30-40), 1 Ferrero chocolate ball
Dinner: beef ravioli (half cup) with groud turkey & tomato sauce, lettuce & cucumber salad, 4 pcs whole grain biscuits, 1 M coffee
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/19 21:28:48编辑过]