I'm particularly nice to xindy. The two of us go way~~~~~back :-)
And welcome to join us in the exercise any time. Callanetics may not help you lose weight, but it will help you reduce in size, which can be part of "瘦下来 ". [此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/14 8:57:37编辑过] 恩,我现在每周做六天的有氧运动,一天休息只做腹部运动或者瑜伽。callanetics其实也一直做啦,但是一个星期也就那么一两次,。我在想到了目标体重之后,开始有氧和callanetics轮着做。因为我腹部是老大难,水桶腰!
Hug... With you schedule it's REALLY hard to prepare for the exam. Those things require a lot of studying time. :-((((
But don't lose hope. You will pass it! Now just try to relax and think about your "strategy"... Thank you! I know why I didn't pass. The first month of a quarter is my busiest time at work. Then I need a month to recover/catch up on house stuff. Then the third month of quarter the exam is not available. So I am consistently on this schedule that just doesn't fit.
I thought where you live has a low crime rate - sorry about your bike :(
: me too --- ha ha ha :-)))))))))))))))
I thought so too. We normally just leave the stroller outside the house. No lock. And it is never stolen. But my bike is gone. Probably some teenagers...
Thank you! I know why I didn't pass. The first month of a quarter is my busiest time at work. Then I need a month to recover/catch up on house stuff. Then the third month of quarter the exam is not available. So I am consistently on this schedule that just doesn't fit.
Unless, I change my job.
Exactly... with such a schedule it is hard to find time to prepare for exams
But, you will get it eventually, because you really want it and you will figure out a way :-)))) Just takes some time.
I thought so too. We normally just leave the stroller outside the house. No lock. And it is never stolen. But my bike is gone. Probably some teenagers... 我总是吧自行车放在外面,后车轮锁上,这样出行比较方便。但是刚开学的时候,邻居跑来告诉我说,最近是大家搬进搬出的日子,会有闲杂人等浑水摸鱼,让我警惕,最好不要吧自行车放在门外。于是我收进去了。现在又嫌搬进搬出不方便,又开始扔在门外了。看到你的被偷,我我我。。。
Finally finished reading this long post. I just started during weekend and feel sore now. I wonder how to exercise lower abdominal area as Callanetics only focuses on upper area.
Finally finished reading this long post. I just started during weekend and feel sore now. I wonder how to exercise lower abdominal area as Callanetics only focuses on upper area.
Monday night I felt pretty tired, but I still did Callanetics. The process was hard, and not as effective as when my energy level is good. I didn't push myself too much with all the movements. Still, the stretching feels good.
I felt that the if I do the 400 stomach exercise without raising head and neck, that's using lower abdominal. With head and neck raised, it is using upper area. I added this to my routine and feel great ! :)
I felt that the if I do the 400 stomach exercise without raising head and neck, that's using lower abdominal. With head and neck raised, it is using upper area. I added this to my routine and feel great ! :)
以下是引用newmom-在11/22/2011 4:27:00 PM的发言: I felt that the if I do the 400 stomach exercise without raising head and neck, that's using lower abdominal. With head and neck raised, it is using upper area. I added this to my routine and feel great ! :)
以下是引用newmom-在11/22/2011 4:27:00 PM的发言: I felt that the if I do the 400 stomach exercise without raising head and neck, that's using lower abdominal. With head and neck raised, it is using upper area. I added this to my routine and feel great ! :)
Thanks :-) I think 10x10 may be a little better. Am and Pm is for people that can't find time to do 10x10. In any case, most people need some time to see a difference with Callanetics.
LZ is getting a bit lazy with exercising recently. Luckily there are other MMs keeping the post active. :-)
Thanks :-) I think 10x10 may be a little better. Am and Pm is for people that can't find time to do 10x10. In any case, most people need some time to see a difference with Callanetics.
LZ is getting a bit lazy with exercising recently. Luckily there are other MMs keeping the post active. :-)
Thanks :-) I think 10x10 may be a little better. Am and Pm is for people that can't find time to do 10x10. In any case, most people need some time to see a difference with Callanetics.
LZ is getting a bit lazy with exercising recently. Luckily there are other MMs keeping the post active. :-) I have been extremely lazy lately. Maybe because it is winter. I haven't done Calla for a few weeks. I am afraid to start, because i know it is going to be painful!
I have been extremely lazy lately. Maybe because it is winter. I haven't done Calla for a few weeks. I am afraid to start, because i know it is going to be painful!
I've been quite lazy too. And I know what you mean --- It will be painful!
Hi vzi MM, thanks for sharing your experience. I think stretching is key --- it will help muscle relax and help you get a long, lean muscles instead of bulky ones.
This weekend was unbelievable. I sleep 15+ hours for two days in a row. Zero exercises. I just felt so tired. (Maybe PMS). Went to bed at 8pm, getting up late, going back to bed after lunch and sleep all afternoon. I also ate a lot --- holiday seasons :-)
I just followed my body's signals this weekend. Didn't push myself to exercise.
But now I'm well rested and well fed. Today at noon I restarted Callanetics. Did everything except stomach and stretching. Will do them tonight.
Hi vzi MM, thanks for sharing your experience. I think stretching is key --- it will help muscle relax and help you get a long, lean muscles instead of bulky ones.
以下是引用罐头在12/20/2011 12:27:00 PM的发言: LZ还在吗?想问一下,你开始练的时候有没有调节饮食,比如说晚饭不吃什么吃什么?我买了书也下载了录像跟着练了四天了,每天一个一个小时。感觉手臂和大腿的肌肉有力多了,但是腰围一点没变,体重也一点没有变。 我看书上说Callan的学生都是完成10个小时的锻炼之后能减up to 4 size。是我太着急了吗?
Sorry. I've been really busy lately. Did crosstrainer on the weekend, and try to do 2-3 times of Callanetics (part of it) during the week.
I didn't go on diet when I started. But I was careful with what I eat and didn't over eat. 1400-1600 calories a day. I was also doing cardio (30 minutes x 4 times a week). I think cardio helps you lose weight. In 3 months I lost 5 lbs.
It's different from person to person. I guess the result depends on:
whether you do Callanetics correctly. whether you're also doing cardio how your body is built how much you're eating Also, some people see results first in the butt, some first with the legs. I think the part that you tend to gain weight easily is the part that shows results the last.
Finally, it says "up to" 4 sizes, which means it could be zero or it could be 4.
Try it for 10 times and see if you see any results. Also try to measure yourself always the same time during the week (example: Saturday morning before breakfast, etc)
Sorry. I've been really busy lately. Did crosstrainer on the weekend, and try to do 2-3 times of Callanetics (part of it) during the week.
I didn't go on diet when I started. But I was careful with what I eat and didn't over eat. 1400-1600 calories a day. I was also doing cardio (30 minutes x 4 times a week). I think cardio helps you lose weight. In 3 months I lost 5 lbs.
It's different from person to person. I guess the result depends on:
whether you do Callanetics correctly. whether you're also doing cardio how your body is built how much you're eating Also, some people see results first in the butt, some first with the legs. I think the part that you tend to gain weight easily is the part that shows results the last.
Finally, it says "up to" 4 sizes, which means it could be zero or it could be 4.
Try it for 10 times and see if you see any results. Also try to measure yourself always the same time during the week (example: Saturday morning before breakfast, etc)
谢谢! 哈哈。今天中午我顶着风去walk 乐,还好,不冷,因为有太阳。
我觉得室外的walk, 还是要比室内的好很多。 回来后精神很好。
我的cpa 又没考过,太郁闷了。。。。。 还没想好应该怎么办。。。
22 Callanetics 40分钟
本周最不开心的事:bike被偷了 :-(
Thanks :-)
I'm particularly nice to xindy. The two of us go way~~~~~back :-)
And welcome to join us in the exercise any time. Callanetics may not help you lose weight, but it will help you reduce in size, which can be part of "瘦下来 ".
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/14 8:57:37编辑过]
本周最开心的事:周日中午搞了个10个人的family fathering,基本都是我一手操办,很愉快,我也不累,都是很容易准备的东西,他们还挺爱吃的。A lot of fun.
本周最不开心的事:bike被偷了 :-(
gathering? hahaha....
I thought where you live has a low crime rate - sorry about your bike :(
Hug... With you schedule it's REALLY hard to prepare for the exam. Those things require a lot of studying time. :-((((
But don't lose hope. You will pass it! Now just try to relax and think about your "strategy"...
Thank you! I know why I didn't pass. The first month of a quarter is my busiest time at work. Then I need a month to recover/catch up on house stuff. Then the third month of quarter the exam is not available. So I am consistently on this schedule that just doesn't fit.
Unless, I change my job.
Your plan sounds good. +U+U :-)
gathering? hahaha....
I thought where you live has a low crime rate - sorry about your bike :(
me too --- ha ha ha :-)))))))))))))))
I thought so too. We normally just leave the stroller outside the house. No lock. And it is never stolen. But my bike is gone. Probably some teenagers...
Thank you! I know why I didn't pass. The first month of a quarter is my busiest time at work. Then I need a month to recover/catch up on house stuff. Then the third month of quarter the exam is not available. So I am consistently on this schedule that just doesn't fit.
Unless, I change my job.
Exactly... with such a schedule it is hard to find time to prepare for exams
But, you will get it eventually, because you really want it and you will figure out a way :-)))) Just takes some time.
me too --- ha ha ha :-)))))))))))))))
I thought so too. We normally just leave the stroller outside the house. No lock. And it is never stolen. But my bike is gone. Probably some teenagers...
No Callanetics. Just casual walking.
Picking up today...
看着就很舒服!! 嘿嘿。。
lazy weekend...
No Callanetics. Just casual walking.
Picking up today...
我这周终于recover 乐。全身都很放松的状态。 但是游泳圈出来了,, 哈哈。
坚持walk, 卡兰要过两天,这两天大姨妈该来了。。。。上个月我在来之前一天做卡兰,然后第二天全身都不能动了。。
I just started during weekend and feel sore now. I wonder how to exercise lower abdominal area as Callanetics only focuses on upper area.
以下是引用睡香香在11/10/2011 3:05:00 AM 的发言:
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
Finally finished reading this long post.
I just started during weekend and feel sore now. I wonder how to exercise lower abdominal area as Callanetics only focuses on upper area.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
我这周终于recover 乐。全身都很放松的状态。 但是游泳圈出来了,, 哈哈。
坚持walk, 卡兰要过两天,这两天大姨妈该来了。。。。上个月我在来之前一天做卡兰,然后第二天全身都不能动了。。
Walking is great. It also helps release the stress.
Walking is great. It also helps release the stress.
Makes sense. (I never noticed it before).
I feel that the leg exercise #1 helps me squeeze in the stomach.
Maybe you can also add in other exercises for the lower stomach.
以下是引用睡香香在11/22/2011 3:09:00 AM 的发言:
I felt that the if I do the 400 stomach exercise without raising head and neck, that's using lower abdominal. With head and neck raised, it is using upper area. I added this to my routine and feel great ! :)
I felt that the if I do the 400 stomach exercise without raising head and neck, that's using lower abdominal. With head and neck raised, it is using upper area. I added this to my routine and feel great ! :)
This sounds interesting. I'll check it out...
try this Russian youtube
I felt that the if I do the 400 stomach exercise without raising head and neck, that's using lower abdominal. With head and neck raised, it is using upper area. I added this to my routine and feel great ! :)
I tried this. It did work as you said :-)
我属于那种大体重的,160 cm,145lb,两娃妈,30+,产后健身。
我属于那种大体重的,160 cm,145lb,两娃妈,30+,产后健身。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/30 10:41:13编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/11/30 10:41:13编辑过]
不过我还是有个巨大muffin tops,继续努力。。
不过我还是有个巨大muffin tops,继续努力。。
我也有muffin tops ..一起努力
Makes sense. (I never noticed it before).
I feel that the leg exercise #1 helps me squeeze in the stomach.
Maybe you can also add in other exercises for the lower stomach.
leg exercise #1也是我的最爱
loading... 练上腹部脖子真累阿~比pilates时候脖子累,有没有好办法放松呢?
try this: http://www.mediafire.com/?6xta003yarap7wz thanks
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.6
我属于那种大体重的,160 cm,145lb,两娃妈,30+,产后健身。
Welcome :-)
You already made nice progress!
I also use the hand to support the head.
It's said that when your stomach muscle gets stronger, you will feel less stress on the neck...
Re-starting Callanetics today. 25 minutes at noon :-)
Welcome :-)
You already made nice progress!
加油MM!我就是看你这个帖子才开始做callanetics的。现在做到10 hours了,我的目标是50 hours.
Are you seeing any results? :-)
I think you can. If you can run 4 miles and do Callanetics every day, you should see changes pretty quickly (1-2 months)
以下是引用睡香香在12/6/2011 10:19:00 AM的发言:
Are you seeing any results? :-)
Thanks :-) I think 10x10 may be a little better. Am and Pm is for people that can't find time to do 10x10. In any case, most people need some time to see a difference with Callanetics.
LZ is getting a bit lazy with exercising recently. Luckily there are other MMs keeping the post active. :-)
Thanks :-) I think 10x10 may be a little better. Am and Pm is for people that can't find time to do 10x10. In any case, most people need some time to see a difference with Callanetics.
LZ is getting a bit lazy with exercising recently. Luckily there are other MMs keeping the post active. :-)
Thanks :-) I think 10x10 may be a little better. Am and Pm is for people that can't find time to do 10x10. In any case, most people need some time to see a difference with Callanetics.
LZ is getting a bit lazy with exercising recently. Luckily there are other MMs keeping the post active. :-)
I have been extremely lazy lately. Maybe because it is winter.
I haven't done Calla for a few weeks. I am afraid to start, because i know it is going to be painful!
I have been extremely lazy lately. Maybe because it is winter.
I haven't done Calla for a few weeks. I am afraid to start, because i know it is going to be painful!
I've been quite lazy too. And I know what you mean --- It will be painful!
Hi vzi MM, thanks for sharing your experience. I think stretching is key --- it will help muscle relax and help you get a long, lean muscles instead of bulky ones.
This weekend was unbelievable. I sleep 15+ hours for two days in a row. Zero exercises. I just felt so tired. (Maybe PMS). Went to bed at 8pm, getting up late, going back to bed after lunch and sleep all afternoon. I also ate a lot --- holiday seasons :-)
I just followed my body's signals this weekend. Didn't push myself to exercise.
But now I'm well rested and well fed. Today at noon I restarted Callanetics. Did everything except stomach and stretching. Will do them tonight.
Yah!! I need to loose a size for Christmas!!!
Hi vzi MM, thanks for sharing your experience. I think stretching is key --- it will help muscle relax and help you get a long, lean muscles instead of bulky ones.
Thanks 睡香香MM! 做完最后的pelvic rotation后,准备再加个stretch看看。
I am back. Follow Xiang Xiang, I restarted my routine walk, 正多燕, will restart Calla tonight!!
Yah!! I need to loose a size for Christmas!!!
Good job :-)
You still have 10 days to loose a size. If you do Callan every day, you should be there :-) +U
以下是引用睡香香在3/15/2011 3:38:00 AM的发言:
2。坚持每天动至少半小时(cardio / Callanetics)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/3/28 5:35:57编辑过]
以下是引用Belovedldn在4/6/2011 4:37:00 PM的发言:
Callanetics AVI 10 years younger in 10 years 初学者可用
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/4/6 16:37:17编辑过]
以下是引用Belovedldn在4/12/2011 7:51:00 PM的发言:
对不起,之前说放个bar method的链接上来,结果忘记了,现在补上
重新提供一个不用下载就可以看,不过是super callanetics,不适合初学者,有点锻炼或瑜伽基础的练比较好。总共5节
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/19 13:00:37编辑过]
Callanetics 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/14 17:20:58编辑过]
以下是引用jomainland在12/15/2011 12:46:00 AM的发言:
我看书上说Callan的学生都是完成10个小时的锻炼之后能减up to 4 size。是我太着急了吗?
以下是引用睡香香在3/15/2011 3:37:00 AM的发言:
Callanetics 对我最大的帮助是腰部和臀部的塑型。肚子越练越瘪,可以看出我的hip bone逐渐显出来。屁股好象变平了,我觉得是照相角度的问题,量出来的臀围上个月并没有减。
Top is BEFORE: 刚开始锻炼的时候照的。不胖,但身上赘肉很多,整个身体没力量。上下一边粗是主要矛盾。
Bottom is AFTER 3.5周(12小时)以后:
--------------------------------已奖第二次, by meso
End of April
End of June
-------------------------------奖3rd 次, ---------by meso
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/8/3 15:43:22编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/21 13:14:42编辑过]
LZ还在吗?想问一下,你开始练的时候有没有调节饮食,比如说晚饭不吃什么吃什么?我买了书也下载了录像跟着练了四天了,每天一个一个小时。感觉手臂和大腿的肌肉有力多了,但是腰围一点没变,体重也一点没有变。 我看书上说Callan的学生都是完成10个小时的锻炼之后能减up to 4 size。是我太着急了吗?
Sorry. I've been really busy lately. Did crosstrainer on the weekend, and try to do 2-3 times of Callanetics (part of it) during the week.
I didn't go on diet when I started. But I was careful with what I eat and didn't over eat. 1400-1600 calories a day. I was also doing cardio (30 minutes x 4 times a week). I think cardio helps you lose weight. In 3 months I lost 5 lbs.
It's different from person to person. I guess the result depends on:
whether you do Callanetics correctly.
whether you're also doing cardio
how your body is built
how much you're eating
Also, some people see results first in the butt, some first with the legs. I think the part that you tend to gain weight easily is the part that shows results the last.
Finally, it says "up to" 4 sizes, which means it could be zero or it could be 4.
Try it for 10 times and see if you see any results. Also try to measure yourself always the same time during the week (example: Saturday morning before breakfast, etc)
Good luck!
还有一个收获是,以前的办公桌是个拐角桌,电脑都放在转弯的地方,看电脑时总是稍稍往左侧着脖子,导致我后背左上方后颈下面那里有条筋总是特别紧。开始练neck warmup的时候都不敢使劲往后面看,但是练着练着,后背就开始松了,特别是做strech练习的时候,要求后背尽量round,shoulder blades要拉开,昨晚后背特别舒服。
以下是引用睡香香在12/21/2011 3:06:00 AM的发言:
Sorry. I've been really busy lately. Did crosstrainer on the weekend, and try to do 2-3 times of Callanetics (part of it) during the week.
I didn't go on diet when I started. But I was careful with what I eat and didn't over eat. 1400-1600 calories a day. I was also doing cardio (30 minutes x 4 times a week). I think cardio helps you lose weight. In 3 months I lost 5 lbs.
It's different from person to person. I guess the result depends on:
whether you do Callanetics correctly.
whether you're also doing cardio
how your body is built
how much you're eating
Also, some people see results first in the butt, some first with the legs. I think the part that you tend to gain weight easily is the part that shows results the last.
Finally, it says "up to" 4 sizes, which means it could be zero or it could be 4.
Try it for 10 times and see if you see any results. Also try to measure yourself always the same time during the week (example: Saturday morning before breakfast, etc)
Good luck!
到Amazon捡到一个deal, 2 DVD $19, 慢慢学习
我也练了两次了。每次都躺在地上睡着了. 纠正一下, 是练完后躺在地上就睡着了。 我练玉珠璇廋身瑜伽也是练完就睡着了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/21 13:14:42编辑过]
我做那个10 in 10,有一个是lower back strech,好舒服,昨晚后都不想起来的感觉
Great to hear :-) 100 hours ---zan!!!
Holidays + vacation = over eaten and fat!!!
The only bright side is that i got plenty of sleep! So I am ready to restart my exercise routine!!!
Today during my son's nap time I did 20 minutes callanetics.
Hope I can loose a size within a week!
Yesterday I did 30 minutes walk and 30 minutes callanetics.
Today during my son's nap time I did 20 minutes callanetics.
Hope I can loose a size within a week!
I know what you mean with the holiday season :-) But good job with the workout on the weekend! Stick it out and you will for sure lose a size :-)
做完一点都不累了。。。 嘿嘿。太神奇了。
Agree. When I do it 4-5 times a week, the muscles are fine. But if I stop for 1 week and restart, it was painful!
MM +U! :-)
今天晚上晚饭吃多了。然后好累。决定做callan ,,,居然做了一整套,除了其中几个我做不了100 做了50,几乎全跟下来了。做完一点都不累了。。。 嘿嘿。太神奇了。 再次证明生命在于运动啊!!
Great job! Admiring your determination given your crazy schedule!
Keep it up! :-)
想重新开一个卡兰2012的楼,想总结,想策划,想拍照,等等………… 没有时间。拖着呢…………
最近不知为什么,就是那么累。没有力气。可能因为宝宝幼儿园放假2周,他整天缠着我们陪他玩,我根本跟不上他的energy level。年初工作上的事也很多。上班时间一直在干正事,没有一刻分神的时候。应该过了这个阶段就好了。
想重新开一个卡兰2012的楼,想总结,想策划,想拍照,等等………… 没有时间。拖着呢…………
mm 别着急,等有时间再搞。我反正一直是忠实follower。。
到夏天还有6个月的时间,我的目标是夏天可以去beach show off。
最近不知为什么,就是那么累。没有力气。可能因为宝宝幼儿园放假2周,他整天缠着我们陪他玩,我根本跟不上他的energy level。年初工作上的事也很多。上班时间一直在干正事,没有一刻分神的时候。应该过了这个阶段就好了。
想重新开一个卡兰2012的楼,想总结,想策划,想拍照,等等………… 没有时间。拖着呢…………
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.6
魅力不够 不能看楼主的美图勒~哭~~
10 in 10
Quick stomach
昨天做了quick stomach,今天腰疼,腹部两侧疼。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/4/28 9:27:27编辑过]
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.6
Thanks for the support. The new post has been opened!
10 in 10
Quick stomach