[减肥篇]: 2010年8月~ 2011年4月减肥日记. 达到目标了! 不再更新!

201 楼
以下是引用lakeforest在11/16/2010 10:59:00 PM的发言:
不错不错 加油加油。。。。。
有帅哥捧场, 多谢!
202 楼
Nov. 18 (Thur.)
Breakfast: 1/2 low-fat whole grain blueberry muffin (170), 1 hard-boiled egg (70), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl:275] 
Lunch: 1 box smoked salmon sushi rolls (salmon, cucumber, rice paper, lettuce, avocado, goma dressing - 168)
Snack: 1 M. decaf coffee (20), 1 yogurt+blueberries (65), 1 apple (110), 1 small mandarin orange (45), 6 raw almonds (35) [sub ttl:275]
Dinner: 越南牛肉米粉(410), 4块黑米花生糕(80) [sub ttl:490]
Drink: 2 coffee (L+M), 6 cups water

Total calorie intake: 1,208.

Kickboxing:  50 min.
Abs & core: 15 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/18 21:25:25编辑过]
203 楼
最近这一周觉得glute有点酸, 特别是坐在bench上时间长了或者做squat. 做了一些research:
The piriformis syndrome (梨状肌综合征)

The most common symptom of this injury is pain along the back side of your hip and buttocks that radiates down into the leg.

Hip pain in the back may or may not be a piriformis problem. The symptoms that set this injury apart from other hip problems are those of numbness and tingling.

True piriformis syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve as it runs alongside the muscle. This nerve irritation causes numbness, tingling, and pain along the back of the thigh.

These neurological symptoms are what differentiate true piriformis injury from other types of hip problems.

The most common cause of this injury is tightness of the piriformis muscle.

Because of the close proximity of the sciatic nerve, tightness of the muscle can cause irritation and increased compression of the nerve, resulting in pain, numbness, and tingling.

These symptoms are increased with activities, especially those that involve contraction of the muscles.

They may also be increased by sitting for long periods of time.

General Treatment Considerations
Initial treatment for Piriformis-Syndrome consists of rest from the offending activity and the use of medications to help reduce inflammation and pain. Stretching exercises of the muscles of the hip are useful. Referral to a physical therapist or an athletic trainer may be recommended for further treatment, including ultrasound and other modalities. Injections with cortisone, often with numbing medicine, in the area where the nerve is being pinched may help reduce the nerve inflammation and pinching. If this conservative treatment is not successful, surgery may be necessary to free the pinched nerve by cutting the muscle or tendon where the nerve is being pinched. Surgery is rarely necessary but does provide almost complete relief in most patients who undergo this operation.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen (do not take within 7 days before surgery), or other minor pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, are often recommended. Take these as directed by your physician. Contact your physician immediately if any bleeding, stomach upset, or signs of an allergic reaction occur.

Pain relievers may be prescribed as necessary by your physician, usually only after surgery. Use only as directed and only as much as you need.

Injections of corticosteroids may be given to reduce inflammation.

Heat and Cold

Cold is used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation for acute and chronic cases. Cold should be applied for 10 to 15 minutes every 2 to 3 hours for inflammation and pain and immediately after any activity that aggravates your symptoms. Use ice packs or an ice massage.
Heat may be used before performing stretching and strengthening activities prescribed by your physician, physical therapist, or athletic trainer. Use a heat pack or a warm soak.
Stretch exercise video:



自己吓自己 ~ 看了医生了. 没有这么严重.   不管怎样, 学了点知识也不错.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/22 14:45:12编辑过]
204 楼
Nov.19 (Fri.)
Breakfast: 8 oz oatmeal with 1 tsp sunflower seeds & dried prune (150+45+25=220), 1 boiled egg (70), 1 L coffee (35), 1 cookie at Kick-off Meeting for Christmas Game Competition (65)   [sub ttl: 390]
Lunch: steamed fish (140), rice (140), boiled green bean & corn (50) [sub ttl:330]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt with blueberries (60), 1 S. coffee (20), 1 cookie (65), 1 apple (72) [sub ttl:217]
Dinner: 烧豆腐(25), 1个炸鸡翅(103), 白灼鸡胸(120), 1碗鸡汤(100) [sub ttl: 348]
Drink: 2 coffee (L+S), 4 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,285 (今天吃得不够健康, 炸鸡翅+cookie!)
Exercise: None - Rest
今天去看了physiotherapist. 我的butt肌肉有些inflaming. 主要原因是运动后butt的拉伸不够,导致肌肉过度紧张. 这个therapist还表扬我警惕性高: 一有症状就来检查. 目前没有什么大碍. 这个周末我需要做以下的自我治疗:

冰敷: 3次/天, 每次10分钟, 共2天.
拉伸: 3-4次/天, 每个动作hold 30 秒, 共2天.
Listen to the body, 尽管therapist说我可以做weight training或者慢跑, 我打算这个周末不运动. 打扫一下卫生+逛街(christmas shopping). 希望下星期inflammation 会消失.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/19 21:51:04编辑过]
205 楼
Nov. 20 (Sat.)
Breakfast: 1个香蕉 pancake (130+150=280), 1 L.咖啡(35) [sub ttl:315]
Snack: 8个杏仁 (56)
Lunch: 1 盒寿司 (grilled 鸡胸肉, 4 rice paper rolls, 2 个虾球, 沙拉, goma sauce-240), 1碗清鸡汤(90) [sub ttl:330]
Snack: 1个煮鸡蛋(70), 1个小桔子(46), 5片Lay's薯片(50), 半个柚子(41), 1 M. 咖啡(20) [sub ttl:227]
Dinner: 5块酱蒸小排骨(125), 香菇, 虾仁炒上海青(虾-40+40=80), 2碗玉米蟹肉浓汤(170) [sub ttl:375]
Drink: 2 咖啡(L+M), 4 杯水
Total calorie intake: 1,303 (周末控制饮食不容易啊!)  

走路: 2小时
拉伸: 3 次
冰敷: 2 次 + 热敷: 1 次
按摩: 90 分钟 (back, shoulder, neck & butt)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/22 14:46:36编辑过]
206 楼
Nov. 21 (Sun.)
Breakfast: 1小碗银耳红枣莲子羹(108), 1片whole grain吐司(110) [sub ttl:218]
Lunch: 昨晚剩饭 - 5块酱蒸小排骨(125), 1碗玉米蟹肉浓汤(100), 凉拌小黄瓜(25), 1小片grain+oat面包(100) [sub ttl:350]
Snack: 1 M. 咖啡(30), 1块韩国米花条(19), 1盒脱脂酸奶+蓝莓(65), 1小碗银耳红枣莲子羹(108) [sub ttl:222]
Dinner: 麻辣鱼块(180), 1碗人参排骨清汤(125), 白灼豆苗(25), 香菇青菜(50), 1小杯咖啡(20) [sub ttl:400]
Drink: 2 杯咖啡(M+S), 4杯水
Total calorie intake: 1,190.
Exercise: ~ butt 肌肉松快多了.下周一的kick boxing先暂停一下, 太多high knees, squats.

跑步机中速走: 63 分钟 (255 卡, 3.12迈@ 3.2-3.5mph)
Abs crunches: 3x12 (35lb)
Reverse crunches on the Captian's Chair: 3x10
拉伸: 25 分钟 (学习了怎么用Stretch Trainer)
打扫卫生: 1.5小时
拉伸: 全天共3 次
冰敷: 3 次
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/22 14:47:44编辑过]
207 楼
1) 第二阶段: Week 2 weigh-in (Nov. 15 - 21):   - 0.6 lb. (no high-intensity cardio for the last 3 days)
2) 三围变化 (2 weeks:  Nov. 10 - 22):
Bust:  - 1 cm ;         Waist:  - 1.5 cm ;       Hip: -0.5 cm.    ~  abs / core 没白练啊!
Nov. 22  (Mon.) ~ Back to Gym
Breakfast: 1 碗银耳红枣莲子羹(108), 1 slice whole grain toast(110), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl:253]
Snack: 1 HUGE fuji apple (110), 1 fat-free yogurt+blueberries (65) [sub ttl:175] 
Lunch: salad (1.5 oz chicken breast -1.5x35/oz=48, 1 hard-boiled egg-70, celery+spring mix+ spinach+ beets+ cucumber-40, walnuts-22, dressing-50, 1/5 bran toast-22) [sub ttl: 252]
Snack: 1 cup grapefruit (74), 1 M. coffee (25), 5 almonds (35)  [sub ttl:134]
Dinner: 6 块椒盐鸡翅(160), 炒豆芽(30), 4块蒸排骨(105), 1小碗豆腐排骨清汤(105) [sub ttl: 400]
Drink: 2 coffee (L+M), 6 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,214.
Exercise: Take it easy ~ no cardio today
1). Abs & core exercise: 35 min. (push-ups: 25; planks, bridge, yoga ball, medicine ball)
2). Weight training: 25 min.

Shoulder press:                     3x10 (20lb)
Chest press:                         3x10 (20lb)
Pectoral fly(upper back):         3x10 (40lb)
Lat pulldown(upper/mid back):  3x10 (40lb)
Biceps curl:                           3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:                  3x10 (25lb)
3) Stretch: 15 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/22 21:05:58编辑过]
208 楼
209 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在11/22/2010 3:41:00 PM的发言:
Done ! Your pictures are my motivation for workout !  
210 楼
211 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在11/22/2010 4:47:00 PM的发言:
多谢老妖姐的支持! 妖精姐做marketing 绝对是把好手!
我做事儿有个毛病: 凡是自己决定要做的, 就全心全力地干好, 不愿意中途而废. 有时候会被这个性格所拖累, 特别是在工作上. 今年夏天突然开窍了: 要把这个特点用在自己减肥健身上去啊! 现在对锻炼已经是乐此不疲, 有些上瘾了. 对健身, 老妖姐已经够认真啦: 除了狂走狂跑狂做push-ups 和crunches, 平时做家务, 整理花草也是运动啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/23 9:34:11编辑过]
212 楼
加精了. 多谢班长赏钻石! 这下锻炼起来更有动力啦!  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/23 9:35:01编辑过]
213 楼
以下是引用fengge在11/22/2010 9:12:00 PM的发言:

    加精了. 多谢班长赏钻石! 这下锻炼起来更有动力啦!
214 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在11/22/2010 9:53:00 PM的发言:

给老妖姐发奖杯 - 最佳支持推广奖!

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/24 15:08:17编辑过]
215 楼
Nov. 23 (Tue.)
Breakfast: 1小碗银耳红枣莲子羹(108), 1 slice whole grain toast (110), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl:253]
Snack: 1 fuji apple (110)
Lunch: salad (celery+spring mix+spinach+cucumber-40, 1 hard-boiled egg-70, walnut-25, 2 shrimps-2x6.7=14, dressing-40, 189), 4 salt & pepper chicken wings (107) [sub ttl:296] 
Snack: 1 grapefruit (76), 1 fat-free yogurt with blueberries (65), 1 M decaf. coffee (20) [sub ttl:161]
Dinner: 1 盒寿司(grilled 鸡胸肉, 4 rice paper rolls, 2 个虾球, 沙拉, goma sauce-240), 1小碗银耳红枣莲子羹(108), 5个大杏仁(35) [sub ttl:383]
Drink: 2 coffee (M+L), 5 cups water

Total calorie intake: 1,203 (水比以前明显喝得多啦!)
Treadmill: 63 min. (505 cal. average heart rate: 144, jogging at 5-5.5mph, brisk walk at 4mph)
Stretch: 15min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/23 20:29:28编辑过]
216 楼
Nov. 24 (Wed.)
Breakfast: ultrasound appointment at 11am, no food, water only. Hungry........ 
Lunch: 1 Udon beef noodle bowl (339), 10 oz mixed fruit cup (140) [sub ttl:479]
Snack: 1 yogurt with blueberries (65), 1/2 cup edamame (90), 1 L. coffee (30), 5 almonds (35) [sub ttl:220]
Dinner: 5 oz grilled lean steak (5x53=265), 1大份加州沙拉(酱-50, spring mix-15, dried cranberries+straberries-45, 110), 1 rice cracker (19) [sub ttl: 394]
Drink: 1 L coffee, 4 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,093 (没吃够: 少了早餐和一顿snack)
Exercise: No gym exercise.  Rest.   
Walk: 30 min. at lunch break.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/24 21:43:13编辑过]
217 楼
218 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在11/24/2010 1:32:00 PM的发言:
Errr...delayed by UPS. 
The trophy has arrived now (see #216) !!!  Hope you like it!    
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/24 16:26:14编辑过]
219 楼
Nov. 25 (Thur.)
Breakfast: 1碗银耳红枣莲子羹(108), 1 slice whole grain toast (110), 1 M coffee (20) [sub ttl: 238]
Snack: 1 apple (80)
Lunch: 1 big salad (1 hard-boiled egg-70, spring mix+spinach+celery-30, 2 oz chicken breast-2x30=60, 3 cocktail shrimps -3x6.7=20, walnut+sunflower seeds-45, couscous- 20, dressing-50) [sub ttl:295]
Snack: 1 yogurt + blackberries (75), 1 M decaf coffee (20), 2 rice crackers (38) [sub ttl: 133]
Dinner: 半碗越南米粉(270), 1个牛肉satay(45), 半根鸡肉satay (1/2x134=67), 1个虾春卷(70) [sub ttl:452]
Drink: 2 M. coffee, 6 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,198 (晚上吃多了!)
Treadmill: 70 min. (5.6 miles, 570 cal. jogging @5.3-5.5, brisk walk @4.0)
Stretch: 15 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/26 9:51:15编辑过]
220 楼
Nov. 26 (Fri.)
Breakfast: 8 oz oatmeal (153), 1 L. coffee (35) [sub ttl:188]
Snack: 1 apple (85), 1 small samosa (146)  [sub ttl: 231]
Lunch: 1/2 beef noodle bowl (270)
Snack: 1 yogurt with blackberries (75), 1 M. coffee (25) [sub ttl: 100]
Dinner: pizza (3x200=600) ~下班后和朋友逛街, 2个人干掉了一个中号pepperoni pizza. 我吃了3个slices+大半听diet coke)
Drink: 2 cups coffee (L+M), 5 cups water, 大半杯diet coke.
~ Nutrition Info for 1 medium slice pepperoni pizza:
Calorie: 200,   Fat: 8g (Saturated: 3.5g, trans: 0.2g),      Cholesterol: 20mg,       Sodium: 560mg, 
Carb: 21g,      Protein: 10g,        Potassium: 115mg
Total calorie intake: 1,389 (唉, 今天算是白运动了!)
Exercise: 60 min.
1) Abs & core exercise: 28 min. (pull-ups:30, planks, medicine ball, crunches, captain chair)
2) Weight training: 32 min.

Lat pulldown:          3x10 (35lb)
Seated row:           3x10 (30lb)
Pectoral fly:           3x10 (35lb)        
Chest press:          3x10 (25lb)
Lateral raise:          3x10 (25lb)
Biceps curl:            3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:   3x10 (25lb)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/26 22:19:42编辑过]
221 楼
GEL-Kinetic 2 (浅蓝色, 如下图): 第一感觉是很轻, 来来回回走了几分钟, 后跟的cushion很bouncy, 有如履云端的感觉. 明天一定上跑步机上感觉一下.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/26 22:19:16编辑过]
222 楼
223 楼
以下是引用千年老妖在11/26/2010 10:18:00 PM的发言:

老妖姐, 我在大家拿啊, 10月11号就感恩啦. 看我的感恩节菜单(西餐 - 第11页103-104楼):
~ Home-made Thanksgiving Turkey Lunch ~ 
Main:   roasted turkey with gravy 
Side: * creamy green bean & mushroom casserole
        * creamed spinach 
        * mashed turnip with chicken stock
        * boiled carrots
今天照常去上班了, 忙得团团转. 还发了疯吃了3块pizza. 这个Black Friday真是过得黑天混地呀...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 10:23:28编辑过]
224 楼
225 楼
明天和后天都有饭局, 这个星期的减肥计划恐怕要泡汤了, 发愁啊... 

周六: 生日party (蛋糕是少不了)
周日: brunch 自助餐 !!!
Strategy是尽量少吃, 再加上锻炼. 这个月的月马有望超额完成了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 10:22:38编辑过]
226 楼
我还要灌多少帖才能被提拔到军官级别呀?? 我想当官!!! 


[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 10:24:41编辑过]
227 楼
Nov. 27 (Sat.)
Breakfast: 1 个荷包蛋(70), 1 whole grain toast (110), 1 L. coffee (35) [sub ttl: 215] 
Snack: 1 cup skim milk (90)
Lunch: Italian salad (romaine - 15, dried cranberries-20, vinegrette dressing-10), 1 whole grain toast with spicy tuna (110+80=190) [sub ttl:235]
Dinner: 生日火锅(牛肉+猪肉片:120, 5-6 个鱼丸+牛肉丸:102, scallops:1/2x112/100g=56, 豆苗:20, 乌冬面-60, 豆腐-20, 调料:45, 423), 1小块生日蛋糕-caramel crunch:280, 1 M. 咖啡(40), 2片苹果(20), 4-5片tortilla (40) [sub ttl:803]
Drink: 2 coffee (L), 2 cup green tea, 3 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,343 (晚上吃掉800卡!! 明天要老老实实继续锻练!)

Treadmill: 70 min. (545 cal, 5.30 miles, jogging @5.0-5.5, brisk walk @3.9-4.0) ~ 感受新跑鞋: 后跟跑起来很舒服, 弹性好, 有点身轻如燕的感觉. 一百多快的银子没白花.
Stretch: 20 min. (stretch chair etc.)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 10:26:29编辑过]
228 楼
以下是引用fengge在11/26/2010 10:40:00 PM的发言:

     老妖姐, 我在大家拿啊, 10月11号就感恩啦. 看我的感恩节菜单(西餐 - 第11页103-104楼):
     ~ Home-made Thanksgiving Turkey Lunch ~
     Main:   roasted turkey with gravy 
     Side: * creamy green bean & mushroom casserole
             * creamed spinach 
             * mashed turnip with chicken stock
             * boiled carrots
     今天照常去上班了, 忙得团团转. 还发了疯吃了3块pizza. 这个Black Friday真是过得黑天混地呀...

229 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在11/27/2010 2:32:00 PM的发言:


我也在土狼屯呀 ! yoyo, 你离开咱屯进城发达去了! 还记得 harbour front, Eaton Centre, Pacific Mall 么?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 10:15:50编辑过]
230 楼
以下是引用fengge在11/27/2010 11:46:00 PM的发言:

     我也在土狼屯呀 ! yoyo, 你离开咱屯进城发达去了! 还记得 habour front, Eaton Centre, Pacific Mall 么?


[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/27 23:49:59编辑过]
231 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在11/27/2010 11:49:00 PM的发言:


[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/27 23:49:59编辑过]
屯里华人多, 人气旺, 各种饭馆, 小吃, 新鲜果菜应有尽有哈. 不过衣服鞋类的丰富程度和打折力度远不如米国彪焊啊. 以前我还在米国感恩节的时候跑到水牛城去疯狂购物, 现在懒得折腾了, 一门心思减肥健身....
另外, 俺也是在downtown混答, 中层小娄罗, 估计很难进城争大钱了. 哎!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 10:18:01编辑过]
232 楼
Nov. 28 (Sun.)
Brunch: 中式自助餐+1杯M.咖啡 (头盘:广式早茶; 第二盘:潮州卤水; 第三盘:炒菜类; 第四盘:寿司类; 盘和盘之间还有不同的汤客串 ...太杂了, 没法算热量了, 估计好几千卡吧) 
Snack: 1 L 咖啡(30), 2个韩国米花棒(40) [sub ttl: 70] 
Dinner: 几口腊肉土豆烧芹菜(150), 白灼豆苗(30), 1两米饭(60), 1碗陈皮清鸡汤(108) [sub ttl:348]
Drink: 2杯咖啡(M+L), 4杯水

Total calorie intake: 几千   (周末这两天算是吃过瘾了, 下星期要behave了.)

跑步机: 3.18 迈 (40分钟, 慢跑@5.1-5.3mph, 快走@3.9-4.0mph)
椭圆机: 3.08 迈 (35分钟, Program: Interval, Resistance Level @ 1&8)
拉伸: 15 分钟
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 10:20:45编辑过]
233 楼
以下是引用fengge在11/28/2010 8:12:00 PM的发言:

     屯里华人多, 人气旺, 各种饭馆, 小吃, 新鲜果菜应有尽有哈. 不过衣服鞋类的丰富程度和打折力度远不如米国彪焊啊. 以前我还在米国感恩节的时候跑到水牛城去疯狂购物, 现在懒得折腾了, 一门心思减肥健身...
     另外, 俺也是在downtown混答, 中层小娄罗, 估计很难进城争大钱了. 哎!

234 楼
Week 3 weigh-in (Nov. 22-28): - 1.2 lb (Not bad with 2 days pig out!)    
Nov. 29 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 small whole wheat bagel (200), 1 hard boiled egg (70), 1 L. coffee (35) [sub ttl: 305]
Snack: 1 big fuji apple (90)
Lunch: Shrimp wonton noodle soup (275) - sodium: 1,990mg (83%)
Snack: fat-free yogurt with blueberries (65), 1 L coffee (35), a cup edamame (100) [sub ttl: 200]
Dinner: 几口腊肉土豆烧芹菜(150), 白灼豆苗(25), 1碗陈皮清鸡汤(108), 5 almonds(35), 4 Pringles(38) [sub ttl:356]
Drink: 2 coffee (L+L), 2 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,226.
Exercise: None. Rest
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 21:20:03编辑过]
235 楼
明天我的验血报告就出来了, 先做些调查研究:
Learn How to Interpret Your Blood Work
(The Fat Burning Bible)
While people are aware that they should get their cholesterol checked, most do not know much about how to interpret the results. Before you fill out this profile, there are certain terms related to your blood chemistry that you should understand. When your doctor does a full lipid profile, he or she is evaluating five basic numbers.
1. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the type of cholesterol that we think of as good or protective. If small amounts of plaque (LDL or bad cholesterol) have been laid down in your blood vessels and you have enough HDL, you will be able to dissolve this plaque and use it as an energy source.

Good HDL is 40 mg/dl and above for man.

Good HDL is 50 mg/dl and above for a woman.
2. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad type of cholesterol that collects in your blood vessels as plaque and clogs them if you have too much floating around in your bloodstream or if you don’t have sufficient HDL to dissolve it. According to the new cholesterol standards for both genders recently published by the Journal of the American Medical Association:

An LDL of less than 100 mg/dl is optimal.

100–129 mg/dl is near or above optimal.

130–159 mg/dl is borderline high.

160–189 mg/dl is high.

190 mg/dl and up is very high.
3. Triglycerides are the fats that appear in the blood immediately after a meal or snack. Normally, they are stripped of their fatty acids when they pass through various types of tissue, especially adipose (beneath the skin) fat and skeletal muscle. When this happens, they are converted into stored energy that is gradually released and metabolized between meals according to the metabolic needs of your body. Almost everyone loves sugars and other kinds of carbohydrates. Unfortunately, if you are insulin sensitive and eat more carbohydrates than you require daily, your triglyceride level will elevate. When this happens, your disease risk for hypoglycemia and type 2 diabetes can increase and you will become more susceptible to coronary disease.

A normal triglyceride level is 150 or below.

150–199 is borderline high.

200–499 is high.

500 or over is very high.
4. Your total cholesterol is found by adding your HDL plus your LDL plus your triglycerides divided by 5. Ideally, your total cholesterol should be 100 plus your age.

A total cholesterol less than 200 mg/dl is desirable.

200–239 mg/dl is borderline high.

240 mg/dl or greater is considered high.
5. Another important number in your full lipid profile is the ratio between your total cholesterol and your HDL.

The average male has a 3.5:1 ratio.

The average female has a 4.5:1 ratio.
The average athlete has a 2.1:1 to 2.8:1 ratio.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/3 16:57:23编辑过]
236 楼

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 22:34:55编辑过]
237 楼
Nov. 30 (Tue.) - Last day of Nov.
Breakfast:1 small whole wheat bagel (200), 1 L. coffee (35) [sub ttl: 235]
Snack: none - too busy
Lunch: a big salad (1 hard-boiled egg-70, 3 cocktail shrimps-20, 3 oz chicken breast-3x32.5=97.5, spring mix+spinach+beets+cherry tomatoes+celery+couscous-60, walnut & sunflower seeds-60, dressing-50, 358)
Snack: 1 M. decaf coffee (25), 1 big fuji apple (90), 1 fat-free yogurt with blueberries (65) [sub ttl:180]
Dinner: 日本餐馆-Sashimi (12x22=264), 4个California Sushi rolls (35x4=140), 沙拉(30), 7-8个毛豆(35), 1小碗miso soup(60), 1个红薯tempura (277/6=46), 1/5绿茶冰激淋(140/5=28) [sub ttl:603]
Drink: 2 coffee (M+L), 4 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,376 (最近外食太多. 要控制一下了.)
Elliptical: 60 min. (628 cal, Program: Cross-country training)
Stretch: 10 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 22:35:37编辑过]
238 楼
今天拿到血液检测报告了. 我前面research的五项结果都有, 但是计量单位不一样.家庭医生说所有的指标都正常. 我照着research 的结果自己研究了一下, 也没看出什么名堂. 检查报告上有Reference Range, 应该是所谓的"正常范围" 吧:
                         Results        Units         Reference Range 
CHOL:                   4.67        mmol/L             <5.2                 ok
TRIG:                    0.70        mmol/L             <1.70               ok
HDL CHOL            1.13         mmol/L             >0.90               ok
LDL (Calc)             3.22         mmol/L             <3.40               ok
CHOL/HDL Ratio      4.1                                 <5.0                ok 
看起来血脂偏高的问题解决了. whew...     
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/1 10:04:07编辑过]
239 楼
以下是引用fengge在11/30/2010 10:28:00 PM的发言:

     今天拿到血液检测报告了. 我前面research的五项结果都有, 但是计量单位不一样.家庭医生说所有的指标都正常. 我照着research 的结果自己研究了一下, 也没看出什么名堂. 检查报告上有Reference Range, 应该是所谓的"正常范围" 吧:
                              Results        Units         Reference Range 
     CHOL:                   4.67        mmol/L             <5.2                 ok
     TRIG:                    0.70        mmol/L             <1.70               ok
     HDL CHOL            1.13         mmol/L             >0.90               ok
     LDL (Calc)             3.22         mmol/L             <3.40               ok
     CHOL/HDL Ratio      4.1                                 <5.0                ok 
     看起来血脂偏高的问题解决了. whew...
     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/30 22:30:22编辑过]


240 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在11/30/2010 10:39:00 PM的发言:


哇, yoyo真是快! 多谢!
241 楼
242 楼
不过现在节日太多 出去腐败的机会也多
243 楼
这个月想减肥不容易. 各种诱惑太多了. 我圣诞前后的饭局已经排满了: 中式, 西餐都有. 正在想对策中.. .
无论如何, 锻练坚决不能少, 否则肥肉没减掉, 还会增重啊. 先准备一个锻炼日历, 每天来更新, 这样运动的项目和频率就一目了然了. (All gym exercise>60 min.)
December 2010 Exercise Calendar    
    Mon.                T ue.             Wed.                 Thu.                  Fri.                 Sat.                 Sun.
                                                    1                       2                       3                       4                       5
                                             Weights+Abs     Kick-boxing        Jogging         House work   Elliptical+WT+Abs  
    6                       7                     8                       9                       10                     11                     12
 Kick-boxing+    Jogging    Weights+Abs     Kick-boxing+   walking/shopping   Jogging+Weights   Elliptical+Abs
   Jogging                                                      Elliptical
   13                      14                   15                    16                      17                     18                      19    
 Jogging       Weights+Abs  Walking/shopping    Elliptical              Rest         Jogging+Walking   Jogging+Abs
   20                      21                   22                    23                      24                     25                     26
 Elliptical+WTs   Rest (MC)      Rest (MC)         Elliptical        Elliptical+WTs           Rest       DVD (<30 min.)

   27                      28                   29                    30                      31
 Rest            Jogging+Abs    Elliptical+WTs  Kick-boxing+Abs       Rest
Blue: gym workout
Pink: no gym exercise, but moderate-level house work or walk > 2 hours
Red:  Rest.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/1 17:32:46编辑过]
244 楼
Dec. 1 ~ fighting for temptations & distractions in this month...  
Breakfast: 1/2 low-fat fruit & fiber muffin (170), 1 cup (230g) grapefruit(74), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl: 279]
Snack: another half of muffin from breakfast(170), 1/2 Christmas ginger snap (1/2x120=60) [sub ttl: 230]
Lunch: a big salad (1 hard-boiled egg-70, 2 oz chicken breast-65, 3 shrimps-20, beans+couscous-40, spring mix+spinach+celery-25, dressing-40, 260)  
Snack: 1 big fuji apple (90), 1 S. coffee (20)  [sub ttl: 110]
Dinner: 3块蜜汁小排骨(185), 素炒西兰花(45), 烧豆腐(30), 豉汁豆角(55), 2-3口米饭(60) [sub ttl:375]
Drink: 2 cups coffee (L+S), 6 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,254 (今天吃的甜食太多了: muffin, 姜汁饼, 水果和蜜汁排骨)
1) Abs & core: 25 min. [push-ups:45, planks, Capitan chair:3x12, Abs crunch:3x10 (15lb), medcine ball]
2) Weight training: 30 min.

Chest press:           3x10 (25lb)
Should press:          3x10 (20lb)
Seated row (back):  3x10 (30lb)
Lat pulldown(back):  2x10 (30lb), 1x10 (45lb) - forgot to change weight before starting 1st round
Pectoral fly (chest): 3x10 (30lb)
Biceps curl:             3x10 (25lb)
Triceps extension:    3x10 (25LB)
3) Stretch: 7 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/1 21:51:40编辑过]
245 楼
[Research & Study]         How to Avoid the Temptation to Eat Unhealthy Food
   [Source: wikiHow]
Are you trying to avoid eating unhealthy food but can't fight the cravings? It's just that some food are just additions, so breaking them are difficult. Here is a good starting place to put you on the yellow brick road to healthy eating:
1: A particular food craving might point to something lacking in your diet. Find your favorite cravings below, and then note the possible item(s) missing from your present diet.
* Chocolate: Magnesium - Women should be cautious during menstruation, as magnesium levels do drop. Instead, try snacking on natural fruits, nuts, or take a vitamin/mineral supplement.
* Sugar or Simple Carbohydrates: Protein & Complex Carbohydrates. A quick science lesson: Carbohydrates break down into sugars. Since sugar metabolizes very quickly, it is not a good source of long term energy. The best source of energy includes protein and complex carbohydrates, which break down much slower. Good examples include brown or wild long-grain rice; and pasta or bread made from wholewheat flour. It is called "wholewheat" because it includes the "whole" kernel, of which the outer shell contains the germ, bran and nutrients of the grain. White rice (Minute Rice) and white flour have been stripped of this goodness, leaving only the inner starch (simple carbohydrates).

* Fried foods: Calcium & OMEGA 3 Fatty Acids. OMEGA 3's are good fat! Try eating more fish, or check your grocery store for milk, cheese, or eggs containing theses essential oils plus calcium (it will state such on the label).
* Salt: Hydration, Vitamin B, Chloride. When you desire something salty, try to drink water instead. Also, stress can lead to a Vitamin B deficiency, so if your experiencing hardship, take 2nd Vit B supplement half way through your day.
2: Remove temptation. Just get rid of it, and remove all temptation from your home. To keep yourself from buying more, never go to the grocery store while hungry. When you have only healthy foods to eat, you'll make healthy choices. When you do get a craving, it'll be too much bother to hunt down a candy bar, when you have a healthy substitute at home.
3: Replace the rituals. You don't need dessert after dinner. You don't need candy at the movies. You don't need a donut with your coffee. To break such habits, provide a healthy alternative beforehand, such as a piece of fruit. You can take fruit into a theater with a little white lie, by explaining your diabetic and it's doctor recommended, should anyone ask. Keep an assortment of healthy choices around, such as a crisp vegetable salad you can garnish with lemon or vinegar or peppers, various fruit (remember citrus fruits can be very high in calories), apples, water melon, rice cakes, raisins, dates, and other healthy snacks.
4: Avoid Boredom. Keep yourself active and busy, so your not always thinking about just food. There is a lot more to do than eat.
5: Drink plenty of water! The water intake recommended does NOT include the water you receive from food or coffee. If you feel thirsty, this means you are already dehydrated and dehydration can often be confused with hunger. Keep a large jug of lemon favored water or chilled herbal tea on hand if you don't like plain water. Another trick is to keep a drinking glass and jug of water always in sight. If it's in front of you, you'll drink it.

6. Most people need to lower cholesterol levels to either remain or become healthy. In addition to how food affects cholesterol, we also need to understand how one's weight, exercise, and genetics all factor into our overall health.
7. Reward Yourself! Permit yourself a treat from time to time, as your establish new habits. Just be sure a treat is exactly that, just a small taste! One or two cookies, not an entire bag. If you lack the will power in the beginning, purchase a small prepackaged goodie, so that is all there is. A "cheat-day" is a day in which you are permitted to have such a treat. It does not mean you can cheat all day long!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------已奖,by meso
246 楼
247 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在12/1/2010 8:00:00 PM的发言:

握手, 太理解了. 今天office的前台上摆满了Christmas treats. 我出出进进了好几趟, 难免嘴谗, 抓了一个ginger snap, 吃了半个, 突然觉悟了, 赶紧把剩下的半个.....(小声说)扔到垃圾箱里啦! 浪费呀...
我正在搜集各种灵丹妙方对付谗嘴, 能扛过圣诞就行了. yoyo, 真是羡慕你不用减肥啊!!
248 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/1/2010 10:14:00 PM的发言:

     握手, 太理解了. 今天office的前台上摆满了Christmas treats. 我出出进进了好几趟, 难免嘴谗, 抓了一个ginger snap, 吃了半个, 突然觉悟了, 赶紧把剩下的半个.....(小声说)扔到垃圾箱里啦! 浪费呀...
     我正在搜集各种灵丹妙方对付谗嘴, 能扛过圣诞就行了. yoyo, 真是羡慕你不用减肥啊!!

249 楼
以下是引用helloyezi2005在12/1/2010 9:07:00 AM的发言:
不过现在节日太多 出去腐败的机会也多

谢谢mm的鼓励! 节日前后和期间要坚持锻炼和健康饮食真是不易. 我的底线是节后体重不能增加, 要是能再减掉一点点就更好啦. 看出来了吧, 我在做白日梦呢! 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/2 10:04:55编辑过]
250 楼
                                               洗脑警句名言 (更新中)     
1. Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels.
2. Eating healthy is a lifestyle, not a quick fix to a problem.
3. Splurging once in a while is not generally a major problem. However, not returning to your diet the next day is a mistake.
4. Kitchen is your gym.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/13 15:15:05编辑过]
251 楼
再罗索一句: 自从我半夜哭嚎要晋级到军官行列以来, 我灌水的速度大大地提高嘹. 今天灌了7篇! 哦_也!
睡觉去了, 晚安! 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/2 10:15:44编辑过]
252 楼
Dec. 2  (Thur.)
Breakfast: 1 bowl of white fungus soup(128), 1 slice whole grain toast(110), 1 L . coffee (30) [sub ttl:268]
Snack: 1 big fuji apple (100)
Lunch: 1 big salad (similiar to yesterday-260 + 3 asparagus-30, 1tbsp sunflower seeds+walnuts-50, 340)
Snack: 2 rice crackers (2x35=70)
Dinner: foodcourt - 1 big vegetable noodle soup bowl (420), 1 rice cracker (35) [sub ttl:455] ~ working late.
Drink: 1 cup coffee (L), 6 cups water, 2 cup green tea
Total calorie intake: 1,233.

Elliptical (warm-up): 18 min. (1huaren.usl.)
Kick-boxing:50 min. ~今天跳操站在前排, 一点也不能偷懒, 腿抬得稍微低一点, instructor就对我乱叫.现在glute, 大腿都好酸.    
Stretch: 10 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/3 15:17:44编辑过]
253 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在12/1/2010 8:00:00 PM的发言:

totally agree.
I try to save some for late or just throw the leftover away just after lunch.
254 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/1/2010 11:21:00 PM的发言:

     再罗索一句: 自从我半夜哭嚎要晋级到军官行列以来, 我灌水的速度大大地提高嘹. 今天灌了7篇! 哦_也!
     睡觉去了, 晚安! 
     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/2 10:15:44编辑过]


255 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在12/2/2010 11:09:00 PM的发言:


谢谢yoyo. 我会继续努力答! 今天加班回家晚了. 灌一瓢水纪念一下我Kick-boxing整三个月.
256 楼

257 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/3/2010 12:16:00 AM的发言:


此主题相关图片如下kick-boxing 2.jpg:


这个cool啊,这个是我最想上的group class!!!!
258 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在12/3/2010 12:23:00 AM的发言:

这个cool啊,这个是我最想上的group class!!!!

我上的kick-boxing课大多数是没有沙袋的, 徒手. 沙袋training每月只有一次.
真是很喜欢这种group class. 拳打脚踢地很是痛快. 偶尔也学李小龙在发力的时候嚎几嗓子.每次练完都是大汗淋漓. 爽啊!
强烈推荐你去试一试!! 嗷儿~
259 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/3/2010 12:43:00 AM的发言:

     我上的kick-boxing课大多数是没有沙袋的, 徒手. 沙袋training每月只有一次.
     真是很喜欢这种group class. 拳打脚踢地很是痛快. 偶尔也学李小龙在发力的时候嚎几嗓子.每次练完都是大汗淋漓. 爽啊!
     强烈推荐你去试一试!! 嗷儿~

260 楼
 LZ MM的成果真給力啊。。。我也要像LZ学习!
261 楼

加油加油 坚持到底
262 楼
Dec. 3 (Fri.) ~ 对抗圣诞美食第一回合: pizza+cookie+cake vs. me. The winner is: ME!!  Ah-ha!
Breakfast:1 whole wheat bagel (200), Straberry+Kiwi cup (Str-6x4+1 Kiwi-46=70), 1 L coffee (25) [sub ttl:295]
Lunch: Office Pizza lunch + Christmas game competition (2 squares pepperoni-360), 1/2 walnut cookie (120) [sub ttl: 480]~The Christmas game competition has 5 rounds: my team has won 2 , but lost today's 3rd round.
Snack: 1 big fuji apple (100)
Dinner: 3块酱蒸小排骨(90), 2小块蜜汁排骨(100), 香菇上海青(50), 1两米饭(125) [sub ttl: 365]
Drink: 1 cup coffee (L), 6 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,240 (表扬自己一下: 中午聚餐面对各种甜点, 坚决不动心, 只吃了半个小cookie, 连大老板做的Baileys蛋糕都没碰一下呢!)
Treadmill: 68 min. (5.17 miles, jogging @5.2-5.5mph, brisk walk @4.0)
Stretch: 10 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/5 15:08:13编辑过]
263 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在12/3/2010 12:47:00 AM的发言:


你要练沙袋的话, 一定要小心. 姿势不对很容易受伤的, 特别是脚踝. 第一次我在沙袋上练side kick, 脚面青肿了3-4天. 有可能的话, 最好跟教练先学一下. 或者搞盘DVD自学. Taebo好像有类似的DVD.
264 楼
以下是引用福逗逗在12/3/2010 12:48:00 AM的发言:
 LZ MM的成果真給力啊。。。我也要像LZ学习!

谢谢mm的鼓励. 在健身版,大家都有一个共同的目标. 大家一起多交流经验教训, 互相学习哈!
265 楼
以下是引用helloyezi2005在12/3/2010 2:24:00 PM的发言:

加油加油 坚持到底

谢谢mm, 我一定会再接再励哒! 不达目标决不罢休! 欢迎mm监督哈!
266 楼
Dec. 4 (Sat.) ~ 对抗圣诞美食第二回合: 生日聚餐(蛋糕) vs. me. The winner is: ME!! 
Breakfast: 1个荷包蛋(70), 1片全麦吐司(110), 1杯咖啡(25) [sub ttl:205]
Lunch: 素炒豆芽(30), 烧豆腐(35), 香煎鳕鱼fillet(220-batterred & fried), 2口米饭(90) [sub ttl:375]
Dinner: 请朋友吃饭庆祝生日(西餐) [sub ttl:680]
Snack: Golden Rasberry+Cashew+Chips +Mint Chocalate ~ 我吃了5个berries(5), 10个腰果(120)+3片薯片(30) [155]
Main: 烤羊腿 +土豆泥+ arugula 沙拉(with dried cranberries & toasted almonds)~ 我吃了3 oz羊肉(153)+沙拉(65)
Dessert: 黑森林生日蛋糕(chocalate+cherry)+咖啡 ~ 我吃了1小块蛋糕(282)+1中杯咖啡(25) [307]
Drink: 2杯咖啡(M.), 4杯水
Total calorie intake: 1,260 (晚餐吃的量基本上是按计划进行的, 除了3片chips.)
Nutrition Facts - 黑森林蛋糕     
Serving Size 1 piece (1/12 of 3-layer, 8" or 9" dia), Calories: 282 
Total fat: 13.38g (saturated fat: 5.42g, polyunsaturated fat:2.5g,
monounsaturated fat: 4.7g)
Cholesterol: 45mg;  Sodium: 241 mg;   Potassium: 178 mg;  
Total carb: 40.66g;   Protein:2.57g

Exercise: No gym exercise ~ 比锻炼还累!
1) 打扫卫生+装饰圣诞树: 3小时
2) 买菜做饭: 2小时
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/7 17:28:56编辑过]
267 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/3/2010 10:34:00 PM的发言:

     你要练沙袋的话, 一定要小心. 姿势不对很容易受伤的, 特别是脚踝. 第一次我在沙袋上练side kick, 脚面青肿了3-4天. 有可能的话, 最好跟教练先学一下. 或者搞盘DVD自学. Taebo好像有类似的DVD.
268 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在12/5/2010 9:51:00 AM的发言:


昨天我在Amazon瞎逛的时候看到Tae Bo的"Punching Bag" DVD了. 买DVD送"punching bag". 这个bag是充气的, 估计杀伤力不强. 如果你有兴趣, 图贴在下面:

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/5 18:50:59编辑过]
269 楼
Dec. 5 (Sun.) ~ 对抗圣诞美食第三回合: 蛋糕 vs. me. The winner is: 蛋糕!!  Boo!     
Breakfast: 1 poached egg(70), 1 whole grain toast(110), 1 M coffee (25) [sub ttl: 205]
Lunch: 1 California salad (dressing-60, mandarin orange-25, dried cranberries-45, spring mix+tomatoes-30, 160), 1 sticky rice chicken wrap (161) [sub ttl:321]
Snack: 1 L coffee(35), 1 big fuji apple(100), 1 scoop whey protein(110), 2个米花棒(40) [sub ttl: 285]
Dinner: 昨天剩的-4 oz 烤羊腿(204), 沙拉(65), 3口大虾通心粉(有cheese, 110), 1小方块黑森林蛋糕(180) [sub ttl: 559]
Drink: 2 cups coffee (M+L), 5 cups water, 1杯茶
Total calorie intake: 1,370 (本来没打算吃通心粉和蛋糕, 晚饭后算热量时发现今天没吃够, 就....哎, 晚节不包啊!)
Nutrition Facts for Chinese Sticky Rice Chicken Wrap (serving size: 121.8g):
Calories: 161,   Total fat: 5.4g (Saturated fat: 0.8g),   Cholesterol: 21mg,  
Sodium: 208mg,  Carb: 18.9g,    Protein: 9.4g
Exercise: 120 min.        
1) Elliptical:      51 min. (515 cal, 4.6 miles, Program: Cross Country Training)
2) Abs & Core:  25 min. (Push-ups: 40, planks, Captian Chair: 3x10, crunches:288)
3) Weights:      28 min:

Pectoral fly (chest):             3x10 (30 lb)
Rear del fly (shoulder/back):  3x10 (30 lb)
Chest press:                       3x10 (25 lb)
Shoulder press:                   3x8   (15 lb) ~ weak, need more pratice!
Lat pulldown (lat):               3x10 (30 lb)
Triceps extension:               3x10 (25 lb)
Biceps curl:                        3x10 (25 lb)
4) Stretch:       15 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/7 17:27:10编辑过]
270 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/1/2010 7:12:00 PM的发言:

[Research & Study]         How to Avoid the Temptation to Eat Unhealthy Food
   [Source: wikiHow]
1: A particular food craving might point to something lacking in your diet.
2: Remove temptation.
3: Replace the rituals.
4: Avoid Boredom.
5: Drink plenty of water!

6. Most people need to lower cholesterol levels to either remain or become healthy.
7. Reward Yourself! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
已奖,by meso
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/5 18:23:46编辑过]
271 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/5/2010 2:21:00 PM的发言:

     昨天我在Amazon瞎逛的时候看到Tae Bo的"Punching Bag" DVD了. 买DVD送"punching bag". 这个bag是充气的, 估计杀伤力不强. 如果你有兴趣, 图贴在下面:
此主题相关图片如下tae bo punching bag dvd.jpg:

     [此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/5 18:50:59编辑过]


272 楼
以下是引用yoyocat在12/5/2010 7:13:00 PM的发言:


哎呀, 真是加拿大的amazon:
在另一个网站看到这个, 不过现在没有货:
看来这回可以彻底死心了! 唉!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/6 9:35:55编辑过]
273 楼
新的一周motivation照片 ~ ABs   

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/6 9:37:34编辑过]
274 楼
刚才和朋友聊控制饮食的方法, 她说很羡慕我能每天吃沙拉. 想想真是的. 我不但"能"吃沙拉, 还喜欢吃. 最喜欢arugula, 其次是spring mix 和菠菜. 正餐只要有沙拉再加上一大块肉(鱼, 牛肉, 火鸡, 鸡肉), 我就满意了. 一定要恶狠狠地利用之! 一大份沙拉相当于2-3 serving的蔬菜, 另外一餐再吃点中式的炒菜, 一天需要的蔬菜量(至少4个serving) 就够了. 这两天去书店看看, 买些做沙拉的cooking books学习一下.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/9 15:09:52编辑过]
275 楼
Week 4 weigh-in (Nov. 29 - Dec.5):  - 2 lb              
第二阶段 -  Month 1 (Nov. 8 - Dec. 5) Total:  - 5.3 lb !
三围 (2 weeks, Nov.23 - Dec.5):
Bust: -1 cm,         Waist: -1.8 cm,           Hip: -1cm    
Dec. 6 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 small whole wheat bagel (200), 1 hard-boiled egg (70), 1 L. coffee (35) [sub ttl:305]
Snack: 1 small fruit cup (4 strawberries-16, a few blueberries-10) [sub ttl: 26]
Lunch: 2 tuna wraps (350), arugula salad+carrots+cherry tomatoes (30+50-dressing) [sub ttl: 430] 
Snack: 1 M. coffee (30), 1 big apple (100), 5 almonds (35) [sub ttl: 165]
Dinner: 1大碗陈皮清鸡汤(撇过油,2x39/cup=78), 1 cup白灼鸡胸(140), 白灼西蓝花和红椒(60), 2口米饭(80) [sub ttl:348]
Drink: 2 cups coffee (L+M), 7 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,274.
Exercise:  完成一个马拉松了!
1) Kick-boxing:  40 min. (late for class)
2) Treadmill:     30 min. (2.30 miles, 218 cal, jogging @5.1mph, brisk walk @4.0mph)
3) Stretch:       10 min.  
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/7 9:41:13编辑过]
276 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/6/2010 10:06:00 AM的发言:

Week 4 weigh-in (Nov. 29 - Dec.5):  - 2 lb !              
Phase II Month 1 (Nov. 8 - Dec. 5) Total:  - 5.3 lb !
Measurements (2 weeks, Nov.23 - Dec.5):
Bust: -1 cm,         Waist: -1.8 cm,           Hip: -1cm    
Dec. 6 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 small whole wheat bagel (200), 1 hard-boiled egg (70), 1 L. coffee (35) [sub ttl:305]
Snack: 1 small fruit cup (4 strawberries-16, a few blueberries-10) [sub ttl: 26]
Drink: 1 cup coffee (L)
Total calorie intake:
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/6 10:06:56编辑过]
gx lzmm. 这毅力,这成果。。。。。
277 楼
以下是引用flowersmom在12/6/2010 10:09:00 AM的发言:

gx lzmm. 这毅力,这成果。。。。。
谢谢mm! 我的基数大, 肥膘多, 所以成果就显得突出一点. 等肥肉减少, 肌肉的比例大幅增加后, 体重就不减反增呢!
对了. 想提醒mm一下: mm踩楼梯机多, 不知道是否练完后拉伸hip和butt的肌肉呢? 一定要注意哦! 前段时间, 我的glute肌肉过度紧张酸痛就是因为在cardio结束后只拉伸大小腿, 不管其他部位造成的, 还跑去看了physiotherapist. 说的不对的话, mm别怪我瞎操心哈! 
278 楼
Healthy Eating Pyramid
[source: Harbard School of Public Health]

Five Quick Tips to Follow the Healthy Eating Pyramid:

Start with exercise. A healthy diet is built on a base of regular exercise, which keeps calories in balance and weight in check.

Focus on food, not grams. The Healthy Eating Pyramid doesn’t worry about specific servings or grams of food, so neither should you. It’s a simple, general guide to how you should eat when you eat.

Go with plants. Eating a plant-based diet is healthiest.  Choose plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats, like olive and canola oil.

Cut way back on American staples. Red meat, refined grains, potatoes, sugary drinks, and salty snacks are part of American culture, but they’re also really unhealthy. Go for a plant-based diet rich in non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. And if you eat meat, fish and poultry are the best choices.

Take a multivitamin, and maybe have a drink.  Taking a multivitamin can be a good nutrition insurance policy. Moderate drinking for many people can have real health benefits, but it's not for everyone. Those who don’t drink shouldn’t feel that they need to start.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/10 9:45:06编辑过]
279 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/6/2010 10:01:00 PM的发言:

谢谢mm! 我的基数大, 肥膘多, 所以成果就显得突出一点. 等肥肉减少, 肌肉的比例大幅增加后, 体重就不减反增呢!
对了. 想提醒mm一下: mm踩楼梯机多, 不知道是否练完后拉伸hip和butt的肌肉呢? 一定要注意哦! 前段时间, 我的glute肌肉过度紧张酸痛就是因为在cardio结束后只拉伸大小腿, 不管其他部位造成的, 还跑去看了physiotherapist. 说的不对的话, mm别怪我瞎操心哈! 
280 楼
                        Glute / Hip Stretches
1. My physiothrapist's Recommendations:




2. Glute/hip stretch you can do in office (貌似下面的两个videos很类似, mm可以都尝试一下):
Video 1:
Video 2:


[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/7 21:57:29编辑过]
281 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/7/2010 1:12:00 PM的发言:

A glute/hip stretch video you can use in office: (will post later today)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/7 13:42:41编辑过]
282 楼
Dec. 7 (Tue.) ~ 又吃蛋糕了!     
Breakfast: 4 oz oatmeal (166), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl: 201]
Snack: 4 oz fruit cup (apple, grapefruit - 60)
Lunch: leftovers - a few boiled chicken breast stripes(80), broccoli+red pepper(45), rice(120), 1/4 Chinese sausage (1/4x244=61) [sub ttl:306] 
Snack: 125g blueberries(72), 1 bowl home-made clear chicken soup (78), 3个大杏仁(21) [sub ttl:171]
Dinner: 2个烤鸡翅(有皮:2x95=190), 沙拉(草莓-25, 菠菜-15, dressing-45, 85), 韩国凉菜(胡/白罗卜, 豆芽-30), 一小块黑森林蛋糕(200) ~ cake终于吃完了!! [sub ttl: 505]
Drink: 1 cup coffee (L), 7 cups water, 2 cups green tea (今天真是牛饮啊!)
Total calorie intake: 1,243 (鸡翅没去皮!! 去皮的烤鸡翅只有36卡/个, 带皮的要90-100卡! 还吃了蛋糕. 明天继续运动吧!)
Nutrition Facts for 1 Chinese sausage (41g) (腊肠)
Calorie: 244,        Total fat: 18g,      Cholesterol: 20mg,    
Sodium: 706mg,    Total carb: 12g,    Protein: 8.9g
Treadmill: 65 min. (5.08 miles, 537 cal. jogging@ 5-5.5mph, brisk walk@ 4mph with incline level 4)
Stretch: 14 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/8 9:54:07编辑过]
283 楼
[Research & Study]                        
                                                               Protein  (Source: Harvard School of Public Health)
The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults get a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day to keep from slowly breaking down their own tissues. That's just about 8 grams of protein for every 20 pounds of body weight. Beyond that, there's relatively little solid information on the ideal amount of protein in the diet, a healthy target for calories contributed by protein, or the best kinds of protein.[for 130 pounds of body weight, minimum protein intake should be: 52 g=1.9 oz ~ fengge]
The Protein Package
Animal protein and vegetable protein probably have the same effects on health. It's the protein package that's likely to make a difference.
A 6-ounce broiled porterhouse steak is a great source of complete protein—38 grams worth. But it also delivers 44 grams of fat, 16 of them saturated. That's almost three-fourths of the recommended daily intake for saturated fat. The same amount of salmon gives you 34 grams of protein and 18 grams of fat, 4 of them saturated. A cup of cooked lentils has 18 grams of protein, but under 1 gram of fat. [daily intake of saturated fat: 12 g? - fengge]
The bottom line is that it's important to pay attention to what comes along with the protein in your food choices. Vegetable sources of protein, such as beans, nuts, and whole grains, are excellent choices, and they offer healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals; nuts are also a great source of healthy fat. The best animal protein choices are fish and poultry . If you are partial to red meat, such as beef, pork, or lamb, stick with the leanest cuts, choose moderate portion sizes, and make it only an occasional part of your diet: A major report on cancer prevention recommends consuming less than 18 ounces a week of red meat and avoiding processed meats (such as hot dogs, bacon, or ham) to lower the risk of colon cancer.
The Bottom Line: Recommendations for Protein Intake
1. Get a good mix of proteins. Almost any reasonable diet will give you enough protein each day. Eating a variety of foods will ensure that you get all of the amino acids you need.
2. Pay attention to the protein package. You rarely eat straight protein. Some protein comes packaged with healthful fiber and micronutrients, such as beans, nuts, and whole grains. Some protein comes packaged with lots of unhealthy fat, like when you eat marbled beef or drink whole milk. Fish and poultry are the best choices for meat eaters; if you are partial to red meat, such as beef, pork or lamb, steer yourself toward the leanest cuts, and make it only an occasional part of your diet. If you like dairy products, skim or low-fat versions are healthier choices.
3. Balance carbohydrates and protein. Cutting back on highly processed carbohydrates and increasing protein intake improves levels of blood triglycerides and HDL, and so may reduce your chances of having a heart attack, stroke, or other form of cardiovascular disease. It may also make you feel full longer, and stave off hunger pangs.
4. Eat soy in moderation. Soybeans, tofu, and other soy-based foods are an excellent alternative to red meat. But don't go overboard. Two to four servings a week is a good target. And stay away from supplements that contain concentrated soy protein or soy extracts, such as isoflavones. Larger amounts of soy may soothe hot flashes and other menopause-associated problems, but the evidence for this is weak.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/9 10:49:44编辑过]
284 楼
[Research & Study]    
                                                 Fats and Cholesterol    (Source: Hardward School of Public Health) 
Choose healthy fats, limit saturated fat, and avoid trans fat.
The total amount of fat you eat, whether high or low, isn't really linked with disease. What really matters is the type of fat you eat.
The "bad" fats—saturated and trans fats—increase the risk for certain diseases. The "good" fats—monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats—lower disease risk. The key to a healthy diet is to substitute good fats for bad fats—and to avoid trans fats.
Although it is still important to limit the amount of cholesterol you eat, especially if you have diabetes, dietary cholesterol isn't nearly the villain it's been portrayed to be. Cholesterol in the bloodstream is what's most important. And the biggest influence on blood cholesterol level is the mix of fats in your diet—not the amount of cholesterol you eat from food.  
The Bottom Line: Recommendations for Fat Intake
Although the different types of fat have a varied—and admittedly confusing—effect on health and disease, the basic message is simple: Out with the bad, in with the good. As you limit the amount of trans and saturated fats in your diet, as the American Heart Association, National Cholesterol Education Program, and others recommend, keep in mind that there is no good evidence that replacing saturated fat with carbohydrates will protect you against heart disease, while there is solid proof that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fats will help.

Try to eliminate trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils. Check food labels for trans fats; avoid fried fast foods.
Limit your intake of saturated fats by cutting back on red meat and full-fat dairy foods. Try replacing red meat with beans, nuts, poultry, and fish whenever possible, and switching from whole milk and other full-fat dairy foods to lower fat versions.
In place of butter, use liquid vegetable oils rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats in cooking and at the table.
Eat one or more good sources of omega-3 fats every day—fish, walnuts, canola or soybean oil, ground flax seeds or flaxseed oil.

Percentage of Specific Types of Fat in Common Oils and Fats*
285 楼
Dec. 8 (Wed.)
Breakfast: 2/3 low-fat fruit & fibre muffin (200), 1 L .coffee (35) [sub ttl: 235]
Snack: 4 oz small fruit cup (grapefruit+1/2 kiwi - 60)
Lunch: 6 smoked salmon spring rolls (with goma sauce, 168)
Snack: 1 yogurt(35), 1 banana(105), 1 S. coffee (20), 1/2 oatmeal raisin cookie(80)  [sub ttl: 240]
Dinner: 5个大杏仁(35), 半碗bibimbap(1/2x560=280), 1大碗清鸡汤(撇过油-100), 1份沙拉(菠菜-20, 2个草莓-14, vinaigrette dressing-20) [sub ttl: 469] 
Drink: 2 cups coffee (L+S), 2 cups green tea, 6 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,172 (中午吃少了, 下午觉得很饿, 嘴在不停地吃.)
Exercise: 63 min.
1) Abs/Core exercise: 25 min. (push-ups: 40, crunches>200, Captain chair, planks, back)
2) Weight training: 30 min.

Pectoral fly (chest):         3x10 (30 lb)
Chest press:                   3x10 (20 lb) 
Seated row (back):          3x10 (30 lb)
Shoulder press:               3x8  (15 lb)
Lat pulldown (lat):             3x10 (30 lb)
Lateral raise (shoulder):     3x10 (25 lb)
Biceps curl:                     3x10 (25 lb)
Triceps extension:            3x10 (25 lb) 
3) Stretch: 8 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/8 21:37:56编辑过]
286 楼
Dec. 9 (Thur.) ~ Made donation but ran away from charity pizza lunch     
Breakfast: 1 small whole wheat bagel(200), 1 hard-boiled egg(70), 1 M coffee (20) [sub ttl:290]
Snack: 1 small grapefruit cup (60)
Lunch: a big salad (3 chicken breast strips-80, 2 oz roasted lamb-2x51=102, spring mix+spinach+cherry tomatoes+cucumber-40, 2 tbsp kiney beans-26, 1 tbsp couscous-30, walnut-45, dressing-50) [sub ttl:373]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt(35), 1 M decaf coffee (20) [sub ttl:55]
Dinner: 4/5碗越南牛肉米粉(4/5x410=328, 1/2份白灼芥兰(25), 1个迷你烤红薯(100g-100 cal.) [sub ttl:453] 
Drink: 2 cups coffee (M+M), 6 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,231.
Exercise: 97 min.   

Kick-boxing: 40 min. (skipped stretch)
Elliptical: 42 min. (402 cal. Program: Interval, Resistance level: 1 & 8)
Stretch: 15 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/9 20:18:40编辑过]
287 楼
以下是引用fengge在12/5/2010 11:06:00 PM的发言:
刚才和朋友聊控制饮食的方法, 她说很羡慕我能每天吃沙拉. 想想真是的. 我不但"能"吃沙拉, 还喜欢吃. 最喜欢arugula, 其次是spring mix 和菠菜. 正餐只要有沙拉再加上一大块肉(鱼, 牛肉, 火鸡, 鸡肉), 我就满意了. 一定要恶狠狠地利用之! 一大份沙拉相当于2-3 serving的蔬菜, 另外一餐再吃点中式的炒菜, 一天需要的蔬菜量(至少4个serving) 就够了. 这两天去书店看看, 买些做沙拉的cooking books学习一下.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/9 15:09:52编辑过]
今天下班后去逛街买了两本做沙拉的书 - 图片真是美仑美涣:

Incredibly Easy Salad
Salad - Williams-Sonoma (图见楼下)
这个周末打算挑一两个recipe 尝试一下.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/9 20:48:39编辑过]
288 楼
 Salad   [Willliams-Sonoma]
打算先试一个warm salad (适合冬天吃)或者挑个简单的练练手.

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/9 20:47:34编辑过]
289 楼
Dec. 10 (Fri.) ~ 对抗圣诞美食第四回合: 韩食 vs. me;  the winner is 韩食! 哎, 真是没出息!  
Breakfast: 4 oz oatmeal (166), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl: 201]
Snack: 1 S. container of blackberries (62), 2 small sweet potatoes (198) [sub ttl: 260]
Lunch: 1 bento box - salmon spring rolls(with goma sauce-168), 1 small salad(spring mix+red pepper+beets+ artichoke-40, chopped boiled egg-20, dressing-40, 100) [sub ttl:268]
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt (35)
Dinner: 韩国餐馆 - dolsot bibimbap (米饭没吃完-3/4x560=420), 2 tempura (squash-12, shrimp-60), 1 small miso soup (65), 6个核桃豆沙点心(42x6=252), 1 small coffee (15) [sub ttl:824]
Drink: 2 cup coffee (L+S), 6 cup water
Total calorie intake: 1,588 (今天吃多了, 还没有去gym运动. 无言...)
Exercise:  no gym exercise

Walking after lunch:                  30 min.
Office Christmas game contest:  90 min. (mini golf, mini bowling etc.)
Shopping after work:                 90 min.
           TTL:                               210 min. 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/13 9:20:06编辑过]
290 楼
Dec. 11 (Sat.)
Breakfast: 1 whole grain toast (110), 1个荷包蛋(70), 1 小杯咖啡(15) [sub ttl:195]
Lunch: 1个BBQ鸡肉wrap (146), 1小杯咖啡(15), 半个donut - honey cruller (160 !! ) [sub ttl:321]
Snack: 1个苹果(100), 1瓶运动饮料(156) [sub ttl:256]
Dinner: 1份韩国海鲜豆腐套餐(两口米饭 - 430)
Drink: 3 杯coffee (S+S+S), 1杯大麦茶, 3杯水, 1瓶运动饮料
Total calorie intake: 1,202 (蔬菜没吃够)
Exercise: 110 分钟
1) 跑步机: 70 分钟 (5.60迈, 564卡, 慢跑@5.1-5.5mph, 快走@4.0 with incline level 4)
2) 重量练习: 30 分钟

Chest press:               3x10 (25 lb)
Seated row(back):       3x10 (30 lb)
Lat pulldown (back):     3x10 (40 lb)    
Pectoral fly (chest):     3x10 (25 lb)    
Shoulder press:           3x8 (20 lb)
Lateral raise(shoulder): 3x10 (20 lb)
Triceps extension:       3x10 (30 lb)
Biceps curl:                3x10 (25 lb)
3) Stretch: 10 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/13 9:14:37编辑过]
291 楼
外面阴沉沉地下了一夜雨. 现在绻在沙发里, 趁着圣诞树的灯光上网很是惬意. 心里正在挣扎要不要去gym锻炼, 还是在家跟着DVD练几下就算了.
1) 按计划, 今天要练腰腹和cardio  ~ 下面图中的body就是要奋斗的目标啊:

2) Get into the mood! Enjoy your workout!

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/13 9:42:04编辑过]
292 楼
Dec. 12 (Sun.)
Breakfast: 燕麦片 (140), 1 M. coffee (35) [sub ttl: 175]
Snack: 1个脱脂酸奶加5盎司 raspberries (35+72=107)
Lunch: 3/4碗越南牛肉米粉(3/4x410=308), 1小份白灼芥兰(40) [sub ttl:348]
Snack: 1个苹果(100), 5-6个杏仁(40) [sub ttl: 140]
Dinner: Home-made 西餐  - 4 oz 煎三文鱼(150), 沙拉(arugula-20, dried cranberries-40, toasted almonds-60, dressing-80, 200), 几片nann with cherry tomatoes & baby mozzarella (80+20+40, 140) [sub ttl:490]
Drink: 1 M coffee, 1杯大麦茶,6杯水
Total calorie intake: 1,260.
Exercise: 110 分钟

Abs and core: 25 min. (push-ups: 40; planks, crunches>200, captain chair)
椭园机:70 分钟,637卡 (Program: Interval)
拉伸:15 分钟
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/13 9:23:49编辑过]
293 楼
Motivation Picture for this week:
294 楼
295 楼
Week 6 weigh-in (Dec. 6-12): - 0.9 lb (运动量够了,还是要控制好饮食啊!)
Dec. 13 (Mon.)
Breakfast: 1 slice whole wheat toast (100), 1 poached egg (70), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl:205]
Snack: 4.4 oz blueberries(4.4x16=71), a few cucumber slices(10), 1 crispy rice mini(35)  [sub ttl: 116]
Lunch: 3 oz baked fish fillet(3x25=75), 1 salad (2 oz chicken breast-69, 1/2 Tbsp walnuts-40, spring mix+spinach+asparagus+cucumber-60, 2Tbsp beans-30, dressing-50, mushrooms-25, 274) [sub ttl:349]
Snack: 1 cup organic cherry tomatoes (43), 1 M. decaf coffee (15), 1 fat-free yogurt(35) [sub ttl:93] 
Dinner: 3 盎司煎三文鱼(113),1份沙拉(杏仁片-60, arugula-20, 1 Tbsp dressing-50), 2片全麦烤面包(200), 1个韩国米花棒(20) [sub ttl: 463]
Drink: 2 cups coffee (L+M), 5 cups water, 2 cups green tea
Total calorie intake: 1,226
Exercise:  missed my kick-boxing class
Treadmill: 65 min. (5.10 miles, 518 cal. jogging @5.0-5.5mph; power walking @4.0 with incline 4)
Stretch: 8 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/13 21:28:29编辑过]
296 楼

周五:department Christmas 午晚餐(2pm 起,吃完就可以回家了!)
周六,周日:去农村看朋友,还要sleepover. 我已经强烈要求采取点菜制度,目前还没人理我. 
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/15 10:28:50编辑过]
297 楼
以下是引用didoo在12/13/2010 10:32:00 AM的发言:


298 楼
       How to Not Overeating During Christmas and the Holidays
                                                                           [source: e-how]
1. Skip the appetizers.  They are generally loaded with bad fat, refined carbohydrates, and empty calories. Plus you end up eating much more than you realize. If you are helping to prepare the meal - don't pick at it before it's served! That is also a source overeatting - no need to repeatedly "taste -check" the dishes to see if they are just right!
2. Don't limit your dinner options, limit your portions . You can eat whatever you want, just not an unlimited amount of it. If you start out with small portions but include everything that you want on your plate, you will be satisfied and full.
3. Wait for it - If you think you need a second helping, wait ten minutes before reloading your plate.  It takes that long for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full. If you don't wait, you will eat more when you are already full and then be uncomfortably full.
4. Don't eat something just because it is there. If you don't like it, don't waste the calories!
5. Maintain your exercise regime: It's easy to adapt a new routine over the holidays, therefore try to adhere to the same workout schedule. As a result it won't be much of a transition after the holidays are over. It is a great gift to the body and a wonderful way to alleviate stress.
6. Eat two hours before going to bed: On account that all the bodily processes slow down during sleep, the body will then store what's been eaten as fat. Therefore, it's important to give your body enough time to digest what you've consumed.
7. Drink water before and during meals: When you drink water it creates that 'full' feeling, thus cuts your appetite. Therefore, drink water before meals, in between bites and afterwards to reduce your appetite.
8. Decrease intake of red meat  - Red meat takes over 24 hours to digest, because it sits in your digestive system and gradually decompose; therefore try to eat a balanced meal. More importantly, increase your intake of vegetables and reduce your intake of red meat and other meat products. Salmon is a great substitute.
9. Stop eating when you are 80% full - Even if you reduce your proportions it's quite easy to overeat. Living overseas has taught me some important life lessons and some of those include healthy eating. In the Japanese culture they practice what is called "hara hachi bu," which means "eat until you are 80% full." It might be difficult at first, however with some practice it will readily become a huge lifestyle change. This will also help you to stay in tuned with ones bodily functions and take you one step to controlling your weight.
10. Focus on conversations with friends!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/15 10:32:04编辑过]
299 楼
Dec. 14 (Tue.)
Breakfast: 1 slice whole wheat toast with 1Tbsp jam(85+35=120), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl:155]
Snack: 2 donut bits (glazed sour cream-2x90=180)
Lunch: 1 碗猪骨汤+1根大排骨(85+120=205),全麦三明治(2盎司鸡胸肉-69,有机黄瓜+小西红柿+sprouts-40,2片toast-170) [sub ttl: 484]
Snack: 1 M coffee (35), 3 rice crackers (60), 1 fat free yogurt(35) [sub ttl:130]
Dinner: 全麦三明治(2oz鸡胸肉-69,黄瓜+sprouts-25,1片toast-85), 1盘沙拉(25+dressing-50), cashews (50) [sub ttl: 304]
Drink: 2 cups coffee (M+M), 4 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,253 (少吃一份水果。donut一类的甜点要尽量不吃。
Exercise: 74 min.
1) Abs and core: 30 min. (push-ups: 40, crunches>230, captain chair, medicine ball)
2) Weight training: 32 min.

Chest press:         3x10 (25lb)
Pectoral fly:          3x10 (30lb)
Deltoid fly:            3x10 (30lb)
Shoulder press:     3x8  (15lb)
Lat pulldown:        3x10 (30lb)
Lateral raise:         3x10 (20lb)
Back extension:     3x10 (90lb)
Triceps extension:  3x10 (25lb)
Biceps curl:           3x10 (35lb)
3) Stretch: 12 min.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/15 10:34:56编辑过]
300 楼
Dec. 15 (Wed.) ~ Christmas Shopping
Breakfast: 4 oz oatmeal(166), 1 L coffee (35) [sub ttl: 201]
Snack: 1 small cup of grapefruit(60)
Lunch: Bento Nouveau salmon udon noodle bowl (380)
Snack: 1 fat-free yogurt with 4.4 oz blueberries (35+71=106), 1 decaf coffee(15), 1 M apple(72) [sub ttl:193]
Dinner: Bento box - salmon spring rolls (168), 1大碗猪大排清汤 (100) [sub ttl:268]
Drink: 2 cups coffee(L+M), 2 cups water
Total calorie intake: 1,102 (只顾着shopping了,今天吃得太少了!!) 
Exercise: No gym exercise   
Shopping after lunch: 1 hour
Shopping after work:  3 hours
TTL:                       4 hours (大部分礼物已经搞定了)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/15 22:20:37编辑过]