SALE: FoodSaver FSFRSH0057 FreshSaver Handheld Vacuum-Sealing System $30 FoodSaver is offering FSFRSH0057 FreshSaver Handheld Vacuum-Sealing System for $40 - 25% off coupon code "FSAVER25OFF" = $30 with free shipping.
1. You will find your passion in what inspires you the most...What stirs your soul and makes you feel like you're totally in harmony with why you showed up here in the first place? 2. The only thing that will keep you from playing the music you hear, ... is fear. There are only two basic emotions: one is fear, the other is love. 3. You may fear failure...but failure is an illusion. No one ever fails at anything. Everything you do produces a result....The real question is what you do with the results you produce. 4. If you can meet triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same ... yours is the earth and everything that's in it. 5. "Inspire" derives from the words "in spirit"..."enthusiasm" literally means "the God (enthos) within (iasm)".
1. Your thoughts create your reality because your thoughts determine how you respond to situations in your daily life. Those responses are the energy you have inside of you to give away. 2. Low energy attracts low energy... anger, hate, shame, guilt, and fear...By changing your inner thoughts to the higher frequencies of love, harmony, kindness, peace, and joy, you'll attract more of the same, and you will have those higher energies to give away... the higher energies dissipate the lower energies. 3. Become more loving toward yourself...notice when your thoughts drift into the lower energy of ridicule or hate or guilt, and change the thought at that very moment if at all possible. If you're unable to change the thought, then at least love yourself for what you did do - that is, for noticing. 4. You can't give love away...if you don't have any for yourself. You can't show respect for others if you lack self-respect. 5. Tame your ego, and absolutely free yourself from ever taking anything personally.
1. "Be still and know I that I am God". The key words are still and know...God is the friend of silence... You need silence to be able to touch souls. 2. Sit quietly and become the observer to all of your inner chatter. Eventually you will be able to move to the gaps between your thoughts and notice how peaceful you felt in that silent gap... 3. When you are at peace, you radiate a different kind of energy than when you are stressed or depressed...Not only can you deflect the negativity of those around you, but your sense of peace will bring others into harmony with you.
快船后边带起的泡沫,并不是船的动力。你的过去,也不是你的动力。 有些人会抱怨走不出过去的阴影、有些人会感慨好日子一去不返。有些人会把所有期望放在将来,就是在当下,也是在向往、计划着。 1. All you get is now. 2. There is an irony to this habit of having your mind drift to other times and other places. You can only drift off in the now, because now is all you ever get. 3. Stop and take notice of all that's in your immediate space - the people, creatures, vegetation, cloud formation, building designs, everything. Stay in the present by meditating and getting closer to the ultimate now: God. 4. Make an effort to remove all labels that you have placed on yourself. 5. Your past history and all your hurts are no longer here in your physical reality. Don't allow them to be there in your mind.
1. A course in miracles suggests that you don't have a problem; you only think you do. 2. Your thoughts are the source of virtually everything in your life. Every relationship that you are in is something that you carry around with you. ... The only way you can experience another person is in your thoughts. 有意识的改善对一个人的看法,可以改善你们的关系。
3. There are three levels of consciousness: ego consciousness, group consciousness, and mystical consciousness ego的例子有争强好胜、攀比、心态不平衡 group的例子有种族歧视、暴力团伙、战争 mystical: This level of problem-free consciousness is distinguished by the feeling of connectedness rather than separateness. At the level of mystical consciousness, you feel connected to every individual, every creature, the entire planet, and God.
1. ...begin acting as if what you would like to become is already your reality (这句话我从前见过,不过是说treat other people as if they already are what you would like them to be) 2. The more you see yourself as what you would like to become, the more inspired you are . 3. By having the courage to declare yourself as already being where you want to be, you will almost force yourself to act in a new, exciting, and spiritual fashion. 4. In your relationships, ..., act as if what you would like to materialize in these relationships is already there. ... say, "I am sure you will have everything ready this afternoon, " rather than, "You are always late with everything." 5. In your family, particularly with your children, it is important to always have this little thought in mind:Catch them doing things right. ...You will find yourself pointing out what you love about that person rather than what they are doing wrong.
1. Anytime you are filled with resentment, you are turning the controls of your emotional life over to others to manipulate. 2. Removing blame means never assigning responsibilities to anyone for what you are experiencing. 如果你总是觉得别人有责任,那你就会等着别人来让你好受一些,而不会自己去改善自己的处境、心情、健康状况、等等。 3. First, you have to get past blame. Then you have you learn to send love to all, rather than anger and resentment.
The story is told of the enlightened master who always responded to outbursts of criticism, judgment, and ridicule with love, kindness, and peace. One of his devotees asked him how he could possibly be so kind and peaceful in the face of such disparaging invective. His response to the devotee was this question: "If someone offers you a gift, and you do not accept that gift, to whom does the gift belong?" Ask yourself, "Why would I allow something that belongs to someone else to be a source of my resentment?"
4. Become a person who refuses to be offended by any one, any thing, or any set of circumstances. If something takes place and you disapprove, by all means state what you feel from your heart; and if possible, work to eliminate it and then let it go.
5. Think about every single person who has ever harmed you, cheated you, defrauded you, or said unkind things about you. You experience of them is nothing more than a thought that you carry around with you. ... If you could release them, you would know more peace.
1. Albert Einstein: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. 2. There is no place that God is not. 3. You are a piece of God. You are a divine creation. 4. You are God. Not God in the sense of "above all others and better than everyone else," but in the sense of being eternally connected to your source, the ever-present power of love that never abandons you and never runs dry. You can rely on this source if you remind yourself that it includes you at all times.
1. Shakespeare: Nothing is, unless our thinking makes it so. 2. Power urges you to live and perform at your own highest level, and it is compassionate. Force, on the other hand, involves movement, associated with judgment, competition, and controlling others. 3. The thought that makes most people the weakest is shame, which produces humiliation. The importance of forgiving yourself cannot be stated strongly enough. 4. After shame, guilt and apathy thoughts make you the weakest. The produce the emotions of blame and despair....If you learn from your past mistakes, this is not guilt; it's learning from the past. But to wallow in the present moment over your so-called errors is guilt, and it can only take place now. 5. The most empowering thoughts you can have are those of peace, joy, love, acceptance, and willingness. These thoughts don't create a counter-force. Powerful, joying, loving thoughts stem from your willingness to allow the world to be as it is.
All of this is nothing more than a conscious decision on your part to be in charge of your thinking.
以下是引用summerhole在11/14/2009 4:31:00 PM的发言: 1. Shakespeare: Nothing is, unless our thinking makes it so. 2. Power urges you to live and perform at your own highest level, and it is compassionate. Force, on the other hand, involves movement, associated with judgment, competition, and controlling others. 3. The thought that makes most people the weakest is shame, which produces humiliation. The importance of forgiving yourself cannot be stated strongly enough. 4. After shame, guilt and apathy thoughts make you the weakest. The produce the emotions of blame and despair....If you learn from your past mistakes, this is not guilt; it's learning from the past. But to wallow in the present moment over your so-called errors is guilt, and it can only take place now. 5. The most empowering thoughts you can have are those of peace, joy, love, acceptance, and willingness. These thoughts don't create a counter-force. Powerful, joying, loving thoughts stem from your willingness to allow the world to be as it is.
All of this is nothing more than a conscious decision on your part to be in charge of your thinking.
ok let's see csi typical tech: 24hr store's surveillance video: 1 still frame, zoom up 100 X, a tiny spec from side of the frame turn out to be a man's face, with clear tattoo or sth, so he's recognized by a witness, and the felon is caught...... it's still TAPE, and show me an example that comes even slightly close to this from anywhere.
那就不用胖子买袋子。20% off没有12.99合算呀。
可以用这个20% off 买机器, free shipping
然后用你的那个买袋子, 不过要买超过100, 才能free shipping
可以用这个20% off 买机器, free shipping
然后用你的那个买袋子, 不过要买超过100, 才能free shipping
2nd line是过了100才free shipping啊
25% off FoodSaver? FreshSaver? Handheld Vacuum Sealing system + Free Shipping
FoodSaver is offering FSFRSH0057 FreshSaver Handheld Vacuum-Sealing System for $40 - 25% off coupon code "FSAVER25OFF" = $30 with free shipping.
可以用这个20% off 买机器, free shipping
然后用你的那个买袋子, 不过要买超过100, 才能free shipping
VACUUM SEALER KIT, costco $160, its own website$173.40, and there's a 25% off coupon
COUPON CODE:FSAVER25OFF (Click here to claim) 25% off FoodSaver? FreshSaver? Handheld Vacuum Sealing system + Free Shipping
单独check out总可以吧
handheld 的行么?好像小不少呢
handheld 应该不行的。 只能用袋子吧, 不能用roll的
你一买买8个? free shipping?
40% off code STOORZF40
concord 帮着看看这个和你的那个型号有什么不能做的么, 为什么叫smart seal 啊?
(T000-08005) FOODSAVER? w/SmartSeal? Technology VACUUM SEALER KIT
40% off code STOORZF40
concord 帮着看看这个和你的那个型号有什么不能做的么, 为什么叫smart seal 啊?
我觉得足够用了,不就是抽真空吗?不知道什么是smart seal. 反正它自己就给封口了。
发现marinate meat也可以用, 这个很管用啊。。
1 - FoodSaver? 11” x 18’ Roll
1 - FoodSaver? 8” x 22’ Roll
这些roll都可以根据自己的需要切割成袋子。另外还带了10个做好的袋子。买8套的话就是8的大的roll, 8的小的roll, 40个大袋子,40个小袋子,外加8个大canister, 8个小canister.
COUPON CODE:FSAVER25OFF (Click here to claim)
25% off FoodSaver? FreshSaver? Handheld Vacuum Sealing system + Free Shipping
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 13:21:38编辑过]
自从有了foodsaver, 我们家买来的肉,做的肉馅,牛肉干,粽子,我都抽真空。效果特别好。
其实我好几次肉馅儿坏了。。 你这个肉馅儿怎么抽啊。。。不好放到袋子里面啊。。。
谁受累帮我把袋子的code找出来?就是加一个袋子到cart里,check out页面下面一点有一个“promotion“吧,就是显示“你享受了free shipping blah“的地方,偏右一点有小小的绿色“edit”,点那个edit就会显示出袋子的coupon code
谁受累帮我把袋子的code找出来?就是加一个袋子到cart里,check out页面下面一点有一个“promotion“吧,就是显示“你享受了free shipping blah“的地方,偏右一点有小小的绿色“edit”,点那个edit就会显示出袋子的coupon code
用了KP那个coupon, 你就不能用那个袋子的胖子了。。
我那个40% off呢, 比KP的那个deal 还要好一些。。
我老公让我想想好, 他认为我肯定买了回来不会怎么用的。。。 还占地方儿。。。
谁受累帮我把袋子的code找出来?就是加一个袋子到cart里,check out页面下面一点有一个“promotion“吧,就是显示“你享受了free shipping blah“的地方,偏右一点有小小的绿色“edit”,点那个edit就会显示出袋子的coupon code
其实我好几次肉馅儿坏了。。 你这个肉馅儿怎么抽啊。。。不好放到袋子里面啊。。。
用了KP那个coupon, 你就不能用那个袋子的胖子了。。
我那个40% off呢, 比KP的那个deal 还要好一些。。
我老公让我想想好, 他认为我肯定买了回来不会怎么用的。。。 还占地方儿。。。
ok huaren.used the 8X bags, let's see if the 40% off 130 works
你这个40% off是哪个型号的呀。。
我现在40% off 好像只能是T000-08005 型号。
fatwallet 还有6% , 你从fatwallet 走。。。
ok huaren.used the 8X bags, let's see if the 40% off 130 works
你是分开来shipping酱紫么? 我觉得roll多, 倒是很好的, 但是太多canister了吧。。 又不能叠, 我们家肯定就是没有地方放了。。
你这个40% off是哪个型号的呀。。
我现在40% off 好像只能是T000-08005 型号。
fatwallet 还有6% , 你从fatwallet 走。。。
就是你给的这个。我懒得走fat wallet那5刀了。。。。。
就是你给的这个。我懒得走fat wallet那5刀了。。。。。
你是分开来shipping酱紫么? 我觉得roll多, 倒是很好的, 但是太多canister了吧。。 又不能叠, 我们家肯定就是没有地方放了。。
我的什么什么粉太多了,的确需要这些东西装。刚刚下去看了一圈,我地下室有个costco的 6层大架子,好像还有地方放16个瓶子。一定看起来很整齐。真好。谢谢concord来喊这一嗓子。也谢谢xyin找的机器胖子。一下子就圆满了 :D
我的什么什么粉太多了,的确需要这些东西装。刚刚下去看了一圈,我地下室有个costco的 6层大架子,好像还有地方放16个瓶子。一定看起来很整齐。真好。谢谢concord来喊这一嗓子。也谢谢xyin找的机器胖子。一下子就圆满了 :D
其实我比较喜欢concord那个型号的外观, 不锈钢的。。 但是好像40% 不能用在她那个型号。。
你是买T000-08005 这个型号么?
你注册, 然后从fatwallet 的foodsaver link走, 过一段时间会出现在你fatwallet的帐号里面的, 你就要求check就好了
不对,机器的不对。。。140只有 30.5刀off。。。。。。
stirs your soul and makes you feel like you're totally in harmony with
why you showed up here in the first place?
2. The only thing that
will keep you from playing the music you hear, ... is fear. There are
only two basic emotions: one is fear, the other is love.
3. You may
fear failure...but failure is an illusion. No one ever fails at
anything. Everything you do produces a result....The real question is
what you do with the results you produce.
4. If you can meet triumph
and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same ... yours is
the earth and everything that's in it.
5. "Inspire" derives from the words "in spirit"..."enthusiasm" literally means "the God (enthos) within (iasm)".
(参照421, 4203楼)
how you respond to situations in your daily life. Those responses are
the energy you have inside of you to give away.
2. Low energy
attracts low energy... anger, hate, shame, guilt, and fear...By
changing your inner thoughts to the higher frequencies of love,
harmony, kindness, peace, and joy, you'll attract more of the same, and
you will have those higher energies to give away... the higher energies
dissipate the lower energies.
3. Become more loving toward
yourself...notice when your thoughts drift into the lower energy of
ridicule or hate or guilt, and change the thought at that very moment
if at all possible. If you're unable to change the thought, then at
least love yourself for what you did do - that is, for noticing.
4. You can't give love away...if you don't have any for yourself. You can't show respect for others if you lack self-respect.
5. Tame your ego, and absolutely free yourself from ever taking anything personally.
(参照421, 4203楼)
Sit quietly and become the observer to all of your inner chatter.
Eventually you will be able to move to the gaps between your thoughts
and notice how peaceful you felt in that silent gap...
3. When you
are at peace, you radiate a different kind of energy than when you are
stressed or depressed...Not only can you deflect the negativity of
those around you, but your sense of peace will bring others into
harmony with you.
(参照421, 4203楼)
1. All you get is now.
2. There is an irony to this habit of having your mind drift to other times and other places. You can only drift off in the now, because now is all you ever get.
3. Stop and take notice of all that's in your immediate space - the people, creatures, vegetation, cloud formation, building designs, everything. Stay in the present by meditating and getting closer to the ultimate now: God.
4. Make an effort to remove all labels that you have placed on yourself.
5. Your past history and all your hurts are no longer here in your physical reality. Don't allow them to be there in your mind.
(参照421, 4203楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 16:39:39编辑过]
2. Your thoughts are the source of virtually everything in your life. Every relationship that you are in is something that you carry around with you. ... The only way you can experience another person is in your thoughts.
3. There are three levels of consciousness: ego consciousness, group consciousness, and mystical consciousness
mystical: This level of problem-free consciousness is distinguished by the feeling of connectedness rather than separateness. At the level of mystical consciousness, you feel connected to every individual, every creature, the entire planet, and God.
4. There is no remedy for love but to love more.
(参照421, 4203楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 16:49:18编辑过]
(这句话我从前见过,不过是说treat other people as if they already are what you would like them to be)
2. The more you see yourself as what you would like to become, the more inspired you are .
3. By having the courage to declare yourself as already being where you want to be, you will almost force yourself to act in a new, exciting, and spiritual fashion.
4. In your relationships, ..., act as if what you would like to materialize in these relationships is already there. ... say, "I am sure you will have everything ready this afternoon, " rather than, "You are always late with everything."
5. In your family, particularly with your children, it is important to always have this little thought in mind:Catch them doing things right. ...You will find yourself pointing out what you love about that person rather than what they are doing wrong.
(参照421, 4203楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 17:12:25编辑过]
2. Removing blame means never assigning responsibilities to anyone for what you are experiencing.
3. First, you have to get past blame. Then you have you learn to send love to all, rather than anger and resentment.
The story is told of the enlightened master who always responded to outbursts of criticism, judgment, and ridicule with love, kindness, and peace. One of his devotees asked him how he could possibly be so kind and peaceful in the face of such disparaging invective. His response to the devotee was this question: "If someone offers you a gift, and you do not accept that gift, to whom does the gift belong?"
Ask yourself, "Why would I allow something that belongs to someone else to be a source of my resentment?"
4. Become a person who refuses to be offended by any one, any thing, or any set of circumstances. If something takes place and you disapprove, by all means state what you feel from your heart; and if possible, work to eliminate it and then let it go.
5. Think about every single person who has ever harmed you, cheated you, defrauded you, or said unkind things about you. You experience of them is nothing more than a thought that you carry around with you. ... If you could release them, you would know more peace.
(参照421, 4203楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 17:03:28编辑过]
2. There is no place that God is not.
3. You are a piece of God. You are a divine creation.
4. You are God. Not God in the sense of "above all others and better than everyone else," but in the sense of being eternally connected to your source, the ever-present power of love that never abandons you and never runs dry. You can rely on this source if you remind yourself that it includes you at all times.
(参照421, 4203楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 17:17:53编辑过]
2. Power urges you to live and perform at your own highest level, and it is compassionate. Force, on the other hand, involves movement, associated with judgment, competition, and controlling others.
3. The thought that makes most people the weakest is shame, which produces humiliation. The importance of forgiving yourself cannot be stated strongly enough.
4. After shame, guilt and apathy thoughts make you the weakest. The produce the emotions of blame and despair....If you learn from your past mistakes, this is not guilt; it's learning from the past. But to wallow in the present moment over your so-called errors is guilt, and it can only take place now.
5. The most empowering thoughts you can have are those of peace, joy, love, acceptance, and willingness. These thoughts don't create a counter-force. Powerful, joying, loving thoughts stem from your willingness to allow the world to be as it is.
All of this is nothing more than a conscious decision on your part to be in charge of your thinking.
(参照421, 4203楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 17:27:50编辑过]
电梯做到495 楼。 全部更新了, 如果我差了什么, 大家提醒一下。
经常看得一个博客, 今天看到这个, 有点儿意思。 大家也就是看看哈。。
呵呵呵。。 这话我说是矫情, 这个人到是真不矫情, 所以我才贴出来。。。是个很神的人。。。
以前他不谈婚姻的, 这次是谈到房地产, 所以提到demographic,我才知道他在婚姻问题上是这个看法。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 17:44:57编辑过]
最常见的两个意思:领导;long distance
最常见的两个意思:领导;long distance
这个不是书楼发明的吧。。 大家都知道的哎。。
呵呵呵。。 这话我说是矫情, 这个人到是真不矫情, 所以我才贴出来。。。是个很神的人。。。 是唯一的一个每篇博客我必一字一句读的人。
以前他不谈婚姻的, 这次是谈到房地产, 所以提到demographic,我才知道他在婚姻问题上是这个看法。。
out of context 这样的看这一句,不是矫情是啥子。。。。。。非要把个人选择上升到法律高度
经常看得一个博客, 今天看到这个, 有点儿意思。 大家也就是看看哈。。
out of context 这样的看这一句,不是矫情是啥子。。。。。。非要把个人选择上升到法律高度
经常看得一个博客, 今天看到这个, 有点儿意思。 大家也就是看看哈。。
话说回来,据说csi可以当教科书了,但criminal minds里头就算描述的多厉害,比较吓人的镜头全部被掐掉了,就是尽干些虚吓。配一段极有暗示意味的音乐,打个黑影,下个镜头居然是探员家访。
1. Shakespeare: Nothing is, unless our thinking makes it so.
2. Power urges you to live and perform at your own highest level, and it is compassionate. Force, on the other hand, involves movement, associated with judgment, competition, and controlling others.
3. The thought that makes most people the weakest is shame, which produces humiliation. The importance of forgiving yourself cannot be stated strongly enough.
4. After shame, guilt and apathy thoughts make you the weakest. The produce the emotions of blame and despair....If you learn from your past mistakes, this is not guilt; it's learning from the past. But to wallow in the present moment over your so-called errors is guilt, and it can only take place now.
5. The most empowering thoughts you can have are those of peace, joy, love, acceptance, and willingness. These thoughts don't create a counter-force. Powerful, joying, loving thoughts stem from your willingness to allow the world to be as it is.
All of this is nothing more than a conscious decision on your part to be in charge of your thinking.
(参照421, 4203楼)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/14 17:27:50编辑过]
cm 里面都是什么呀。。。。。。。每次都是好像很玄乎的给出暴多细节而缺乏线索。有时候有是超多线索,他们过了半小时还没反映过来
这个是某些社会学家说的, 不是他发明的哦。。
规定婚姻非法是和不再提供相应的婚姻保护相互联系的呀。。 我估摸着, 我有生之年, 是能看到一个国家禁止婚姻的。。。
这个是某些社会学家说的, 不是他发明的哦。。
规定婚姻非法是和不再提供相应的婚姻保护相互联系的呀。。 我估摸着, 我有生之年, 是能看到一个国家禁止婚姻的。。。
you must be xyin, right?
you must be xyin, right?
cm 里面都是什么呀。。。。。。。每次都是好像很玄乎的给出暴多细节而缺乏线索。有时候有是超多线索,他们过了半小时还没反映过来
玛雅, 他们都破了案, 我还不知道为什么呢, 一点儿线索我也没看出来。。
hartford ct or hartford ma?
玛雅, 他们都破了案, 我还不知道为什么呢, 一点儿线索我也没看出来。。
这又是啥啊。。 我看了出生统计数值, 现在拉丁裔也在有所持平和下降了。。 基本上妇女现在越生越少了。。
还有高中辍学的统计, 那就压根儿没有亚裔的数据。。
hartford ct or hartford ma?
there's no hartford ma, must be ct....yale? exactly 100 miles
hartford ct or hartford ma?
不会呀。 现在科技达到了吧。也不是绝对无限。。 大概差不多了。
give me a real life example
玄乎这词好。我还是喜欢csi. 不过一朋友把其扁了一通,说里面gcms lcms能测出是什么compound才怪了,要是这样就能成我们早失业了。我不做这个,但是他们好像是用数据库去比的,乍看上去没有纰漏。但是无限zoom in 照片绝对是科幻科技。。。。
不会呀。 现在科技达到了吧。也不是绝对无限。。 大概差不多了。
我就看了一个季度, 没觉得太大意思, 现在吧CSI看完了, big bang接着看。。 估计后面可能看hero... lost好像最新的还没出DVD.
中文方面现在就是暗算, 宫心记。 工行记里面衣服首饰还看得挺热闹的。。 佘诗曼实在是不算好看, 不知道为啥那么红哈。。
还有大家没看过风声的小说的, 小说写得非常好。。
there's no hartford ma, must be ct....yale? exactly 100 miles
em , be careful though if it snows.