The soup I cooked today is very similar to babypink007's receipe. I used all the materials and the steps she mentioned except the 马蒂, I used 3 dried 蜜棗 and added 3 potatoes. Potatoes make me feel full and I do not need to cook additional dishes for dinner. First time to load a picture. it works! Yeah!!
I have a picture but have trouble to load it here. It keeps saying that the format of the document is not correct. I think it is jpeg and the size is smaller than 300kb.
I have a picture but have trouble to load it here. It keeps saying that the format of the document is not correct. I think it is jpeg and the size is smaller than 300kb.
as i remember, the pic size should be less than 150k
这个汤是我妈妈的拿手汤之一, 简单易学又鲜美, 以前上大学的时候我经常煲,宿舍的大家都很喜欢呢~~
先说说材料(这个是4人分量的): 玉米一两根, 红萝卜三四根(中等身材的), 马蒂(就是孛荠啦)五六个, 猪骨半斤或三分一斤
做法:1, 玉米砍成块状,红萝卜削皮切块, 孛荠削皮切开一半, 猪骨砍件
2, 煲滚水, 猪骨过水,捞起。
3, 把水放进煲子 (瓦煲或不锈钢煲), 水跟材料的比例是2:1或2.5:1。
4, 煲滚水, 放所有材料进去, 滚起后关小火,煲1小时或2小时。
5, 开餐~~~~~~~~~
忘了说, 关火前15分钟放盐~~~~~~~~
nice!!!!! I like soap!
soap or soup ?
懒人还有一种办法, 就是买一个真空煲, 像thermos 牌子的, 等水滚後,直接把所有材料连滚汤一起倒进真空煲, 盖上盖,等1小时就可以吃了~~~不用看火~~~~~~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-7-13 10:30:17编辑过]
The pork sold in US always has a smell...
I have a picture but have trouble to load it here. It keeps saying that the format of the document is not correct. I think it is jpeg and the size is smaller than 300kb.
as i remember, the pic size should be less than 150k
waiting for you pic..
懒人还有一种办法, 就是买一个真空煲, 像thermos 牌子的, 等水滚後,直接把所有材料连滚汤一起倒进真空煲, 盖上盖,等1小时就可以吃了~~~不用看火~~~~~~~~