我们不能不建设一块更美丽更安全更关怀每一个个体的土地,因为在这块土地下,埋藏了那么多,那么多曾经纯洁、曾经无辜、曾经热望的眼睛。 very artsy a........let me try We have to rebuild this place, a land with more beautifulness, more security and more care for each individual, because, because underneath this land, there buried so many spirits with pureness, innocence and eagerness(enthusiasm)
very artsy a........let me try We have to rebuild this place, a land with more beautifulness, more security and more care for each individual, because, because underneath this land, there buried so many spirits with pureness, innocence and eagerness(enthusiasm) 这个chinglish肯定是不通的,那位大拿再给润色下
On this land we must build a community that's safer, more beautiful, and more caring for every individual. Because under the ground there were so many so many eyes that were pure, innocent, and hopeful.
我们不能不建设一块更美丽更安全更关怀每一个个体的土地,因为在这块土地下,埋藏了那么多,那么多曾经纯洁、曾经无辜、曾经热望的眼睛。 Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say.
Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say. here come the pro!
Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say.
nod. and the page is not for emotional message yet. I think we can wait till a bit later...
Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say.
强调OSCCF的作用:比如 live reports from volunteers可以换成reports from osccf front team之类的,current osccf projects可以换成osccf relief actions/efforts这样的,earthquake watch,我不太明白theme是什么,大概是灾后生活?多用行动型语言,这样会更有impact。
强调OSCCF的作用:比如 live reports from volunteers可以换成reports from osccf front team之类的,current osccf projects可以换成osccf relief actions/efforts这样的,earthquake watch,我不太明白theme是什么,大概是灾后生活?多用行动型语言,这样会更有impact。
Live Reports from Volunteers
Great titles! just updated. The third one is more about what's going on overall, any idea?
I want to avoid too much attention the word China, focusing on victims, becoz target of this page is for Americans. Many translate China to Red China...
But rebuilding is definitely good verbiage. let me think more...
I want to avoid too much attention the word China, focusing on victims, becoz target of this page is for Americans. Many translate China to Red China...
But rebuilding is definitely good verbiage. let me think more...
Sichuan Now is great! Thank you washer. Professional writer is truely different.
I'm glad I can help. Did you get my message with my contact information? I won't be online for the whole day but if you need me for writing or translating, I am glad to help.
I'm glad I can help. Did you get my message with my contact information? I won't be online for the whole day but if you need me for writing or translating, I am glad to help.
I'm glad I can help. Did you get my message with my contact information? I won't be online for the whole day but if you need me for writing or translating, I am glad to help.
Mom Kitten: I, together with some other moms from Guangzhou, went to Yingxiu, Wenchuan County with more than 20 boxes of baby stuff. The road between these two places was actually just rebuilt. We only found three little babies and all the other babies had already evacuated. The rebuilt road was so dangerous and a few bridges on the way broke. The bridge we had to pass though was ruptured and the road itself was rebuilt by the soldiers without any tools. One side of the road was pure cliff. We got out of there with great efforts and tried to persuade others not to enter into that place.
I went to Yingxiu with several moms from Guangzhoumoms.com. We brought more than 20 boxes of baby stuff. We met three babies who took formula and were told other people were evacuated. The road was rebuilt with tremendous efforts from soldiers but remained horrible--- bridges were destroyed and the only one that survived was cracked. One side of the road was cliff. It’s for no faint of heart. We got out safely at last and told other people not to get in any more.
I went to Yingxiu with several moms from Guangzhoumoms.com. We brought more than 20 boxes of baby stuff. We met three babies who took formula and were told other people were evacuated. The road was rebuilt with tremendous efforts from soldiers but remained horrible--- bridges were destroyed and the only one that survived was cracked. One side of the road was cliff. It’s for no faint of heart. We got out safely at last and told other people not to get in any more.
以下是引用amychen106在2008-5-19 14:10:00的发言: got some pics.
不是很impressive,不过有两张确实是大量的购买医药的发票。我还在等其他的,会越来越多的。 如何组织这些材料放在网上,回头再商量。3分钟前,我把信转给了你 can you send it to my email? i want to start the asking for help post in xianhua, after we decide how to organize everything
they are good enuf. let me put a few on the website...
niluo, im not professinal at all, could you give me osccf english link right now for me? im considering putting things to gether to draw more people's attention from xianhua.
niluo, im not professinal at all, could you give me osccf english link right now for me? im considering putting things to gether to draw more people's attention from xianhua.
sorry for bothering thanks
I have a meeting soon.
I will come back tonight,still lots of emails need to send.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 11:40:13编辑过]
how much do you see?
看到2个column多, 需要scroll才能看到所有的。如果target是average的美国老百姓的话,一般建议不要太宽,要知道还是有不少老百姓用800x600的resolution。
en, I will try a few things to see if it works. The page looks pretty good now, with pics on different spots of the page.
嗯。那个site看起来很不错!!!! 谢谢
请加上google checkout
直接到Paypal的网站(paypal.com) 给我们捐款。我们的Paypal账号是:
[email protected]
通过我们的Google Checkout 账号在网上直接捐助. 请点击以下链接进入我们的Google Checkout 帐号. 这是为地震捐款专门设置的, 给别的孩子/项目的捐款请仍用支票或者Paypal. OSCCF是501(c)(3) non-profit orgnization. 所以Google Checkout 没有手续费.
<script type="text/javascript">
function validateAmount(amount){
if(amount.value.match( /^[0-9]+(\.([0-9]+))?$/)){
return true;
alert('You must enter a valid donation.');
return false;
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 11:47:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 11:40:13编辑过]
Thank you. updated webpage, replacing flag with candle pic, it is more personal that way.
The live candle pic made me wanna cry. It is just like the hearts that stopped beating due to earthquake...
Thank you. updated webpage, replacing flag with candle pic, it is more personal that way.
The live candle pic made me wanna cry. It is just like the hearts that stopped beating due to earthquake...
very artsy a........let me try
We have to rebuild this place, a land with more beautifulness, more security and more care for each individual,
because, because underneath this land, there buried so many spirits with pureness, innocence and eagerness(enthusiasm)
very artsy a........let me try
We have to rebuild this place, a land with more beautifulness, more security and more care for each individual,
because, because underneath this land, there buried so many spirits with pureness, innocence and eagerness(enthusiasm) 这个chinglish肯定是不通的,那位大拿再给润色下
On this land we must build a community that's safer, more beautiful, and more caring for every individual. Because under the ground there were so many so many eyes that were pure, innocent, and hopeful.
我觉得我没有把“曾经” 的感觉翻译出来,只是用了were。。。
Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say.
How to Donate 请加上google checkout http://www.osccf.org/donation_method.aspx?lan=cn
requested code from Dana. will put it on once I get it.
Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say.
Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say.
nod. and the page is not for emotional message yet. I think we can wait till a bit later...
Amy, what message do you wan to deliver? I cannot see it clearly in this way of expression.
I am a writer and used to be a copywriter for a renowned PR agency. I am pretty good at writing such kind of stuff in Chinese and English. I can help you polish your message if you know what you want to say.
nod. and the page is not for emotional message yet. I think we can wait till a bit later...
i see,
网页还在建设中,对吧?因为“more detail” 好像点不进去。
they are working now. pls verify...
they are working now. pls verify...
It works now.
强调OSCCF的作用:比如 live reports from volunteers可以换成reports from osccf front team之类的,current osccf projects可以换成osccf relief actions/efforts这样的,earthquake watch,我不太明白theme是什么,大概是灾后生活?多用行动型语言,这样会更有impact。
Live Reports from Volunteers
强调OSCCF的作用:比如 live reports from volunteers可以换成reports from osccf front team之类的,current osccf projects可以换成osccf relief actions/efforts这样的,earthquake watch,我不太明白theme是什么,大概是灾后生活?多用行动型语言,这样会更有impact。
Live Reports from Volunteers
Great titles! just updated. The third one is more about what's going on overall, any idea?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 12:50:02编辑过]
let me check...
Great titles! just updated. The third one is more about what's going on overall, any idea?
how about
Rebuild a stronger China
Great titles! just updated. The third one is more about what's going on overall, any idea?
coping with disaster? Sichuan Now?
I don't like words with ideological indication. Simple words that tell the facts and people can connect with are just fine.
how about
Rebuild a stronger China
I want to avoid too much attention the word China, focusing on victims, becoz target of this page is for Americans. Many translate China to Red China...
But rebuilding is definitely good verbiage. let me think more...
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 13:00:54编辑过]
I want to avoid too much attention the word China, focusing on victims, becoz target of this page is for Americans. Many translate China to Red China...
But rebuilding is definitely good verbiage. let me think more...
how about
Together we rebuild
亲家母, 尼罗周三出差,到时候需要人UPDATE,你有空不?
yeah, I can help.
coping with disaster? Sichuan Now?
I don't like words with ideological indication. Simple words that tell the facts and people can connect with are just fine.
Sichuan Now is great! Thank you washer. Professional writer is truely different.
Sichuan Now is great! Thank you washer. Professional writer is truely different.
this is why I didn't apply for translating job. my poor english skills.
survivers rebuild their life?
2008.05.19 23:08
2008.05.19 23:08
kudoos go to everyone here...
Sichuan Now is great! Thank you washer. Professional writer is truely different.
I'm glad I can help. Did you get my message with my contact information? I won't be online for the whole day but if you need me for writing or translating, I am glad to help.
I'm glad I can help. Did you get my message with my contact information? I won't be online for the whole day but if you need me for writing or translating, I am glad to help.
got it. thank you!
btw, happy b-day to your baby.
I'm glad I can help. Did you get my message with my contact information? I won't be online for the whole day but if you need me for writing or translating, I am glad to help.
太好了, pro 啊
提个建议, 我觉得proof reading 很重要的。 如果翻译工作量大的话, 可以大家帮忙, washer 做proof reading 保证翻译的consistency和质量
孩子 快 快抓紧妈妈的手
天堂的路 太黑了
妈妈怕你 碰了头
快 抓紧妈妈的手 让妈妈陪你走
妈妈 我怕
天堂的路 太黑 我看不见你的手
自从倒塌的墙 把阳光夺走
我再也看不见 你柔情的眸
孩子 你走吧
前面的路 再也没有忧愁
没有读不完的课本 再也没有爸爸的拳头
你要记住 我和爸爸的模样
妈妈 别担忧
天堂的路有些挤 有很多同学和朋友
我们说 不哭不哭
没有我的日子 你把爱给活着的孩子吧
妈妈 你别哭
泪光照亮不了 我们的路
让我们自己 慢慢的走
妈妈 我会记住你和爸爸的模样
记住我们的约定 来生还要一起走
不过我刚刚看到AMY说不要用太惨的语言和照片, 所以我也不很确定了, 谢谢.
太好了, pro 啊
提个建议, 我觉得proof reading 很重要的。 如果翻译工作量大的话, 可以大家帮忙, washer 做proof reading 保证翻译的consistency和质量
Great idea! washer, you will be our translation watcher
Mom Kitten: I, together with some other moms from Guangzhou, went to Yingxiu, Wenchuan County with more than 20 boxes of baby stuff. The road between these two places was actually just rebuilt. We only found three little babies and all the other babies had already evacuated. The rebuilt road was so dangerous and a few bridges on the way broke. The bridge we had to pass though was ruptured and the road itself was rebuilt by the soldiers without any tools. One side of the road was pure cliff. We got out of there with great efforts and tried to persuade others not to enter into that place.
NiLuo, this is the one:
孩子 快 快抓紧妈妈的手
天堂的路 太黑了
妈妈怕你 碰了头
快 抓紧妈妈的手 让妈妈陪你走
妈妈 我怕
天堂的路 太黑 我看不见你的手
自从倒塌的墙 把阳光夺走
我再也看不见 你柔情的眸
孩子 你走吧
前面的路 再也没有忧愁
没有读不完的课本 再也没有爸爸的拳头
你要记住 我和爸爸的模样
妈妈 别担忧
天堂的路有些挤 有很多同学和朋友
我们说 不哭不哭
没有我的日子 你把爱给活着的孩子吧
妈妈 你别哭
泪光照亮不了 我们的路
让我们自己 慢慢的走
妈妈 我会记住你和爸爸的模样
记住我们的约定 来生还要一起走
不过我刚刚看到AMY说不要用太惨的语言和照片, 所以我也不很确定了, 谢谢.
road to heaven, angle will guide you
前面有个姐妹raise concern about road to heaven is dark maybe offensive to religious people
road to heaven, angle will guide you
前面有个姐妹raise concern about road to heaven is dark maybe offensive to religious people
not yet. let's focus on facts first...
got it. thank you!
btw, happy b-day to your baby.
Thank you!
Great idea! washer, you will be our translation watcher
No problem. I'll look at the translations once they're uploaded here.
No problem. I'll look at the translations once they're uploaded here.
washer mm,麻烦你帮我看看251楼的翻译,谢谢!=)
I went to Yingxiu with several moms from Guangzhoumoms.com. We brought more than 20 boxes of baby stuff. We met three babies who took formula and were told other people were evacuated. The road was rebuilt with tremendous efforts from soldiers but remained horrible--- bridges were destroyed and the only one that survived was cracked. One side of the road was cliff. It’s for no faint of heart. We got out safely at last and told other people not to get in any more.
I went to Yingxiu with several moms from Guangzhoumoms.com. We brought more than 20 boxes of baby stuff. We met three babies who took formula and were told other people were evacuated. The road was rebuilt with tremendous efforts from soldiers but remained horrible--- bridges were destroyed and the only one that survived was cracked. One side of the road was cliff. It’s for no faint of heart. We got out safely at last and told other people not to get in any more.
got some pics.
can you send it to my email? i want to start the asking for help post in xianhua, after we decide how to organize everything
can you send it to my email? i want to start the asking for help post in xianhua, after we decide how to organize everything
i just sent a msg to your coat and ask your email a couple minutes ago.
I don't have your email ya.
got some pics.
they are good enuf. let me put a few on the website...
they are good enuf. let me put a few on the website...
niluo, im not professinal at all, could you give me osccf english link right now for me? im considering putting things to gether to draw more people's attention from xianhua.
sorry for bothering
niluo, im not professinal at all, could you give me osccf english link right now for me? im considering putting things to gether to draw more people's attention from xianhua.
sorry for bothering
I have a meeting soon.
I will come back tonight,still lots of emails need to send.
we will keep the thread flowing on the top of the board.
looks good!
we will keep the thread flowing on the top of the board.
4楼:家小的行动计划:1.义务制作翻译osccf英文网页-----腾出义工时间,及帮助向美国公司要match的宣传;(举不点名的例子说明公司的match确实是可以争取来的)2,和前线保持联系,了解最新灾区需求,在网上求助,3. 还有啥来着?给补充一哈! 贴出有关链接,请有网页经验,翻译经验,公司match还有余地的同学看(是不是要单独都贴原文出来希望你们讨论)
当然会说点打哈哈的话,就是osccf不是唯一的组织,但是经过长期的了解,是我们这些人心目中信任和确实需要帮助的组织,有具体问题可以询问(比如我,amy,niluo,oceanblue), 希望得到大家的一臂之力
4楼:家小的行动计划:1.义务制作翻译osccf英文网页-----腾出义工时间,及帮助向美国公司要match的宣传;(举不点名的例子说明公司的match确实是可以争取来的)2,和前线保持联系,了解最新灾区需求,在网上求助,3. 还有啥来着?给补充一哈! 贴出有关链接,请有网页经验,翻译经验,公司match还有余地的同学看(是不是要单独都贴原文出来希望你们讨论)
当然会说点打哈哈的话,就是osccf不是唯一的组织,但是经过长期的了解,是我们这些人心目中信任和确实需要帮助的组织,有具体问题可以询问(比如我,amy,niluo,oceanblue), 希望得到大家的一臂之力
新的update和那两个收据: they are on the web now. u can use links.
新的update和那两个收据: they are on the web now. u can use links.
great i will post the pic it self to make it more impressive
nod nod希望更多的人帮助宣传,同时把这个组织加到可MATCH的名单里。
pictures added
泥螺,i will get more for you.
great i will post the pic it self to make it more impressive
niluo, i can't see any of the "more details" pages, such as http://www.osccf.org/special/special/5_19_1.htm
use this url http://www.osccf.org/special/2008_earthquake.htm
use this url http://www.osccf.org/special/2008_earthquake.htm
got it and it works. thanks
Receipts link under OSCCF Relief Action
looks great
yun bao ma : http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445677
benben mama: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445477&page=2
joyandpeace: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445983
yuer2005: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=446684
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 16:27:43编辑过]
yun bao ma : http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445677
benben mama: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445477&page=2
joyandpeace: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445983
yuer2005: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=446684
yun bao ma : http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445677
benben mama: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445477&page=2
joyandpeace: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=445983
yuer2005: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=333&Id=446684
i understand your concern. of course
谢谢泥罗, 莲妈, amy和各位热心的姐妹, 你们是我的榜样. 我要向你们学习, 力所能及多为灾区人民做点贡献!