The disaster site was so much miserable than what you saw on TV, more than 100 times worse. We were totally stunned, speechless and we even forgot how to cry. In Beichuan, the PLA (Chinese Military) dug out seven children alive in Middle high school. Kids in the Kindergartens and primary schools in Beichuan may not have survived since the rock is even bigger than the house. At Meiyang, the kids in the welfare place are well and were transferred to a safe place by PLA and police.
Let’s give a big round of applause to our soldiers.
在艰难接近北川的路上,看到十几辆满载消防官兵的车正在进入,还有十几辆物资车,我们心里好受些了。当地限制加油的量,等了两个小时才加到一点油,只是单程的油,不够回去的量。 Date: May15, 2008, 27:26 PM local time, one OSCCF volunteer followed into Beijuan county. They all brought anti-bacteria Stuff and were trained for special immune program.
In the road that we were hardly moving forwards, we saw over 10 trucks full of firemen coming and over 10 trucks full of suppliers. We felt a little better. Since the local has limited gasoline supply, we only add a little gasoline after waiting for two hours. The gasoline is only enough for one way but not our way back.
Date May 15, 19:24 PM Beichuan Working gloves are in urgent need. Most rescue soldiers are using their bare hands for rescue. So many injured people and so many kids couldn’t find their relatives. Any moment people could die.
Date: May 15, 20:25 PM Beichuan We are now at Beichuan Middle School. The rescue team has dug to the bottom of a 4-store building. In the morning, we dug out 7 kids and they are all alive. We just dug out 2 more kids, but they were … All these young solders were very tired and were barely standing steadily. But they were digging into the building very carefully; every kid is protected very well, including those without life sign. They wanted to protect the bodies very well; they took good care of them…
2008.05.15 晚上23:08 北川 现场比电视上看到的惨一百倍、不止一百倍,我们都傻了,哭不出来。我们身处的这个小县城里,有至少两万军人们拼了全力24小时地挖,但是人力不及天力,这个城已死。我们想不明白,一个地震怎么就能变成这样?我无法吃,无法睡,无法相信,只剩下唯一一个念头:多运物资!除此之外,什么也做不了。 The disaster site was so much miserable than what you saw on TV, more than 100 times worse. We were totally stunned, speechless; we even forgot how to cry. This small county we were in, over 20,000 military forces are spending 24 hours on digging into the building. However, human seems so breakable to the nature force. The whole city is dead. We just don’t understand , how come one earthquake could change the world like that? I cannot eat, cannot sleep, cannot believe, only one thing in my mind: move more supplies over! Beside this, I couldn’t do anything.
23:46Pm, May 15, 2008, Beichuan Kids in the Kindergartens and primary schools may not have the chance to survive. The falling rocks are even bigger than the house and it is almost impossible to lift or remove them without special large equipment. All roads to the disaster areas were destroyed by the mudslides. To clean these roads seems an impossible mission, which again means that the must-needed large rescue equipment cannot be brought into these areas. Without the equipment, the lives of the kids ... I talked with the just arrived rescue team, a special police from Tianjin. The special police team of 200 members has spent many hours to walk and climb from the outskirt of the town to downtown. After arrival, they immediately started the rescue continuously for about 36 hours without food and sleep, however only dug out few kids. Notice that they are the best force.
If this earthquake is a punishment, everywhere completely destroyed, no chance, nothing left to people, why let the kids bear this punishment? The kids are the angels.
2008.05.15 下午15:26 绵阳 我们的志愿者已经将急需的70-80万的药品落实了,最快明天就能送达。后续仍然需要更多的,还需要你们的帮助。 绵阳福利院的孩子们完好,没有伤亡,被可爱的解放军和武警叔叔们转移到了安全的地方。房屋也没倒,只是有裂痕。 在一个安置灾民的体育场,几近崩溃,累,看到太多的不幸。 Our volunteers have located urgently needed 700,000 - 800,000(Yuan) medicine. The medicine would arrive as early as tomorrow. More is needed. We need your help. All the kids were safe at the welfare place in Mianyang; no one was injured. They were transferred to a safety place by the lovely PLA(Chinese Military) and police. The building is still standing, only some cracks. In a stadium, which hosts all the survivors, we were so overwhelmed, tired, we saw so many misfortunes, so many misfortunes.
Summary: We urgently need the following supplies: Isolation Clothes, professional level (protective masks, protective gloves), rubbing alcohol, absorbent cotton, bottled water.We urgently need medicine and please designate your donation to local hospital so we can obtain medicine more easily.
Express Communication 3 --
May 16 10:45 am, A quick message from the Sichuan Earth Relief Front:
The following items are urgently needed: Isolation Clothes, professional level (protective masks, protective gloves), rubbing alcohol and skim cotton. Thousands of new soldiers do not have any protection. I only have cotton masks. The current scene in Sichuan is very dangerous and desperate. We need unlimited supply of bottled water. Please help! Please also give me digital cameras (six batteries of high-performance digital). I will go to visit children in the county this afternoon.
Local area urgently needs medicine. But it is very slow through Red Cross. The volunteers went there yesterday made an emergency telephone call today requesting more medications. They will go to Bei Chuan and Jiang You tomorrow. If anyone would like to donate those items, please designate those donations to the county hospital or the local Food and Drug Administration Bureau directly.
Today, I was asked to raise a fund to procure the medicine. Tomorrow 22:00 we will send out five volunteers there. I have contacted Doctor Yu at the HuaXin Hospital. She helped to contact the Director of the hospital pharmacy to obtain the medicine. They will go pick up the medicine tomorrow. But up to now, I only raised 22200RMB.
Please help me, call me at 13651345577
PS. ZHAO Xiao from OSCCF asked me to post the following message for her. We urgently need the following help: Orthopedics, Neurosurgeon, ICU specialists, Brain surgeon. Please help to spread out the message.
Beichuan is the worst inflicted area. We are doing infection now but are in urgent need of medical supplies. The place is in danger of epidemic spread and is not properly equipped to fight off this immediate danger.
我们一上午都在北川一中消毒,下午在整个县城里消毒。今天早上6点,消防员们在北川一中又挖出十几个死去的孩子,都是高一高二年级。然后就换军人来挖。9 点多的时候挖出一个活的学生,我没看到不知是男是女;看来也许还有生还者,大概因为四川天气潮湿,不容易脱水,生命可以维持更长时间。大型的切割机已经进北川县城。被泥石流所覆盖的县城,据说八成以上的人从一开始就没有希望。 May 16th We spent the whole day disinfecting, the morning at Beichun Middel school and the afternoon at the whole county. At 6 am, fire fighters pulled out a dozen bodies of students. At 9 am, a student was pulled out alive. I didn't see if it was a girl or boy but he/she is probably alive. The humid weather may prevent dehydration to some degree so that buried lives can last longer than usual. Heavy cutting machinery has got into Beichun County. However, for the counties covered under landslide, it is said 80% percent of victims buried under the debris will die eventually. 北川县城往里走还有几个镇受灾,其中一个镇被苦竹水库淹没了,听说很多人逃到了山上。但救援不太进得去。昨天进去了一支消防官兵,到现在还没有消息。目前还有几千消防官兵、军人和特警在往里开进,但因道路塌方,被泥石流所覆盖,进程缓慢。 Further down Beichun County, there are several other heavily-hit towns. One was submerged by the Kuzhu Reservoir and difficult to reach by rescue team. Many people fled to mountain top. Yesterday a team of firefighters set off and we haven’t heard back from them yet. Meanwhile several thousand firefighters, soldiers and police officers are marching towards the town. However, the road destroyed by the mudslides makes the efforts slow. 在我们执行消毒任务的过程中,我看到来自全国各地的救援队伍,刚从眼前过去的是大庆消防,最多的是解放军士兵,海南的九江的消防也进去了,四川本省的各种部队都有。这里不需要钱,来四川后我们自己还没花过一分钱,水和食物都是按人头领的,被批准的救援车可以获得免费加油。 During our disinfection tasks, I saw rescue teams from all over China. The one passing in front of me a moment ago were firefighters from Daqing and there are firefighters from Hannan and Jiujiang. A majority are soldiers including all sorts of military forces in Sichuan. Cash is not needed here. We haven’t spent a penny from our pockets yet. Water and food were rationed. Licensed rescue vehicles have free gas supplies. 这里虽然聚集了上万的救援人员,但非常安静,只有发电机和微波通讯车的工作声音,所有的人都在无声工作,特警还帮我们女士泡面,但我吃不下。他们撤下休息了一夜又开进去扒小学和幼儿园了。 Although there are thousands of rescue workers, it is very quiet here. The only sounds you can hear are from generators and communication vehicles. 我们救援人员们都确认北川的灾情是最严重的,比汶川惨的多,现在最急需的医疗防护品。现在进入了疫情期,天气又很炎热,有上千军人和消防员还没有防护口罩、防护手套和隔离衣;;所谓的防护服等也品质很差,希望有企业或公司能提供精良的设施和质量好的搜救服及防护服等。 The recue team believe that Beichuan is the worst inflicted area, much worse than Wenchuan. Medical supplies and equipments are urgently needed. Epidemic is becoming an urgent concern in the hot weather. Thousands of soldiers and firefighters are working without basic protection of mask, gloves and scrubs. The available scrubs are poorly made. We hope companies can provide or donate medical equipments and supplies of good quality as soon as possible. 我们严重缺乏酒精、脱脂棉球、防疫和治疗的药物。这里已经很臭了,一早上挖出来的几十个学生老师都是臭的。我们的救援人员身处危险之中,至少还要在这里再待一个月,物资需求量很大。仍然呼求医疗防护品,尤其是消毒液。 Disinfection ethanol, cotton balls, and medication for treatment and epidemic-prevention are urgently needed. Bad smell has already started. This morning dozens of stinking bodies of students and teachers were pulled out. The rescue team are in danger now due to lack of proper protection. We will continue working here for at least another month. Demand for supplies is huge and there is an urgent need for medical protection equipment and supplies, especially disinfection products. 北川的曲江小学,我进塌陷的楼里看了看,也是下面两层陷入地裂。塌陷上层的孩子们已经被消防员救出,余下的其他能看见的孩子都是已经被砸成了几块。那些小手看着还很稚嫩,我为孩子做了祈祷,希望他们走的不痛苦!出去以后,我又再找到搜救犬小分队,请他们重新带狗来搜一搜,不过听队员们说,狗狗有时候分不清楚昏迷和死亡。我离开这个小学时,两个妈妈还在一遍遍呼唤孩子,二十多人的搜救犬小分队还在继续搜索。 I went to the destroyed buildings of Qujiang Primary School at beichuan. The lower two stories sank into the ground. Children in the upper buildings were rescued firefighters. I could see the body parts and small hands of children left underneath. I prayed for them, wishing they died without much pain. Later I met the rescue team of twenty people with dogs and asked their help. I heard that the rescue dogs sometimes could not distinguish between coma and death. When I left the school, I saw two moms were calling their children’s name again and again and the rescue team keep searching.
消毒的同时,我们还要为受伤的人员包扎。不时又有生命获救,奇迹总在不断地发生。 While we were doing disinfection, we also helped to treat the injured victims with minor problems. Miracles keep happening and new lives are been saved. 非常让人生气的一件事是,有一部分志愿者是抱着猎奇、看热闹的心态来的,他们根本帮不什么忙,今天还和一个这样人吵了起来。 One thing makes me upset: there are some volunteers who came here out of inappropriate curiosity. They do not offer much help. I had a fight with such a person today.
her dry mom, see see if you or amy can take this message to some volunteer in osccf in China?
I am a survivor from Tangshan Earthquake (1976), I found some problems with the current method of rescue. Please take my suggestion to save more lives:
Many people who were just rescued looked lifeless, but they are still ALIVE. It's caused by the long hours of suffocation under the rubble. Do not cover them with fabric, instead lay them down outdoors, spray some water on (their body), some of them may come back to life.
My brother was in that situation when he was taken out from under, we all thought he's gone so we just left him on the ground. It was raining after the quake. After ten minutes, like a miracle, he started breathing again.
I have been trying to call the Red Cross to pass this suggestion to the rescue teams, but the line is always busy.
Please trust me. I am a survivor from Tangshan Earthquake.
Please help to pass the message, save a life with small action. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 17:51:58编辑过]
Translation Terminology - thanks to xyin
余震 aftershock
震中 epicenter
死亡人数 death toll
塌方 landslide
泥石流 mudslide
幸存者 survivors
受灾者 victims
四川地震救灾前线 Sichuan Earth Relief Front
灾区 disaster area
救援人员 rescuer
救援小组 rescue team
搜救犬 rescue dog
志愿者 volunteer
撤离 evacuation
疫情 Epidemic situation
消毒品 sanitizers
防护口罩 protective masks
防护手套 protective gloves
脱脂棉 absorbent cotton balls
隔离衣??? scrub, separation coat
水靴 waterproof boots
护目镜 goggles
消毒液 disinfection products
消毒 Disinfection
医用酒精 rubbing alcohol
药品 medical supplies
绷带 bandage
消毒 Disinfection
骨科医生 Orthopedist
神经外科医师 Neurosurgeon
ICU专家 ICU specialists
脑外科医生 Brain surgeon
2。每个快报,除了full version, 要有一个short version,2-3句话总结情况,便于没时间的人迅速掌握动向。
[此贴子已经被wineheart于2008-5-19 12:38:04编辑过]
2008.05.15. 下午17:26 一位OSCCF志愿者随着进入了北川县,他们都带着消毒用品,接受了防疫培训----
2008.05.15 傍晚19:24 北川
2008.05.15 晚上20:25 北川
2008.05.15 晚上23:08 北川
2008.05.15 晚上23:46 北川
2008.05.15 下午15:26 绵阳
快报2 - washer - page 6 floor 60
快报3 - xyin - Page 5 Floor 47
有人能帮我吗? 我得电话13651345577
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 16:40:34编辑过]
一个帖子就是一个快报吗? 4小时完成难度颇高啊,毕竟我们不时专业翻译/新闻从业人员。。。。。
一个帖子就是一个快报吗? 4小时完成难度颇高啊,毕竟我们不时专业翻译/新闻从业人员。。。。。
The disaster site was so much miserable than what you saw on TV, more than 100 times worse. We were totally stunned, speechless and we even forgot how to cry.
In Beichuan, the PLA (Chinese Military) dug out seven children alive in Middle high school. Kids in the Kindergartens and primary schools in Beichuan may not have survived since the rock is even bigger than the house. At Meiyang, the kids in the welfare place are well and were transferred to a safe place by PLA and police.
Let’s give a big round of applause to our soldiers.
2008.05.15. 下午17:26 一位OSCCF志愿者随着进入了北川县,他们都带着消毒用品,接受了防疫培训----
Date: May15, 2008, 27:26 PM local time, one OSCCF volunteer followed into Beijuan county. They all brought anti-bacteria Stuff and were trained for special immune program.
In the road that we were hardly moving forwards, we saw over 10 trucks full of firemen coming and over 10 trucks full of suppliers. We felt a little better. Since the local has limited gasoline supply, we only add a little gasoline after waiting for two hours. The gasoline is only enough for one way but not our way back.
2008.05.15 傍晚19:24 北川
Date May 15, 19:24 PM Beichuan
Working gloves are in urgent need. Most rescue soldiers are using their bare hands for rescue. So many injured people and so many kids couldn’t find their relatives. Any moment people could die.
2008.05.15 晚上20:25 北川
Date: May 15, 20:25 PM Beichuan
We are now at Beichuan Middle School. The rescue team has dug to the bottom of a 4-store building. In the morning, we dug out 7 kids and they are all alive. We just dug out 2 more kids, but they were … All these young solders were very tired and were barely standing steadily. But they were digging into the building very carefully; every kid is protected very well, including those without life sign. They wanted to protect the bodies very well; they took good care of them…
2008.05.15 晚上23:08 北川
The disaster site was so much miserable than what you saw on TV, more than 100 times worse. We were totally stunned, speechless; we even forgot how to cry. This small county we were in, over 20,000 military forces are spending 24 hours on digging into the building. However, human seems so breakable to the nature force. The whole city is dead. We just don’t understand , how come one earthquake could change the world like that? I cannot eat, cannot sleep, cannot believe, only one thing in my mind: move more supplies over! Beside this, I couldn’t do anything.
2008.05.15 晚上23:46 北川
23:46Pm, May 15, 2008, Beichuan
Kids in the Kindergartens and primary schools may not have the chance to survive. The falling rocks are even bigger than the house and it is almost impossible to lift or remove them without special large equipment. All roads to the disaster areas were destroyed by the mudslides. To clean these roads seems an impossible mission, which again means that the must-needed large rescue equipment cannot be brought into these areas. Without the equipment, the lives of the kids ... I talked with the just arrived rescue team, a special police from Tianjin. The special police team of 200 members has spent many hours to walk and climb from the outskirt of the town to downtown. After arrival, they immediately started the rescue continuously for about 36 hours without food and sleep, however only dug out few kids. Notice that they are the best force.
If this earthquake is a punishment, everywhere completely destroyed, no chance, nothing left to people, why let the kids bear this punishment? The kids are the angels.
2008.05.15 下午15:26 绵阳
Our volunteers have located urgently needed 700,000 - 800,000(Yuan) medicine. The medicine would arrive as early as tomorrow. More is needed. We need your help. All the kids were safe at the welfare place in Mianyang; no one was injured. They were transferred to a safety place by the lovely PLA(Chinese Military) and police. The building is still standing, only some cracks. In a stadium, which hosts all the survivors, we were so overwhelmed, tired, we saw so many misfortunes, so many misfortunes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 16:12:04编辑过]
I will translate the Day 1.
Thanks Stardaddy for doing all this.
我们一上午都在北川一中消毒,下午在整个县城里消毒。今天早上6点,消防员们在北川一中又挖出十几个死去的孩子,都是高一高二年级。然后就换军人来挖。9 点多的时候挖出一个活的学生,我没看到不知是男是女;看来也许还有生还者,大概因为四川天气潮湿,不容易脱水,生命可以维持更长时间。大型的切割机已经进北川县城。被泥石流所覆盖的县城,据说八成以上的人从一开始就没有希望。
有人能帮我吗? 我得电话13651345577
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 14:11:41编辑过]
i will call her now
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 14:11:41编辑过]
yes, it's useless to get small amount donations from individuals, not fast enuf. we need to target big charities to transfer some funds.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 14:17:25编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 14:27:38编辑过]
你挑头,把家小几个妈妈的联系方式记下来,我去联系国内和osccf,我们各做一个contact lists,大家内部也可以互相联系,
快报3 -
有人能帮我吗? 我得电话13651345577
她估计在design the webpage
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 14:36:21编辑过]
她估计在design the webpage
yes. pls post here.
amy: osccf didn't say they want me to design the webpage, so I don't know what else to do besides organizing the translation effort.
yes. pls post here.
amy: osccf didn't say they want me to design the webpage, so I don't know what else to do besides organizing the translation effort.
didn't say or say they don't want you to design the webpage?
en, I thought so too. The worst scenario is to find a place to host our own webpage....I will msg u my email.
your phone number too, i lost it
en, I thought so too. The worst scenario is to find a place to host our own webpage....I will msg u my email.
所有的钱,50%去 OSCCF,50% 去 Heart to Heart(我们中国VP推荐的,没办法)
你们不要想,你们捐来的钱,有一半去了Heart to Heart,这是不对的。
所有的钱,50%去 OSCCF,50% 去 Heart to Heart(我们中国VP推荐的,没办法)
你们不要想,你们捐来的钱,有一半去了Heart to Heart,这是不对的。
absorbent cotton
100% Pure Absorbent Cotton? cotton ball/pad?
too bad fedex/ups do not issue $$ off $$$ coupons.
We urgently need the following supplies: Isolation Clothes, professional level (protective masks, protective gloves), rubbing alcohol, absorbent cotton, bottled water.We urgently need medicine and please designate your donation to local hospital so we can obtain medicine more easily.
Express Communication 3 --
May 16 10:45 am, A quick message from the Sichuan Earth Relief Front:
The following items are urgently needed: Isolation Clothes, professional level (protective masks, protective gloves), rubbing alcohol and skim cotton. Thousands of new soldiers do not have any protection. I only have cotton masks. The current scene in Sichuan is very dangerous and desperate. We need unlimited supply of bottled water. Please help! Please also give me digital cameras (six batteries of high-performance digital). I will go to visit children in the county this afternoon.
Local area urgently needs medicine. But it is very slow through Red Cross. The volunteers went there yesterday made an emergency telephone call today requesting more medications. They will go to Bei Chuan and Jiang You tomorrow. If anyone would like to donate those items, please designate those donations to the county hospital or the local Food and Drug Administration Bureau directly.
Today, I was asked to raise a fund to procure the medicine. Tomorrow 22:00 we will send out five volunteers there. I have contacted Doctor Yu at the HuaXin Hospital. She helped to contact the Director of the hospital pharmacy to obtain the medicine. They will go pick up the medicine tomorrow. But up to now, I only raised 22200RMB.
Please help me, call me at 13651345577
PS. ZHAO Xiao from OSCCF asked me to post the following message for her.
We urgently need the following help: Orthopedics, Neurosurgeon, ICU specialists, Brain surgeon. Please help to spread out the message.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 15:06:59编辑过]
***** 该内容需浏览者威望高于1 才可浏览 *****
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 15:41:46编辑过]
请加: 我们愿意来负责网页更新和制作,让民众得到最新消息。
not now. may have some soon. pls check this post often. thanks!
灾区的第一手新闻不多,我们从摇篮网上找到部分, 热心的妈妈已经在自发的\有组织的翻译中. 希望能尽快将这些文字放在你们的网站上,并愿意负责网页更新和制作,让民众得到最新消息。只希望这些匆忙的文字能带来多一些募捐, 给灾区的孩子们或更多的人多一些食物\医药,多一分生存的保障.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 15:41:46编辑过]
灾区的第一手新闻不多,我们从摇篮网上找到部分, 热心的妈妈已经在自发的\有组织的翻译中. 希望能尽快将这些文字放在你们的网站上,并愿意负责网页更新和制作,让民众得到最新消息。只希望这些匆忙的文字能带来多一些募捐, 给灾区的孩子们或更多的人多一些食物\医药,多一分生存的保障.
yes, perfect~!
Beichuan is the worst inflicted area. We are doing infection now but are in urgent need of medical supplies. The place is in danger of epidemic spread and is not properly equipped to fight off this immediate danger.
我们一上午都在北川一中消毒,下午在整个县城里消毒。今天早上6点,消防员们在北川一中又挖出十几个死去的孩子,都是高一高二年级。然后就换军人来挖。9 点多的时候挖出一个活的学生,我没看到不知是男是女;看来也许还有生还者,大概因为四川天气潮湿,不容易脱水,生命可以维持更长时间。大型的切割机已经进北川县城。被泥石流所覆盖的县城,据说八成以上的人从一开始就没有希望。
May 16th
We spent the whole day disinfecting, the morning at Beichun Middel school and the afternoon at the whole county. At 6 am, fire fighters pulled out a dozen bodies of students. At 9 am, a student was pulled out alive. I didn't see if it was a girl or boy but he/she is probably alive. The humid weather may prevent dehydration to some degree so that buried lives can last longer than usual. Heavy cutting machinery has got into Beichun County. However, for the counties covered under landslide, it is said 80% percent of victims buried under the debris will die eventually.
Further down Beichun County, there are several other heavily-hit towns. One was submerged by the Kuzhu Reservoir and difficult to reach by rescue team. Many people fled to mountain top. Yesterday a team of firefighters set off and we haven’t heard back from them yet. Meanwhile several thousand firefighters, soldiers and police officers are marching towards the town. However, the road destroyed by the mudslides makes the efforts slow.
During our disinfection tasks, I saw rescue teams from all over China. The one passing in front of me a moment ago were firefighters from Daqing and there are firefighters from Hannan and Jiujiang. A majority are soldiers including all sorts of military forces in Sichuan. Cash is not needed here. We haven’t spent a penny from our pockets yet. Water and food were rationed. Licensed rescue vehicles have free gas supplies.
Although there are thousands of rescue workers, it is very quiet here. The only sounds you can hear are from generators and communication vehicles.
The recue team believe that Beichuan is the worst inflicted area, much worse than Wenchuan. Medical supplies and equipments are urgently needed. Epidemic is becoming an urgent concern in the hot weather. Thousands of soldiers and firefighters are working without basic protection of mask, gloves and scrubs. The available scrubs are poorly made. We hope companies can provide or donate medical equipments and supplies of good quality as soon as possible.
Disinfection ethanol, cotton balls, and medication for treatment and epidemic-prevention are urgently needed. Bad smell has already started. This morning dozens of stinking bodies of students and teachers were pulled out. The rescue team are in danger now due to lack of proper protection. We will continue working here for at least another month. Demand for supplies is huge and there is an urgent need for medical protection equipment and supplies, especially disinfection products.
I went to the destroyed buildings of Qujiang Primary School at beichuan. The lower two stories sank into the ground. Children in the upper buildings were rescued firefighters. I could see the body parts and small hands of children left underneath. I prayed for them, wishing they died without much pain. Later I met the rescue team of twenty people with dogs and asked their help. I heard that the rescue dogs sometimes could not distinguish between coma and death. When I left the school, I saw two moms were calling their children’s name again and again and the rescue team keep searching.
While we were doing disinfection, we also helped to treat the injured victims with minor problems. Miracles keep happening and new lives are been saved.
One thing makes me upset: there are some volunteers who came here out of inappropriate curiosity. They do not offer much help. I had a fight with such a person today.
But hat off to her for doing such an honorable job and help the victims despite the danger!
Thank all of you guys for coordinating with relief efforts!
could you give stardaddy your phone number?如果事情很急,你们不在网上,我们能骚扰一下,请你们翻译吗?
我也可以翻译,但就是联系这个人,已经焦头烂额了。从早上到现在,我一直在发短信和send email,空闲时间几乎没有。
给StarDaddy发了联系方式了。 随时骚扰没问题。
man, this writer has bad logic!
But hat off to her for doing such an honorable job and help the victims despite the danger!
thanks a lot!
actually you can make the English version your own. Just be simple and straightforward.
not yet...
not yet...
(泥螺: 不好意思, 我这个星期六整天都有别的事, 麻烦其他姐妹辛苦, 其他时间 请你第一个把任务发给我)。
It is in Page 1 under this thread.
Star Daddy:
It is in Page 1 under this thread.
got it, thank you!
not yet. but there will be.
i feel the same way..........
i feel the same way..........
count me in!
her dry mom, see see if you or amy can take this message to some volunteer in osccf in China?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 17:12:27编辑过]
I posted it...thak you her qinma
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 17:12:27编辑过]
I accepted yah... going home now. will check msn later.
I accepted yah... going home now. will check msn later.
saw this in xianhua:
her dry mom, see see if you or amy can take this message to some volunteer in osccf in China?
I am a survivor from Tangshan Earthquake (1976), I found some problems with the current method of rescue. Please take my suggestion to save more lives:
Many people who were just rescued looked lifeless, but they are still ALIVE. It's caused by the long hours of suffocation under the rubble. Do not cover them with fabric, instead lay them down outdoors, spray some water on (their body), some of them may come back to life.
My brother was in that situation when he was taken out from under, we all thought he's gone so we just left him on the ground. It was raining after the quake. After ten minutes, like a miracle, he started breathing again.
I have been trying to call the Red Cross to pass this suggestion to the rescue teams, but the line is always busy.
Please trust me. I am a survivor from Tangshan Earthquake.
Please help to pass the message, save a life with small action.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-16 17:51:58编辑过]
saw this in xianhua:
her dry mom, see see if you or amy can take this message to some volunteer in osccf in China?
有vision这一点,看到big picture,这是最不容易的.
if i can help with anything please let me know
有新的任务吗?我不做graphics的, 但我也是爱提的。