China's national flag flies at half-mast after the flag-raising ceremony on Tian'anmen Square in Beijing Monday morning, May 19, 2008. China on Monday begins a three-day national mourning for the tens of thousands of people killed in a powerful earthquake which struck the country's southwest on May 12.
today’s update
The search, rescue and disaster relief efforts are continuing. Some 113,080 Chinese soldiers and armed police have been mobilized to help with rescue operations. Rescue teams from Russia, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Singapore, as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong regions, have also joined in relief efforts.
The death toll from magnitude 8.0 earthquake that jolted southwest China's Sichuan Province had risen to 32,476 nationwide as of 2 p.m. Sunday, the emergency response office under the State Council said Sunday evening, correcting a previous figure of 32,477. The number of injured reached 220,109, it said. In Sichuan alone, a total of 31,978 people were killed since Monday's deadly 8-magnitude earthquake, with 209,905 others injured.
Anything I can help? Just donated some money to OSCCF through google checkout, will donate more through company tomorrow. I was away for business for a few days, didn't get chance to catch up.
Express - Wish you happy, all the kids around the world! Urgent need from the front line: sanitizers, protective masks, protective gloves, separation coat, waterproof boots, goggles, antibiotics and tents (more than 870,000 survivors are staying in the open now) 10 vehicles will arrive in Sichuan by noon tomorrow. Please contact me for supply delivery to the disaster area. A volunteer will fly to Chengdu at 4PM tomorrow. Those who would like to send the supplies please arrive and meet him/her by 2PM in the 3rd terminal building of the airport. We have already got the license of "Children's Hope", which waives the limitation on baggage weight and free of charge. ¥45,000 donation was wired on last Friday. ¥30,000 was spent on medical supplies on Saturday and sent to Chengdu on Sunday morning. The supplies arrived in Jiangyou by noon, where aftershocks just happened. Our medical supplies came in time and thankful to all the donators!
our volunteer: This morning, I went to Mianyang with leander who was delivering relief aid to Beichuan. My next stop is to Chengdu to meet Lili. The only thing we can do now is to transport as much relief aid as possible to the affected areas. To us, providing better care for our soldiers and rescuers is to save more lives.
2008-5-17 21:21:35 Last night the road trip club(the rescue team for this speical time) which my sisiter belongs to headed to Chengdu carrying the second batch of relief materials. It included several cases of maxipads, more than 60 tents, lots of medicine, medical alcohol, baby fomula etc. My sister heard there would rain in the near future, so they purchased water-proof canvas for setting up more tents. This would be their second trip there, so they are well-informed of the needs. They loaded three trucks last night, and also filled a few sedans' trunks. They worked till after 11 pm but nobody complained instead they felt they had not got enough stuff for people there.
From their first trip, they saw that the victims closer to the highways had more access to food and water which were settled just by the road. But the victims in remote areas had more difficulties. The rescue team was once stopped by a victim in the middle of the road claiming that his village was too far from the highway, the house all collapsed , people were safe but in urgent need of food and he was sent out for hep. He showed his id to prove what he said was truth therefore the rescue team followed him. After a long drive, they finally got into the village. People there were alll excited to see the rescue team. Most of the young generation went out to big cities for more jobs so the seniors were left there, they were lack of ability to help themselves out. The rescure team gave them all the materials they were carrying. When they had the problems to reverse the truck, all the people in the village helped the truck out by their bare hands. The rescue team felt pretty confident when they started this trip , but right at this moment, they wish they could do a lot more for those victims.
Wish every child on the earth happiness
We gathered 45,000 rmb today, distributed a batch of medicine which was carried by 4 volunteers to the local area.
There is no detailed numbers about how much medicine we need but more we get, better it will be. We are thankful to Mrs. Huang. In fact I only had 22,200yuan at first and my aim is 40,000. Mrs Huang just gave me the rest. I can't describe it just by saying thank you, but every one of us is working for one thing, speed up the process , have the patients use them asap.
There is a new regulation that if we transport medicine by air, we have to have the proof from Children Hope or Red Cross to get onboard and at the same time get the free shipping.
Btw, please notice that if you can get medicine for us you have to attach the receipts or list or any other proving documents from hospitals or related bureus otherwise the local area can not accept our medicine.
1. I don't have the pictures of the receipts(too much work going on at the same time) but I have the photocopies. I will get the copies of the receipts that's issued by the local govenment and transfer them to you.
2. The fastest transporting is stil by air. As long as we have the proof from Children Hope or Red Cross, we can get free shipping from the airlines.
10:20pm, we sent 4 volunteers bringing about 55 cases of medicines. We have the local volunteers picking us up, and the medicine will be transported to Hong You as soon as possible.(The volunteers today took the leaves from the companies and covered all of their own expenses). They said they are carrieres and they mission is to carry the medicine to the most needing areas.
I am waiting for they phone call to make sure the detailed distributing locations of all the medicines.
3. messages from volunteer Yang Na
2008-5-17-23:30 Yang Na
ok, we are on our way to a seriously hit area. we will send it to you as soon as we settle down (note, i hope to get more information, requests and photos and this is her reply to me)
2008-5-17-10:36Yang Na (I told her that I will let her know how much medicine I have here and she will arrange people to pick them up) Let me know as soon as you can. Right now there are a lot of victims and part of them injured in Jiangyou and a lot of them were moved from Baichuan, Pinggu, many people sleep on the ground. As I know, their urgent needs are medicine, tents, blankes and baby fomula etc.
2008-05-16-11:56Deng Shuang we are on the way to Mian yang now, don't have to worry
4 I will announce the mailing address for medicine delivery later.
The volunteers will arrive there around 12 o'clock, and we will let you informed. 107 lou [此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 0:31:48编辑过]
2008.05.17 09:29 Our volunteers: I will arrive at An County soon. There were aftershocks last night. The road to Beichuan was blocked again. I, with two medical teams, will walk into Beichuan. 2008.05.17 09:29 Our volunteers:We only need medical specialists here - doctors, nurses, epidemic prevention specialist, professional salvagers 2008.05.17 09:51 Our volunteers: There are more than 100 PLA trucks full of PLA on our way. Most of them are youngsters in their 20s. I cannot help crying to see it .
2008.05.17 09:29
Our volunteers: I cleaned the kids and comforted them. (蛋妈的话:what does 最后的安抚 mean here? I just hope they are still alive。) My friend in Australia keeps praying for them. I would like to share this with you all: I was helpless and almost collapsed last night with the kids around me. But this morning I felt the peace of mind without a streak of pain. I realize as long as I let you know what we need and safeguard the relief supplies,that's the best I can do for those kids!
OSCCF managed to borrow a loan of 480,000 RMB for the medicines. A cargo truck is on its way to ship the medicine from An Hui Province to the disaster area. The disaster area is in great need of disinfection solution. Lots of soldiers who carried the bodies started to develop rashes on their hands. We only need volunteers with professional trainings such as doctors, nurses, disease prevention specialists, rock climbing specialist and emergency care specialist.
Lots of people asked about the amount of medicine needed. We don’t really have an exact number. The more medicine we can get the better.
The following is a few new rules on medicine donation: 1. The medicines donated must come with receipt or checklist from an approved hospital, or a certificate from the medicine management bureau. Otherwise, the local would not accept them even if the donated medicines were shipped to the needed area.
2. The fastest shipment method is via airplanes. If the medicines were to shipped via air, the airport control would accept shipments waived weight limit and shipping charges only if a certificate from the Children’s Hope Fund was presented.
We were too busy at the site to take pictures of the receipt for the medicine. I have a copied version but the quality is bad. Once the medicine reaches the destination, the local government will provide us a receipt. We will get you an update as soon as possible.
Part of the donated medicines with total worth of 450, 000 RMB were dispatched today. Four volunteers will take them to the local area at 10 PM tonight. All of the four volunteers took personal time off from their work and used their own money to pay the trip. In addition, in order not to give extra burden to the local government, they prepared all the necessities. There are totally about 55 cases of medicines. The procurement of medicines was through the hospital, who contacted the head of the storehouse. They offered deep discount knowing that the medicines would be used for disaster relief. The medicines were obtained according to the checklist provided by the volunteers. Some of them are still missing such as Human Albumin. Once the medicines arrived the local area, our volunteers there will meet them at the airport and take the medicine to JIANG YOU immediately. The volunteers were awared that their task were to send the medicines to where needed the most.
The volunteers from Jiang You reported that thousands of victims and injured were transferred from Bai Chuan and Ping Gu. most of them are living outdoors. The most needed supplies are medicines, tends, comforters and baby formulas. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 9:41:27编辑过]
On the day when the order of retreating was issued, I believed there were still survivors under the rubbles, unfortunately we have to retreat...
Around 7, 8 o'clock last night, I met a group of young fellows from Beijing rescue team in Beichuan. They brought with them advanced rescue equipments and rescue dogs. They walked out of the rubbles disappointedly. They dug into the 3-story collapsed building in Qushan middle school to search and rescue, but they could not detect any vital signs. They said that they will search in the evening again. Everybody in the team was extremely disappointed. Why not let such a well equipped troop in the disaster area earlier?
About the medical supplies, our supply manager had already secured a quite stable medicine wholesaler, therefore for now we do not need any medicine resource information, many thanks!
Students study at a temporary classroom under a tent on an open field at Haihong primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province, May 17, 2008. None of the school's 253 staff and students died in the May 12 earthquake that also left the school building unscathed. The words read in Chinese, "Learning area". REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA)
Students study at a temporary classroom under a tent on an open field at Haihong primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province, May 17, 2008. None of the school's 253 staff and students died in the May 12 earthquake that also left the school building unscathed. The words read in Chinese, "Learning area". REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA)
Students study at a temporary classroom under a tent on an open field at Haihong primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province, May 17, 2008. None of the school's 253 staff and students died in the May 12 earthquake that also left the school building unscathed. The words read in Chinese, "Learning area". REUTERS/Stringer (CHINA)
On the day when the order of retreating was issued, I believed there were still survivors under the rubbles, unfortunately we have to retreat...
Around 7, 8 o'clock last night, I met a group of young fellows from Beijing rescue team in Beichuan. They brought with them advanced rescue equipments and rescue dogs. They walked out of the rubbles disappointedly. They dug into the 3-story collapsed building in Qushan middle school to search and rescue, but they could not detect any vital signs. They said that they will search in the evening again. Everybody in the team was extremely disappointed. Why not let such a well equipped troop in the disaster area earlier?
About the medical supplies, our supply manager had already secured a quite stable medicine wholesaler, therefore for now we do not need any medicine resource information, many thanks!
It's osccf template. there's nothing I can do. I'm only allowed to change the main part of the page... 明白了。可能是content不够。。。 把店长那个长幅的照片放在下面? 主要是不知道的也许不会往下看
China's national flag flies at half-mast after the flag-raising ceremony on Tian'anmen Square in Beijing Monday morning, May 19, 2008. China on Monday begins a three-day national mourning for the tens of thousands of people killed in a powerful earthquake which struck the country's southwest on May 12.
today’s update
The search, rescue and disaster relief efforts are continuing. Some 113,080 Chinese soldiers and armed police have been mobilized to help with rescue operations. Rescue teams from Russia, the Republic of Korea, Japan and Singapore, as well as Taiwan and Hong Kong regions, have also joined in relief efforts.
The death toll from magnitude 8.0 earthquake that jolted southwest China's Sichuan Province had risen to 32,476 nationwide as of 2 p.m. Sunday, the emergency response office under the State Council said Sunday evening, correcting a previous figure of 32,477. The number of injured reached 220,109, it said. In Sichuan alone, a total of 31,978 people were killed since Monday's deadly 8-magnitude earthquake, with 209,905 others injured.
once we get English page ready, we will pursue Red Cross to transfer fund to OSCCF. It may not work, but we will at least try.
发帖时间:2008-5-17 21:21:35
我得msn:[email protected]可以加我
birdie, got it. Will update...
2008.05.17 09:29
2008.05.17 09:29
2008.05.17 09:51
leander :一路上都军车,有百多辆,装满了军人,大多数都是二十多岁的孩子,我看了都想哭。
2008.05.17 09:29
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 0:30:29编辑过]
尼罗,我来做WEBPAGE. 你安排吧. 我周三上午有考试,周二晚上要磨枪, 其他时间都有空.
ok, I will cover mon-wed, then you pick up from wed afternoon. I have a business trip from wed afternoon. will email you the stuff wed noon.
Express - Wish you happy, all the kids around the world!
Urgent need from the front line: sanitizers, protective masks, protective gloves, separation coat, waterproof boots, goggles, antibiotics and tents (more than 870,000 survivors are staying in the open now)
10 vehicles will arrive in Sichuan by noon tomorrow. Please contact me for supply delivery to the disaster area.
A volunteer will fly to Chengdu at 4PM tomorrow. Those who would like to send the supplies please arrive and meet him/her by 2PM in the 3rd terminal building of the airport. We have already got the license of "Children's Hope", which waives the limitation on baggage weight and free of charge.
¥45,000 donation was wired on last Friday. ¥30,000 was spent on medical supplies on Saturday and sent to Chengdu on Sunday morning. The supplies arrived in Jiangyou by noon, where aftershocks just happened. Our medical supplies came in time and thankful to all the donators!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 0:42:36编辑过]
2008.05.17 09:29
2008.05.17 09:29
2008.05.17 09:51
leander :一路上都军车,有百多辆,装满了军人,大多数都是二十多岁的孩子,我看了都想哭。
2008.05.17 09:29
2008.05.17 17:21
2008.05.17 17:21
our volunteer: This morning, I went to Mianyang with leander who was delivering relief aid to Beichuan. My next stop is to Chengdu to meet Lili. The only thing we can do now is to transport as much relief aid as possible to the affected areas. To us, providing better care for our soldiers and rescuers is to save more lives.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 0:25:10编辑过]
2008-5-17 21:21:35
Last night the road trip club(the rescue team for this speical time) which my sisiter belongs to headed to Chengdu carrying the second batch of relief materials. It included several cases of maxipads, more than 60 tents, lots of medicine, medical alcohol, baby fomula etc. My sister heard there would rain in the near future, so they purchased water-proof canvas for setting up more tents. This would be their second trip there, so they are well-informed of the needs. They loaded three trucks last night, and also filled a few sedans' trunks. They worked till after 11 pm but nobody complained instead they felt they had not got enough stuff for people there.
From their first trip, they saw that the victims closer to the highways had more access to food and water which were settled just by the road. But the victims in remote areas had more difficulties. The rescue team was once stopped by a victim in the middle of the road claiming that his village was too far from the highway, the house all collapsed , people were safe but in urgent need of food and he was sent out for hep. He showed his id to prove what he said was truth therefore the rescue team followed him. After a long drive, they finally got into the village. People there were alll excited to see the rescue team. Most of the young generation went out to big cities for more jobs so the seniors were left there, they were lack of ability to help themselves out. The rescure team gave them all the materials they were carrying. When they had the problems to reverse the truck, all the people in the village helped the truck out by their bare hands. The rescue team felt pretty confident when they started this trip , but right at this moment, they wish they could do a lot more for those victims.
Wish every child on the earth happiness
We gathered 45,000 rmb today, distributed a batch of medicine which was carried by 4 volunteers to the local area.
There is no detailed numbers about how much medicine we need but more we get, better it will be. We are thankful to Mrs. Huang. In fact I only had 22,200yuan at first and my aim is 40,000. Mrs Huang just gave me the rest. I can't describe it just by saying thank you, but every one of us is working for one thing, speed up the process , have the patients use them asap.
There is a new regulation that if we transport medicine by air, we have to have the proof from Children Hope or Red Cross to get onboard and at the same time get the free shipping.
Btw, please notice that if you can get medicine for us you have to attach the receipts or list or any other proving documents from hospitals or related bureus otherwise the local area can not accept our medicine.
Wish every child on the earth happiness
1. I don't have the pictures of the receipts(too much work going on at the same time) but I have the photocopies. I will get the copies of the receipts that's issued by the local govenment and transfer them to you.
2. The fastest transporting is stil by air. As long as we have the proof from Children Hope or Red Cross, we can get free shipping from the airlines.
10:20pm, we sent 4 volunteers bringing about 55 cases of medicines. We have the local volunteers picking us up, and the medicine will be transported to Hong You as soon as possible.(The volunteers today took the leaves from the companies and covered all of their own expenses). They said they are carrieres and they mission is to carry the medicine to the most needing areas.
I am waiting for they phone call to make sure the detailed distributing locations of all the medicines.
3. messages from volunteer Yang Na
2008-5-17-23:30 Yang Na
ok, we are on our way to a seriously hit area. we will send it to you as soon as we settle down (note, i hope to get more information, requests and photos and this is her reply to me)
2008-5-17-10:36Yang Na
(I told her that I will let her know how much medicine I have here and she will arrange people to pick them up) Let me know as soon as you can. Right now there are a lot of victims and part of them injured in Jiangyou and a lot of them were moved from Baichuan, Pinggu, many people sleep on the ground. As I know, their urgent needs are medicine, tents, blankes and baby fomula etc.
2008-05-16-11:56Deng Shuang
we are on the way to Mian yang now, don't have to worry
4 I will announce the mailing address for medicine delivery later.
The volunteers will arrive there around 12 o'clock, and we will let you informed.
107 lou
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 0:31:48编辑过]
是否同意把人物名称,改成our volunteer?
i really think before we put it on webpage we need to edit it a little bit
ok, I will cover mon-wed, then you pick up from wed afternoon. I have a business trip from wed afternoon. will email you the stuff wed noon.
可以, 我给你MSG 我的EMAIL
2008.05.17 09:29
2008.05.17 09:29
2008.05.17 09:51
leander :一路上都军车,有百多辆,装满了军人,大多数都是二十多岁的孩子,我看了都想哭。
2008.05.17 09:29
110 楼
2008.05.17 09:29
Our volunteers: I will arrive at An County soon. There were aftershocks last night. The road to Beichuan was blocked again. I, with two medical teams, will walk into Beichuan.
2008.05.17 09:29
Our volunteers:We only need medical specialists here - doctors, nurses, epidemic prevention specialist, professional salvagers
2008.05.17 09:51
Our volunteers: There are more than 100 PLA trucks full of PLA on our way. Most of them are youngsters in their 20s. I cannot help crying to see it .
2008.05.17 09:29
Our volunteers: I cleaned the kids and comforted them. (蛋妈的话:what does 最后的安抚 mean here? I just hope they are still alive。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 0:42:03编辑过]
working on 115th floor
i will msn her
i really think before we put it on webpage we need to edit it a little bit
yup, a well organized wording is a good weapon itself.
OSCCF managed to borrow a loan of 480,000 RMB for the medicines. A cargo truck is on its way to ship the medicine from An Hui Province to the disaster area. The disaster area is in great need of disinfection solution. Lots of soldiers who carried the bodies started to develop rashes on their hands. We only need volunteers with professional trainings such as doctors, nurses, disease prevention specialists, rock climbing specialist and emergency care specialist.
Lots of people asked about the amount of medicine needed. We don’t really have an exact number. The more medicine we can get the better.
The following is a few new rules on medicine donation:
1. The medicines donated must come with receipt or checklist from an approved hospital, or a certificate from the medicine management bureau. Otherwise, the local would not accept them even if the donated medicines were shipped to the needed area.
2. The fastest shipment method is via airplanes. If the medicines were to shipped via air, the airport control would accept shipments waived weight limit and shipping charges only if a certificate from the Children’s Hope Fund was presented.
We were too busy at the site to take pictures of the receipt for the medicine. I have a copied version but the quality is bad. Once the medicine reaches the destination, the local government will provide us a receipt. We will get you an update as soon as possible.
Part of the donated medicines with total worth of 450, 000 RMB were dispatched today. Four volunteers will take them to the local area at 10 PM tonight. All of the four volunteers took personal time off from their work and used their own money to pay the trip. In addition, in order not to give extra burden to the local government, they prepared all the necessities. There are totally about 55 cases of medicines. The procurement of medicines was through the hospital, who contacted the head of the storehouse. They offered deep discount knowing that the medicines would be used for disaster relief. The medicines were obtained according to the checklist provided by the volunteers. Some of them are still missing such as Human Albumin. Once the medicines arrived the local area, our volunteers there will meet them at the airport and take the medicine to JIANG YOU immediately. The volunteers were awared that their task were to send the medicines to where needed the most.
The volunteers from Jiang You reported that thousands of victims and injured were transferred from Bai Chuan and Ping Gu. most of them are living outdoors. The most needed supplies are medicines, tends, comforters and baby formulas.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 9:41:27编辑过]
亲家母, 尼罗周三出差,到时候需要人UPDATE,你有空不?
莲妈, 我几次连上, 都是一分钟就得关, 实在看不下去
我建议我们把一些常用的术语总结出来, 这样翻译会比较consistent.
最好在送出去以前, 统一做一个proof reading.
当然, 时效很重要。 把信息传出去是首要的任务。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 8:28:43编辑过]
NiLuo, 有个小建议, 可不可以把那首<<孩子!抓住妈妈的手>>诗文翻译以后贴到主页上去, 虽然明显有赚人眼泪的嫌疑, 但OSCCF是为小孩子, 如果能赚外国妈妈的眼泪多点, 我想对捐助还是有效果的. 翻译估计有点难, 有些还不能直接翻译,"天堂的路太黑"估计得改一下,因为信教的人认为去天堂的路是光亮的. 如果你认同, 鉴于我的文学水平, 翻译估计有点困难, 不过我可以去WXSJ里喊一声, 看看那里有没人可以.
我才发现新的翻译都在这个帖子里了。 还有需要翻译的么?
我建议我们把一些常用的术语总结出来, 这样翻译会比较consistent.
最好在送出去以前, 统一做一个proof reading.
当然, 时效很重要。 把信息传出去是首要的任务。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 8:28:43编辑过]
that will be great. I put in 1st floor once you're done.
On May 19 news from volunteer
On the day when the order of retreating was issued, I believed there were still survivors under the rubbles, unfortunately we have to retreat...
Around 7, 8 o'clock last night, I met a group of young fellows from Beijing rescue team in Beichuan. They brought with them advanced rescue equipments and rescue dogs. They walked out of the rubbles disappointedly. They dug into the 3-story collapsed building in Qushan middle school to search and rescue, but they could not detect any vital signs. They said that they will search in the evening again. Everybody in the team was extremely disappointed. Why not let such a well equipped troop in the disaster area earlier?
About the medical supplies, our supply manager had already secured a quite stable medicine wholesaler, therefore for now we do not need any medicine resource information, many thanks!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 10:22:56编辑过]
that will be great. I put in 1st floor once you're done.
泥螺,下面是我从几个已经翻译的帖子里面总结的, (不知道怎么翻译隔离衣, 所以打了一个问号)。
余震 aftershock
震中 epicenter
死亡人数 death toll
塌方 landslide
泥石流 mudslide
幸存者 survivors
受灾者 victims
四川地震救灾前线 Sichuan Earth Relief Front
灾区 disaster area
救援人员 rescuer
救援小组 rescue team
搜救犬 rescue dog
志愿者 volunteer
撤离 evacuation
疫情 Epidemic situation
消毒品 sanitizers
防护口罩 protective masks
防护手套 protective gloves
脱脂棉 absorbent cotton balls
隔离衣??? scrub, separation coat
水靴 waterproof boots
护目镜 goggles
消毒液 disinfection products
消毒 Disinfection
医用酒精 rubbing alcohol
药品 medical supplies
绷带 bandage
消毒 Disinfection
骨科医生 Orthopedist
神经外科医师 Neurosurgeon
ICU专家 ICU specialists
脑外科医生 Brain surgeon
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 9:58:15编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 9:58:42编辑过]
niluo,i am blending several picture together to make a header. Will show you after done in 15 minutes.
great! I have a meeting now, will check back later.
great! I have a meeting now, will check back later.
do you need i upload the webpage?
do you need i upload the webpage?
I already did. Just emailed dana for folder name(u r copied on the email)
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 10:25:29编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 10:25:29编辑过]
谢谢,现在还是星爸in charge,我还在不停的打电话中
Students study at a temporary classroom under a tent on an open field at Haihong primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province, May 17, 2008. None of the school's 253 staff and students died in the May 12 earthquake that also left the school building unscathed. The words read in Chinese, "Learning area".
can we put this on the webpage?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 10:43:05编辑过]
Students study at a temporary classroom under a tent on an open field at Haihong primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province, May 17, 2008. None of the school's 253 staff and students died in the May 12 earthquake that also left the school building unscathed. The words read in Chinese, "Learning area".
can we put this on the webpage?
this one is so so so great
没有加文字进去,主要是photoshop里加了大的font,很不清楚。我看这个webpage是拿table来layout的,可以把这个header在那个cell里作为background, 就可以加text在上面。如果需要帮忙,告诉我一下。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 10:53:18编辑过]
Students study at a temporary classroom under a tent on an open field at Haihong primary school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan province, May 17, 2008. None of the school's 253 staff and students died in the May 12 earthquake that also left the school building unscathed. The words read in Chinese, "Learning area".
can we put this on the webpage?
updated at
also made headers black and white
updated at
also made headers black and white
On May 19 news from volunteer
On the day when the order of retreating was issued, I believed there were still survivors under the rubbles, unfortunately we have to retreat...
Around 7, 8 o'clock last night, I met a group of young fellows from Beijing rescue team in Beichuan. They brought with them advanced rescue equipments and rescue dogs. They walked out of the rubbles disappointedly. They dug into the 3-story collapsed building in Qushan middle school to search and rescue, but they could not detect any vital signs. They said that they will search in the evening again. Everybody in the team was extremely disappointed. Why not let such a well equipped troop in the disaster area earlier?
About the medical supplies, our supply manager had already secured a quite stable medicine wholesaler, therefore for now we do not need any medicine resource information, many thanks!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-5-19 10:22:56编辑过]
updated on webpage... many thanks!!!
It's osccf template. there's nothing I can do. I'm only allowed to change the main part of the page...
It's osccf template. there's nothing I can do. I'm only allowed to change the main part of the page... 明白了。可能是content不够。。。 把店长那个长幅的照片放在下面? 主要是不知道的也许不会往下看
sanitizer(那种不用冲洗的杀菌洗手液),如果你能和osccf的人联系上,请提醒他们准备一大批hand sanitizer带过去。
明白了。可能是content不够。。。 把店长那个长幅的照片放在下面? 主要是不知道的也许不会往下看
如果下面有空白的地方,要不把3个column的该成2column的? 我办公室的monitor不是很大,整个页面就看不到。 除了IT的大公司,很多老美家里的电脑屏幕都不是很大。
just did, pls help to verify...
明白了。可能是content不够。。。 把店长那个长幅的照片放在下面? 主要是不知道的也许不会往下看
en, I will try a few things to see if it works. The page looks pretty good now, with pics on different spots of the page.
如果下面有空白的地方,要不把3个column的该成2column的? 我办公室的monitor不是很大,整个页面就看不到。 除了IT的大公司,很多老美家里的电脑屏幕都不是很大。
how much do you see?
amy, can u deliver this msg to osccf?
灾后防大疫情出现是最重要的事情之一,专家提醒过在灾区参与救援的和幸存者都需要经常洗手,所以我想现在灾区可能很需要那种hand sanitizer(那种不用冲洗的杀菌洗手液),如果你能和osccf的人联系上,请提醒他们准备一大批hand sanitizer带过去。
I need a picture of candle(larger than the head graphic u gals are using). width 250+