以下是引用cathylan在2007-9-3 1:17:00的发言: 是啊 我会给mm令发message bay area简直贵的离谱,可是真要搬走又不舍得:) MM love your style!!! Can you message me too? I have a whole ugly house to remodel as well here. Headache whenever I think about it. Thanks.
以下是引用paocaimao在2007-9-3 2:30:00的发言: MM love your style!!! Can you message me too? I have a whole ugly house to remodel as well here. Headache whenever I think about it. Thanks. Thanks :) I just did. 装修的确是个大事情!
恭喜蓝MM,房子装修以后很漂亮,还记得几年前你post的大概是第一个房子的照片吧,当时就觉得你们在装修布置上很有心思。这个房子你们花这么大本装修,应该是在PA或cupertino那边很好学区的房子吧,好学区的房子一直再涨,真是很好的投资。我最近也在收拾房子,不过,我没有那么能干,虽说是move in condition,不过很多地方都应该upgrade,现在想先住进去再说,这种大工程,我一想就头疼,所以真是很佩服你。我很喜欢你第一张照片里的chaiser,请问是最近买的吗,在哪家店?xiexie [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-4 15:43:59编辑过]
以下是引用cathylan在2007-9-4 0:34:00的发言: MM是什么颜色counter top? 我当时选材料的时候想了很久,lg倾向于maple的,counter top也用浅色,因为他比较喜欢亮一点的kitchen, 我对cherry wood很喜欢, 我觉得maple的做成modern style就很象ikea. 我们一直意见不统一,最后他终于被我说服,我记得是晚上11pm给老板打的电话让他换成cherrywood + black counter top. 但是当时选的是black pearl, 而不是black galaxy, 我特别钟情black pearl, 但是他们跑了很多家厂家都没有black pearl的island,最后只好用black galaxy, 效果也不错,但是还是小小遗憾. no chines input now. We both like maple and cherry wood very much. We built our first house ourself several years ago and we had cherry cabinets and some kind of redish granite countertop. This time we replace the oak cabinets with maple(color is called honey spice ). The countertop we chose is (don't remember the name of the color) kind of light cream color. Somehow it turns out darker than we thought (we even checked out entire slab at the factory warehouse and ordered that specific slab and watched them pulll it way for us). Even though i seal countertop every 3-4 months, it is getting darker and darker on the spots close to sink and stove. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-4 21:44:55编辑过]
以下是引用operaer在2007-9-4 18:14:00的发言: 太赞勒。。。房子里里外外看起来真的好棒啊~~~~~~ 我们现在也在这边看房子,老公比较handy, 也是想买这种需要自己再加工的房子。。 mm能不能也帮我发一份你的装修信息呢?? 多谢了。。。 你们是不是全部都包给他们了??这样比较省心啊。。。不过,我想,老公大概不会吧。。不知道他们会不会接部分工呢? 谢谢了~~~~~ You can certainly ask them to do only kitchen, bathrooms or only big things. My lg and I did quite some renovations ourselves when we were in our condo. However, for big projects like this, time is money. They can do it must faster and more professionally. They source and load construction materials much more easily and in a cheaper price than you do (they usually have contractor discounts from various stores and manufacturers). Plus they have all sorts of real power tools available. They once laughed that our own power tools are like toys to them :)
以下是引用muimui在2007-9-4 15:43:00的发言: 恭喜蓝MM,房子装修以后很漂亮,还记得几年前你post的大概是第一个房子的照片吧,当时就觉得你们在装修布置上很有心思。这个房子你们花这么大本装修,应该是在PA或cupertino那边很好学区的房子吧,好学区的房子一直再涨,真是很好的投资。我最近也在收拾房子,不过,我没有那么能干,虽说是move in condition,不过很多地方都应该upgrade,现在想先住进去再说,这种大工程,我一想就头疼,所以真是很佩服你。我很喜欢你第一张照片里的chaiser,请问是最近买的吗,在哪家店?xiexie Thanks MuiMui MM :) For us, we plan to live here for a long time, so we invested a lot on renovations so that we ourselves can live comfortably here for many years to come. We also plan to expand it if we save enough money in a few years. The school district isn't bad, but this is not Palo Alto or Cupertino. We cannot afford even a fixer-upper in Palo Alto or Cupertino! Once we saw a house in a good area of cupertino. That was a real fixer-upper. Everything was indeed very crappy. There were nails all over the walls, and all floors were broken into pieces. It was a small 4/2, priced at $888K. The open house was like a zoo. Apparently they got multiple offers. I told my lg that I wouldn't be happy even after fixing that up because there was little light in the house... It was like a jail to me :(( After seeing that house I was really disappointed at bay area's house market :( I bought that chaise in C&K united furniture, a furniture store in Milpitas, next to BestBuy. It was highly recommended by the sales guy. He's right - I like it a lot! I also bought the dining set and the coffee table/side table set from that store. They all together including the delivery and tax were $2000. We found the furniture store in Chinese' yellow pages, and the entire shopping process only took 2 hours. I and my lg are not really into high-end furnitures... as long as they're comfortable and fit into the style of the rest of the house. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-5 0:16:00编辑过]
Good Job! The 6 week completeion timeframe is amazing!!! We are doing the same things as you guys now, buying a fix-upper and remodeling it. However, we only have one contractor, instead of a team of people. Our phase I project has been lasted for almost 6 months and I will be really happy if it can be done by this Christmas. BTW, our neighborhood looks alike! We are also in the Bay area and have the ranch style house too. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-5 14:51:36编辑过]
LZ是在bay area吗?房子刷得真好看。
那个门的改造大变样,十分好看。另外多问一句,如果加建卫生间和WALK-IN-CLOSET,要怎么操作?会不会破坏房子本身的结构 不知道呢,可能几年后会考虑,因为邻居家有的加了,好象都不错!
fileplace因为是两面的,所以人工+材料要2500. 厨房包括了所有的灯,地面.cherrywood 是比maple贵,而且black galaxy的石头也是group 4的,什么什么都要加钱:( 不过加钱买来了舒心,也是值得的。。的确弄好以后漂亮了很多。再问一下,地板好像上一层什么东西就能变亮的,那种东西叫什么
再拍点院子的照片八~重新装修后家里现代了很多啊 谢谢MM,我本身不喜欢繁琐的田园风格,所以一切以简单为主,容易打扫,是我最关心的
不过加钱买来了舒心,也是值得的。。的确弄好以后漂亮了很多。再问一下,地板好像上一层什么东西就能变亮的,那种东西叫什么 不知道你说的是木地板还是石头地板?如果是木头的,上面sand后我们加的是semi-gloss stain
顺便请教一下,mm的jen air 的downdraft cooktop是在那家买的 我们上次去home depot问sales,他既然说没听说过 晕 lowes买的,但是在home depot看到同一款啊,还比lowes便宜了$1
LZ是在bay area吗?房子刷得真好看。
6个礼拜搞定这么多事,已经很赞了。我连选个沙发,餐桌的什么的都比这个时间长。再次感叹一下那个原来那个难看的地毯。。。 是啊,地毯下面就是漂亮的木地板,也不知道老美怎么想的,几十年都就那样凑合着
专修后的房子看起来舒服多了 好久没见mm发帖子,原来是搬家了 恭喜恭喜 谢谢MM~~最近忙到晕,每天下班就是去这个地方看进度,然后到处采购,虽然大的东西都包了,但是小的东西比如各种fixture, mirrors, handles, roller shades, blinds 都要货选三家,美国这个地方现代感的东西好少,所以很多还要最终到网上订.真是累,而且还不停的和lg有意见冲突.装修之后还真再没吵过架了.搬进来后又忙着买家具什么的.这是第一个可以休息的weekend :))
哇,装修前后变化真的很大,mm对房子的future vision真的很好,把房子装修得这么有味道。
就好像mm说的,这种5,60年代的房子真是遍布加州。 谢谢MM.买房子是lg的决定,如果是我,肯定不会买,我不怎么会看potential, 光那个地毯的味道就够让我难受的了.不过是我和一些朋友说服lg一定先装修再搬家.原来那个状况我是觉得不太能住.
其实lowes店里的东西不怎么样,但是网上有很多contemporary的东西,货源有上百家,不是很贵,ship到店里还free delivery, 我的所有的灯和bathroom fixtures,还有fireplace glass door都是lowes店里买或网上订的. 但是lowes服务麻麻,退个货要等一个小时. 三个小吊灯则是home depot网上订的,店里都是很田园的东西 Area rug是Smart Bargain上买的 所有的silk窗帘是bed bath and beyond买的 roller shades, NuWood blinds在lowes按尺寸订做的. 有些木家具是Cost plus world market买的,还有厨房窗户上方的eiffel tower的钟,很喜欢那里的东西! 谢谢美女的回答,太详细了,收藏了。我也特别喜欢world market,可以前总在那里买酒买食物。下次看看其他的东西
是啊 我会给mm令发message bay area简直贵的离谱,可是真要搬走又不舍得:) MM love your style!!! Can you message me too? I have a whole ugly house to remodel as well here. Headache whenever I think about it. Thanks.
很喜欢cherry wood的质地和色彩,跟黑色大理石配太漂亮了~~
MM love your style!!! Can you message me too? I have a whole ugly house to remodel as well here. Headache whenever I think about it. Thanks.
是啊 我会给mm令发message bay area简直贵的离谱,可是真要搬走又不舍得:) 装修以后比以前漂亮太多了,钱花哪哪好啊。在湾区找中国人可以便宜很多。其他地方找美国人做贵的离谱。湾区是个好地方。气候好,吃又方便。把家收拾的舒舒服服的,真是惬意的生活。
不敢当啊,我装修的那几个星期,唯一看的节目就是hgtv! 偶像是color splash的david :) 偶也很喜欢david
太牛了,这么大的后院, 也就是老房子才有的. 6个星期的装修,不敢相信, 我们这等lowes给我们换一小块地板已经等了2个月了,还是加州的人工强呀. 屋子里面装修得焕然一新, 线条简洁,尤其是厨房,变化太大了,太赞了. 唯一我不是很喜欢的就是客厅里的一套黑沙发,颜色有点暗了. 黑色沙发是原来买的,原来配玻璃茶几,现在换成了espresso的茶几就很暗了 不过黑色根本不用怎么打理.如果现在重新买沙发的话(嘘拟语气),可能会考虑浅咖啡色的,microfiber? 反正不用我老照顾的就行
MM 太强了。这么短时间这个budget搞了整个房子。
MM 太强了。这么短时间这个budget搞了整个房子。 不是我,是装修队太强了,尤其那个领头的,北方人,从开工到最后没有休息一天,每天基本就是8am - 8pm, 最后几天收工的时候还到10pm. 最感激的是他下面那个工已经开始后晚上还跑过来帮我们装blinds什么的零碎.中国人在美国勤奋是没的说得.bay area的工尤其多,他们应该赚的很多,当然都是辛苦钱了.
嗨,我最后悔的就是厨房重新弄的时候没有选黑的granite countertop, 实在是太后悔了,挺贵的,也不能再换 MM是什么颜色counter top? 我当时选材料的时候想了很久,lg倾向于maple的,counter top也用浅色,因为他比较喜欢亮一点的kitchen, 我对cherry wood很喜欢, 我觉得maple的做成modern style就很象ikea. 我们一直意见不统一,最后他终于被我说服,我记得是晚上11pm给老板打的电话让他换成cherrywood + black counter top. 但是当时选的是black pearl, 而不是black galaxy, 我特别钟情black pearl, 但是他们跑了很多家厂家都没有black pearl的island,最后只好用black galaxy, 效果也不错,但是还是小小遗憾.
设计和施工都很棒!完全看不出原来的样子了。。yard大多好啊,我也喜欢 谢谢MM, yard大好麻烦啊,看着杂草就头疼,不知道在除杂草上花了多少时间,药水用了两瓶,现在还是遍地都是,还有好多bush, 都快死了
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-4 0:43:50编辑过]
it is so so great!! 楼主能不能也给我发一份装修公司的信息,谢谢!!
谢谢MM, yard大好麻烦啊,看着杂草就头疼,不知道在除杂草上花了多少时间,药水用了两瓶,现在还是遍地都是,还有好多bush, 都快死了
你们有没有打算重新做landscaping啊?有合适的人推荐吗?我们打算今年冬天雨季的时候做,不过还没谱呢 想啊,可是没$$了,最近钱哗哗哗的走.我慢慢在网上做研究.工人的话都说老墨做landscaping还不错.设计什么的就不知道是不是要找设计师,8字还没一撇呢.当时和lg的决定就是里面先做好,能搬近来再说,外面的慢慢来.
About your french door, do you have screens, if you open both sides of the door, how do your screens work?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-4 15:43:59编辑过]
MM是什么颜色counter top? 我当时选材料的时候想了很久,lg倾向于maple的,counter top也用浅色,因为他比较喜欢亮一点的kitchen, 我对cherry wood很喜欢, 我觉得maple的做成modern style就很象ikea. 我们一直意见不统一,最后他终于被我说服,我记得是晚上11pm给老板打的电话让他换成cherrywood + black counter top. 但是当时选的是black pearl, 而不是black galaxy, 我特别钟情black pearl, 但是他们跑了很多家厂家都没有black pearl的island,最后只好用black galaxy, 效果也不错,但是还是小小遗憾. no chines input now. We both like maple and cherry wood very much. We built our first house ourself several years ago and we had cherry cabinets and some kind of redish granite countertop. This time we replace the oak cabinets with maple(color is called honey spice ). The countertop we chose is (don't remember the name of the color) kind of light cream color. Somehow it turns out darker than we thought (we even checked out entire slab at the factory warehouse and ordered that specific slab and watched them pulll it way for us). Even though i seal countertop every 3-4 months, it is getting darker and darker on the spots close to sink and stove.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-4 21:44:55编辑过]
kan bu dao 同哭.
太赞勒。。。房子里里外外看起来真的好棒啊~~~~~~ 我们现在也在这边看房子,老公比较handy, 也是想买这种需要自己再加工的房子。。 mm能不能也帮我发一份你的装修信息呢?? 多谢了。。。 你们是不是全部都包给他们了??这样比较省心啊。。。不过,我想,老公大概不会吧。。不知道他们会不会接部分工呢? 谢谢了~~~~~ You can certainly ask them to do only kitchen, bathrooms or only big things. My lg and I did quite some renovations ourselves when we were in our condo. However, for big projects like this, time is money. They can do it must faster and more professionally. They source and load construction materials much more easily and in a cheaper price than you do (they usually have contractor discounts from various stores and manufacturers). Plus they have all sorts of real power tools available. They once laughed that our own power tools are like toys to them :)
恭喜蓝MM,房子装修以后很漂亮,还记得几年前你post的大概是第一个房子的照片吧,当时就觉得你们在装修布置上很有心思。这个房子你们花这么大本装修,应该是在PA或cupertino那边很好学区的房子吧,好学区的房子一直再涨,真是很好的投资。我最近也在收拾房子,不过,我没有那么能干,虽说是move in condition,不过很多地方都应该upgrade,现在想先住进去再说,这种大工程,我一想就头疼,所以真是很佩服你。我很喜欢你第一张照片里的chaiser,请问是最近买的吗,在哪家店?xiexie
Thanks MuiMui MM :) For us, we plan to live here for a long time, so we invested a lot on renovations so that we ourselves can live comfortably here for many years to come. We also plan to expand it if we save enough money in a few years. The school district isn't bad, but this is not Palo Alto or Cupertino. We cannot afford even a fixer-upper in Palo Alto or Cupertino! Once we saw a house in a good area of cupertino. That was a real fixer-upper. Everything was indeed very crappy. There were nails all over the walls, and all floors were broken into pieces. It was a small 4/2, priced at $888K. The open house was like a zoo. Apparently they got multiple offers. I told my lg that I wouldn't be happy even after fixing that up because there was little light in the house... It was like a jail to me :(( After seeing that house I was really disappointed at bay area's house market :( I bought that chaise in C&K united furniture, a furniture store in Milpitas, next to BestBuy. It was highly recommended by the sales guy. He's right - I like it a lot! I also bought the dining set and the coffee table/side table set from that store. They all together including the delivery and tax were $2000. We found the furniture store in Chinese' yellow pages, and the entire shopping process only took 2 hours. I and my lg are not really into high-end furnitures... as long as they're comfortable and fit into the style of the rest of the house.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-5 0:16:00编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-5 14:51:36编辑过]