以下是引用cathylan在2007-9-5 0:08:00的发言: Thanks MuiMui MM :) For us, we plan to live here for a long time, so we invested a lot on renovations so that we ourselves can live comfortably here for many years to come. We also plan to expand it if we save enough money in a few years. The school district isn't bad, but this is not Palo Alto or Cupertino. We cannot afford even a fixer-upper in Palo Alto or Cupertino! Once we saw a house in a good area of cupertino. That was a real fixer-upper. Everything was indeed very crappy. There were nails all over the walls, and all floors were broken into pieces. It was a small 4/2, priced at $888K. The open house was like a zoo. Apparently they got multiple offers. I told my lg that I wouldn't be happy even after fixing that up because there was little light in the house... It was like a jail to me :(( After seeing that house I was really disappointed at bay area's house market :( I bought that chaise in C&K united furniture, a furniture store in Milpitas, next to BestBuy. It was highly recommended by the sales guy. He's right - I like it a lot! I also bought the dining set and the coffee table/side table set from that store. They all together including the delivery and tax were $2000. We found the furniture store in Chinese' yellow pages, and the entire shopping process only took 2 hours. I and my lg are not really into high-end furnitures... as long as they're comfortable and fit into the style of the rest of the house. 谢谢你的信息,我最近一到周末就往家俱店跑,不过没有留意过这家,一定要去看看。我一直在找这样一个放在我楼上open loft的chaiser,看了很多,有的太traditional,和我屋里其他家俱不搭,有的样子现代,但坐着很不爽,你这个看着很舒服也很fashion的样子。希望他们现在还有货。不知道你去没去过san mateo 的 ANA,我很喜欢那里的家俱,很现代风格,价钱也还好,coffee table, end table什么的都是200多,你如果买大的书桌,我还推荐San mateo的scandinavian design,他们的转角大书桌 很大很气派,可惜我的房间没有那么大。你们的大loft真令人羡慕,以后加盖,潜力无限呀. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-5 19:24:29编辑过]
以下是引用cathylan在2007-9-4 23:59:00的发言: You can certainly ask them to do only kitchen, bathrooms or only big things. My lg and I did quite some renovations ourselves when we were in our condo. However, for big projects like this, time is money. They can do it must faster and more professionally. They source and load construction materials much more easily and in a cheaper price than you do (they usually have contractor discounts from various stores and manufacturers). Plus they have all sorts of real power tools available. They once laughed that our own power tools are like toys to them :) 我们也是这么想的。。。时间真的很重要。。不管是先装修再搬,还是先搬在装修, 尤其是前者, 拖得越长,就越浪费银子啊~~~ 不过,蓝mm, 可不可以把装修师傅的信息发给我一下呢?? 多谢拉
黑色沙发是原来买的,原来配玻璃茶几,现在换成了espresso的茶几就很暗了 不过黑色根本不用怎么打理.如果现在重新买沙发的话(嘘拟语气),可能会考虑浅咖啡色的,microfiber? 反正不用我老照顾的就行
Thanks MuiMui MM :) For us, we plan to live here for a long time, so we invested a lot on renovations so that we ourselves can live comfortably here for many years to come. We also plan to expand it if we save enough money in a few years. The school district isn't bad, but this is not Palo Alto or Cupertino. We cannot afford even a fixer-upper in Palo Alto or Cupertino! Once we saw a house in a good area of cupertino. That was a real fixer-upper. Everything was indeed very crappy. There were nails all over the walls, and all floors were broken into pieces. It was a small 4/2, priced at $888K. The open house was like a zoo. Apparently they got multiple offers. I told my lg that I wouldn't be happy even after fixing that up because there was little light in the house... It was like a jail to me :(( After seeing that house I was really disappointed at bay area's house market :( I bought that chaise in C&K united furniture, a furniture store in Milpitas, next to BestBuy. It was highly recommended by the sales guy. He's right - I like it a lot! I also bought the dining set and the coffee table/side table set from that store. They all together including the delivery and tax were $2000. We found the furniture store in Chinese' yellow pages, and the entire shopping process only took 2 hours. I and my lg are not really into high-end furnitures... as long as they're comfortable and fit into the style of the rest of the house.
谢谢你的信息,我最近一到周末就往家俱店跑,不过没有留意过这家,一定要去看看。我一直在找这样一个放在我楼上open loft的chaiser,看了很多,有的太traditional,和我屋里其他家俱不搭,有的样子现代,但坐着很不爽,你这个看着很舒服也很fashion的样子。希望他们现在还有货。不知道你去没去过san mateo 的 ANA,我很喜欢那里的家俱,很现代风格,价钱也还好,coffee table, end table什么的都是200多,你如果买大的书桌,我还推荐San mateo的scandinavian design,他们的转角大书桌
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-5 19:24:29编辑过]
You can certainly ask them to do only kitchen, bathrooms or only big things. My lg and I did quite some renovations ourselves when we were in our condo. However, for big projects like this, time is money. They can do it must faster and more professionally. They source and load construction materials much more easily and in a cheaper price than you do (they usually have contractor discounts from various stores and manufacturers). Plus they have all sorts of real power tools available. They once laughed that our own power tools are like toys to them :) 我们也是这么想的。。。时间真的很重要。。不管是先装修再搬,还是先搬在装修, 尤其是前者, 拖得越长,就越浪费银子啊~~~ 不过,蓝mm, 可不可以把装修师傅的信息发给我一下呢?? 多谢拉
我们也是这么想的。。。时间真的很重要。。不管是先装修再搬,还是先搬在装修, 尤其是前者, 拖得越长,就越浪费银子啊~~~ 不过,蓝mm, 可不可以把装修师傅的信息发给我一下呢?? 多谢拉 Just did :) 在这儿给他们免费做广告了
爲什麽master bathroom是淋浴,而guest bathroom是bath tub?
LS的mm, 没有什么为什么啊, 这个房子50年前就是这个构造.不想改了,改起来贵,觉得不是那么值得.
MM, 我昨天上班时忍不住看了你的贴子,真是爽心悦目.你家的木地板和我们的一样呢.但是墙上原来的color和我现在的差不多,其实我也挺喜欢的.当然现在的颜色更好.我也可以考虑刷这样的颜色在dining room的一面墙.MM买到房子就有木地版和墙壁颜色了吗? 厨房的柜子是装修公司买的,我只看了样品.他们都是从本地Chinese的材料公司运的货.San Jose有太多这样的公司了
MM是什么颜色counter top? 我当时选材料的时候想了很久,lg倾向于maple的,counter top也用浅色,因为他比较喜欢亮一点的kitchen, 我对cherry wood很喜欢, 我觉得maple的做成modern style就很象ikea. 我们一直意见不统一,最后他终于被我说服,我记得是晚上11pm给老板打的电话让他换成cherrywood + black counter top. 但是当时选的是black pearl, 而不是black galaxy, 我特别钟情black pearl, 但是他们跑了很多家厂家都没有black pearl的island,最后只好用black galaxy, 效果也不错,但是还是小小遗憾. MM, 很喜欢你的design,很好看。我也很喜欢看hgtv. 我也喜欢cherry +balck granite的搭配。不过我bf说,大理石其实是有辐射的,而且颜色越深的越厉害。我看到hgtv说可以用lamnite代替的,看上去外形也差不多,也会便宜不少,也不知道是不是这样。
MM, 很喜欢你的design,很好看。我也很喜欢看hgtv. 我也喜欢cherry +balck granite的搭配。不过我bf说,大理石其实是有辐射的,而且颜色越深的越厉害。我看到hgtv说可以用lamnite代替的,看上去外形也差不多,也会便宜不少,也不知道是不是这样。 MM可以参考这个文章讲Granite(花岗岩) http://www.countertopcompany.com/articles/9myths.htm http://www.granitestock.com/news/granite_radiation_danger_myth.php
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-9 20:43:21编辑过]
蓝MM,我们怎么才能知道这篇文章的可信度呢?他们公司就是卖花岗岩台面的,是不是自卖自夸? 那看wiki吧 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granite#Natural_Radiation
我不是这么理解的.不过信不信都是看自己了.以前还有人盛传说陈小旭的癌症是因为家里装修用大理石呢:) 我也喜欢granite做counter top,但也有关于辐射的担心。谁敢说陈小旭的癌症不是因为大理石引起的呢?
想问一下mm门框是哪里买的,大概多少钱一个门? 都是那个装修公司包的.换一个门(除掉旧门和门框,加新门和门框)是250一个门.
我也喜欢granite做counter top,但也有关于辐射的担心。谁敢说陈小旭的癌症不是因为大理石引起的呢? 讲科学根据吧,就那点大理石...又不是整个房子是花岗岩或大理石做的.现在国内的大楼动不动就贴大理石在整个大楼一楼外墙呢...wiki上的介绍都说,如果你住的地方地底下有整块整片的巨型花岗岩,可能对健康有影响...我们家用的厨房,那个花岗岩slab其实石头就薄薄一层,(1/4-1/2 inch?),其他都是木头.哎,反正说多了也没用,自然是信与不信全在自己.
我也在一个要想住好区,房子就很老很旧但院子大的地方。MM是我学习的榜样阿。 厨房很漂亮,但是不是小了点?柜子够用吗? 老房子又是好点的区厨房就这么大了.只能更小.柜子现在是足够用了,很多都空着(实际是够不着的都空着). lazy susan也能装很多东西. 如果我多用点心去买柜子里面的organizer会更舒服.厨房,洗手间自然是越大越舒服,但是经济上不允许啊
想啊,可是没$$了,最近钱哗哗哗的走.我慢慢在网上做研究.工人的话都说老墨做landscaping还不错.设计什么的就不知道是不是要找设计师,8字还没一撇呢.当时和lg的决定就是里面先做好,能搬近来再说,外面的慢慢来. 我们请了个设计师,$500,价钱我觉得挺好的。他们给我们设计了后院和该种的花草。不过我们要求也简单,只要不需照看能活的就行。施工时找个有照的美国人,结果现在还跟他们在打官司。em05]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-15 3:56:22编辑过]
都是那个装修公司包的.换一个门(除掉旧门和门框,加新门和门框)是250一个门. 谢谢mm的回答。我不是很fan这种有很多line的新式门框,喜欢那种宽宽的,没有line的。不知当时你有选择吗?
讲科学根据吧,就那点大理石...又不是整个房子是花岗岩或大理石做的.现在国内的大楼动不动就贴大理石在整个大楼一楼外墙呢...wiki上的介绍都说,如果你住的地方地底下有整块整片的巨型花岗岩,可能对健康有影响...我们家用的厨房,那个花岗岩slab其实石头就薄薄一层,(1/4-1/2 inch?),其他都是木头.哎,反正说多了也没用,自然是信与不信全在自己.
谢谢mm的回答。我不是很fan这种有很多line的新式门框,喜欢那种宽宽的,没有line的。不知当时你有选择吗? 他们好象就是在lowes买的. 我们没有做什么特别指示:) 不过肯定是有选择的了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-17 0:11:42编辑过]