UCLA 也是 https://mathstodon.xyz/@tao/114038504788139200 Terence Tao @[email protected] The current administration has proposed to cap indirect costs (which covers laboratory maintenance, equipment provision and salaries for support and administrative staff) at the National Institute for Health at 15%, from the current levels of 50%-70%, which will likely make many ongoing research projects impossible to continue in their current form. My own mathematics department receives very little direct funding from the #nih, but already the mere *possibility* of such a drastic cap has impacted us; we have been unable to make a job offer to an outstanding candidate because the budget uncertainty created by this proposal has forced my university to close off almost all discretionary sources of funding for faculty hiring at all departments, regardless of their level of NIH support. My university, as well as many others, are circulating a letter of support for NIH funding of biomedical research, for which the US is currently an international leader. The letter is available for anyone to sign at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Agzz5mQgfEMpLlBhoE4ZyHdiTvdc9O84zF4vNEHyKTI/viewform?edit_requested=true
fridec2 发表于 2025-02-23 13:42 UCLA 也是 https://mathstodon.xyz/@tao/114038504788139200 Terence Tao @[email protected] The current administration has proposed to cap indirect costs (which covers laboratory maintenance, equipment provision and salaries for support and administrative staff) at the National Institute for Health at 15%, from the current levels of 50%-70%, which will likely make many ongoing research projects impossible to continue in their current form. My own mathematics department receives very little direct funding from the #nih, but already the mere *possibility* of such a drastic cap has impacted us; we have been unable to make a job offer to an outstanding candidate because the budget uncertainty created by this proposal has forced my university to close off almost all discretionary sources of funding for faculty hiring at all departments, regardless of their level of NIH support. My university, as well as many others, are circulating a letter of support for NIH funding of biomedical research, for which the US is currently an international leader. The letter is available for anyone to sign at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Agzz5mQgfEMpLlBhoE4ZyHdiTvdc9O84zF4vNEHyKTI/viewform?edit_requested=true
packing my shit now.
赤字300亿,给非移花了95亿 newsom 个败家玩意儿
我听共和党方面的演讲,基本极少提到种族,移民方面也每次都说illeagal immigrants.
我现在也学习了这种精神,就喜欢看到川普打压红脖子, LOL
一定要坚定自己“只要我够牛x我就一定不受影响”的想法。 招牛人的start up的钱都是天上掉下来的。吸引人才的state of the arts的facilities都是自己给自己供电auto maintain的,牛人们也可以得到同时兼职自己小米的免费娱乐。
我也是 看到因为疮黄而倒霉的川粉就很开心
川粉 你指望什么学历
Terence Tao @[email protected]
The current administration has proposed to cap indirect costs (which covers laboratory maintenance, equipment provision and salaries for support and administrative staff) at the National Institute for Health at 15%, from the current levels of 50%-70%, which will likely make many ongoing research projects impossible to continue in their current form.
My own mathematics department receives very little direct funding from the #nih, but already the mere *possibility* of such a drastic cap has impacted us; we have been unable to make a job offer to an outstanding candidate because the budget uncertainty created by this proposal has forced my university to close off almost all discretionary sources of funding for faculty hiring at all departments, regardless of their level of NIH support.
My university, as well as many others, are circulating a letter of support for NIH funding of biomedical research, for which the US is currently an international leader. The letter is available for anyone to sign at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Agzz5mQgfEMpLlBhoE4ZyHdiTvdc9O84zF4vNEHyKTI/viewform?edit_requested=true
Lz 先把faculty这个词的用法搞搞清楚 另外,这难道不是所有家里有娃未来几年要上大学的人的寒冬吗?科技发展滞后长远的影响整个美国社会,是所有人都逃不过的寒冬
我看了篇文章, 国内比如复旦这些,会出政策收前一百名学校的phd refugee
极少提到种族? 你川爹都特指你了
黄川粉: 看不见看不见