Just when I am thinking no news about the current administration can fazes me anymore.... ..... Ah sht , my worse prediction is coming true : a relive of red scared period . 那时候我还被骂有被害幻想症。 (可惜那些人连red scared 历史是啥都不知道). 我现在就想知道现minority army officers 什么感想?(要再次在美国搞地下组织了? 话说 Banning Japanese club is. A BAD BAD BAD MOVE !!! 神啊,感觉美国百年基业真的要全部被推翻推到了。(啊咧,这口号怎么这么熟悉。sigh ) Ps : on what ground they are banning women engineering club based on the EO? 坐等federal judge block this stupid thing
这些都是在DEI里面的 Workplace Environment Inclusive Language: Is inclusive language actively encouraged? Accessible Facilities: Are office spaces accessible to people with disabilities? Religious Accommodations: Are there prayer rooms or similar facilities? Mental Health Support: Are resources available for mental well-being? Training & Development Unconscious Bias Training: Is there a regular schedule for this training? Upward Mobility: Are there clear paths for growth for all employees? Diverse Mentorship Programs: Does the company offer mentorship programs? Cultural Competence: Are employees educated about different cultures with helpful tools like a diversity calendar? Community & Supplier Engagement ERGs (Employee Resource Groups): Are there active ERGs for minority groups? Conflict Resolution: Is there a confidential and neutral platform for resolving conflicts? Work-Life Balance: Are flexible working arrangements available? Family Support: Do you have policies like parental leave, childcare https://www.diversityresources.com/dei-assessment-checklist/
还有一种可能学校的STAFF 一提到到DEI , 就能想到这几个。 为什么这么说呢? Poland club, German club 都没被BAN 啊。 (他们不也是ethnicity group 吗?). 而且最后一段,ALL clubs suspended until further review . 就表示上面做决策的人并不知道所有的学生组织都有哪些。但是呢,上面人(直到/觉得) 按这届executive branch 的最高旨意,: 挑些女性团队, 亚裔,黑人先写下来总是不7会错。 否则为什么不写we will review all clubs then release a comprehensive list or besides the ones listed above , all other clubs can continue activities as usual ? 看, 细节让我们知道许多subtext .
特别提到informal activities都不行,这意思以后只能过白人的基督教节日
前几天不是ice在公共场合抓了说西班牙语的祖孙三人么,就凭人家讲西班牙语。 其中女儿和ice沟通时是说英文也不行,后来找到波多黎各出生证明才被放出来。
文件抬头不是写的Department of Army, West Point, NY?
被封的俱乐部,不仅仅是非白人的,居然还包括女性俱乐部Society of Women Engineers Club,所以只有白人男性才有正常的公民权
一代移民 就别替 ABC操心了
川普的 就职典礼上,海军学院/海军 合唱团 亚裔华裔面孔不少,
你可以 尽量 阻止 你自己的孩子,走 参军或者 更高一些,几大军校的 路,
真别替 别的 ABC 操心,
生在美国的 大部分ABC,认同自己是 美国人,很多想法 真不是 我们这些 外来 移民 能彻底 左右干预的,
所以,很多事情 还是 尊重一些 common sense 可能更容易 去理解。
..... Ah sht , my worse prediction is coming true : a relive of red scared period . 那时候我还被骂有被害幻想症。 (可惜那些人连red scared 历史是啥都不知道).
我现在就想知道现minority army officers 什么感想?(要再次在美国搞地下组织了?
话说 Banning Japanese club is. A BAD BAD BAD MOVE !!!
神啊,感觉美国百年基业真的要全部被推翻推到了。(啊咧,这口号怎么这么熟悉。sigh )
Ps : on what ground they are banning women engineering club based on the EO? 坐等federal judge block this stupid thing
Community & Supplier Engagement ERGs (Employee Resource Groups): Are there active ERGs for minority groups? Conflict Resolution: Is there a confidential and neutral platform for resolving conflicts? Work-Life Balance: Are flexible working arrangements available? Family Support: Do you have policies like parental leave, childcare https://www.diversityresources.com/dei-assessment-checklist/
对 你说的都对, 这些club被关了,ABC, abJ, abk们欢天喜地。
华人参军在部队里被当作敌人虐待的比比皆是! 被自杀被性侵多的是,你太无知了!
黄川粉没几个有脸在小孩面前 承认自己是黄川粉呀。
没着急同学,想参军的,有能力上军校的亚裔ABC孩子,还是会继续上的,每年 几大军校都有 入学视频,学校网站上 很多活动都有视频,
学会接受 社会的多样性的,这就叫 common sense,
只有这样 你才有可能心态更平和一些。
求仁得仁 MAGA
这黄金时代如你所愿 黄右们又赢麻了一次
还有一种可能学校的STAFF 一提到到DEI , 就能想到这几个。 为什么这么说呢? Poland club, German club 都没被BAN 啊。 (他们不也是ethnicity group 吗?). 而且最后一段,ALL clubs suspended until further review . 就表示上面做决策的人并不知道所有的学生组织都有哪些。但是呢,上面人(直到/觉得) 按这届executive branch 的最高旨意,: 挑些女性团队, 亚裔,黑人先写下来总是不7会错。
否则为什么不写we will review all clubs then release a comprehensive list or besides the ones listed above , all other clubs can continue activities as usual ?
看, 细节让我们知道许多subtext .
看看Juneteenth 是否也要取消了。那些AAPI 月,恐怕也要取消了
革命的疮党会在革命中学习并调整,来减少革命的阻力。 但是大方向是不会变的,那就是白人至少和排外。