2025/01/251、川普宣布:墨西哥湾更名为美国湾(更新:美联社拒绝使用新名) 川普政府的内政部24日表示,已正式将「墨西哥湾」(Gulf of Mexico)更名为「美国湾」(Gulf of America),并将阿拉斯加第一高峰「迪纳利」(Denali)更名为「麦金利峰」(Mount McKinley)。路透报导,川普总统20日就职数小时后就下令更名,这是一系列行政措施的一部分,以兑现他的竞选承诺。美联社则宣布将继续使用墨西哥湾这一名称。川普宣布时候希拉里的表情: 详情评论请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30813322、我家出了个安陵容 我二女儿,5岁,脑袋没姐姐妹妹聪明(学校考试英语数学都低分,还被老师专门找我约谈),可是心气高,觉得自己一切都比妹妹好(也不思进取,我们专门辅导她都操碎了心,她马上就神游天外了)。脸皮厚,打了也不喊疼(三个女儿一起犯错一起打,其他两个都说知错了,就她最倔强)。寡言,可是平时喜欢搞小动作,偷藏零食,做题偷看答案(这也是我最不能忍受的,这么小就心术不正,其他两个女儿不会这样)。。。等等等等。。。这个女儿占用了我们60%的育儿时间,导致其他两个女儿都没有时间管了。 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30812503、哈尔滨洗浴最新玩法,直接泡火锅里 辣椒柠檬茄子齐上阵。 详情组图请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30811794、STEM 博士生在圣诞回国航班起飞前的达拉斯机场被取消签证 结局:回国后重新申请新的F1签证,以为能赶上下学期开学,7天后,214b拒签。 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30812045、自学缝纫,终于解锁裤子的做法 自学缝纫以来,给女儿做了很多裙子,裤子尝试了几次总是做不好,奈何现在二年级的女儿不喜欢穿裙子了,今天终于解锁裤子的做法,做出了第一条女儿非常喜欢的微喇裤,费时三小时做出了一套衣服,女儿美美地穿上,很有成就感。还有姐弟同款外套也是花了三个小时左右,做衣服有点上瘾,缝纫机一开,手机都不香了。 详情组图请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30813796、除了cs,别的行业就业怎么样 cs的确挺难的。好奇是所有行业就业都不好,还是就cs。 Majors With the Lowest Unemployment Medical technology technician 1.4% Nursing 2.2% Treatment therapy professions 2.6^ Agriculture 3.0% Pharmacy 3.2% Elementary education 3.6% Special needs education 3.6% Misc. Education 3.7% Mechanical engineering3.8% High school teacher 3.8% General education 4.2% Health & medical admin. service 4.3% Transportation science & technologies 4.4% Finance 4.5% Physics 4.5% 华人网友评:稳妥的选择护士、药剂师,牙医,相对MD都没那么卷,就业不错。而且不是那么容易外包。动手强的也可以去学电工、建筑有关的。尤其过去几年加州疯狂ADU,加上现在一把大火。要是前几年孩子学了相关方向,考了证书,加上父母提供启动经费,这几年干完就可以财富自由了。 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30811367、亚马逊的产品是越来越离谱了 售价$25.88。 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30813518、共和党启动修宪案,将允许川普连任第三届,“他需要更多时间让美国伟大” A Republican House member introduced a resolution Thursday to amend the U.S. Constitution in order to allow President Donald Trump — and any other future president — to be elected to a third termin the White House. Trump “has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal,” said Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee, who proposed extending the current maximum of two elected terms. 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=30811779、后知后觉入坑Aritzia,最近的买买买分享~ 后知后觉地从去年开始入手 Aritzia,每次买到的都算满意,几乎不踩雷!一月份简直是剁手的好时机,不知道你们最近都买了些什么?我先来分享一些试穿,祝大家周末愉快! 详情组图请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=308134710、马斯克承认收购Twitter失败了, 损失300亿美元 Elon Musk said growth on his platform is "stagnant" and revenue is "unimpressive" in a January email to staff that was reported by the Wall Street Journal on Friday."And we're barely breaking even," he added of the social media site's finances. Musk, who also runs SpaceX and Tesla, bought the platform, then known as Twitter, for $44 billion in late 2022. But the company has seen its valuation drop since then, with Fidelity valuing it at $12.32 billion — or 72% less than what Musk paid for it. 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081378
详情评论请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081332 2、我家出了个安陵容 我二女儿,5岁,脑袋没姐姐妹妹聪明(学校考试英语数学都低分,还被老师专门找我约谈),可是心气高,觉得自己一切都比妹妹好(也不思进取,我们专门辅导她都操碎了心,她马上就神游天外了)。脸皮厚,打了也不喊疼(三个女儿一起犯错一起打,其他两个都说知错了,就她最倔强)。寡言,可是平时喜欢搞小动作,偷藏零食,做题偷看答案(这也是我最不能忍受的,这么小就心术不正,其他两个女儿不会这样)。。。等等等等。。。这个女儿占用了我们60%的育儿时间,导致其他两个女儿都没有时间管了。 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081250 3、哈尔滨洗浴最新玩法,直接泡火锅里 辣椒柠檬茄子齐上阵。
详情组图请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081179 4、STEM 博士生在圣诞回国航班起飞前的达拉斯机场被取消签证 结局:回国后重新申请新的F1签证,以为能赶上下学期开学,7天后,214b拒签。
Majors With the Lowest Unemployment Medical technology technician 1.4% Nursing 2.2% Treatment therapy professions 2.6^ Agriculture 3.0% Pharmacy 3.2% Elementary education 3.6% Special needs education 3.6% Misc. Education 3.7% Mechanical engineering3.8% High school teacher 3.8% General education 4.2% Health & medical admin. service 4.3% Transportation science & technologies 4.4% Finance 4.5% Physics 4.5% 华人网友评:稳妥的选择护士、药剂师,牙医,相对MD都没那么卷,就业不错。而且不是那么容易外包。动手强的也可以去学电工、建筑有关的。尤其过去几年加州疯狂ADU,加上现在一把大火。要是前几年孩子学了相关方向,考了证书,加上父母提供启动经费,这几年干完就可以财富自由了。 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081136 7、亚马逊的产品是越来越离谱了 售价$25.88。
详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081351 8、共和党启动修宪案,将允许川普连任第三届,“他需要更多时间让美国伟大” A Republican House member introduced a resolution Thursday to amend the U.S. Constitution in order to allow President Donald Trump — and any other future president — to be elected to a third termin the White House. Trump “has proven himself to be the only figure in modern history capable of reversing our nation’s decay and restoring America to greatness, and he must be given the time necessary to accomplish that goal,” said Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee, who proposed extending the current maximum of two elected terms.
详情组图请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081347 10、马斯克承认收购Twitter失败了, 损失300亿美元 Elon Musk said growth on his platform is "stagnant" and revenue is "unimpressive" in a January email to staff that was reported by the Wall Street Journal on Friday."And we're barely breaking even," he added of the social media site's finances. Musk, who also runs SpaceX and Tesla, bought the platform, then known as Twitter, for $44 billion in late 2022. But the company has seen its valuation drop since then, with Fidelity valuing it at $12.32 billion — or 72% less than what Musk paid for it. 详情请点:https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=3081378