Elon Musk said growth on his platform is "stagnant" and revenue is "unimpressive" in a January email to staff that was reported by the Wall Street Journal on Friday. "And we're barely breaking even," he added of the social media site's finances. Musk, who also runs SpaceX and Tesla, bought the platform, then known as Twitter, for $44 billion in late 2022. But the company has seen its valuation drop since then, with Fidelity valuing it at $12.32 billion — or 72% less than what Musk paid for it.
ciber 发表于 2025-01-24 23:58 Elon Musk said growth on his platform is "stagnant" and revenue is "unimpressive" in a January email to staff that was reported by the Wall Street Journal on Friday. "And we're barely breaking even," he added of the social media site's finances. Musk, who also runs SpaceX and Tesla, bought the platform, then known as Twitter, for $44 billion in late 2022. But the company has seen its valuation drop since then, with Fidelity valuing it at $12.32 billion — or 72% less than what Musk paid for it.
Banks are getting ready to sell billions of dollars in debt borrowed by Elon Musk’s X, bringing Wall Street a step closer to exiting the nerve-racking deal that financed the social-media company’s buyout.
ciber 发表于 2025-01-24 23:58 Elon Musk said growth on his platform is "stagnant" and revenue is "unimpressive" in a January email to staff that was reported by the Wall Street Journal on Friday. "And we're barely breaking even," he added of the social media site's finances. Musk, who also runs SpaceX and Tesla, bought the platform, then known as Twitter, for $44 billion in late 2022. But the company has seen its valuation drop since then, with Fidelity valuing it at $12.32 billion — or 72% less than what Musk paid for it.
砍了绝大多数employee 失去很多大客户 还能barely break even 比我想象中已经要好了 我还以为每天都在financial bleeding呢
Musk, who also runs SpaceX and Tesla, bought the platform, then known as Twitter, for $44 billion in late 2022. But the company has seen its valuation drop since then, with Fidelity valuing it at $12.32 billion — or 72% less than what Musk paid for it.
他靠twitter帮川普赢了, 现在特斯拉的股价涨幅大于收购损失的
X 市值损失不小的 440亿买的 不可能赔不了三百亿 但肯定也是赔钱了。 不过这个谣言温床早帮他赚回来了
砍了绝大多数employee 失去很多大客户 还能barely break even 比我想象中已经要好了 我还以为每天都在financial bleeding呢