隔壁贴说到ICE去学校抓人,还真可信啊。 https://www.newsweek.com/new-jersey-immigration-raid-newark-trump-2020060 “A mayor in New Jersey said Thursday that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided "a local establishment" in Newark, New Jersey without a warrant and detained undocumented people, as well as citizens.” Update: 现在就是根据外貌来抓,即使后面自证合法身份,这个被拘留的过程非常侮辱性啊,靠边、举手、投降、上手铐、坐警车、被羁押,等家人拿来身份证明或等ICE調查完身份再放人。这过程怎么也得小半天,试想在公司同事们的众目睽睽下被铐走,颜面而在?
Tinoy003 发表于 2025-01-24 00:34 隔壁贴说到ICE去学校抓人,还真可信啊。 https://www.newsweek.com/new-jersey-immigration-raid-newark-trump-2020060 “A mayor in New Jersey said Thursday that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided "a local establishment" in Newark, New Jersey without a warrant and detained undocumented people, as well as citizens.” Update: 现在就是根据外貌来抓,即使后面自证合法身份,这个被拘留的过程非常侮辱性啊,靠边、举手、投降、上手铐、坐警车、被羁押,等家人拿来身份证明或等ICE調查完身份再放人。这过程怎么也得小半天,试想在公司同事们的众目睽睽下被铐走,颜面而在?
https://www.reddit.com/r/aznidentity/comments/s4z1jk/til_connie_chung_the_1st_asian_person_and_the_2nd/ Connie Chung, the 1st Asian person and the 2nd woman to anchor one of America''''s major network newscasts (CBS), in 1994 called all Chinese Americans ''''sleeper agents'''' 1994年Connie Chung在CBS的访谈: Connie Chung: And later, Eye on America, Tonight, how a foreign power may be planting the seeds in your backyard. ...... Chung: Comming up next, Eye on America. Tonight, the biggest spy network in America. We''''''''ll tell you who''''''''s running it and how. The recent Ames spy case served as a reminder that the espionage business inthis country is still thriving; that you don''''''''t always find spies in trenchcoats and that you could find them in the house next door. In a specialinvestigation, CBS News found out how China is grooming agents to keep an Eyeon America. Unidentified Woman: Only US citizens continue straight ahead. Chung: Every day, planeloads of Chinese citizens arrive legally in the United States, ordinary people. But to the Chinese government, some of them may be future spies, who a few year down the road, will be activated to steal America''''''''s military and technological secrets, whether they want to or not. Are there any other contries that you know of that have this kind of spy network operating here in the United States? Nicholas Eftimiades (Defence Information Agency): No. Not-certainly not to this--to this degree. Chung: Nicholas Eftimiades, who works for an American spy agency, the Defense Information Agency. His new book on Chinese intelligence raise questions for American government and business. Eftimiades: I don''''''''t think we can say at this point any Western government is prepared to deal with this type of espionage threat, because it''''''''s different from anything that we''''''''ve known to date. Chung: It all start here in Beijing. A Chinese student or scientist or businessperson applies for a visa to go to the US. Then the Ministry of State Security asking questions: What cab you learn in the State> Will you be working with computer? Will you be loyal to China? And most importantly, can you be patient? Eftimiades says the prospective spies are trained, paid and warned to stay in touch, ''''''''Remember.'''''''' they are told. ''''''''we''''''''ll be watching your family members in China.'''''''' ''''''''Lay low until you''''''''re contacted.'''''''' they are told. It could be years. Eftimiades: Let me put it to you in the terms that the Chinese Intelligence Service describes it: Chen di yu, which is a Ministry of State Security slang term for fish on the bottom of the ocean. This has been defined in Western espionage as sleeper agents. Chung: So they just sit there like fish at the bottom of the ocean and do nothing? Eftimiades: They wait. Chung: Until they have to surface. Eftimiades: Exactly. Chung: This man is one of those Chinese fish at the bottom of the American ocean. Call him a reluctant spy. he''''''''s afraid he''''''''ll be contacted soon to hand over state-of-the-art computer programs. Unidentified Man #1: Never forget, you belong to our organization. Chung: “Never forget," they told him, '''''''' you belong to our organization.'''''''' Man #1: You were sent by our organization. Chung: '''''''' You were sent by our organization, and this organization belongs to the Communist Party.'''''''' Man #1: ...Communist Party. Chung: Twenty-three years ago this man, Kao Yen Men, came to the US. In recent years, he lived a quiet life in this house in Charlotte, North Carolina, and he even bought a restaurant in downtown Charlotte. His neighbors never knew what he was up to. Unidentified Man #2: I really didn''''''''t know what to think. I mean, you know, we came down to this nice little Southern city, and the next thing you know I''''''''m down the street from a spy. I thought this was, like, a little friction movie or something, but... Chung: Some movie. After a six-year FBI investigation, Kao was arrested and charged with trying to steal the advanced Mar 48 torpedo, engine for the FA-18 Hornet jet fighter and radar for the F-16 Falcon jet. Kao was caught, but security expert Pat Pattakos says most American companies are too naive about the Chinese spy threat. Mr. Arion "Pat" Pattakos (Beta Analysis): Right now a lot of people don''''''''t really think of the protecting themselves. Chung: Especially when the target is information and computer data... Pattakos: They''''''''ll look at all this information here that they can access. Unidentified man #3: Yes. Chung: ...all part of the more and more accessible information superhighway. Pattakos: I mean, it''''''''s very easy to know when a truck is missing in front of your place. I mean, it''''''''s gone. It''''''''s physical object. But think about information. Information is more intangible, and people may not know--realize that it''''''''s lost. Chung: Pattakos says a new national strategy between business and government can trap the spies. Eftimiades is much less optimistic. Eftimiades: Once these spies get into American society, once they''''''''re deeply rooted into our structure, our society''''''''s structure, we''''''''re not going to be able to detect them. There is no way to stop them at this point. Chung: The FBI is trying to help American corporation protect themselves from espionage. The bureau has a program now to brief executives about how their companies could become targets. Dan.
Tinoy003 发表于 2025-01-24 00:34 隔壁贴说到ICE去学校抓人,还真可信啊。 https://www.newsweek.com/new-jersey-immigration-raid-newark-trump-2020060 “A mayor in New Jersey said Thursday that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided "a local establishment" in Newark, New Jersey without a warrant and detained undocumented people, as well as citizens.” Update: 现在就是根据外貌来抓,即使后面自证合法身份,这个被拘留的过程非常侮辱性啊,靠边、举手、投降、上手铐、坐警车、被羁押,等家人拿来身份证明或等ICE調查完身份再放人。这过程怎么也得小半天,试想在公司同事们的众目睽睽下被铐走,颜面而在?
NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- Federal law enforcement and ICE agents have arrested over 500 undocumented migrants wanted for outstanding crimes in sanctuary cities, including three in New York. ICE says it has made 538 arrests, and detained 373 undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities across the country. In New York, ICE agents arrested an alleged El Salvadorian MS-13 gang member, a Jamaican citizen who had been arrested for sexual exploitation of a minor and a Honduran citizen with a drunk driving conviction. 纽约抓的三个直接deport了吧!
“A mayor in New Jersey said Thursday that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents raided "a local establishment" in Newark, New Jersey without a warrant and detained undocumented people, as well as citizens.”
Update: 现在就是根据外貌来抓,即使后面自证合法身份,这个被拘留的过程非常侮辱性啊,靠边、举手、投降、上手铐、坐警车、被羁押,等家人拿来身份证明或等ICE調查完身份再放人。这过程怎么也得小半天,试想在公司同事们的众目睽睽下被铐走,颜面而在?
🔥 最新回帖
在maga眼里你的皮决定了你是垃圾,you don’t have a choice
🛋️ 沙发板凳
华人川粉去trump rally都被白川粉diss,叫滚回中国。自己人是自我麻痹吧,只要远远的溜边,就不会轮到我。 看看昨天trump的团队都说原住民不是美国公民了。
进步个啥,老百姓日子越过越差, 比以前差远了。美国就是这样,经济一旦不好,就拿移民开刀。90年代如此,现在如此,以前更是如此。
看看隔壁的vivek ramaswamy帖
是呀,但是矛头永远都指向移民, 总归要找替罪羊。中美关系不也一样。以前那么好,现在呢?
你贴一下具体事实,九十年代谁在什么场合说中国学者是间谍?如果是政客又具体提出什么法案抓间谍?如果是总统具体采取了什么类似于Chinese initiative 这样的行政手段?
没有不承认事实呀,当然是懂王。但是如果左右一起攻击H1B, 连墨西哥人都支持deport, 加上小红书上的美国人号称要卖血付bill, 还能指望美国会对移民友好吗?
你查一下CBS的主播Connie Chung吧,看她在新闻里是怎么污蔑中国留学生和学者的。
包括那位美国籍的退伍军官? 这些抓的都核实身份了?
所以抓了几百人最后可能就几个 这真是宁可错杀三千不能放过一个
一样被白川粉扇呀, 你也配戴 MAGA小红帽?
那些说real id有用的版上id出来走走啊,上次讨论还信誓旦旦觉得自己高人一等的样子
现在ICE 还没得到国会的拨款,还是小范围, 等the Laken Riley Act 签字成法律,ICE 拿到钱,雇更多的打手,集中营在德州扩建好,大规模抓铺就开始了。
华人神棍, 有上帝保佑, 应该好些吧?
随身带上护照很难吗? 在国内也随身带身份证啊
是人人都带么还是非白人要带? 美国可是绝大多数人没护照的
Connie Chung, the 1st Asian person and the 2nd woman to anchor one of America''''s major network newscasts (CBS), in 1994 called all Chinese Americans ''''sleeper agents''''
1994年Connie Chung在CBS的访谈:
Connie Chung: And later, Eye on America, Tonight, how a foreign power may be planting the seeds in your backyard. ...... Chung: Comming up next, Eye on America. Tonight, the biggest spy network in America. We''''''''ll tell you who''''''''s running it and how. The recent Ames spy case served as a reminder that the espionage business in this country is still thriving; that you don''''''''t always find spies in trench coats and that you could find them in the house next door. In a special investigation, CBS News found out how China is grooming agents to keep an Eye on America. Unidentified Woman: Only US citizens continue straight ahead. Chung: Every day, planeloads of Chinese citizens arrive legally in the United States, ordinary people. But to the Chinese government, some of them may be future spies, who a few year down the road, will be activated to steal America''''''''s military and technological secrets, whether they want to or not. Are there any other contries that you know of that have this kind of spy network operating here in the United States? Nicholas Eftimiades (Defence Information Agency): No. Not-certainly not to this--to this degree. Chung: Nicholas Eftimiades, who works for an American spy agency, the Defense Information Agency. His new book on Chinese intelligence raise questions for American government and business. Eftimiades: I don''''''''t think we can say at this point any Western government is prepared to deal with this type of espionage threat, because it''''''''s different from anything that we''''''''ve known to date. Chung: It all start here in Beijing. A Chinese student or scientist or businessperson applies for a visa to go to the US. Then the Ministry of State Security asking questions: What cab you learn in the State> Will you be working with computer? Will you be loyal to China? And most importantly, can you be patient? Eftimiades says the prospective spies are trained, paid and warned to stay in touch, ''''''''Remember.'''''''' they are told. ''''''''we''''''''ll be watching your family members in China.'''''''' ''''''''Lay low until you''''''''re contacted.'''''''' they are told. It could be years. Eftimiades: Let me put it to you in the terms that the Chinese Intelligence Service describes it: Chen di yu, which is a Ministry of State Security slang term for fish on the bottom of the ocean. This has been defined in Western espionage as sleeper agents. Chung: So they just sit there like fish at the bottom of the ocean and do nothing? Eftimiades: They wait. Chung: Until they have to surface. Eftimiades: Exactly. Chung: This man is one of those Chinese fish at the bottom of the American ocean. Call him a reluctant spy. he''''''''s afraid he''''''''ll be contacted soon to hand over state-of-the-art computer programs. Unidentified Man #1: Never forget, you belong to our organization. Chung: “Never forget," they told him, '''''''' you belong to our organization.'''''''' Man #1: You were sent by our organization. Chung: '''''''' You were sent by our organization, and this organization belongs to the Communist Party.'''''''' Man #1: ...Communist Party. Chung: Twenty-three years ago this man, Kao Yen Men, came to the US. In recent years, he lived a quiet life in this house in Charlotte, North Carolina, and he even bought a restaurant in downtown Charlotte. His neighbors never knew what he was up to. Unidentified Man #2: I really didn''''''''t know what to think. I mean, you know, we came down to this nice little Southern city, and the next thing you know I''''''''m down the street from a spy. I thought this was, like, a little friction movie or something, but... Chung: Some movie. After a six-year FBI investigation, Kao was arrested and charged with trying to steal the advanced Mar 48 torpedo, engine for the FA-18 Hornet jet fighter and radar for the F-16 Falcon jet. Kao was caught, but security expert Pat Pattakos says most American companies are too naive about the Chinese spy threat. Mr. Arion "Pat" Pattakos (Beta Analysis): Right now a lot of people don''''''''t really think of the protecting themselves. Chung: Especially when the target is information and computer data... Pattakos: They''''''''ll look at all this information here that they can access. Unidentified man #3: Yes. Chung: ...all part of the more and more accessible information superhighway. Pattakos: I mean, it''''''''s very easy to know when a truck is missing in front of your place. I mean, it''''''''s gone. It''''''''s physical object. But think about information. Information is more intangible, and people may not know--realize that it''''''''s lost. Chung: Pattakos says a new national strategy between business and government can trap the spies. Eftimiades is much less optimistic. Eftimiades: Once these spies get into American society, once they''''''''re deeply rooted into our structure, our society''''''''s structure, we''''''''re not going to be able to detect them. There is no way to stop them at this point. Chung: The FBI is trying to help American corporation protect themselves from espionage. The bureau has a program now to brief executives about how their companies could become targets. Dan.
而且说的理直气壮,一副天下不准负我的气势。 和华川粉一样,就许白人黑人西班牙后裔(主要是黑人和其他有色人种)挖资本主义墙角,不许我父母来蹭点拿点?至于我是当经济担保人,就是句p话谁还当真
不少红州已经签订法案降低打工年龄了 那些家禽屠宰场就雇佣不少童工
新闻里说的是他没有有效证件。 并没说他有没有提供real id, 😂 你不知道吧 我们这边到现在real id 也没完全实行 😂 已经一推再推 现在说 25/5/7 鬼知道是不是还要继续拖延
上帝保佑的是黄神棍吗? 上帝保佑的是白嫡子。
哈 没保险的白人多了去了。
人家都被放了,也就是说他的证件其实是合法的,只是被怀疑了,那你的realid 是不是也可以被怀疑啊
就是你们这些川粉把罪犯选上台,选种族歧视的MAGA党,造成的后果。,你们也知道经济不好,民粹就煽动种族仇恨,为何偏要选MAGA 党。觉的自己精神白人,带MAGA帽就没事啦!还是选了罪犯把国家搞乱,少数族裔受罪,你们很开心!
比如,她就算找不到办法“辟谣”,她也可以把自己定义为“左左”,那么她自己那段话就符合了她对“左左”的描述,于是 -> 她结论成立。
国内的身份证是对应驾照或者real ID吧?类似的要求是要求出门随身带户口本
那是因为国内现在只需要刷脸, 美国哪有那么高级的数据库
明明只要对暴力罪重判 以及把边境管理好就可以。非得在美国国内大搞白色恐怖。
更无耻的就是把I-129和I-140的费用加了Asylum Fee,完全不要脸。他把非法移民放进来做政治庇护,为啥要legal immigrant出这个钱
native American 是美国的原住民, 不是白人..
他只是被ice放了,并不能证明军队文件是真的。 只能证明他移民身份是真的。 ice 又不抓其他类的文件造假, 这是state police 或者fbi 的工作 Real id 那不是你run一下驾照真假不就知道是真是假了
“ICE says it has made 538 arrests, and detained 373 undocumented immigrants”,所以那165个没拘留的为啥?公民和pr?这误抓率太高了吧
是啊, 以后去中国城估计都得带美国护照或绿卡了..