*不是医疗建议,请咨询您的医生。* AI Overview Learn more If you don''''''''t eat enough carbohydrates, you may experience a variety of side effects, including: Digestive issues: You may experience constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues because carbohydrates provide fiber, which helps regulate digestion. Brain fog: Your brain prefers glucose, which carbohydrates provide, so when you stop eating them, your brain may run on fumes. Fatigue and weakness: You may feel tired, weak, and sluggish. This is sometimes called "keto flu". Bad breath: When your body burns fat for fuel, it produces ketones, including acetone, which can cause your breath to smell fruity or sour. Headaches: You may experience headaches. Moodiness: You may feel grouchy because healthy carbs send sugar to the brain, which helps guard against anxiety and depression. Muscle loss: Research shows that lowering carb intake can affect your muscle mass. Long-term restriction of carbohydrates in the diet can also lead to: Heart arrhythmias Cardiac contractile function impairment Sudden death Osteoporosis Kidney damage Increased cancer risk Impairment of physical activity Lipid abnormalities AI Overview Learn more Rice contains melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep: Melatonin levels The amount of melatonin in rice varies by type, with pigmented rice containing more than non-pigmented varieties. For example, riceberry rice has a higher concentration of melatonin than red dawk mali rice Yes, Japanese people consume a large amount of white rice, considering it a staple food in their diet and often eating it with every meal; the most commonly consumed rice in Japan is refined white rice, not brown rice. While eating a large amount of white rice, as is common in Japanese cuisine, can be considered less than ideal due to its low fiber content, the overall health of the Japanese population is often attributed to the balance of their diet, which includes plenty of fish, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods alongside the rice, mitigating the potential negative impacts of high white rice consumption alone; however, studies have indicated a potential link between high white rice intake and increased risk of type 2 diabetes in Japanese populations. *不是医疗建议,请咨询您的医生。*
请问下不吃主食的仙女们有没有这个问题呢?是怎么解决的呢? 还有就是蛋白质或者蔬菜大家有没有推荐的?老吃那些有些烦,而且蔬菜基本上只有broccoli不会导致尿频。 谢谢了!
我试过吃黑豆,但是黑豆不敢吃太多,而且也是煮的,所以没啥帮助。 搞不好只有回到各种豆类加糙米一起煮了。
我问chatgpt, 它说维生素B, 叶酸,镁,钾等营养素可能缺乏,再就是甲状腺功能(T3)可能受到抑制,是不是这其中一项啊?
我会 如果晚上吃了面包米饭 上厕所少 我一直以为是年龄大了 没有这麽联系 有什么原理?
我不吃淀粉有一年半,之后快两年只吃少量豆类、根茎类 完全没有你说的症状
减碳水的一个反应是掉water weight,盐需要比吃碳水时吃得多。你可以适当喝电解质或者盐水。
AI Overview Learn more
If you don''''''''t eat enough carbohydrates, you may experience a variety of side effects, including: Digestive issues: You may experience constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues because carbohydrates provide fiber, which helps regulate digestion. Brain fog: Your brain prefers glucose, which carbohydrates provide, so when you stop eating them, your brain may run on fumes. Fatigue and weakness: You may feel tired, weak, and sluggish. This is sometimes called "keto flu". Bad breath: When your body burns fat for fuel, it produces ketones, including acetone, which can cause your breath to smell fruity or sour. Headaches: You may experience headaches. Moodiness: You may feel grouchy because healthy carbs send sugar to the brain, which helps guard against anxiety and depression. Muscle loss: Research shows that lowering carb intake can affect your muscle mass. Long-term restriction of carbohydrates in the diet can also lead to: Heart arrhythmias Cardiac contractile function impairment Sudden death Osteoporosis Kidney damage Increased cancer risk Impairment of physical activity Lipid abnormalities
AI Overview Learn more
Rice contains melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep:
Melatonin levels The amount of melatonin in rice varies by type, with pigmented rice containing more than non-pigmented varieties. For example, riceberry rice has a higher concentration of melatonin than red dawk mali rice
Yes, Japanese people consume a large amount of white rice, considering it a staple food in their diet and often eating it with every meal; the most commonly consumed rice in Japan is refined white rice, not brown rice.
While eating a large amount of white rice, as is common in Japanese cuisine, can be considered less than ideal due to its low fiber content, the overall health of the Japanese population is often attributed to the balance of their diet, which includes plenty of fish, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods alongside the rice, mitigating the potential negative impacts of high white rice consumption alone; however, studies have indicated a potential link between high white rice intake and increased risk of type 2 diabetes in Japanese populations.
我在喝盐水,每天喝的水都是用pink salt泡的饱和盐水,2.5ml 饱和盐水加1L水稀释。
真的吗? 我基本不吃米饭,但是吃面。
我晚上睡觉前饿的话就想吃半片或者一片面包,就觉得这样身体最舒服。 现在找到依据了😄