Murder in the 1st degree in most other states means premeditation, but in New York it only applies to special circumstances such as killing a police, DA or murder for hire etc. Murder two would’ve been the more appropriate charge.
SAT 发表于 2024-12-17 15:44 Murder in the 1st degree in most other states means premeditation, but in New York it only applies to special circumstances such as killing a police, DA or murder for hire etc. Murder two would’ve been the more appropriate charge.
SAT 发表于 2024-12-17 15:44 Murder in the 1st degree in most other states means premeditation, but in New York it only applies to special circumstances such as killing a police, DA or murder for hire etc. Murder two would’ve been the more appropriate charge.
The goal, lawyers said, would be jury nullification, a scenario in which jurors reach a not- guilty verdict to send a message, even though they conclude a defendant committed the crime. Defense lawyers said Mangione's defense strategy probably will include an effort to limit what evidence ever makes it to a jury
lingling7 发表于 2024-12-17 16:58 The goal, lawyers said, would be jury nullification, a scenario in which jurors reach a not- guilty verdict to send a message, even though they conclude a defendant committed the crime. Defense lawyers said Mangione's defense strategy probably will include an effort to limit what evidence ever makes it to a jury
Jury nullification as a defense strategy is a high-risk legal play, because all judges hate jury nullification with a passion, and any lawyer mentioning it in a court proceeding will likely get thrown out, possibly held in contempt. Most jury do not know that they have the right to nullify. The only place to educate them such, is to hand them pamphlets OUTSIDE the court buildings.
lake123 发表于 2024-12-17 17:02 why especially adding “as a an act of terrorism” ? 过分了
Terrorists use violence and threats of violence to influence the government or an international governmental organisation, or to intimidate the public. 唉。。。
SAT 发表于 2024-12-17 15:44 Murder in the 1st degree in most other states means premeditation, but in New York it only applies to special circumstances such as killing a police, DA or murder for hire etc. Murder two would’ve been the more appropriate charge.
不懂法律就不要瞎逼逼 。资本家们吓死了滥用权利这么做。 在纽约 一级谋杀只能针对杀公职人员 First-degree murder[edit] First-degree murder is the most serious homicide offense in New York State. It is defined as the intentional killing of a person without justification with one of the following aggravating factors: The victim was a police officer, peace officer, correctional employee, judge, or a criminal case witness The murder was committed while the perpetrator was serving a life sentence The murder was committed with torture of the victim The murder was committed as an act of terrorism The murder was committed during the commission or attempted commission of one of the felonies under New York's felony murder laws. Murder committed for hire (with the charge applying to both the murderer and the person who paid the murderer)
SAT 发表于 2024-12-17 17:09 Jury nullification as a defense strategy is a high-risk legal play, because all judges hate jury nullification with a passion, and any lawyer mentioning it in a court proceeding will likely get thrown out, possibly held in contempt. Most jury do not know that they have the right to nullify. The only place to educate them such, is to hand them pamphlets OUTSIDE the court buildings.
chatGPT 都说了 Should Luigi Mangione be charged with first-degree murder? Based on New York law, first-degree murder is reserved for the most severe cases involving aggravating factors. If Mangione’s actions meet one or more of these conditions, then charging him with first-degree murder could be appropriate. These conditions include: Intentional Killing: Was the killing intentional and without justification? Aggravating Factors: Was the victim a police officer, judge, or witness in a criminal case? Was the killing committed during the commission of another serious felony (e.g., robbery)? Was there any evidence of torture during the murder? as the murder premeditated and carried out as part of a larger criminal scheme?
Could the DA be abusing their power? If the DA is pursuing a first-degree murder charge without evidence supporting the necessary aggravating factors (e.g., if the killing was not premeditated, not committed during a felony, or lacked aggravating circumstances), this could be considered an abuse of power. Prosecutors have a duty to pursue charges that are supported by evidence and the law, and charging someone with a crime that does not fit the facts could be considered overreach. An abuse of power could occur if: The DA is prosecuting the case with a level of severity (such as first-degree murder) that is not supported by the facts. There is an attempt to use the legal system to target someone unfairly, perhaps for political or personal reasons, rather than based on evidence. Conclusion: Whether Luigi Mangione should be charged with first-degree murder in New York depends on the facts of the case, including the circumstances of the crime and whether any aggravating factors are present. Without knowing the specific facts, it''s impossible to say for sure. If the DA is pursuing a first-degree murder charge without sufficient evidence, then that could potentially be considered an abuse of power. However, any legal evaluation would need to be based on the full facts and details of the case.
回复 81楼 Simpson2020 的帖子 Before his tragic murder in December 2024, UnitedHealthcare faced significant backlash for using an AI algorithm called nH Predict to automatically deny claims, especially for elderly patients on Medicare Advantage plans. The algorithm reportedly had a 90% error rate, yet the company continued using it, allegedly knowing that most patients wouldn't appeal the decisions. This led to a lawsuit filed by the families of two deceased patients, claiming that the AI system wrongfully denied their claims and caused significant distress
cathybefore 发表于 2024-12-17 17:13 Terrorists use violence and threats of violence to influence the government or an international governmental organisation, or to intimidate the public. 唉。。。
which government organization did he try to influence? and I'm not intimidated by him at all.
🔥 最新回帖
之前就说了, 那么这对父母怎么想的, 面试她时没有反问过吗? 而且她后面做DEFENSE 的时候怎么处理之前的发言, 对方律师难道不会拿了这个做文章吗?
她本身就是CNN的legal commentator吧,在她被retained之前几天上节目点评时候说的
🛋️ 沙发板凳
Murder in the 1st degree in most other states means premeditation, but in New York it only applies to special circumstances such as killing a police, DA or murder for hire etc. Murder two would’ve been the more appropriate charge.
纽约要对luigi 严打,从重严判! 居然挑战资本家,反了?
我也是这么记得的 在于有没有预谋 其实我觉得Luigi根本长得不像监控录像上的杀手嘛!
bless 鲁一击
The goal, lawyers said, would be jury nullification, a scenario in which jurors reach a not- guilty verdict to send a message, even though they conclude a defendant committed the crime. Defense lawyers said Mangione's defense strategy probably will include an effort to limit what evidence ever makes it to a jury
why especially adding “as a an act of terrorism” ? 过分了
“as a an act of terrorism” 对啊. 为什么是terrorism? 这个不是目标明确的谋杀吗.
的确很过分。这简直可以推翻历史上的一切革命了。美国是case law 这个可以说一说
Jury nullification as a defense strategy is a high-risk legal play, because all judges hate jury nullification with a passion, and any lawyer mentioning it in a court proceeding will likely get thrown out, possibly held in contempt. Most jury do not know that they have the right to nullify. The only place to educate them such, is to hand them pamphlets OUTSIDE the court buildings.
Terrorists use violence and threats of violence to influence the government or an international governmental organisation, or to intimidate the public.
Each side, prosecution or defense, have a fixed number of opportunities to strike a potential juror off for no stated reason during voir dire process.
很明显,这是权势阶级对平民说 F U
不懂法律就不要瞎逼逼 。资本家们吓死了滥用权利这么做。 在纽约 一级谋杀只能针对杀公职人员
First-degree murder[edit] First-degree murder is the most serious homicide offense in New York State. It is defined as the intentional killing of a person without justification with one of the following aggravating factors: The victim was a police officer, peace officer, correctional employee, judge, or a criminal case witness The murder was committed while the perpetrator was serving a life sentence The murder was committed with torture of the victim The murder was committed as an act of terrorism The murder was committed during the commission or attempted commission of one of the felonies under New York's felony murder laws. Murder committed for hire (with the charge applying to both the murderer and the person who paid the murderer)
脑子进屎吧。 人家当HERO有全民粉丝是因为作为高富英精英有担当反而能够替民除害, 杀了一个 SERIEL KILLER
校园枪击按恐怖分子判了么? 凭什么杀CEO就算恐怖分子? 资本家就是比小学生金贵?
跪舔权贵习惯了, 尽然跪到美国来了
关键这个版上特别前面高赞的, 明明是一群屁民阶层被FU 还拍手叫好。
鲁迅那篇药真是经千年经典。 一群人人血馒头吃的津津有味。屁民的卑贱和愚昧跃然纸上
二级谋杀也是有预谋啊 区别在哪里
NY law is different story. FIRST DEGREE 针对杀警察才用
我觉得也是, 估计是国内过来撒谎保没收入一直吃免费医保的那种
现在是政府权贵阶层要滥用职权, 纽约的历届DA一向是人渣
我刚刚捐了。 这明显是要杀鸡儆猴。这不是terrorism. Terrorism 是无差别的伤害无辜以恐吓公众。这真让人愤怒
这种公报私仇滥用职权的政府才是真正的 Terrorism
Should Luigi Mangione be charged with first-degree murder? Based on New York law, first-degree murder is reserved for the most severe cases involving aggravating factors. If Mangione’s actions meet one or more of these conditions, then charging him with first-degree murder could be appropriate. These conditions include: Intentional Killing: Was the killing intentional and without justification? Aggravating Factors: Was the victim a police officer, judge, or witness in a criminal case? Was the killing committed during the commission of another serious felony (e.g., robbery)? Was there any evidence of torture during the murder? as the murder premeditated and carried out as part of a larger criminal scheme?
Could the DA be abusing their power? If the DA is pursuing a first-degree murder charge without evidence supporting the necessary aggravating factors (e.g., if the killing was not premeditated, not committed during a felony, or lacked aggravating circumstances), this could be considered an abuse of power. Prosecutors have a duty to pursue charges that are supported by evidence and the law, and charging someone with a crime that does not fit the facts could be considered overreach. An abuse of power could occur if: The DA is prosecuting the case with a level of severity (such as first-degree murder) that is not supported by the facts. There is an attempt to use the legal system to target someone unfairly, perhaps for political or personal reasons, rather than based on evidence.
Conclusion: Whether Luigi Mangione should be charged with first-degree murder in New York depends on the facts of the case, including the circumstances of the crime and whether any aggravating factors are present. Without knowing the specific facts, it''s impossible to say for sure. If the DA is pursuing a first-degree murder charge without sufficient evidence, then that could potentially be considered an abuse of power. However, any legal evaluation would need to be based on the full facts and details of the case.
CEO 等同警察, 法官了?让富翁CEO恐惧就是恐袭了?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
-John F. Kennedy
Before his tragic murder in December 2024, UnitedHealthcare faced significant backlash for using an AI algorithm called nH Predict to automatically deny claims, especially for elderly patients on Medicare Advantage plans. The algorithm reportedly had a 90% error rate, yet the company continued using it, allegedly knowing that most patients wouldn't appeal the decisions. This led to a lawsuit filed by the families of two deceased patients, claiming that the AI system wrongfully denied their claims and caused significant distress
美国拥枪的目的是什么? 不是说为了反对暴政吗?
你开什么玩笑? 你真的认为Luigi无罪? 就因为他杀的是医疗保险的CEO? 如果你真的这么认为,你咋不杀个医疗保险公司的CEO? 如果你真的觉得这么做是无罪的
这个CEO 暗搓搓干了那么多坏事, 用AI据了那么多保险。让很多人绝望等死。在你眼中这种人命就不值钱,屁民就该等死?
可是CEO的工作不就是为资本家创造价值吗. 资本家每年付给CEO上千万的工资不就是为了让CEO给资本家干活吗. 真的应该杀的是资本家,查出来united health care背后的股东是谁,然后把那些人解决了. CEO无非也就是个高级打工仔而已.
既然你赞同该杀的是资本家, 他可是资本家的得力爪牙打手啊。 鲁一己同学也就只能在自己能力范围做有一定影响的事。 你得想想要杀资本家更难了,人家行踪更是不会公布,没看到小扎有多少保镖?
which government organization did he try to influence? and I'm not intimidated by him at all.
同觉得应该找一个top notch criminal defense lawyer. 哎。看看结果怎么样吧。