NeurIPS: An apology and commitment to moving forward
by Rosalind W. Picard
Dec. 14, 2024
Rosalind W. Picard
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Grover M. Hermann Professor in Health Sciences and Technology
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During my keynote presentation at NeurIPS, I shared a story in which I mentioned nationality—a detail that I regret including. I see that this was unnecessary, irrelevant to the point I was making, and caused unintended negative associations. I apologize for doing this and feel very badly about the distress that this incident has caused. I am learning from this experience, and I welcome ideas for how to try to make amends to the community.
I strongly believe that the practical and ethical questions posed by Generative AI impact us all. Working across national and cultural boundaries, I am hopeful we can solve them together.
Dr. Rosalind W. Picard
Grover M. Hermann Professor in Health Sciences and Technology
MIT Media Lab 然后NeurIPS 又加了一个声明 Our Commitment to Respect, Inclusivity, and Upholding Our Values Dear NeurIPS Community, We, the NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee, want to reaffirm our commitment to the NeurIPS Code of Conduct and its emphasis on fostering an inclusive, non-discriminatory, and respectful community. These principles have been at the heart of our efforts since our founding in 1987, and they remain vital to our success today. This year, an invited speaker, Dr. Rosalind Picard, made remarks during the invited talk that needlessly singled out Chinese scholars and perpetuated harmful stereotypes, in direct violation of our Code of Conduct. We take this matter extremely seriously and do not tolerate discrimination on any basis, including national origin, ethnicity, or race. While we strive to uphold the highest standards of mutual respect across our diverse community, this incident fell short of our core principles, and we take full responsibility for addressing it. We have communicated our concerns directly to the invited speaker and issued an oral statement regarding this matter at the NeurIPS Town Hall. Moving forward, we plan to clearly communicate our Code of Conduct to our invited speakers and will be discussing further changes to ensure that the values in our Code of Conduct are reflected in all areas of the conference. Thank you to all who have been speaking up in support of fellow community members and working to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected at NeurIPS. Together we can make NeurIPS a conference that reflects the best of our collective efforts and aspirations. – NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee
然后NeurIPS 又加了一个声明 Our Commitment to Respect, Inclusivity, and Upholding Our Values Dear NeurIPS Community, We, the NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee, want to reaffirm our commitment to the NeurIPS Code of Conduct and its emphasis on fostering an inclusive, non-discriminatory, and respectful community. These principles have been at the heart of our efforts since our founding in 1987, and they remain vital to our success today. This year, an invited speaker, Dr. Rosalind Picard, made remarks during the invited talk that needlessly singled out Chinese scholars and perpetuated harmful stereotypes, in direct violation of our Code of Conduct. We take this matter extremely seriously and do not tolerate discrimination on any basis, including national origin, ethnicity, or race. While we strive to uphold the highest standards of mutual respect across our diverse community, this incident fell short of our core principles, and we take full responsibility for addressing it. We have communicated our concerns directly to the invited speaker and issued an oral statement regarding this matter at the NeurIPS Town Hall. Moving forward, we plan to clearly communicate our Code of Conduct to our invited speakers and will be discussing further changes to ensure that the values in our Code of Conduct are reflected in all areas of the conference. Thank you to all who have been speaking up in support of fellow community members and working to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected at NeurIPS. Together we can make NeurIPS a conference that reflects the best of our collective efforts and aspirations. – NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee
伦伦邓 发表于 2024-12-16 00:42 然后NeurIPS 又加了一个声明 Our Commitment to Respect, Inclusivity, and Upholding Our Values Dear NeurIPS Community, We, the NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee, want to reaffirm our commitment to the NeurIPS Code of Conduct and its emphasis on fostering an inclusive, non-discriminatory, and respectful community. These principles have been at the heart of our efforts since our founding in 1987, and they remain vital to our success today. This year, an invited speaker, Dr. Rosalind Picard, made remarks during the invited talk that needlessly singled out Chinese scholars and perpetuated harmful stereotypes, in direct violation of our Code of Conduct. We take this matter extremely seriously and do not tolerate discrimination on any basis, including national origin, ethnicity, or race. While we strive to uphold the highest standards of mutual respect across our diverse community, this incident fell short of our core principles, and we take full responsibility for addressing it. We have communicated our concerns directly to the invited speaker and issued an oral statement regarding this matter at the NeurIPS Town Hall. Moving forward, we plan to clearly communicate our Code of Conduct to our invited speakers and will be discussing further changes to ensure that the values in our Code of Conduct are reflected in all areas of the conference. Thank you to all who have been speaking up in support of fellow community members and working to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected at NeurIPS. Together we can make NeurIPS a conference that reflects the best of our collective efforts and aspirations. – NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee
Not sure where this Emilia grew up in China and which schools she attended? Some cheaters who got caught always blame others that they were not taught to do the right things by their parents or teachers. Just because "many" students cheated in their exams without being caught, it doesn't mean that this behavior is tolerated in schools of China.
伦伦邓 发表于 2024-12-16 00:42 然后NeurIPS 又加了一个声明 Our Commitment to Respect, Inclusivity, and Upholding Our Values Dear NeurIPS Community, We, the NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee, want to reaffirm our commitment to the NeurIPS Code of Conduct and its emphasis on fostering an inclusive, non-discriminatory, and respectful community. These principles have been at the heart of our efforts since our founding in 1987, and they remain vital to our success today. This year, an invited speaker, Dr. Rosalind Picard, made remarks during the invited talk that needlessly singled out Chinese scholars and perpetuated harmful stereotypes, in direct violation of our Code of Conduct. We take this matter extremely seriously and do not tolerate discrimination on any basis, including national origin, ethnicity, or race. While we strive to uphold the highest standards of mutual respect across our diverse community, this incident fell short of our core principles, and we take full responsibility for addressing it. We have communicated our concerns directly to the invited speaker and issued an oral statement regarding this matter at the NeurIPS Town Hall. Moving forward, we plan to clearly communicate our Code of Conduct to our invited speakers and will be discussing further changes to ensure that the values in our Code of Conduct are reflected in all areas of the conference. Thank you to all who have been speaking up in support of fellow community members and working to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected at NeurIPS. Together we can make NeurIPS a conference that reflects the best of our collective efforts and aspirations. – NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee
NeurIPS: An apology and commitment to moving forward
by Rosalind W. Picard
Dec. 14, 2024
Rosalind W. Picard
Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Grover M. Hermann Professor in Health Sciences and Technology
Share this post
During my keynote presentation at NeurIPS, I shared a story in which I mentioned nationality—a detail that I regret including. I see that this was unnecessary, irrelevant to the point I was making, and caused unintended negative associations. I apologize for doing this and feel very badly about the distress that this incident has caused. I am learning from this experience, and I welcome ideas for how to try to make amends to the community.
I strongly believe that the practical and ethical questions posed by Generative AI impact us all. Working across national and cultural boundaries, I am hopeful we can solve them together.
Dr. Rosalind W. Picard
Grover M. Hermann Professor in Health Sciences and Technology
MIT Media Lab
然后NeurIPS 又加了一个声明
Our Commitment to Respect, Inclusivity, and Upholding Our Values Dear NeurIPS Community, We, the NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee, want to reaffirm our commitment to the NeurIPS Code of Conduct and its emphasis on fostering an inclusive, non-discriminatory, and respectful community. These principles have been at the heart of our efforts since our founding in 1987, and they remain vital to our success today. This year, an invited speaker, Dr. Rosalind Picard, made remarks during the invited talk that needlessly singled out Chinese scholars and perpetuated harmful stereotypes, in direct violation of our Code of Conduct. We take this matter extremely seriously and do not tolerate discrimination on any basis, including national origin, ethnicity, or race. While we strive to uphold the highest standards of mutual respect across our diverse community, this incident fell short of our core principles, and we take full responsibility for addressing it. We have communicated our concerns directly to the invited speaker and issued an oral statement regarding this matter at the NeurIPS Town Hall. Moving forward, we plan to clearly communicate our Code of Conduct to our invited speakers and will be discussing further changes to ensure that the values in our Code of Conduct are reflected in all areas of the conference. Thank you to all who have been speaking up in support of fellow community members and working to ensure that everyone feels welcome and respected at NeurIPS. Together we can make NeurIPS a conference that reflects the best of our collective efforts and aspirations. – NeurIPS Board and 2024 Organizing Committee
🔥 最新回帖
烙印的确无品,但是这不能说明咱们就好啊。 你看看现在中国的大学里,哪个教授不是抄袭? 习三烂的文凭肯定是假的! 你还说个屁啊。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
没有???!! 我们中小学时这方面抓得很严,抄袭都是0分,请家长。 请不要以偏概全。
Ethical problem is not crime. Name a class that teaches ethics in school in China.
说啥呢, 中国古代科举作弊要杀头的,最低也是坐牢或者终身禁考。
高考你能作弊吗? 还是中考能作弊? 还是你在国内期中期末都可以作弊了?别说作弊了, 开卷考试和用计算器都不被允许、 如果能作弊, 我们从小到大那些排名有什么用? 为何不是全员清华北大? 如果可以作弊, 清华北大每年系里因为考试不及格不能毕业或者留级的学生, 他们是上大学以后退化了连作弊都不会了?
你说国内搞爱党爱国我同意,但你说国内不教ethics? 呵呵呵,我只能说你大概觉得美国的💩都是香的吧。
少来personal attack.只会显得自己low 说说看德育教的是什么,具体的
国内教肯定是教的,我们小时候教的很严格的。。但是在国外名声不好也是真的,参见隔壁申请大学中介包装 QB楼。 我们抗议这个教授的同时也得控诉一下这些害群之马。
我记得前一阵有一堆名流的孩子因为申请大学作弊被退学, 还有老外教练卖体育生名额的, 虽然其中也有两个中国学生, 但大多数都是老美, 那个医药公司的斯坦福女骗子是老美, 前两天有两个斯坦福学生抄袭清华代码的是印度人,哈佛论文用别人原文不引用( 视为抄袭)被开除的校长是非裔, 之前有个贝尔实验室专门变数据画图发了无数篇pns 后来两个图一样被发现的是欧洲人 , 前几年有个发nature被发现无法重复实验一作自杀的是日本人,好笑的是这篇文章是挂靠了一个哈佛系主任当通讯作者才能发的, 这个哈佛的辞职了, 他挂这种名本来就是学术不端, 所以作弊哪国都存在的, 而近些年来科研界最大的抄袭丑闻好像都是别的国家的,说中国抄袭本来就是带着歧视的
说到跳舞比赛, dance moms 很有名的, 一堆跳舞特别好的妈妈孩子一起真人秀, 基本没有华人参加的,她们去一个舞蹈比赛还因为录像, 整个节目所有人被ban 了。 其实现在大赛只要一个人花小几十块钱基本就包录像和照片了, 照得效果比自己手机清晰多了不说, 那个花费连个集体舞的报名费都不到。
MIT的教授能蠢到看不出自己那个slide会cause negative associations?? 明明就是故意的好不好?
之前有人分享了投诉link: 举报渠道: 被举报人:Rosalind Picard
我觉得还可以给她的直接领导发邮件。这种行为必须有consequences。这个是她那个lab的director: 出了这样的事,整个Lab都应该强制DEI training。
你们小学初中高中考试允许作弊吗? 不允许作弊就0分甚至通报批评不就是教你ethics吗? 那你觉得怎么是教?
有专门的课吗?除了考试作弊还教什么?教论文和申请材料不能做假吗? 国内现在的小学生,做各种莫名其妙超出自己水平的项目,很多都是家长做的,大家心知肚明,这又算什么?
小学有思想品德课呀,党的内容有,但道德准则的东东都有教的。 有我这么认真的回答的吗。
老中从来不缺傻 x, 不信你去照镜子
我自己在就国内教过书,虽然很短,但是学生作弊,抓的很严 一个比较调皮捣蛋的男孩,一个比较复杂的问题,他写了一个答案“1” 这个答案是对的,但是,看他的过程,不可能得出这个答案 我看到后,一句话没有问,先训为什么作弊? 最后,这个男孩说,凡事他不会做的题,一律写“1‘
这还不是考试,就是一次平常作业而已 这个什么EMilia,自恨到这种程度,少见啊!!
那是你家庭教育的缺失,尊老爱幼,做人诚实,扶贫帮困,哪个没教?而且教育是个广泛的课题,家庭教育,学校教育,社会教育都让人学会成长。 前几年曝光出来的老美有钱人买通体育教练,给孩子上大学作弊的,如果老美学校里都教这些道德的东西,这些人又是谁教的?还有呢,美国学校里一堆吸毒的,很多都有mental health issue。 你要说一群人里,总有几个作弊的,那无可厚非,中国学生肯定有,但是老美也有。大家说的是什么,是不该故意在slides里特意强调chinese student,她怎么不敢提black student,muslim student,latino student,她要那么说的话,受到的批评和惩罚绝对比现在的大,只不过说chinese,最终只会云淡风轻的过去罢了。
你申请的时候至少已经高中毕业了甚至大学毕业, 申请不能作假还要开门课教你吗? 国内也没单独开门课说不许偷窃抢劫杀人, 你意思是国内可以杀人? 那美国这么多零元购的难道是因为那些人不知道抢劫犯法?
国内根本也不会开课鼓励申请出国, 高考不能作弊你懂的吧。
国内一考定终身, 更没听说过几个成人前就写paper的,现在国内三流学校都用查重软件发paper的, 连娱乐明星写个论文查重率高被网友扒出来都被封杀的,你自己不知道任何事情都不能作弊, 没有拎出来开课的你就默认为允许作弊, 那是你的事, 不要用你自己的无知和不懂举一反三代表整个中国人
还name a class.看得要吐了……那你name a class that doesn’t teach ethics?
我是97届的,那时候我们学校就是考试作弊被抓必退学了。 我同寝室的朋友,4级考试作弊被抓,上午被抓中午退学通知就贴出来了,他爸是外地的厅级,当天飞过来说情也没用
看到大家都在喷你我也就放心了,也不知道脑子是怎么长的还在给种族歧视的老karen 洗地,是有多自恨啊
说说看, “美国的学校一直有的”, 有什么? 小学,中学,大学,各举一课程或要求。
是。不过关键词都有了 算真道歉 。
除非能找出其它不合适的言论或者学术造假也只能这样了吧。最多要求!NeurIPS下架她的talk。 中国学生也不要去她实验室了
五讲四美都有四十多年了 讲道德心灵美不都在其中么
快来看呀 这有个 有人生 没有人 教养的 自恨 狗 快来看呀 有人生 没人养的 自恨的!!!
当年的GRE全国一起搞题库的历史都忘了吗? 说实话同胞们作弊的真不是少数,只不过很多人不自知而已