California law bans college legacy and donor admissions, including USC, Stanford Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that makes California the latest state to ban legacy and donor admissions in higher education, including at Stanford and USC. A new law banning legacy and donor admissions at private California universities, including USC and Stanford — among the handful of schools that admit a significant number of children of alumni or donors — was signed Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said the action will promote equal educational opportunities. "In California, everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work," Newsom said in a statement. "The California Dream shouldn’t be accessible to just a lucky few, which is why we’re opening the door to higher education wide enough for everyone, fairly." The law affects a small number of private institutions in the state that consider family connections in admissions. Others that currently embrace the practice include Santa Clara, Claremont McKenna and Harvey Mudd colleges. The new law takes effect Sept. 1, 2025, and requires universities to file their first annual report to the state Legislature and Department of Justice by June 30, 2026, indicating whether they have followed the law or broken it. The attorney general''s office then will have the option of pursuing charges against violators.
这个法案对勤奋学习的亚裔学生是大好事。 "In California, everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work," Newsom said in a statement. 提出这个法案的人以及支持者都做对了。
开卷有益 发表于 2024-09-30 12:28 这个法案对勤奋学习的亚裔学生是大好事。 "In California, everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work," Newsom said in a statement. 提出这个法案的人以及支持者都做对了。
The new law takes effect Sept. 1, 2025, and requires universities to file their first annual report to the state Legislature and Department of Justice by June 30, 2026, indicating whether they have followed the law or broken it. The attorney general's office then will have the option of pursuing charges against violators. 每所大学都要提交报告,证明自己符合法律,撒谎的会被起诉
Stanford University receives significant funding from both federal and state sources, primarily for research and development projects. For the 2022-2023 fiscal year, Stanford reported $1.98 billion in externally sponsored research funding, which includes contributions from the federal government, state agencies, and private organizations. Notably, over 75% of this funding comes from federal sources, such as grants and contracts through various government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DoD). Stanford University receives substantial financial support through alumni and donor contributions. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, The Stanford Fund, which pools donations from alumni and parents, contributed $27.1 million to support various areas, such as need-based financial aid, academic programs, and student life. Source: The Stanford Daily
dancingpig2019 发表于 2024-09-30 13:41 Stanford University receives significant funding from both federal and state sources, primarily for research and development projects. For the 2022-2023 fiscal year, Stanford reported $1.98 billion in externally sponsored research funding, which includes contributions from the federal government, state agencies, and private organizations. Notably, over 75% of this funding comes from federal sources, such as grants and contracts through various government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DoD). Stanford University receives substantial financial support through alumni and donor contributions. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, The Stanford Fund, which pools donations from alumni and parents, contributed $27.1 million to support various areas, such as need-based financial aid, academic programs, and student life. Source: The Stanford Daily
dukenyc125 发表于 2024-09-30 12:23 California law bans college legacy and donor admissions, including USC, Stanford Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that makes California the latest state to ban legacy and donor admissions in higher education, including at Stanford and USC. A new law banning legacy and donor admissions at private California universities, including USC and Stanford — among the handful of schools that admit a significant number of children of alumni or donors — was signed Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said the action will promote equal educational opportunities. "In California, everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work," Newsom said in a statement. "The California Dream shouldn’t be accessible to just a lucky few, which is why we’re opening the door to higher education wide enough for everyone, fairly." The law affects a small number of private institutions in the state that consider family connections in admissions. Others that currently embrace the practice include Santa Clara, Claremont McKenna and Harvey Mudd colleges. The new law takes effect Sept. 1, 2025, and requires universities to file their first annual report to the state Legislature and Department of Justice by June 30, 2026, indicating whether they have followed the law or broken it. The attorney general''s office then will have the option of pursuing charges against violators.
dukenyc125 发表于 2024-09-30 12:23 California law bans college legacy and donor admissions, including USC, Stanford Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that makes California the latest state to ban legacy and donor admissions in higher education, including at Stanford and USC. A new law banning legacy and donor admissions at private California universities, including USC and Stanford — among the handful of schools that admit a significant number of children of alumni or donors — was signed Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said the action will promote equal educational opportunities. "In California, everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work," Newsom said in a statement. "The California Dream shouldn’t be accessible to just a lucky few, which is why we’re opening the door to higher education wide enough for everyone, fairly." The law affects a small number of private institutions in the state that consider family connections in admissions. Others that currently embrace the practice include Santa Clara, Claremont McKenna and Harvey Mudd colleges. The new law takes effect Sept. 1, 2025, and requires universities to file their first annual report to the state Legislature and Department of Justice by June 30, 2026, indicating whether they have followed the law or broken it. The attorney general''s office then will have the option of pursuing charges against violators.
really? can I assume Newsom became governor also through merit, skill and hard work? 😄
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that makes California the latest state to ban legacy and donor admissions in higher education, including at Stanford and USC.
A new law banning legacy and donor admissions at private California universities, including USC and Stanford — among the handful of schools that admit a significant number of children of alumni or donors — was signed Monday by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said the action will promote equal educational opportunities.
"In California, everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work," Newsom said in a statement. "The California Dream shouldn’t be accessible to just a lucky few, which is why we’re opening the door to higher education wide enough for everyone, fairly."
The law affects a small number of private institutions in the state that consider family connections in admissions. Others that currently embrace the practice include Santa Clara, Claremont McKenna and Harvey Mudd colleges.
The new law takes effect Sept. 1, 2025, and requires universities to file their first annual report to the state Legislature and Department of Justice by June 30, 2026, indicating whether they have followed the law or broken it. The attorney general''s office then will have the option of pursuing charges against violators.
🔥 最新回帖
🛋️ 沙发板凳
是只对加州学生 有效?
所有legacy and donation based录取都不可以了,包括斯坦福这样的私校,会放出一批名额
"private California universities, including USC and Stanford " 应该是针对 all admissions
"In California, everyone should be able to get ahead through merit, skill, and hard work," Newsom said in a statement.
能不能执行是另外一回事。至少表面上看利好学习努力的孩子。 不过上有政策下有对策,中外都一样。
会找替代方式的,像AA ban了以后有些学校就是靠zip code之类的去模拟。 但替代方式不可能那么精准,还是会放出来一些名额。
The new law takes effect Sept. 1, 2025, and requires universities to file their first annual report to the state Legislature and Department of Justice by June 30, 2026, indicating whether they have followed the law or broken it. The attorney general's office then will have the option of pursuing charges against violators.
这有啥用吗? 提供起诉依据?
这也太扯了吧 USC这种学校没了spoiled kids爹妈捐款 还怎么混? 州政府管UC就行了,管人家私校干嘛呢?
现在左党的口径是,亚裔再hard work,再优秀,也不如劳模老黑从0起点开始hard work。亚裔的100分,是从90分的privilege提高的。黑莫的30分,是从0分提高的,所以更优秀
Stanford University receives significant funding from both federal and state sources, primarily for research and development projects. For the 2022-2023 fiscal year, Stanford reported $1.98 billion in externally sponsored research funding, which includes contributions from the federal government, state agencies, and private organizations. Notably, over 75% of this funding comes from federal sources, such as grants and contracts through various government agencies like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DoD).
Stanford University receives substantial financial support through alumni and donor contributions. In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, The Stanford Fund, which pools donations from alumni and parents, contributed $27.1 million to support various areas, such as need-based financial aid, academic programs, and student life.
Source: The Stanford Daily
做做表面功夫,让没钱没背景没正确基因的人闭嘴, 实际上各种推荐信 课外活动 的加分依然是弹性满满
其实学校的好坏主要看的是生源和师资,其中生源更重要。 大量中产的孩子放弃私校而去公校的话, 公校只会越来越好, 只是时间问题
东岸私校也不是都有legacy,比如CMU就没有。只有那种能混毕业证的私校才会有,CMU之类的硬核学校,有钱人的傻儿子进去也混不出来. MIT, Cal Tech也没有legacy admissions.
really? can I assume Newsom became governor also through merit, skill and hard work? 😄
当然可以写,写了也没有给你加分。 比如,AO其实是有评分的,在你成绩的基础上,你是校友加30分,双亲加100分,你捐款10万加50分,捐100万加300分,名人如总统的孩子加500分。
AA 被禁之后 MIT 的亚裔人数立即上升 supposedly we are heading toward the true meritocracy, or hopefully
没啥不公平的,人家donation 也算是对学校有贡献,考试成绩不能评价一个人的全部
这种招生的方式永远不可能merit base,换汤不换药
原来大家都对美国升学没信心,那MIT 不是 merit based?
Legacy 录取就是赤裸裸的不公平 donor录取我觉得是可以的。 usc的donor connection录取只占到14%的4%, 也就是0.6%。 看不出为什么要给取消了让中产来养不出学费的。