All things you say are true. The overall chance of a successful pregnancy at some point is quite high regardless of age up through 39 or 40. The risks of serious problems are pretty constant from ages 20-35. After age 35, the risks start going up, even though the substantial majority of women will still end up with a healthy pregnancy. I will say that getting and staying pregnant can take a while for some people. Most women will conceive within 6 months and carry a healthy pregnancy. But at least 20% of women over 35 will have to wait longer because they will miscarry their first pregnancy, and have to wait a little or long for the body to flush out the miscarriage and be ready to conceive again. That wait is often 1.5-4 months. For example, say you're 36 when you start trying. Noone is particularly worried if you don't get pregnant in 6 months. So you may be 37 when you conceive. Then there's a 20% risk of miscarriage. If you miscarry, that's at least 1 1/2 months where you can't conceive a healthy pregnancy, but plausibly longer. Then you wait another 1-6 months until you successfully conceive again. You are 38 when you actually have the child. At which point if you want a second you have to do it all again pretty quickly, with increased risk of miscarriage. The point is, pregnancy is achievable for the vast majority of 35-40 year olds. It's just a long drawn out process for a substantial proportion, and the risk of serious issues with a given pregnancy are higher even though a substantial majority will be successful. 岁数大了再怀才是全方位变异危险大增。 楼上真是黑了心 The risk of chromosome abnormalities goes up every year older a women gets; there is not some magic jump from 34 to 35. This risk is due to the higher chance of nondisjunction, which can occur when splitting up the chromosomes in the egg, as a women ages. If nondisjunction occurs, the woman passes on either too many or too few chromosomes to the fetus (Down syndrome is an extra chromosome 21, while Turner syndrome is too few X chromosomes in a female). Just adding to this, nondisjunction can happen on lots of chromosomes, but many of them won’t thrive and spontaneously abort. You might just experience a heavy period, and you try again. We hear about chromosomes 21, 18, and sometimes 13, because those chromosome errors can still be compatible with life and be brought to term. Thanks for adding! Yeah, trisomy 16 and 22 are some of the most common in miscarriages. The risks of down syndrome go from 1 in 1,200 at age 25 to 1 in 30 at age 45. It''s about 1 and 100 at age 40. So it is a very real risk, especially as you get older, but it''s not like it''s a high probability. That being said, it''s not the only condition. There are other chromosomal anomalies that are much, much worse. They can do genetic testing pretty early on to see if your child will have a chromosomal anomaly. You can then decide if you want to abort and try again. Because it''s a problem at fertilization, you can always opt to use donor eggs instead.
今天一直打电话联系可以做手术的医生/医院, 无奈保险公司竟然不报 (我在一家non-profit机构上班, 保险属于Catholic health insurance plans, 可能跟宗教有关, 他们只能报那种自然流产的手术, 这种基因有问题不在cover的范围).
现在如果自费最便宜的是6k(不同的医院报价不同,也有2万的), 手术最早是下个礼拜五 (差不多还要等10天); 现在已经25周了,不想再等了.
还在和保险公司交涉, 让他们给exception, 感觉没什么希望.
现在也没有什么别的选择, 6k这家要吃药两天, 第三天去做手术, 看网上说这种流产方式流血很多, 还有可能流不干净需要再做. 大家都推荐d&c.
继续打电话找便宜的可以做d&c的医院, 不行就订机票回国做, 唉😔
🔥 最新回帖
The risk of chromosome abnormalities goes up every year older a women gets; there is not some magic jump from 34 to 35. This risk is due to the higher chance of nondisjunction, which can occur when splitting up the chromosomes in the egg, as a women ages. If nondisjunction occurs, the woman passes on either too many or too few chromosomes to the fetus (Down syndrome is an extra chromosome 21, while Turner syndrome is too few X chromosomes in a female).
Just adding to this, nondisjunction can happen on lots of chromosomes, but many of them won’t thrive and spontaneously abort. You might just experience a heavy period, and you try again. We hear about chromosomes 21, 18, and sometimes 13, because those chromosome errors can still be compatible with life and be brought to term. Thanks for adding! Yeah, trisomy 16 and 22 are some of the most common in miscarriages.
The risks of down syndrome go from 1 in 1,200 at age 25 to 1 in 30 at age 45. It''s about 1 and 100 at age 40. So it is a very real risk, especially as you get older, but it''s not like it''s a high probability. That being said, it''s not the only condition. There are other chromosomal anomalies that are much, much worse. They can do genetic testing pretty early on to see if your child will have a chromosomal anomaly. You can then decide if you want to abort and try again. Because it''s a problem at fertilization, you can always opt to use donor eggs instead.
为啥孩子基因其实是正确的, 怎么测出来这个马赛克。。 方法是啥, 每一步骤是啥,,,, 为啥懂行的不讲讲?!
🛋️ 沙发板凳,_Inc.
回国找个有亲人的城市的三甲医院做 机票现在应该便宜了
回国还有家人照顾,好好养养,补血补气,这里吃啥啊。节省的手术费加吃饭回国一趟够了,hi啊能顺、 还可以顺便全身体检一次,6000人民币,看看有没啥隐患。
我当时也是因为上环要自费$800, 那我不如买机票回国$500上个环。然后就怀孕了。
估计楼上那个对25周没啥概念。 这么看着楼主家里也不是可以完全不在乎钱的,现在这个情况引不引产楼主都很难。要立刻飞回国的话,楼主家还有一个10岁的孩子呢,这眼下快开学了。楼主你看看我们能怎么帮你一把吧。。哎。。
因为这个原因,一般会先打药吧,induce fetal cardiac arrest。
是的,会给KCL ,但一般医院会和产妇需要讨论各种可能性的。
try California?
加州应该不行。 孩子已经viable了
照我说的生下来 一辈子坦荡荡
严不严重要看标准 xxy好多都是成年以后才诊断的 有challenge但不是生活不能自理, 不能享受生活乐趣。
这个孩子是mosaic 三分之二是正常的
根本就没事。医生说的都是bullshit 至少对mosaic 那些说法根本就不靠谱 或彻底不靠谱。
待遇不差?什么叫不差?你觉得不差就不差?病人自己有意愿 你以为谁愿意过这种不正常的日子
觉得不可能发生?再去仔细读读project 2025 或者懒得读书,去看看handsmaid tale相关场景也行
这这情况你要感谢MAGA控制的最高法院那个关于神棍公司hobby lobby不给女性员工上保险的判例