Swyer syndrome: A rare genetic condition in which people who have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome (the usual pattern for males) look female. They have normal female reproductive organs, including a uterus, fallopian tubes, and vagina. brookhaven 发表于 2024-08-02 16:21
Jeez..... Can we leave politics out of this . XY chromosome should not be in a Female competitive sport period !!!!! Whether trans or not . Just cause last time the female didn''t complain does make this mix right .
aipple 发表于 2024-08-02 16:34 female的定义是The sex which conceives and gives birth to young. Also a member of suchsex. The term is generic, but may have the specific meaning of “woman.” if so indicatedby the context. ta有xy染色体,不知道有生育能力吗? 就算有,如果xy染色体的存在会增加睾丸酮的分泌,增加ta的力量,那和普通女的比也不太公平吧。是不是需要再细化一下条规?
Y染色体决定个体往男性方向发育,导致青春期后雄性激素猛增,带来骨骼肌肉比女性强壮的多。 就算有先天性别缺陷导致不完全外在女性器官的存在,从本质上还是男性。那个拳击手有个隐睾也说不定,有些先天性别缺陷患者的外在性器官本身就是 ambiguis的,在青春期发育前就是男女莫辨的,家长也只能选一个性别来养娃. 这里谁也没法看到那个阿尔及利亚脱了衣服到底长啥样,有啥内在器官。从照片上能看到的是骨骼肌肉体型都是典型的男性。外在男性特征是由高水平(相对于普通女性)雄性激素导致的,我很怀疑这人会有卵巢。 下面来自 mayo clinic 网站讲 ambiguis genitalia 的: Babies who are genetically male (with one X and one Y chromosome) may have: A condition in which the narrow tube that carries urine and semen (urethra) doesn''''t fully extend to the tip of the penis (hypospadias) An abnormally small penis with the urethral opening closer to the scrotum The absence of one or both testicles in what appears to be the scrotum Undescended testicles and an empty scrotum that has the appearance of a labia with or without a micropenis. 还有下面这个,网站没C&P,找不到了: "Individuals who are born with an insensitivity to the hormone androgen are born genetically male (genotypically XY) yet look female in appearance and have the sex organs of a female. Often individuals who have this syndrome don’t become aware of it until puberty, when they fail to menstruate. 个人觉得还是该测雄性激素水平,用统计说话,超过女性平均雄性激素多少%的就拉线
There has been a case of unassisted pregnancy in one woman with XY gonadal dysgenesis, who had a predominantly 46,XY karyotype – a 46,XY karyotype in peripheral lymphocytes, mosaicism in cultured skin fibroblasts (80% 46,XY and 20% 45,X), and a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in the ovary (93% 46,XY and 6% 45,X) – who gave birth to a 46,XY female with complete gonadal dysgenesis.
XX and XY chromosome: What are differences in sex development? | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/differences-xy-xx-chromosome-paris-olympics-sex-development-b2590213.html 这篇也蛮有意思
once_before 发表于 2024-08-02 20:16 Y染色体决定个体往男性方向发育,导致青春期后雄性激素猛增,带来骨骼肌肉比女性强壮的多。 就算有先天性别缺陷导致不完全外在女性器官的存在,从本质上还是男性。那个拳击手有个隐睾也说不定,有些先天性别缺陷患者的外在性器官本身就是 ambiguis的,在青春期发育前就是男女莫辨的,家长也只能选一个性别来养娃. 这里谁也没法看到那个阿尔及利亚脱了衣服到底长啥样,有啥内在器官。从照片上能看到的是骨骼肌肉体型都是典型的男性。外在男性特征是由高水平(相对于普通女性)雄性激素导致的,我很怀疑这人会有卵巢。 下面来自 mayo clinic 网站讲 ambiguis genitalia 的: Babies who are genetically male (with one X and one Y chromosome) may have: A condition in which the narrow tube that carries urine and semen (urethra) doesn''''t fully extend to the tip of the penis (hypospadias) An abnormally small penis with the urethral opening closer to the scrotum The absence of one or both testicles in what appears to be the scrotum Undescended testicles and an empty scrotum that has the appearance of a labia with or without a micropenis. 还有下面这个,网站没C&P,找不到了: "Individuals who are born with an insensitivity to the hormone androgen are born genetically male (genotypically XY) yet look female in appearance and have the sex organs of a female. Often individuals who have this syndrome don’t become aware of it until puberty, when they fail to menstruate. 个人觉得还是该测雄性激素水平,用统计说话,超过女性平均雄性激素多少%的就拉线
Fhu 发表于 2024-08-02 20:31 There has been a case of unassisted pregnancy in one woman with XY gonadal dysgenesis, who had a predominantly 46,XY karyotype – a 46,XY karyotype in peripheral lymphocytes, mosaicism in cultured skin fibroblasts (80% 46,XY and 20% 45,X), and a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in the ovary (93% 46,XY and 6% 45,X) – who gave birth to a 46,XY female with complete gonadal dysgenesis.
回复 157楼 autofill 的帖子 这个人很可能没有子宫。。。 Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS): A person’s external genital appears female. But they don’t have female sex organs (no ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus). People with CAIS are often raised as girls. Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS): A person’s external genitals may appear partially (not fully) developed male or female or may not be clearly one or the other. People with PAIS are often raised as boys, but not always. Mild androgen insensitivity syndrome (MAIS): A person’s genitals appear male, but they’re usually infertile. Some experts consider MAIS a type of PAIS. A note from Cleveland Clinic People with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) are genetically male. But they may have female genitals or a combination of male and female genitals. The disorder can present a variety of challenges, from gender identity issues to infertility. It’s important for people with AIS to stay in close communication with their healthcare providers and form a strong emotional support system.
once_before 发表于 2024-08-02 20:16 Y染色体决定个体往男性方向发育,导致青春期后雄性激素猛增,带来骨骼肌肉比女性强壮的多。 就算有先天性别缺陷导致不完全外在女性器官的存在,从本质上还是男性。那个拳击手有个隐睾也说不定,有些先天性别缺陷患者的外在性器官本身就是 ambiguis的,在青春期发育前就是男女莫辨的,家长也只能选一个性别来养娃. 这里谁也没法看到那个阿尔及利亚脱了衣服到底长啥样,有啥内在器官。从照片上能看到的是骨骼肌肉体型都是典型的男性。外在男性特征是由高水平(相对于普通女性)雄性激素导致的,我很怀疑这人会有卵巢。 下面来自 mayo clinic 网站讲 ambiguis genitalia 的: Babies who are genetically male (with one X and one Y chromosome) may have: A condition in which the narrow tube that carries urine and semen (urethra) doesn''''t fully extend to the tip of the penis (hypospadias) An abnormally small penis with the urethral opening closer to the scrotum The absence of one or both testicles in what appears to be the scrotum Undescended testicles and an empty scrotum that has the appearance of a labia with or without a micropenis. 还有下面这个,网站没C&P,找不到了: "Individuals who are born with an insensitivity to the hormone androgen are born genetically male (genotypically XY) yet look female in appearance and have the sex organs of a female. Often individuals who have this syndrome don’t become aware of it until puberty, when they fail to menstruate. 个人觉得还是该测雄性激素水平,用统计说话,超过女性平均雄性激素多少%的就拉线
1 in 100,000 births 这个比例可不小了. 全球绝对人口很大, 几十万人
XY chromosome should not be in a Female competitive sport period !!!!! Whether trans or not .
Just cause last time the female didn''t complain does make this mix right .
xx 就是女性啊, 所谓xx 男性, 只是女性 有影响激素代谢基因问题而已。。。
比赛前能怎么说清楚? 让XY禁赛吗?
XY是不能临时改的。 激素水平能够短期改变。 所以还是前者更靠谱
为啥运动一定要和厕所放在一起? 去厕所看性征。跟力气无关
说是染色体XY(男性), 但因为某种基因疾病,发育的是女性器官,但男性激素比普通女生高很多。
SRY基因有缺陷时,无差异的性腺无法分化为XY胎儿的睾丸。没有睾丸,就不会产生睾酮或使缪勒氏管退化的抗缪勒管激素(AMH)。沃尔夫氏管无法发育,因此不会形成男性器官;缪勒氏管会发育成正常的女性内部器官(子宫、输卵管、子宫颈,阴道)。缺乏睾酮意味着没有二氢睾酮形成,因此外生殖器不能男性化,导致形成正常的女性生殖器。最终,形成Swyer综合症。 Swyer综合征的发病率约为十万分之一。患有Swyer综合症的女孩性染色体为XY而非XX,她们看起来是女性,并且具有功能性的女性生殖器和结构,包括阴道、子宫和输卵管。但是,性腺功能丧失,无法分泌激素,大多数第二性征不会发育,身材瘦而高,青春期延迟。此外,因性腺功能丧失,她们需要终身服用激素,且极易长肿瘤,经常出现骨质减少。
如果认为奥运会的标准不合理,应该是让奥运会去改变标准,对这位选手人身攻击算什么,这位选手本身并没有cheating,she is who she is, 也符合奥运会的参赛标准
这东西其实属于基因变异。 可以放在基因变异的奥运比赛里。 这样大家都公平。
比如normal XY, normal XX的奥运比赛 残疾奥运比赛 基因变异变性人的奥运比赛
川粉一听性别问题就立刻联想到Transgender, 立刻就兴奋了
泰国那是变性,肯定要服药维持。还“人妖” ,一股川粉味。
川粉又漏底了, 哈哈哈。 就这也能疯狂攻击harris
主要x平台现在被一个极右控制着, 那不肯定要造势啊, 推波助澜
你这说的所有不孕不育的女性都不是女人了? 所有小电线杆上毛病的男人都不是男人了? 怎么能靠生育能力决定男女呢?
如果奥委会觉得DNA方法麻烦,可以用怀孕生子法。 凡正常怀孕生子(不包括IVF))的,都一律定义为女性。 其他者需再细分。可男性,可女性。
Y染色体决定个体往男性方向发育,导致青春期后雄性激素猛增,带来骨骼肌肉比女性强壮的多。 就算有先天性别缺陷导致不完全外在女性器官的存在,从本质上还是男性。那个拳击手有个隐睾也说不定,有些先天性别缺陷患者的外在性器官本身就是 ambiguis的,在青春期发育前就是男女莫辨的,家长也只能选一个性别来养娃. 这里谁也没法看到那个阿尔及利亚脱了衣服到底长啥样,有啥内在器官。从照片上能看到的是骨骼肌肉体型都是典型的男性。外在男性特征是由高水平(相对于普通女性)雄性激素导致的,我很怀疑这人会有卵巢。
下面来自 mayo clinic 网站讲 ambiguis genitalia 的: Babies who are genetically male (with one X and one Y chromosome) may have: A condition in which the narrow tube that carries urine and semen (urethra) doesn''''t fully extend to the tip of the penis (hypospadias) An abnormally small penis with the urethral opening closer to the scrotum The absence of one or both testicles in what appears to be the scrotum Undescended testicles and an empty scrotum that has the appearance of a labia with or without a micropenis. 还有下面这个,网站没C&P,找不到了: "Individuals who are born with an insensitivity to the hormone androgen are born genetically male (genotypically XY) yet look female in appearance and have the sex organs of a female. Often individuals who have this syndrome don’t become aware of it until puberty, when they fail to menstruate.
不知道啊! 但是我有一个繁殖狗子繁殖了40年的朋友跟我们讲他见过一次有两套生殖器的小狗。我也不知道是不是后面把JJ 切了做女性
奥运这是提倡天然兴奋剂, 打击人工兴奋剂。 这个人是男性染色体, 外生殖器异常是因为睾酮不敏感, 未能生成男生殖器, 体内是男性激素, 骨骼肌肉都是男性特征, 小时候性征未分化前还可往女性打扮, 长大了而且知道是XY, 还坚持女性,参与女性力量型体育竞技, 公开作弊
任何男孩在青春期发育前都可以打扮成女孩不违和, 性激素发飙后才出现明显的性特征, 骨骼肌肉发育也是按男女性特征
无论激素水平还是XY他都是男性特征,就因为有一套女性性器钻空子,他的卵巢也没有egg, 就是一个摆设
There has been a case of unassisted pregnancy in one woman with XY gonadal dysgenesis, who had a predominantly 46,XY karyotype – a 46,XY karyotype in peripheral lymphocytes, mosaicism in cultured skin fibroblasts (80% 46,XY and 20% 45,X), and a predominantly 46,XY karyotype in the ovary (93% 46,XY and 6% 45,X) – who gave birth to a 46,XY female with complete gonadal dysgenesis.
现在被打醒, 也不晚,
有些时候需要真正地 被打醒,这些人才知道痛
如果有子宫的话,是IVF and donated egg生育。
而且智商还能正常 估计一路是按照女的标准打比赛 所以一路拿到olympic资格
by certain standard.
本来就是一个女的,X上也是一堆悲愤的人。真是有病。 看看昨天帖子里的脑残川粉,一个个像吃了兴奋剂一样 其实稍微多看看就知道这个人就是出生就是女的。
是的。而且只有一例也不能说明很少,因为正常能生育的女性也不会去测染色体,只有发育异常了或者不育不孕了才可能去测。所以也不知道正常生育的女性有多少是这种情况。 不过现在美国的孕妇都是三个月时就会通过抽血测胎儿的染色体了,所以以后人的染色体就会有数据了
比如:举重。并没有完全按照男女分。 而是进一步按照体重分。
Do you have a link?
这个人很可能没有子宫。。。 Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS): A person’s external genital appears female. But they don’t have female sex organs (no ovaries, fallopian tubes or uterus). People with CAIS are often raised as girls. Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS): A person’s external genitals may appear partially (not fully) developed male or female or may not be clearly one or the other. People with PAIS are often raised as boys, but not always. Mild androgen insensitivity syndrome (MAIS): A person’s genitals appear male, but they’re usually infertile. Some experts consider MAIS a type of PAIS. A note from Cleveland Clinic People with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) are genetically male. But they may have female genitals or a combination of male and female genitals. The disorder can present a variety of challenges, from gender identity issues to infertility. It’s important for people with AIS to stay in close communication with their healthcare providers and form a strong emotional support system.
他都self identify自己是男的了吧,不然穿啥男装
这 无语 是不是她青春期之后雄激素越来越高 越来越像男的了。希望奥运会以后出台细则 严格区分男女性别。
比变性人还像男人,难怪有争议 奥运会多的是粗壮高大的女人,被他打趴的女人就挺粗壮的,但还是一眼看出是女人 他这个从脸到身材,完全就是个男人,碰巧长了女性器官。。。 男女体格差别太大了,学解剖法医的应该能鉴别。不如让那种凭遗骸就能分男女的考古学法医根据他的X光片鉴定一下性别
生下来当女孩可能用的排除法,比如出生后没有男性性征,排除了男人就当做了女人。她被拳联禁赛是事实,所以有一些依据。也许她长大之后女性性征不出现检查了发现不是女人。 不过前面有人贴的照片似乎下体又是男人,也许角度问题
青春期也不会有例假吧? 她好像一点点胸都没有