Bay area MSJ high school Unweighted GPA:4.0 School weighted GPA: 5.0 UC capped GPA: AP - 5.0, approved honor course - 5.0 up to 8 semesters of Honors/AP UC Weighted GPA: All AP - 5.0, approved honor course - 5.0 不知道weighted是学校weighed还是UC weighted。如果UC WEIGHTED,那是很厉害的。 听娃讲现在如果不在学校选AP课,考的AP不是很有意义。娃也许偷懒才这么说的。 我也听说了一个很优秀的老中娃没被UCLA 和UCB 录取。很意外。不知道啥专业。现在这么难了哈。 当然这娃还是很优秀的。父母再怎么推,能推动也是好娃。
转贴一下 Stanley Zhong graduated from high school in June 2023. Starting in 2020, he built an e-signing startup (details below) that is featured in an Amazon Web Services case study. That led to multiple companies interviewing him for full-time jobs despite the slow IT job market. Shortly after he turned 18, Google hired him as an L4 software engineer, a position typically offered to candidates with multiple years of professional experience as well as a college degree. In contrast, his college application results were underwhelming. He applied to the Computer Science programs. All but two colleges (listed below) rejected his application. MIT CMU Stanford UC Berkeley UC LA UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Davis California Polytechnic State University Cornell University Univ of Illinois Univ of Michigan Georgia Tech Cal Tech Univ of Wisconsin Univ of Washington Only Univ of Texas and Univ of Maryland accepted his application. Here are some highlights of his application. Advanced to the Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final. Led his team to the 2nd place in MIT Battlecode's global high school division (1st place in the US). Invited to MIT with expenses paid. Created an e-signing startup ( that has grown to tens of thousands of users organically. An Amazon Web Services Well-Architected Review concluded that it "is one of the most efficient and secure accounts" they have reviewed. Amazon Web Services is publishing a case study featuring RabbitSign for its exemplary use of AWS Serverless and compliance services. Designed, implemented and operated the web frontend, RESTful APIs, workflow orchestration, metrics and alerting, horizontal scaling, CDN, rate limiting, security hardening (including intrusion detection and DDoS protection), compliance monitoring, internationalization, and disaster recovery. Passed multi-week whitebox pentest with no major security issues discovered. Wrote comprehensive unit tests, continuous API Postman tests, and end-to-end Selenium tests. Negotiated a 90% discount (worth $40K+) for compliance audits. After working with the auditors over several quarters, RabbitSign is now the world's only provider of unlimited free SOC 2-, ISO 27001- and HIPAA-compliant e-signing. Co-founded a non-profit that brings free coding lessons to kids in underserved communities. He recruited and built a volunteer team made of 20+ industry professionals, Stanford postdoc and high schoolers. Over 2 years, the team taught 500+ kids in California, Washington and Texas. National Merit Scholarship finalist SAT: 1590 GPA (UW/W): 3.97/4.42
转贴一下 Stanley Zhong graduated from high school in June 2023. Starting in 2020, he built an e-signing startup (details below) that is featured in an Amazon Web Services case study. That led to multiple companies interviewing him for full-time jobs despite the slow IT job market. Shortly after he turned 18, Google hired him as an L4 software engineer, a position typically offered to candidates with multiple years of professional experience as well as a college degree. In contrast, his college application results were underwhelming. He applied to the Computer Science programs. All but two colleges (listed below) rejected his application. MIT CMU Stanford UC Berkeley UC LA UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Davis California Polytechnic State University Cornell University Univ of Illinois Univ of Michigan Georgia Tech Cal Tech Univ of Wisconsin Univ of Washington Only Univ of Texas and Univ of Maryland accepted his application. Here are some highlights of his application. Advanced to the Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final. Led his team to the 2nd place in MIT Battlecode''s global high school division (1st place in the US). Invited to MIT with expenses paid. Created an e-signing startup ( that has grown to tens of thousands of users organically. An Amazon Web Services Well-Architected Review concluded that it "is one of the most efficient and secure accounts" they have reviewed. Amazon Web Services is publishing a case study featuring RabbitSign for its exemplary use of AWS Serverless and compliance services. Designed, implemented and operated the web frontend, RESTful APIs, workflow orchestration, metrics and alerting, horizontal scaling, CDN, rate limiting, security hardening (including intrusion detection and DDoS protection), compliance monitoring, internationalization, and disaster recovery. Passed multi-week whitebox pentest with no major security issues discovered. Wrote comprehensive unit tests, continuous API Postman tests, and end-to-end Selenium tests. Negotiated a 90% discount (worth $40K+) for compliance audits. After working with the auditors over several quarters, RabbitSign is now the world''s only provider of unlimited free SOC 2-, ISO 27001- and HIPAA-compliant e-signing. Co-founded a non-profit that brings free coding lessons to kids in underserved communities. He recruited and built a volunteer team made of 20+ industry professionals, Stanford postdoc and high schoolers. Over 2 years, the team taught 500+ kids in California, Washington and Texas. National Merit Scholarship finalist SAT: 1590 GPA (UW/W): 3.97/4.42
lendingclubs 发表于 2023-10-02 20:13
看完了这段… Designed, implemented and operated the web frontend, RESTful APIs, workflow orchestration, metrics and alerting, horizontal scaling, CDN, rate limiting, security hardening (including intrusion detection and DDoS protection), compliance monitoring, internationalization, and disaster recovery. Passed multi-week whitebox pentest with no major security issues discovered. Wrote comprehensive unit tests, continuous API Postman tests, and end-to-end Selenium tests. 我可能不懂大学申请,但我懂什么是Google L4 除非这人从娘胎出来就在写码,否则一整个大厂团队都不一定能做出这么多contribution。 看完只有一个感触: 我也想有一个好爸爸
回复 186楼lendingclubs的帖子 这个简历National Merit Scholarship finalist 以上的部分,我觉得too good to be true. 事实也证明孩子太优秀,学校都承受不起,两个录取的学校也是好学校,CS单科排名非常好,他也没看上啊。 前几天另一个孩子,也是很优秀,最后就去UT 图灵班。
加州不管哪个学校都得gap 4.5以上吗?咋对亚裔就是别的好了成绩不行,成绩好了别的又不行呢?前面有人说了不管哪个族裔都得是这么高的gpa?真的吗?不过加州大学里确实满眼亚裔
大娃家长可以来科普一下,3.97+ 14门AP=4.4 unweighted是有几个B
给你个数据,UC Irvine 2023年入学新生profile
Weighted GPA First-Year Median: 4.2 First-Year Middle 25% - 75%: 4.07-4.28
Unweighted GPA First-Year Median: 3.95 First-Year Middle 25% - 75%: 3.86-4.00
这是全校所有专业的median(中位数),不是平均数,热门的CS专业只会更高。UC Irvine只是中档UC,top 20挤不进去的。那个男生这样看起来,GPA方面的确没达到申请top UC CS的门槛,被拒不怨。
是啊!这么多人酸啊! 我觉得应该为这个孩子骄傲!
我刚刚专门查了一下,如果他爸真的是Google manager, 按规定那他应该没有资格去参加Google code jam. 希望他爸爸是Google 的manager 只是一个误传。
unweighted 3.97.就是说几乎没有B。因为全A是4.0。他最多有个把A-。但是Weighted 不够高的话,就说明选课有点偏易。这只能和本校学生横向比较才知道具体情况。
只能说高中灌水太厉害了。哪能这么高的平均Unweighted GPA
对,我也支持。这个家长孩子肯花时间精力和财力,为自己孩子争取一个公平的大学录取门槛待遇。也为后面的华裔孩子大学录取争取话语权。 为啥还有那么多人质疑呢
质疑是因为这个case赢不了。UC录取最看重GPA(现在没有SAT了),课外成绩只是锦上添花。看前几楼引用的UC Irvine的GPA数据,就知道这个男生第一关就会被刷下来。
小朋友比大多数名校CS毕业生都强太多了 即使是名校CS PhD毕业,今年很多人还找不到他这么好的工作呢。
他们学校的weighted GPA是5或者6, 朋友圈爆料说他这个GPA在他们学校是排名年级21%。 UC 不看SAT,第一轮机选 GPA就立马把他刷下来了, 并没有歧视他。 MIT/CMU之类的给小中男没有个实打实的奥赛奖牌, 拿个很难量化的EC基本是不可能的。
2. 计算机CS是最热门的专业之一,申请的学生计算机的经验亮点都有不少。 反而更看重学习挑战都能力,难的课程和数理化竞赛之类。 3. 他只申请了top 5 UC, 小中男GPA 完美,各种EC 竞赛领导船只拿到UCR , CC 的都有。 4. 大学应该怎么录取, 千军万马挤独木桥, 80% 以上的都是和他差不多有这样那样够资格的, 公校还录取多一点, 私校录取C S 录取200都算不少了。 看看全美国就全加州有多少高中, 每个高中分一两个就需要多少名额了。
那么多camp O 娃 都不敢打保票能进top CS 呢。
人家前面有人分享了说unweighted 3.97,其他功课不可能一塌糊涂啊,如果真有14门ap加这个gpa和奖项,除了歧视想不出全悲剧的理由啊
每个高中的WGPA都不一样的, 你们学区的高中怎么算WGPA要你自己去问
其实也不矛盾, 公立大多就是先看分数为主。所以UC 他没什么优势。
MIT 去年录取生里40%asian,还说人家歧视说不过去,里面肯定比这娃强的和弱的asian都有,这娃运气不够好。
大学作为public sectors吧,他们就得接受public的监督,它的admission标准大家觉得不满意就能质疑的,不然race based的admission岂不是这些大学想搞就搞没人管的了他们了?就算不是歧视,他们几个的admission还就有漏洞,质疑的声音大了,就有可能被改正。 我们华人真该多些entitlement,这就是我们该有的,告诉这些制度你们没有address我的需求,而不是总去帮这些个制度justify为什么没满足我的需求。
当然这么说也没错, 美国就是会哭的孩子有奶吃。 看看某个族裔天天哭闹所以偷抢都没后果。
什么应该做为admission的标准,只有全社会搞个公投才公平。可惜如果全社会公投的话,gap, ranking这些因素估计更要往下排了。
没有UM,GT的offer, 只有UTA 和 UMD。
已经是top 8,和普林齐名的CS program了,比那些UC不知道强到哪去,环境也好,录了他他还是不去。说白了还是看不上人家,不想去上大学呗。
UT 的CS很好了。UMD也不差。他的问题是为什么进不了不如这两家的加州本州州大的CS?这他还是有room to argue. 但是大学也的确可以用统计数据,说你不如我们收了的学生。
黄粱一梦娃是4.0/ 4.81的gpa,在top UC的问题上家长都直接认栽了,选课没有完美的计划到影响了UC GPA。他的成绩比这个娃要好很多。 而且是顶私+ USACO 白金,最后是UT 图灵。 google L4这个毕竟申请的时候材料上也没有。 录UT 觉得不好好像有点矫情了。
“3. 他只申请了top 5 UC, 小中男GPA 完美,各种EC 竞赛领导船只拿到UCR , CC 的都有。”
加州高中是只有小中男完美GPA,还应该心安理得上CC,还是所有族裔都一样? 如果是前者,难道不是对华裔赤裸裸的歧视吗?如果有人领头打官司,不正让后来的华裔学生受益吗?
大学当然不会用“你不如我们收了的学生”来argue。 大学的argument都是你很好,符合我们的条件,但我们没有capacity,这是运气问题。
这也太奇怪了 大学没有说为什么拒吗
有一种可能,而且是很有可能的可能是。 大学发Admission是要考虑Yield rate的,就是发出去的Admissions 里有多少人accept录取选择这所学校。选择接受的比例越高,yield rate越高。yield rate是影响大学排名的一个很重要的指标(不好的大学,发一堆admission 但是最后人家都选了更好的)。所以大学招生很可能如果觉得这个学生over qualify这个大学,肯定会被更好的大学录取,那就很可能不发admission,因为发了很可能会被拒掉,拉低学校的yield rate.
这也不是他的问题,是湾区太卷了,但凡拿一个A- GPA就可能会掉几十名。
UC现在diversity & inclusion走火入魔了。
真的,今年这种行情,绝大多数名校PhD都拿不到Google L4。这真是天降紫微星。
没错。 这样的意识非常值得夸赞!
In contrast, his college application results were underwhelming. He applied to the Computer Science programs. All but two colleges (listed below) rejected his application. MIT CMU Stanford UC Berkeley UC LA UC San Diego UC Santa Barbara UC Davis California Polytechnic State University Cornell University Univ of Illinois Univ of Michigan Georgia Tech Cal Tech Univ of Wisconsin Univ of Washington
Only Univ of Texas and Univ of Maryland accepted his application.
Here are some highlights of his application. Advanced to the Google Code Jam Coding Contest semi-final. Led his team to the 2nd place in MIT Battlecode's global high school division (1st place in the US). Invited to MIT with expenses paid. Created an e-signing startup ( that has grown to tens of thousands of users organically. An Amazon Web Services Well-Architected Review concluded that it "is one of the most efficient and secure accounts" they have reviewed. Amazon Web Services is publishing a case study featuring RabbitSign for its exemplary use of AWS Serverless and compliance services. Designed, implemented and operated the web frontend, RESTful APIs, workflow orchestration, metrics and alerting, horizontal scaling, CDN, rate limiting, security hardening (including intrusion detection and DDoS protection), compliance monitoring, internationalization, and disaster recovery. Passed multi-week whitebox pentest with no major security issues discovered. Wrote comprehensive unit tests, continuous API Postman tests, and end-to-end Selenium tests. Negotiated a 90% discount (worth $40K+) for compliance audits. After working with the auditors over several quarters, RabbitSign is now the world's only provider of unlimited free SOC 2-, ISO 27001- and HIPAA-compliant e-signing. Co-founded a non-profit that brings free coding lessons to kids in underserved communities. He recruited and built a volunteer team made of 20+ industry professionals, Stanford postdoc and high schoolers. Over 2 years, the team taught 500+ kids in California, Washington and Texas. National Merit Scholarship finalist SAT: 1590 GPA (UW/W): 3.97/4.42
没有拿到UC 很正常吧
虽然不了解这个孩子的具体情况,但是你说的有道理。我朋友(中国人)住在Georgia 。那个州的中学教育不是很强,但是她的孩子当年好像是全校前几名,或者第一名。确实去了非常好的藤校。我记得就是因为因此总结了全校第一比较重要。 不过主贴中这个孩子既然这么优秀,才21%也不太可能吧
看完了这段… Designed, implemented and operated the web frontend, RESTful APIs, workflow orchestration, metrics and alerting, horizontal scaling, CDN, rate limiting, security hardening (including intrusion detection and DDoS protection), compliance monitoring, internationalization, and disaster recovery. Passed multi-week whitebox pentest with no major security issues discovered. Wrote comprehensive unit tests, continuous API Postman tests, and end-to-end Selenium tests.
我可能不懂大学申请,但我懂什么是Google L4 除非这人从娘胎出来就在写码,否则一整个大厂团队都不一定能做出这么多contribution。
看完只有一个感触: 我也想有一个好爸爸
这个简历National Merit Scholarship finalist
以上的部分,我觉得too good to be true. 事实也证明孩子太优秀,学校都承受不起,两个录取的学校也是好学校,CS单科排名非常好,他也没看上啊。
前几天另一个孩子,也是很优秀,最后就去UT 图灵班。
university of Wisconsin 的CS也非常好啊。现在的标准难道都是MIT, Cal, CMU了?