U.S. More U.S. school districts are shifting to a 4-day week. Here's why. BY EMILY MAE CZACHORAUGUST 7, 2023 / 1:35 PM / CBS NEWS
When the school bell rings in Independence, Missouri, this year, 14,000 students are trying something new: a four-day week, with Mondays off. And they're not alone. As kids head back to school this year, a growing number will be returning to a four-day school week. Hundreds of districts across the country have moved to adopt the alternative weekly schedule in recent years. CBS News correspondent Bradley Blackburn looked at why some larger school districts are now taking this step — and what it means for teachers, students and families. Dale Herl, superintendent of the Independence School District, and his staff have spent months planning for this year's significant calendar change. His district is the largest in the state to move to a four-day schedule. To comply with state requirements for instructional time, which determines how school calendars are structured, the district will add 35 extra minutes onto each day. "So the instructional minutes will be almost exactly the same," Herl explained. For parents who need childcare on Mondays, the district will offer it for $30 a day — a cost that could strain some families. "If they weren't using any care, well, certainly that could be a potential cost that they otherwise would not have," the superintendent said. Nearly 900 school districts in the United States currently use a four-day weekly academic schedule. That number rose from 650 districts in 2020 to 876 districts, across 26 states, in 2023. While smaller, rural districts have been more likely to favor the schedule, larger districts are now shortening their school weeks in an effort to recruit and retain teachers. It's a selling point in an era when schools are facing a national teacher shortage. "The number of teaching applications that we've received have gone up more than four-fold," Herl said. Schools in other parts of the country have noticed similar patterns. In Chico, Texas, where the public school district also announced a shift to four-day academic schedules this year, officials said positions that used to receive five applications were suddenly receiving more than 20, CBS News Texas reported in May. Aaron Pallas, a professor at Columbia University's Teachers College, is watching the trend as more schools make the shift. He said "there's not good evidence on the academic impact of the four-day school week right now," and argued there are better ways to tackle a teacher shortage. "The best way is to pay them better," Pallas said, adding that Missouri "ranks basically last" or "next to last in terms of teacher salaries." In Independence, some parents have had concerns about the impact of a shorter week. But as teacher retention becomes an issue that more districts are facing, Herl hopes the scheduling shift will pave the way for broader conversation. "I think this really needs to lead to a bigger discussion nationwide about, you know, what we are going to do to support the teaching profession," he said. In an effort to attract teachers in rural areas, Missouri saw district-wide shifts from five-day to four-day school weeks surge ahead of the 2022 academic year, with roughly 25% of schools moving to the new schedule, according to an online brief by the National Conference of State Legislatures. When the brief was last updated in June, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education reported that 144 school districts statewide were operating on a four-day schedule.
"The number of teaching applications that we've received have gone up more than four-fold," Herl said. Schools in other parts of the country have noticed similar patterns. In Chico, Texas, where the public school district also announced a shift to four-day academic schedules this year, officials said positions that used to receive five applications were suddenly receiving more than 20, CBS News Texas reported in May. 这段话明明是说有很多人在申请教师职位啊,有些学区收到的申请数量甚至是之前的四倍,之前一个职5份申请,现在能收到20份,因为教师短缺而变成上学四天的结论哪来的?
"The number of teaching applications that we've received have gone up more than four-fold," Herl said. Schools in other parts of the country have noticed similar patterns. In Chico, Texas, where the public school district also announced a shift to four-day academic schedules this year, officials said positions that used to receive five applications were suddenly receiving more than 20, CBS News Texas reported in May. 这段话明明是说有很多人在申请教师职位啊,有些学区收到的申请数量甚至是之前的四倍,之前一个职5份申请,现在能收到20份,因为教师短缺而变成上学四天的结论哪来的? 远翔 发表于 2023-08-07 23:59
"The number of teaching applications that we've received have gone up more than four-fold," Herl said. Schools in other parts of the country have noticed similar patterns. In Chico, Texas, where the public school district also announced a shift to four-day academic schedules this year, officials said positions that used to receive five applications were suddenly receiving more than 20, CBS News Texas reported in May. 这段话明明是说有很多人在申请教师职位啊,有些学区收到的申请数量甚至是之前的四倍,之前一个职5份申请,现在能收到20份,因为教师短缺而变成上学四天的结论哪来的? 远翔 发表于 2023-08-07 23:59
"The number of teaching applications that we've received have gone up more than four-fold," Herl said. Schools in other parts of the country have noticed similar patterns. In Chico, Texas, where the public school district also announced a shift to four-day academic schedules this year, officials said positions that used to receive five applications were suddenly receiving more than 20, CBS News Texas reported in May. 这段话明明是说有很多人在申请教师职位啊,有些学区收到的申请数量甚至是之前的四倍,之前一个职5份申请,现在能收到20份,因为教师短缺而变成上学四天的结论哪来的? 远翔 发表于 2023-08-07 23:59
教师短缺和每周多休息一天到底有什么关系呢?如果说把有些课砍掉了我还可以理解。再说美国的教师居然能短缺我表示怀疑,我认识的所有人几乎家里一定是有当老师的人的,妈妈,老婆,siblings。。。。我都吃惊美国有这么多老师。 如果我理解正确的话,你们那里改成4 day week根本没有事先通知家长?你们那里的家长都认可这种安排? Again,follow the money吧,改成4天谁得到最多的利益呢?
U.S. More U.S. school districts are shifting to a 4-day week. Here's why. BY EMILY MAE CZACHOR AUGUST 7, 2023 / 1:35 PM / CBS NEWS
When the school bell rings in Independence, Missouri, this year, 14,000 students are trying something new: a four-day week, with Mondays off. And they're not alone. As kids head back to school this year, a growing number will be returning to a four-day school week. Hundreds of districts across the country have moved to adopt the alternative weekly schedule in recent years. CBS News correspondent Bradley Blackburn looked at why some larger school districts are now taking this step — and what it means for teachers, students and families. Dale Herl, superintendent of the Independence School District, and his staff have spent months planning for this year's significant calendar change. His district is the largest in the state to move to a four-day schedule. To comply with state requirements for instructional time, which determines how school calendars are structured, the district will add 35 extra minutes onto each day. "So the instructional minutes will be almost exactly the same," Herl explained. For parents who need childcare on Mondays, the district will offer it for $30 a day — a cost that could strain some families. "If they weren't using any care, well, certainly that could be a potential cost that they otherwise would not have," the superintendent said. Nearly 900 school districts in the United States currently use a four-day weekly academic schedule. That number rose from 650 districts in 2020 to 876 districts, across 26 states, in 2023. While smaller, rural districts have been more likely to favor the schedule, larger districts are now shortening their school weeks in an effort to recruit and retain teachers. It's a selling point in an era when schools are facing a national teacher shortage. "The number of teaching applications that we've received have gone up more than four-fold," Herl said. Schools in other parts of the country have noticed similar patterns. In Chico, Texas, where the public school district also announced a shift to four-day academic schedules this year, officials said positions that used to receive five applications were suddenly receiving more than 20, CBS News Texas reported in May. Aaron Pallas, a professor at Columbia University's Teachers College, is watching the trend as more schools make the shift. He said "there's not good evidence on the academic impact of the four-day school week right now," and argued there are better ways to tackle a teacher shortage. "The best way is to pay them better," Pallas said, adding that Missouri "ranks basically last" or "next to last in terms of teacher salaries." In Independence, some parents have had concerns about the impact of a shorter week. But as teacher retention becomes an issue that more districts are facing, Herl hopes the scheduling shift will pave the way for broader conversation. "I think this really needs to lead to a bigger discussion nationwide about, you know, what we are going to do to support the teaching profession," he said. In an effort to attract teachers in rural areas, Missouri saw district-wide shifts from five-day to four-day school weeks surge ahead of the 2022 academic year, with roughly 25% of schools moving to the new schedule, according to an online brief by the National Conference of State Legislatures. When the brief was last updated in June, the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education reported that 144 school districts statewide were operating on a four-day schedule.
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我们隔壁的isd今年秋季开学就实行一周四天了,据说是为了能招到老师,学区和家长投票决定的。 那个isd算是很远的大农村,但后来开发商造了很多新社区,陆续有家庭搬过去住。以前那里房价便宜,单职工还能负担,疫情后房价飙升加上高利率,在那里买房单职工的收入就非常吃力。不知道隔壁isd以后会不会改变政策,毕竟那里还有很多新房在造。。。
你们哪个州啊?学校校董居然拿那么高的工资 我们这边校董没工资的
🛋️ 沙发板凳
强烈同意这个! 弄个正经的寒假!
孩子上四天学,家长上五天班,那怎么办? 那以后周五大孩子们都出来行事了,一帮子青少年无所事事不闹事才怪。
说明property tax不够。选民不愿意付钱。也说明选民愿意接受4天上课,不愿意涨tax.
看上下文好不好,四天工作制是作为刺激老师留任的条件之一,由于改了四天,空缺的教职才收到了比以往多四倍的申请,就是把其它学区的老师挖过来了。 美国全国大多数地区都是短缺老师的,现在小学还是英文老师教数学,现在已经商量老师输入外劳,随便培训上岗几个礼拜就去上课了,LOL。
如果我理解正确的话,你们那里改成4 day week根本没有事先通知家长?你们那里的家长都认可这种安排?
Again,follow the money吧,改成4天谁得到最多的利益呢?
这些孩子将来都是潜在的劳动力和纳税人。 美国的高尖精人才从来不是问题,缺的是蓝领,有技术的蓝领。
花大钱去support 一大堆没必要的. 最重要的基础教育确每年cut. 这些政客太没良心和远见了. 不培养能干活的韭菜你割谁去啊.
和远见没有关系,都是利益。Teachers union是Democrat最大的doner之一,至于教育嘛,有钱有权的人的孩子从来不上公立
我们这儿本来就是25/28 人/ class 了. 我们school还是6/4/7. 同样地税我朋友在别的地方房价是我们2x,学区 9/9/10.
25/28很小意思了,去年我们学校也是这个class size,今年全部变成30-33,呵呵,gift班还能学点东西,普通班的话学个啥啊。教育经费继续削减下去就是这样了。我们已经有音乐老师教reading intervention,信息老师教美国历史和科学了。
看报道才知道其中的原因, 有接送, 有孩子周五打工方便, 减少任意旷课率(比如很多学区的旷课率本来就20%+了,四天反而能让很多孩子commit四天都能去学校) , 有不burn out 孩子,练体育, 也有为了学区能够留住老师。 不能拿中上产思维来想美国远郊的学区的事。
他们有pension但没有social security,这social security能拿3000多的也不用羡慕他们的pension,6,7万能挤多少存401k?估计拉满的很少,而且还没有公司给match
说到social security不靠谱可能破产的,social security受影响人数这么多,各种政府学区pension破产后才轮得到social security
sub一般就是坐那儿babysit大家自由活动,没有教课的. 正常老师也没有连续教课一小时的, 能教一会儿就不错了, 经常就是安排个activity自己一整节课都歇着.
所以,钱到底有没有,差多少,招不到人到底问题在哪里,居民想要调查也是有办法的。选board memeber的时候花点心思,懂的人上去,能有力监管。
不过school choice能解决大部分问题。所谓招不到老师,如果是学生不够,funding不够,其实应该合并。但是要政府去做,估计不可能。家长有了school choice,自然有竞争力的学校就会收到更多学生,没有竞争力的会被淘汰。学校工会是反对school choice最激烈的工会。什么原因,家长可以细想想。
你说加州,纽约州有可能。全美国,现在看not so fast。
合并这个想法,地头蛇们都不同意。 不光学校,其实很多小镇都该合并,我们镇开到旁边一个镇,连10分钟都用不到,还分别养着自己的一队警察和EMS.
哈哈,很多家庭孩子是不上camp更不学习的,放假不用接送,不用pack lunch,不用检查作业,没有kids activities。。。对很多家庭是轻松极了:)对我们呢,summer更忙
据我所知没有,怎么说呢,我周围很多家长(好公立或者私立)到放暑假前都说自己burned out了,孩子也burned out了,我就笑,都干嘛了就burn out了:)
那么多工作都可以wfh. 老师的工作别说wfh, 就是晚到二十分钟都是大事。工资低,工作忙,还得对付顽童,家长,校长各种人。有其他机会做别的,没人要当老师了啊。大学里教育系本来就是成绩最差的学生读的。为什么啊。这工作要是那么好,为什么没看见周围小中大学学这个的。
什么意思,所以的全国缺老师,其实只是全国的烂学区缺老师而已吗? 好学区一点不缺吗?还是好学区宁愿缺空着位置,也不雇佣新老师的?
备课 备一年就够了
我只说我看到的,我们这woke superintendent在的时候,各种抱怨没钱,还要砍GT。她走了以后,就再也听不到钱不够的说法了。反而一直造新的学校。
公立招的老师得有州州里的教师执照。私立想招谁招谁。比如教会里当过pastor的教英语历史都合适。很可能是个有passion 的好老师。摄影画画好的可以当艺术老师。公立就不能要他们。
没错!!暑假那么热 应该缩短😂
有很多老师只愿意教课,不想参与政治,所以只做part time,但学校不愿意雇佣part time老师,他们情愿雇佣full time老师,因为要求老师参与学校各种会议和政策培训。找不到老师要么就取消课程,或者变为四天制。我孩子学校就是这样,跟家长说找不到西班牙语老师就取消西班牙课,其实有part time西班牙老师愿意来教课的。很可悲。