The EMTALA statute requires that Medicare hospitals provide all patients an appropriate medical screening, examination, stabilizing treatment, and transfer, if necessary, irrespective of any state laws or mandates that apply to specific procedures. EMTALA 是一个1986年的法案,要求紧急情况下必须救人,不用管各个州的规定,也能因为病人没有保险去拒绝,现在德州检察总长要 challenge这个法案, 说妇女会利用这个漏洞,把德州每个ER都变成堕胎诊所。 “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton claimed the new guidance would "transform every emergency room in the country into a walk-in abortion clinic." ” 前阵子说 medical emergency医生还是会救治的,看来还是太乐观了。 这拉锯战当中多少女性会成为collatoral damage.
Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen Republicans are now trying to block interstate travel for reproductive healthcare, just in case you thought they’d already hit rock bottom. 麦麦 发表于 2022-07-14 17:00 The EMTALA statute requires that Medicare hospitals provide all patients an appropriate medical screening, examination, stabilizing treatment, and transfer, if necessary, irrespective of any state laws or mandates that apply to specific procedures. EMTALA 是一个1986年的法案,要求紧急情况下必须救人,不用管各个州的规定,也能因为病人没有保险去拒绝,现在德州检察总长要 challenge这个法案, 说妇女会利用这个漏洞,把德州每个ER都变成堕胎诊所。 “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton claimed the new guidance would "transform every emergency room in the country into a walk-in abortion clinic." ” 前阵子说 medical emergency医生还是会救治的,看来还是太乐观了。 这拉锯战当中多少女性会成为collatoral damage. 事关重大,尤其是育龄妇女,希望版主手下留情。
Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen Republicans are now trying to block interstate travel for reproductive healthcare, just in case you thought they’d already hit rock bottom.
Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen Republicans are now trying to block interstate travel for reproductive healthcare, just in case you thought they’d already hit rock bottom. 麦麦 发表于 2022-07-14 17:00
我一个家里好几个女儿的偏红同事,说起这事的时候的态度是“还好啦,真要堕胎还可以去别的州/国”,看我不置可否又补充“幸好我们在蓝州”。外州的医生会不会因为病人的residency,primary OB,insurance的地址,而怕各种奇葩的规定拒绝给travel过来的病人堕胎,以后能不能travel abortion,wait and see吧
回复 23楼Yesterdayom的帖子 当年trump亲口说他自己在少女选美前闯女更衣室,就是要看选手衣冠不整,也没见你反trump。 Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” By Kendall Taggart and Jessica Garrison andJessica Testa Updated on October 13, 2016, at 12:26 p.m. ET Posted on October 12, 2016, at 5:44 a.m. ET 认字的话自己读, 你所谓的建unisex 的卫生间在哪里? 难道不是按认定性别去厕所否则就是歧视? WASHINGTON — Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina. The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex. Under the guidance, schools are told that they must treat transgender students according to their chosen gender identity as soon as a parent or guardian notifies the district that that identity "differs from previous representations or records." There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable, according to the directive. "As is consistently recognized in civil rights cases, the desire to accommodate others'' discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students," the guidance says.
就许某些人张口胡说吗? 别人新闻链接甩出来了就让别人换个帖子? NY times 报道 ,奥巴马政府当初不是强制公校只要拿政府钱就要允许transgender 按自己认定的性别去厕所和更衣间。 根本没有建unisex卫生间的事, 因为说怕transgender 觉得被歧视, 必须他们觉得自己女就是女, 男就是男。 WASHINGTON — President Obama on Monday made an impassioned argument for his administration’s decision to instruct public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, saying that society must protect the dignity and safety of vulnerable children.
发生到自己身上smart religious men 马上会pivot 到即便宜占尽还完全心安理得。 王力宏 发表于 2022-07-14 19:07
估计是这样 还有这样的 In 2012, it came out that DesJarlais had urged his pregnant mistress to get an abortion—a stunning revelation that was caught on tape—and that his ex-wife had two abortions herself. It was one of the wildest political scandals of that era, but somehow, DesJarlais kept getting elected in his deep-red Tennessee district. He has since claimed that God has “forgiven” him for his actions, not just the voters.
就许某些人张口胡说吗? 别人新闻链接甩出来了就让别人换个帖子? NY times 报道 ,奥巴马政府当初不是强制公校只要拿政府钱就要允许transgender 按自己认定的性别去厕所和更衣间。 根本没有建unisex卫生间的事, 因为说怕transgender 觉得被歧视, 必须他们觉得自己女就是女, 男就是男。 WASHINGTON — President Obama on Monday made an impassioned argument for his administration’s decision to instruct public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, saying that society must protect the dignity and safety of vulnerable children. Yesterdayom 发表于 2022-07-14 18:44
Brian Tyler Cohen @briantylercohen Republicans are now trying to block interstate travel for reproductive healthcare, just in case you thought they’d already hit rock bottom. 麦麦 发表于 2022-07-14 17:00
如果有人2015年或者2019年告诉我,甚至2020年告诉我会推翻 roe v wade 我都不是很相信会发生,毕竟已经快60年了。结果今年真的就推翻了。 所以现在说要全国统一禁止堕胎变成德州这样,我觉得是可能的。因为毕竟 national ban 是GOP最终的目标。民主党还是太嫩。GOP这些人有宗教组织,已经准备几十年了。而主党一点远见都没有。
如果有人2015年或者2019年告诉我,甚至2020年告诉我会推翻 roe v wade 我都不是很相信会发生,毕竟已经快60年了。结果今年真的就推翻了。 所以现在说要全国统一禁止堕胎变成德州这样,我觉得是可能的。因为毕竟 national ban 是GOP最终的目标。民主党还是太嫩。GOP这些人有宗教组织,已经准备几十年了。而主党一点远见都没有。 lovewriting123 发表于 2022-07-14 20:19
我从小布什时代就相信gop的目标之一就是废除roe v wade,2016年版上有个id问我,我不选trump的理由,这就是其中之一 roe v wade就是第一步,然后一步一步推翻各种人权,要实现他们的maga,白男统治的时代
The EMTALA statute requires that Medicare hospitals provide all patients an appropriate medical screening, examination, stabilizing treatment, and transfer, if necessary, irrespective of any state laws or mandates that apply to specific procedures.
EMTALA 是一个1986年的法案,要求紧急情况下必须救人,不用管各个州的规定,也能因为病人没有保险去拒绝,现在德州检察总长要 challenge这个法案, 说妇女会利用这个漏洞,把德州每个ER都变成堕胎诊所。 “Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton claimed the new guidance would "transform every emergency room in the country into a walk-in abortion clinic." ” 前阵子说 medical emergency医生还是会救治的,看来还是太乐观了。 这拉锯战当中多少女性会成为collatoral damage.
楼下ID补充说这个人被 indict 7年了还继续当他的州检查总长。3个felony罪名, 还找到了他的 mugshot. 也是绝了。2015年抓了然后放了,继续当高官。德州人继续选他。美国版刑不上大夫?
🔥 最新回帖
问题是,一旦这个随便选厕所性别进去的法律执行了,人家当然不是只进有unisex的厕所。有这个厕所且人家愿意用当然没有什么问题,但是现实是很多地方老的设施没有这个,很多人就是claim 女性然后去了门都关不严的有缝的女厕所。如果你是一个女性,透过门缝看到进来了一个男人,人家还盯着你看,你会舒服吗?
🛋️ 沙发板凳
这个关极左什么事?现在不是极右在发疯嘛?支持Roe vs Wade 就成极左了?
不禁枪, 不规范不作为的警察, 整天盯着女人的子宫, 这是多无耻的中年猥琐男才会做的事! 他如果给自己移植个子宫生个一胎两胎才有权力jjww
他们群里培训的吧 看到堕胎就说 极左 非移 变性人
已经很左了, 当初的厕所政策把我这个常年不关心政治的逼去反民主党, 现在共和党也一样, 不管制枪支, 盯着女人子宫, 两党都烂透了, 各种作死, 有个正常点的党派吗?
可以, 因为不管是厕所还是更衣室, 都有很多男的冒充transgender, 更有一些bi 跑去女卫生间更衣室猥亵甚至强奸女性的, 幸亏遭到强烈的反对最后也并没有再大肆推广下去, 否则影响的深远和恶劣也是不可估计的。 还有另外的负面影响就是transgender 会参加女性的体育比赛, 这样女性体育拿成绩难度大大增加了。
还有民主党当初的难民政策, 现在安全了几年大家都忘记民主党当政期间惶惶不可终日的时候了,有一段时间不仅美国还有欧洲,今天炸完明天炸, 恐袭不断的日子, 那时候很久都不敢去看电影不敢去公共场所, 有人愿意生活在这样的地方吗? 这个和厕所政策也是当初希拉里落选的原因吧。
“都有很多男的冒充transgender” 你在公厕和更衣室遇到几个男的冒充transgender女的啊?而且男的冒充transgender是男的犯错,你应该怪男的而不是transgender啊。说到底还是男的在找法律漏洞欺负女的,你搞清楚到底是谁在压迫你。
关键不是非要推行这种有漏洞的法律的政党就是脑残吗? 当初是无论左派和右派有commen sense 得都跳出来反对厕所政策才没最终推行, 至少大家心里是不接受的,否则后果不堪设想。希拉里落选也是因为她声称当选就会推行的的这个厕所和在恐袭快成常态的时候大量引进难民政策简直是给对手送选票。
Republicans are now trying to block interstate travel for reproductive healthcare, just in case you thought they’d already hit rock bottom.
那怎么区分谁是去玩的,谁是seek reproductive healthcare的? 还是一律把育龄妇女,12-60 都关在各自的红州,每个月月经报备?来了月经才可以出行?
希拉里落选和厕所关系不大,主要是输了铁锈带的蓝领,他们当时信了川普说的把工作从国外带回美国,America First等等口号,还有那些煤矿工人也很怕希拉里上台会丢工作。说到底摇摆州变红一个是因为钱,另一个主要原因是大选前夕FBI的James Comey又炒希拉里email的事。变性的问题远没有你想象的那么关键性。
极端女权支棱起来吧🤣🤣 扯什么非移强奸,堕胎,厕所,mass shooting 结果发现根源还是Y染色体🧬
当年trump亲口说他自己在少女选美前闯女更衣室,就是要看选手衣冠不整,也没见你反trump。 Teen Beauty Queens Say Trump Walked In On Them Changing Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.” By Kendall Taggart and Jessica Garrison andJessica Testa Updated on October 13, 2016, at 12:26 p.m. ET Posted on October 12, 2016, at 5:44 a.m. ET
太可怕了. 我们这些传统深红州也没有这么可怕. 这次疫情才发现德州/佛州的政策比我们这荒唐的多. 估计我们这共和党建制派还挺有市场的.
“没人给cisgender男上女厕所的权利,即使极左都没有宣传这个的。” 这种瞎话也能说?当年奥巴马的教育部要求芝加哥高中允许变性男上女更衣室的,没听说过?
的确,我很想看看这些号称“都有很多男的冒充transgender”的人提出一些数据,究竟在一年内有多少reported男的冒充transgender进入女厕所的案例。 让数据说话嘛,到底是myth还是事实。
把冒充问题放在一边,我对Transgender使用更衣室浴室持保留意见,因为body parts会暴露,造成女性的不舒服。 但公厕应该都是隔间的, 我觉得还可以接受。
要分清cis 和trans
Yeah… you clearly don’t know what you are talking about
反堕胎的女人多得是,这还真不是什么男人 vs 女人的问题 而是科学文明 vs 宗教神棍的问题
最讨厌华人大妈微信脑残文看多了,看到烂翻译的中文 (unisex restroom 翻成男女同厕)就想当然。从奥巴马到拜登,这些年谁看见男的或是变性的跑女厕所了吗?
少扯了, 你是16年以后来的美国? 明明当时说的是让人可以由自己认定的性别选择厕所。 而且强制公校必须允许transgender 用女更衣间, 最近还发生多起同一个transgender 多次利用可以去女卫生间之便多次强奸同校女同学,被害者父亲上告还受到一堆人暴力和辱骂说他歧视, 直到这个transgender多次犯案才得以被定罪。 当初厕所法案最奇葩的地方就是不肯单建unisex 的卫生间和换衣间, 非要给transgender 按自己主观认定的性别选择卫生间的权力。 前面提多少次没看懂吗?后面推行力度不够是因为遭强烈反对, 加上奥巴马马上卸任了/
你才是扯,当初奥巴马推unisex 厕所,是从联邦预算里给公校和联邦机构钱的。至于私校或其他不属于联邦职权范围内,美国总统,连川粉的主子在任时都没有这个权力。就是你这种一天读微信小编文的大妈,才会以为美国和独裁国家一样,总统有天大的权力。我敢说,我来美国时间比你长多了
八成是 说词都差不多 认字的话自己读, 你所谓的建unisex 的卫生间在哪里? 难道不是按认定性别去厕所否则就是歧视? WASHINGTON — Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina. The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex. Under the guidance, schools are told that they must treat transgender students according to their chosen gender identity as soon as a parent or guardian notifies the district that that identity "differs from previous representations or records." There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect his or her gender identity, and equal access must be given to transgender students even in instances when it makes others uncomfortable, according to the directive. "As is consistently recognized in civil rights cases, the desire to accommodate others'' discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students," the guidance says.
就许某些人张口胡说吗? 别人新闻链接甩出来了就让别人换个帖子? NY times 报道 ,奥巴马政府当初不是强制公校只要拿政府钱就要允许transgender 按自己认定的性别去厕所和更衣间。 根本没有建unisex卫生间的事, 因为说怕transgender 觉得被歧视, 必须他们觉得自己女就是女, 男就是男。 WASHINGTON — President Obama on Monday made an impassioned argument for his administration’s decision to instruct public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity, saying that society must protect the dignity and safety of vulnerable children.
发生到自己身上smart religious men 马上会pivot 到即便宜占尽还完全心安理得。
还有这样的 In 2012, it came out that DesJarlais had urged his pregnant mistress to get an abortion—a stunning revelation that was caught on tape—and that his ex-wife had two abortions herself. It was one of the wildest political scandals of that era, but somehow, DesJarlais kept getting elected in his deep-red Tennessee district. He has since claimed that God has “forgiven” him for his actions, not just the voters.
他们也就骗骗自己,其他明眼人都看得出来Republicans are so “pro-life” they’ll let women die!
哥温 你想转移注意力做不到
黄右们赌概率 只要折腾不到自己头上别人死活跟她们何干
如果有人2015年或者2019年告诉我,甚至2020年告诉我会推翻 roe v wade 我都不是很相信会发生,毕竟已经快60年了。结果今年真的就推翻了。
所以现在说要全国统一禁止堕胎变成德州这样,我觉得是可能的。因为毕竟 national ban 是GOP最终的目标。民主党还是太嫩。GOP这些人有宗教组织,已经准备几十年了。而主党一点远见都没有。
让我想起了前两天看的百老汇秀hades town里的一首歌
我从小布什时代就相信gop的目标之一就是废除roe v wade,2016年版上有个id问我,我不选trump的理由,这就是其中之一 roe v wade就是第一步,然后一步一步推翻各种人权,要实现他们的maga,白男统治的时代
禁堕胎一直是神棍派的首要目标呀 只有黄右以为是个幌子吧
你这也是蛮毒的。 人家是个女儿怎么办?